










calls you fatso

Yes BUT he would totally just grab your fat and squeeze bc he's always surrounded by skinny people so he's practically amazed on how soft it is in his hands and won't let go

#sukuna x chubby reader#x reader#short#fatso#soft#sukuna x y/n#fluff#jjk fluff#hes so amazed its cute

Sukuna hates it when you’re down on yourself. You’re his favoured little human pet, and that you’d dare to insinuate he doesn’t have exquisite taste? He’ll make you stand in front of a mirror and stare at yourself whilst all four of his hands and arms explore every inch of your body and he murmurs right into your ear all of the things he loves about you. The curve of your hips, the fullness of your thighs, your chest, your softness, your everything, one clawed hand holding your chin so you look yourself in the eye. 

Feeds you by hand only the sweetest and most tender morsels. Adores you sat in his lap, so everyone knows that you’re his. Adores mindlessly touching and groping you like you’re stress relief, and he has four hands to do exactly that with. 

He doesn’t have a favourite part of you because all of you is small compared to his massive bulk so he sees you as a whole rather than parts, but he loves watching you bounce on his two cocks; he loves the light jiggle of your stomach, the way your chest bounces, the way you look a little sweaty and breathless - and most of all, he loves knowing that he’s the cause of it.

short and chubby

Sukuna is a large man - if you can call him a man. He’s greatly amused by the size difference between the two of you - how small, and delicate, and breakable you look under his grip. He has a size kink down to the core - and a kink for dominating you that’s just made all the easier by the fact that his hand is almost big enough to wrap around your thigh and meet. If you’ve ever felt self-conscious about your body before, the way Sukuna looks at you like he wants to eat you alive will soon chase those fears away. 

He will just pick you up and carry you around on his cock, laughing if you ineffectually grab for his biceps because your cute little human hands are never going to manage to get a proper grip on him. If you’re short enough that when he fucks you he can barely get his cock - one of - in and your stomach bulges, the sight of that drives him absolutely wild. Expect to be tossed around and have his strength touted - he’d do that with any partner, but there’s something all the sweeter about how small you are and how easy it is. 

Sukuna likes rounder, softer partners because it means they can withstand. He’s less afraid of hurting you if he rams his hips into you - he wouldn’t know the term ‘more cushion for the pushin’’, but that won’t stop it being true. He loves pricking his claws into you, making your soft plump coverings all over bruises. And, honestly? We know that one of his pleasures in life is ‘eating’. If you’re Sukuna’s treasured little pet, perhaps he likes to hand-feed you little tidbits of delicious morsels - and it would be rude of you, if so, to not have a soft, plump covering that he can squeeze and bite and mark up.

*SMOL, SWEET, AND CARING ➤ The King of Curses would be so confused about how he had fallen for you and how you had fallen for him - you two were complete opposites of each other. You were basically the light of the world that everyone wanted, while he was the darkness that everyone ran away from. It just doesn’t make sense to him - oh but it does Sukuna, you just haven’t heard of the phrase ‘opposites attract’ maybe take some science lessons (I don’t take physics for A-levels just for clarification but I did okay in my GCSEs). However, there was something about you that made him so infatuated with you since the day you both met. Was it the way you were soft-spoken? Was it the way you treated everything with a gentle gesture? Or was it the way you were so kind to him when both of you first met? Sometimes he does slightly hint that he can harm you and possibly kill you - like “you know, I could break your neck within a second?” “But you’re too kind for that Sukuna because if you weren’t, you would have done so already.” He couldn’t lie, you were right - but not the kind part of the sentence more of the ‘he could have done so already’ part. You were so small to him, yet he wanted to protect you from everything that could harm you - he wanted you to be safe in his arms and his arms only. He wanted that sweet and kind personality of yours to be only reserved for him - it was like the only thing that kept him somewhat human, even though he doesn’t take to that feeling kindly, he would do anything for you. He loved how you would treat him like he was made of glass-like when you would trace his marks lightly and how you would offer him a sweet smile even though he would have just made fun of you a few seconds ago. “You are a fool of a woman to be with someone that would put you into a grave” “Then I’ll be your fool then” In conclusion, he wants to protect that sweet and caring aspect of you like it was his favourite jewel - he doesn’t want that to be corrupted like the many other things he had damaged in his life.SHYHe's pissed off at every human. She's the only person he tolerates in his life. Even though Chizuki can calm down when he's by her side and nothing will happen to her.LOVES ANIMALS ➤ But like what if Chizuki wanted to teach him because she really wanted a pet, but Sukuna admitted after so much pressuring that “Animals are scared of me” and her heart broke. So, at basically any opportunity, she like, took him to the pet shop or something, but he always backed out. Until she was in the woods with him or something and a bunny came hopping up to the both of them, and immediately she was, like, cooing at it and reaching out to stroke at it. And Sukuna was standing just frozen behind her. Kinda funny how the king of curses is a lil' scared of a bunny but it’s so cute PLS. 🥺 And she just held out one hand for him, encouraging him to come closer. After a few more seconds, he put his hand in hers, just kneeling by her, and tried to stroke at the bunny, but it attempted to bite him. She laughed for a few seconds and calmed the bunny down, starting to softly explain how to do it, letting the bunny trust and warm up to her first before touching it. Then he started to do it!!! He looked so hesitant but as he grew more comfortable with it, almost started to smile at the feeling of the soft fur and at the way Chizuki kept cooing and baby=talking it. He was like, okay, maybe we will get a pet. Please, the trope of the villain only being soft for their s/o is one of my favorites. <33333

