"build" ( ken) + "person" ( hito) | JAPANESE






6'0½" (184 cm)


"seven" (七 nana) + "sea" (海 sounds like 三 mi "three") | JAPANESE




July 3, 1990 (CANCER)




Kento's a very wise and reserved kind of man, often appearing so calm and indifferent that he comes off as stoic and aloof. He seems like the kind of person who's too serious about his work, but Kento just knows how to separate sentimentalism from service. He's blunt and straight to the point in most conversations and doesn't care for impractical optimism or questions left open to interpretation. Additionally, Kento's very avid and quick to express his irritation, either on his face and verbally with his words. Kento's often very impatient. He hates working overtime and is very serious about not going a single minute over what's required of him. Beneath his tough exterior, Kento's actually quite sociable and doesn't mind intelligent conversations. He's practical and overly serious to an almost comedic point on occasion, as well. He claims he only became a jujutsu sorcerer because it's slightly less idiotic than being a salaryman. In the role of one of Itadori Yūji's mentors, Kento's a very big contrast to Gojō Satoru, who is far more outspoken and easy-going. Yūji and Satoru describe Kento as "gloomy," and the former didn't believe they'd get along at first. Kento's just a normal man weighed down by the mundane day-to-day practices of life that stole his youth from him. Kento doesn't believe age or life-threatening experience propels one into adulthood. Instead, he feels that it's the build-up of all the little inconveniences throughout life that transform people into adults. He initially treated Yūji as a child because he didn't want to see him abandon his youth for the sake of being a jujutsu sorcerer. However, Yūji eventually proved himself and forced Kento to acknowledge him. Kento knows being a jujutsu sorcerer is a dangerous and demanding job for crazy people, and so he has a hard time respecting people in the profession. Even though Kento and Satoru are longtime friends, the former claims he doesn't respect Satoru despite their mutual trust in one another. He returned to being a sorcerer from the life of a salaryman because he never felt truly appreciated and didn't believe his work had any significant impact on anyone. In contrast, work as a sorcerer allowed him to build up small bits of appreciation from innocent people. For Kento, this was more than enough to allow him to live without regrets. Kento had a similar yet naturally less mature personality while he was a student at Jujutsu High. He saw missions as a burden, but his negativity was always offset by his classmate Yu Haibara's extreme optimism. Haibara's death affected Kento greatly and likely played a role in his initial decision to leave life behind as a jujutsu sorcerer. One of the reasons he believes jujutsu sorcerers are trash is because they must force their comrades to accept that they must willingly sacrifice themselves. He recognizes that this led him to "run away" from the profession, admitting that it's a more befitting phrase than suggesting he "quit." Kento wants to believe he's never been frustrated by his own uselessness, but many of his failures haunt him, such as allowing Haibara to die.
  • His hobby is drinking alcohol and cooking for himself. He loves bread and is a foodie. After leaving work on time, Kento stays at home to eat, drink, and read.
  • His favorite food is bread and dishes fried in garlic oil.
  • His least favorite food is ribbon pasta.
  • His cause of stress is overtime work.
  • Kento first hit the Black Flash four consecutive times during the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons in Kyoto against several grade 1 cursed spirits.
  • Kento couldn't blame Suguru for becoming a curse user.
  • Kento does want to get married, but not while working as a jujutsu sorcerer.
  • The theme songs that Gege Akutami chose for Kento is "Yura Yura Teikoku De Kangaechu" by the band Yura Yura Teikoku and "Saboten Record" by the band Fujifabric.
  • Kento's end was decided by Akutami while planning the Shibuya Incident. Akutami likes Kento as a character because he's easy to draw but felt like Kento's character had reached its ceiling based on his role in the story.


He's the only sorcerer in his family. His maternal grandfather is Danish.
  • Enrollment method: scouted.




gifts Genuinely cannot tell if his present has class or is super plain and basic. Maybe he’ll get you a nice watch! A nice perfume! Or maybe he’ll take you out to dinner at a restaurant you really like! Or maybe he’ll get you a coupon! You’re honestly pretty torn. He buys something for you only because he feels like it's obligatory, but if youre closer, maybe he’ll be a bit more sensitive and invite you out to that bakery he visits.***thinking about Nanami buying you gifts and jewelry every time he sees something he thinks you’d like or that reminds him of you. He’ll give them to you as soon as he sees you again (which kinda makes you sad cause you don’t have time to buy something for him)***video games Says he doesn't have time for them now. was super into gta iv and fallout 3/new vegas when they came out. has played old school doom. likes farming sims like animal crossing and stardew valley.
  • ***gamer s/o doesn't get it. Doesn't get it AT ALL. He tries to understand the games you play, but they are so fast and have so much information at the same time. It's a no for him. He supports you though.
***tall ▸ oh, he finds you so sexy. He loves your long legs. He is always restraining himself not to attack you anytime he notices your long beautiful legs.
  • ***intimidating impression: piercings ▸ Nanami is not the type to judge by appearances. For example, he knows Gojo is amazing but he still doesn’t respect him. Looks are not near what a person can be. With you were no different. He honestly liked your originality and how you express yourself, come on, the guy uses a leopard print tie and looks chic. And whenever you’re out together and someone gives you a weird look, he’ll give them a ten thousand worse one back.
shortOh God, you're spoiled rotten. Kento adores it. He just can’t resist it. All you have to do is look up at him with a sweet smile and whatever you want is yours. He can’t even help it. You’re constantly making him blush because you’re just so adorable to him. But he refuses to actually emote so he’s just staring straight ahead while his cheeks and ears are bright red. He doesn’t tease you about your height at all, but he has a habit of patting you on the head. It’s not even a patronizing thing. He usually does it because he’s had a nice thought about you, or you’ve done something cute or kind and it’s a wordless way to positively acknowledge that. He likes being able to push you behind himself if there's any danger; it gives him a good sense of security. Also loves that when you hug, your face is often buried in his chest. When you’re alone, he’s always pulling you into his lap, just to ask you about your day or to simply quietly hold you. The man is so soft on you. You literally have him wrapped around your fingers. 100% backs up anything you say. Like it could be the most outlandish thing in the world and he’s like “If my girlfriend says it’s true. It is. I don’t know what to tell you.” He gets things off of high shelves for you without you even having to ask. When he hugs you, he picks you up, only because it’s easier on his back to do so. Kento has a little bit of a size kink… okay. He has a serious size kink, but it’s not manifested in being particularly rough with you. He’s actually a bit more careful. But when he pins your wrist above your head with one hand, and you're completely unable to move them… that’s a bit of a turn-on. And seeing you under him, so small and virtually defenseless… that’s a turn-on. He’s honored that you trust him so much. LOVES seeing you in his shirts. It really drives him crazy to see how big his shirts are on you. He likes you soft. So, if you were thin when you started dating him, expect to gain a few pounds… and if you were already a bit soft in the middle… also expect to gain some happy weight. It’s not even intentional. He’s a foodie. He likes to cook and one of the ways he expresses affection is through being sure you’ve eaten. And we all know he loves carbs, so you're going to put on some weight. And he loves every bit of it. He just strikes me as someone who'd have cute plump little girlfriend that he’s shamelessly in love with. Like, you really are his whole world.***big breasts ▸ the king himself - sure, he’s prim and proper all day long. but there is no way he is going to deny himself to enjoy your very obvious feature. loves to nuzzle his face into your chest after a long day, sighing tiredly as he closes his eyes to just enjoy how soft and warm they are. he isn’t going to openly squeeze them in his hands, even if you two are alone at home. he doesn’t want to be viewed as a pervert, no matter how comfortable you are with one another. however, whenever you wake up in the morning, it’s not abnormal to feel his hands under your shirt cupping your bare chest in his warm hands; his breath even against your neck while you run your fingers through his hair. live for it, absolutely lives for it. anyway lol - he doesn’t stop you getting more revealing clothes if you’re into that, or if you rather keep yourself hidden underneath baggy clothes. as long as he gets to see them in private, he does not care at all. doesn’t care about the stretch marks either - in fact, he loves it. there is just something so sexy to him about the sight of them on your skin; his fingers gently tracing over the indented skin with such a soft look on his face. lowkey though - mans favourite thing about you are your nipples lol. he loves how he can just tweak them a little between his fingers just ever so slightly and you’d melt like putty in his lap; letting him do pretty much everything and anything he wants with you. loves it whenever you cling onto his arm - because he likes the feeling of your chest pressing against his arm lmaooo. like i said - business on the streets, pervert in the sheets. but yeah, just lives for whenever he can feel your chest pressing up against him, or any part of your body by the way. not only does it give him a chance to feel you up subtly, makes him feel happy that you want to be this close to him. loves it whenever you wear his clothes - especially his button ups to go to bed. man is so broad that the regardless of the shirt type, it will be a dress on you lol. and there is just something about your chest just being so unrestricted, the only thing that’s popping up underneath the soft fabric of his clothes that is just so cute and sexy to him. doesn’t care if people stare at you. both of you are true to one another. but if i am being honest here, he’d find it quite a ego booster that so many people seem to be eyeing you up; thinking that they can bring you home. so he’d just pull you close, making sure your chest is pressed against him whilst he places butterfly kisses down your neck, his sharp eyes meeting the person’s across the room as he smirks at them. it makes you super flustered, and you know that if nanami has it his way, he might just bend you over right now and show the entire room just how much of a good pet you are for him. also another massager - he’d massage them if you’re feeling sore, or massage your shoulders and back if you complain of constant aches and pains from how much weight you carry on the daily. will go bra shopping with you, and you find it interesting that he just knows how things work in a bra shop - heck, he is the one who bought you the most comfiest bras in your entire collection. conclusion - gentleman for the most part, but is a closeted pervert lol. but he still loves you a lot as a person, and always remembers to remind you that he loves you, and nothing will change that.***stretch marks ▸ you comment on wanting to use shea butter or oils to help diminish them and he will tell you that it’s unlikely they’ll disappear. He doesn’t say it to be mean, he just doesn’t want you to be disappointed if nothing gets rid of them. He realizes a bit later that that sounds a little insensitive and he apologizes and tells you he hopes you don’t find them to be faults. They’re just proof that you’ve lived and grown and if you hadn’t done either, he wouldn’t have been able to know you. He assures you that they’re incredibly common and that you will always be your own harshest critic. No one else is looking at your stretch marks and thinking anything at all about them. Except him (now) because he’s determined to memorize every part of you and feels foolish that he didn’t consider the stretch marks before.***physically flexible ▸ he finds it hot. He loves how longline you can look. What makes him crazy is your legs. Seeing that you can bring them close to your ear with so much facility kills him. His mind just explode and with you're not home, he takes you right to it because he can't hold back any longer. He loves to kiss your legs, all the way to it.***likes to sleep for a long time The rays of the sun penetrated into your room which shone into your eyes trying to interrupt your sleep. But you wanted to go on sleeping so much and you buried your face deeper into the soft pillow. Kento woke up because he felt that you were fidgeting on the bed. He smiled at the way you tried to hide from the sun trying to pull you out of sleep. His fingers began to draw lines on your skin connecting moles into constellations that will shine brightly only for him. From these smooth soothing movements, you fell asleep snuggled closer to Kento.***shy ▸ He takes care of everything calmly. Especially when something could happen or if you feel uncomfortable. He will always ask if you want him to do something. He is always the one who orders food, he pays for purchases, he goes ahead. If you want it, that's fine. He will do what you think is better for you. Plus, if he also thinks it's better that way because you don't have to be afraid, it'll be really better. He'll just do it the way you want it, and you won't have to worry about strangers.
  • ***only badass when fighting curses he'll be dumbfounded, but will keep his cool. After you finish your sensational fight, he'll praise you the same way he did with Itadori, the Nanami's style praise. "You certainly know what you're doing, Y/n". And with that you are all flustered getting back to your normal shy self. Mentally, Nanami is thinking how lucky he is to have such an extraordinary s/o.
