Engaging Early Readers & Teens

with a Reading Buddy Program

Erin Chrvala & Eileen Kuhl, Baltimore County Public Library

Are you looking for ways to increase school partnerships and engage young people in your community ? Reading Buddy programs are a unique way to bring young people to the library and expand your programming and outreach. Reading Buddy programs pair teen volunteers one-on-one with early elementary students to practice reading together. The program offers teens the opportunity to gain volunteer experience while mentoring a younger child, and younger students the opportunity to expand their reading skills. In this workshop we will introduce one model that has been used in a Maryland public library branch for over three years and show you how to set up a Reading Buddies program at your library.

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to...

  • ...explain at least two ways that both volunteers and developing readers benefit from the program.
  • ...list at least three activities that volunteers and young readers will collaborate together on to increase literacy skills.
  • ...explain the basic steps and activities needed to create a reading buddy program.

Session Resources