Y/N : *gasps*

Sukuna : what cute animal did you see now?

Y/N : *shocked* how did you know I saw a cute animal?

Sukuna : well princess that's the sound you make when you any 'cute' animal?

Y/N : *frowning* that's not true.

Sukuna : *gasp* that cat over there.

Y/N : *gasps*

Sukuna :

Y/N : Damn it!

Uncomfortable - Wallows (?)Fight or Flight - Conan Gray (?)The Nameless - Slipknot (?)Vermilion - Slipknot (?)Woman - Harry Styles (?)Lover Is A Day - Cuco (?)Decode - Paramore (?)Devil Devil - Milk (?)"Sweater Weather" by The Neighborhood (?)
SUKUNA: Hey, I’m in love with you but like don’t ever fuckin' talk about it out loud, okay.CHIZUKI: WaitSUKUNA: Snitches get stitches, you feel me.CHIZUKI: YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH ME??SUKUNA: WHAT DID I JUST SAY.
SUKUNA,  under his breath: Please, fuck me.CHIZUKI: What.SUKUNA: I said you’re disgusting.



B = body part

Sukuna's, if not an all kinda guy, a thigh man. Wears them like earmuffs LMFAO. His infatuation was first purely NSFW, and he'd show it by constantly leaving bruises all over them, marking Chizuki, whether it was from his tight, vice-like grip, or from his mouth. But then, over time, it became just genuine love and fascination, especially after that one time she'd whined at him after sex to just massage her sore thighs for her. He'd begrudgingly agreed, but then he ended up loving the feel of kneading them in his strong hands. And after growing comfortable with cuddling, his favorite position is just where his head is in between her thighs and her ankles are crossed at his chest. He can stay like that for hours, honestly. Also, he likes to have his hands resting there, squeezing every once in a while. But, like I said, Sukuna just likes Chizuki's body in general.

F = favorite position

Loves Chizuki sitting in his lap. He likes to see her bounce on his knees, and her back touching his chest, as she put her head on his shoulder, and he can tease her with dirty talk right into her ear, and can put his hands on her waist, gluing himself to her, and occasionally letting her know the hard throne on which she's sitting is his and his lap only. Sukuna makes her feel like a little girl in his huge lap, and she can’t help but feel helpless when he touches her anywhere.

G = goofy

Sex with him is never, like, mind breaking. It's always fun and leaves her breathless but wanting more.

I = intimacy

EYE CONTACT. But seeing him so vulnerable, it definitely is special. The way he's stroking his cock for her, slow at first to give her a good look, the hunger in his eyes and the way his mouth slightly hangs open. His kisses are the best, they're fucking breathtaking and soft at the same time.

J = jerk off

Always makes sure to drag it out and cum together with Chizuki whenever they masturbate together, just loves it sooo much when her legs give out underneath herself and she looks at him with those dazed eyes.

