Itadori Yūji: Childhood Best Friend | You’ve been buddies forever, pals for a long time, he’s always been by your side through the worst. He’s been the first person that you go to when you accomplish important things, vice-versa. So, it bothers you or at least the feeling of being in love with your best friend since ever. He’ll ask what's wrong. You’ll respond withNothing,” or “I’m just tired.” You’re just in denial that you’re jealous of the type he likes. As much as the pains of love ache and break your heart, you also may not want to ruin your friendship, that’s all that you have. And if he avoids you after your confession, well that’s that. But he’ll come back, he’ll always be by your side - boyfriend or not.Kugisaki Nobara: Leaves You Wanting More | She steals your heart effortlessly, acts oblivious to your feelings, teases you playfully a lot and plays hard to get, but once you give your attention to someone else, she gets competitive with that person subtly and flirts with you by dropping hints she’s available, until she switches up on you again. She'd flirt with a couple people in front of you if she wants to rile you up. She pulls you by the string. Why should it bother you? She’s not even yours. You’re gonna remain in this forever if you still want your emotions to be her punching bag. Leaving you hot and cold. One thing for sure, it’s one hell of a rollercoaster.Fushiguro Megumi: Just a Classmate | A sweetheart, always helped you with small things or anything for that matter especially when you started to get to know him. You probably thought that he was an aloof kind of guy, but that was until he started to talk to you little by little and now you can consider him… well… an “acquaintance” would be much too formal. You aren’t close as friends. Maybe that keeps things interesting, you don’t know everything about him but more and more you learn about each other every day, you wouldn’t realize if it’s merely infatuation or love. All you know right now is that he takes more interest in you than anyone else. Definitely a lot nicer to you too. All that matters is that he makes you feel like you’re the only two people in the world (in that classroom).Zen'in Maki: The One That Got Away | It’s all fun and games until the other player quits. She waited for you, she waited until the day you would finally profess your love to her. Why did you give her that kind of hope, when you hadn’t acted on your feelings quick enough? Would she have rejected you? Would she have reciprocated? Who knows. Because now, she’s in the arms of someone else, someone else who could never be better than you.Gojō Satoru: The Ghoster | He used to talk frequently, but now he just went up and disappeared. And it wasn’t because he found out you had a crush on him. No, that’s what kept him going. It’s that he caught feelings. So instead of rejecting or reciprocating your feelings, he chose to ghost you. Started replying slower, until he finally left you on read. Avoids seeing you every chance in person. He always had a fear of commitment. So why would he give in to the one person he fell in love with when he knows you’ll eventually leave?Nanami Kento: The Will-They Won't-They | He tries to get you two alone, but somehow always gets intervened by interruptions. Will eventually have time to spend with you. Maybe even asked you out for coffee - no matter what it is, it seems like he’s the right person who came in the wrong time. Maybe things will be in your favor someday. Is this the universal message that it won’t work out? You’ll never know unless you try again the next couple thousand times. Even Kento knows. He’s falling harder that he became stubborn enough. So, will he stop? Nope.


Itadori Yūji: Calling Him a Different Name | You saw this idea on TikTok and decided that you wanted to participate in it, as well. You and your boyfriend were always pulling pranks on each other, and you thought pulling this one would get a good reaction out of him. You waited in his room for him to come back from his training with Gojō and once he came in, he gave you a hug and laid himself in between your legs. “Hey, how was training?” you asked, playing with his hair. “Tiring, but thanks for waiting for me to get back.” You resisted the urge to laugh as these next words spilled out of your mouth; “Chris please go take a shower your sweat and grease just got all over my hands.” “Okay, fine, I’ll go take a sh- Did you just call me Chris?” He got up from your lap and turned to you, making sure he heard you right. “No, I didn’t, now hurry up and take a shower, you smell.” He grabbed your wrists and pinned you down. “Who’s Chris?” You stayed silent, trying not to laugh, “Y/N? Tell me who Chris is or I’ll rub my sweaty armpit on you.” “NO, I’M SORRY IT’S A PRANK!” Nonetheless, he still shoved your face into his armpit.Fushiguro Megumi: Hiding Someone in the Closet | Nobara had told you about this prank and you both gave each other a smirk and though it’d be fun to prank Megs. Nobara was standing guard over your room and once she saw the spiky black hair from afar, signaled you to get ready. As Megumi tried to open the door, Nobara kept stopping him, but it wasn’t until he got supper suspicious that he pushed passed her and opened your door. The first thing Megumi saw was clothes discarded on the floor, both mens' and womens' (everybody, say thanks to Yūji for allowing you to raid his closet), he looked up at you as you were hovering over your closet door with a blanket wrapped around you. Megumi looked at you with sad eyes and left your room. You heard the door next to yours slam; you and Nobara shared the same expression as you two faced each other. Nobara knocked on his door and Megumi opened after a few knocks. “What?” You knew you fucked-up big-time, especially since he sounded like he was in a bad mood. “Hey, I’m sorry-” “Why would you help her cheat? Aren’t we friends?” You wanted to run into his arms and tell him it was a prank but half of you was dying from laughter. “Megumi, please, just go into her room and see it for yourself.” He agreed. Megumi came into your room and opened the closet door to see the bastard you were cheating with; “SURPRISE SHAWTY!!” He looked at you and realized what he got himself into, plopping on your bed before mumbling about how stupid you two were.Gojō Satoru: Cheating | You were tired of all the girls that flirted with Gojō and you were tired of him for letting them flirt. You wanted to somehow get back at him and you came up with the idea to prank him making it look like you were cheating. With the help of Nobara and Yūji, you were able to. The three of you made it where your shared room with Gojō looked like someone else had been there. You waited for Gojō's return and when you heard the doorknob open, quickly wrapped the blanket around yourself and sat on a pillow to make it seem like you were on top of another guy. You let out a fake moan while you were bouncing up and down, waiting for Gojō to react. Instead of getting angry and lashing out, he pulled out his phone and started recording; “Nice try babe, you don’t have the heart to cheat on me.” You let out a sigh and plopped yourself on the shared bed. Besides where would you find someone as sexy as me mhm?”Nanami Kento: Hickey | The idea struck upon you when you saw Gojō come into a meeting with a hickey on his neck, you wondered what would make Nanami snap from his stoic nature and atlas you came up with the idea to plaster a fake hickey on your neck and around the area where your chest was slightly exposed. You waited for Nanami to come out the shower and while you were doing so you were preparing some snacks that the two of you would share while watching the newest episode of your favorite show. Nanami came up behind you while you were putting a sandwich together and wrapped his arms around your waist, he pulled your hair to the side and have you a kiss on the neck. “I missed you, what did you do today?” “Oh, nothing, I hung out with Gojō for a while since we bumped into each other at the farmers market.” He went in for another kiss, this time his hot breath met your neck instead of his lips. “Is that where you got the idea to give yourself a fake hickey?” Nanami was immune to pranks especially because he grew up with Gojō. Going along with the fact that he grew up with that man whore, he was able to determine a real hickey from a fake one. “Nice try, love.”***Inumaki Toge: Ignoring Him | You and Maki were sending each other TikToks and you came across a prank where the guy was ignoring his girlfriend and you sent it to Maki with the following text “LMAO SHOULD I DO THIS TO INUMAKI?? YOU THINK HE’LL GET MAD?” she replied with “LMAOO DO IT, HE’LL GET SO MAD IT’LL BE SO FUNNY” The next morning you and Maki walked to the fields to start training and as everyone started to gather you greeted them with a good morning, all but Inumaki. He stood there next to panda after you had passed by saying “Good morning panda!” Inumaki stood there waiting for his greeting and a kiss on the cheek but he noticed you were already on the track running next to Maki and Nobara “Did you two fight?” “Kelp?” Inumaki shrugged his shoulders and waited for the girls to finish their laps. Once he saw you nearing the end of the lap he walked towards you with a water bottle in his hand “Hey thanks for the water Yuuji!” Inumaki stood there dumbfounded, he watched as you grabbed the water from Itadori’s hand and chugged it down. For the rest of the afternoon Inumaki watched in silence as you engaged with everyone. Training was about to end meaning it was time to hit the showers to scrub off the dirt and sweat but before you could pack your things Inumaki blocked you from getting your stuff “Tuna tuna!” It was useless, you ended up getting passed him and began to pack your stuff “Talk to me... please?” your body jolted and the words “I’m sorry it was a prank!” slipped through your lips. You turned around and you were met with a fuming Toge, he began to scream out onigiri ingredients and when he saw that you were taking it lightly he began tapping his foot on the concrete floor waiting for you to finish. Wiping the tears off your eyes from laughing so much you began to apologize “I’m sorry Toge that was just too fu-”Run laps.***Kamo Chousou: Breaking Up With You | You absolutely adored your boyfriend, and you loved how charismatic he was but you couldn’t help but love to tease him in the most outlandish ways as possible. That being said you began brainstorming a dialog for the breakup prank you wanted to pull, you almost felt bad when he came home to you with flowers in his hand. “Hey darling I missed you a little extra today so I got you these.” you gazed at him and he gave you a warm smile as he pulled you into a hug “I wanna break up.” he flinched at the sudden words and broke the hug, his hand was laying on your shoulder “What? Did I do something wrong?” You looked anywhere but his eyes “No.. it’s not that.” Choso cupped your face with his free hand “Then what’s the problem? We can fix it right?” his thumb rubbed against your cheek “I’m just not happy anymore.” “Oh.” Choso backed away at the sudden phrase that left your lips. “Okay, well um. If this is what you really want.” He gave you a smile and extended the flowers out to you “At least keep the flowers, they are for you afterall.” You reached out to grab the flowers and grabbed the luggage that played as a prop for your prank. You walked out the door leaving Choso alone. After closing the door you immediately opened it back up and saw Choso bundled up in the corner, head down in his knees and arms wrapped around his knees as he cried there quietly, the sound of the door opening made him jolt his head up and you were met with a tear stained Choso “Y/N please don’t leave me.” You ran towards him hugging him tightly as you wiped the tears off. “Shhhh it’s okay my love it was just a prank, I’m sorry it was a stupid one.” Choso smiled under your touch, unknown to you he knew it was a prank the entire time due to how light your luggage seemed, but for a brief moment he truly believed the person he loved most was unhappy with him.


