"honesty" (直 nao) + "alas" (哉 ya) | JAPANESE






x'x" (xxx cm)


"meditation" (禪 zen) + "institution" (院 in) | JAPANESE






previously a human sorcerer


From a young age, Naoya was always praised told by others that he was a genius. He was severely spoiled as the youngest and most promising of the Naobito's children, conditioned to view himself as his father's successor. As a result, Naoya's arrogance grew to unbridled levels even as a small child. He looked down on all those he views as weaker than him, which is the vast majority of the people Naoya came across. The only person Naoya ever appeared to have any respect for was Fushiguro Tōji. He went to visit him as a child to mock the pitiful man without cursed energy but was instantly able to recognize Tōji was extremely strong in spite of that. This led Naoya to embrace the ideology that the sin of the insignificant is the ignorance of true strength. Naoya felt he was one of the only ones who understood Tōji and strived to be as exceptional as he was. Naoya confidently pursued strength to the point where he viewed everyone else as inferior to himself. He refused to acknowledge anyone's talent, referring to his elders, Jin'ichi and Ōgi, as weaklings despite their experience as senior members of the clan. Naoya's reckless and conceited attitude irritates even his fellow clansmen, to the point where Ōgi and Jin'ichi attacked him for being excessively pompous. Raised in an environment that breeds superiority, Naoya developed several sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies and strongly embodied all the stigma about the Zen'in clan. He has no family values whatsoever other than trying to outdo everyone to become head of the clan. He didn't express any amount of concern for Naobito, his father, on his death bed and has said more than once that he hates all his older brothers, as well. Naoya views women only as wives and casually told Maki and Mai's mother that a woman who can't walk three paces behind a man should be stabbed in the back. Upon learning that Fushiguro Megumi usurped him for the head of the clan, Naoya didn't hesitate to plot a way to kill him. Naoya was well aware that his clansmen might prefer Megumi to himself but didn't care at all for their approval. He had no issues attacking Megumi's allies in an attempt to draw him out and was willing to kill them in order to do so. Naoya set his pride aside momentarily to work alongside Okkotsu Yūta, but only did so to achieve his own self-serving goals. Even after Yūta checked on him after his loss to Chōsō, Naoya was irritated with the young man for looking down on him. Dissatisfied with his plans going awry, Naoya took out his irritation with Maki and mocked her repeatedly upon her return to the Zen'in clan's property. He called her scum, taunted her for her scars, and devalued her as a person not only for her appearance but her inability to use jujutsu, as well. He called her a lapdog for following Yūta and Megumi and threatened to abuse his own cousin in the same manner that he used to bully her in the past. Upon learning of the Jin'ichi and Ōgi's refusal to leave Megumi the family fortune, it was confirmed that Naoya wasn't the clan's first choice. This irritated Naoya, but he was fine with the conspiracy to get rid of Megumi, Maki, and Mai so long as it served him in the end. Mai sacrificed herself in exchange for granting Maki a body with power comparable to Tōji's. As Maki massacred her way through the Zen'in clan, Naoya didn't show the slightest hint of distress for his family members. In fact, he was amused by Maki's power and simply teased her for being so ruthless. Naoya refused to acknowledge Maki as being in the same realm of strength as Tōji. That's a title that Naoya desired and he fought Maki to deny her that more than he did to avenge his own clan. Up until the moment he was defeated, Naoya remained in denial and referred to Maki as nothing more than an imposter. Even after being brutally bested by Maki, Naoya mocked her for not finishing him off. However, fate's sense of irony came for Naoya in the form of Maki's mother stabbing him in the back, just as he said women deserved. As Naoya was losing his life in such a pitiful manner, all he could do was use his last words to insult his assailant.






