"chronicle" (紀 nori) + "bright" ( toshi) | JAPANESE






5'10" (178 cm)


"increase" (加 ka) + "overgrown" (茂 mo) | JAPANESE




June 5 (GEMINI)


'Blood Manipulation'


Noritoshi's normally very calm and stoic in most situations, whether it be in front of his allies or rivals. Excluding Aoi, he's a senior and a leader for his peers at the Kyoto school other than Aoi. He also feels a kinship to those who come from sorcerer families, such as Megumi. His loyalty to the sorcerer families has distorted his feelings when it comes to others. Noritoshi has actively treated Mai as though she were beneath him because she didn't inherit the Ten Shadows Technique. Instead, he speaks familiarly with Megumi despite his lack of real ties with the Zen'in family. Additionally, Noritoshi feels that Yūji Itadori must be eliminated because he's a threat. The current heir to the Kamo line was born from the current head's mistress because the rightful wife couldn't give birth to a son who possessed Blood Manipulation. In order to protect his mother, Noritoshi accepted the responsibility of being heir to the head of the Kamo family. This pressure has caused him to embody all of their twisted values, often not thinking for himself, forced to do so for his mother's sake. Noritoshi became a jujutsu sorcerer because his mother believed in his potential to help people. Encountering Yūji helped remind him of this because Yūji's a sorcerer for the same reason. One day, he hopes to reconnect with his mother after he's become a great sorcerer.
  • His hobby is studying and he's trying for the TOEIC (900 points).
  • His favorite food is coffee.
  • His least favorite food is ethnic food.
  • His cause of stress is Aoi Tōdō.


Noritoshi shares his name with another member of the Kamo family, who was alive over 150 years ago, and whose body was possessed by the entity known as Kenjaku. Noritoshi was brought into the Kamo family (as the heir) at age 6. Noritoshi, Fushiguro Megumi, and Gojō Satoru have been in contact even before Noritoshi entered Jujutsu High.
  • Currently a 3rd year. Enrollment method: family lineage.