Itadori Yūji's super excited to go to pride because he genuinely wants to show his support and learn new things about the community. He is legit decked out in a rainbow shirt along with a ton of colorful necklace beads and vibrant face paint drawn across his face. Itadori just has the biggest smile on his face as his eyes take in all the lively surroundings around him. He’s waving a tiny flag around in his hands while cheering loudly when he notices that everyone else is as well.  People would start to sense Itadori’s enthusiasm to be here right now, so Itadori has a lot of people who come up to him and give him things such as flower crowns, glasses, and pins. There are also people who would call him over and start dancing with him to the music playing loudly on the speakers. He’s complimenting everyone’s fashion as he walks by them and somehow finds himself taking pictures with a lot of random strangers. He’s listening intently to the stories and experiences of others when they’re giving speeches and he slowly starts to become educated of the history and significance of this festival. By the end of the day, Itadori appreciates and acknowledges how important pride month is to many people and will now have such an happy memory forever ingrained in his head.Fushiguro Megumi's been with Gojo to pride a few times already, so now it’s kind of become a tradition to come to the parade and show his support as well. Megumi definitely has a bookbag with sooo many pins stuck on it and they are all covered with the flags of the different identities within the community. He also really likes the food there. Megumi has a specific dish that he gets every time he comes to pride and the second he gets a hold to it, he’s legit melting at the taste that fills his mouth. Megumi isn’t really loud like everyone else, but he’s still vibing with the energy. He likes to nod his head to the beat of songs playing and will watch the performers along the street with a grin on his face. He also will occasionally get hit on by different people and although he’s flattered, he’d most likely turn them down and would speed-walk away with a blush on his cheeks. Megumi brought along a camera as well and will randomly snap pictures or record videos of the festival throughout the day. He loves documenting everything and once he’s back home, he’d make a CD and would put it with the rest of the ones from previous years.Kugisaki Nobara’s already a bit fruity so she fits right in. Nobara’s outfit would be so cute, honestly. She’d be wearing frayed shorts, a mesh crop top with a bralette underneath, and combat boots to finish the look. She also has her hair in space buns and colorful eyeshadow for her makeup. 10/10 we love to see it. Nobara also dragged Maki along with her because the gays have to stick together. She would also be ready to beat anybody’s ass that has the audacity to say something out of pocket to her or anyone else in the vicinity of her. Thinks that all the girls are absolutely gorgeous and will be shooting compliments their way or hyping them up when she sees them. She buys a lot of clothes from the different stores and vendors, and of course makes Itadori carry them so she can go take pictures with Maki. Also has a large rainbow flag that’s she’s waving around as she skips through the streets. Loves going to the concerts. She’s dancing wildly in her spot, would probably sit on top of someone’s shoulders to get a better view, and loud laughs would tumble out of her mouth as she surfs the crowd. She’s having such an amazing time and will definitely come back next year.Gojō Satoru's 100% the life of the party. This is not his first pride, In fact, he’s come so many times that people literally already recognize his face and are waving and calling his name as he walks by -Like everyone loves him. And unlike Megumi, Gojo is flirting back with people relentlessly and matching their energy. He probably will go home with somebody tonight as well, who knows with him. He has on a rainbow thong underneath his clothes and thinks the wedgie he gets from it is just him feeling the spirit. Gojo is at the front of everyone marching and shouting through his megaphone about how important and amazing this festival is. He’s also drinking and has one of those really tall cups around his neck that he’s constantly refilling with liquor. Gojo is normally not one to drink, but he figured that he could let loose a little since today was a day to celebrate. Somehow gets on one of the parade floats and just starts dancing terribly. He’s calling your name and pointing at you in the crowd, making a heart with his hands as he screams the lyrics to Starships at the top of his lungs.


would spend it with their s/o; taking the day off work so that they could cuddle on the sofa and relax with them all day 🥺kamo chōsō | itadori yūji
would spend it with their s/o; getting home after work to the smell of freshly baked cookies and immediately greeted with a tight hug once they shrug off their coat in the entrance to their shared home.nanami kento | getō suguru
would get themselves gifts along with their s/o, leaving them on their own doorstep and pretending to be surprised when they find it there.gojō satoru | mei mei
would spend it wishing to have a s/o as they scroll through all the couple images that their friends are posting on instagram.panda
would spend it alone. 😐mahito | fushiguro tōji


they would spend the whole day cuddling you and would not let you go apart from if you were going to the toilet, and even then you have to convince them to release you from their embrace.gojō satoru | fushiguro megumi
they would spend the whole day trying to convince you to just stay in bed, which you don't mind doing until you need to go and eat food or just feel the need to stretch your legs.zen'in mai | inumaki toge
they would take you out for a day-long date; spending the whole time making sure that you two are making the most of your limited time relaxing together. it would also be the day where you two don't fret over money and instead just buy each other and yourselves whatever you want.kugisaki nobara | nanami kento
they would want to be spoiled by you. make no mistake in thinking they do not want whatever you are cooking or making. they don't even like it usually? doesn't matter to them, whatever you have must be good if you like it!tōdō aoi | yoshino junpei
they would do whatever you wanted to do. you want to have lunch at a cute cat cafe you've been wanting to go to for ages? done. you want to just laze around your shared home? done. anything you want, you can do!kamo chōsō | getō suguru


they would notice that you were feeling off as soon as they saw you wrapped in a blanket on the sofa and immediately pull you into a tight hug — not minding if you push against their chest in protest. would probably spend the whole day like that with you; the two of you cuddled on the sofa, chatting and binging your favorite tv shows.GOJOU SATORU | itadori yūji | mahito
they would not say anything to you at first, letting you have some time to yourself, and instead begin to cook your favourite meals and snacks for you to have whenever you want. after they've finished making them, be ready for a lot of hugs and words of encouragement!yoshino junpei
whilst they wouldn't verbally say much, they have a weird ability to know how you're feeling with just one look. they would immediately know, as soon as they laid their eyes upon your figure, that something was wrong and would not hesitate to cancel any other plans they had to favor making your day better. 🥺ryōmen sukuna | nanami kento | fushiguro megumi
they would take it upon themselves to drag you out of your shared home and take you into various shops and stores; buying you whatever you want no matter the price. and if you don't want them to spend their money you, know that it's already a losing battle if you try to argue with them.kugisaki nobara
they would leave you small gifts because, whilst they can't be with you all the time, they do want you to know that you hold a constant place in their mind. 🥺zen'in maki | zen'in naoya


most to least likely

Fushiguro Megumi: Introverted. Megumi doesn’t really like hanging out with many people, especially all at once, so he prefers being with someone who feels the same way. For the most part, he’s okay with doing whatever you want even if it’s just sitting in the dark listening to music in his room. He’s okay hanging out with just you but he does want you to get to know yuuji and nobara. He doesn’t show it but he’s very happy when all of you get along. A bold introvert.
  • Megumi would just work best with a extrovert in my opinion. It was easy to make friends for you and why not have another? You were first to approach megumi and he was the one to ask you out. He was a little fidgety when he asked you out but you didn’t take notice to it and immediately said yes.
Nanami Kento: Introverted. Nanami doesn’t really like spending time with people, not unless he has to so he’d like his s/o to feel the same. If you are more extroverted he won’t stop you obviously but he tends to keep a 10 foot distance from it LMAO. Loves spending time with you on the couch just reading together or him reading while you’re on your phone. He’s a strong believer in date nights but his favorites are when you two stay in and try to make something new over a glass of wine or two. When he comes home from work after a long day, he hugs you from behind and asks to lie down with you so his social battery can recharge.Gojō Satoru: He’s an extrovert himself but I feel like he’d prefer an introverted s/o. After a long day, he loves just winding down with you watching television with his head on your lap. Satoru thinks you’re a perfect balance for each other. But he still likes to drag you along to things because he says it’s good for you totally not because he has separation anxiety. A small part of him wishes you were a bit more extroverted so you’d be more willing to do stuff with him but he’s grown to love it. If you ask him to stay with you at the house and just relax and watch movies, he does.Getō Suguru: Doesn’t really care but he leans more towards the introverted side because you stay by his side when there’s a party with all the biggest donors to support the cult. Suguru also likes to be able to see you even if you’re not right beside him, not wanting you to stray too far. Loves introducing you to other people, telling them that you’re the greatest gift. But excluding all the big events and cult duties, he’s also a little introverted so he likes spending time with you one-on-one. For the most part, he lets you do your own thing and makes sure no ‘monkeys’ bother you. He’s most likely to date you because you're calm and level-headed. If you're respectful to him and others, he’d fall for you even more.Ryōmen Sukuna: Doesn’t give a shit because regardless he still keeps tabs on every single person you know. Like it’s kind of scary because he knows stuff about them way before you even met them. Depending on how much you’ve been out, he might tell you ‘no’ and that you have to stay home. If you’re visibly upset, he gives you a reason why you should be glad you stayed home. Sex. If you’re introverted though, it gives him an ego boost because he feels like you depend on him for a lot of things when it comes to social events.Inumaki Toge: I feel like inumaki is an ambivert so like itadori i don’t think he’d really care. He’s pretty chill so if you want to hang out with him and your friends he will and if you want to stay inside and cuddle in his dorm he’s okay with that too. Sometimes though he doesn’t really feel like going out so he might trap you into a cuddle session so you can’t leave. He loves watching you have fun with panda and maki, just seeing you laughing and carefree makes him feel the same. You and inumaki are attached to this hip so even if you are on the more extroverted/introverted side he’s going to be with you regardless.Itadori ji wouldn’t care if you were introverted or extroverted, he loves you for you. He’s extroverted but if you ever just want to stay at home, he’ll hang out and watch movies with you. Always invites you when he’s going to hang out with Kugisaki and Fushiguro. No matter if you’re introverted or extroverted, he does it anyway. Might try and get you to meet new people so you can get out of your comfort zone but nothing crazy. Overall, he loves you regardless and wouldn’t change it either way.Kamo Chōsō loves an extrovert. If your a tsundere even better. Annoy him, shout sarcastic remarks at him. Doesn’t matter, he’s attracted to you for some reason.Zen'in Maki would totally go for an extroverted s/o. If you challenge her during training hours she just smirks and nods. That’s probably how you two started liking each other. She likes a little challenge and your the only one who could put her up to that.