***likes to sleep for a long time ▸ He'll try to wake you up a million times. For example: to push you, shake you, carry all sorts of nonsense that you have to listen to him and do what he asks. Lol. You just kick him with your foot so that he falls off the bed and is silent at least for a while. Congratulations, you have saved a happy 40 seconds of sleep!crush He may develop crushes here and there, but it’s almost always fleeting, and the infatuation goes as quickly as it comes. It takes a special someone to hold his attention. But in the event that he has his eyes on someone, he’s plagued with curiosity. He makes notes of how they dress, their mannerism, their interests, their choice of words, and any little quirk and habit about them. In the end, he doesn’t always act upon a crush unless it’s worth his while.confession He has a nasty mouth along with his bitter personality. So, a lot of self-loathing is gonna overflow with his tone of talking. He's selfish but maybe for once he could tone it down, if that makes him a bit more acknowledgeable to you. His confessions, emotions are always persuaded by conditions.tenderness ▸ ...
  • ***period: Ok let’s be honest. Even if he learnt from his misogynistic ways, I don’t think anyone would straight up talk to him about being on their period- So when he finds out about it, he gets really sad that you felt that you couldn’t confide in him. He felt that you didn’t forgive him for being misogynistic in the past and that you didn’t care that he was trying to improve =(. When he found out, he hugged you immediately and started rubbing his hand in circles on your tummy, trying to make you feel better. Tries to get you to open up about it more (like the type of pads you use, the food you like to eat on your period etc) so that he can make you feel better during your period. Genuinely tries to make food you like so that you can feel better. He wants to make sure your cravings are satisfied. Lots of cuddles!!! He wants to make you feel protected and comforted, especially during all your mood swings <3
  • ***he's sick ▸ why are you helping this guy again? theres plenty of other people that are getting paid to do this, you know that right? when he has a fever he's absolutely delirious. will ramble on and on about toji during this. just nod and pretend you understand. he does not care if he gets others sick. will not cover his coughs/sneezes at all. overall you've kinda just got to let him do his own thing, and whatever he's got will eventually work its way out of his system.
  • ***you have a cold ▸ Well, maybe a piece of mercy will wake up in him and he will make you tea, but at the same time he will justify that it is not because of pity, etc. At night, he will cover you with a blanket if he sees you shaking because of chills (he will do it unnoticed). If he doesn't want to help you somehow, then just sneeze at him so that he begins to suffer and realizes his mistake.
moment of weakness ▸ ...
  • ***after a quarrel ▸ He'll just wave his hand and say that you are a child. He can't to do simple everyday things, but he will not recognize the fact that it is difficult for him without you. He couldn't stand it and caught you when you were leaving your room. “Have you forgotten who's the boss in this house?” After his words, you put him out the door where he sat in the yard all night.
hands Will tug you around by the wrist (and pin you down by them, too) in favor of ever holding your hand. But maybe sometimes, occasionally, when you're asleep, he might trace the lines of your palm and hold onto just your fingers up to the second knuckle letting them rest over his pointer finger, stroking them gently with this thumb.showering Naoya always bathed alone, well, alone in the tub, while you can do anything he wants from the outside. He likes to lie in the bathtub cursing about anything that annoys him while you rub his shoulders and clean him. Never did he really think about taking a bath with you. Why should he? But once he wanted to go for a bath where you were in the bathtub. He was annoyed at first, but then he just laid down with you. At first, he'd looked at you from the corner of his eye, watched you, but said nothing or did nothing. Since he was too stubborn to talk to you, you came up to him and sat down next to him. First arm to arm until he put his arm around your shoulders and started talking about everything that annoys him. Automatically, you started cleaning him up and kneeling over his lap. That was the moment he realized how much your wet skin turned him on. He held your hip tighter to push you down on him and watch your expressions. From that day on, he almost always tells you to bathe with him. Naoya just loves to sit back and watch you jerk him off. But one thing is better. He loves to grab your already-wet hair to push you down so you can suck his dick. Like the good little maid you are for him. It turns him on how you dig your claws into his thighs and how you try to hurry so you can breathe again. How the water is like diamonds on your long eyelashes, and you gasp for air, completely out of breath. So sexy… This feeling of power turns him so on that you usually stay longer in the bathroom to… do other things. “Mmh, master's little pet” is the first thing he whispers teasingly in your ear, just to fill you with his seeds. Lovingly cuddling with candlelight in the tub? Oh, hell no, not with Naoya. Expect the candles are for something else, some kind of punishment.