K = kinks

Praise (giving, receiving)
  • FIC
  • Just Sukuna, praising the hell outta you, roaming all four of his hands up and down your body, praising you, your skin, your body, your face, how well you take him, how cute the sounds you make are, how your eyes are so innocent and honest and tell him exactly what you want from him, and he just can’t let you go out of his arms and looks at you being so vulnerable and frail in his embrace. Sukuna kissing your lips, your forehead, your neck, blowing that hot breath of his on your skin, making you shiver, and hearing his dark, teasing chuckle right in your ear, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up as you get wet with anticipation and hot all over.
Mirror sex is the best thing in the world to him, he has no shame, he likes Chizuki looking at herself and gets an even better view of her; that´s a massive win for himFingering (G). It wasn't enough; she needed more. More, more, more. The thought consumed Chizuki, her toes curling and uncurling over the sheets as she begged. “'Kuna, please!” She let out a pitiful whine when he jabbed another of his digits past her tight walls, but the momentarily satisfaction of the stretch didn't last due to his slow pace. “Faster! M’need faster,” she wailed. “Greedy little thing.” Sukuna chuckled. He started pumping his hand in earnest, covering her mouth with the other when she started crying out, jerking in his hold. It was too much, the feeling of his thick fingers pressing into her sensitive walls, the wet little pap pap pap of his palm hitting her clit, the blinding ecstasy that was coming closer and closer....Super into hair-pulling (R) and when she gets a bit feral with him, leaving scratch marks (R) on his body. Please, he loves it when she messes him upLikes biting (G), as hard as she wants. Always nibbling on Chizuki. Her ass and thighs are his favorite to leave marks on. Always tells her that he just can´t resist cause she's so damn tastyEdgingHe'll hella overstimulate (G) if that's cool with her.Sukuna's into pegging (R); he loves a power dynamic change—Breeding is one of the many kinks the curse has. Nothing, and he means nothing is more satisfying than pressing down on Chizuki's tummy and watching the load of cum spill out from her. (And what's the harm if she gets knocked-up while he’s at it? The king of all curses needs an heir anyways.)NursingMommy kinkKinda into master-servant play (G+R). Usually thinks roleplay is stupid, but certain tropes do spark his interest

L = location

Fucking in his domain is just... *chef´s kiss*. He's the most confident there and it SHOWS.

O = oral

Loves it when she sits on his face. And no not like hover, he means actually sit on his face, like suffocate him with her thighs and everything. It doesn’t matter how heavy she thinks she is; he's the king of curses, he’s a big boy. He can handle it. Sukuna's mouth on her pussy was greedy, tasting and cleaning up every inch with an eager tongue. It wasted no time in dipping past her folds, licking up through them and then back down, and Chizuki released a sweet groan at the warm knot forming in her stomach. Any worries if Sukuna could even breathe down there seemed to dissolve as her mind was overtaken with pleasure.

V = volume

Overall, he's a talker during sex; he can´t help it, he just has to express how he feels in the moment. Like how fucking gorgeous Chizuki looks riding him like that, making him feel so good, choking him just the right way. He’s definitely big on dirty talk, but whenever he calls Chizuki his queen, he's always makes sure to bring his lips close to her ears, as if he wants no one else to hear because he doesn’t. it’s a very private and intimate nickname, reserved only for her. This man sounds so sexy in bed it should be illegal. Grunts, growls, always so fucking close to her ear and always smirking. He's so LOUD when he climaxes and it's a whole experience.