most to least likely

Okkotsu Yūta is definitely the most likely to prefer a clingy s/o. He didn't even know he was into that, but the way you always want to be under his skin makes him crazy.
  • when he had a crush on you, he loved yet simultaneously hated it. yuuta loved how it gave him an excuse to be close to you but he always had a difficult time keeping his cool. but it doesn’t matter now because you two are dating. he loves it just as much and he absolutely hates when he has to leave you because he can’t stand the sad look on your face. he tries to not show how upset he is too because he knows it’ll only make you sadder. when yuuta comes home, he brings you into a big hug before you drag him into your dorm so you can make up all the lost time for when he was away.
Gojō Satoru is surprised that he enjoys the way you jump right into his arms every time you see him, maybe he was eager to be loved after being lonely for so long.
  • teases you so much but he’s actually just as clingy, if not more. literally starts complaining if you haven’t given him any affection after an hour. satoru doesn’t sleep as well when he’s away because there’s an empty space in the bed. when he returns home, he doesn’t care what you’re doing he just carries you bridal style into your bedroom so you can cuddle and baby him.
  • Gojo, but not in the ways you think. He feels like affection is one of the only ways he can show his s/o how much he cares for them. He sucks at voicing his actual emotions, so knowing that he can give you affection and that you happily reciprocate it and understand the meaning of it, lets him relax a lot more and gets him to open up to you faster(ofc it could be said that he’d just take advantage of it, but that’s a convo for another time-) it’s a 50/50 in your relationship. While you give him a ton of love and affection, Gojo then covers you in wet kisses. (yuck-)
Itadori Yūji is used to it by now but he still blushes every time you kiss him or hug him. You guys have a silent competition of who can surprise the other the most by sneaking up behind the other and hugging them. He’s in the lead because he can be quite stealthy. Always has the biggest smile on his face when he gets you because you always end up laughing and telling him to put you down so you can give him a proper hug.
  • Itadori is already a pretty affectionate person, so combined with you, the both of you are insufferable. Nobara screams every time you both do anything remotely affectionate and Megumi’s asking where’s the bleach. He loves whenever you cling to him like a koala or hug him from behind and rest your head against his back/shoulder/head. 10/10, would love an affectionate s/o (cough-spoiler-cough- especially after shibuya-cough)
The sweetest girl, L/N Miwa deserves the best! She’d love an affectionate s/o. She’s already affectionate, but for her s/o to be so, oh boy, she’s in heaven. Just shower her in all forms of affection, she’s melting on the spot. Her face is red and steam is coming out of her ears. Hit her with cuddles and sweet words the moment she’s feeling insecure, Miwa’s deceased. She literally deserves the best (and I will fight anyone that disagrees!)Inumaki Toge's love language is touch so he’s very happy when you reciprocate with the same energy. he gets shy when you hold his hand first though. you two are glued by the hip so whenever one of you are alone, everyone immediately asks where the other one is. both you and inumaki insist that gojo pairs you up during missions. inumaki turns into an absolute wreck when you’re sent on a mission alone because what if something happens to you and he isn’t there? he would never forgive himself for that. loves showering with you and he definitely steals your body wash.Yoshino JunpeiKamo ChōsoTōdō AoiIeiri ShōkoRyōmen Sukuna definitely shoved you off the first time you hugged him. What the fuck are you doing?” In his defense, he probably has not experienced physical affection in the thousands of years he’s existed. And, no, meaningless sex does not count as physical affection. Sukuna's gotten used to it, but he still tells you that he finds it gross. Once you actually pulled away since he told you how 'disgusted’ he was by your clinginess, but he yanked you back over to himself.Fushiguro Megumi already has trouble believing that most people want to even be around him so when he realized how clingy and affectionate you were, was a little taken aback by it. He didn’t intentionally do it but in the beginning, he shrugged you off every now and then. When you started to back off because of that, he noticed it right away and asked. Felt really bad about it and told you that he was sorry, and he actually liked how affectionate you were. Which wasn’t a lie, but he didn’t realize that until you stopped. He always gets a little embarrassed and he much prefers when you’re clingy in private than in front of Kugisaki and Itadori.Fushiguro Tōji does enjoy having you being clingy, but he also feels weird about it. Does he really deserve being treated like this? He's not used to the idea that someone might love him to this extent, and he's also not the best at expressing emotions.Nanami Kento melts every time you hug him as if he'd disappear otherwise, he's normally the kind of guy who enjoys his personal space, but you've become a part of him.
  • finds it very endearing. he may not reciprocate depending on the setting you are in but he doesn’t stop you. tends to just give you a quick kiss to the hand when you’re in public. once threatened to punch gojo in the face when he gave you guys kissy faces. nanami always gives you just as much attention when you’re home though.
  • Nanami. I’m so sorry fellow clingy/overly affectionate nanami fans, but i cannot picture nanami being comfortable with one! He’s already so disinterested and annoyed with Gojo, that he’d see this type of person as a nuisance. Not to say that he doesn’t like affection, man is one of the most romantic characters in the show, but he def sees it as having a certain time and place.
Getō Suguru also really enjoys having you near him, and the way you always want to be glued to him it's just so endearing to him, he's also a bit clingy himself.
  • smiles fondly at you whenever you cling to his arm or hug him. suguru will be talking to his ‘monkeys’ and ignores them when you come up to him and wrap your arms around him. once someone interrupted you both and he hid your face in his chest and 86 them. if you dont know what that means, he pretty much killed them. it gives him quite the ego boost knowing how much you want to be with him.
  • Geto is kinda weird, because although I can’t see him hating the idea, it just doesn’t fit with his love language. Like it takes him too long to get comfortable with you constantly pulling him into hugs, kisses, etc. He’s used to Gojo’s eccentric nature, but it’s just sorta different with you, idkidk. He does open up to the idea eventually, but he’s probably made you sad because he didn’t reciprocate your affection for months! Or said something kinda mean about it to you :(
Zen'in MakiIori UtahimeZen'in NaoyaZen'in Mai would def make fun of you. Like it’s nothing too mean if you’re already in a relationship with her, but she gets her point across pretty well regardless. She’s not used to being fawned over or shown affection, that to her it’s just weird and annoying. It takes her an incredibly long time to realize that it’s okay to let you hug her in public, or hold hands or that you aren’t making fun of her with your sweet words. Girl is just full of trauma that needs to be unpacked slowly.


most to least likely

Gojō Satoru 100% would be first to approach you no comment.When it comes to crushing it’s pretty obvious as to who Itadori Yūji is crushing on. He’d approach you first and take a breath in and then spit out all the flirty hook up lines he learned last night.Kugisaki Nobara would confess out of jealousy or rage of something. She’d probably pull you aside if you were out and someone asked for your number while with her. Than she’d explain how she liked you a lot and is pissed that some stranger could think that they’re good for you.In my eyes I feel like while you and Getō Suguru were out to eat or do something he’d laugh at something you said and then say ‘I like you’. It wouldn’t be some serious out-right confession but when you had him repeat what he said he’d shake his head and give you a kiss on the cheek.Inumaki Toge didn’t confess first because he wasn’t sure if you’d be okay with dating someone who only spoke food. It all worked out great though because after you guys began dating you made your own language to play pranks on your classmates!!Fushiguro Megumi would flirt but when he does it’s very blank. You wouldn’t know if he was flirting till when you told him about your crush on him he’d ask if you if his flirting worked or not. So you were the one to approach him first.Okkotsu Yūta would either be too scared to confess to you or didn’t know how to put into words how he felt about you. But he was really happy when you confessed to him first because he was glad his feelings were reciprocated!Zen'in Maki wouldn’t at all approach you. She’d probably purposely ignore your flirting to see how long it would take you to break and actually confess.


most likely to

Itadori Yūji He would be so down to do anything with you! The both of you are outside walking hand in hand, your earphones shared as the song plays through. You feel his hand squeeze yours as the soft, melodious music soothes your senses. Suddenly, you feel your heart begin to swell with happiness. It’s a fine night, after all, and your boyfriend was there with you! Before he could say anything, you’d looped your hands through his, swinging both your arms side to side in rhythm of the beat. Yuuji immediately gets what you want and follows you, the two of you dancing on the sidewalk and skipping with your hands still interlaced. That night, you both couldn’t think about anything else, just enjoying each other’s presence as it should be. <3Nanami Kento: Nanami isn’t huge on dancing, preferring to just watch you dance instead with a small smile on his face. You and Nanami were making dinner one night when the song blasted through the radio. Nanami was occupied slicing the ingredients, jaw set and focused as he kept his attention on the chopping board when he feels your arms wrap around his centre, chin resting on his shoulder. He turns to the side to see you smiling up at him under your lashes. No words needed to be exchanged - he gladly takes your hand, arms wrapped around your waist while you dance to the music. Your head rests on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat a perfect combination to the mood.Gojō Satoru’s pretty spontaneous himself so doing a whimsical waltz is something he’d love to do! I feel like Satoru is more into random break dances though or just some silly movements, but he’s the one who initiates things this time around. You and him are on a midnight date in a small cafe-like restaurant when Satoru hears the song, takes your hand and pulls you to him with a smirk. “Satoru!” you hiss, although your smile lets him know you don’t really mind. “People could be looking!” “Then let them look,” is all he says, and it seems his words have magic as well for everyone soon fades into the background, nothing but the song and your soft giggles accompanied with Satoru’s chuckles mixing with the music.Inumaki Toge: He lets out a small yelp when you jump to his arms. Toge calms down eventually when you share your Airpods with him, and he pulls his collar down to show you his sweet smile. He’s rocking you both side to side, peppering your face with kisses as you sing along, prompting Toge to just shake his head in time with the beat. You know it’s his way of singing along with you, his small hums so melodious and healing like the music. Dancing with Toge like this, it’s like you’re falling for him over and over again.



Ijichi Kiyotaka: 100000000/10. Easily impresses your parents. Has a stable job, his own place, *and* a 401k; they're asking you when you're going to marry him and start a family. They love him. Does surprisingly well with your younger siblings / cousins. not the best with kids, but not terrible either.Nanami Kento: 10/10. I'd take this man to meet my parents. Respectful, albeit not the most talkative. Gets along well with your family. Your parents absolutely love him. Would *not* try to flirt with your sister.Kamo Chōsō: 8/10. My father would make him cry. Gets really nervous when people ask him questions. his entire body is trembling during dinner. He just wants to impress them. Holds your hand under the table to calm himself down. Would compliment your mother's cooking. Gets along well with your younger siblings / cousins. Your mother absolutely loves him.Getō Suguru: 6/10. Overall, pretty polite, gets along well with your family. A little awkward, and not very talkative, but your parents generally like him. He might try to get them to join his cult afterwards. Is the ex Gojō brings up at dinner.Fushiguro Tōji: Makes small talk with your father. Might try to flirt with your mother but is pretty subtle about it. Also does *not* flirt with your sister. Weirdly good with kids. It's kind of impressive. If you have any younger siblings / cousins, they'll love him. Steals the toilet paper from their bathroom, gaslights everyone into thinking you just ran out. You always leave your parent's house with leftovers because he asks to take them home. Solid 5/10, your parents overall like him.Ryōmen Sukuna would try to eat everyone. Would probably refer to your mother as "woman." I would still rather bring him to dinner than Gojō. 2/10.Zen'in Naoya: 1/10. Would be relatively respectful to your father. Insults the way your house is decorated, finds several different ways to call your family cheap. Refers to your mother as "woman." Can't stop bringing up Toji at dinner. Would probably cry if your father insulted him back.Gojō Satoru: 0/10. Absolute disaster. Brings up his ex at dinner. Like, a lot. Grabs your thigh under the table because he can't keep his hands to himself. you have to slap his hand away twice. Would flirt with your sister. And your mother. And your father.Mahito: Don't. -2163713123/10.