***anxiety he understands because he is an adult and he know how much responsibility life can throw over your shoulders. So he talks things through. He sits with you with a cup of water and lets you pull it all out.***attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder he sometimes gets annoyed with how easy it is for you to suddenly lose attention, but he is an understandable man. He also treats you like a kid. So whenever you are out in a place with too many things going on, he holds your hand to make sure you won't get lost.***writer ▸ he'd love to read your work. When it comes to fictions thought he would find hard to understand because Nanami has no imagination. So if it's something close to reality he would have a better response.attention from a bookwormHe never ever is going to say that he needs you. Kento respects your space and is more than grateful that you respect his. Is one of the things that he loves the most about your relationship especially because Satoru doesn't understand personal space. But that doesn't mean that he won't miss your attention from time to time. Therefore, he's going to start ask you questions like "Are you hungry?" "Do you want some water" or "Are you cold, love?" Now you get it, so you look at him and pet the empty spot by your side, which he gladly (more joyfully) fills.calm and expressionless ▸ ***apathetic and tired ▸ he is worried with your sleeping schedules and he sends you articles explaining the harms of the lack of sleep so he doesn't have to argue with you. "The experts no better, Y/n".***only affectionate with him ▸ won't tell you, neither show that this makes his heart flutters. He'll keep his cool but inside his burning with pride that he's the only one who's able to see this beautiful side of you. Different from Gojo won't share this secret with anyone.***low social battery ▸ he is not a people person either. You don't even need show any sign. He feels the same need as you, and you just go home happily together.***motherlyanother one that is warm inside. He loves how easily you can deal with kids and how much they love you. He starts to accept the idea of being a father someday if the one to be the mother of his children is you.***does beauty appreciation with random people ▸ internally he is screaming but he has an expressionless face so you just continue your praising and adoration. He's going to change your way so you can no longer observe the person. If you were doing something, he'll abruptly interrupt claiming that he has something else to do just to get you out of there.***collects plushies ▸ he finds it weird LMAO but he doesn't judge or mock you. If it's something that you like he respects and supports you no matter what. So he buys one here and there to make you smile. If you buy one that reminds him, he'll feel his heart warm and full of love.his typeIn a world where curses aren't as much of a threat, I think he'd prefer to find someone outside of jujutsu. Kind, soft, and caring (takes care of people well). Sweet but not cheesy. Gets-the-job-done types.friends to lovers ▸ He's also friends with you since high school, but he always knew what he felt. He loved you especially because you were calm and treated everybody with respect. He also loved that you enjoyed adult things like appreciating a good bread and hating Satoru. But he never meant it to become something more than a really good friendship until one day you were walking on the street and a bicycle came straight into you. Kento saw that you didn't pay attention and grabbed you by the waist, pushing you two to a corner. The last thing you remember, you were already with your lips in his, so you broke it, feeling all sorry, but got pushed back as Kento returned the kiss passionately. "Nanamin finally made the move, I see." "Shut up, Gojou," they both said in's always been you ▸ The stars were out now, decorating the night sky. The air was brisk and chilly, but Kento was kept warm from the cold by his large wool coat and his hand entwined with yours. You gently swung your hands back and forth together as the two walked in the direction of your apartment. Kento’s eyes softened as he took in your profile illuminated by the yellow glow of the streetlamps lining the sidewalk. Despite the cold, a content grin stretched across your face as your eyes darted around, soaking in everything. Kento noticed how you were shivering even though you were wearing a plethora of layers. He stopped walking, earning himself a questioning look from you at the sudden pause. He unraveled the thick scarf from around his neck and gently wrapped it around your own, commenting that you looked cold. You gave him a soft grateful look in response, bringing a hand up to touch the newest accessory, and thanked him. When you resumed your walk home once again, you reached out and took Kento’s hand back in yours and gave it a firm squeeze. His lips curled up in a small smile as he softly squeezed your hand afterwards.***crush ▸ If he happens to hear a nearby conversation mention your name, his ears immediately perk up and he’s very intent in listening to the entirety of the discussion in hopes of learning something new about you that he doesn’t know already. It’s a straightforward and effortless way of him “gathering intel” on you, and if anyone points out that’s creepy (Satoru) he defends himself by saying he’s just being observant.
  • Nanami Kento is just leisurely relaxing at home after a long day of work. He lets out a small sigh before he takes a sip of his wine he had been swirling in his hands. His eyes lazily scanning the book in his other hand. However, it was hard for him to concentrate on what he was reading. His mind kept wandering off and he wasn’t processing any of the words he was reading. Kento’s mind kept thinking of you. How his heart felt like someone was squeezing it every time you walked into the room. How his stomach felt like it did a flip every time he heard your voice. Or how he felt like his knees buckled at the sound of your voice calling his name. Rolling off of your tongue so sweet and so easily. He looks forward, his eyes wide open as he stops swirling his wine. His mouth slightly opening as he finally realizes. “Shit…” is all he speaks out before panic starts to set in and his cheeks start to burn. It takes him quite a bit of time to finally realize that he was crushing on you. And once he realizes, he tries so hard to stop himself but it just makes him crush even harder.
  • He doesn’t smile often, but when he does, it’s because he’s smiling at you. He tries to avoid his feelings for you, but when you sit next to him in the evening, he can’t help but feel warm and content, giving you a loving smile, offering to make you some tea. And for some reason, he always has your favourite pastries waiting for you. Usually he doesn’t even give anyone a second look, but for you, he becomes a complete gentleman. Waiting for you outside meetings, walking you back to your car, holding your hand as you come down the stairs - he never gets annoyed either, he always does it with a small smile. He wants to be your gentleman <3
  • i can see him admiring from afar only because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable if you don't reciprocate those feelings. but he will make very small advances just to see how you react and depending on how you do tells him enough. also very protective and doesn't like you going on dangerous missions without him. it's not that he isn't confident in your abilities, it's more that he literally cannot focus on anything else except you and your safety until you get back. had to hide his smile when he subconsciously rolled up his sleeves and noticed how you stared before immediately looking away with a not so faint blush on your face
  • Nanami is the type to seek out a mutual confession or simply talk about it to you. He isn't very comfortable with the idea of romance or having to confess to people, but he isn't naive enough to try to convince himself that he doesn't like you. Nanami knows what he wants, and he knows that it's you. However, he's not willing to say as much. It's not that he's shy or scared, but more that Nanami doesn't want to seem like an inconvenience. To him, his feelings are but an obstacle that he needs to avoid. If you're the observant type then it won't take too much to realise he likes you, since Nanami can be quite…open towards people he likes. Aka he talks to you more and finds himself often complaining about Gojo to you. Nanami probably confesses by talking to you about it. It's just another day after work with two Jujutsu sorcerers taking some time to relax with soju, and as the two of you tethered on the lines of tipsy but not quite so, he found himself being a little more indulgent than he would have liked. It's a simple question, just asking about your relationship status and if you like someone, accompanied by a simple answer, yet the one word you uttered was enough to have him do a double-take. In his alcohol-addled state, Nanami could help but muse whether the man you liked was simply called Yuu, but thankfully you were insightful enough to call his name after the word. Everything seemed so easy after that, the two of you already got along quite well and were both mature enough to respect each other's schedules and boundaries. You would often argue about which one of you actually confessed first, with Nanami saying it was clear he asked about your crush in hopes of it being him and you retorting that wasn't the same as an actual confession.
Doesn’t need you to ask him to put your things away and just does things for you.“Oh Nanami you don’t have to do that” been the 7th time you’ve said that and every time you couldn’t stop him. The 3rd time he does it he gives you a look that says “You can’t be that dense right? Surely you know by now?” Also buys you food. Especially when you forget to eat aw. He tells you the importance of eating in a timely manner; it sounds like scolding from the outside but this man just cares about his baby I mean crush. Will eventually ask if you want to have dinner at his place (because even though he seems stoic this guy is probably the most contemplative person HE DOESNT WANNA SCREW THIS UP AH). Might tease him: “So this is a date?👀” Catches you off surprise two can play that game: “Is it?” When you’re teasing goes too far: Playful chases after you around the kitchen like a married COUPLE OH MY G- LOWKEY about it but prides himself every time whenever he makes you giggle after calling Gojo a dumbass. Or any sarcastic snarky comment since he comes off monotone. You give him reasons to indulge in his feelings and emotions, things that wouldn’t have mattered if he hadn’t met you, life in general. Overall: This man pines for you. Please give his heart a break and marry him already damn :(((someone else likes his crush ▸ The situation annoys him, but he won't say or do anything unless he thinks you're uncomfortable. He knows that he can't demand anything from you since you don't have this type of relationship. But he'll be close. Close enough to see if the person's move is too much and make sure he doesn't lose you in the process.***caught staring ▸ Reading the weekly newspapers is what it seemed like he was doing. Until it wasn’t. Sitting in the lounge area, you just wanted a small peak (at Nanami’s arm-sleeves rolled up to his elbows) at your friend to see how invested he was in the papers. Lo and behold. He wasn’t. If it wasn’t for you that is. If you weren’t there he wouldn’t be distracted. So it’s not really his fault. Continues to act like nothing happened. However if he can read the room (and MAN he sure does!), he’ll look at you up & down in a amatory way, eyes filled of enamor, and then goes back to his newspapers. But there’s nothing more intimately torrid and high tension than catching him off his guard. (“Note to self. Don’t get caught in the act. Again.”)cheek kiss from crush ▸ ...
  • as thanks ▸ For a moment, he's frozen on spot with just his eyes blinking. Before you can leave, he manages to come back and kiss your cheek instead. "Anytime, Y/N."
***accidental boob / butt touch ▸ Nanami was standing in the elevator, waiting for the doors to finally open on the correct floor. You stood in front of him also waiting for your stop. The doors open with a ding and a new large group of people start to pile in. You start to step back to let people in and don’t realize how far you step back. Your butt squishes against Nanami’s hand and he quickly lifts them up. “I’m sorry…” he quietly mutters out, his hands now straightening his blazer and his tie in an attempt to act natural. He crosses his arms to avoid touching you again. He looks to the side and tries so desperately to keep his composure. His heart was racing with embarrassment and he could feel his cheeks starting to burn. The thought continued to haunt him for the rest of the day, worried you might think he’s another perverted coworker.***confession ▸ It took him sometime to understand his feelings. Kento never though that he'd ever feel something like love but it's what it was. After he became honest with his heart, he already knew what to do. He then invited you to have dinner with him in his house since he wanted it to be an intimate moment between you two. He cooked your favorite food and bought a fine wine and of course the best bread he could find. He didn't say it first-hand, preferring to enjoy the meal and feel the atmosphere. Before you could go to dessert, he took your hand in his and softly said, "Y/N, I like you. If you want to, I'd be honored to be your boyfriend." You squeezed his hand. "Kento, I couldn't be happier."
  • Nanami wouldn't waste a single moment in delaying his confession,more like he can't. He is calm, collected and always maintains a stoic personality yet as soon as his heart is soaked with love,he wouldn't be able to control his emotions neatly. So, he'll fess up carefully to not to make you feel obligated to answer.
  • When he realizes, he is also fairly confident you feel the romance spark between you both. So he thinks if he is ready for a relationship before thinking about the best way to ask you out. Settles on a private type date in which he asks you out to a picnic. For which Kento makes his favorite loaf of bread. He also brings a spread and wine to match it. While also packing some sandwiches, chocolate, and various fruits into a picnic basket. - “Would you like to drink wine and watch the sunset with me?” He drives you to a beautiful forest, and the two of you relax in a beautiful clearing by a cliff that overlooks a breathtaking waterfall. There he spreads out the blanket and the two of you talk for hours. While watching the sunset.
