"blessing, grace" ( megumi) | JAPANESE






5'9" (175 cm)


"conceal" (伏 fushi) + "dark" (黒 guro) | JAPANESE


green (M); dark blue (A)


December 22, 2002 (CAPRICORN)




Megumi's a very outwardly stoic, aloof, and calculating individual. He usually has a neutral facial expression that he rarely changes and appears to take every situation seriously. This contrasts with Itadori Yūji, Kugisaki Nobara, and Gojō Satoru's outgoing and goofy personalities, which often annoy Megumi. He's easily irritated and Yūji has noted that Megumi seems like he's always slightly angry. Even as a child, Megumi was very stern, earnest, and thoughtful, to the point where Satoru questioned if he was really a first-grader at the time when they first met. When Satoru first explained the situation with the Zen'in clan, Megumi revealed he didn't care about his father and assumed that he and Tsumiki's mother were done taking care of them. He was able to understand that he'd been sold to the Zen'in clan but only agreed to go if Tsumiki would be happy, as well. Megumi has always been annoyed by Satoru's attitude ever since they first met. He didn't care for the idea of becoming a sorcerer and became more jaded about it over time. By the time Megumi reached middle school, his impersonal attitude had fully set in. He thought becoming a jujutsu sorcerer would be pointless, as he didn't see himself as someone who saves others. Megumi was uninterested in making friends, but he believed the basis of human interaction was avoiding violating someone else's dignity. He'd beat up school bullies who ignored this rule to feed their egos, gaining a reputation as the biggest troublemaker in school as a result. Tsumiki wanted him to stop getting in fights, but Megumi didn't listen and wrote her off. Megumi hated bad people with unearned pride just as much as he did good people who were too merciful to the former. Tsumiki's a perfect example of a good person to Megumi, but he was annoyed with her hypocrisy whenever she'd get upset at him for hurting bad people. Megumi eventually realized that he was immature and was wrong to think that way. He surmised that Tsumiki was simply choosing to protect him in the same way he was choosing who to help. Tsumiki believed that Megumi's lack of forgiveness was his way of showing kindness. After Tsumiki was cursed, Megumi was filled with regret and found the drive to become a sorcerer so he could save her. As a jujutsu sorcerer, Megumi developed his own sense of justice and is steadfast in his personal interpretation of right and wrong. Like his mentor, Megumi refuses to be influenced by traditions within the jujutsu world. Yūji should've been executed when it was discovered he was able to incarnate Sukuna, but Megumi ignored the rules and made a personal request to Satoru to protect Yūji. However, Megumi was unsure for a while if he made the correct decision. During the mission to the juvenile detention center, Yūji mentioned how reliable Megumi was for saving people, but Megumi appeared uncomfortable with that statement. Yūji wanted to return Tadashi Okazaki's corpse to his mother, but Megumi disagreed and said to leave him behind. Tadashi's criminal record made Megumi believe he wasn't even worth saving when he was alive. While arguing with Yūji over the circumstances, Megumi pointed out that saving as many people as possible runs the risk of them hurting others in the future. This directly contrasts with Megumi saving Yūji despite knowing the danger Sukuna poses. When Yūji asked why Megumi saved him if that was the case, Megumi was unable to give an immediate answer. While fighting against Sukuna, Megumi pondered the aforementioned question of why he rescued Yūji. Megumi believes that the only thing that's fair about life is how it's unfair to everyone and that jujutsu sorcerers are a just cog in karmic retribution. He wants more good people like Tsumiki to receive fairness and that's why he decides to save people unfairly. This helped him realize that he didn't save Yūji because it was logical, he did it because he didn't want to see a good person die. He knows it was a selfish and emotional decision, but Megumi is okay with that because he's not a hero, he's a jujutsu sorcerer. This is why he's never regretted saving Yūji, not even for a second. Megumi's admission of his reasoning for saving Yūji led the latter to sacrifice himself to stop Sukuna. Afterward, Megumi visited Tadashi's mother and admitted that he wasn't sure about saving him. Megumi was able to