X = x-ray

He's the type of man to instinctively bite his lip when he's teasing his tip.
SMALL BREASTS ➤ THE AUDACITY. First of all, when this badass hot man loves, he loves fully. That’s what I see. But not everyone’s type of love. So, when he accepts Chizuki as his lover, he of course goddamn sees her as a goddess who should have the world at her feet when she wants. And he basically would kill for her and do what she wants but, of course, has to be spiteful and act irritated because, hey baby, it’s Sukuna. *lip bite* So when he finds out that she's insecure about her boobs, he's like '???' She's literally a queen and perfect?? Why is she insecure about her boobs? Had he not shown just how whipped he is for her very cute and absolutely stunning hot self? He claims it’s false that he's a simp for Chizuki and that he didn’t just cut down a mountain because she said its tip looks very pretty with the tree on top of it. Anyways, I believe that he'll literally grab her boobs. Not even sexually, just grab them. “They fit in my hands just fine.” It’s his ‘way’ Sukuna’s way of things is concerning of showing that it doesn’t matter, and he loves her regardless. And now that he'd been exposed to the fact that she thinks it’s not good enough for him, you bet your sweet ass he'll pay more attention to them. Maybe sometimes just squeeze them like they're a stress toy. Fucking pervert. Okay, lemme just give you more details on what happened when he found out. So, like, he'd just aggressively compliment her during so.Chizuki, I must’ve fucked you so much that your brain is starting to think about things that are as false as that white-haired bastard’s charm, are you a fucking dumbass? You, idiot, are a damn queen, both literally and figuratively. I do not care about your appearance as much as how you are as a fucking person. Ugh, this is annoying, I don’t like talking all fuzzy and sentimental like this, but you get the point, right, idiot, or do I have to dig it through your thick and small skull?” So romantic. If he ever sees Chizuki staring at the mirror, judging her boobs, he'll break it, just literally break the damn mirror. The King of Curses does not care aboutOh, you'll get seven years of misfortune’ type of crap. If something stops her from judging herself, then he'll gladly do it. One day, he learned that aggressiveness isn’t the key to everything.  Fucking finally. So, he just revealed her breasts briefly and kissed the cleavage of hers and with a barely audible mumble;You are perfect the way you are, don’t you dare think otherwise.” Let’s now talk about other people. If, God forbid, someone even has the guts to talk her down about her bust size, they won't live. Like, Sukuna won’t even bother to hear justifications from them. Just sliced the fuck up. Faster than ji was slashed. He'll even step on the corpse and just go on his merry way. If you ask about the corpse, he'll be like,They are irrelevant and don’t deserve to be talked about, so come on, let’s go; and I am hungry, so I need you to cook for me, woman.” “I am not your servant, Suku.” “You are my wife, so deal with it.” And when they cuddle, he buries his face in her boobs as an indication ofLook, you damn idiot, I love them so much that I can bury my face in them even in public if you stop hitting me when I do so when you clearly know I can kill you.’ What can we say. With Sukuna, actions speak louder than words. MUCH, much louder than words.*SCARS: He doesn’t think much about scars at all, having earned his fair share of scars throughout his life span, many of them hideous and discolored. When any scar of his bothered him for any reason at all he’d simply rip out his limb and grew a new one. It doesn’t take him long to pick up on your insecurities initially, but it takes him some time to decide how he’ll go about it. Ever so slowly Sukuna starts to pay extra attention to your scars, gentle nibbles and brushes against them, he makes sure to caress and cherish them for what they are: part of your story (make sure he doesn’t bite your nose off!) The next time he suffers a scar from battle, he actually tells you about it excitedly as it happens to be close to where your deepest scar is placed on your own body. He also stops ripping out his limbs and simply carries his scars with pride, he wouldn’t want you to think him a hypocrite when he says he doesn’t mind your scars and even likes them simply because they’re a part of you.
{ TRUE FORM }Mans is a whore. He didn’t feel much anything for her at all in the beginning. Most likely only lust. He’s too horny for his own good. He’s the King of Curses, and curses don’t fall in love with sorcerers or humans. But fuck, did she make it hard. She was like an angel, and he was the devil. Too corrupted for someone so sweet. She cared for his well-being, even though he was the strongest curse out there. He’d be shocked if anything could actually hurt him. But the way she worried for him, the way she’d try to mend any of his wounds that he could heal instantly or ask if he’s okay. The way she didn’t fear that was a monster. His heart fluttered in a way he never thought could happen. Sukuna honestly thought he was dying, that his heart was malfunctioning. But no. It was those sweet, cute eyes of hers. The way they looked up at him. Her form being much smaller than his. It made him feral, made him want to protect her at any cost. The King of Curses had fallen for her, and it frustrated him. But it also made him feel so euphoric.