"genuine" (真 ma) + "hope" (希 ki) | JAPANESE


black (M); dark green (A)




5'7" (170 cm)


"meditation" (禪 zen) + "institution" (院 in) | JAPANESE


black (M); hazel (A)


January 20 (AQUARIUS)




Maki's a very headstrong and straightforward person who tries to drive herself forward without needing anyone else's help. She's extremely strong-willed, capable, and motivated to escape the standards that have been set for her by people who are supposed to be her family. In a sorcerer clan, strong cursed techniques are everything, but Maki couldn't even see curses. Women in sorcerer clans have to stand out even more, leading Maki to be constantly severely mistreated and abused by the Zen'in clan. Despite feeling cursed by her own blood, Maki motivates herself to become a strong sorcerer regardless of what her family thinks. She wants to break apart the foundation of their way of their life and reject it completely. Maki can come off as rather cold at times, even to her classmates. She's the leader type, but Maki's very tough on others and tends to be impatient and hot-tempered. Maki doesn't seem to respect Gojō Satoru as a person due to his very goofy attitude. Even as her teacher and senior, Maki often refers to him as a moron. She was initially very mean to Okkotsu Yūta because of his shy attitude and openly told him he had no business attending Jujutsu High as a cursed human. While working on a mission together, Maki and Yūta learned to understand one another, and she realized they weren't so different. She asked Yūta why he enrolled in the school, and he told her that he wanted it to be acceptable for him to live. Maki told him that's what Jujutsu High is all about and encouraged him to use his curse to save people. Maki trained Yūta harshly because she wants to see him get stronger and fight beside her. Something she'd later impart on to Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara as their senpai. She's taught them all highly advanced situational awareness and how to properly wield a variety of weapons, even if they had to get beaten up a lot in the process. Maki's repressed many of her emotions to maintain her trademark tough exterior. She hasn't expressed romantic interest in anyone, and Panda enjoyed teasing her about this as first-years. When it came to Yūta, this embarrassed Maki enough to lash out at Panda in a temper. Following their first encounter with Getō Suguru, Maki and Yūta talked about why Suguru referred to her as the "failure of the Zen'in clan." Maki initially played it off as if being born a non-sorcerer gave her a perfect excuse to leave because she hated the clan for a variety of other reasons. When Yūta inquired as to why Maki chooses to be a sorcerer and Maki said it's because she's got a bad personality and wants to be a grade 1 sorcerer to spite the Zen'in clan. Yūta admires Maki's strength and revealed he wants to be like her, strong and resilient. Yūta awkwardly offered to help her stick it to the Zen'in clan but called him an idiot and said it was something she needed to do alone. She'd spent so long rejecting the need to feel accepted that she became flustered that Yūta kindly recognized her strength. Maki left the conversation to gain her composure and then reminded herself that she should go feeling like she's been recognized. As a second-year student, Maki carries an aura of leadership and guides her juniors appropriately. She gravitates toward Megumi because he's also an ex-member of the Zen'in clan and they get along well. She's comfortable with teasing him even if it's harsh and this can make her come off as a "cold-hearted demon" at times. When she found Megumi sulking with Nobara, she jokingly asked them if they'd just attended a funeral. However, this was ironically after their classmate, Itadori Yūji's death. This made Maki feel really guilty and, as usual, she lashed out at Panda in a rage for not informing her sooner. Even after the accident, Maki was still unsure if taking it easy on the first-year students would've even been a kindness. Maki's someone with a chip on her shoulder and is always determined to prove herself. For the Kyoto Goodwill Event, she needed strong teammates to help showcase her abilities on a public stage where she couldn't be denied. She encouraged Megumi and Nobara to get stronger for their fallen ally and figured it was the perfect opportunity to put her juniors in their place. Maki doesn't appear to be concerned with the moral aspects of being a sorcerer and is more focused on personal goals. While training, Megumi asked Maki what kind of people she wanted to save as a sorcerer, but she doesn't think about that kind of stuff. This clearly annoyed Megumi, which in turn angered Maki. She decided to compromise and told Megumi they could talk about it if he improved his skills in hand-to-hand combat enough to challenge her. As a child, Maki promised her twin sister Mai that she'd stay with her forever. However, as Maki grew older, she realized she couldn't live under the thumb of the oppressive family while Mai was content with doing so. Leaving Mai behind led the only person Maki cared about in the clan to resent her, as well. Mai was punished for Maki leaving by getting pressured into becoming a sorcerer even though she wanted to live a normal life. She grew to hate Maki by the time they were both in Jujutsu High. Mai treated Maki as if she was worthless because she lacked significant cursed energy. This is the same type of ridicule most of the Zen'in clan threw at Maki all her life, so it didn't appear to bother Maki all that much. In the stance where Mai and Nobara got in a fight, Maki told her twin that they were both worthless because Mai isn't that talented herself, only able to charge weapons with cursed energy. This revelation surprised Nobara, who asked the same question Yūta did; why would Maki want to become a sorcerer. Maki simply told her that she wanted to prove her family wrong by becoming a great sorcerer. Nobara expressed her profound respect, but Maki didn't make a big deal out of it. During the planning phase of the Goodwill Event, Maki overheard Nobara telling Yūji about her circumstances and how they have to win to prove the Zen'in