retrieve Tadashi's name tag and gave it to his mother, apologizing for being unable to rescue him. Ms. Okazaki asked him not to apologize, but Megumi was clearly remorseful about the incident. He returned to Jujutsu High shortly afterward and asked Zen'in Maki what kind of people she wanted to save, only to be annoyed by her response. Megumi and Nobara weren't particularly close after their initial meeting, but Yūji's premature demise brought them closer together. It was the first time either of them lost a friend in battle. While neither of them reacted emotionally over his death, Megumi noticed that Nobara was clearly bothered, and they were both saddened by what occurred. While introducing Nobara to Maki, Inumaki Toge, and Panda, Megumi mentioned that Okkotsu Yūta is the only senpai he sincerely respects. Megumi and Nobara both agreed to participate in the Goodwill Event to honor their fallen friend, swearing to get stronger no matter what. Tōdō Aoi judges everyone by their response to "what kind of girls do you like?", including Megumi. Despite being generally uninterested in answering, Megumi responded to this question to try and avoid conflict with Aoi and Mai during the leadup to the Goodwill Event. He told Aoi he doesn't have a preference as long as his partner is compassionate, but Aoi was bored to tears by this response and beat up Megumi for disappointing him. Despite being clearly outmatched, Megumi never backed down. Megumi and Nobara were mortified by Yūji's surprise return, quite the opposite reaction he was expecting. Nobara was upset by Yūji's inconsiderate return while Megumi was concerned by her reaction. Without Yūji mentioning it, Megumi was able to tell that something traumatic happened to him while he was away. Yūji tried to play it off, but Megumi was able to see right through him, maintaining stern eye contact until Yūji admitted it. They both subsequently agreed never to lose again as a result of their experiences. During the Goodwill Event, Panda apologized to Megumi for not including a rematch against Aoi in their team plans, but Megumi was completely indifferent about it, disappointing Panda with his dry response. When Megumi surmised the Kyoto Team was targeting Yūji, he immediately moved to confront Kamo Noritoshi and asked him about it directly about it. He knew the Big Three Sorcerer Families would want Sukuna's vessel out of the picture, but Megumi has no loyalty to the Zen'in clan. Noritoshi believed that he and Megumi would eventually become pillars of the Big Three Families and treated him with a familiarity that made Megumi uncomfortable. While Noritoshi thought they were similar and it was their duty to kill Sukuna's vessel, Megumi completely disagreed. Untethered to the conservative ideals of sorcerer clans, Megumi stated that he doesn't care about being right or wrong and that he only believes in his own conscience. Determined to follow that conscience and to save people unfairly, Megumi told Noritoshi that if they disagree, then they'd simply have to agree to curse each other. Megumi already considered Yūji and Nobara comrades and friends by the time of the Goodwill Event, but he was very distant with them. They knew very little about one another personally because Megumi chose not to share much about himself. During their mission to his middle school, Megumi was so embarrassed about revisiting his past that he couldn't even speak properly. He refused to make eye contact and spoke with heavy pauses between every word in his short sentences. This only served to irritate Nobara and Yūji, who hassled him about his secretiveness and unwillingness to acknowledge his past. Megumi even blushed when he was reunited with Takeda and was annoyed with Akari Nitta for making him the one to speak with the faculty member. He also hit Yūji multiple times for making fun of him for his past as a troublemaker. When Takeda asked about Tsumiki, Megumi chose to withhold the truth about her condition. When Yūji and Nobara asked who Tsumiki was, Megumi simply told him she was his sister, further annoying Nobara because she didn't know Megumi had any siblings due to his secretive nature. When Megumi discovered that Tsumiki visited Yasohachi Bridge in the same manner as the other victims of the investigation and realized she could be in danger, he pretended to like things were fine and he could talk to Tsumiki about it. However, Yūji noticed him freaking out and asked about it, only for Megumi to continue keeping him at a distance. He tried