*He groans when you giggle at him, using your small, dainty hands to brush it through his hair. Sukuna liked to sleep in and it was only seven in the morning, meaning he’s supposed to be still lost in dreamland with thoughts about you and your cute little face. But because you’re an annoying brat who’s an early bird and way too cheerful as a morning person, you’re wide awake when the sun shone through the windows, and you’re gently coaxing him awake by rotating your fingers through his hair. “Your hair is really soft.” “Stop that,” he complains, but doesn’t really do anything to push you away. “It’s too early. Go back to bed.” “But I’m already awake,” you tease, proving your point by taking off his covers and patting his chest. “Come on, let me make you breakfast. Maybe we can go out today and go see a movie, what do you think? It’s my day off so we better make use of it!” “Exactly, it’s a day off,” he growls the last part, surprising you when his strong hands grip your thigh and drag you beside him. Soon enough, Sukuna has you trapped in his muscular arms until you can’t move anymore. “Let’s just stay the whole day in bed. Plus, I’m the one making breakfast. There’s no way you’re still cooking for me on your day off.” “But I love cooking for you.” “I know, but it’s my turn now,” he huffs through your hair. Sukuna’s grip loosens around you a bit to give you room to breathe, but he’s taken aback when you only snuggle closer to him to the point your legs and tangled and your body is warm from his heat. You don’t have to say it out loud to tell him you’ve conceded to his wishes. As always, Sukuna is right. It feels much better to just let go of time and enjoy this moment. And he smells so good, feels so warm, that you’re unable to stop yourself from burrowing closer onto his body until you’re sure you’re about to start smelling like him later. Of course, Sukuna likes the thought of that, so he sweeps one arm behind to tug the covers back over your bodies. He kisses your temple, and with a low, husky voice, grumbles, “Let’s go back to sleep, then we’ll do everything you want later, okay? I just want to stay in bed with you a little longer.” For a guy who was considered heartless and barbaric, he sure turned into putty in your hands.Ok, but imagine: She's lying on Sukuna's bed about to rest, but when she's about to fall asleep, Sukuna comes to the room. And he doesn't say a word as he leans back in front of her so that his head ends on her chest, and he wraps her in his four arms. Chizuki, being used to it, just runs her hands through his hair while she goes back to trying to sleep. She realized that he'd do that after he was feeling particularly exhausted, and while he never said anything, his appreciation showed when she didn't push him about it. Those were the few times when Sukuna could sleep. :]Sukuna is overprotective of Chizuki to some extent, but he wouldn't necessarily hold her back from going on missions or expeditions. He knows her skill sets and capabilities (probably even helped her refine some techniques to get stronger because he wouldn't want her to go dying on him), so he just warns her to be careful and that's his way of showing that he cares. He's still rough around the edges but he's always worrying about her when she's not wrapped up tightly in his arms where he knows she's safe and secure. He feels like he's always holding his breath until she walks through the entrance, and he finally sees that she's okay, save for the few bruises and scratches on her limbs but Sukuna only ever asks for her to return to him in one piece. However, this one particular mission took a turn for the worse and there's this strange feeling inside his chest — like it's the beginning of the end and a terrible ache slowly tears him apart at the very root of his being from the inside outwards. He was right to listen to the unsettled feeling in his gut and follow traces of her cursed energy to her location. She's human and death is inevitable for someone like her, but he won't accept a fate too cruel when he's lived through more lifetimes than Chizuki and she's only just beginning to experience a life full of adventure. When he arrives at the scene, she's unconscious and looks like something from one of his nightmares. He doesn't even know if she's breathing; getting her to safety from the Special Grade curse is his utmost priority. Though, I can see Sukuna gently cradling her body into his arms and the approaching curse being wiped out with one motion of his arm unleashing a destructive flame and there's nothing left but ashes and debris in its general direction. He doesn't toy and taunt his prey like he normally would but ends the one-sided battle because he's too focused on keeping Chizuki alive and making sure she at least has a heartbeat. Thus, leading him to use a reversed cursed technique to heal her fatal injuries and carry her body back to their shared home. Recovery is the easy part now that she's no longer near-death, but Sukuna feels uneasy and almost anxious for her to wake up. He's always been sure of himself but he's second-guessing if his cursed energy wasn't enough or something along that line, and he's checking her pulse every half hour to calm himself. When Chizuki starts to grimace as her body ache catches up to her, he doesn't register the slight squeeze he gives her hand that's already in his. The way his eyes light up and soften when her gaze meets his, even if just for a moment. He's reprimanding her for being so careless, and she feels bad for the emotional distress he underwent because he doesn't usually lecture her about