***asking out ▸ love , it was never in his dictionary , nor in his mind for it always was filled with the thoughts of work , and the world of sorcery until he had met you. he met you at the usual bakery he always went to and his eyes landed on you one day and he was immediately taken and soon found out you worked in the same company he works at and soon you two started interacting and it all started over a baked goodie. his proposal to you was sudden as a perfectly worded , would you like to go out with me , was said to you as you look at him with wide doe like eyes and he feels his heart clench at the sight of your expression but he keeps his calm for he might even get rejected and as if you read him , you smile , one so soft and genuine as you mumbles a light yes while being all so flustered. i’ll see you at 8 then on sunday , you speak , giggling like a school girl as he watches in awe for he had still not processed your acceptance before a he stutters his response to you that leaves you smiling , yeah , yeah , I’ll see you at 8 on sunday then.***for his crush or s/o ▸ This is low hanging fruit as a Nanami related hc but he cooks for you. If you hate cooking, have a busy schedule, can’t cook, have dietary restrictions, etc, he’s packing you lunches for the week so you eat healthy. He also would be so patient in teaching you to cook things for yourself and especially if you have dietary restrictions, he’s going to learn how to make things for you so you can help teach him! He might not be able to give up gluten as a bread lover, but he will help make gluten free bread-adjacent things for you. He’s a very good listener. He’ll let you vent for as long as you need and not just try to solve anything unless you ask for it. He’s really holding back, honestly, but he respects that sometimes all you need is to complain. Also a gift giver but not over the top like Gojo is. He’ll get you a few small things here and there that he thought you’d like or like a bigger thing he knows you’d like and there’s always an occasion attached (of course people celebrate their 8.5 month anniversary smh that’s what this gift is for) He will carve out time into his schedule for you. Specifically for you. If all he can manage for the week is a lunch date, that is time that is dedicated to seeing you. You are getting that full lunch hour with him. He prefers having more time and prefers it to not be so regimented, but he takes what he can get.***as a song Now playing: "Care" by Sonder | Nanami and you both have busy lives. As sorcerers, you don’t exactly have a lot of down time. you make it work, though. Lately it seems you’ve been running yourself ragged. You’ve been assigned more missions as of late and nanami’s barely seen you in the past week. The only prolonged period of time he’s spent with you is when you’re both asleep and even then, you slip into bed late into the evening. Besides that it’s a rushed kiss here and a quick i love you there. He’s concerned for your well-being. it’s not healthy to be working so often especially in your line of work, which requires you to be in top mental and physical condition. So when you come home from your latest mission, nanami’s there to greet you at the door. You’re surprised to see him waiting up for you considering it’s late at night. He’s dressed in more relaxed clothing, and laying on the couch, thumbing through a book. When he hears the front door creak open and sees you stumble inside, nanami places the book down and looks at you. “i ran a bath for you already. after you get dressed, you can eat the dinner i prepared.” You give him a tired, but grateful grin in return and cheekily ask him to join you in the bath. Nanami denies your request, but he does sit on the edge of the bathtub to keep you company. he’ll wash your hair and your back for you, and the tension in your shoulders melts away when nanami drags his hand in between them. He hands you a towel to dry off along with one of his t-shirts and a pair of sleep shorts for you to change into. After you change into your clothes for the night, you drag yourself into the kitchen and come up behind nanami, wrapping your arms around his middle and nuzzling your face into the space in between his shoulders. “thank you, kento,” you sleepily tell him, pressing a kiss to his back. Nanami turns around in your hold to press a kiss to your forehead, “always, my love.”favorite song he listens to with you ▸ Now playing: "Ecoute Cherie" by Vendredi sur Mer | I can’t stress it more, when your both cleaning up the house you’ll ask if he can play some music and he’d put on French music or classical music. After finishing the chores he’d sway you around to this song with a loving smile on his lips. Back in his days of being a teen he’d listen to hard rock music but now he’s a grown man that is more mature. So, when you’d laugh about his old pictures of hard rock music albums he’d shut the picture book right away saying he’s more mature now for that childish music.songs he'd dance to with you ▸ music is banned in his apartment after you and gojo tried to blast cupcakke at full volume while he was sleeping :/couple song ▸ “Darling?” Nanami calls from the kitchen, and you glance up from the couch where you have your laptop balanced on your knees. “Yes?” “I’m making pasta, do you want some?” He pokes his head out to look at you, and you instantly warm at seeing his tired face. Every time you see the slight frown on his face, it always makes you want to kiss the furrowed area between his brows. “Sure, I can help cook too!” You briefly set your songs to shuffle as cooking background music before setting your laptop down onto the coffee table. When you step into the kitchen, you find yourself smiling upon seeing Nanami standing at the stove. The man is fresh out of the shower, blond hair mussed and his tall frame draped in a t-shirt and pajama pants. It greatly contrasts the suits he wears to work every day, and it makes your heart squeeze with pride at being one of the few to see him this way. You happily envelop your arms around his torso, pressing your cheek into his back and immediately feeling his rich chuckle tickle your face. “Hi, darling.” “Hi.” You raise your head and he’s peeking down his shoulder to gaze at you. “Is that our song playing?” You pause to listen, and the song filled with memories and your love for each other is indeed playing. “It is!” He sends you a small smile, placing a hand over the ones you have wrapping tightly around his stomach. “We should listen to it before we go to bed too.” “You’re not sick of it yet?” You tease. He lowers the heat of the stove and sets down the spoon he was stirring to remove your hands from his waist. Turning to face you, he keeps your hands grasped in his, rubbing tender circles over the back of your hands. His eyes meet yours with a firm yet adoring look. “No, never.” “Never?” You coyly bat your eyelashes, and he moves his hands to cup the sides of your face. For a moment he doesn’t say anything, simply admiring you in the low light of the kitchen before sweetly kissing you. A satisfied smirk spreads across his lips when he pulls away, “Never.”
SLOW DANCING"Baby Powder" by Jenevieve
THEME SONG"Stress Relief" by late night drive home
"care" by sonder
"ecoute cherie" by vendredi sur mer
***first date ▸ This one is harder. Nanami is a man of class, so it would be absolutely normal for you to assume the standard restaurant date. But since he left his job as a broker, he tends to experiment with his lifestyle choices (like his outfit). So having that in mind we can guess he’d try something unexpected yet not too far out of his comfort zone. I’m thinking a bowling date, to be honest. It’s something low-risk, not very noisy, but also quite fun and challenging. It’s the perfect “I just always wanted to try this out” thing that’s both fun and safe enough to do with a person you want to charm. Also, given Nanami’s precision as a jujutsu sorcerer, he’d 100 percent be using the chance to impress you with his sniper aim. Not blatantly, but he’d pull a small smug grin every time you cheer him for a strike. He’s also probably the only person in the whole world to look good in bowling shoes, so why not use it? Overall it’s the perfect ratio of fun and mature, and bowling leaves a pretty big room for conversation, so you’d get a sweet memorable first date experience.
  • He knows the finest restaurants in town and there is where he's gonna take you. He'll take you either to one with your favorite food or to one that has experimental food. He's going to pay, no discussion, but if you insist a lot, he'll let you pay for the dessert. He'll also hold your hand and give little kisses on it. Kisses your lips softly but with passion.
soft things ▸ Kento loves coming home to you. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing your face after a long day at work. If you’re cooking dinner in the kitchen, Kento will come up behind, wrap his arms around you, and press a soft kiss to your neck. He’s capable of tying his tie himself, but Kento prefers it when you do it for him. A crease forms in between your brows and your tongue slightly juts out as you concentrate on how to properly loop his tie. Kento finds it to be incredibly endearing and after you’re done, he’ll press a kiss to your forehead and murmur a soft "thank you." When he’s teetering the line between being awake and being asleep, Kento barely registers your hands gently slipping off his glasses. He’ll crack his eyes open, making out your blurry outline, and give a small drowsy smile before drifting off entirely.cute thingsDoesn’t like to talk during movies / shows (usually will listen to you, though, but once in a while will respectfully tell you to shush 😔 )—HOWEVER will engage in a thorough discussion / analysis / critique of every single scene after. Takes book recommendations from you very seriously and will give you a detailed report of his thoughts / sometimes annotates. 📝 Nags and will remind you to drink water / eat balanced meals, complains if you don’t take care of yourself but then looks after you in the little things (throws out the milk if it’s expired, restocks your fridge, does the dishes, buys your favorite detergent when it runs out).
  • totally more of an action over words person as well. for him flirty lines and sweet talk aren't what being in love means, its more of a toying around. he takes flirting and turns it into physical contact. light touches. u get hit by something, his hand is instantly on your shoulder rubbing it. “Are you okay?” the more he sees that u dont feel uncomfy the more he uses touching to his advantage. when u are sitting his hand is always behind your back, sometimes playing with your hair, moving a few strands in between his fingers. the next thing you know his hand is on your thigh, his thumb drawing small circles on your soft skin. just to be sure, he will give you the “is this okay” look. oh god how can it not be okay. when it gets late he will always drop u home, doesn't matter the time or the location. he isnt a child so no confession will happen, the moment u feel his hand around your waist u are his, right then and there. he just knows how to treat a woman, thats it.
  • Kento plants a kiss on your nose when he sees you all tucked in to bed. cherishes the way you scrunch your nose in response as he hurries to shower before joining you in the comfort of your warmth.
little things ▸ Kento washes your hair for you. after a long day at work or even just sunday mornings, showers with nanami are always relaxing. it's routine for him to hold you for a while under the hot water. you usually feel the tension in his shoulders and neck wash down the drain. his broad shoulders just sag sag sag until he let's out a deep sigh against your neck, pressing a quick kiss to your jaw before pulling away. he never goes too far though, just enough to turn around and grab the shampoo bottle. he loves seeing you relax under his hands, his fingertips massaging your scalp so gently, working the product through. he gets a front row seat to watch your eyes droop in serenity, the goosebumps break out across your side when he gets that spot by your ear, the water dripping down your arms, your chest and belly, down your hips and thighs. he gets to look at you— his one and only— in your most peaceful state without you teasing him for staring. he always kisses your forehead before rinsing, even if he sometimes gets soap in his mouth.***love language ▸ Protection and care. Kento likes to protect you. It can be from curses or something small as an annoying person Gojou's in this group. He also likes to take care of you. He cooks for you, makes sure you sleep well or you're not feeling cold or getting wet by the rain.
  • It might take time for you to understand the love language of Nanami but you eventually do. He is straightforward with his words. And he never promises something he can’t fulfil. Which always brought you back to the thought that why is he not different around you. You’ve read it in books, witnessed it in person that one tends acts differently around people they love. But Nanami was still the same around you as he was around others. He did vent to you about Gojo and his shenanigans but that’s all. It made you wonder if he’s the type to bottle up his feelings. Oh my god. What if he feels that he can’t share it with you? So one day, you just ask. “Kento?” You call. “Yes, darling,” he pours the cake batter into the mold. You are seated on the counter beside the bowl of cream he whipped earlier. “Do you love me?” He waits for a laugh but it is followed by a silence. He thought that might be a rhetorical question but after that silence, it might not be. “You know the answer to that. Why are you asking?” “Because I feel you do not feel comfortable around me. You never tell me if you’re feeling angry or when you’re day was bad,” you look down at the marble white floor. “I feel like I am just another person for you.” That’s where he sets the cake aside and takes three quick steps towards you. “Okay now that is a lie. You’re not just another person for me, love. You’re my everything. I feel absolutely comfortable around you.” “Then why do you not tell me if you’ve had a bad day?” You finally look up at him. His never seen you this sad. “Because…you make everything better. I might come home in a bad mood but when I see your pretty face and hear your pretty voice greeting me, my day automatically gets better.” Okay now your eyes are widened. How dumb of you? You want to punch the insecure y/n in you. “You’re not just anybody for me. I do not cuddle just anybody. I do not share my personal space with anybody. I do not bake cakes for just anybody,” he says pointing at the batter he has set aside earlier. You feel like crying. You were crying for pebbles when you had a gemstone all this time. “So who am I?” “You…” he scoops out a little cream on his pointer and swatches it on the tip of your nose, “You are my everything, beloved.” Your brain suddenly starts recollecting all the memories but highlighting the part where Kento treated you special. Not just when you were alone but also when he was in front of anyone. And finally your little mind realizes, You’re his everything.
  • Acts of service, quality time, gift giving, and sometimes words of affirmation is how Kento shows his affection for you. Pretty much all of them except physical touch, honestly. He isn’t very physically affectionate. He accepts it from you and initiates it sometimes, but it just isn’t him too much. Kento likes doing things for you and making your life easier, as he thinks you deserve it all. He’ll run your errands, take your kitten to the vet, helps you with your chores, and anything else that will remind you he’s there for you. This goes in with the quality time. Kento likes and appreciates the small things in life, so the most mundane things like helping you out or doing things for you mean a lot to him. Most of these languages come together when you realize how much he likes planning your dates. If you’re dating him, you’d most likely be a foodie too. So he really takes it seriously when he’s finding restaurants, bars, and venues to take you to. He also likes to take you shopping if you need nicer clothes for your dates (or lingerie). What draws you to him initially are his manners and how he acts like a gentleman towards you (opening the door for you, giving you his jacket, always walking you to your door). Words of affirmation specifically come from him when you two are just waking up or after having sex. You try not to think too much about how he acts like such a good husband.
  • Acts of service; Nanami genuinely appreciates it when you lovingly do something for him- cook his favourite meal, massage his shoulders when he comes home tired, draw a warm and soothing bath for him. It's nice to be cared for.