to get Yūji and Nobara to return to school without telling them the truth of his concerns. When he returned to the bridge alone, Megumi was so caught up in lamenting that he didn't even notice his classmates following him. Yūji and Nobara reminded Megumi that he doesn't tell them anything about himself. They assured him he didn't have to share everything but asked that he depend on them as his friends. This encouragement helped Megumi admit the truth about Tsumiki's condition and his concerns. Yūji and Megumi dismissed the danger of the mission and told Megumi he should've led with that information. Pleased with his comrades' willingness to help him, Megumi smiled. Around this time, Megumi was also feeling insecure about his own strength. Yūji fought a special grade during an invasion of the Goodwill Event while Megumi was taken out of the action by that very same curse. While recovering from his injuries, Megumi made it a point to tell Yūji he'd surpass him. Pressured by Yūji's rapid growth, Megumi went to Satoru for training even though asking his sensei for anything annoys him. Satoru had to make Megumi realize that his mindset is what kept him from evolving as a sorcerer. This initially irritated Megumi, who thought Satoru was insinuating that he wasn't trying his best. On the contrary, Satoru was saying that Megumi's mental block is preventing him from bringing out his best. For example, Megumi chose to bunt during the Baseball Game so Nobara could advance while Yūji swung for a home run. Megumi argued that like in baseball, coordinating with teammates is important. However, Satoru pointed out that despite how many comrades someone has, they'll always die alone. Megumi would rely on a failsafe technique that could take the life of his enemy should he fall, as well. Satoru told him that line of thinking would never get him to reach his sensei's level and taught him that dying before winning and dying victoriously are two completely different things. Megumi took his advice to heart and decided to be selfish, something that helped force his growth as a fighter. While facing a Finger Bearer for the second time, an opponent Megumi fled from when he first encountered one, he decided not to fall back on his old tendencies. Rather than trying to match those around him, Megumi was able to visualize a stronger future for himself. Smiling like a madman, Megumi threw caution to the wind and activated Domain Expansion, allowing him to best the special grade and begin to realize his potential. Megumi only attempted to use his failsafe and take his opponent down with him once his back was completely against the wall in Shibuya. The curse user, Haruta Shigemo, seriously injured Megumi with a sneak attack, leaving him no choice but to summon the uncontrollable Mahoraga. Satoru once told him that a Limitless user and a Ten Shadows Technique user once killed each other, but this wasn't enough to convince Megumi he could be as strong as his sensei. Instead, he believes that Ten Shadows Technique user probably used Mahoraga in the same failsafe manner. Determined to do his best to contribute to stopping the Shibuya Incident, Megumi embraced his own demise, telling Shigemo he'd be the first to pass on, confident that the curse user would join him soon after. After recovering, Megumi discovered Tsumiki had been ensnared in the Culling Game. He reunited with Yūji and asked for him to return to Jujutsu High so they could make preparations despite his execution being reinstated. Yūji was still feeling guilty from Sukuna's rampage in Shibuya and told Megumi to stop acting as if everything was okay. In response, Megumi also took responsibility for what happened and asked Yūji not to be selfish, reminding him that they're sorcerers and not heroes. Megumi believes no one can judge sorcerers so they must continually prove their existence by saving people. Megumi asked Yūji to start by saving him, openly begging Yūji to use his strength to rescue Tsumiki. This convinced Yūji, but when he asked about Nobara's mortal injuries following the Shibuya Incident, Megumi couldn't even bring himself to say what happened to their dear friend. Around this same time, Megumi was also informed by Maki that he was the new head of the Zen'in clan following Naobito's death. Megumi's reserved personality immediately led him to reject the position, claiming it's too much of a hassle. Megumi isn't very materialistic and social status isn't important to him either, so he couldn't care less about the fortune