Traces the stripes on your thighs with his long fingers. He’s very quiet when you’re seated in his lap like this. Your thick thighs are spread apart by his other hand. He likes admiring the pretty work that was crafted on your thighs, it’s rare to see him this soft. “So pretty” he’ll whisper into your ear. His eyes are focused on tracing the lines perfectly, his finger travels all the way to your inner thigh, which makes you gasp lightly. He finally looks up at you, and you blush under his lovesick gaze. “I love you so much angel” he says, pulling you closer by grabbing your thighs and turning them towards him, he kisses you gently.HIROMI
The biggest perv. Adorning the cockiest smirk, he watches you like a hawk from his chair, undressing you with his eyes as you walk around the house in the shortest shorts. He’s mesmerised by those thick thighs with pretty stripes painted across them travelling up to your ass. He has no shame as he smacks your ass, watching your thighs jiggle in response. He only chuckles once you yelp, turning around to glare at the culprit. “What? Just admiring my baby” he reasons with a sly grin, unbothered as he smacks your ass once again, but this time, looking directly into your eyes with that stupid smile.
Another perv. Now this sorcerer LOVES to spoil you with anything that’ll compliment your thick thighs. The go to favorite being stockings. The amount of money they spend on this pervy obsession is crazy, but they’ll die happily just to see you look so soft and breed-able one more time. Once you try it on, their mouth almost waters at the seducing sight, they knew buying stocking the same color as your stripes was a good idea! “C’mere” they say, beckoning you closer. Once you’re standing in front of their seated figure, their hands reach out to touch the plush skin that was threatening to spill out of the stockings, what a heavenly sight. They lick their lips in desire, drinking in your pretty figure. “You’re the prettiest, you know that?”
Straight up just wants to be suffocated by your thighs. He’s obsessed with your thighs, he’s worship them if he could, always kissing them or shoving his head in between them to rest there. But lately he’ll beg you to suffocate him with them. “Just clamp them thick thighs around my head!” he begs, grabbing your thighs, nipping at the stripes they are adorned with. Occasionally, you entertain him and you clamp your thighs around his head momentarily, feeling his deep moans vibrate against the plush skin. The sensation of your thick pillowy thighs swallowing him up have him hard every time. He’ll pull away with a handsome smile on his flushed face and a not so subtle boner.


Teases you. Lowers his tone and whispers phrases in your ear like “mhm really” or “oh yeah?” in a condescending tone while snaking an arm around you. He does it in public at most inopportune times too, he likes seeing you flustered in front of everyone.fushiguro tōji | gojō satoru
Wipes the sweat off of his face by lifting up his shirt when he’s hot from training and shows off his abs. Most of the time, it’s an unconscious habit, but he’ll flash you a small smirk if he catches you staring at him.fushiguro megumi | okkotsu yūta
Wears his sweatpants really low around the house, especially when it’s the gray ones and they’re low enough so that you can see some of his v-line but high enough to tease you.itadoriji
When you’re talking to him he always makes hard eye contact. Every now and then, he’ll break his stare to steal a glance at your lips and then he’ll lick his and smirk before looking away. He knows exactly what he is doing and loves seeing you flustered.getō suguru
Tilts your chin up and gives you a peck when you’re mad at him, comes up behind you and gives you small kisses on your neck and tells you “i’ll make it up to you baby.”gojō satoru | itadoriji


Will try to educate themselves more on the topic if they don't know. They'll always support you no matter what. HELL, THEY EVEN BRING YOU AN ASEXUAL PRIDE FLAG the very next day. 🥺 If someone acts as a dick to you for your sexual orientation, they'll for sure beat their asses."Well, this gives me a chance to prove HOW ROMANTIC I AM. ROMEO WHO? WE ONLY ME. Thank you for telling me this, baby. I love to know more about you.""Sexual feelings aren't everything. There's much more beyond that. Like love, affection, romance. And I am ready to give you all of that. I hope you know how much I love you, darling. No matter what."
They're happy that THEY are the one you shared it with. Will smile and ruffle your hairs to wipe away that anxiety off your pretty face. They are aware of the term ASEXUALITY very well and they will fully support you."I feel so happy that you told me this. Your emotional and physical health is important, baby.""And if anyone hurts your feelings, I will beat them to pulp. I know I look calm but ain't no one hurting my love."
WILL HUG YOU TIGHT AND EVEN JUMP IN HAPPINESS FOR YOU. They adore you so much and they feel so loved when you tell them first. They feel that they're trustworthy for you. When they see how nervous you were, they immediately cup your cheeks and place kisses on your forehead muttering lots of "I love you"s."I am so happy for you that I am THIS close to crying. It feels nice to see you happy and jolly being who you are. I am here for you. And that will bever change""LET'S CELEBRATE! We should go shopping. LET'S GO SHOPPING. And I'll even treat you to ice cream. What do you want to do?"




most likely to

Nanami Kento doesn’t really talk about it, but also doesn’t really not talk about it? Ue’s never gonna be the one to bring it up to his girlfriend, but god, does he love it. Something about power, something about how good it feels. When you ask him to do it, you mean it as a joke, but he takes it so seriously that you’re just. Going with the flow at this point. He absolutely knows what he’s doing, too, that it’s sort of suspicious when you actually get to do it, like,,, he’s definitely done this before. He goes fucking feral when he’s inside of you. He makes sure to prep you properly beforehand. Even when you get impatient and beg him to just get on with it, he won’t. He’ll stretch you out until he deems you ready. But once you are? no mercy. Fucks you even harder than he would your pussy. Just has your hips gripped in his big ass hands, basically just using your body. Ue makes your body go absolutely numb. You’re literally just limp on the bed while he fucks into you, so fucking hard. And his cock’s so big, too, that you’re so thankful he didn’t listen to your pathetic whining and begging before that. [After giving you a taste, he makes sure that he’s brainwashed you enough to want it to be a regular thing.] Sometimes, he does it when he knows you’re needy and need him inside your cunt, just cause. <3Okay, to Gojō Satoru, he honestly just wants to try every kink known to man. don’t be surprised if he asks you to try some weird ass shit like “babe let me piss on you 😍” i hate this man. but he does bring it up eventually, and begs, begs, for days, for you to let him hit it. eventually you reach a compromise: you peg him, he fucks you in the ass. it’s a fair deal, and besides, it’s another kink he can check off his list. he makes you watch anal porn a day before, like porn is the epitome of sex ed or something??? he doesn’t not know what he’s doing, but he’s also definitely winging a lot of it. puts his dick in after not that much prepping, but it’s like, bearable. honestly, he makes it really enjoyable for you, i’m not gonna lie. fucks your brains out, like he always does. and he pays attention to the rest of your body too while fucking you, so you’re just sensitive all over. also! he’s actually super soft with you when he’s first putting it in, just soothing you and rubbing your back and telling you to be good for him. but anyways, he loves it, like so much. he goes like three rounds that night, because he can’t get enough of how different, but good different, it feels. you’re just so fucking hot and tight around him, it drives him insane. also he’s weirdly into the way it looks, just his cock thrusting into your ass. absolutely fucks you in the ass while fucking your cunt with a vibrator or something. like he adores making you way, wayyy too sensitive.Itadori ji saw it on porn and just desperately needed to try it. he was willing to do anything to let you try it with him. like anything. “babe i will be your bitch for a day if you let me,” ok then bark for me, yuuji. pls he actually does. anyways. you agree but on the condition that you actually research, and that does not mean watch porn. he just deflates like are you seriously gonna make me read about anal when i could just watch :( but he sits and pays attention because he’s not about to blow this opportunity of a lifetime. unsurprisingly, all and everything he learnt gets thrown out the window the moment he has just two fingers in your ass. two. with a cock like his, there’s no way he’s fitting after two. you’re just huffing and trying not to moan too load as you attempt to glare at him, telling him you need him to stretch you out more. nearly forgets the lube when he’s gonna finally get to fuck you, but honestly, he’s just so, so excited. you insist on riding him because you can’t trust that he won’t lose all his inhibitions, but honestly, bold of you to assume he can’t take control even with you above him. just jackhammers your shit, rip. he grabs you by the waist and pulls you to him, fucking up into you that you literally see stars. you’re trying to tell him to slow down, you’re not going anywhere, but he’s so lost in it. fucks you till you’re braindead honestly, like your eyes are crossing and you’re drooling everywhere, barely even letting out a sound. there’s no way you’re not gonna wanna do it again with him.Monster cock man will have you begging for it. 😩 Getō Suguru teases you so much about it if you ever like bring it up but deep inside, deep inside, he wants nothing more than to rock your shit. pls the PUN HFSKFHA. he also somehow knows what he’s doing, but like. listen. being with getō is so overwhelming like he’ll be fingering your ass with his mouth on your clit, and he’ll be teasing you, calling you mean names, making it act like you’re the one so desperate for this when you literally only just suggested it and he’s the one that was immediately pouncing on you. he preps you, every single time you do it, for way too long. like you’re properly stretched, but he still goes on to finger you, giving you just barely anything, leaving you literally drooling for more. when he finally fucks you, he goes so slow, but so deep and hard. he just has you bent in half, gripping and pushing at the back of your thighs as he slowly just pulls out, and thrusts back in suddenly, filling you up. you feel him in your throat, on god. if you beg enough, he’ll eventually just lean down, your legs on his shoulders, his hands resting heavily on the bed beneath you, and fuck you so hard you might, might, pass out. he has you crying and screaming so loud for him that your voice is basically gone the next day. plays with your pussy to make your orgasm even more intense, fingering you, rubbing at your clit. he loves when he finally pulls out and sees you gaping for him. even if it becomes a regular thing, he still absolutely makes you suffer with his teasing every time.Oh, my god of course Ryōmen Sukuna does??? firm believer of a hole is a hole <3 so romantic <3 actually, he tries to slip it in your ass halfway through sex and you were like 😳✋🏼 slow down there, sir, there’s a time for everything. unfortunately, you have to prep yourself, but he gets so impatient and pushes aside your hand, saying he’ll take care of it for you. i’d think he’d be so impatient that he won’t even prep you thoroughly, but actually it’s the opposite for sukuna. what’s the point if he can’t fit??? he doesn’t go slow, at all, at any point. soon as you’re stretched out for him, he grabs your hips and pushes his cock all the way in, no warning, no build up, nothing. he just makes your eyes roll back so far, your back arching up, and he’s so responsive to it, pulling you to him, thrusting into you harder, just fucking your brains out. oh my god and when he gets close enough to you, has you pulled up against him directly, the mouth on his stomach lets its tongue peak out, licking and slurping at your cunt as he fucks your ass. it’s honestly all a little surreal. sukuna has a lot to give too, especially in terms of cum. i said it before and i’ll say it a thousand times, he cums so fucking much. breeder balls <333 my point is, he’ll cum in your ass, then fuck your pussy and cum inside of you there too. he’ll have you properly full of him. he’s a possessive man, what can i say? also ! also. also. sukuna with— two cocks? idk how that would work, but if he could fuck both your pussy and ass at the same time? or both in your pussy? both in your ass? who needs to have a threesome when you’re dating the king of curses <3