clan wrong. At the time, it annoyed her, but only because Maki doesn't want the others to worry about her. Recalling her classmate's acknowledgment of her ability, later on, made Maki smile. Maki didn't actively try to repair her relationship with Mai and engaged in their sibling rivalry to a degree. After defeating Mai, Maki's asked to explain why she didn't stay at the bottom and fall down the hole with her sister. This saddened Maki, who replied that she would've hated herself and apologized to Mai for leaving. Maki walked away without a clear resolution and continued the event, leaving their relationship still fractured. In spite of their troubled past, Maki was able to operate cordially on missions with other members of the Zen'in clan. She shared a squad with the head of the clan during the Shibuya Incident. Naobito was acting very lazy in Shibuya, so Maki took over the leadership role to help guide Nobara and Akari. She'd tell them to ignore him whenever he'd ask for anything off mission. Maki and Naobito eventually split off and met up with Nanami Kento and were quick to stir up tension with each other. Naobito mentioned that he wouldn't mind if Satoru stay sealed and Maki told him to leave Shibuya if he wasn't going to be any help. Naobito argued that Maki should be the one to leave and Nanami agreed that the fighting in Shibuya had escalated to a degree far too dangerous for her. She ignored this and claimed she'd be more help than a drunk like Naobito, causing Nanami to become more annoyed with him for drinking on the job. However, this was before Maki ever saw Naobito's capabilities as a sorcerer. She and Nanami were taken back by Naobito's speed and Maki even begrudgingly admitted that Naobito saved her life against Dagon. This was humiliating for Maki, but she continued to fight in sync alongside Naobito and Nanami in an attempt to exorcise the cursed spirit. Inside his domain, Dagon called Maki the weakest there. After surviving a hard hit that surely injured her, Maki responded by bolding taunting Dagon and confronting the special grade directly again. Maki told the "octopus" that if he's going to call her weak, then he should've killed in her with that one hit. Maki was also annoyed with herself for not taking Playful Cloud out earlier in preparation for tougher battles instead of waiting for permission. She was happy to see Megumi when he invaded the domain and gave her Playful Cloud. She smiled and her way of expressing gratitude to her junior was calling Megumi a cocky brat. Maki was severely scarred and injured as a result of the fighting in Shibuya, but she's not the type to ever make a big deal out of it. Yūta reunited with her after some time and expressed his concern, but Maki claimed she was fine. When Yuki acknowledged what happened and commended Maki's toughness, Maki simply replied that it wasn't like she was going for it. Even in a team of unlikely allies compiled to combat the Culling Game, Maki's leadership skills helped everyone keep in line with their roles for rescuing Fushiguro Tsumiki. She was the one who suggested that Yūji and Megumi recruit Hakari despite his bad attitude because their group is shorthanded and needs all the help they can get. With Naobito's death, Megumi became head of the Zen'in clan due to a special clause. Megumi didn't want to accept the position, but Maki implored him to do it. She tried to convince him of all the luxuries that came with being clan, but typical Megumi refused and asked her to do it instead. Irritated, Maki told him no one would accept her and started yelling, listing off all the reasons Megumi would make a decent head before adding barely at the end. Megumi refused still and argued acceptance wouldn't matter but Maki wasn't just good enough to them, but good enough for herself either. Maki believed she still wasn't able to make the clan somewhere Mai could feel she belonged. Maki returned to the Zen'in clan to collect cursed tools with the clan head's permission but was still harassed on her way there. She ignored both Naoya and her mother's harsh words and pressed on to the vault. Maki's own father conspired against her, attempting to execute Megumi along with the twins. Maki fought against him bravely and tried to save Mai, but was defeated and gravely injured, leaving Maki to be the one saved by Mai. Inside a dream-like space, Mai explained that she was going to sacrifice herself while distancing herself from Maki. During that conversation, Maki listened to Mai's explanation, but she was constantly trying to close that distance. She didn't want to let go of Mai before they ever truly got a chance to reconcile but was forced to accept this was the end. In exchange for Mai giving everything to ensure Maki reached her potential, Maki promised to destroy everything. Maki was devastated by her sister's death but had no time to mourn and had to carry out Mai's request immediately, killing their father in cold blood. Immediately after, Maki was ready to continue and looked to the last thing her sister left for her, a sword. With a cold and remorseless disposition, Maki looked to the sword and told Mai, "Let's get started." Maki ruthlessly annihilated the entire Zen'in clan without any expression of emotion. She slaughtered every member of the Hei and the Kukuri unit present that day without a hint of remorse. The only words she exchanged with anyone were with Noaya when he asked if she had a human heart. This was after she decapitated Jin'ichi and tossed his severed head into a pond. Her reply was simply: "No... it was taken from me." He also tried to call Maki an imposter during their fight, but Maki interrupted him by smashing his face with a punch. Then she taunted him by asking him if he could repeat that statement. Before dealing with her own mother, Maki attempted to see if her mom was trying to warn her about Ougi's trap back when she harassed Maki upon her return. However, Maki was assuming the best of her mother and appeared disappointed when she didn't get a fortunate answer. Maki's own mother fell way to her vengeful wrath and even after that, Maki left Mai's body with Momo and killed off the rest of the clan members who weren't present that day.