he'd receive. He told Maki he'd step down so she could lead the clan instead. Even after Maki pointed out several legitimate reasons why Megumi would be a more acceptable head, he continued to be difficult simply because he really didn't want to do it. However, when Maki admitted that she wasn't good enough yet to create a home for Mai as clan head, Megumi understood her position and accepted his role in order to help. While trying to recruit Hakari to handle the Culling Game, Megumi and Panda ended up in a scuffle with Kirara Hoshi. They were initially unable to convince Kirara that they weren't Jujutsu High spies trying to prosecute Hakari. After successfully restraining Kirara, Megumi immediately let them go and simply asked them to listen. Desperate for Hakari's aid, Megumi prostrated himself, bowing to Kirara and begging them to listen. While cutting a deal with Hakari for his help, Megumi decided to take advantage of the fact that he's head of the Zen'in clan in their negotiations. They were able to make a plan together but when Yūji expressed his concerns about Sukuna, Megumi told him to shut up, starting an argument between the two. Refusing to allow the senpai to adjust their roles for his own safety, Megumi told Yūji to stop being self-centered and that his concerns were an annoying waste of time. Upon entering the Culling Game, Megumi was attacked by a girl named Remi, who he didn't hesitate to knock down. In exchange for helping him reach his goal, Megumi agreed to be Remi's "knight," but only on the condition that she was being honest. Megumi's sensibly suspicious of other Culling Game players, so he warned Remi by implying he'd kill her if she was lying. Unlike Yūji, Megumi had no qualms about eliminating other players in order to score one hundred points on his own. When Megumi realized he'd been deceived, he glared at Remi with deadly intensity to reinforce the threat he made earlier. Focused only on saving his beloved sister, Megumi told Remi to shut up as soon as she began to arrogantly respond. He claimed they were wasting time and readied himself for a fight. Reggie Star, Remi's "true knight," offered Megumi the chance to join their group. After playing along to get information out of Reggie, Megumi answered he'd only join if everyone in their group handed over their points. This led to Megumi getting ambushed, but he was easily able to momentarily dispatch Chizuru Hari and told Remi to never let him see her again. However, Megumi made the mistake of holding back in order to get the rival players points. This allowed Iori Hazenoki the opportunity to surprise attack Megumi with a body part bomb. Remi was caught in the ensuing explosions along with Megumi, making it clear she was expendable the entire time, something Megumi already suspected. Megumi told her to get lost because Reggie's group wouldn't protect her. Instead, she attacked Megumi and begged him to say he'd protect her. Irritated with her erratic behavior, Megumi told Remi that she's the type of trash who cares more about words than deeds. Despite being worn down by Hazenoki's explosions, Megumi found his second wind when Kogane announced that Yūji completed their mission. With Tsumiki's safety partially secured, Megumi smiled and engaged his opponents with his full strength. After eliminating Hari, Megumi questioned his actions, but only for a moment. He reminded himself not to lose his head and to trust in his allies, confidently resolving to wave away any difficulties that crossed his path. Fumihiko Takaba suddenly decided to help Megumi fight Reggie and Hazenoki, so the student put his cynicism aside and decided to trust him for the time being. Fumihiko's eccentric personality reminded Megumi of Aoi, and he didn't laugh at his jokes, but they were still able to communicate and work together well enough to separate their opponents. Megumi even felt comfortable asking Takaba to try and steal Hazenoki's points, viewing him as a potential ally for the future. After finally getting Reggie one-on-one, Megumi warned him that he was ready to fight earnestly since his objective in the colony was already completed by Yūji. After defeating Reggie, Megumi was slightly displeased when his opponent willingly handed over all his points. Megumi went after Remi next by sending Divine Dog out to hunt her, but Tsumiki's voice stopped him carrying out his threats.
  • His hobby is reading, and he likes non-fiction. He watches the news and reads newspapers but doesn’t believe half of them.
