"wilderness" (野 no) + "rose" (薔薇 bara) | JAPANESE


ginger (dyed)




5'3" (160 cm)


"nail" (釘 kugi) + "peninsula" (崎 saki) | JAPANESE




August 7, 2002 (LEO)




Nobara's a confident and brash young woman with an unshakable character. More than anything, Nobara's determined to stay true to herself no matter what. She takes great pride in being both a pretty girl and a strong fighter, refusing to let anyone influence her. Initially, Nobara can appear to be a very obnoxious and arrogant person. She first introduced herself to Itadori Yūji and Fushiguro Megumi by expressing how inferior they were. She also argued with Yūji for the greater part of their first mission together. Despite her abrasive attitude, Nobara's actually an incredibly caring and dutiful person, but would never let most people see that side of her. After fighting alongside each other in several missions, Yūji and Megumi grow to become Nobara's closest allies. Even from a young age, Nobara was outspoken and different from everyone else in her small town. She felt everyone was crazy and was determined to trade the small countryside to the big city. Nobara was only ever drawn to outsiders who moved into the village like Fumi and Saori, especially the latter. She looked up to Saori to a great degree and was disheartened when she was forced out of the neighborhood. Saori leaving made Nobara want to escape the village more and aspired to meet Saori again one day. Before attending Jujutsu High, Nobara made a promise to Fumi that the three of them would reunite in Tokyo. Staying true to who she is, Nobara carries herself confidently as a jujutsu sorcerer. Whenever Yūji and Megumi tend to be indecisive, Nobara's willing to take charge even if the boys don't like it. While they're prone to panic in some situations, Nobara's able to remain relatively level-headed regardless of what's happening. Nobara loves joking around in civil situations and is a huge trash talker in combative ones, no matter who it is. Among all her peers, Nobara looks up to Zen'in Maki in particular. She loves the way Maki carries herself and admires her strength as someone fighting against the oppression of their own family. Nobara and Yūji are the two class clowns among the first-years that typically annoy Megumi to for a laugh any chance they get. Although she likes to pretend that she doesn't like the boys, Nobara was upset after Yūji's death following the Detention Center incident. She even shed a tear upon his revival and demanded an apology from him. Nishimiya Momo insulted Yūji during the Goodwill Event while trying to justify Zen'in Mai's undesirable attitude, annoying Nobara. Nobara dislikes Mai, which upset Momo and caused her to monologue about the gender-based discrimination in the Zen'in family. This only served to annoy Nobara, who couldn't care less about any sentiments based in "boys versus girls." Like Saori, Maki's a good person despite the circumstances that surround her while Mai isn't. Nobara doesn't believe people are excused just because they come from a difficult background. She openly rejected Momo and told her to consider the person Yūji before condemning him, citing that life isn't just a job. Upon first enrolling at Jujutsu High, Gojō Satoru was unsure how a girl from the countryside would fair against gruesome-looking cursed spirits. Satoru believes it takes someone to be virtually insane to voluntarily be a jujutsu sorcerer or else they'll quit quickly. Despite her distaste for crazy people, Nobara has proved she's plenty crazy herself. She passed Satoru's test with flying colors and didn't hesitate to inflict pain on herself during the battle with the Death Paintings, Esō, and Kechizu. In order to counter Esō's cursed technique, Nobara willingly stabbed herself with nails and smiled while doing it. She appeared to take pleasure in outwitting her special grade opponents and didn't hesitate to injure herself further in order to ensure victory and her own survival. Together, she and Yūji were victorious and ended up killing both brothers. Although Yūji was guilt-ridden over killing the brothers, Nobara was relatively unphased. She admitted that she expected killing came with the job of being a jujutsu sorcerer. Noticing that Yūji was acting strange, Nobara comforted him in her own way by claiming that they were both accomplices in the murder. Nobara has a high sense of duty as a jujutsu sorcerer and is a prideful fighter. During the Shibuya Incident, Nobara's pride was hurt by her near defeat at the hands of Haruta Shigemo. After being rescued by Nanmi Kento, Nobara wanted to help rescue Satoru from being sealed and redeem herself. However, Nanami refused to let her and ordered her to wait to be rescued. Nobara ignored Nanami's warning because she couldn't bring herself to leave the city while all her allies were still fighting. Upon encountering Mahito's double soon afterward, Nobara admitted she didn't have much to show for October 31st and believed beating him would be a solid contribution. Nobara remained confident in her strategy and managed to injure Mahito's soul, forcing him to retreat. Nobara chased him and attempted to exorcise the curse. This overconfidence ultimately proved to be Nobara's downfall. Mahito switched places with his double while Nobara's guard was down against his hands, letting him score a direct hit to her face with Idle Transfiguration. Realizing her time was likely at an end, Nobara took a moment to recall her past life in the village. She used to believe that crazy people like those villagers did nothing but step on other people's lives. However, after meeting all the wild and crazy sorcerers at Jujutsu High, Nobara changed her mind. During this exchange, Yūji watches Nobara with extreme worry and horror. In what could've been her last moments, Nobara smiled at Yūji and asked him to tell everyone that it wasn't so bad in the end.
  • Her favorite food is popular food and watermelon.
  • Her least favorite food is lightly pickled vegetables.
  • Nobara buys a lot of food and tries a lot of clothes, enjoying her life in Tokyo.
  • Nobara goes shopping (her hobby) during her spare time. Her favorite brands are Balenciaga and Onitsuka Tiger.
  • Her cause of stress is dehydration.
  • Nobara was unaware that Jujutsu High provided custom uniforms for the summer season and that's why she wanted Mai's.
  • The theme song that Gege Akutami chose for Nobara is "Seishun Kyosokyoku" by Sunny Day Service and "Ano Depaato" by Natsuko Nisshoku.


  • Currently a 1st year. Enrollment method: grandmother's recommendation (they had a fight, though).




gifts Has a field day when going shopping for your gift but ends up buying more for herself than for you. I honestly don’t know if her gifts to you would be really cool and personalized or if she would just buy something she really liked and gave it to you. If she were to do the latter, I’d say feel appreciated, because there’s a good chance that she wanted to keep it for herself. Really enthusiastic when giving you her gift and talks about her experience while buying it.thinking about Nobara and you are doing each other’s nails while a K-Drama plays in the background and she tells you how much Yuuji annoys games Doom. Just,,, anything where she can carve a path of death and destruction and mindlessly mow down enemies.