anything. Then there's the really quiet and hardly audible, "I really thought I lost you back there." I don't know what I'd do without you. All she can reassure him with is, "Sorry for making you worry. I'll be more careful next time, okay?" But he's still so caught-up with what happened that he doesn't like the idea of Chizuki being anywhere that's not beside him for at least a month. She notices that Sukuna doesn't leave her alone after that, and if he has some place to be, he'll substitute Uraume to watch over her. And he's more affectionate but not overly so when they're together, especially when she's still in the recovering stages. He tends to surprise her by doing small yet meaningful things, such as coming back with a batch of apricots because she can't harvest them herself. Maybe help Chizuki bathe and gently wash her hair because her body still aches all over. Just little things that she doesn't really think about but appreciates him for being so thoughtful and caring.Sukuna sat on his throne with his usual bored expression. He watched as Chizuki was playing with a golden retriever, a bright smile on her face. It was still a wonder to him how she was still so pure and lively while being by his side. Of course, the sight of her smiling made his heart warm and fuzzy, but right now, he was pissed. Since she'd found the dog all alone and weak, she'd poured all her love and attention to it. Now, as much as he prioritized her happiness above anything else, he still didn't like the fact that the attention he deserved is being given to a mere stray animal. "Oi!" he called out with annoyance but she was so immersed in playing that she'd tuned out the real world. He clicked his tongue in anger. You dare ignore the King of Curses? For an animal? This is outrageous! He got up and walked down to where Chizuki was. He picked her up gently and glared at the puppy before walking up and sitting on the throne. She watched it all happen with her mouth agape. The poor puppy pouted and sat where he was, as Sukuna's presence was much too intimidating. "Sukuna, what are you doing?" she asked him and he glared at you. "Give me attention," he commanded and she burst out laughing. His glare grew more intense but he resembled an angry cat right now and she couldn't help but not take him seriously. "I was just playing with him," Chizuki said as she brushed his hair and he scowled. "You've been playing with that weakling for about an hour," he complained and she pecked both his eyes, which made him blush a deep red. "Are you jealous of a puppy? A puppy?" she mocked him and he pinched her waist, causing her to yelp. "Don't try me, human, I won't hesitate to kill it." He warned and her smile fell. She knew he wouldn't do such a thing, and if he even tried, she was strong enough to stop him - but why test her luck when she can tame him by her charms? "You would actually do that?" Chizuki asked with a pout and he stared at her, still glaring. "Okay, then, I'll go drop him somewhere." she said, feigning dejection and Sukuna felt his eyes twitch. He didn't understand what she saw in that being that she became so attached to. Of course, this would be beneficial for him if the puppy isn't there, but the look of gloom on her face is the last things he wants. He pulls Chizuki back on his lap and hugs her while keeping a hand on the back of her head. "You can keep him, but I want a larger portion of your attention only for me. Got that?" "Whatever you say, my king," she whispered in his ear before placing a kiss on his earlobe. His pride and heart both swelled at the name and a smirk appeared on his lip. For a few days, he was still hostile to the puppy, but that changed quite quickly. Soon, she saw him feeding the puppy, often caressing its fur. Of course, all of it happened in secret; he couldn't bear the world knowing he's soft for an animal, too. Slowly, it was Chizuki who had to ask for his attention. "Oi, did you forget about me?" Chizuki asked with a pout and he glared at you.  "Do not interrupt my time with the creature, human." Who'd have known the King of Curses had a soft spot for adorable creatures?He´s the kind of guy who always gets what he wants. Sukuna gets really pouty when he doesn´t and growls when Chizuki tells him it´s cute. So, when he first saw her, he just walked up to her like 'You caught my interest, wanna fuck?' To be fair, he was never interested in something serious, not until he met her. And it's been a while since he could walk freely, so he´s a bit rusty. He's actually shocked when she says no to his ´irresistible offer.' He keeps it up, though. Giving up, especially an attractive person like her, isn´t his style. Once he nags her enough, she gives in and goes on a date with him, an actual one that she plans just to be safe. Sukuna feels really special somehow. Of course, he knows he ishe´s the strongest curse, after allbut... Chizuki actually taking her time to take him out and get to know him? Makes him feel some type of way. He doesn't know if he likes the feeling or not at first, but he definitely is interested in her, so he goes. He's on time even and dressed up nicely. Sukuna doesn't wanna admit it but he's nervous as hell to scare her off, so he stays quiet most of the time. Of course, she notices and talks about herself, but also asks about him. After all, she wants to get to know him. That really does hit a weak spot with him. That man is arrogant AF and loves talking about himself. Tells Chizuki everything about his past, etc. and why he's the strongest, boasts