  • Maki loves junk food (favorite dish).
  • Her least favorite dish is vegetarian food.
  • Her cause of stress is the Zen'in family procedure.
  • Her specialty is crushing empty cans.


  • Currently a 2nd year. Enrollment method: family lineage.


  • Maki's Heavenly Restriction ability is also seemingly the same condition with that of her relative, Fushiguro Tōji, something that was confirmed by Yuki Tsukumo, who was interested in studying this unique ability. This in turn implied that this innate technique is in fact inherited from and unique to the Zen'in family.


giftsYou don't really expect much, or anything for that matter, from Maki, but she does want to get you something. She asks Toge and Panda about it, and they have to help her out because she's not good at shopping. She ends up getting you something classy like jewelry or nice accessories (again, with the help of Toge and Panda) and she’s nervous about presenting her gift, telling you how you better like it as she stuffs a small, decorated bag with tissue paper inside into your hands.stretch marks ▸ Who knows? She might have them, too, unbeknownst to you. She thinks stretch marks looks super badass and that made you feel a little bit better about it. "Hey, let's wear matching shorts outside." Seeing her all confident about it makes you confident yourself. Would run her hands over it while you guys are watching a movie together or just lazing around just because it feels soothing. And you'd do the same to hers. Then she'll turn into a tickle monster just to see you suffer under her care.***likes to sleep for a long time ▸ When she went outside she noticed that your windows were curtained so without wasting time Maki decided to warm up. It’s been about 40 minutes but you haven’t woken up yet. Her patience was running out so she called out your name. You were sleeping like a log anyway so you didn’t hear. You started to open your window when suddenly a stone flew into your face, because of which you recoiled and fell on the bed, and Maki realized that she hit you and quickly ran into your room. Now you were both sitting on the bed and you were applying ice to your bruised face.***likes the cold ▸ Maki was sitting in your room where it was cool and the open window allowed the wind to penetrate you from head to toe. You offered her a blanket or warmer clothes, but she refused. She has been withstanding such a low temperature for some time. Maki began to feel that her hands were numb and unable to stand it, she put on your hoodie and covered herself with a blanket. Laughing, you went to make tea with her to warm her up faster and not let her catch a cold. In the end you put your arm around Maki's shoulders and she was smiling and drinking warm tea.***goes ghost ▸ Understands that you’re probably stressed so she gives you some space whenever she notices that you’re distancing yourself. Things such as social media, talking with people, and just life overall can be overwhelming for you, and she's very considerate of the possibility of you having social anxiety or just wanting to have peaceful solitude from time to time. So she waits patiently for you to log on again because she knows that you eventually will. Now If It’s been more than a couple of days, Maki does tend to get a little concerned. Not too much, but enough to try to call you herself and leave you a voicemail that lets you know that she was just checking up on you. As much as she hates to admit it, Maki really misses you and your well being has been weighing on her conscience a lot. So much so that It’s been messing with how she performs during training sessions and her missions. You are someone that Maki can almost always talk to when It comes to expressing her feelings and just being herself, and she feels like a part of herself is incomplete when you’re not around. When Maki finally sees your name flashing on her screen signaling that she’s getting an incoming call, she can’t the small grin that falls on her face before clearing her throat and answering. “Took you long enough.”***crushMaki did not see herself crushing so hard but here we are. During training, she shows off her skills around you more to impress you and grab your attention. She wants to be the only strong woman in your life!! A lot of tough love!!! Usually if someone gets injured she’ll just shake her head, but with you she’ll reprimand you, then proceed to kiss your injuries. She wants to feel your touch, but she doesn’t know how to initiate it, so she’ll do stupid things like smack your back or pinch you randomly. She has a soft spot for you and everyone can see it 🥺
  • Bullies you in a teasingly and wittily to mask her true feelings when really, you’re the (only) one she can depend on. Mocks at your strength compared to hers during practice/training. However she still has the most faith in your skills. Even if you’re not the strongest, she has the unshakable certainty in your potential. Maybe it’s due to the heart-flutters you cause her. Nonetheless, she’s always been nothing but a warrior - someone that gives her ground to be vulnerable without judgement, bringing her walls down is someone she views highly valuable. Sides’, it’s funny to bully you! It’s easier to be mean to you than it is to show her real feelings - why would she sacrifice it all for what could be a very awkward change of air? With time, she eventually opens up to you slowly, of her life and feelings in accordance to the Zenin clan. Along with the guilt of leaving her sister behind. But not an ounce of disparagement do you give her - it scares her, however Maki knows who you are now. The second year finds pleasantry in your unwavering support, vice versa. Therefore, she trusts your opinions and calls. “What would (y/n) do?” She would ask herself in tough situations. Though she it’s not something she’d openly admit. Light scolding (unless you actually piss her off you shouldn’t please don’t) but in a subtly sweet way. Don’t tell her that though it’s probably best that you don’t - it can be hard to notice at first but she’s more soft around you. “So reckless. C’mere, I’ll bandage you up” Lowkey kinda doing the most sometimes during training just to impress you. Don’t get me wrong. Girl boss does not need approval from anyone. However, she can’t help but selfishly indulge in your praise - only because it’s you - even it’s a subtle acknowledgment of her tactical maneuvers. Though, she’ll probably be like “I know, I’m just that strong” smugly from the outside but on the inside she’s all proudly like ‘oh yeah that’s right they’re watching me’!’ Probably flirted once and immediately regretted it. Teasing you, she chuckles “Don’t act so tough! Who knows, with all that charm and nuisance, you’d be better off as my newly wedded spouse, once I become the head of my clan!-” The training field went silent as she started to register what she just said. Toge and Panda are just: ʘ‿ʘ ಥ‿ಥ “ayo?” Close friends would have to tease Maki - I mean they would have to!! She doesn’t usually come off as the love-struck gal, and her friends really are happy for her. However.. Now it’s a joke everyones in on that you both are newlyweds (‘cept for Yuuta, I have a feeling he actually thinks it’s true). (“Congratulations on the marriage!!” The ponytailed sorcerer proceeds to tell him to put a sock in it.) Nobara wants to have approval of Maki’s love interest, as she is “Maki’s #1 supporter” Is either: “Meh. Dunno what she sees in you but you’re alright” or “If you’re gonna be Maki’s, then you better support her goals ya hear me!” Mai tries to flirt you just to get on Maki’s nerves. “Why not transfer to Kyoto? Why be with a ragtag group of losers and my useless good for nothing sister when you can join me instead? ;)” Maki’s probably not even the jealous type but she’s definitely over protective of you. Of course you’re not hers yet but some people need to respect your space and who you belong to. Overall: It’s probably best that you remain oblivious, she’s already a mess because of you!