  • gamer s/o She used to think it was boring until she saw you playing. Now she demands you to record your gaming so she can watch it later and post it online. "MY Y/N SMASHES AGAIN!! BOHOO LOSERS!"
tallShe shows you off. Either she says that you're a model or that you're a scary tall person that will destroy anybody's ass.
  • intimidating impression: piercings Oh, she loves your looks. All of it! ALL OF IT! She loves that when you are together you get to scare stupid people of. And whenever you feel depressed because of it she’ll shower you with compliments and post lots of pictures of your style. She’ll also steal some clothes from you and totally get herself piercings so you two could match. “The badass couple coming to destroy you, baby.”
short She constantly will hug you from behind and rest her chin on the top of your head. Nobara loves to make you reach to kiss her, but always ends up leaning down so you can kiss her anywaysrosy cheeks ▸ She'll ask you what products you use to have those beautiful rosy cheeks. She finds amazing that you don't need any blush for them to be so pretty. She tells everybody about her pretty-cheeked Y/N.stretch marks She'd be starry-eyed. Assuming that she's one of those people that never got stretch marks, so it's the first time she's seeing it ever. She'd be a bit confused about why you'd think that it's ugly and unsightly. When she thinks that it's super fascinating because what! The! Fuck! TIGER STRIPES????!!! METAL. Yes, she thinks it looks like tiger stripes and it looks really cool. Would be the type to draw little constellations around your knees where your stretch marks are because it looked cute.physically flexible This girl here searches for all crazy positions that she can find and asks you to do them. The moment you start, she already has her camera ready and filming or photo shooting so she can post later. "My Y/N here can fit anywhere in the world!"likes to sleep for a long time Having found out that there were discounts on this day, Nobara was going to inform you about it as soon as possible. She tried the door handle, but it was locked. Fear enveloped her completely as she didn't want the best clothes to be sold out and leave both of you without it. She started banging on your door with all her might so that you'd definitely wake up. Well, now she just had to become a drama theater actress who'd fall to her knees and touch the door with her cheek, letting out a tear begging you to wake up. As soon as you opened the door, she abruptly stood up and dragged you outside. She didn’t care that you were in your pajamas.likes the cold Walking together in the cold, Nobara began to feel that she was getting cool. She snuggled closer to you to make it a little warmer. You understood that she might catch a cold, so you took off your jacket and covered Nobara. Sparks of joy sparkled in her eyes then she took off her hat and put it on you. To complete the walk, she offered to go to a cafe. Going there she immediately ordered a warm hot coffee, and you naturally chose with ice. When you were drinking your drinks, she looked at you and hoped that your teeth wouldn't hurt from the cold.shy and only badass when fighting curses She'll join you. She'll feel inspired by your badass attitude and will love to join you in the fight so you can do it together. When it's done, she'll pass an arm around your shoulder and proudly say "I knew there was fire in this shy figure here." Now you just want to run away and come back only next week. She'll probably tell everyone, too.anxiety She also knows what it is, but she's not yogi like Megumi. She takes you by the hand and pulls into somewhere open. She brings lots of meaningless stuff so you two can hit them together.attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder She also gets annoyed sometimes, especially when she's telling you something and she can see your mind traveling to "Y/N's world" - how she calls it. So, when she notices you're doing so, she always punches your arm.writerShe'd want to know about those ones that has "her" in it. She isn't much of reading, so your writing is distant from her reality. But since it's something important to you, she'd read those that you really want her to read.attention from a bookworm ▸ If this girl is needy, she gets what she wants. You're her lover, after all. So, she'll take the book of your hands and just throw it on the closest furniture. With the problem solved, she's going to jump on your lap and demand your attention. This girl is going to be the death of you, but you love her.calm and expressionless ▸ apathetic and tired She's pissed with you most of the times. How could you not have energy going shopping with her? Nonetheless, she's always pulling you around with her because she made it her goal to pull you out of your bubble.only affectionate with herThis girl is going to feel like the queen of the universe. She's going to make you her number one person in her life and give you all of her attention. She'll find you so cute and will protect you from any hug attack from Yuuji, saying, "Y/N doesn't like you that much, sush."low social batterySometimes she gets annoyed, especially if she's having fun. But she also doesn't like to see you all drained-out. So, you both are always trying to find balance.motherlyShe can't understand how you can manage to take care of children. How do you even know how to talk to them! She demands that you tell her about this talent later.does beauty appreciation with random peopleShe'll also put herself in front of you and look down on you. A look that resembles a disappointed parent. "There is no other beauty in the world but mine, Y/n. Make sure you're looking at the right one or I'll nail your eyes."obsessed with ice cream ▸ It'll be 3 AM, and Nobara's just getting something that she left in s/o's room when she sees them just eating a whole bucket of ice cream? Supportive babe. If that's what you want, then go ahead, just don't wake her up in the process. She doesn't partake but is supportive, nonetheless. Remembers to get ice cream every time she goes shopping, for you. 🤗 Has all your favorite combinations memorized. 👌collects plushies She gets so excited that she creates a method to organize them so you can know exactly what each of them means. She also searches for the most exclusive shops for you to find the most rare and beautiful ones.friends to lovers ▸ You also became friends at Tokyo Tech. You two got along so well that you started doing everything together. You both loved to go shopping and since you were from Tokyo, you introduced her to every amazing shop that you knew. By time she noticed her feelings, she denied it. You were only really good friends nothing more, nothing less. And that was until one day you guys were coming back from your shopping routine and sitting side by side at the bus. You both look at each other at the same time to initiate a conversation. When your eyes met, she couldn't hold any longer and kissed you softly, almost as if asking for your permission. You returned her kiss, answering her questioning one. "Well, Y/N, we totally are an outstanding couple."it's always been you ▸ You were sitting on the floor of her room together. It wasn't the most comfortable place to be, but neither of you had any desire to relocate to another area. Nobara was engrossed in telling you all about her day and you patiently listened along to her rant and other complaints while focusing on your current task. She paused in the middle of her talk, waiting for your appropriate response, and took that time to peer down at your hunched-over form. You hummed, completely focused on carefully applying nail polish to her nails. Your strokes are