  • His favorite food is anything that pairs well with ginger.
  • His least favorite food is red bell peppers and all sweet side dishes.
  • He prefers casual clothes / clothes you'd wear around the house.
  • When his shikigami gets destroyed, he becomes depressed. People like Megumi get sadder over the death of an animal than the people he doesn’t know.
  • Megumi's had friends pass away during his career as a jujutsu sorcerer.
  • Megumi has a strong memory.
  • He doesn't sincerely respect Toge because the latter will soon join Panda and Satoru when they're playing around.
  • He has never laughed out loud until the Death Painting Arc.
  • The tablet he uses is owned by Tokyo High. It’s handed by the accompanying assistant manager when necessary.
  • His theme song, as chosen by Gege Akutami, is Uchujin's "Hakujitsumu" and Weezer's "Island in the Sun."


  • Currently a 1st year. Enrollment method: family lineage.
  • After their parents vanished, Tsumiki basically did all the housework. Megumi helped to a degree. Satoru had intervened before the little money left by Tsumiki’s mother was used up. Megumi first met Satoru when he was in 1st grade. Before he enrolled in Jujutsu High, he did not join missions. He observed Satoru, who acted like his supervisor, taking him out to missions on a few occasions. He got acquainted with Maki and Mai before entering the school. When Satoru worked out the problem of Megumi and Zen'in family, he took Megumi to the Zen'in clan’s house. Megumi met Ougi's daughters for the first time when they went around the house. During Megumi's first mission, Satoru watched over and teased him.


  • Satoru and Maki taught Megumi hand-to-hand combat and how to use weapons.


handwritingMegumi’s handwriting is also very, very, very messy. He probably writes cursive that’s so unintelligible. He honestly can’t even read it himself if you asked. It looks like scribbles, but it’s very endearing, though? Somehow? It is. It’s very Megumi-like, and that’s why it’s lovable.musicMegumi likes rap music. It’s not his favorite genre or type of music, but he actually really likes listening to it. Like, it’s up there with the favorites. and any rap too. 90′s rap, early 2000s, mumble rap, any and all of it. He’s actually someone you could trust with the aux, honestly. I’d trust him with the aux, even if he decides to play some My Chemical Romance. Speaking of, Megumi’s a really good singer, he’s just a terrible dancer. You catch him humming a lot to himself, and sometimes he’ll be singing to himself while you sleep, but dancing? He’s just so stiff and awkward. It’s kind of funny actually. poor baby cannot bust a move whatsoever. Can’t throw it back for a real one. </3giftsAlso the type to either get you nothing or a gift card. But if you really mean something to him, I feel like he’ll put in a bit more effort into getting a meaningful gift. For example, if there was a book you were really interested in getting, he’ll buy you a hardcover copy and leave it wrapped on your nightstand. He’s attentive, and that means he must’ve picked up on something. Even if it was something you mentioned you wanted six months prior, he’ll still get it, even if you’ve lost interest (but he doesn't need to know that).***dating: I just know that megumi and reader are the most powerful duo of Jujutsu High. I know it. Like, they're just so done with everyone's shit and it shows in the most hilarious ways possible. They both just live on repressed sarcasm (not so repressed for reader tho) and indolently commenting on people's stupidity, and since they're usually quite calm and collected it just leaves people baffled. First victim is surely gojo, cause reader is absolutely shameless when it comes to putting people in their place and fushiguro just follows after them, so they be teaming up with insults every time, man can't catch a fucking break if he tried to. "Aye, sensei, you cryin'?" example of normal greeting from reader cause they always side with Utahime just to get on gojo's nerves. "Reader-chan, I just got something in my eye~" "Which one of the six?" prob Megumi, boy is still learning. "I don't see how that can happen with that blindfold of yours. I'm all about expressing yourself, but you can leave the kinks in the bedroom, ya know?" "Ouch, reader-chan, you wound me! That one really touched me!" "Mhh really? Then you should have used your Infinity. That’s what it’s for.” !SPOILER MANGA, CHAPTER 91! Also I have the feeling that after they get gojo out of the prison realm, every time he gets on reader's nerves they just go like "you should have stayed in the box" or something along those lines. And the first time they say it, they left everyone gaping in horror at them (except for megumi, he laughed and tried to cover it with a cough), but they just look back unfazed and go like "what? I'm not even sorry for