  • ***bakes only for themMaki found your consistent baking adorable, not that she’d ever admit that of course. “Eh? Moon cakes? Where do you get the time to make these y/n?” She said as she admired the cake before plopping it into her mouth. You just shrugged with an awkward laugh, “I just free my schedule I guess, I’ll go grab some more!” You said before going back to the kitchen to grab the rest of the tray for Maki. “Oi Megumi, why aren’t you eating y/n’s moon cake you idiot? She’s put so much so much effort into them!” Maki said to the raven haired boy who was sitting across from her, who only rolled his eyes and muttered ‘lovebirds’ in return. “Because they’re not for me, she bakes them for you because she likes you” he said. Maki momentarily froze from the words Megumi said, you didn’t bake these for everyone?? “I see” she said with a smile, as she got up and went to the kitchen. As you held the tray in your hands, transferring them onto a plate, you suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind. You slightly turn your head to see Maki towering over you “these moon cakes all for me you lil bimbo?” she teased, making you blush profusely.
***confessionMaki is reserved, subtly expressive when it comes to the tenderness of feelings. Although she'll be fine without expressing her emotions to you but she's not good at hiding just as much she thinks she is. She'll immediately apologize if you feel obligated to answer. She'll be a bit nervous before exclaiming,"I - I think I - I really really like you."***for their crush or s/o ▸ She remembers if you said you wanted to go somewhere, see something, buy something, etc, and tries to make time for it in the future. If there just really isn’t any time, she’ll try to either get someone else to go with you or she’ll stop by and pick up whatever you wanted and bring it back to you. Maki WILL buy you pepper spray or a concealed weapon/keychain weapon for self defense and she is insistent you learn how to protect yourself with at least the basics. It might seem intense and kind of scary, but she’s looking out for you. When she’s not with you, she can’t protect you, and that’s a little (it’s Very) stressful. She’s not the most delicate but if something is stressing you out or scaring you, she’ll give you all the rational thoughts she can and then also try to solve/deal with the issue herself. Like is there a deadline coming up that you’re stressed about? She’s breaking it down into steps so it seems less scary and more manageable. But also, she might be threatening your boss for putting so much pressure on you…***first kiss ▸ You were new to Jujutsu High, apparently you had this super special cursed technique where you had a sixth sense for curses. You could feel where they are by the emotion. If the curse was born out of hate, your heart would tense and feel as if it was being squeezed, if it was born out of sorrow then your eyes would start to water, etc… Maki envied you. She wishes she had a technique like that so she could pin point curses without having to wear glasses, but alas, that requires cursed energy she does not possess. But like her sister Mai, you aren’t very skilled at the athletic or physical side of exorcizing curses. Which is why you sought out her help. The practice stick clashed and made racketing sounds that could be heard from the teachers lounge. Maki was incredibly skilled at weapon wielding, she was unbeatable. Whereas, even after training for hours, you lost your footing, tripped, and got whacked by Maki dozens upon dozens of times. You were surprised Maki didn’t leave because, at this point, you were hopeless. Your sticks collided, again, and you pushed hers back toward her and slid on the grass to hit her low, she jumped and turned and as you got back up she kicked you, spun you ‘round to face her, and stomped her foot on your stomach, so, you body laid defeated under her feet. Her stick came clamoring down to smack you in the face before it stopped just before impact. “What the? Maki never went easy on me!” Yuta complained. “That’s because she didn’t care about you.” Panda explained. “Ouch!” Yuta said dramatically. “Salmon.” “Yeah, yeah, whatever guys!” Yuta waved the two off, disregarding their further comments. Maki took her foot off you. “I think we’re done for the day.” She rubbed the callouses ornamenting her palms. “What, tired?” You teased. “I’m not the one sweating like a pig,” She playfully rolled her eyes, “go take a shower, you stink.” “I stink?! I? I stink?” You continued to train with Maki for weeks. And for weeks she claimed victory over you. Each time you went to spar, though, you promised that ‘this time will be different’ and you clashed sticks with a hopeful outlook. You’d improved dramatically in a short period of time! You were able to flip through the air, spin away from jabs, and your reflexive action increased. You also learned dodging from watching Yuta and Maki spar. After dodging a shamelessly hard swing from Maki, you stuck your stick in the ground and used it to lift you as you kicked Maki hard in the stomach your body exerting force horizontally. Maki stumbled