slow and precise, taking care to not accidentally get any of the polish on her skin. The color’s not one that Nobara would've chosen for herself, but you'd insisted that it would complement her nicely. Your hold on her hand is gentle and loose, merely keeping her hand still so your brush strokes can be steady. Affection blooms and floods across her skin as she admires you, appreciating you in your entirety. You look up at her, noticing how she hasn’t resumed speaking even after you added your thoughts to the situation. Nobara flushed for being caught staring at you, and it only worsened when you lifted her hand to your face to press a soft kiss to the back of it, murmuring, "M’pretty girl" under your breath.patch me upNobara knew the importance of maintaining good health, so, of course, she immediately vocalized any pain or discomfort. “Y/N-chan~” She’d call your name and whine about all that hurts and relish in how good you took care of her. You were a second year, meaning, you knew the tricks of how to heal injuries and the most effective ways to relieve pain. Nobara always sought out your helping hand and you always gave it to her. You were working on math homework when a frantic knock riddled your door. You opened it to see Nobara, hair pinned back, first aid hit in hand, and a hopeful smile plastered on her face. “Y/N-chan~!” She waltzed into your room seeking refuge on your bed and propping her badly beaten leg on one of your pillows. “Yes, Kugisaki,” You sighed while softly smiling. “Itadori really hurt my foot today in training,” She whined, “He stood on it and everything! And do you know how much that heffalump weighs?!” You were mentally so exhausted, but you had a soft spot for the poor girl. So, you sat next to her foot and opened the First Aid kit. “It doesn’t look like your ankle is swelling, but it’s pretty bruised, Kugisaki, what kind of shoes were you wearing? They might’ve been too tight.” You continued to examine her foot and Nobara would whine and wince when you touch certain parts of her ankle. You turned to the First Aid kit and grabbed some bandages to stabilized and compress her ankle, but when you looked back to her ankle, something unexpected caught your eye. You harshly rubbed your fingers across the ‘bruise,’ to which Nobara made a pained noise. “Ow! Y/N-chan, why would you do that!” “If you're going to fake an injury at least don’t use shimmery eyeshadow,” “Oh, I didn’t think about that,” “Clearly!” You rolled your eyes and put the First Aid kit on your desk. “If you wanted ‘get well kisses’ you could’ve just asked,you mumbled as you littered her face with kisses. There was no label on what you and Nobara had, but you were both dangerously treading the border of ‘good friends.’***crush Nobara would also try to hide her crush on you, but it’d be blatantly obvious. Like, the girl literally follows you everywhere like a lost puppy while singing your praises, it’s not exactly subtle bby. 😭 A lot of shoulder bumping and brushing hands because she likes to be close to you. And although she could compliment you all day, she gets flustered when you compliment her back; her cheeks will burn up and she playfully smacks your arm, telling you to shush. She definitely expresses her feelings for you through gifts! She’s always racing around Tokyo malls to find a gift that’s worthy of you. She wanna be your girlfriend so bad. 😩HYPES. YOU. UP. Drops pickup lines like their 200 lbs weighed dumbbells. Trust + Love = You guys share each other’s closet. Pamper her and she’ll give you her all. Probably tried to make you laugh when she found out she liked you. If the joke didn’t hit she’s mentally cursing herselfFUCKSHITDAMNIT. Probably constantly asks her guy friends “quick! (Y/n) is coming - how do I look???” when you’re approaching them every time. Itadori and Megumi: “you look the same as usual” every time. Probably threatened to punch them or said they’re no help. Makes it obvious she’s flirting with you. She definitely sent you a photo of herself lip bite and everything “nooo don’t be sad you’re so sexy haha” unironically. Don’t blame her okay she’s head over heals. Eventually realizes how corny she can be. Will def make time for you. Invites you for activities such as: Shopping, eating out somewhere or eating junk food in, and binge-watching trash television and self-care hours (face masks, etc). Shopping may entail you hold her stuff or invite Yuuji just to make him do it. Lmao poor baby. If anyone insults you or even disregards your well-being (even for a second) - chaos will ensue. Will definitely cut a bitch if anyone hurts your feelings. Nobody messes with Nobara’s crush except for Nobara! Gets easily jealous when someone else flirts with you but plays it off well at first until you’re both alone. Will give you the cold shoulder: “Oh don’t you have somewhere to be? Like a date with that person, you were talking to earlier? So are you guys like an item or something now?” “Nobara, they were asking me directions for the nearest bathroom” Also again with the compliments + sexual innuendos + pickup lines just to make u blush aw. She also expects compliments. ”So… how do I look?” “Well “Gorgeous” is an understatement” She blushes horrendously and calls you an idiot hiding her happy grin. She’ll be hyping you up: “thiccums 😳” And you might just have a flattest of asses but she don’t care she thinks you’re hawt don’t tell her otherwise she’s always right. Just want Nobara to tell me my flat ass is fat 😔 However, if the roles are reversed she’ll act like she’s oblivious even though she’s clearly burning up. “Nobara, are you France because Eiffel for you” Even something as cheesy as that she just completely ascends: her crush is flirting with her what a great time to be alive. Overall: Flirty protective feisty wifey she’ll probably beat you if you don’t realize her feelings quicker rip
  • caught staring Now if she’s feeling flirty, she’ll look at you, give you a smirk and then immediately faces away from you, pretending you don’t exist. It’s like she’s teasing you, egging you on. What? What’re you gonna do about it? You’re the one who looked at her back. And yet she’s mentally high fiving herself. She won’t even realize how hard it is to remove that happy love-sick grin off her face. Nobara's having way too much fun with this, and it begs the question: how does she always win? The answer: because she’s Nobara. (“My crush has been looking at me, that’s so cute they want me so bad.”) However, she's undoubtedly, down bad.
someone else likes her crush ▸ Another one that is pissed. She'll come to the person with her killer look and hammer in hand. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" If that doesn't scare the person, she'll find your phone and pretend to be you rejecting them.cheek kiss from crush ▸ ...
  • as thanks ▸ She crosses her arms triumphantly with a mischievous smirk plastered on her lips. "My my, Y/N. You can ask me anytime if that is what I'm going to win in the end."
confession ▸ Well, she didn't quite accept that she could like you this much. She started denying it, thinking that she just really appreciated you as a friend but that was until she got angry whenever she imagined you with someone else. She just came to you and said to meet her at her dorm after the training was done. When she opened the door. you could see nervous all over her and that made you worried. You'd never seen her nervous before. "Huum, Nobara?" She took your hand in hers and said, "You know what, just fuck this. I like you, Y/N. Would you like to go on a date with me? I mean on thousands of dates with me. But not thousands..." You laughed. "I'd love to go on various dates with you, silly." "I KNEW IT."