crush He's very shy and reserved at first when he realizes that he likes you. Noritoshi would be super embarrassed when he realizes his feelings towards you.confession He just can't swallow his emotions and act like nothing happened. So, he definitely needs to say it out loud. He'll be like, "I just realized that I really like you and hurried to tell you that because--" SO fucking formal when he confesses to you, it's almost funny. (Please, don't laugh, though, it took so much convincing himself to actually do this.) Stop him right there before he drowns in the pool of self-loathing.first date Oh, okay, this one is way harder since I don’t know much about him, but let's try. A traditional guy gone rogue? I see that translating well into a traditional date with a fresh approach. Like movies, but it’s an open-air cinema, or it’s a restaurant date, but the two of you are actually just tasting different street foods from the trucks around the park. He’s not very creative when it comes to date ideas, so he’ll put his soul into making the best conversation and guaranteeing you feel relaxed, safe, and happy the whole time. So, eventually, it turns to improvisation with the two roaming the streets and just diving into stores, following some interesting alleys and chatting your hearts away. He’ll take your hand and leave a sweet chaste peck on it when you’re distracted by some toys on display. He’ll also be dying of happiness inside if he notices you shivering. Don’t get it wrong!! He’s just on cloud nine since now he has an excuse to offer you his warm jacket and see you in his clothes. Please, take it, he might die of cold, of course, but he’ll die a happy and fulfilled man. Noritoshi might get a little anxious about walking you home, though, just because he doesn’t want to seem intrusive. So, he’ll call you an Uber Premium, kiss you softly before you drive off (ugh you know those cinematic through-the-car-window kisses). And will text you later, asking if you’ve gotten home safely. I dunno, I just feel like he’s not that much of an asshole and is just trying to manifest a gloomy persona while being a softie inside.hanging out ▸ ...
  • walking in the rain Noritoshi, as the heir to the Kamo clan, tries to be a gentleman. He takes it upon himself to hold your umbrella for you when you have to go out in the rain. He doesn’t want to see you or the nice clothes he'd gotten you get wet. So, Noritoshi urges you to stay under the umbrella whenever you start to stray away from him.Keep close. don’t want you to get soaked before we get home.”
***movie night gone wrong he’s probably fallen asleep. you would have no way of knowing cause this is gojo without the blindfold. the steady rise and fall of his chest behind you, his limp arms circled around your waist, something doesn’t feel right. so you decide to be cheeky and rub up on him, literally. spoiler alert: he totally was asleep, and now he’s just horny. the instant he became aware of your ministrations, his hands shot to hold your hips steady. “what are you doing?” he groaned, voice deep and raspy, effectively making your insides melt. even though he had stopped you, you could feel the tent in his pants pressing up against the curve of your ass. “let me help you out with that,” you suggested, reaching behind your back to slip your hand in his pants. as you stroked and tugged on his cock, his own hand entered your pants, two digits scissoring in and out of you. you moaned and cursed in unison, letting the light from the tv illuminate your heaving figures. by the time the ending credits rolled around, his cock was slamming in and out of your slick walls and he had no intention of stopping anytime soon.B = body part | Tits. First thing he probably notices in a person are their eyes, then their entire face. then perhaps a framework consisting of their head and shoulders. If he were to expand the picture a bit, their tits nicely fit into scale. The first area of your body that he touches when he wants things to progress to the next level. The first part of you that he wants to see unclothed while he's undressing you. He loves them.V = volume | Yeah, I gave this a lot of thought, and I couldn’t think of him calling you anything else besides your name. But the way he'd say it, that itself would be so orgasm worthy. he seems like a pretty vocal guy and he’s just dragging out your name in between groans. It would be so arousing to hear.
  • VERY sweet as a boyfriend!
  • tbh I think he'd try to hide you from his clan for awhile because he doesn't want you to have to deal with THAT. he sure as hell doesn't wanna deal with it, so he doesn't wanna subject you to it either if he can help it.
  • if you treat him like a person, like just some guy, I think he'd really like that a lot :( like he's tired of having to be the heir to the clan, he doesn't want to have all of that responsibility all of the time, he wants to just be himself :( so pls just treat him like he's Just Some Guy(TM)
  • I think he'd actually maybe let himself be kinda silly once he gets out of his own head, in his little safe space with you
  • his genuine laugh is so so so cute, you're the first person to hear it in such a really long time :')
  • he DOES get jealous, but even still, the most he'd do is like talk to you and tell you that he needs something, just to steal you away from whoever it is
  • he's a guy who needs a lot of reassurance, but rest assured, this means that he's very open about communicating how he feels about you and how much he cares about and loves you
  • does NOT do pda, not even hand holding, can't take the risk. in private tho? ohhhh my god he is SO clingy!! SO fucking clingy, he wants to be around you 24/7, wants you in his arms always. loves to kiss you, cuddle you, hold your hand, all of it.
  • he's just... so touchstarved, so if it's in private then he literally wants to be touching you every single second <3
  • it took awhile, but he'll hold your hand in front of your classmates (not teachers, just classmates)
  • if you're all hanging out in the lounge or something then maybe he'll even put his arm around your shoulders on the couch or somethin <3
  • now...... you didn't hear this from me............... he is extremely ticklish. might get kinda grumpy if you do tickle him tho (cuddles will make it better <3)
storyline: He's an idiot, your idiot. At first, he thought that he just found himself attracted to you because you are strong. After some time, Tōdō, and the others had enough, and they told him that he was in love with you. But because you're a 1st or 2nd year in Tokyo, it's quite upsetting for him. He wrote you letters. He wrote down everything he adores about you, but he didn’t put his name in because it was too embarrassing. But because you're smart, you could tell who was.  I mean, which idiot would write about marriage and also write a letter? Only our Noritoshi. With some help, he was able to ask you to be his spouse-- partner. :) You went at a coffee date; it was the cutest thing in the word. The atmosphere perfect, the place perfect, Noritoshi who was suturing and nervous perfect, the fact that you drank some of his coffee and it was that bitter that you couldn’t make it sweeter after eating a cake, no, but in Noritoshi's eyes it was perfect. Study dates are a must, in your rooms (probably in a video call) enjoying each other. He's strict with everyone (and himself) but not you. You have the freedom to say, do, anything stupid but it doesn’t matter because it's cute. But when the meeting with the clan is happening, he's strict, especially in the way you speak. But he knows that you're already perfect. Noritoshi's a sweet man, but he needs someone to make him loosen up a bit.