ON HIS COCKhe loves the way your legs are shaking around his waist as he shoves himself into you. Your moans getting louder each time he thrusts harder makes him feel like a fucking god. The way your tits bounce with each move, the way you grip the sheets, the way you bite your lip to control your moans makes him delirious. He loses himself in the way you look so defeated and desperate underneath him, each whine telling him to slow down makes him want to go even harder until you've become undone for him. He tenderly kisses the tears spilling from the corner of your eyes, leaving delicate pecks along your jaw- a complete contradiction to the way his balls are slapping against your ass as he ruthlessly pounds in and out of you. He fucks you through your orgasm, not letting you have a break; holds out until you can both cum together before going at it another round. He doesn't care how much he's overstimulated you, he'll ignore your mewls and continue until his legs give out. It's his pussy after all, he can do whatever he wants.
WITH THEIR FINGERSIt's just so convenient. It doesn't matter where you are, home, in public, around friends; it's just so easy for them to fuck their fingers in you. It's almost embarrassing how you fail to keep your composure as they thrust two fingers inside of you underneath the table. They smile, to others it may seem to be sincere, but you know they're asking if your embarrassed by the way your becoming a mess in public. They love the way you stifle a moan when they start rubbing your clit with their thumb just as your about to answer a question. They feel so fucking powerful seeing you look so helpless and at their mercy. If anyone asks why you look so pale, they'd pout with fake concern and ask if your alright while fucking a third finger into you. They're so used to playing with you in such cruel ways like this, they know exactly when your about to cum- being quick to kiss your lips, swallowing your moans and hiding your fucked out expression; laughing when you release all over their fingers. They'd wipe your slick on their pants and rest their arms on your shoulders; continuing conversations as if they didn't fuck you under the table.
WITH HIS TONGUEHe goes down on you for his own pleasure, he's craving for it every chance he gets.  His fingertips dig into your thighs, leaving bruises as he pushes your legs opens for him to get easy access to suck on your clit. He curls his tongue deeper into your hole, smirking up at you as he lazily rubs circles on your clit with his thumb. The bottom half of his face is cover in your slick by the way he relentlessly sinks his face into you- attempting to go deeper. It's almost euphoric for him. He pulls back as you cum, breaking eye contact with you to look at the mess you made for him. He's so fucking elated. He dives back in, praising you for how good you taste, nose bumping against your clit with each move. He loves looking up at you and seeing you arch your back, thrusting your hips further into his mouth, moaning his name- telling him to go harder. His muffled curse words vibrate against your cunt as he fucks you faster with his tongue, pushing your thighs out further. He hasn't loved you more. He's satisfied that he's made you cum 3 times without putting his cock in. He's so fucking proud of himself


most to least likely

You already knowww. Gojō Satoru does it for the flamboyance, for the bragging rights, for the attention, just to say that he did it. There isn't one singular motive here. He wants to show himself off, wants to show you off, wants to show off how good he makes you feel, all of it. And Gojō’s very secure in himself and in his relationship with you, so he’s not worried about anything really. He doesn’t have a preference over gender either, he’s open to all. Hell, ask him to have a gangbang and he will.
  • M x M x F/M!s/o: He loves to be fucking you while you suck the other guy off, because he knows he can fuck you so good to the point that you stop sucking the other guy’s dick. he wants to show him that his presence is not really necessary, that he should be somewhat grateful he’s even here to begin with. he wants to fuck you so stupid that you’re barely giving any attention to the other guy, mostly just losing yourself in how well gojō’s fucking you, how good he’s making you feel.
  • M x M x F!s/o; uses the threesome as an excuse to try anal. he loves to making you ride the other guy while he stretches then fucks your ass. he knows it’s good, knows how full you must feel, how overwhelmed you must be. it’s just very appealing to him.
  • M x F x F!s/o; loves to make you sit on the other girl’s face while he fucks her. something about making you jealous and teasing you by giving you the bare minimum, because he knows she can barely pay attention to you. it’s okay though, he always ends up making her watch while he fucks you so much better.
With Itadori Yuuji, it’s more ‘sure, let’s try it! :D.’ yes, he’s dreamt about stuffing his face in so much titty, because of course he has, but it’s more of a fantasy with him, you know? he doesn’t actively seek it, but if you suggest it, he’s 100% on board. he does it for the experience, for the pleasure, for the horny <3 and generally, yuuji doesn’t care about gender, but he’s a hormonal teen, so you know, titties. he wants to be surrounded by hot women all around. but genuinely, he doesn’t mind, and he’s comfortable with all.
  • M x M x F/M!s/o; he really wants to watch someone else fuck you while you suck him off. like the image of you getting fucked, especially from the back, your hips raised and your ass in the air as you take him down your throat is just so, so beautiful to him. and when you moan around him!!! or when you cum so hard but he keeps you down!!! like this is a once in a lifetime thing, might as well take advantage
  • M x F x F!s/o; please, either one of you ride him, and the other sits on his face. he will be in heaven. like suffocate him with your thighs while the other girl stuffs herself with his cock, or the other way around, he doesn’t mind, anything.
Getō Suguru’s also very into the idea of overwhelming you. like he can do that plenty on his own, but with someone else there, you’re even more easily overstimulated and sensitive. he also wants to use it as a reminder that he’s really the only one that could ever come close to fucking you the way you want, the way you need. he’s the only one that could ever make you feel as good as you could ever imagine and having someone else pleasure or fuck you easily reminds you of this.
  • M x M x F/M!s/o; he’s doing the fucking, doesn’t matter what the other guy’s doing. he just needs to be the one fucking you. whether the other guy wants to watch, wants you to suck him off, wants to fuck your throat, to fuck your breasts (if you’re fem), to simply jerk off before you, he literally doesn’t care. he just wants to be the one fucking you, to assert his dominance or whatever it is. sometimes though, he’ll let the other guy fuck you, and just. watch. observe. criticize. he’ll be sitting on the side, a drink in hand, legs spread and a very obvious tent in his pants as the guy fucks you, cocking his head to the side, a stoic expression on his face as he watches you moan and writhe for the other guy. kinda sexy if i say so myself.
  • M x F x F!s/o; he fucks the other girl and makes you watch. but he keeps you restrained, tied to a chair with some toy like a vibrator on the lowest setting or something of the sort to keep you frustrated. he just likes to mess with you, likes to tease you, loves to rile you up.
It’s a gangbang or nothing with Mahito. That’s it. I won’t elaborate.If Tōdō Aoi’s doing all the work, then yes, absolutely. not that I don’t think dō needs to get dominated and controlled, because imagine? but for him, I think he doesn’t really consider it, but then you put it in his head, and he won’t let up until you agree to do it. I actually don’t think he’ll care for gender, even if canon says his ideal partner. He doesn’t actually care.
  • M x M/F x F/M!s/o; not M x F x M; fucking you and fingering the other person. or fucking the other person and fingering you. or fucking you and eating out the other person, or— you get it. he just wants to be in control of all your pleasures, you know?
Okay initially I thought Kugisaki Nobara wouldn’t cause she’d want things private, but if it were with someone she knows personally and trusts, she wouldn’t mind a threesome. that’s her exception, you know? And with Nobara, she’s definitely a pillow princess and needs to be used and fucked out properly, but also, she has this need to control? Especially if it’s a guy. So, the dynamic is not 100% set, it’s just whatever ends up happening happens.
  • M x M!s/o x F; so like I said, dynamic isn’t 100% set. it could be that she’s being used, completely, just laying on her back, her legs spread open for you as you fuck her and her back arched so that the other guy can sink into her mouth, fucking her throat. but it could also be that she’s the one in complete control of both yours and the other guy’s pleasures. she’s riding him as she fists at your cock, or the other way around, or someone’s in her mouth, but she’s taking her time and setting the pace.
  • M x F!s/o x F; she’d love to have you eat her out while the guy fucks you, just watching your face twist with pleasure as you moan and stuff your face against her cunt. beautiful.
  • F x M!s/o x F; oh my god she’d love it if you fucked the girl, but she’s laying beneath her, making out with her and rubbing at her clit. maybe even that you fuck the girl’s ass while she fingers her cunt. it’s just a very, very arousing image for her.
  • F x F!s/o x F; literally anything. the three of you could sit and masturbate by each other and she’d be satisfied. loves to scissor either you or the other girl, while someone sits on her face, or watching you and the other girl scissor while she sits on someone’s face. or someone between her legs on their knees, and that person sits on someone else’s face. and if a strap is involved,,, she’s definitely getting fucked one way or another.
Honestly, with Inumaki Toge, he’s not into it, but he’s also not not into it. maybe it’s the same with Nobara, where he’d prefer someone he knows, but like he’s been considering it, he just hasn’t decided if he’d like to or not. I don’t doubt that Inumaki is a kinky little shit deep down and privately, but you know, with his partner. He’s rocky on that threesome stuff, but he’s working on it, just cause the thought does arouse him. especially the thought of you getting fucked while he uses your throat, but ,,, we’ll see, as he says.Absolutely not. I don’t think y’all realize just how possessive Fushiguro Megumi would get over you if you were his significant other. It’d either really upset him if you invite another person over, ;cause he’d just assume that he wasn’t enough for you, or way better than that, he gets insanely jealous and fucks you so good all while degrading you about how desperate you are for another person to fuck you or guilting you about wanting another and making you completely forget you’d ever considered it. (Maybe if you invite Itadori or Nobara, he’ll consider it.)Why'd you want another person when Ryōmen Sukuna’s got two cocks himself??? Sjdgskds ok but he'd be properly angry at you if you suggested it. Only try to if you’re insane and / or have a death wish. He’s extremely, extremely, possessive of you. Why'd you need someone else?? Does he not fuck you well enough??? Do you need to be fucked as a reminder??? He can do that. He will do that.Inviting another person just makes Zen'in Maki uncomfortable. Also makes her extremely jealous. Another very possessive person. You’re hers and she’s yours, isn’t that more than enough? And if you really wanna be overstimulated, you could’ve just said so,,,Nanami Kentō’s a firm believer that something as intimate as sex should be kept private, of course. And he doesn’t like the fact that you think you need another person in the bedroom to be pleasured. But, yeah, he doesn’t find the thought of inviting another person appealing or arousing in any way and doesn’t understand why you would either. You’re more than enough for him; is it not the same the other way around?Fushiguro Tōji will laugh in your face. lol. rip </3 Don’t come at him with that; what do you want a threesome for? A fuck from him is worth a thousand from others. <3