  • Nobara is explicitly straightforward when it comes to expressing opinions, advice, and in general, talking. She's gonna be extremely careful not to hurt you, therefore she'll be quite picky with her wording. She might take you out to accompany her in shopping and she'll softly exclaim, "I like you, Y/N." She'd call out your name because in that way she feels acknowledged to herself.
for her crush or s/o She buys duplicates of clothing if she thinks you’d like it or look good in it! Also, just generally will buy you clothes or accessories if she sees them and imagines you wearing them. She likes brushing your hair for you if she can, but if not, she just likes helping you go about your hair care routine. Like if you need help holding sections out of your face while you braid them or use product or something, she likes helping. Similarly, she wants to paint your nails or do your makeup. She probably can’t have the fanciest nails as a sorcerer (they’re always getting chipped / broken) so you’re her guinea pig……  If you guys are out with friends and you want to leave but don’t want to say anything for whatever reason, she will realize and say it for you but word it so she’s the one who wants to leave and you’re the saint who’s leaving early to hang out with her. She won’t admit that she’s leaving for your sake, she’ll just be like I was bored anyway! Constantly sticking up for you and complimenting you when you’re not around. You’ll never hear exactly what she says during these moments but know she’s looking out for a song Now playing: "Cloud Nine" by Beach Bunny | Nobara is confident in herself. she prides herself on being independent and never searching for validation in the form of other people. She knows her own worth and won’t let anyone else diminish it or tell her otherwise. But she must admit that there is no feeling comparable to when she’s with you. Others have complained to her before that she’s loud and self-absorbed. Nobara’s never really cared for what others thought of her. But she’s happy that you don’t think of her that way. Nobara doesn’t have to worry about how she comes across because you love her for who she is. You love how blunt she can be. you love how she always sticks up for herself and how unafraid she is from backing down. You love how she won’t let others talk bad about you either. you insist that she doesn’t have to and that you can handle it yourself, but Nobara just tells you that “Nobody gets to talk shit about my s/o.” Your favorite thing ever is when you manage to catch Nobara off-guard with a compliment. normally when you compliment her, she replies “I know” with a grin on her face, which makes you fall even further for her. But sometimes when you’re feeling particularly soft, you tell her something along the lines of, “You’re so beautiful and I’m really lucky to call you mine.” Nobara goes red and will only manage a shaky “S-Shut up” in response as she tries to hide her flush. To say the least, you are completely and utterly whipped for Nobara. not that you’re complaining about it. It’s safe to say that you adore her. Nobara loves you just as much in return. If her confidence ever falters, all it takes is you gently squeezing her hand, reminding her that you’re there beside her, for any doubt to fade away. Because when you’re around, Nobara knows she can face any challenge that comes her way. she’s not alone and she has you to support her through anything.favorite songs she listens to with you Now playing: "Hello?" by Clario and Rejjie Snow | I know a lot of people say she’d listen to Megan the Stallion, Nicki Minaji, and Doja Cat, which I agree with, but I feel like when it’s just you and her, she’d play Clario and Kali Uchis. She feels at peace with you and doesn’t have to put up a tough facade. She can just lay in your arms without a care in the world while you have the two artists on she'd dance with you to Now playing: "The Very First Night" + "How to Get the Girl" by Taylor Swift | Ya’ll are VIBING. But also? pouring your heart out like your lover of 10 years just broke up with you in the middle of a rainstorm. You weren’t sure how you and Nobara ended up dancing around in your pajamas and socks while using random house items as microphones, but you weren’t about to complain. It was like your own, private concert, and the way you were looking at her with stars behind your eyes made her heart melt. Somehow, "Love Story" makes its way onto the queue, and it soon turns into a full-blown competition to see who can out-serenade the other person. Nobara finds it hilarious watching you put your entire soul into the chorus, but she secretly enjoys hearing you say those lines to her. It’s cute, it’s romantic, and she'd do it all over again with you in a heartbeat.
"cloud nine" by beach bunny
"hello?" by clario
"the very first night" by taylor swift
"how to get the girl" by taylor swift
first date ▸ You'll go shopping. But not a usual one; she'll find some kind of fair or special marketing so you can enjoy something different while doing her favorite thing in the world. She'll buy you something special that you can use and remember of this day. She'll hold you by the waist the entire time and give you little kisses on the top of your head.soft things ▸ Nobara frequently drags you all over the city on your days off so you can explore together. She loves going on shopping dates in which you pick out outfits for each other and try them on in a little fashion show. If you ask how you look, she’ll say,Obviously, you look great, I did pick out your outfit.” She’s a HUGE fan of couple things. Nobara has taste, though, and wrinkles her nose at the cheesy matching couple shirts that she sees stores selling. She prefers items that are a little more subtle, resulting in the matching necklaces you two share. She loves photo booths. While you two are out and about, Nobara will drag you into a photobooth to take pictures together. The first few in the strip of photos are cute and silly while the last one is a sweet picture of you two kissing. She pins it on her wall later that day.little things Whispers to your ear in crowded spaces. Nobara's a loud person. There wasn’t a day where she wasn’t screaming at someone or something. It could be at other people for whatever reason like looking at her wrongly, or even the microwave because it didn’t heat up her food right. You were used to how brash she can be, but you didn’t mind one bit. The way she openly expresses her emotions is one of the many reasons why you fell for her. But even Nobara knew that sometimes yelling was futile. Like in crowded spaces where she can’t convey her message in yelling, she'd lean to your ear and whisper. The first time she did this was when you both were in some Black Friday sale and stuck in a crowd of people aching to get their hands on a particular dress that Nobara happened to have her eye on. She was determined to get the dress that she endured numerous elbows to the face and a few kicks to her shin. But you clearly weren’t enjoying all this, judging by the bruises littering your body. Nobara took notice of your struggling figure, desperate for some fresh air. Maybe the dress could wait. She leaned to you and grazed her lips by the shell of your ear, “Shall we go somewhere else?” Oh, my goodness your legs were becoming jelly. You could only hope Nobara didn’t notice how your entire being looked like you were dipped in red paint. Nobara barely whispers at all; the closest she’d done was her normal voice, but there are rare moments that she’d whisper sweet nothings into your ear when she thought you were asleep, knowing how much you love it when she’s gentle for once. You loved your girlfriend more than anything, and she loved that you feel nurtured and safe in her arms. “I’m not the gentlest, poise, and soft person.. but I love you, and just so you know, I’m always a little softer with you.”love language ▸ Social media and cursing your enemies. Her social medias are full of posts of you. She likes to post everything you do, even your sneezes LMAO. She also defends you from anyone that can harm you and she almost kills them if not for you stopping her."would you date me if i was a worm?"Umm No. WHO WILL GO SHOPPING WITH ME? WHO WILL HELP ME CARRY MY BAGS? That's what you are concerned about. *pouts* And HOW WILL I CUDDLE A 3 CM CREATURE? 🥺tenderness ...