***types of affectionThe sweetest man ever. why is he even fictional? Nanami is not the type of boyfriend who expresses his love through hugs, kisses, and in any physical forms of affection. he expresses his love more through words of affirmation which he thinks is the most powerful and most lovable form of affection. When he leaves for work he always says, "i'll be back, love. i love you so much" to be honest, sometimes, you're worried of his job as a sorcerer and eliminating curses almost everyday. it's incredibly dangerous. your anxiety grows as he's away and might not be able to come back. but no, you should always push your worries away because he will always come back to you and say, "i'm home, love." Whenever you say you're not enough, nanami would quickly cup your face and hold your hand as the most sweetest words comes out of his mouth, "love, don't say that. you are enough. you are more than enough. you are perfect." and he would continuously compliment you and remind you of things you're good at. :( Whenever you say that you're tired, he would carry you to your bed, cook you your favorite dish, and feed you. as he does, he would say, "whenever you feel tired, always rely onto me. i can take care of you. you need to be taken care of. i don't want you feeling tired at all. you don't deserve to be tired. i will always be here to help you recharge." Nanami also likes to feed you from time to time. sometimes, he feeds you subconsciously that you get worried that you might gain weight. you tell him, "nanami, i might gain weight" and he would respond, "mhm, and what about it? if you gain weight or not, you'd still be the most beautiful person i have ever laid my eyes on. if you gain weight, i wouldn't care. i would always give absolutely everything to you because you deserve it."the ickWon’t argue over little things but will patronizingly look at you and you KNOW he still thinks you’re wrong. 🙄 Doesn’t believe in horoscopes but if you mention it, he'll use it against you. (“Didn’t the horoscope say be careful? Let’s stay at home.”) Uses those pen styluses and wipes his phone screen obsessively (always complaining about the screen getting greasy). WON’T wear wrinkled clothing and is so persistent about it, will literally pull out the ironing board / steamer and everything or will insist on wearing something else (always nags about your clothes being wrinkled, too)."would you date me if i was a worm?" ▸ Nope. Animals aren't allowed in my apartment. You literally have a cat. 😒 And she loves to eat worms. I am trying to save you baby. GET THE HINT.🙂tenderness ...
  • ***what makes him go 🥺Nanami gives you that look whenever he’s feeling lazy. He’s usually so proactive except when he has a long day- then he barely wants to complete even the simplest task. If you try to brush off his request, he’ll respond with upturning his brows and widening his gaze, then pleading with a kiss before whispering, “please, my love…”
  • ***period Knows what it is, never had experience, but somehow is an absolute god at taking care of you when your period comes round. Expect home cooked food every single day. He will come home on time everyday for dinner just to cook for you. Monitors your diet to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need, while also letting you indulge and have some of the snacks you like. Will never ever lose his cool. You can cry, scream at him, say the most illogical and unreasonable things, but he will never ever scold you or make you feel bad <3 Buys you pads, and buys the right kind. Sometimes he even buys night pads for you in case your flow gets heavier (if you don’t usually use night pads). Like I said earlier, he never ever works overtime during your period. He wants to make sure he gets home to you as soon as possible so that he can take care of you. Expect him to be a lot more intimate during this period of time. More cuddles, more kisses and he always showers with you whenever you’re on your monthly. He just wants to make sure you’re comfortable <3
this man knows all about periods somehow. maybe his mother taught him or maybe he learned elsewhere, but the man knows. he'll quickly realize when you get it or when you're on it. he'll notice the changes in your mood and the sudden cravings for food. he'll be pretty straight up when asking, he'd say something like - "hon, are you on your period?", "did you get your period, angel?", "is it that time of month, my love?" omg the pet names im crying. will do anything you ask and get you anything you want/need. (as if he doesn't already). will also cook for you if you crave anything. cramps? no problem. this man will cuddle you and rub the pain away. will also kiss anywhere that's hurting. if tummy rubs don't help, he'll warm up the heating pad for you. would also bring you some painkillers. he would most definitely massage you if you were sore anywhere. lower back pain? he's got you covered. knows the exact period products you use. he knows the exact brand of pads/tampons and the exact size/absorbency. he knows. if you ever stain the bed, he would clean it up for you. he would reassure you that it's fine and remind you that bleeding through is normal, then tell you to go get cleaned up. won't ever use these situations against you and would never even dream of embarrassing you with them. would 100% understand your mood swings. "darling, why are you crying? did something go wrong?" "there was an ant crawling on me, so i tried to flick it off but when i did i accidentally killed it! i'm such a terrible person!" "oh, i see, i've been there. come here, shh, now, it's alright." he memorizes how many days you bleed, how many days pass between your period days, what your usual symptoms are and even how heavy your flow is. on the days where your flow is heavier than usual, he'll become a little worried and aware. you're losing a lot of blood, he doesn't want anything bad happening. overall nanami would just be the best and most understanding person when it comes to your period. he would be there for you as much as possible and do anything to make you feel a little less miserable.An absolute dream! Keeps track of your cycle because he knows you won’t, and he also makes sure you’re stocked up on tampons/pads so you never have to send him out for some. Kento doesn’t understand your cravings tbh but he loves food so he’ll get whatever you’re in the mood for. Also has a heating pad and medicine on hand. He’s not that physically affectionate but he doesn’t mind you being extra clingy when it’s that time for you. 10/10 the best one to have around.
  • ***he's sick ▸ ehhhhh. you quite literally have to force this man to sit down and rest. he will fully go to work sick, much to your complaints. will also refuse to kiss you so you won't catch whatever he's caught (immediately gives in though). does those old man sneezes that literally shake the house and will cough so hard that you literally have to ask him if he's okay. snores so loud it's not even funny. it's only when he's sick too, the rest of the time he doesn't have a problem with snoring. knows how to make pretty good chicken noodle soup. overall 8/10.
  • ***you're sick ▸ mom mode activated. tries his hardest to get the day off so he can take care of you. if he can’t he tells you to call him if you need anything right away. puts clean clothes in the drier for you to change in so they smell nice and warm. cooks you anything you want and if he can’t make it, he’ll drive to pick it up. although if you want something and he thinks it might make you feel worse, he suggests something else. takes your temperature and if it’s high, he gives you a tylenol to help break the fever. and to hopefully help you fall asleep. since he usually lies down with you whenever you’re under the weather, he makes sure he’s in more comfortable clothes for you. might read to you.
  • ***you have a cold ▸ He will notice that you threw off your blankets all night because you felt a strong heat and it alerted him greatly. When he asks you in the morning how you feel, you will try to make sure that he does not understand that you feel bad and answer that you feel fine (do not try to deceive him, he knows everything). If you want to get up, then your head will immediately spin and your legs just won't want to hold you and you will start falling, but Kento will quickly pick you up and feel that you are all on fire. Most likely, he will cancel his plans or reschedule them to monitor your health and so that you take the pills on time. He'll put on your socks if your feet get too cold. Until you are fully recovered, he will not allow you to go to work because you need rest. If because of the noise in your ears you can't tune in to sleep, then he will lie down next to you and start quietly reading you the book you want.
***eye of the storm ▸Kento eases an invisible weight off your shoulders. He's attentive to your moods; the slightest shift in your demeanor doesn't pass his keen gaze without concerned scrutiny. As soon as he pin-points the root of your stress, he'll make sure it's taken care of as soon as possible. After a long day at work, all you have to do is let out an exasperated sigh and he's on a mission to ensure your utmost comfort. A warm dinner, clean home, and loving arms await you every night.He does whatever feels right. Nanami has no signature way of comforting you, he understands that you go through a mix of emotions when you feel down. He only ever wants to comfort you in the most fitting way possible. If that meant cooking for you then he’ll do it. If it meant he had to hold your bags while shopping he’ll do it, he’ll even pay. He will never not have something up his sleeve to comfort you and distract you from what’s bringing you down, plus he loves spending time with you and if it meant that he had to comfort you a thousand times just to do so he will. He’d walk the ends of the earth if it meant you’d be happy.
  • ***scared of a bug ▸ At first, he kind of thinks you need to get over it and take care of it yourself. But then he realizes that it’s just one of those phobias that isn’t something you can rationalize, and he steps up. Prefers catching and releasing them, but if you’re freaked out, he’ll just kill it to appease you. It doesn’t bother him that much. What bothers him is that how did this stupid bug get into his impeccably clean apartment? He doesn’t tease you about it, he doesn’t make a big deal about it at all. The lack of energy he puts into it helps you calm down a lot easier. Just another day, not some cosmic retribution or curse on from a vengeful goddess. Coincidentally always suggests a cleaning day after an enemy has been spotted, and he always focuses his attention on the room it invaded while letting you take care of other rooms.
  • killing it ▸ Kills it, no hesitation or question. Bugs have never creeped him out that much. Whenever you need him to kill a bug, he just does it. He gets up and is likeAlright, where is it?” then walks into the room and kills it. The kind to grab it with a tissue and flush it down the toilet. He’ll kill a million bugs for his love!!
  • crying at the end of a movie / show I- Somebody PLS help him. Listen, he wants to comfort you and doesn´t want you to be sad. But. He's clueless when it comes to getting attached to a movie / show. "It´s just a show, why are you crying? Anyway, what do you want for dinner?" "Nanami! I'm suffering!"
  • ***cheer up ▸ there have been times where he’s gone days without seeing you because of work. so when he comes home to see you upset about something, he internally loathes himself for not being here sooner. he puts everything down before going over to you and cupping your face. asks what’s wrong and what he can do to make it better. nanami would lowkey do literally anything just to make sure you’re happy because in many ways you’re one of the only things that make him happy. besides his favourite bread. between how upset you are and how happy you are that he’s home, you kind of start crying before he pulls you into his chest. he quietly soothes you, saying that he’s here and that it’s okay while stroking your hair. when you seem to be finished crying for the moment, he tries to have you look at him but if you want to keep your face buried in his chest for a bit longer he’ll let you. offers to make you a hot drink and get tissues before you tell him what’s wrong. once you two are sitting, he keeps an arm wrapped around you while holding one of your hands. nanami is probably one of the best people to take advice from or just be there if you’re upset. doesn’t talk until you’re finished before giving you a solution or simply giving you comfort. makes sure to be with you for the rest of the night.
  • ***panic attacknanami didn’t want you to go on the mission. he knew you could handle yourself, but your last mission had resulted in a close call for you, and you were a bit shaken up by it. he wanted you to be at home resting, but you insisted you were fine to do this mission and that you had to go back to it eventually. you promised him you’d be okay and you would call for him if you needed anything. but when you were getting ready to go, your mind began to race, filled with hypotheticals about what could happen on the mission. as soon as the thoughts started, it was like they had already snowballed to the point of no return. you began to hyperventilate, falling to your knees and desperately trying to get air into your system. “darling do you have-” nanami cut himself off, seeing you in your current state. he immediately dropped down to your level, putting his hands gently on your shoulders. “hey honey, i know you’re anxious right now, but you’re not in any danger.” he spoke softly but firmly, making sure you were able to hear him. “do you think you can breathe with me, sweetheart? take some deep breaths with me?” he asked, starting himself to take deep breaths to be there for whenever you were ready. as the thoughts in your mind started to die down, you found yourself slowly but surely being able to focus on nanami’s breathing and mimic it yourself until you felt better enough to slowly look up and meet nanami’s eyes. “i don’t think i can go on the mission.” you whispered, tears of frustration filling your eyes. “that’s okay.” nanami responded, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “how are you feeling?” “tired. thanks for being here.” you mumbled as he pulled you onto his lap, resting your head on his chest. “you can still go on the mission.” “nonsense. i’m staying right here with you.” he told you, frowning slightly when he noticed how seemingly frustrated you still were over the panic attack. “hey. you did so well, i’m so proud of you.” “you are?” you asked, looking up at him, making him smile. “always.”
moment of weakness ▸ He'll sit beside you and let you do whatever you want. Cry, talk or shout. He'll be up for it. Then he's going to hold you tight and assure that you drink water and eat before putting you to rest.