Gojō Satoru, and i feel like i have to include him because i just know this mf moans like a pornstar. he’s more of breathless pants and a quiet gasp that turns into a loud moan, especially when he cums. his gasps and pants, when he’s fucking you, are always a little higher pitched, but i think he sounds the prettiest when he’s being sucked off. because when he’s fucking, he likes to tease, a lot, and you don’t get to hear him unless he can’t manage any more words because the pleasure’s too overwhelming. but when it comes to sucking dick, he’s gorgeous. lots of hums of pleasure and approval, his mouth opening slightly, lips parting and jaw slackening as you take more and more of him, and then he just sighs. it’s so pretty how he sounds so vulnerable then, little, rapid gasps and shocked moans. Kugisaki Nobara. god, she literally squeals. any time you touch her, in any way, she’s already whining and gasping and moaning. especially when you use your mouth and your fingers on her. she always sounds so desperate, like she’s about to cry, and it doesn’t quieten down or lessen in any way. if she’s riding you, she’ll bounce on your lap harsher while grabbing and squeezing her tits just so her yells will hiccup and echo. it’s almost a rhythm that’s created, where she’ll bounce and cry and moan and then settle and grind down her hips, humming and whining. if you’re scissoring, and she’s on top, she’ll bite down on your leg to muffle her moans but they do nothing to stop them. if she’s bottoming while scissoring, she’s as loud as ever, as always, and she always has this dewy, pouty look to her when she feels just a little too good, almost like she’s been fucked stupid. Mahito. hear me out. he is. very pretty. tell me he wouldn’t sound it too. he’ll also be extremely loud, very flamboyant like that. he’s unafraid to scream out, “oh!” whenever he feels too good, but i think his moans are very controlled, and for that reason, teasing. like he knows what he’s doing. like if you’re sucking him off, he’ll hum and whine and moan so loud it’ll almost sound fake, and say things like, “you make me feel so good,” and, “god, right there.” his grunts are high pitched and so pretty it’s ridiculous. when he’s fucking you, he giggles a lot, and grabs your face, hovering his lips right above yours and then moaning. ridiculous i told you. he also just throws his head back and has his moans drag out like, “o-o-oh, y-yes, yes.” all is good though, because fucking mahito means both an ego boost and entertainment. Itadori Yuuji’s spot. even though i think he’s more of a grunter and deep groaner, i also think yuuji would be the type to whine and gasp pleadingly a lot. like it’s not that he leans into a submissive role more, yuuji’s just plain out a switch tbh, but no he just always sounds desperate even if he’s in full control. even if you’re the one tied up or whichever, he’s gonna be fucking into you and urgently whining out, “please, please, please,” by your ear. yuuji’s very loud too, unabashedly, shamelessly loud. when you’re sucking him off? he loses all inhibitions. the neighbors hate him. just such loud gasps, moans through gritted teeth, desperate, high pitched whines. he’s huge on praise too so i think a lot of his moans, while he’s fucking you, would be laced with hiccuping praises, like, “feel— hngh, feel so good, baby,” and “mmph, love your pretty, tight hole, mmfuck.” Zen'in Mai. and listen! i agree that she would be a really, really good dom. TW, but gun play okay??? but listen. listen. sub mai. sub mai, and her sweet, little sounds. you touch her softly and she’s gone. her lips are tight and pressed together, and her brows furrowed, eyes pleading and desperately as she muffles her mewls and moans. until you sink your fingers into her cunt and her eyes widen, and her mouth falls open into a loud gasp like, “hah, hngh,” before it quietens into a low, “fuck.” she’s the quietest out of everyone i mentioned, but it’s so gorgeous, especially when it’s right by your ear. like you lift yourself to hover above her as you finger her, and she wraps her arms around your neck, pulling you close and burying her face in your neck and she gasps and moans tight lipped and pants against your skin you could cum from just listening to her.You already know who’s at the top. you already know. Fushiguro Megumi and no one else. pretty boy whines, gasps, huffs, pants, moans, all of the above, and it is the most beautiful thing you will ever hear. he’s also relatively quiet, and you have to get real close to hearing him, but that’s only at the start. he gets pretty loud when he’s close to cumming, just shocked yells and desperate cries, like he’s holding back, maybe even holding back tears. it’s already gorgeous listening to him from afar, like when you’re sucking him off or when he sends you the occasional nutting video, but when he’s fucking you missionary, with your legs wrapped around his waist, and he nips at your ear and moans directly by your ear it makes you shiver. he also, at the start, used to be really shy about it, and you could hear that shyness in the tentativeness and caution of his moans. but when he realized their effect on you, he doesn’t hold back anymore. and the fact that it’s all natural too, and he genuinely doesn’t force a single moan out? it’s literally how he feels being vocalized and it’s always some throaty whine or moan and the way he looks too dhjgfgsfgs.

. . .

“What is that you are holding, human.”

Yūji likes to sleep-talk sometimes, but this voice is certainly not him. You look over to your pink-haired friend, who is dozing off on the couch beside you. Of course, you see the single eye and the malicious mouth that belong to the King of Curses.

“This?” you ask while casually raising the phone on your hand and waving it.

“Yes that, what else?” Sukuna says, annoyed.

“Aren’t you grumpy,” you jab at him. “Well, this thing is a phone.”

Sukuna blinks. Ever since he reincarnated, he's noticed that most of the human population seems to be obsessed with these little rectangular boxes, but he's completely in the dark about what they do.

“What is its purpose?” He tries not to make his interest too obvious.

“Oh, it’s super fun!” you say gleefully. “You can, umm, search things up, take pictures, listen to music, text people, watch cat vide—"

“You are not making sense, human,” Sukuna cuts you off.

You put a hand on your chin as if thinking, then concluded, “I suppose all of this info can be overwhelming.”

Overwhelming. Sukuna didn’t like that word at all. Nothing would overwhelm him; he's the strongest, after all.

“I’m not overwhelmed. I’m underwhelmed that you humans have resorted to wasting your time on such meaningless things… for fun,” he insults, but you just laugh it off.

“Yeah, yeah, why don’t you see for yourself,” you say.

“I’m not interested—" Sukuna starts, however, he's cut off with you holding your phone up to face him and suddenly a flash goes off.

It's so bright that he has to close his eyes, fuming, “You lowly human, what are you doing to me?”

“I’m taking a picture, of course,” you answer casually.

“Ahhhhh, look at this filter it’s so adorable!” you say, turning your phone to face Sukuna.

You put the phone so close to him that he instinctively flinches and squints his eye. When he starts to adjust to the brightness, he sees an image of the pink-haired brat sleeping and him on the cheek displayed on the screen. However, Sukuna had dog ears and a dog tongue.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“It’s the dog filter, super neat, right? There’s also a rabbit and a cat filter!”

“This is blasphemy, how dare you compare me to a dog?”

“Oh, come on, it looks good! Why don’t we try this one!"

Sukuna doesn’t even get the chance to protest before he's greeted by another flash. You hold your phone up and laugh at the picture, then turn it around to show him once again. This time, there's a pink hue on his cheeks as if he's blushing, his eye so large as if he was giving puppy eyes while pouting. He looked, well, cute was the closest word to describe it.

“Adorable,” you fawn.

“I’ll rip your heart out first thing when I take over the brat," he threatens you a bit too seriously.

"Ah ha ha… We can look at, ummm, Google instead.You cold sweat.

“What is that?” Sukuna asks.

“Well, it’s something called a search engine; pretty much if you type anything into it, information will show up,” you try your best to explain.

An intrigued expression forms on Sukuna’s face. “Anything?”

“Uhh, yeah, anything,” you answer.

Sukuna’s lips curl into a malicious smile. “Human, ask the rectangle box for one-hundred ways to inflict pain on annoying brats.”

“What? No! Ask something normal!” you object.

Sukuna sighs, “Weaknesses of Itadori Yūji, will that do?”

You mentally facepalm. “No of course not, Yūji isn’t famous enough to have Google searches.”

Sukuna’s smile disappears completely. “You said anything, this is clearly not anything.”

You roll your eyes. “Yeah, yeah, well, I didn’t think out of anything in the world, that was what you wanted to ask. I meant like, ummm…. For example, you’re a renowned curse, so we could search you up.”

Sukuna suddenly seems interested again. “Do you mean the box has recorded the tales of my glory?”

Your eyes shift awkwardly, unsure of how to answer. “More or less.”

You type ‘Ryōmen Sukuna’ into the search bar and watch the thousands of results pop up. A little blurb shows with a few pictures.

You read aloud, “Ryōmen Sukuna is a sorcerer that was said to have appeared in Hida Province during the Heian Era.”

You show Sukuna the picture that accompanied the summary.

“Ah, this bridge brings back memories,” Sukuna reminisces.

You raise an eyebrow and dare to ask, “Like what?”

“I once slay fifty men on that bridge when they tried to ambush me—”

“ALRIGHT, moving on,” you interrupt.

“Stop cutting me off, you disrespectful human.”

“Then stop making everything about killing!” you exclaim back.

You scroll through the searches, some were about a video game character of the same name, another was a conspiracy theory about the 'real’ Sukuna, then finally you click on a link of a forum that discusses supernatural beings; the thread is about Sukuna.

“Alright listen to what they said,” you tell him. “Sukuna was a powerful curse from the Heian era that was feared. He was well known for his slashing and cutting abilities.”

“Not wrong,” Sukuna comments.

“'So does that mean he is very good at cutting vegetables?' 'OMG he can cook lmao!'” you read.


You continue, “'I think he also has dark pink hair.' 'What? Dark pink?! That sounds really cool!' 'Yes, and four arms.' 'No no, pink hair is baaad. Source: My neighbor has the ugliest f*cking pink hair.' 'Maybe your neighbour is Sukuna?' 'LOL does he have four arms though?' 'WAIT Sukuna has four arms, so he is Stitch's long-lost brother!'"

You stop reading and conclude, "Wow, no wonder you hate humans.

“Very much.”