  • period This girl gets it, ok. As a fellow female, she understands the pains of going through that monthly cycle. The absolute best at handling your mood swings and basically everything you’re going through. Expect lots of cuddles and snacks while watching movies, especially when both of you are on your cycle at the same time <3 She is sooooo well prepared, probably stocks up on pads and has many hot water bottles as well. Is always stocked up on snacks both of you like too. She somehow never runs out of them… Could explain how your bill at the supermarket goes up to a hundred dollars at times. She has so many clothes that are fashionable yet comfortable for both of you to wear. Those clothes literally look so fashionable and they’re also looser, which means that you get maximum comfort and style at the same time. You never have to worry about bringing pads or sanitary pads out since she has an entire pouch dedicated to the things you both need when on your cycle. (She carries it around every day, just in case.)
eye of the storm Nobara is mentally, emotionally and physically ready to commit first degree murder at the sight of tears in your eyes. You assure her it's just stress piling up, and she assures you that the offer still stands. Similar to Yuuji, she won't let you be without her glued to your side. Practically brimming with the need to abolish any negativity from your system, she's all over you, drowning you in affectionate touches and sweet whispers. She'll keep at it for however long it takes to you smile at her again.
  • scared of a bug She says she’s not scared. She’ll do her duty to protect you, you’re too baby to take care of yourself but that’s okay because she’s there- you never said it could fly!!! She’s screeching and slamming the door shut behind her and announcing that you will never go into that room again. She has to pull her hair back, suit up, shoe in one hand, spray in the other, and then she’s bursting through the door, and you hear the thump of the shoe hitting everything and anything, the spray coating every possible surface, and Nobara’s battle cry. It’s dead! You need a new lamp! They’re scary, she isn’t so much scared of them as she is afraid of where they are when she can’t see them. It makes sense, totally. She doesn’t tease you so much as she likes holding it over your head as something she does for you. Not in a mean-spirited way, she just likes that you rely on her for this! She’ll help clean up the area and make sure nothing else is hiding around, but ultimately, she’s calling someone else over to do the job of exterminator (probably Yuuji and Megumi...)
  • killing itRefuses adamantly. she doesn’t NOT like bugs. there will be times where she’ll be coming to you asking you to kill bugs for her. most of the time it’s really a team effort because there’s no way in HELL that she’s going anywhere near a bug unless you’re backing each other up. there’s a lot of screaming andDon’t let it come near me!!” as you evade this bug.
moment of weakness ▸ She'll give you her shoulder so you can let yourself go. Will be one of those rare moments that she'll stay silent, letting you go through everything that you need. When she sees you're done, she'll hold your chin. "Who's the fucker that made you sad? I'm gonna kill them."
  • dying in her dreams ▸ She, too, will wake you up and hold you in a tight hug. She won't even give you time to process that something went wrong in her sleep. Still confused and sleepy, you'll hold her until she feels secure to loosen her hold and then she'll punch your arm. "What was there for?" "Stop dying on me." "It's not my fault that you dream things like this." "It was you dying, it was your fault, idiot."
  • stressful day ▸ She gives you a hot kiss on your lips and then starts asking about your day. She lets you vent about anything that you want to, and she joins you cursing whoever made your day that bad. She gets as angry as you.
  • sighing in front of her prank ▸ She jumps out of her seat, already in her attack position. "Who made you sad? TELL ME THE NAMES."
protective ▸ ...
  • kidnapped by a curse ▸ Now she's not just a hurricane, she's a volcano that ends up causing a tsunami. You can even see smoke coming out of her ears. She'll nail the curse with so much hate that it'll infiltrate the curse deeply not needing to many of them to complete the job. "DON'T MESS WITH MY Y/N, YOU MF SHIT FUCK..." "Nobara?! Can we go now."
  • shielding her ▸ The moment you fly in front of her, she's already cursing you. Prepare yourself because she'll use all her vocabulary and yell at you for a whole hour. After she finishes getting it out of her system, she hugs you so tightly that you can feel your bones smashing inside your body. "Don't complain! You deserve this pain, idiot."
  • badly injured while protecting her ▸ Goes ballistic. Anyone that gets in her way is not gonna have a good time. She’s already pretty ruthless already, but this just gets to another level. Once she’s done wrecking whoever hurt you, she’ll run to your side and try to comfort you until help arrives.
  • sacrifices themselves but comes back unharmed ▸ Oh, expect some drama. She's going to run into you, embrace you, cry, shout at you and smack you. She doesn't care if it hurts. Since she's going to shout everything that she needs at the first opportunity she gets, she's not going to be angry for a long time. Won't help with your wounds because she doesn't really know what to do. But will accompany you to Shouko. She'll want to hear what happened and what were you thinking but will still give you some reprimand here and there.
  • kisses after thinking they died on a mission ▸ She’ll kiss your lips and then your eyes after giving you a small punch for scaring her like that.