back, and in her wake of defenselessness, you followed up with a barrage of hard kicks to her torso. Soon she her back met the ground with a thud and you place your foot on her stomach and lent down so your faces were merely inches apart. “Ha-ha I win!” You stuck out your tongue and Maki grumbled. “That you did, now, can I have my reward for helping you?” She said impatiently. “Sure, what do you want?” Maki pulled your leg off of her effectively making you plummet toward her, the she spun the position to where you were under her. She then captured your lips in hers. With your eyes closed, your other senses heightened. She smelled like lemon-honey tea, her lips were chapped and strong, a contrast to yours which had been softened by her saliva, and she tasted… smug? No, maybe that’s because she was smirking throughout the kiss.***little things ▸ Makes eye contact during conversations. Eye contact is attractive and Maki Zenin will never understand why. Maybe it was the way that she was barely spared a glance when she was a child, no matter what amazing thing she did. Maki pays close attention to whatever you had to say, even if it was a random late night thought about a rainbow unicorn, she looked at you so attentively it gave you shivers. Her hard and sharp gaze fixated on you, but they don’t hold any malicious intent, just pure curiosity. She is the listener that anyone dreamed of having. “Something wrong, Maki?” You tilted your head when you saw Maki staring at you. “Hm? Nothing, keep speaking, love” She says while resting her chin on the palm of her hand. Okay marriage now ma’am. Not only does Maki listen to you, similar to Yuuji, she’d be remembering any important or useful detail you manage to slip out. There came a day where you received a box of your favorite treats that you’ve been meaning to get but never had the chance to from how busy you were. Turns out Maki gave them to you. Her reason was that she was “passing by” but we all know she went on that 4 hour drive to the shop. You were someone who rambled often so you’d often overthink that Maki would one day feel annoyed at having to pretend to listen to you. You tried to keep conversations simple and quick, sparing any heavy details even though you wanted to tell her oh so badly. Maki wasn’t having any of this. She cupped your face in her hands, ignoring how her cheeks were heating up as well. She didn’t like how you felt like you had to hide your emotions. Maki reassured you that you’d never have to do that with her. “I don’t care what nonsense you say, everything coming from you further reminds me that you’re here, safe with me, and I love that”"would you date me if i was a worm?" ▸ No. I am allergic. To what? Worms? To BULLSHIT. 😀tenderness...
  • ***period ▸ Literally just trains and fights through the pain whenever she’s on her period. When she met you that changed though (because not everyone can girlboss their way through their period like her). She started caring more about hers, and your monthly cycle, so expect her to be more of a beginner at taking care of herself and you. She’s trying her best though! You probably have to teach her more about how to handle periods because she really just isn’t great at it. Buys more pads for both you and her so that you both will never have to run out in the middle of the night or something to stock up. She does have hot water bottles though. Sometimes the pain got too much and she had to use them. Starts cuddling you more and tries to cook hot piping food for you when you’re on your period <3 (please do the same for her or else she just lives life as if nothing is happening). Overall, she’s learning more and more about self care! Please remember to take care of her during her periods because otherwise, she’ll train even harder because of her mood swings.
eye of the storm ...
  • ***scared of a bug ▸ If she knows you’re freaked by bugs, she kills them before you even know they’re there. She isn’t bothered by them, but she also doesn’t like them in her home. They aren’t paying rent or cooking her dinner, they don’t get to stay. Keeps a heavy duty bug killing spray on hand and whenever she sees/hears you fleeing from a room because you’ve been ambushed, she’s marching right in there and killing it asap. She prefers spraying them to hitting them with her hand or a shoe or something because it’s just cleaner and she doesn’t want to end up with holes in her walls like Yuji’s place. If you’re paranoid about it afterwards, she’ll help you replace the sheets, vacuum, dust, etc so you clean up the place rather than just scoot stuff around checking out the place. She will tease you for being scared, but she’s not mean about it...most of time. She’ll say that, knowing you, your fears are correct and you probably could get your ass beat by a gnat-
  • killing it ▸ Smacks it with her shoe. Like, she’ll just pop her shoe off, smack it against the wall, clean her shoe off, and then go about her day. She isn’t scared by bugs so it’s really no sweat off her back to kill it if you’re scared by them. But please by her a fly swatter or SOMETHING so she stops smacking her shoe against the walls.