  • ***having a nightmare ▸ Kento needs you in his arms in order to sleep. If he can't feel you close, he wakes up. As simple as that. And that's exactly what happened tonight. The man stirred as he looked at the clock on his nightstand, marking 4:32 am. Immediately realizing that you were not by his side. He got up incredibly quickly, a hundred scenarios running through his head, looking for you frantically, until he finally found you in the kitchen, letting out a sigh of relief. He started to walk towards you, hugging you from behind when he finally reached you, only to realize that you were sobbing. He gently turned your body by the waist so that he could look at you, asking you what was wrong. "It was just a nightmare." You answered with a dry tone. Kento didn't fail to notice that there was more to it, he could read you very well. He gave you a look that said "tell the truth" and you couldn't help but break down in his arms. "Do you really have to go? Can't you stay?" You cried as you gripped his shirt, hugging him ridiculously tightly. Kento had been assigned to a mission with a very high risk. You could tell by the way he acted lately that even him was uneasy about it, and it terrified you. He did his best calming you down, pressing kisses to your forhead and you cheeks, trying to wipe the tears away, but he knew there wasn't much he could do. "How could I call myself a sorcerer if I don't to what I'm supposed to do, (y/n)?" At times like this, you wished he didn't have such strong morals. He couldn't promise that he would be fine, that would be cruel. He could, however, promise you that he would do everything in his power to see you again. And he meant it. That was always his only goal when he was at work, and he knew it had kept him alive so far. He pressed a kiss to your temple as you layed in bed again, whispering an "I love you." Maybe you were overreacting. Maybe he would do just fine in Shibuya.
nanami was doing some reading in the living room, enjoying a nice drink with it. it had been a long day at work with gojo particularly getting on his nerves and he wanted to decompress. normally he would do that with you, but you also had a long day and you were getting some rest as a result. his reading was interrupted by the door to your bedroom opening followed by the sound of your footsteps coming over to the living room. you peeked your head around a corner, relief flooding your body when you saw nanami sitting in his chair. “you okay honey?” he asked, not oblivious to the tears in your eyes or the way you were trembling. “can i sit with you?” you asked him, your voice small. “‘f course. come here.” he responded, placing his drink down and patting his lap. you walked over to him, sitting down on his lap and placing your head on his chest. “what’s bothering you, hm?” he whispered, running a free hand over your back. “just a bad dream. wanted to make sure you were okay.” you mumbled. “i’m here, my love.” he assured you, continuously running his hand over your back. “read to me?” you mumbled sleepily. nanami smiled, but fulfilled your request, beginning to read to you while you closed your eyes. he paused when he felt your breathing even out, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “sleep tight, my love.”
  • dying in his dreams ▸ He'll wake up and immediately look for you, holding and smelling you until he feels that his heart's no longer in pain and that you're safe beside him. If you ask, he'll tell you about it and will let you comfort him. The next day, he'll send tons of messages to know how you're doing.
  • stressful day ▸ He prepares a dinner with your favorite and as much wine as you want. Then he sits with you on the couch and gives you a foot massage while he asks how your day was and what made you so stressed. Remember, if it's Satoru's fault, this man is going to get angry.
  • ***tired ▸ If there’s one thing Nanami dislikes more than working overtime- it’s seeing you work overtime. The past few nights he’s watched you come home late, the bags under your eyes a clear indicator of just how exhausted you were. And when you told him once again this morning that you were going to be home late, Nanami knew he couldn’t just let this happen. It wasn’t even noon yet, but your eyes were struggling to stay open. However, hearing your phone buzz and reading the text from your boyfriend jolted you awake. Within a couple of minutes, you were already outside of the office building. “Oh, that was quick,” Nanami startles you. He greets you with a small kiss to your forehead and hands you with a bouquet of peonies. “I- what?” You’re slightly out of breath, but you’re still confused, “You texted me that there was an emergency! I told my boss I had to leave early to get to you I-” “Did your boss give you the day off?” Nanami asks, ignoring your previous statements. He takes your free hand in his, leading you away from your work. “Yeah, and tomorrow. Also I don’t have to work overtime anymore,” you tell him, looking at every inch of your boyfriend for any problems. “Oh that’s wonderful. Anyways, I was thinking that we could have a little picnic for lunch. The weather’s really nice out, but we can also eat indoors if you prefer,” Nanami looks around the street, eyeing different restaurants. “Kento... are you going to explain why you decided to pull me out of work? What was the emergency? Because I’m starting to think there isn’t one-” “The emergency,” he stops in his tracks to look at you, and you could sense just how serious he was being, “is that you're working too hard and not giving yourself enough time to rest.” You find it hard to meet his gaze- you felt like a kid being scolded by an adult. He wasn’t wrong, of course, but something about it made it seem like you were being too careless with your health. But Nanami notices your solemn attitude and sighs, wrapping you up in his arms. “You’re one of the hardest workers I know Y/n, it’s truly admirable. But it’s easy to overdo it, so reward yourself with some rest, okay?” he brings his hands to your face, forcing you to finally look at him. Nanami smiles when you nod in agreement, leaning down to give you a kiss. “Then, can we go back home and nap? We can order takeout for lunch,” you suggest. And like that, the two of you were headed home, swinging your hands as you walked down the street. “By the way, didn’t you have any plans today? Since when were you free in the middle of the day?” You were wondering that for a while. Obviously Nanami would always prioritize you, but you couldn’t help but think about what was supposed to happen. Nanami only shrugs, “I didn’t have big plans today to start with. It was easy to clear up my schedule actually. Nothing too important.” Somewhere back in Tokyo Jujutsu High, Gojo sobs in front of his students after having his lunch plans cancelled at the last minute.
  • ***after a quarrel ▸ You'll shatter his nerves by hanging up when he calls you. While he is sitting and thinking how to apologize to you, Gojo will climb up to him with his stupid advice. When you don't show up at home for a long time, he will start to get nervous, but when he notices that money has been spent from his bank account, he will exhale with relief. “Do I look like a schoolboy in love who runs after her?”Gojo answered him without hesitation: "Oh, you have to start running after someone else, then she will rush to you!”Nanami looked at him like an idiot and at that moment you appeared in the doorway with a grin saying: “Yes, Ken, I agree that he is a jerk”.He will smile and approach you, asking you to leave the room with him, leaving Gojo stunned, who watched Nanami hug you by the shoulders.
***protective ▸ ...
  • kidnapped by a curse ▸ Want to see this man furious: overtime, lack of money, and threatening you. He'll also destroy the curse in seconds, making sure that there's no single piece of it left behind. He'll come to you and rest his hand on your cheek while the other will pull a lock of hair behind your ear. "That scared me, Y/N. Are you alright?" Princess style ride all the way home.
  • shielding him ▸ He has mixed feelings about the situation. Kento feels proud but at the same time guilty for letting you take the blow for him. Holds you tight, figuring out what to say. Pulls back to look into your eyes, resting his hand on your cheek. "Promise me you'll never do it again? Please." Won't let you go until you promise him.
  • sacrifices themselves but comes back unharmed ▸ He won't say a word; he's going to keep his serious facade. But internally, he's looking at every little detail of your body and mind to make sure you're ok and to print them into his mind. He'll also treat your wounds gently and affectionately. He won't scold you with words, but with his eyes. Just by looking at him, you'll already know that you made him worry. So, give him a long reassurance hug.
  • kisses after thinking they died on a mission ▸ He’ll kiss your forehead tenderly, putting your hair behind your ear and finishing with a very long hug.
  • ***his post-mission imagine when you hear your boyfriend taking his shoes off at the genkan at your home, turning the corner just to see your boyfriend walking into your shared home in a bloodied shirt. “what happened?!” you gasped in shock as you put the basket of freshly done laundry done, rushing towards him and carefully running your fingers over the bandage. “work injury.” he said simply before catching your wrists in his hands, giving you a loving but soft smile before he presses a soft kiss against your knuckles. “i’m fine, darling. nothing i can’t handle.” you’d frown in concern but nod softly, letting him go to the bathroom to take a quick shower, since he wanted to wash off all the work grime off of him. you’d try to return to your task at hand, but you were clearly distracted and worried out of your mind - which is why eventually he found you in the laundry room and helped you with the rest of the folding when he realised you’re overthinking again. he’d suggest you two to order something instead of cooking, knowing that it was an excuse for you to cuddle him on the couch while you two wait for the meal. you took up the offer, and after placing your order in you curled up in his arms and asked him about everything that happened; to which he just told you about mahito and about the battle truthfully. you’d be worried and start to fuss over him once more, causing him to smile softly at how cute you looked whenever he gets hurt - no matter how big or small the wound is. after a simple meal you might offer to give him a massage, knowing that he enjoys one after a long day of work - so you’d ask him to lay down on your shared bed whilst you straddled the back of his thighs, starting to massage the kinks out of his body. he’d sigh in relief, letting you work your magic on him; occasioanlly asking you to use more force, guiding you where he felt stiff at, and letting out a groan when you press down on the point just right. when you’re down you’d let him turn around before you cuddle into his chest, just soaking in his familiar warmth and scent whilst he holds you close. usually he’s the one reassuring you, since he knows you are worried about his safety every time his phone rings. soft kisses are pressed on every patch of skin that can be reached - it doesn’t lead to anything, but nanami always lets out soft sighs whenever you’d pepper his face in kisses. all in all, many times you’d be the one who needs reassurance, since you are always worried about his wellbeing after he decided to return to the jujutsu world. but he reassures you that he’s alright, and makes sure to show you that he is not going anywhere, anytime soon.
  • ***treating his injury nanami’s eyes were focused on your face while you reached for gauze pads, admiring how your eyes glistened in the fluorescent light. “is there something on my face, kento?” you question, soaking the pad before lightly tapping it against the cut. he purses his lips together, continuing to stare at you. “no, you’re just quite pretty, that's all” he hums nonchalantly, a sense of amusement washing over him as he watches your cheeks turn into a red tone. “thank you, kento. you’re not too bad yourself,” you comment, placing a bandage on his face before turning to clean up the materials. a smile appeared on your face and nanami didn’t fail to catch it. “how would you like to go out with me this coming friday?” he asks, reaching to grab his tie from the nearby table. you turn back around and tilt your head, “is mister nanami asking me out on a date?” you tease, your hands moving to him help tie his tie. “perhaps, so what do you say?” his lips upturn into a small smile, watching you nod your head. “why not, i’d love to go out with you,” you return the smile flattening his button up before pressing a kiss on his cheek. “see you then kento,” you bid your goodbyes, leaving the infirmary with a stunned nanami, whose cheeks started to burn more red than it did before.
gravely sick ▸ He also knows all your appointments and goes with you to all of them. No exception. He likes to cook you the foods that you need and is very protective, always assuring if your comfortable. He knows the time of your medication better than you do.
  • fully recovers ▸ He has your favorite meal or sweet waiting for you at the dinner table. You eat together and celebrate your return and your future. He brings you close to him and kisses you fondly on the lips earning a few tears of joy from you.
killed by a curse  ▸ You were on a mission. He knew splitting up would be a bad idea. But you ran away from him nevertheless. He took care of his side and you took care of yours. And then he wished he had run after you. You were lying against the wall with cuts and a half of your face torn apart. One eye was barely open when you looked at him. His breath stopped seeing you, like Haibara. Similar wounds. He felt as if he were watching his death a second time. Only it was you. His jaw tightened as he spoke, trying to sound calm. “How could you run like that…? If you hadn’t gone, it would have been all right. ” He blamed you. He also blamed himself for your mistake. “Kento… Do you know… Malaysia would really be beautiful… A quiet life would be beautiful… I’d like to live there… Yu would also be happy…” “Would you like?” “Yes… With you…” “I would take you there.” “I know…” You smiled looking at him, but at the same time your eyes were elsewhere. “Yu is here…” “Huh?” He was surprised, but only realized later and smiled sadly. “You want to go with him?” he asked stroking your cheek. You stretched out your hand a bit. “Kento. It doesn’t hurt with him…” “If you want it not to hurt… Go with him. I can’t stop you…” he still tried to smile despite the pain in his heart at the sight of you. “I will see you again…?” “Yes…” He could see your chest descending more and more slowly and rising, until it finally moved me at all. He leaned in to kiss your cheek. “Someday I will join you.”after your death  ▸ Nanami regrets how he never spent enough time with you, he would walk through endless streets full of god knows how many people, wondering what would’ve happened if he spent more time with you. Would you have been happier? Did you die unhappy because of him? He sleeps in an empty bed and thinks if this is what you felt when you had to sleep alone.possessive ▸ When he feels jealous, he doesn't show it. He doesn't like the fact that he can have such a feeling when he knows you aren't his property but his lover. And as in many situations, he keeps his cool. But don't take too long or show too much interest in whoever it is that made him jealous, because it'll only increase his suffering that burns inside. He'll probably hold your hands for the rest of the day. And... don't ask.