  • her post-mission Since she was at the hospital to treat her wounds, you basically dropped whatever you were doing and just ran straight towards the hospital with Shouko by your side. At first, you let Shouko heal her up before you walk to her bedside, grabbing her hand in his before you press a soft kiss against her knuckles while you waited for her to wake up. When she finally did, and was caught up with everything, she fell into shock. she hadn’t expected to wake up after a mission only to find out that your classmate had basically been murdered by the cursed spirit that was leeching off of him. She'd go silent, which was concerning to you since she enjoys blabbing her little heart out - so this definitely concerned you. When she's allowed to go home for the evening, you make sure to stay by her side, talking to her in a soft and reassuring tone whilst she just nodded mutely. After a while, she’d try to put up this indifferent and strong front, forcing herself to try and act like nothing happened - trying to be her loud and cheerful self. But once the doors of her room were closed, her eyes watered once more as she slapped a hand over her mouth; her entire body shaking with the sobs she was trying to hold back. You’d just wrap her up your arms, letting her cry into your shoulder and cling onto you tightly, running your fingers through her hair as you whisper words of reassurance that you're right by her side. Eventually, you’d sit her down on the toilet seat, helping her wipe up since she can’t take normal baths until her wounds have healed up - making sure to keep your touch light and careful as you run the soapy sponge against her body and putting her in your clothes (she'd always said that being in your clothes was like wrapping her up in a blanket) before sitting her in your lap, running your hands along her arm soothingly. You’d probably end up cooking some ramen and dumplings, comfort food at its finest - and once the food was done, you’d serve both of you on the small dining table in the room. Once the food was done and the dishes were washed, you’d put on some quiet music to play in the background. Your lap definitely occupied by her once more. staying up until late of the night just talking about the most random of things; a new manga that appeared on Shonen jump, some scandals that your favorite social media personalities get into, a new episode of an anime that you’ve recently watch. Even though she tries to put up a strong front with everyone, she's definitely hurting a lot more than she’s letting on. She just needs someone to be by her side, reassuring her that she did all she could and that she wasn’t weak. It may be small, but your words and reassurance definitely make her feel more relaxed and help her slowly close the wounds once more.
gravely sick ▸ She brings fire and power to your fight. There's never a sad day beside this girl. She also takes you to a beauty day where you buy clothes and go to the salon. "We'll fight this together, Y/N. I'll kick this sickness' ass."
  • fully recovers ▸ She buys you balloons of your favorite color giving them to you at the hospital already. She's so happy seeing you walking out holding the balloons. She can't stop smiling. "I'm gonna need a relaxing face mask after smiling so much. Your fault, Y/N."
after your death Out of everyone here, I think she’d have the worst reaction, Nobara became upset and sad that she wouldn’t know what to do. She handles grief by pretending nothing happened - like Megumi. she’d pretends you’re just on a mission. If someone brought up your name in a conversation, she’d go crazy - even if it wasn’t anything bad, she just doesn’t want to be reminded that you’re dead.jealousy ▸ Oh, boy, this girl is a hurricane whenever jealous knocks her door. She won't even wait to scan the situation. The moment jealous found it's place she already came running between you and her enemy threatening to kill them. She also looks for their social media to make fun of them.
  • hitting on them ▸ The hurricane Nobara mode is on. She doesn't wait even a moment to get between you two and point her finger to the face of her enemy. "HOW DARE YOU FLIRT WITH MY Y/N? GET LOST!" No need to say that; the person almost peed themselves at those horrifically-said words.
  • valentine's dayShe wants to be spoiled and to spoil you. So, she finds this place that everybody goes with their s/o and drags you along. When you two get there is so crowded that you can't even move. You two end up eating at your favorite place and laughing about the "failure" date.
  • new year's eve ▸ Well, this girl takes you to the top V.I.P. party of the town. So, she's ready in the middle of the afternoon with a long pretty dress waiting for you in front of your door. At the party, expects lots of videos, drinks, food and dance. She's so beautiful that you two can't get your hands off each other. 00:00 and she gives you a cinematographic kiss.
pretending to be asleep prank ▸ She wakes you up so you can find a better place or position to sleep. Probably she just wants to have a conversation.ignoring herShops, posts, shops again, posts pictures of herself without you. She'll post things on her Instagram like "who needs a s/o, I've got chocolate," Of course, this got your attention; she has a s/o, why'd she be posting that? "Just me, shopping like the independent woman I am and who absolutely doesn't miss her s/o. So, because of that I'm not going to buy us matching bracelets."long time no see ▸ Just by standing in front of the door, you can hear her loud out-of-tune voice singing whatever song she decided to listen. When you enter, the whole show is a set. Her with a hairbrush as a microphone and dancing all the way to the living room. "Y/NNNNN, YOU ARE BACK!!" She throws the hairbrush and runs into you. "You better hold me!" She embraces you while her legs grip tight around your waist.dates She always has a million ideas but ends up at a mall. She just wants to get clothes with you, do a little fashion show for each other, and take a bunch of pictures. She also won’t shy away from “touristy” places, she wants to see everything that’s worth seeing! A lot of the places you go to end up being crowded or have a line because she didn’t plan to go on a less busy day. She also might end up heartbroken because they ran out of the specialty pastry that they’re known for, so now you have to go grab ingredients and try to make it at home with her! Whether you know how to bake or not, and whether it turns out well or as a terrifying half-cooked monstrosity, it’s fun because she turns on music for it and dances around and is so earnest about the whole thing. And, of course, canonically a Smash player. She’ll beat your ass at video games if given the opportunity. In general, expect that a date with Nobara is a whole day affair. It’s not a quick run to a cafe and then you go home. She plans for at least 8 hours.
  • carnival Pls, she's so excited, too, she’d go on every ride there and would probably deny that she screamed at all. She’d also be so competitive, trying to win you something from those stalls, like, she’s not leaving until you guys have a stuffed animal in your arms.
  • karaoke ▸ Prepare yourself because with this girl you're going to have a karaoke battle. She'll prepare the songs by style and choose one for you and one for her so you can start counting your points. Eventually, you'll forget about the battle and start singing together. There's one thing, though, she's always out-of-tune and singing super loud ahahhahaaha.
  • beach ▸ The toasted shrimp! She'll want to have the perfect tan but won't know how to respect her skin and its own peculiarities. So, she'll always end up red of sun burn LMAO.
hanging out...
  • horror movie ▸ She passes the entire time saying how she'd defeat the monster or spirit with her hammer. But when the monster / spirit jumps from the screen, she's screaming her lungs out.
  • video games ▸ Not her thing but if you challenge her, she's already there full of fire. She loves to play FPSs since she either kills other people or you. "YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE, LOSERS."
  • first snow The first thing that will come to her mind is to go to the store for new clothes as soon as possible. Images of what you will wear together in this weather have long been invented in her head. If you put aside thoughts about clothes, then she is glad that snow has fallen. You'll sculpt snowmen together, or she will get into some pose, and you will sculpt her snow version. If she wants to take a picture of the masterpiece that you have made, then expect that it will be destroyed by a Panda that suddenly flew at you. Now this poor guy was buried under the snow.