***ignoring her ▸ she doesn't really care, I don't see her as the kind of person to desperately need attention. I think if it went on for long enough she'd just ask- "Hey, did I do something wrong? You've just seemed distant lately,"***dates ▸ ....she’s invites you to go to the gym with her. If you’re into that, godspeed she’s not slowing down anything for you. She likes competition, who can lift the most, run the fastest, do the most pushups, etc, but if you’re just not strong enough for that, she’s a lot more gentle! She wants to help you reach your goals and she’s not always the most patient about it, but she recognizes your limits and helps you succeed within them. She also likes doing things like going on hikes or rock climbing. If being active is really NOT your thing, she’ll still invite you to these things but won’t push. She’ll go with you to less physically exhausting dates, but she’s not the best planner for those things so you’ll have to take the reigns. She is the person who’s like oh it’s only 45 minutes away? We can walk-hanging out...
  • ***first snow ▸ Like Megumi, she won't really attach much importance to this. But she will go outside with you to get some fresh and cool air. You will accidentally slip and fall together, turning your heads at each other and start laughing. A snowflake will fall on her nose and because of this she will sneeze like an awakened cat. This will make you laugh even harder, but you will be more likely to be touched and Maki will start kicking you slightly with his hands.
  • ***winter atmosphere ▸ You walked through the park and looked at the trees that were covered with a large layer of snow.You were wondering how much snow would fall from them if you pushed them.You chose a big tree that your hands could hardly wrap around.Maki grinned and decided to see what you would do next.You hit the tree with all your might with your fist, but instead you felt pain in your arm.Maki offered to help you, but you refused that you could handle it yourself.Then you ran away and kicked the tree with your foot.Only a few snowflakes fell.Well, at least some result.Then Maki came up and without any effort hit the tree afterwards a whole snowdrift fell on you.The snow has penetrated under your clothes causing unpleasant sensations, but how much joy Maki has made you.
for partner ▸ Something you can protect yourself with. It feels right to say she'd give you something to protect yourself.holding her face and telling her that she's pretty Rolls her eyes and tries to act as if her cheeks aren't pink. Saves herself by smirking a little and pulling you closer till your noses are touching. Murmurs a small "You're prettier" and softly kisses you. Starts to drop random compliments throughout the day to see you fluster instead.touch-starvedShe’s not shy doing the couple stuff with you 'cause she definitely has the balls to FIGHT people who had the audacity to tease the both of you. But admitting that she’s touch-starved? Desperate for a touch? Her touch? Ha. how funny— It’s killing her. At first, she’ll be in denial like,Haha, no way..’ but then a couple minutes later, she’s getting hella frustrated to the point where she can’t stand the sound of anyone breathing. Literally throws a blade near Panda’s head, justice for him. But what can she do? She has a whole-ass s/o to claim free hugs n kisses to, there’s no way she’s not using that opportunity.hands...
huggingShe’s a reserved girl. Her hugs happen when you’re walking together, but different from Nobara; she prefers to hold you by the waist. By doing this, she’s making sure that you understand that you're both equals in this relationship. She also gives shy kisses on the top of your head.***cuddling: Not super cuddly and not super into pda. Definitely more the type to just put her hand in your back pocket or around your waist/hip while you’re out. It’s enough to make it clear that you’re together, but not so much that it’s going to cause too much unwanted attention. She’s definitely more of an acts of service type of person, so she might not cuddle you all the time, but she does crouch down to tie your shoelaces for you or she’ll hold your jacket/purse/bag when you’re out and you get tired of carrying it. You can sit on her lap if you want and she’ll keep an arm around you to make sure you don’t fall, but she’ll also pull a chair out for you to sit on if there isn’t one near enough to her. She also is likely to just give up her seat and stand behind yours, hands on your shoulders while she talks and occasionally leans over to steal your food- Sit on your knees and let her lay her head down on your thighs. She’ll look up at you with a look that’s somewhere between love and disbelief. And then you squish her cheeks to get her to laugh at you. Sleeping together, sometimes she just needs her own space, but other times she’s like uh if I can’t be the big spoon rn what’s even the point in being your girlfriend. Is this some sick game to you..... Maki will also be willing to give you piggy back rides just about whenever you need them. Uncomfortable shoes and you still have a long walk left home? Hop on. Legs tired from trying to keep up with her on a work out? Piggy back ride time.***falling asleep on herAbsolute Tsundere. First, she’ll cuss you out for falling asleep like a ‘lazy bitch.’ But then, she’ll be manoeuvring your head into her lap because she knows her shoulder isn’t comfortable enough to sleep on. Shakes her head, while fighting off her lovesick smile. She’s so whipped for you, she can’t hide it no more <3I = intimacy | ...
  • hot things he does during sex despite her rough demeanour 99% of the time, she is undoubtedly the most considerate in bed. she has a habit of giving you chaste kisses all over your body as a way of preparing you, she puts your comfort at upmost priority. maki is quite hard-handed, which makes it surprising to see her holding you so gently, she will slow down and make sure you are fine before continuing, such a warm side of her no one but you knows about. when giving oral, she will kiss your inner thighs every now and then, giving you comfort in the most intimate way. another habit she has is waking you up early for another round. maki is a morning bird, if you aren't, don't worry, she will make you one. waking you up at 5 am by softly biting the skin around your collar bone. as soon as you are awake enough to perceive your surroundings, she will not hesitate in gently wrapping her slender hand around your neck, passionately kissing you first thing in the morning.
