Creating and Engaging Library Space for Tweens

Marie Condenzio of Baltimore County Public Library

This talk will go through the process of creating a space for library users aged 8 though 12, starting with conception all the way through completion. Create an engaging, active area for your middle grade patrons regardless of budget or available space. Perhaps for your library this looks like a dedicated room filled with activities—or maybe it looks like a modular programming area. Learn to tailor your plan to your library and your community’s needs in this presentation and discussion on creating tween spaces. And don’t call them tweens!

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to…

●      identify the needs of their community members aged 8 through 12 with community engagement,

          including getting input from tweens.

●      plan a learning and play space for middle grade aged children, including creating a floor plan.

●      create a budget for middle school space purchases which takes into account any existing resources and decorations.

Session Resources