  • winter atmosphereAs soon as the first one fell out, the thought appeared in her head that it was time to buy new fashionable winter clothes. She has long made a stunning image for the two of you. Every day she showed you photos of one or another outfit that would suit you. You couldn't resist her shining pleading eyes, so you went to the mall. Despite her short stature, she walked quickly and confidently feeling where the clothes you need are. She quickly chose an outfit for you and while you were trying it on yourself, you heard Nobara's voice, who was arguing with some girl. You jumped out of the fitting room with lightning speed and saw how she was pulling and arguing with a girl over a dress. Nobara was ready to hit her, but you didn't let her do it because you could just be kicked out of there. Reassuring her, she turned around and said one phrase to that girl: "This dress won't suit you!" After a while, you were standing in the fitting room, and she was praising herself for being able to create a beautiful image for you. You were about to leave when you heard that the same girl was calling you. She gave that dress away with a sad face and said, "You were right, it doesn't fit me." And Nobara replied, "I told you so!!!" You walked home laughing with this situation.
birthday ▸ ...
  • yoursTakes you out to go shopping so you can choose your so-wanted new outfit. So now you two are using your new clothes and walking around the town, holding hands and talking about whatever you want. Buys your favorite food and eats at a park with you while watching the sunset.
serenading her ▸ She loves that you love her so much to the point to serenade her. But that's it. She starts yelling for you to stop and if you don't, you better protect your for her partner Something to remind you of her; She doesn't see you much with school and curses and all, so she'd give you something so you'd think of her.calling her bro ▸ "BRO??! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE CALLING BRO??? FIRST OF ALL, I'M KUGISAKI NOBARA. AND I'M YOUR BEAUTIFUL PERFECT GIRL, UNDERSTAND? I'M NOT YOUR BRO, Y/N." And she leaves. Talk to her latter when the anger of the moment settles down.holding her face and telling her that she's pretty ▸ Grins and laughs a little. Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes don't quite meet yours, but she cups your face with her hands in return and confidently says "I know. That's why, with you, we're the prettiest couple around!" Her genuine honesty ends up making you feel a little warm.hands ▸ You two were shopping and you got distracted by something, staying behind. When she noticed you were no longer with her, she started to look for you. She found you a couple of meters behind and grabbed you by the hand, not letting it go anymore. "Hey, Y/N, don't get lost. Hold my hand, will you?"
hugging ▸ This girl is full of energy. She loves to pass her arm around your shoulder while you’re walking. She likes to feel close to you while you’re all distracted with whatever is happening. She also likes to show that you’re hers and that you love each other. She loves even more when you rest your head on her shoulder and complete the hug by holding her waist.piggy-back ride ▸ Oooh, she'll complain about it, but she'll do it anyway. She'll only do it if it's really necessary, though. At the time you got where you need to be, she'll just drop you wherever. "Who do you think I am? Your slave?" "Look at this perfect girl here, Y/N! Make sure that next time you're the girlfriend carrying me around."***cuddling Honestly, bet you she claims that she is the bigger spoon when others ask; when in reality she is the little spoon - whining and pouting for your attention like a kitten. Whenever you have to sit down and do your work, she’d most likely curl up in your lap; her arms and legs wrapped around you like a baby koala. Loves it when you’d wrap your arms around her in return and shower her face in kisses. She’s just such a baby - I just need a moment cause I just love her so much ><  On days where you just need cuddles, she’d happily just wrap her arms around you and coax you to rest your head on her chest so you can hear her heartbeat to calm down. She loves playing with your hair too, and if it’s long enough she’ll even braid it. So don’t be surprise if you get up from your cuddle session with crazy hair. When she wants kisses, she will want you to give them to her - so she would sit there with her lips puckered until you give in. Sometimes she’d just lay in your arms and rant for hours on end about either Gojo, Yuji, or Megumi - or all three of them combined. Regardless of gender, she hands will somehow find their way onto your ass - she hates how it’s perkier then hers and would squeeze it whilst ranting to you about it.
  • She’s not as bad as Gojo is, but she does make a face at you when you pull your hand away from hers. She also will accept linking arms when walking somewhere together, mostly because it gives her more leverage to drag you to wherever she wants to go. Expect to have her head on your shoulder or resting against your arm when you’re just waiting around somewhere. You can pat her head as long as you don’t mess up her hair! There could be like barely any room to sit and she’s like okay?? scooch over so I can fit too?? and she’ll put a leg (or two) over yours to keep from falling off. If she start’s slipping she’s pulling you down with her so do your best to keep her balanced! If you absolutely have to sit in separate seats, she’ll just push hers (or pull yours) over so you’re still sitting close. She claims to like being the little spoon more, and she generally does, but she always ends up splayed out over the bed and over you, pinning you under her so you can’t get up. Even if you manage to escape, she’ll drag you back into bed and now you’re the little spoon and she’s mumbling out a threat about what will happen to you if you try to leave again. PDA doesn’t bother her, but what does bother her is if anyone makes any comments about either of you or has a staring problem. Then she’s either playing it up and grabbing your ass to make them uncomfortable, or you have to hold her back from giving them a piece of her mind (and a beat down.
falling asleep on her No, because the second she felt something on her shoulder, she’d be ready to throw hands. Until she realized it was your sleepy head. Coos at you IMMEDIATELY. 😭 “What a cutie!!” She whisper-shouts, fighting the urge to pinch your cheeks. She has a small smile while she plays with your hair, one hand messing with your strands, her other hand rubbing the back of your head.***kissing ▸ This girl is a hurricane. You can feel her heat in every single kiss. They're so hot that you always need a moment to catch yourself up. "Need a hand, Y/N?" I feel that she’d be very open with how much she appreciates you, through kisses, of course. Nobara would peck your lips before school (whether you attend hers or not, she’ll find a way) but pecks would soon turn longer into a sweet kiss. She doesn’t make out, it’s just.. calm. Nothing very over the top, but she finds solace in it. ♡
  • her kisses are honestly really cute and heart-warming too. like she’d beating yuji and megumi’s asses in one second and turn to you with a pout and whine whilst she wraps her arms around you, demanding for kisses in another. but she doesn’t want to be the one who asks for them, she wants you to understand her and give her the kisses. but when she does get to kiss you, she’d be smiling against your lips whilst her hands find their way to your hair, refusing to let you go until she gets her fill. soft above your eyebrows are her special way of showing you love and affection; sometimes she’d press soft kisses on your eyelids as well because she is just that cute. like sukuna, she is definitely into the booty - so she’d grab your ass whenever you two are kissing from time to time to get the upper hand on the kiss. would be laughing against your lips whenever you complain at her hands, neither of you really making an effort to pull away from each other. she’d peck your lips over and over again until both of you are breathless, but even then she’d demand you press kisses all over her face. she’s just a giant baby for you and refuses to leave until she gets her fill. if yuji tries to make fun of her, she’d pull away and chase the poor boy around with her hammer in hand. loves it when you press a kiss on her forehead, she’d immediately lean into you with her hands holding onto the front of your uniform.
sitting on her lap ▸ She gave you a mischievous laugh while she wrapped her hands around you, pulling you even closer. She had a smug smile plastered all over her face. She kissed your neck and whispered in your ear, "Now, now, what do we have here."