K = kinks | Titty sucking. Defiantly a tits over ass girl, and 100% service Dom. Like to watch you squirm as she sucks on your nipples, sometimes sliding a finger or dildo into you. She's strong so she’ll makes you stay glued where you are as she preforms her ministrations. “Mak-” She doesn’t let you get to the last vowel, her eager, hot mouth enveloping one of your nipples and sucking. Her tongue flattens, rolling your peak and swirling around your areola, fast and rough until you’re whining. You can feel her grin against your breast at the sounds your making, all desperate and needy. Maki switches between your breasts, sucking until she knows your delicate skin will be sore. She flicks your stubs up and down with her tongue before releasing with a silent pop, then diving back in, the warm pleasure making your abdomen spasm. Your tits feel so good in her mouth, supple, sweet, far better than her imagination could ever conjure. “Be a good girl for me and stay like this wont you?” And you know you cant refuse.***i doMaki would be stunned. Maki was never one for marriage or romance. Her goal was set on becoming strong to take over her good-for-nothing clan. When you took her down during a training match, she was all heart eyes. How? She was giving her 100% and you beat her so easily. It was so annoying attractive of you. The day you saw Maki in action, seeing how strong and determined she was, you knew that even before you were together, you’re placing a ring on that finger. During a one-on-one match with Maki, you were reciting the script you wrote inside your mind about how you were going to propose. Maki noticed that you were distracted and stopped moving, which confused you. “Hey, what gives? You’re making this way too easy” She glared at you. Anyone else would be scared and be on their knees for forgiveness, but you had a blush on your cheeks and a smile on your face. “Actually..I-“ Before you could take the ring box from your pocket, a certain cursed speech user was thrown from the air and onto your body from the result of one of Panda’s spinning throws. The ring flew from the box and landed in front of Maki, who picked it up from the ground. “Y/n? Whose is this?” She questioned. You smiled after dusting yourself off and standing up “Why, yours, of course” You grinned from ear to ear, already on one knee, as your lover stood there frozen. “Maki Zenin, you never fail to impress me. You’re brave and strong..will you let me accompany you in life forever as your lawfully wedded lover?” You proposed. “ something else” Maki placed the ring on her finger, content at how it fit perfectly. “How idiotic, we are bound to one another whether or not we have rings on our fingers”
HOT THINGS SHE DOESlike Nobara, the way she steps on the patriarchy, she eats sexists for lunch and homophobes for dinner, it's canon. she's confident and strong, never afraid to speak her mind and she believes in her own worth and I love her too omg. the way she smirks, she does it when you admit she was right or when she won a fight against another sorcerer. it's full of malice and really hot if you ask me. when she takes off her glasses after a long day, sighing while letting her green hair falling around her shoulders. she scretches her toned arms while taking off all of her clothes to head "straight" to the shower.Maki would be very similar to Megumi in a relationship. She’s such a girl boss and she makes me weak.She is such a hard worker and is so domineering it’s scary, but so attractive.Hot-tempered and strong-willed Maki is everything. She wouldn’t back down. Which means she’s a great flirt. She’d have a cocky, teasing tone and make you blush. She loves making you blush.She would more or less use her words with you in public. Not very affection, but in private she wouldn’t hold back. Much like Megumi.Maki would do that thing where she tilts her head, lowering her gave at you when you talk. It would make you stutter and she’d smirk.Speaking of which, her side eye smirk…enough said.A perfect woman. She’d be so good with her fingers. She’d tuck a hair behind your ear one moment, holding your cheek as she brought you into a kiss, and then next she’d have you under her, one hand working your nipples and the other knuckles deep inside you.I love Maki Zenin.ATTRACTIVE, SUBCONSCIOUS DRIVING HABITS THAT MAKE YOU WEAK IN THE KNEES ➤ Arm around your headrest as she reverses the car. Maki Maki Maki. Oh she is so perfect in everything she does and more (this is officially a Maki Zenin stan account bc yes I love her very much and she must be appreciated). Maki, again, does not drive often. She believes it’s a hassle and would rather walk because it doubles as an exercise. On days where she was in a hurry, you’d hear the car keys jingling and it was like she summoned you. You’d drop everything to witness your lovely lover drive. As much as you loved your drives, a part of you couldn’t wait until it was time to park the car, especially if she has to reverse it. Maki’s a cautious person and she’d do anything to ensure safety on the road, more so when the passenger is you. She’d place her arm behind your headrest as she twisted her body to see if the car was going to hit the wall behind the car. She wasn’t physically touching you, but her face would be beside yours, her cheek was basically begging to be kissed by you!! You’d also surprise kiss her which almost made her hand on the wheel jump. Yes you’d receive a nice hit on the head but that blush on her face that was visible even in a dark parking lot, made everything worth it. Maki still does not know why you find this safety action so attractive, but best believe that before she returns to her seat, she’d kiss the shell of your ear or whisper something that is more often than not going to make your entire body heat up. “If you want me to be close, just ask. It’s not like I enjoy being separated from you either”