***pulling him closer by the belt ▸ NAOYA knows you wouldn’t dare do anything like that to him. He’s a potential clan leader, a special grade one sorcerer, the Chief of Hei and overall a feared member from the Zen’in Clan, while you were... you. Sure, he fancies you, believes you’re easy on the eyes, even, but you should know your place. You are not allowed to touch him unless he wants you to. Eyes on the ground, voice kept to a soft, melodious pitch as you were to be seen and not heard, always three steps behind him – that’s how you should be. It doesn’t matter that he has had you in his chambers longer than he can count. It doesn’t matter that you both know he’s greedy and likes it when your hands roam on his skin, when your lips dance with his while your legs are tangled under the sheets, and neither does it matter that he’s said it before he’d like to see you try defy him for once. Not even his speed could escape your needy touch, hands tugging at the soft material of his clothes until Naoya is forced to twist to face you, handsome face contorted into one of fury. “How dare you,” he seethed, “do anything as disrespectful as this.” You looked back up at him with a hint of challenge. “Was it not your order to me, Naoya-sama? You told me before you’d like to see me defy you for once. I’m simply being obedient like how you want me to be.” “Is that so?” “That is so, Naoya-sama.” “Very well then,” he puffs his chest out, smoothening the fronts of his robes with a handsome, perfectly moisturized hand. Not a single scratch or flaw in sight. Naoya leans close to you then, eyes narrowed into slits as he does the same – pulling you by the wrist until your chest bumps into his. “You want to kiss me, don’t you? What’s holding you back? Afraid that I’ll punish you if somebody sees us in this compromising position? Tell me. What do you want?” “You, Naoya-sama. Your lips... I want to taste you.” His breath lingering at the shell of your ear sends shivers down your spine. “You have my permission. A minute is all I’m giving you to do so. Better make it worth my time.”D = dirty secret | ...
  • ***period sex Oh, Naoya. I wasn't going to put him on this list. He hates when you get your period. He can barely even stand to be in the same room as you, let alone think about fucking you. And he does keep a careful mental note of your cycle with how desperate he is for an heir but sometimes… Nature's unpredictable. He's being mean about how wet you sound for him— taking his cock like you were made to. He reaches down, just to feel, and is horrified for a moment when his hand comes back smeared with a mixture of your blood and slick. But unfortunately, it really flips a switch in that horrible little brain of his. You'll be whining in protest as Naoya wipes it all over you and winds up jacking off over your cunt and thighs to see how you look covered in blood and cum (since he's under the false impression that there’s no point in putting it inside you).
K = kinks | ...
  • Breeding and pregnancy. Believes its your job as a women to carry his baby, to create an heir. (눈_눈) But for Noaya it goes beyond duty, to him the thought of you stuffed with his cum gets him off more then anything. When you fuck he’s always aiming to get you pregnant; almost finishing early at the delicious thought of you round with his kid. “N-noaya your g-going to fast please slow down Ah!” Every cry went in and out of his ear, Noaya watches the way your pussy practically absorb his cock with every thrust, relishing in the way your gummy walls drag along his length when he pulls back only to push back into you. Noaya snapped his hips so fast that everything seemed like a blur, the bed was shaking immensely with the head board banging on the wall and so were you from getting your cervix abused by his leaking tip. One hand is pinning your wrists together while he pistons into your gummy walls with brute force, too dumb to resist him that you spurted words praising on how good he was fucking you. “Gonna pump you full of cum-fuck-give you a baby like what you were made for-” Noaya cuts him self off with a groan before he buries himself deep into your creamy pussy, relishing in the warm feeling, before pumping a heavy load of warm cum into your womb. “Just a few more times angel.”
cockwarming: He will not spare your delicate skin, so he will leave purple marks on it. If he needs your attention, he will squeeze your thigh tightly, or if you are alone in the room, he will sit you on his lap so that you can feel his arousal. Your resistance always turns him on. He will always control the moment when you can cum. if you make him angry, he will suddenly drag you into his room or office where he will tie your hands with a belt and fuck you roughly. Your ass will be bruised because he likes to spank you in this place. He likes to deepen the kisses without letting you breathe normally. He won't want to admit it, but when you dominate, he likes it when you hold his neck and strangle him a little.I = intimacy | Has a thing for forehead kisses. He never gives any, nor he likes receiving them (or so he says), but you always notice the little smile he hides after folding your lips on his forehead, usually leaving a little wet spot behind, out of spite and because you know it drives him mad. When he's feeling generous, Naoya loves kissing the tip of your nose, but he leaves your forehead as last, holding out a little bit to make the intimate contact last more. It usually happens after sex, when he cuddles around you, naked and vulnerable.
for the sake of things we're gonna ignore the misogyny: he's sweet on you and you alone. pampers you SO much!! you need something? he's on it, he'll send someone to get it for you asap. he really actually likes cuddling, but he will never admit to it. if you ask him to cuddle tho then I hope you're comfy, cause you ain't getting up til he decides he's had his fill of affection. now... would y'all believe me if I say that he really actually likes to be the little spoon in bed? he's tired of having responsibilities, pls just hold him and play with his hair and tell him that you're proud of him :( he is WHIPPED and he HATES IT. you like a certain scent? surpriseeee, you now have an arsenal of candles/lotions/bath stuff in that scent. he's secretly a sleepyhead, wants to nap with you all the time. takes you on really fun dates actually!!!! I feel like video game dates, or arcade dates, would be a big thing with him <3 you bring out a kinda goofy side in him, letting him act like the kid he never let himself be <3 this man has NO IDEA how to even cook an egg, but if you ask him to help you in the kitchen, he will. (after asking you why you want to cook in the first place, you have people for this you know-) LOVES to kiss you!! anywhere, anytime, if he wants to smooch you then you shall be smooched!! ngl he is jealous cause try as he might, he is pretty insecure because his family is just SO struct, especially with him, so he just kinda never fully believes that he's good enough, like his confidence is majorly forced. so if someone's making him jealous, he has no shame about walking over and kissing you right then and there. not a lil peck either, he will kiss you with intent to send a message to this mf. he really does try to be good to you, he's trying very hard to unlearn his misogynistic ways for you <3