  • falling asleep ▸ Just like Yūji, she won't see it first-hand, continuing her conversation with you. When she finally notices, she'll laugh silently and, just like Satoru, take thousands of pictures. She'll only post it on her Instagram but considering the number of followers it isn't that different. "Sleepy baby here! I know that I'm comfortable and warm."
sitting on their lap ▸ She sits there as a queen on her throne. Her arms are around your neck, and she just has the posture of someone who's ruling the world. And that turns her on. She loves to take the action and become the dominant on this situation.
  • flower on her ear ▸ She prefers when you rest your head on her lap, but she does the opposite from time to time. She just loves the flower and takes lot of selfies so she can post saying how fashionable her s/o is. "With just this beautiful flower, Y/N made an entire new look."
commando ▸ She thought you weren't wearing your underwear because you didn't do your laundry. LMAO. Later, she managed to understand how stupid she was. She immediately looked for you and locked you with her at her dorm. "Now let's make something about your laundry, Y/N."asking what underwear to wear ▸ You never had to ask. She's helping with your underwear combination since the first time she got her hands on your wardrobe. She even buys them for you because she always knows where to go, the last trend and what will look good on you... and her.flower ring proposal ▸ "Of course you would want to marry this amazing girl here, Y/N!" You roll your eyes; regretting having boosted her ego. "But note this, next time you better give me a real ring." Now she's always asking when you'll give her the ring.i do Nobara was satisfied. You knew many things about your girlfriend, simple isn’t one of them. She’d probably kick you in the shin for proposing in a random spot such as a park or the back of a parking lot. So, with your Jujutsu sorcerer salary, you booked two seats for a world-renowned fashion show premier that happened to be in town. Nobara was ecstatic about the news and ran up and down the entire house that day. Front row seats in the most glamorous outfit you could afford, the two of you caught much attention, but your focus was solely on the beautiful woman that sat beside you. Nobara was gorgeous in everything she wore. And tonight, you swore you fell in love with her all over again. Whilst you were caught up in your thoughts, the runway ended, and a group of models made a round around the runway holding large white boards that had a word on each. “Kugisaki Nobara, will you marry me?” Nobara’s head snapped to you at the speed of light and you were prepared, holding her trembling hands as you slipped the ring onto her finger. “Do you like it, love?” you whispered. Nobara, who barely showed any emotional emotions in public, sobbed. “You are incredibly stupid.. making me cry in public like this.” She sniffled whilst you laughed. “I promised to be with you forever, so you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not.”marriage ▸ She helps with the house chores, but she complains about it. A LOT. She loves going to the supermarket and always spends too much with useless things. "Y/N, look at this exotic fruit I found." "How do you eat it, Nobara?" "I don't know, eating." She isn't clingy but really enjoys your moments together. She loves to yell your name around the house. Nobara likes to make you think that she's mad at you.
HOT THINGS SHE DOESthe way she steps on the patriarchy. her mind is strong, not much can break her. she believes in herself and knows what she wants, she's always honest with herself and can you tell I'm in love with her? the fact that she wants what is the best for you, always paying attention to your needs, she really knows how to listen and even if sometimes she hides it, she truly cares. she blushes every time you flirt back to her, she really likes to tease you but she becomes red like a tomato when you tease her back, it's truly adorable.ATTRACTIVE, SUBCONSCIOUS DRIVING HABITS SHE HAS THAT MAKE YOU WEAK IN THE KNEESWears makeup while driving. Nobara usually has someone driving her because she claims to be too busy to drive. During a car ride she’d most likely be occupied with her phone or wearing makeup. I know what you’re thinking. Makeup in a car?? That’s begging for an incident to happen. Do not underestimate Nobara and her incredibly steady hand. She could perfect a winged eyeliner during an earthquake and that wasn’t a joke. On rare days you’d join her in the car, she’d have one hand on the steering wheel and another dusting blush on her cheeks. The first time she did this, you swore that you planned your entire will inside your mind as she sped past the road. Nobara wasn’t an amazing driver, she barely knew what most road signs meant, but her hand eye coordination was top notch. Seeing her effortlessly drive while checking her ruby red lipstick in the rearview mirror made your heart perform gymnastics inside your body. She caught you looking at her as she checked her lips and asked if something was wrong. “Ah- nothing” You smiled but Nobara knew better. Without a second word, she pressed a kiss onto your cheek with her fresh layer of lipstick, now a kiss mark on your cheek. You gasped and stared at her in shock, to which Nobara’s focus was back onto her reflection. “I can’t have anyone else giving you that kiss mark, now can’t I?”
i saw that smile disappear completely: Kugisaki tended to reflect the energy of the person she was around. She was calm when with Megumi, hyper with Yuuji, and vibrant with you. Much like with Yuuji, when she was with you she found herself smiling and laughing and having fun, not ignorant to the fear and destruction but setting it aside for a few moments of selfish bliss. Being with you meant an escape, from Yuuji’s execution, the anti-non-shaman group a dead man started, and the sadness from not having a s/o. With you none of that mattered as you chased the smiles of others, willing them to stretch wider and shine brighter. When away from the school grounds, you found little ways to cheer up the people around you, buying Kugisaki a pair of earrings she liked, clementine mochi for Yuuji, and dog toys for Megumi’s shikigami dogs. These little acts of love helping to remedy the brokenness of the heart from the horrors that they had seen. But as the months went by, the more you learned of the jujutsu world, the more suffering you encountered, the more Kugisaki’s reflection of your energy dulled. Your eyes lost that comical shine, a frown plastered over the lips that used to hold such a joyous expression. As a piece of you was missing from your soul, a piece of Kugisaki was missing from her’s. For what is a mirror without something to reflect.