about his fights (she suppresses the comment that he still got sealed). He's on Cloud 9 whenever he sees her smile and when she laughs at something he said. Sukuna really likes her voice and could listen to her forever. Also, Sukuna hugged her tight and picked her up to spin her around when she agreed to be his significant other.A hum of satisfaction escaped as he watched her used, battered body twitch in the reflection of the mirror every time he teasingly rubbed her clit in half circles with his thumb. “Beautiful girl, such a natural submissive.” Two of the curse's other muscular hands played with her nipples, twisting and running over them with his index finger and thumb, flicking over them like one would turning on and off a light switch. How long had she been sitting in his lap, letting fingers work into her pussy to the very brink of a mind-splitting orgasm only for the high to be snatched away from her? “Look at you,” Sukuna hummed, his hips grinding further, harder into her ass, and she keened at the massive hard length that poked into her back. “So needy, so fucking greedy for everything that I’m giving you.” “I want m-more!” she sobbed, body hyper-aware of how fast his curled fingers were pounding into her. In an inhuman display of strength, Sukuna hoisted her up to face him and used his other two arms to position her onto his dick. “Don't worry, little thing, I’ll fill you up soon.”Chizuki has to first explain to Sukuna what a sex tape is and, at first, he won’t see the appeal. Gotta convince him to try it and then the king of curses will be nice enough to indulge in what she asked. He’s not gonna hold the phone, so she's better off having it propped against something. Sukuna knows that the camera is there, but he won’t acknowledge it yet. He'll use his massive arms to position her body the way he wants. One hand wrapped around her throat, two of his arms keeping her legs spread as he used his last hand to finger her open with the mouth on his belly lapping at her clit. It was already a sensory overload. He’s the type to make her keep cumming until she's delirious. Yeah, he made her cum three times already, but he’s not finished so you have to keep going, too. It’s when he sees her head thrown back in pleasure and catches it on the phone does he understand the appeal. Now he’s on a mission to have the camera see how cock drunk she gets as he presses the first cock inside, prepping her ass for him so she can fit him inside. He now wants the camera to see how she becomes such a babbling mess with two cocks inside. Once he finally has both inside, she’ll be seeing stars. Letting him move her the way he wants, and she'd moan and thank him all the while. Grips her face up in his hand, leaning over her body and faces her directly at the camera. He’ll make Chizuki say how much of a needy whore she is for him and proceeds to fuck her senseless. He'd be casually watching it over and over again, just to see how easily she crumbles under his ministrations over and over, and he’s gonna start a collection of videos of her like this now.
SUKUNA, while holding CHIZUKI in his four arms: I've only known this brat for a month and a half, but if anything were to happen to her, I'd kill everyone in this place, and then myself.
At first, Sukuna refused to admit that he’d settle for some human but here he was. At the beginning of the relationship, he’d usually look at you as if you were insane if you asked if the two of you were dating. After some time the lines seemed to become blurred and he had come to accept that he had fallen for a human in some sense. He hadn't gone soft, he was simply making sure that you didn't pull some stupid stunt and end up getting hurt. This man is the definition of overprotective. Whenever the two of you go out, he always has an arm around your waist or your hand interlocked with him and he isn't letting go. Sukuna would threaten to kill someone if they touched you with a straight face. At least you have scary dog privileges now. The first time that he kissed you was far into your relationship. He had come to accept his feelings in some sense. If you were to bring it up, he would shrug it off and ignore the accusation, switching the conversation to something that fit his fancy more. Whenever you tease him, he can't help but feel overcome with a warm feeling blossoming within him. The fact that someone would dare to look him in the eyes and taint his pride has somehow managed to make him feel such a way. Sukuna couldn't stand the feeling and would refuse that such a reaction was ever drawn from him. I suppose not getting your head torn off in these moments is a sign that he loves you. However, teasing you is always on the table for him. If you didn't expect to get teased by the Sukuna while being so close to him is your own funeral. My condolences if you fluster easily because he will use that against you in seconds. As much as he hates to admit it, he is quite a simp at times. Whenever you ask for something, he will always complain about something and walk off, only to return with what you asked for. Don't bring up this behavior lest you want it to cease. Before heading to bed, Sukuna loves talking to you. Mainly in the sense of simply having a casual conversation as the two of you drift off into sleep. We all know that Sukuna loves to talk shit about others and will actively look at you for gossip about others since you're the only other person he considers a trustworthy source. So, if you have any good gossip on anyone, he’s always willing to lend an ear.