  • hitting on them ▸ He's jealous but will never ever make a scene about it. He'll only approach you if he verifies that you're felling uncomfortable or that the person doesn't leave you alone. Otherwise, he'll just stand by, observing. He approaches you, looking in your eye and politely asks who his beloved Y/N is talking to. But the way he stares the poor person down makes them freeze right there.
you know his usual pose? where he's standing there like 🧍‍♂️ well, when he sees someone hitting on you he tends to loose his composure. instead of just standing with his arms along his sides he crosses his arms, or he rests a hand in his pocket. but apart from that he can easily hide his jealousy. he would judge the person and be annoyed at them without even having to talk to them. I don't think he's that jealous, he's more on the protective side. like he's worried that the person might hurt you physically or mentally. he wouldn't get involved in the conversation unless he sees that you're getting uncomfortable. if it's the case, he would walk toward you, watching the person with his stoic expression like "you're done, you're done" "I think this conversation is over." then he would turn his light brown eyes to you and offer you his arm and the two of you would walk away like a power couple.This man is literally built like a bodyguard with a body count of +300 and I’m not talking about his romances. Nanami is a very calm and collected man, not really the type to display his emotions so quickly. But he isn’t the type to just sit there and watch someone try to romance his s.o either. He’d clench his jaw as he eyes the cocky stranger hitting on you - adding insult to injury by doing so right in front of him. A disapproving look marking his features as he pinches the bridge of his nose, a glare reflecting off the lens of his glasses. He’d simply sigh in annoyance as he slightly scowls at the newcomer before clearing his throat and asking if they were incompetent. Nanami couldn’t help the small smirk gracing his lips as he places his hand on the small of your back, gently guiding you closer to him - surely it’d be rude to not proudly claim you, would it not?Omg Nanami is interesting. He is something like Megumi but a bit more intense. If someone tries to flirt with you and you don’t like it he will straightforward go and tell the guy to fuck off. Like come on, if the guy tries to fight back Nanami, pfff pffffff he goin goin into hospital hospital. He doesn’t give a damn about a lot of things but u aren’t one of them. You deserve better than some funny looking douchebag. If you try to flirt back with the guy he will get angry and directly go and grab you from whatever the fuck this was. “Nanami, what are you doing?!" “And you? What are you doing?" “Talking with a human being?" “The wrong human being. Wrong is the key word” Possessive like Gojo, but if you get mad at him for embarrassing you he will apologize and feel guilty after words. If you flirt with someone on purpose to tilt him, he will find a way to show you who you should be wasting your petty, flirty lines for.nanami doesnt read social cues LMFAO like he is not registering that this woman at the bank is flirting w him. it takes you being a little snippy and closed off for him to be like "wait... is this because of the woman at the bank?" to which you go off on him and his clueless agenda lol. he doesnt see the point in jealousy since he is well aware how whipped he is for you. probably would be extra nice to you for the rest of the day like "darling, i made you a coffee :)" as a peace offering for you to be clingy again.Yes he does get jealous, but he’s rational about it. Nanami is a level-headed adult. He realizes that even though he has all the upmost trust in you, that doesn’t make the unsettling feeling of jealousy go away. He’s allowed to have these sorts of feelings- it’s absolutely normal. Nanami doesn’t let it fester into something ugly. If he sees a guy clearly flirting with you, he can’t help but feel the slightest bit irritated. But as so long as you can handle it, he doesn’t step in unless the situation escalates beyond your control. However most of the time you're able to brush the guy off before skipping back to your boyfriend’s embrace. And Nanami has to admit, there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing the look on the guy’s face when they get rejected by you. Sometimes he’ll give you a quick kiss just to rub salt in their wounds. Okay so maybe Nanami is also petty.***staying the night for the first time ▸ The type to always have a spare, unopened toothbrush and extra hygeine products. Not because he expects a lot of overnight guests, but he's collected a couple spares just in case. He'd hate to be a bad host. "Are you positive? I don't mind sleeping on the sofa if you'd be more comfortable that way." A considerate king, always wanting to make sure you're at ease in an unfamiliar environment. He'll offer one of his softer, silk button-ups for you to sleep in. Something nice and oversized hoping you won't feel too underdressed. He loves to see it, though. The way the sleeves fall past your fingertips. Nanami thinks it's absolutely adorable and he realizes it's definitely a sight he could get used to seeing. "Do you need water? A phone charger?" If he hears your stomach rumble, he won't hesitate to cook you something spectacular, acting as if it's nothing. He's a great cook though, and loves this subtle manner of showing off his skills. Sleeps very lightly, very attentive to your every movement. He wonders if you're able to sleep well in his bed, but all worries subside as you grab for his chest in your sleep. Again, he finds it so cute and eventually gives in to sleep with your head nestled in his chest. Letting your soft breathing lull him to sleep.celebrations ▸ ...
  • ***valentine's day ▸ he takes you to a trip where he booked a house far away from everything. That is just you and him and peace. No work, no curses, no Gojo. Just you two eating, drinking wine and enjoying each other in every single way possible.
He didn't even bother getting you one. You waited the whole day but nah. He doesn't celebrate it. "It's useless for people to show their affection extraordinarily just for one day", he says so you didn't expect anything but still a part of you asked for something. You climbed on the bed, a little upset but tried your best not to show it. "Sleeping so early?" he asked, turning a page on his book. "Yeah. A bit tired." You turned off the lamp and dozed off. The next morning, he slid the curtains of the window apart, letting the sunlight fall on you, resulted in you waking up. "Rise and shine, love." Your eyes struggled to open to look at what's going on. You saw Nanami all dressed up. Thought it was for a meeting or something but then he gestured at the beautiful outfit that matched his hanging near the closet. "Get ready. I am taking you on Kento's personal Valentine's Day. A day only meant for you." Did you hear that right? "W-What?" A sigh left his mouth as he approached you and held your hands. "I am sorry. I wanted to do all of this yesterday but an urgent meeting came up, so I thought I'll surprise you today. Is that alright?" Is he kidding? You embraced him into a hug very joyfully. He kissed the side of your head stroking your back. (It's a miracle that you even thought of celebrating it.)
  • ***new year's eve ▸ he wants to cook the meal and he dies when you join him. This is the best part of the day. You two cooking together, sharing a whine and nibbling something here and there. Then you get ready and for sure wear marvelous clothes for your private meal. Until midnight, you talk about everything, from silly to profound topics. He opens the champagne and you share a passionately kiss at the balcony of your apartment.
  • your birthday ▸ Opposite of Satoru, he cooks your favorite food or if you prefer, takes you out to dinner. Either way, he dresses fancy and buys you a beautiful outfit for the occasion. Gives you a delicate jewel and puts it on you himself while kissing you.
sighing in front of him prank ▸ He immediately stops what he was doing and kisses your hand. "Do you need anything, dear?"pretending to be asleep prank ▸ He adjusts your position, setting you comfortable and putting a blanket over you. If you weren't sleeping before, now you are.***ignoring him ▸ Kento is slightly confused but in the end, doesn't mind that much, you'll talk to him when you're ready***attention ▸ Kento is an absolute gentleman so he'd never interrupt you when you want to or need to do something else. But it's still noticeable when he wants your attention. It's usually when he himself is stressed after a long work day or misses you. He'll be extra attentive and volunteers to help you wherever you need help or just takes tasks off your back so the two of you are done faster and he gets to hold you in his arms sooner. Also of course because he doesn't want you to overwork yourself because....yeah he's been there. He'd also make dinner for you or buys you a bouquet of flowers etc. while he patiently waits for you to have time for him. Other than that if he wants to spend time with you he asks you. If you're currently engaging in something you want to do or are passionate about he often asks you if he could join you. Kento is stressed a lot and he's grateful when he gets to spend some quality time with you. He loves having you around and always looks forward to have you in his arms at the end of the day. If there's really no way around it and he cant have your attention right now, he'll wait patiently and goes about his day but doesn't hesitate to gently hold your chin and turn your head to face him so he can press a soft kiss to your lips and tell you he loves you when he passes you by. If you have nothing to do currently, he'll just pull you into a hug and smiles as he presses a kiss to your forehead and leans his cheek against your head. He asks you if you want to do anything in particular and otherwise makes a suggestion like cooking together or watching a movie. When he comes back from work and he's had a really stressful day and you have time for him, he just cuddles you and doesn't leave for the rest of the evening.long time no see ▸ He's ready with your meal setting up the table. By the time you come in, he comes to the door and hugs you fondly. "How are you?" You deepen the embrace and nod while humming a simple "Okay." "Hungry, dear?" "Definitely! Oh, how I missed you." He pats your head and lets out a sigh of relief. "I missed you, too."***dates ▸ Dinner at home and RELAX. He’s tired. He doesn’t have much of an interest in going out to a party or clubs or drinking until he’s going to have a headache for the next 24 hours. He doesn’t mind going out, he loves cafes and trying out new restaurants (or just going to the one he knows he really likes and can’t get that ONE dish anywhere else) and will not turn down going to bakeries. Buy a bunch of bread from different bakeries, get home and compare them. That’s a good date in his book. He also wouldn’t turn down trying out different like classes with you, cooking class, pottery making, painting, etc, or even going on a hike every once in a while. He’s not interested in spending a ridiculous amount of money, but he’s not cheap, just Aware. He also doesn’t want to have to go out every week on a crazy big date. He needs a weekend in between to unwind.
  • karaoke ▸ You only went with him once to understand that it's a waste of time and money. He didn't sing and when you did, he barely participated at all. Nothing came out of this guy. Karaoke's just another world to him. So, after the disaster that was the first time, you noted that Nanami + Karaoke is a NO.
  • beach ▸ A boring dad! He's so elegant that beach and him don't quite match. He'll sit on his chair on the sand and order any drink he finds interesting there. He'll take his journal with him, no play. ¬¬
***hanging out ▸ ...
  • horror movie ▸ There are always those people that whenever watching a movie has no reaction and just says "It's just a movie" or "This is impossible in real life." That is Kento. So, no fun at all here.
  • video games ▸ Not his thing. He's more a board game kind of guy. But if you really want to play video games with him, you can catch him by playing any Mario game. He likes it because it's vintage.
serenading him ▸ He pretends he doesn't know you LMAO. Even if the neighbors threaten to call the police. Even if the police actually show up. You're on your own.presents ▸ Gifting food is his love language (will buy you bread from bakeries or make you something, both his recommendations and stuff you like / are craving). Brings you back baked goods from missions.for partner ▸ Soomething you can use. He strikes me as a practical person that would give practical gifts.***wearing his oversized white t-shirt ▸ nanami’s fond of you stealing some of his shirts, but he hasn’t really seen you in only a shirt alone. he would subconsciously bite his lowerlip while staring at your legs. “come here, honey.” will make you sit on his lap as he works. AND HE WILL MAKE OUT WITH YOU WHILE YOU’RE IN HIS SHIRT. that means tons of hickeys, but you don’t really care. deep inside, he’s really happy whenever you wear it without telling him, it’s like a surprise. you’ll wake up to him eating your pussy once you wear his shirt to bed, and didn’t wear panties.***nicknames ▸ Who knew a life of domesticity was something you looked forward to every single day? It wasn’t that hard to believe when your husband was him, the man you woke up to every morning and the man who makes your morning beverage and brings it to you without batting an eye. There are moments when you both sit up, starting your days with the comfort of basking in each other’s presence as you scroll through your phone and he reads a book, or you getting ready around the room as he fixes the bed. Other times you stay in and sleep just a little bit more before you actually have to move. But today’s a little different. You woke up before he did. And what a sight that was. This overworked, overwhelmed, and over-everything husband of yours can’t seem to sleep in after you do; perhaps today was your lucky day. Without a moment to waste, you slip out of bed as quietly as you can and make your way to the kitchen. You move your way around finding cups and everything for your usuals until you realize that one of the items you need is up high on a shelf. You huff, of course he’d put that up there. Taking a stool, you step on and attempt to reach that pesky device. You’re almost grazing it by your finger tips before you feel yourself falling back out of nowhere. It’s sudden and catches you off guard but as quick as oh I’m falling, comes into your head, there’s something there to prevent it. He has a hold with arms around your waist as you press your back into his chest. With a look over your shoulder, he looks frazzled, possibly from just waking up and rushing over to catch you. You laugh sheepishly. “Morning.” He shakes his head in disbelief. “You just make sure you’re more careful, dear. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”
  • could whisper something sweet, something like darling or my love or any other nickname—and on some nights, he does, a light my love falling and stumbling over the kisses he lays across your skin, mingling with the timber of his voice as it rings through the air, but more than anything, it's your name that twirls over his tongue. as simple as can be, there's nothing quite like the way your name moves through him, like just the syllables could wrap around the very core of his mind, heart, and soul and pull out of him every word he's ever thought or spoken. it's your name in his voice that can leave you breathless, no matter the reason.
  • the blond isn’t the type to use nicknames, but when he does, it truly is a sight to hear and see, so when you heard, “darling, are you ok? you almost dropped to your knees. it was so sweet and yet so sensual in a way that you couldn’t even comprehend. what made it even better was how he would use to so casually after that one occasion. even when you’re dating, you can’t help but start melting when you hear the name. i mean, just waking up beside this man hearing "good morning darling.” in his groggy and deep voice would make your stomach churn with a raging blush appearing on your cheeks.