“Umm— So I guess enough internet for today!” you mutter sheepishly.

“This useless device is what you humans pathetically waste your time on?”

“Alright you’re starting to sound like my grandparents,” you retort sarcastically. “Could've at least said a thank you for me going through the effort of showing you how to operate a phone.”

Sukuna's about to snap back at you but suddenly, your phone starts vibrating and playing a traditional Japanese tune. It's the prelude to one of your favorite songs, which you set as your ringtone, and they purposefully incorporated some traditional Japanese music into it. You check the caller ID; some 1-800 number.

You roll your eyes and end the call. “Ugh, scams.”

“Human make your box do that again,” Sukuna orders.

You look up from your phone to him. “What? Make it ring?”

“I said make that device sing,he says.

“Oh, like you mean play that music?”


You open YouTube and type in the name of the song; the prelude starts playing again. For the first time today, he looked pleased.

“You like this?” you ask him.

“I have heard this song before,” Sukuna says.

“Hmm, that makes sense. It says here that they used some music from the Heian era as the main tune,” you explain.

“I thought I would never hear it again.”

“See! I said phones are great! That’s the power of the internet for you!”

“Human, give me the device,” Sukuna suddenly says bluntly.

"Wait, what? No, this is mine!”

“I want it.”

“Get your own.”

“I’ll rip your heart out if you don’t give it to me.”

“I’ll fucking die without my phone anyways, so I don’t care.”

Sukuna sighs again, “Fine just let me see it.”

You hold your phone protectively. “I don’t trust you.”

“How about I promise to do one thing for you in return.”

You want to decline his offer, but you have an idea. "Fine, I’ll lend you my phone for five minutes on one condition.”

“What do you want?”

“You see everything Yūji does so tell me something embarrassing about him,” you say.

"Easy. Now hand me the phone first,” Sukuna replies.

“How do I do that? Should I force Yūji to swallow my phone?” you ask him.

Yūji wakes up from his nap in a rather violent way. You're strangulating him while shouting something about spitting your phone out.

“Whoa, Y/N!” Yūji yelps.

“Yūji, make Sukuna give me my phone back!” you order him, still violently shaking the poor pink-haired boy.

Sukuna’s mouth appears on Yūji’s cheek again. “Foolish human, the number one rule in the jujutsu world is if you make a deal with a sorcerer, you better make a binding vow.”

You grit your teeth. “Oh, shut up and spit it out, Sukuna!”

Y/N, you’re killing me,” Yūji begs.

“Then tell Sukuna to keep his end of the deal! Or switch with him so I can choke him properly instead of you!”

Sukuna’s mouth forms into a mischievous smile again. “I’ll throw you a bone, human. One embarrassing fact about the brat is that he has a crush on you.”

You let go of your grip on Yūji. “Wait WHAT.”

“And I will be keeping this phone,” Sukuna announces before disappearing.

“Sukuna!” both you and Yūji shout in unison.

OK I HAVE A THOUGHT. Sukuna with an autistic s/o and being just blown away at how their mind works differently than most humans he's come across, them loving his domain since it's dark, them loving his strong hugs cause of the deep pressure, them stimming by tracing his markings, them complaining about how confusing humans are together, them babbling on and info-dumping while he just sits there lovestruck. (If they had a special interest in history, their eyes would just sparkle at his stories.)@elysianslove (anonymous, 8/16/2022)


Fushiguro Megumi: Would be kind of annoyed that you left without saying anything. Megumi is very to himself and doesn’t like engaging with people when he doesn’t have to, but obviously when It comes to you he feels differently. That is why when you take hours to reply to his text he is definitely salty and grumbling angrily to himself that you’re doing it again. He definitely complains to Gojo about the way you shut everybody out when you need help the most and Gojo looks at him like “Don’t you do the same thing?” Megumi looks back at him in utter disbelief because Gojo did not have to call him out like that. Still, Megumi thinks that you should tell him If you were stressed or just simply leaving since he was your boyfriend after all. He didn’t like fostering the thought of not being able to help you when something was bothering you, plus he hated that most of the people he cared for typically left him alone without warning. Of course, he still understands in a way that you probably needed a break from everything, so he’s not too harsh. But expect a very grumpy and sour Megumi whenever you finally respond or see him again. “Hey Megumi-” “No.” He cuts you off immediately while rolling his eyes, but quickly ends up pulling you into the tightest hug shortly after.


Young!Gojou Satoru: “Hey I feel like I haven’t seen Y/n around,” Gojo sighs, slumping back in his seat. When was the last time he even saw you? “Can’t relate, Y/n and I see each other all of the time,” Shoko says, her eyes glued to her phone. “Same here, grabbed lunch with them yesterday,” Geto adds, giving a high-five to Shoko. Gojo stares at his friends, absolutely dumbfounded and absolutely betrayed. Alright so it wasn’t that Gojo didn’t see you, it was that you were seemingly avoiding him. But for what reason? There hadn’t been anything that changed between the two of you. In fact, Gojo thought he was doing a damn good job at hiding his feelings for you. So to figure out that you wanted to distance yourself from him? Gojo’s heart throbbed, and he sure hopes that isn’t the case. There definitely was an explanation- one that his friends seemingly wouldn’t share even if they knew. Gojo sits back up, slamming his hands on the table to catch everyone’s attention. “Alright you two, I’m gonna need some help.” About a week later, you were waiting for Shoko to arrive for a little lunch date. She was running a bit late- which wasn’t a concern. What was a concern was when Gojo showed up instead, taking a seat directly across from you like he was supposed to be there. “What’re you doing here Satoru?” you ask, folding your arms at him. “Huh, good to know you’ll still call me Satoru even after avoiding me,” Gojo smirks when he sees the shock written on your face. You thought you were being subtle about it- but apparently not. “Anyways, Shoko invited me too,” Gojo shrugs, grabbing a menu to peruse. But you snatch the menu from his hands, your brows furrowed in confusion. “No, Shoko would never do that because she knows th- nevermind,” you quickly hand him back the menu, hoping he would just gloss over your words. And of course, he doesn’t. Gojo notices every little detail about you, your changes in behavior- it’s honestly useless to pretend around him. “Knows about what?” he asks you, his chin now resting in the palm of his hand, his ever annoying smirk plastered on his face. You purse your lips- perhaps it was fruitless to keep your act up. Surely Gojo already knew everything- or at least that was what his expression was telling you. Maybe Shoko and/or Geto exposed you. Whatever the case may be, you hit a dead end and had to face what was in front of you. In your case, your dead end was a six foot tall menace. A menace that you so happened to have feelings for. “...She knows I’ve been avoiding you because... I like you,” you mumble, choosing to avert your eyes elsewhere. You know he’s heard you, and you’re honestly waiting for him to say something to rattle you up. But instead, Gojo smiles at you- not his usual smirk that makes you want to roll your eyes. It was a genuine, heartfelt smile that made your heart skip a beat. “Well, it’s good to know that my feelings are reciprocated then. Shall we make this our first date then?” Gojo asks, flipping through the menu oh so casually. Despite his cool demeanor, Gojo felt like screaming on the inside. This entire time, Gojo was a train wreck. He could speculate all he want- but at the end of it all, he was no mind reader. Honestly, he didn’t even have any idea why you were distancing yourself until he saw you flustered by his presence. It was a bit of a gamble for him to be so forward with you- a big gamble actually. He bet all of his chips into this, hoping that the smallest bit of hope he had would pay off. And fortunately it did. When he hears from your own lips that you like him back- he’s too overjoyed to even think about teasing you. Gojo’s heart is doing backflips at this revelation. And for the first time, Gojo’s able to convey his true feelings for you.


Inumaki Toge: You had just started working as an assistant in a psychiatric home. You would transcribe recorded therapy sessions, input documented data, and pretty much anything your boss needed, you brought to them. You had never heard of curses or cursed energy. In fact you had no comprehension of the matter at all, nor the fact that psychiatric homes are are a melting pot of unique and powerful curses. You were walking down the hallway to one of the patients’ room to deliver a file to the doctor. Absentmindedly, you hummed a tune as you treaded down the hall, nothing provoking suspicion. But as you came closer and closer to the psych ward, the air became harder to breathe in. Your eyes widened and the papers fell, floating down, disarranged onto the floor. The bloodied floor. Your colleagues’ blood and the patients’ swirling around together in a pool of nightmares. The perpetrator stood before you, yet, was invisible to your eye. With your insusceptibility to detecting curses or cursed energy, mixed with the adrenaline in your veins, your regular senses were able to identify a dark, looming presence headed in your direction. You turned around quickly, sprinting from your invisible fate, your shoes clacking against the ground. Tears started to fall out of fear as the walls around you started to be smashed in. Whoever, or whatever was chasing you must’ve been insanely large. Your running soon came to a stop as the rubble from the recently smashed ceiling came crashing to a stop in front of you. You were barricaded in. You turned around, futilely, for you still couldn’t see what was itching to snatch your life away from you. Small pieces of rubble bashed into your knees as you fell to the ground staring at the tile hopelessly. The worst part about death’s grip on your neck, is that you’ll never have a say. “Explode.” You eyes snapped up to see a man with off-white hair and strange marks around his mouth. Soon after he spoke, you heard an unsettling squelching and you were splattered with an invisible liquid you could only assume was the transparent monster’s blood. Though, it dissipated immediately. You gaped at the man before you. Ironically you cried harder now that the danger had subsided. The strange man walked up to you, and hesitantly spoke, his voice a little rough from what you thought to be over-use. “Don’t cry, it’ll all be alright.” He pet your head and you through yourself into his arms, thanking him over and over. Most people cowered before Inumaki’s power, but you, embraced it.