hate me, love me: There were only two places Maki found solace. The first was when you smiled at her, a genuine, sweet, smile. It was shown to her rarely but it was a treasure she keeps locked away in your heart’s vault. The second was when looking at the stars in the middle of the field in Jujutsu High. No distractions, no stress, no thoughts, just the stars and her. Funny that both your smile and the stars shine brighter than any event that has been highlighted in Maki’s life. But just as the stars are unattainable so is your smile sometimes. Your camaraderie, your touch. They were few and far between for the pine-ette. But when they happen, a brutal day becomes blissful. Maki had never felt this way about anyone! No one held such a high standing in her heart but you always held the gold medal at the end of the day. Her thoughts constantly plagued by you. But your thoughts were never on Maki, were they? You’d always enjoyed the company of Inumaki, and maybe that was because you found him an enigma, a mystery to solve, maybe it was that you found him endearing, with all his quirks and word substitutions, and the fact that he added an entirely new word to his vocabulary just for you. It wasn’t a surprise when Maki saw a letter, with hearts decorating the front, addressed to “Inumaki” in your neat but loose handwriting. What did Inumaki have that she didn’t?! There were many answers to that question, but zero that satisfied the raging mystery riled in her heart. And now, Maki finds herself in the middle of the field, parallel toward the stars; a moon-glistened tear sliding off her face landing in the grass next to her ear. When she opened her irritated eyes fate blessed her with another chance. The shooting star reflected on the lenses of her glasses begging her to say her deepest darkest wish that pained her heart. “I wish Y/n loved me like she loves Toge,” Maki closed her eyes and when they opened she was still in the field but the sun was out, her back on the ground with your foot on her chest. But instead of the ‘at arms length’ behavior you had originally held with Maki, you teasingly smirked, like somehow, you were the best of friends. “What? Getting sloppy with me know, Maki,” You teased and offered her a hand. “You won’t win next time, so don’t get cocky!” Maki confidently spoke on reflex. Had her wish truly become her reality. From the way you held her arm just like you used to with Toge, from the smiles and shared food from when the roles were reversed, it seemed like the universe, finally, offered her a favor. “Maki, how am I ever going to tell Inumaki I love him?” “What?” Maki asked, confusion flooding her mind. “What do you mean ‘what’? You know that I’ve been too shy to tell him! That’s why I gave you that practice letter, to see how my confidence would be if i gave it to Inumaki but, I don’t know if I should! I mean, he seems so disinterested in me! And from the way he always looks at you, I think he might love you, instead!” “Wait, no, I wished that you would love me the way that you love him? How come you still love him?! I asked for the roles to be reversed so why?!” Maki desperately tried to wrap her head around what was happening, luckily it clicked. This wasn’t a change in reality from the universe, it was a sign! A vision of the truth. “Maki?” You called out dumbly to her. “Maki? Maki! Maki!!” Maki jolted awake to see you staring at her, worriedly, in the middle of the field, still in the middle of the night. “You weren’t in your room so I thought I’d come and find you.” You said, shyly, “Not that I stalk you in the middle of the night or something! There’s just been something I’ve been meaning to tell you and I don’t think I can go on keeping it a secret from you, so, here goes,” You screw your eyes shut, afraid of the impossible rejection. “Maki, I like-” “Yeah, yeah, whatever, just kiss me already, ya’ idiot!” Taking advantage of your shocked face, Maki kissed you, stealing the breath from your lungs. And afterward, she basked in the solace of the only two things that offered it to her. The stars, and your beaming smile.don't cry, my dear: As two weapon specialists, you and Maki were sent out to exorcize a grade three curse, which with the both of you, shouldnt be so difficult. Though, when you arrived on the scene you weren’t met with a grade three curse but instead a grade one curse. Using your curse technique, which required you to turn cursed energy into a tangible weapon, you conjugated a whip. The whip slashed through the air and wrapped around the curses giant hand, which was headed straight for Maki. Maki used her spear to slice through the thick flesh of the curse. The curse used it’s intense physical strength to pull you toward it, you reflectively let go a metre before crashing into his hand, rolling under his arm, and snapping your whip around his neck then running between his legs to try to flip him over. Whilst bound by you, Maki slashed the curse numerous times. “I can’t get a deep enough cut!” She yelled in frustration. “Try using a katana!” You grunted out. You were losing your grip on it. The curse snatched Maki out of the air and threw her 7 metres back, the momentous act caused you to accidentally release the cursed energy whip. The curse turned around flinging its arm to knock you to the side, you dodge and conjured a long-range weapon. In retaliation the giant curse picked up rocks and hurled them in your direction. Conjuring a shield to protect you from one rock that was impossible to dodge, the sheer force and weight of the object against your shield, which rested defensively on your arm, knocked your shoulder out of place, dislocating it. As you fell to the ground, one arm out of commission, and lungs completely out of breath, you watched in horror as a boulder came straight for you. Before it hit, Maki ran for you grabbing your uniform shirt and dragging you out of the way just in time. The curse screamed and the air became thick, so thick that you choked on the pressure. Your brain racked what you should do next when, suddenly, the curse started to disintegrate. And behind the ash-like flurries in the air was Nanami-sensei. You huffed a breath of relief but Maki’s guard was still up. You looked to the weapon wielder’s face to see a massive slit from under her eye to just passed her bottom lip. A drop of blood landed on your uniform. You were positive there were other injuries resting on her somewhere. Maki looked down to you to see your concern ridden face and tear stained cheeks. You pushed your face into her chest as you sobbed. Her chest was still rising and falling, sucking in as much air as she can to her oxygen deprived lungs. “Don’t cry, we’re okay, we’ll be okay. I promise you that much.” Maki panted out, hand resting on your head. You were too precious for her to lose.