what I said". !END SPOILER! Also Nanami probably loves the two of them because he is the first supporter of gojo slander. Megumi and reader are just his adopted children, leave them alone. And if you thought that their classmates were free from their wrath, think again. Nobody is safe here. Tbh I see reader being initially closer to Yuji and Nobara, as reader is also quite a caring and attentive person and they would 100% go mom friend on nobara and itadori, pliz they need to be protected and reader will gladly deliver. But as reader is a mom friend, they will also 100% call them out on their bullshit. Reader sides with Megumi in every fucking argument. And while before it was just because fushiguro actually often brings up very valid points, now it's just because megumi and reader just live for the betrayed look yuji and nobara send their way. It's also the only instances when you'll see them exchange knowing smiles, which contrasts quite a bit with their usual attitude, especially fushiguro's, which is both endearing and scary. Even the second years are afraid of the duo, it took them witnessing the gojo slander once to understand that they fucked up and should have never let megumi and reader meet cause they hold way too much power. They be destroying everyone and with a straight face too. Inumaki is probably terrified of them and gets super whiny and annoyed, like give him back reader, he wants his friend back, not this monster that has no qualms slandering him (I just know that inumaki is that kind of person that looks super unbothered to everything but is actually quite fucking touchy). Reader and megumi even have self care nights for skincare (you can't tell me fushiguro doesn't love a good face mask, he strickes me as the kind of person that's super tidy and clean and that translates in his personal care too) and then they just shit talk everyone because they gotta de-stress somehow, you know? Yuuta joins too from time to time, he's subtle about it but man loves a good slander too, also he is reader's best friend, so he gotta be there (now I wanna write yuuta and reader hc, nice). Overall megumi and reader are just the bane of everyone's existence at Jujutsu High and we love to see it.gravely sickHe goes to some appointments with you and asks the doctors a lot of questions. He does a lot of research so he can know what's good and what's not for you. He also brings you flower with his cheeks redden. He likes to read to you if you're too tired to do anything.
  • fully recoversBy the time he shuts the door behind you, he pulls you into the warmest hug he'd ever given you before. He supports his chin on the top of your head and doesn't let you move so you can't see the little tears falling down from his eyes.
  •  ***He is caught off guard when you do that. Baby boy is not used to it when you call him Senpai. His pupils are widened for a couple of moments. When he finally processes everything, there's a visible redness on his cheek bones. "M-me?," he asks, pointing at himself. "Haii Senpai. You," there's another attack. I personally feel like, he would spoil you after this. As in, buying you your favorite street food, doing your hairs or spoiling you with kisses onwards. Because, yeah he is shy, but baby is also a swetheart who will do anything for their s/o.
  • .megumi fushiguro has never said the words: “i love you.” it’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just that he can’t allow himself to. he can’t bare being vulnerable around you. he can’t bare to face rejection. he can’t bare the idea that the one person he loves, might not feel the same. megumi fushiguro was never one to talk much to begin with, so why should these words change that? he knows he loves you. he has always known. he can tell by the way his heart pounds every time you step into the room. he can tell by the way he feels empty when you leave. he can tell by the way his chest tightens up, and he feels like he is gonna explode just from the sound of your captivating voice. he knows all too well that he loves you. however, words are a pain. megumi fushiguro chooses who he saves, and he chooses to save his heart from the possibility of being broken. megumi fushiguro may not be a man of such words, but he is one to show you. he shows you that he loves you by sending you new songs to listen to, especially the ones that say the words he can’t. he shows you that he loves you by staying up late with you. whether he’s already half asleep or wide awake. he won’t be able to sleep until he knows you’re having a sweet dreams. he shows you that he loves you by squeezing your hand three times whenever he holds it. almost as if each one is spelling out “i-love-you”. he shows you he loves you each day, whether you notice it or not. megumi fushiguro has never said the words “i love you”, but he has made it very clear that he does.