Inumaki Toge > note: for context Inumaki was sent on a mission abroad and has been in a small village for months!Inumaki believed in manifestation and the power of speaking things into existence. He himself held that power on his tongue and he’s vowed to use that power responsibly. But Inumaki was sick of being selfless. He was sick of seeing you despise jujutsu sorcerers, believing them to be messengers of darkness, wielding inhuman abilities. All cultural legends and mistruths. It was excruciating having the power to achieve his dreams and yet being morally bound by self-righteousness. He wouldn’t go down that dark path, he wouldn’t choose physical chains over the mental ones. But, boy, can he dream. Inumaki laid in a field of white dandelions as a cool Spring breeze danced along his skin. You stared at him from the village well. He was a foreigner and a messenger of evil, but, he seemed so lovely and gentle. He was a kind spirit, that Inumaki, but all the village folk told you to stray away. Maybe it was time to stop faking cold glares and instead look upon him with your kind eyes. You fetched water from the well and headed in the direction of the cursed man. Inumaki sat up from his position, unaware of your presence approaching him. He desperately thought that maybe if he wished upon one of these dandelions, maybe the dandelions could make his wish known to the universe— maybe he could be selfish and the blame would fall of the shoulders of the dandelion fluff instead of his. Inumaki picked one of the dandelions, opened his turtleneck, and raised the flower to his lips. His eyes closed as he opens his mouth to vocalize his desire to any deity who would listen. But then, the voice of an angel appeared, “They believe in wishing on dandelions where you’re from, too?” Inumaki gasped at your sudden presence, the petals of the dandelion getting sucked into his mouth. You giggled at his coughing fit, rubbing his back and patting it gently. You quickly realized who you were touching and pulled your hand away, he stared at you, dumbfounded that you would even have to courage to touch him; but your kindness hadn’t receded along with your hand. “Here, it’s fresh from the well.” You handed him a canteen of water. He gulped half of it down before pulling his pen and notepad out of his pocket, scribbling down a message. ‘Why are you being so nice to me?’ It read. “Usually when given a gift people say ‘thank you’,” You joked, but he still looked serious, and extremely confused, “They say you’re a cursed man come to bring shame on the village. You say you’re here to exorcise the curse that resides, unwelcome, here. Your kind heart is offering us a helping hand and I prefer to trust you, Inumaki, because I have no way of knowing if you’re a disciple of despair or not, but I do know that a curse is plaguing our village. I feel it every night.” You turned your head in sorrow as you looked at the village. You had no idea that the curse had not found purchase on a village hut, or the town square, or the well, or even the church but instead it rests upon your torso, clinging to you like a sloth would a branch. Inumaki stared at the curse in disgust. He would tell it to die straight away if it weren’t for the fact that you might die, as well, in the process. And if any harm were to come to you, he, himself, would label him as messenger of evil. The devil that killed an angel. You looked back at him with your enchanting eyes, and you gave him a reassuring smile. Inumaki scribbled down another message and as the graphite inked the page he thought deeply of the situation at hand. If he had spoke aloud his dreams, you would’ve been cursed forever, and there would be no exorcism that could change your fate. You looked at the second message he wrote down, ‘Thank you.’ Perhaps the power of a dandelion could fulfill the wishes of a dreamer through the words said in the heart as well as the tongue.


Fushiguro Megumi: Megumi wasn’t much thrilled to have been paired up with three extravagant, happy-go-lucky, classmates, as well as a self-confident sensei, but there was nothing that he could’ve done about it. He found you to be the most bothersome, always pestering him to not be so gloomy, teasing him for being a tsundere, and nagging him to brighten up. But you hadn’t seen the jujutsu world. You had gotten a tiny taste, so small that you can’t decide if it’s good or bad, but when you get a lick of how bitter, rotten, and sour it is, your face will surely contort from a smile to grimaced disgust. He didn’t say anything about it though, hoping to give you the last few moments where you could give free, genuine, smiles; up until you find yourself stretching your mouth in the mirror, begging the muscles to convey a face that resembles something joyous. When that happens he’ll tell you it’s useless, you don’t have the capability to look anything akin to happy, that he’s already tried everything, for years on end, and you can’t display something that’s been stolen from you. Megumi watches your constant smile become few and far between, your pestering, teasing, and nagging, uttering to a halt, your sweet, carefree laugh, muzzled by the weight of your torment. As Megumi lies down at the end of long days he sees pictures of your beautiful smile run in a montage within his head, he hears your nagging and your laughter, and all the things he used to label incessant, a waste of time, temporary, are all now things he wishes would stop haunting his memory and resurrect in reality.


Fushiguro Megumi: He often pretends that you’re still alive, that you’re just on a mission somewhere far off. He wraps your hoodies around his pillows and falls asleep holding them. Megumi would go into a deep depression. He never got out of bed- he never had the motivation to. He ate little- you weren’t there to enjoy the food with him, so what was the point?Gojou Satoru: Gojous self confidence would decrease by tenfold. He’d be so ashamed that he let you die, he’d constantly be beating himself up about it. He’d stop bragging about how he’s the greatest Jujutsu sorcerer, if anyone brought it up he’d look away and say “I’m not as great as I used to be, they helped me be strong. Now I don’t think I’ll ever be as strong as I was,”Inumaki Toge: He blames himself for everything, he believes that he’s the reason for your death. He’d visit your grave every single day and apologize. And if he misses a day or forgets to visit you, Inumaki sobs, saying how he’s sorry that he could forget about you even for a second. He promised he’d never take on another lover; he thinks it’s disrespectful to your memory.


With all of them (BONUS): You will all get together and start sculpting a snow tower, but like a bolt from the blue, the strongest Gojo Satoru will come and blow your creation to hell and then run away from the whole crowd of students with a satisfied face.


Toji: babe, angel, wife(y)
  • being called by you: mi amor, sweetheart, babe, love (would hide it), daddy (in the heat of the moment only. after that he doesn’t care for it)
Nanami: sweetheart, love
  • being called by you: mi amor, sweetheart, love, honey
Geto: sweetheart, love, honey, angel
  • being called by you: mi amor, angel, babe, pretty boy, sweetheart, baby


Satoru GojouHe doesn't call you by name, he usually gives you nicknames like «pretty girl», «sweetheart», «doll»Most often you get into trouble with him, and in the end, after getting out of this bullshit, he carries you in his arms, allegedly exposing himself as a prince who saved you from danger.— “Sweetie, how could you get into such trouble?~You yourself woke me up at 2 a.m. and offered to take a walk in this DAMN FOREST.Well, well, there's no need to be so angry with yourself.I didn't let you get seriously hurt and—Satoru-u,would you shut up?Enough of this insanity”,you answered him wearily and buried your face in his chest, but before that you slapped him on the shoulder.To hell with the monotony:Every day he kisses you in different ways: a kiss on the nose, a kiss on the cheek, a kiss on the lips (sometimes with teasing)The same can be said about hugs:Gojo hugs you from the back, and if you are short, then he tilts his head and begins to examine your shoes, but if you are as tall as he is, then he buries his face in the back of your head or shoulder.OrHe puts his arm around you with his one hand on your shoulders on purpose not letting you move a step away.In a more playful mood, he begins to loosen his arms and hug your waist or lower.He is a lover of sudden NIGHT shifts.If you don't want to help him move the bed, which in his opinion is not in the right place, then Gojo will do it all by himself while you are lying and trying to fall asleep.(He will definitely wake up too early because the sun is shining hard on his face and then Satoru will hide his head under your nightgown)— “What if people hadn't invented money, what would you trade me for?I think—Oh, I know you'd trade me for nothing because I'm priceless!To some extent, you're right, but you'd just be returned to me.Kento Nanami
Your favorite activity for the two of you is an evening walk by the sea, where you are dressed in a white satin dress, and he is in a white shirt with rolled—up sleeves and at one moment you take off your sandals and run barefoot through the water holding Nanami's hand.He careful about your appearance in the sense that he removes the fallen thread from your clothes, corrects your stray curls, quietly hints if your lipstick has gone beyond the contour of your lips (but this is more like a small trick for a kiss)— “Your lipstick is a little worn off”,he was pointing with his index finger on his face where this flaw was.Where is it?Here”,he came closer to you and, gently cupping your chin, kissed you, deliberately smearing your lipstick.You take turns hugging or your head is on his chest, reading aloud books that you have been putting off for a long time(sometimes you can jump up abruptly and pronounce the words of a character from the book with a special intonation to make Nanami laugh on purpose).You take turns making each other coffee and each of you looks at a beautiful picture:He involuntarily has a smile on his face when he sees you half asleep with your hair carelessly gathered, and so that you stand on your feet, Nanami comes up to you from behind and hugs you by the shoulders or helps you.OrYou come up behind him, kiss his cheek and deftly jump on the countertop and watch his movements, waiting for him to come up to you and bury his face in your chest.Coming home after a hard day, you immediately fall on the bed and you lie together in half-unbuttoned shirts hugging each other.Suguru GetoWhen you want to be away from people, you and Suguru find a tall building where, sitting on the roof, you watch the city while you bask in his jacket, and his hand plays with a strand of your hair.When you are late for something, he is touched by your behavior, especially he is amused by facial expressions when you realize that there is very little time.On a day off, when you both have nothing to do, you go to the subway and ride the train all over the subway until the evening, hugging each other, you look at how the sun slowly begins to set and you and Geto return home tired but happy at the end of the day.Sometimes he deliberately ruins your makeup, but in the end you got tired of it and he became your victim for trying out new cosmetics.— “Y/n, maybe you shouldn't?I just wanted to hug you, and your concealer has already worn off by itself..It's necessary, my dear, it's necessary..”,you abruptly straddled Geto and furiously started powdering his face, which made him sneeze often.Geto sends you your bad photos every time when he's bored and he just wants to make fun of you, but so that you don't get offended too much, he sends you his own photos where he looks even uglier.Toji FushiguroHe teaches you to gamble, because life is unpredictable and the chance that one of you will win is doubled.You always catch him at the moment when he is about to leave, when you are sleeping, because the mattress rises under you when Toji gets up.— “Stop right there”,you told him while holding him by the edge of his T-shirt.I don't understand, have you got a third eye or have you developed a sixth sense?No, you're just heavy.While walking around the city, he decided to buy you flowers, but unfortunately, he lost his wallet and found the best solution — to steal a bouquet of your favorite flowers and quickly run away from the seller.— “Are you kidding me?!If something doesn't suit you, then I can sell you to him”,he picked you up on his shoulders and rushed faster.Naoya ZeninHe didn't like some of your clothes, and he silently made holes in them with scissors, but you're not blind or stupid, so you took all of Naoya's clothes.— “Y/N!!!”,he shouted loudly to you from the other room, making you laugh and go to him.Where are all my...Did you steal all my clothes?!Since you are well versed in style and fashion, then I took your clothes.Do you want me to go naked?Honey, you'll cry to your mom, but not to me”,you turned around and blew a kiss and left him angry in the room.Once you had a pillow fight because he angered you by saying you were a woman and weaker than him, but in the end he was lying on the floor, beaten by you.When you were watching the movie, your hand reached out to his hand and he, looking suspiciously, put his hand on yours.— “Umm,I wanted to take the TV remote because this movie is boring.Of course, your words hurt him, but Naoya is so proud and, in order not to show resentment, he decisively threw you on your back and began to cover your neck with kisses.He was slapping your ass while you were busy with something, but at one point you decided to discourage him.As soon as his hand was about to touch you, you abruptly intercepted it and made Naoya panic a little.— “Can I try it now?No, you wouldn't dare”,he turned around and quickly pulled away from you while you were chasing him and swinging your arm.