  • depends on his mood. this contradicts his entire classy demeanor however i believe he’s quite the degrader. so he calls you things like whore, slut, bitch, cunt, and whatever other demeaning word he can think of. like mahito, he shifts between these names, usually using multiple in one night. but if he’s not in a degrading sort of mood, if he wants to take things slow for once, be a little vanilla, then he would call you things like angel or sunshine.
calling him bro ▸ He won't realize that you're talking with him. I mean, how could you call him that: Kento and your boyfriend? He's going to be deeply concerned that suddenly his beloved could come to call him like that. So, you decide: if you'll continue to tease him or if you'll hug him fondly.***being called pretty / cute ▸ Nanami is going to be very flattered. He'll say a 'Thank you' and kiss your forehead gently. It will be on his mind for days, months even. Just thinking about how you called him pretty instantly makes his day better. He'll even bring you flowers or a small gift after returning home as a gesture of thanks.***"i always think you're pretty" ▸ “Kentooooooooo!” you cry out, hurrying into the dining room where your boyfriend was. He sat at the table, looking over some important documents for work. But as soon as you stepped into the room, he set that all aside to give you all of his attention. “Yes Y/n?” he asks, the way he said your name still full of love and adoration. “Look at my new outfit!” you giggle, showcasing the new clothes you just bought. You twirl around, giddy at the way your outfit looks on you. “I feel so pretty in this,” you beam with glee. You stop your twirling, facing your boyfriend with the biggest grin on your face. Days like these- ones where you felt confident and attractive- were rare. It’s not like you constantly loathed your appearance, but you couldn’t say you consistently loved the way you looked either. It fell somewhere in the middle, with you simply just choosing to accept the way you look. So having the pendulum swing to the side with confidence made you feel like you were on top of the world. And you watch as Nanami leans forward on the table, propping himself up with his elbows. “You do look lovely in that,” he tells you, smiling at the way you get flustered by his words. He stands up, striding over to you and stopping to stand oh so close to you. Nanami brings his hands up, cupping your face gently before pressing a kiss to your lips. “But you know,” he murmurs after parting, “I always think you’re pretty.”ily ▸ ...
  • ***first ▸ murmurs his first of i love you with the kiss of a promise. he knows—just as well as you do—that to love someone like this is to risk agony; to hold the thread of grief between your fingers and pray it doesn’t slip through your hands. he knows that every hello is just as fragile as every goodbye, and that maybe, in this life, he just isn’t meant for things to last. and still, tonight—under the lights of the evening stars—a i love you falls from his lips.
  • why ▸ “Hey, Nanami?” You stared up at him as he read, his lap cradling your head. One of his hands were absentmindedly combing through your hair and you could see his eyes shifting over the pages. “Yes?” “Why do you love me?” He didn’t even look up from reading, but his voice softened at the question, “My soul feels at home with you.” When you were rendered into silence by the sentiment, he finally looked at your touched expression and sent you a small smile before crouching down to kiss your forehead.
  • ***not saying it back ▸ Nanami chuckles against your mouth as you pull him back in for a kiss as he tries to pull away, a large palm rubbing soothing circles into the small of your back as he lets you have one more kiss before he leaves. “i’ll see you tomorrow, love,” he hums, “i love you.” smiling, you trace a finger along his cheekbone as you press a sweet peck into his cheek, murmuring, “can’t wait. bye, kento.” the frown on his face is almost instant, and he doesn’t pull away, standing there for a bit as he hopes you’ll take the hint and repeat the statement back. “me either,” he agrees, making no moves of pulling away, still waiting to hear you whisper you love him back. fighting back a grin, you pull away, faux concern on your face as you cup his cheek. “anything wrong, kento?” sighing, he shakes his head, placing his hand over yours as he presses his forehead to yours. “no, i just love you is all,” he says quietly, and you don’t think you’d be able to stop the words from falling off your tongue if you tried. beaming, you peck his lips as you mumble, “me too, kento. i love you too.”
touch-starved ▸ When Kento's touch starved, he’s a total lovesick fool. He doesn’t admit it with words, he just simply approaches and holds you. He gives you lingering touches, buries his face on the crook of your neck, and lets himself indulge in the influence of your presence. You nearly passed out when you heard the content hum coming from his lips that vibrated through your neck and god, you're as whipped for this man as he is for you.***hands ▸ Kento's a very well resolved man. So, by the time you two started dating, he didn't have any problems holding your hand. It's a normal thing when in a relationship -- he thought. You got a little flustered and couldn't hold the smile that formed in your lips when you felt his warm hands in yours. The same smile could be seen at Kento's face.
  • likes to rest his hand over yours whenever you’re sitting quietly together. He isn’t huge on pda so it's always remarkably tender to feel his broad palm cover the back of your hand and give it a squeeze when you're sitting at a coffee shop or at dinner in front of your friends. But in more private moments he'll hold and press kisses to your hands and he especially loves the tender act of kissing the tips of each of your fingers.
  • "Are you nervous, (Y/n)?" You turn to meet Nanami's face, fiddling with your fingers. "Yes." you replied meekly. It was only natural for you to be nervous, anyone would be nervous at their first day of work. Questions flooded your mind, what if they didn't like you? what if your work was rejected? Nanami was experienced enough in all of this, he could understand how you felt very well. His hands reaches out for yours, rubbing soothing circles on  the back of your palm. It was not enough for your anxiety to disappear completely, but it was certainly enough to calm you down a bit. "It's going to be alright." he said, continuing to comfort you. "Thank you, I feel much better now." you smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Good."
***hairi don’t know why but i imagine him taking like an hour to style his hair in the morning. probably because when he wakes up, it’s messy. that’s the best time to play with it though because that’s when it’s soft. he puts hair gel or something like that in his hair so it stays neat throughout the day. is pretty neutral to having his hair played with but he won’t deny you if you want to.
  • ***stopping in the middle of playing with itNanami is just a little sad when your hand pulls away, and you just barely miss the twitch of his lips from his spot on your lap. you almost feel bad, just a little too mean, almost want to continue playing with his hair after the long day he’s had—but you never get a chance to mess with him like this. “oh, did your hand get tired?” he asks, making you bite your lip to keep from giggling. “no,” you murmur, watching the softest of frowns pull at his lips. “okay,” he says quietly, pulling your hand to plant a gentle kiss to the palm. your eyes soften, and your free hand reaches to cup his face as your thumb rubs over his cheekbone. “take a nap, kento. you’ve had a long day,” you say gently, hand moving to stroke through his blonde locks. he sighs, smiling lightly, your hand still in his grasp as he dozes off slowly, cheek pressing deeper against your lap.
  • ***soft hair ▸ You’ve always been fascinated with your co-worker. You don’t know what it is about the sharp-faced and stoic Nanami Kento that somehow makes him stand out from the rest. It’s not like he was smarter or better than anyone, although you do admit Nanami overworks most of the time. It’s kind of pathetic you’ve been crushing on him ever since your first day of work. Maybe it’s because he worked with virtue and wishes to actually be honest instead of just sucking the money out of others. Maybe it’s because seeing him visit a bakery every after work makes him seem softer and a lot more human than his seemingly unapproachable nature. Whatever it was, you can’t explain why you’re so enamoured with the blond, or why you have the audacity to suddenly card your fingers through his hair at his desk that time. You were told by your boss to give him this folder – quick, easy, and simple. But Nanami has this effect on you that he makes your brain go brr every time you go closer to him. You blame it on the fact both of you are alone at the office right now for OT, but when Nanami freezes under your touch, you realize the grave consequences of your actions. As if you’ve touched something boiling hot – and he kind of is – you retract your arm and bow so deep you feel a vertebrae popping air. “I’m so sorry!” you begin to blabber, bowing repeatedly to the point your hair has become a mess. You can’t even look him in the eye – what were you thinking?! “I didn’t mean to, it’s just your hair looked really nice and soft and I couldn’t help myself! If you want to tell the higher-ups about this harassment and get me fired, I promise I won’t mind. In fact, I’ll take this to my grave and even offer my firstborn child as an apology—” “Y/N.” “because I’ve done something so horrendous and oh my gosh, I was just eating donuts and I probably got crumbs in your pretty hair—” “Y/N,” “And that’s really so low of me. Uh, actually, I may or may not have spent last month’s salary to buy my niece a huge ass dollhouse, but I’d gladly schedule a hair appointment for you—” you stop your words when you feel huge, calloused hands squishing your cheeks together until your lips are puckered out like a fish. Nanami stands before you, looking as handsome as ever, and that thought only has you panicking more and withdrawing. “I’m so sorry.” Nanami sighs, pulling away to give you some space. You try to fight back the whine because not only did you look ridiculous under him, but also because you actually missed his touch. “It’s fine. I don’t mind,” he takes the folder from you, pauses, then tilts his head to the side. “You think my hair is soft?” “Uhm,” you blink rapidly, “Y-yes. Your hair is really pretty too. In fact, everything about you is pretty, like your hands when you type in paperwork but – I’m talking too much aren’t I?” you laugh nervously, scratching the back of your head. “I’m sorry. I tend to ramble when I’m nervous.” “I make you nervous?” Nanami doesn’t sound like he believes it. “Yeah,” you confess, switching your weight from one foot to another. At this point, you’ve given up on asking him out for coffee this weekend because you’re sure he’s labelled you as an idiot now. Not that it’s surprising though; not only does Nanami keep to himself out of social aversion, but you’re also pretty loud and awkward, a huge contrast to someone as well-put as him. “Anyways, uh,” you clear your throat, gesturing to your cubicle. “Now that you’ve got the file, I’m gonna go do my part. See you later, I guess. Or not. You can go home first you want. I’ve got quite a lot on my plate.” “I’ll wait for you.” “Sorry?” Nanami organizes his desk one last time before following you to your desk. “I’m done with my part and it’s late. It’s not safe for you to walk home alone,” he glances at his watch, “I’ll wait for you until you’re done and walk you back home. That way, I don’t have to worry about your safety tonight,” he plops down on the empty seat next to yours, crossing his arms on his broad chest. “Take all the time you need. Just wake me up when you’re done.” Just like that, Nanami dozes off, exhausted from a long day of hard work. You, on the other hand, are more energized than ever as you suddenly find a strong wave of motivation you’ve never had before. Maybe you don’t mess up everything, after all.
piggy-back ride ▸ Isn't something that he usually does; he likes to act and think that you're as strong as him. No difference between genders here point to feminist Nanami. But if he notices that after a fight, you can't walk straight on your own, he'll offer his back and carry you until you're safe and sound.***hugging ▸ hugs with nanami are rare. nanami typically opts for other ways to show his affection, but somehow he knows exactly when you need a hug from him. he can read it in your expression, and nanami will simply stop whatever he’s doing and make his way over to you. he lets you rest your head against his chest as he gently engulfs you in a hug. his hold around your frame is loose at first. nanami only tightens his grip when he feels you wrap your arms around him and squeeze his frame. he leans his head to rest against yours as he slowly begins to rub gentle circles through the material of your shirt. despite the obvious strength that nanami possesses, every single one of his touches is overwhelmingly soft. it’s quiet besides the steady rhythm of nanami’s heartbeat thumping beneath your ear. the silence doesn’t bother either of you. nanami will hold you for as long you want him to, for as long as you need him to. hugging nanami feels like all of your jagged and broken edges are slowly being mended back together. warmth emanates from his body and within his strong and sturdy arms, you feel like you can finally breathe. hugging nanami feels like coming home.
  • not a fan of pda, would only hug you when you’re alone. He likes to hug you when sitting next to each other so you can rest your head on his shoulder. In this situation he’s able to smell the scent of your shampoo and keep reading his newspaper. He also likes to listen to your steady and comfortable breath.
***cuddling ▸ He likes to cuddle after a long exhausting day of work. nanami feels like he’s dead on his feet after dealing with curses and gojo for so many hours. if he’s had to work overtime, nanami is even more worn out than he typically is. He doesn’t have a preference of where you cuddle. whether it’s the couch or your bed, nanami doesn’t mind as long as he gets to hold you. He likes it when you essentially lie right on top of him. if you complain that you’re too heavy, he dispels your concerns as quick as possible. nanami finds the weight of you on top of him familiar and grounding. it reminds him that he’s really home. Nanami tucks your head underneath his chin as he slips his hands underneath your shirt and runs his fingers up and down your spine. It helps relax the two of you. as the tension seeps from your body, the same happens to nanami’s. seeing you so at ease helps nanami unwind as well. You can’t help but rest your eyes when you and nanami cuddle. he’s so warm underneath you and the fingers gently running along your skin is so soothing. you listen to the smooth rumble of nanami’s voice as he recounts the day’s events for you. If you drift off to sleep while he’s talking, nanami will slowly trail off. he smiles a small, little smile to himself and carefully kisses the crown of your head before deciding to doze off as well.