NSFW: his touch is featherlight against your thigh, cheek nuzzling against the flesh. he looks so pretty like this, eyes a little cloudy, dazed and hazy, cheeks and neck flushed, lips swollen from your bruising kisses. as icing to the cake, a pair of black and white cat ears settle in his soft hair, accentuating the darkness of his hair. there’s a collar around his neck, nothing too flashy, but it makes a statement nonetheless. and last, but not least, his wrists are tied together, resting on the curve of his back. he’s arching prettily on the bed, and god, he looks so vulnerable, giving his all to you like this without any hesitation or doubt. you’re overwhelmed with both the way it makes you feel, with the surge of power that’s in your hands, both literally and figuratively, and the trust it conveys. he’s yours; he’s all yours. megumi purrs against your inner thigh, brushing his lips against your soft skin, not fully kissing, just embracing and feeling all over you. you love him like this, you really do, but you can’t resist the urge to tug at the leash in your hand, forcing a small whine out of his lips as the collar tightens around his throat. he shivers from in between your legs, but otherwise, he doesn’t resist, leaning closer to where you want him to be. wordlessly, without any encouragement from you, he presses his nose against your clit sharply, before his tongue slips out slightly, poking at your folds. “mmm,” you approvingly hum, the hand unoccupied with the leash reaching out to brush through his hair. “good kitty,” you praise, and he mewls softly. he continues to tease you lightly, his tongue only barely stimulating you, and it’s almost as if he wants you to be rougher, to be harsher with him. he’s going to drive you crazy. experimentally, you pull at the leash, the collar tightening around his throat again, and a gasp falls from his lips. ah; so you were right. “you wanna make me feel good, hm?” you question, and he whines. you feel him nod firmly against you, before he presses the flat of his tongue against you, sighing slowly at the proper taste of you. he’s so good for you, his tongue lapping at your cunt, drinking up all that you have to offer him. his hands are twitching at his back, but he’s not trying to free himself. from the angle you’re seated at, you can barely see his cock, standing hard against his stomach, twitching and messily smearing precum. and yet, he remains focused on the task at hand, lips completely latched onto you. he’s so obedient, so good for you. his mouth opens widely, both drool and arousal dripping off his tongue, before he closes it around your clit, tonguing at the bundle of nerves as he sucks harshly. your head falls back as a small cry leaves your lips, your hands tightening in his hair as you press him harsher against you. “gonna make me cum, pretty baby,” you breathlessly tell him, and he hums, the vibrations from his mouth electrifying the experience. he purrs and whines and pants and gasps against your cunt as he sucks and licks and plays around. “m’gonna cum!” you cry out, and he doesn’t stop, continuing his ministrations. when you cum, it’s dazzling, with him between your legs. the more he sucks at your clit, the more he slips under the spell you’ve put on him, and by the time you’re trembling with the aftershocks of the orgasm, chest heaving as you attempt to recollect your breath, he’s completely under. his mouth and lips are drenched with your arousal, and he looks a mess, absolutely obscene. his tongue is sticking out slightly, and he’s grinning at you, like this is the happiest he’s ever been. as your legs settle back down on the bed, still slightly shaky, his head falls on your right thigh. he rests like this, rubbing his cheek against the skin, smearing your arousal along your leg as he nuzzles against you. chuckling lightly, you brush your fingers through his hair, carding gently, scratching lightly at his scalp. he still has a dreamy smile on his lips, and when he meets your eyes through hooded lids, it widens. “yeah, you’re my good kitty,” you praise him again. the hand in his hair travels down his face soothingly, caressing his face, his cheeks, his lips, his jaw. he leans into your touch, eyes gently shutting. “you know what happens to kittens that are good, baby?” you wonder out loud. he purrs against you again, eyes still closed. but when you say, “they get a little treat,” his perfect blue eyes snap open, and they meet yours. at the look in your eyes, a shiver visibly runs down his spine, and by then, it’s your turn to grin.
ATTRACTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS DRIVING HABITS THAT MAKE YOU WEAK IN THE KNEES: Turns a corner and reverses with one hand. You’d be surprised at how much Megumi actually drives. He prefers a car rather than a subway or bus because it’s private and not full of random strangers’ trash. The day he received his license, he vowed to master the act of driving so that nobody can make him go on those public death traps again. An effect from his many driving lessons was his newfound comfort in handling a steering wheel. There came..the one hand driving skill. You swore your eyes became the shape of hearts when he put one arm down as he was driving to parallel park. One of the hardest things to do with a car..and he did it with one hand?? That hand was about to have a ring on it if he didn’t stop. Megumi noticed how you stare at him as he turned or reversed and asked about it. You denied any of his questions but proposed to him to pull his sleeves up while driving…for…reasons. Megumi was amused at the request, realizing what his little skill does to you. Oh yeah you bet this man gets cocky. Exposing his forearms and everything, he turns that steering wheel like it’s nothing with a proud grin, and in the process, steals your heart for the 198282829th time. “So this is what you like? Interesting. Allow me to satisfy you then”HOT THINGS THEY DO: it's a really smooth move but he often places a hand on your lower back. he does it when no one is looking, guiding you wherever he wants you to go with him. he never fully touches you, it's more his fingers, ghosting over your back. this man reads. he reads a lot, and it is so distracting for you. the way his eyebrows frown when he's at an important passage, his pale hands running through the pages, checking how many pages left before the next chapter or his far-away look when he finally stops reading, like he was into a whole another dimension a few minutes ago. animals love him. of course I do not talk about his invocations, every animal he runs into instantly love him. when he's walking in the city there's often a few stray cats who follow him. (I'm pretty sure he's a big softie who often gives food to stray animals) or sometimes it's a dog who happily jumps around his legs, playfully barking at him just before their owner comes to apologize.
  • Megumi would be such a tough, brooding, quiet so. He’d be like a bodyguard. He’d make you feel protected and safe
  • He would probably have the hottest morning voice. So deep and gruff and sexy….definitely would compliment his wild bed hair
  • He would be the type of guy to give you side eyes and stare at you through his long lashes and hooded gaze. Whether it be because you’re annoying him, or because he wants you, it’s so hot.
  • Megumi is the type of guy to not be into pda, but he would pull you to him in private and hold you close to his side or in front of him.
  • He wouldn’t act very affectionate with you, but when I’m private, he is a totally different person.
  • Megumi would definitely have a hand resting on your throat when he’s in the mood. It would snake up your body to your throat and just sit there. You two would just be watching a movie and he would slide a hand to rest just above your waistline while the other lightly encased your throat, delivering experimental squeezes to gauge your reaction
  • Megumi isn’t very good at head, but his fingers….that’s an entire post in itself. He’s good with his fingers. Very very good.
ROAD RAGE then feels bad about it. Asks you "What do you mean" even when there is only one possible meaning, it's just his default response ("Hey babe do you wanna get lunch?" "What do you mean" like ???) Usually fine with you teasing but will literally get mad sometimes and you’re just like 😶 REALLY petty when upset like you CANNOT communicate because he’s just pouting. A dry texter but after you pointed it out uses emojis in the most awkward way (“ok” *a second later* “🙂”), good about responding quickly though. Will help you with your work (pretty sure he’s canonically good at studying) but can get a little overly critical/irritated, apologizes though and will bring you study snacks to make up for it. 😋