  • Kento uses cuddles as a way to destress from his busy life— you’re his rock after all. he sits you on his lap as the news recaps the top stories. your legs straddle his waist, your chest against his and his head laying against your shoulder. you run your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp, which always results in the tenseness leaving his shoulders. you’re fine with the little routine and so is he, but there are times where he’ll stop you, grabbing your arms and wrapping them around his neck as his own snake around your waist. he leans back, insisting on sleeping like that.
  • Gentleman!! He will hold your hand in public by default, but won’t make a fuss if it becomes a nuisance. Like if your hands are full, he’s not going to try to still hold one of them like someone else he knows... He will offer to carry things to help you so you do have the option to hold his hand though! Also, expect little back of the hand kisses whenever he catches on that you’re feeling anxious/stressed or even when he’s just feeling a little stressed out. It’s comforting to remind himself that you’re there with him. Gently puts his arm around your waist to pull you out of the way if someone is about to run into you or you don’t realize you’re in the way of things. He’s got pretty good situational awareness and effortlessly makes sure that you don’t end up getting bumped into or that you don’t bump into anything yourself. If you’re the oblivious type, he is a blessing, no more shoulder-checking random telephone poles and he won’t even make it obvious that he had to pull you out of the way! As long as you aren’t noisy or too squirmy, he’ll let you sit on his lap while he does paperwork or something boring. He also doesn’t mind you sitting on his lap while you watch a movie/show, but he’s not going to be upset if you choose to just sit next to him. Maybe a little worried if you deny an arm around your shoulders, but that’s it. Sleeping together, he’ll be the big spoon for a bit and then once you’re both asleep he’s fine if you both turn away from each other. He’s not clingy, he knows you both need your space, and he doesn’t think it’s realistic to cuddle ALL night long. When he wakes up in the morning, if you’re still asleep, he might take a few minutes extra to give you cuddles before he eventually pries himself up and out of bed to get ready. It’s fine, he scheduled those extra minutes-
  • it's rare. getting a chance to feel his warm arms wrapped around you, his breath fanning in your ears. it's rare and it's rushed, because as soon as he initiates the act, an unknown element will always hinder both of your romantic activities. let it be Gojo or his work, something will always drag him and it'll take a long time before you get a chance to cuddle him again. but even if it's just a few minutes, you make it last, tattooed in your mind how it feels to be wrapped around Nanami's embrace. how it feels to be loved and cared by someone like him.
  • you have to put in the work for this man to eventually cave. the one thing that works to your advantage is that he’s pretty adamant on being home by 6 pm. nanami is a night reader so most of the time you’re cuddled up to his side watching him as he flips to next page. you sometimes try and read along, even if you’re not entirely sure what’s going on, but he’s a fast reader so you usually only get halfway down the page before he turns to the next one. when he comes home late at night and sees you’re still awake, more like fighting to but all the same, he just kind of fondly sighs at you. he tries to look annoyed but what gives it away is the subtle twitch of his lips upwards. nanami stays up a lot later than you, even though i can see him lowkey policing you to go to bed early. hypocrite.
***falling asleep on him ▸ It is no secret that this man is very devoted to his work, but he knows how to organize his time and his priorities, and his top priority is always you. However, today was a particularly busy day for him, and he had been checking a couple of things all day, and now, all night as well. Tragically for you, you can't sleep without him, so you waited patiently, until you decided that you had waited for far too long. "Kento?" You called for him as you walked to his office. "Oh, (y/n). You should be sleeping, dear." He said, looking a bit concerned. "I was waiting for you." He sighed, trying to seem annoyed, but he simply couldn't hide the smile that had formed on his lips. "I'm afraid I'll have to stay up a little bit longer." You looked at him with a pout on your face, which, rather than making him change his mind, it just made him chuckle. "Can I at least keep you company here?" He looked at you hesitantly, he would rather you would go to bed since it was so late, but he knew he wouldn't be able to convince you to go either way. Kento reached his hand out to you, signaling you to come sit with him. You snuggled against him and burried your face in his neck. He kept reading through a couple of papers for a little while, running one of his hands up and down your back until he decided that it was way too late. "Alright, (y/n). I'm done for today." He waited for you to stand up, but you didn't move at all. "Didn't you want me to join you in bed a moment ago?" He teased, waiting for an answer once again. When he didn't get one, he gently lifted your face away from his neck, only to realize that you were sleeping soundly. He felt bad. You must have been so tired after waiting for him all night. The man lifted you up and took you to your room, making sure to lay near you so that he could feel your breath against his neck once again, for the rest of the night. If he was honest with himself, he couldn't sleep without you either.Nanami shakes his head as he watches you drift off on his broad shoulder. He sighs dreamily, taking in your peaceful state after dealing with your crazy antics all day. He strokes your head, his large hand effectively moving your hair out your face, letting him get a better view of your cute, sleepy face. A small smile graces his face, he’s happy his baby is getting their sleep.
  • ***sleeping on his chest during movie night ▸ nanami frowned when he noticed you had fallen asleep right on his chest. he loved feeling you against his chest, but it was clear that you were exhausted. he frowned at the thought of you working so much this past week, but still insisting you do your weekly movie night. he turned off the tv, glancing down at you and smiling softly. although he didn’t want you overworking or working yourself to the point of exhaustion, he loved admiring you when you slept. you looked so content, so at peace that it made him fall in love with you all over again. he couldn’t help but smile as he shifted as subtly as he could to position himself to pick you up. scooping you into his arms, he pressed a delicate kiss to your forehead and moved you to your bedroom, laying you down gently and tucking you in before climbing in with you and allowing you to instinctively cuddle back up to his chest. nanami couldn’t help but feel his heart nearly burst with how much love he felt for you. he swore that this weekend he would let you rest. he would take care of chores around the house, he would do the cooking, the dishes. he refused to let you do unnecessary work. although he was tired, he couldn’t bring himself to fall asleep just yet, wanting to admire you just a little bit longer. he admired you until he could no longer keep his eyes open, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as he let himself succumb to sleep alongside you.
***kissing ▸ He likes to kiss your forehead. Kento likes the protection that he can provide you with this kiss. When he kisses your lips, he makes it slow and sensual.He will kiss you briefly to say goodbye or greet you. There is no strong passion in them, but it shows that he loves you. Always right in the morning after his morning coffee, when you can feel the pleasant bitterness of a warm drink. You are used to the fact that he will kiss you every morning and evening. At the beginning of the day and at its end. It's so sweet that you can't say no to him once. He gives you longer kisses when it's home time. During operation only in exceptional cases. His lips are always pleasant and you cannot give them up, and also when his calm face twists in a smile at you.kisses are enrapturing. it's unholy, you're sure—all soft lips and wide eyes and the feeling that you're slowly melting between his palms. fingers trace every line in your skin—every mole, every divot, every scar—until he's memorized the feeling of your silhouette and your cheeks linger with the burning of calloused hands.Kento kisses you with reason. he’s never one to waste time, understanding the precious value of it. his normally tense shoulders slack when your palm meets his cheek, lips moving slowly against yours. nanami’s kisses are genuine and as loving as the sun’s rays on a warm summer’s day.LIKES TO KISS: Most definitely your eyes. He presses his lips on your eyes while they're squeezed shut as he runs his fingers softly through your hair.LIKES TO BE KISSED: When he comes home after a long day, he finds nothing better than a gentle peck on the lips by their partner. He loves the sensation of his s/o's lips brushing against his for a few seconds.
  • ***dodging kisses ▸ look at you, so ethereal, so gorgeous, but you are just eating the food he made for you and complimenting him. closing his eyes, a content sigh escapes his lips before he tries to kiss your forehead, but then you duck your head eating more of your food pleasantly. maybe it was an accident? he tries again because he would really like it if you let him show his affection and love for you, but then he gets dodged again. okay maybe you aren’t in the mood to be near anyone and just want to eat in peace. understandable, have a great day and meal. so he starts heading to your shared room, but is held back by you who hugs him from behind and thanks him for the meal while apologizing for dodging his kisses. “it’s okay, but, who suggested this?” you avert your eyes for a moment before saying in the smallest voice he has ever heard “gojo…” “i am not mad, just disappointed.” now thou hath to atone for thee sins.
  • ***asking for kisses ▸ OH MY FUCJING GOD THIS MAN. bitch you would not be able to say no, i am telling you. you always kiss him, so he only asks for one when he’s feeling like he could use a little energizer when he’s stressed because of work. sometimes, he’d literally ask. “honey, could you give me a kiss?” sometimes, he doesn’t. kento would just grab you by the waist if there’s a chance and pull you close to him. “come kiss daddy.” he gives the sweetest kisses, you’d be so addicted. there are times wherein he swiftly licks your bottom lip and pull away, as if he’s teasing you. oh, and he’s press many soft kisses on your lips too before he’d let you go. 10/10 — will make u smitten.
  • ***making out ▸ even though he is a busy man, he tries his best to make time for you. you two have lunch together and take breaks around the same time so you two can see each other. you know when you have breaks 💀 nanami likes to spend his time with you alone where it’s quiet. he likes to make sure you have his full attention because he’s not entirely sure if he’s going to see you again until later that night. nanami likes listening to you talk about your day and funny things you might’ve seen but sometimes he gets a little distracted by your lips and goes back and forth between looking at you and looking at your lips. many times he just leans towards you and gives you a kiss. definitely presses his hand against your neck and pushes any loose pieces of hair behind your ear before letting you continue talking. but you tend to lose track of what you were saying and even if you don’t, you lie just so you can kiss him again. he sits on his desk and pulls you between his legs before continuing to kiss you. he won’t voice it but he likes when you pull on his tie. nanami is pretty gentle with you and believes in taking things slower so he can enjoy it more.
sitting on his lap ▸ He kept his cool. He just put his journal down and rested his hands on your waist. Kento gave you a calm look and waited for your next move. Inside of him, though, he was like "WTFFFFFF I'M GONNA DIE, PLEASE DO SOMETHING." Outside, calm and control. Now, if you give him a kiss, that will be enough for him to move on and complete the business.
  • falling asleep ▸ This man will have his heart so warm that for a minute there, he'll just forget what he was doing before. He'll adjust your position, trying to make you as comfortable as possible and doing it so gently that you don't even feel anything. When you wake up, he'll ask you what makes you feel so tired, full of concern. If you answer that it was Satoru's fault, this man will be pissed.
sitting on your lap ▸ For him to sit on your lap, it has to be you that pull him. When he falls onto your lap, he doesn't look you in the eye and if you don't hold him, stands up immediately. Walks away all flustered, murmuring some cute curses.
  • flower on his ear ▸ After some battle, he finally let his head on your lap. Now he doesn't know why he fought so much. When you place the flower, you can see he's all red. He takes the flower and looks with adoration, then places it in the pocket of his suit.
***showeringNanami was never interested in taking a shower with you. For him, showering has nothing to do with love for one another. It serves the purpose of practicing hygiene on one’s own body. You were the one who asked him if you guys didn’t even want to take a shower together. He found your request strange because it is important for him to maintain a certain privacy in a relationship, but he could not and did not refuse you. After all, he would do so many things for you just because you’re one of the most important people in his life. Nanami always goes to shower at the same time, so it was easy for you to choose a day and just get in the shower with him. For him, showering together was rather unsuitable because your shower is quite small and he had got the feeling that you would waste even more water than if you were going to shower separately. Maybe that’s also just what he thought. Besides, he doesn’t like this waiting. One of you is always in the cold, and it’s not healthy for both of you. In addition, you both shower at different temperatures. Nevertheless you liked it and since he likes to see you smile, and has to admit that the sight of your beautiful body, naked and wet, is a proper feast for him, he agrees to take a shower together from time to time. But you don’t bathe together. He wants at least a bit of privacy, and besides, the bathtub is way too small for both of you. Once you asked him to try sex in the shower. Nanami thought this was a bad idea, but could not say no here either, which would have been better if he knew what would happen. Because since you slipped, you tore down the shower enclosure with you and you hit your head so hard that Nanami brought you dressed in a bathrobe to the emergency room and then almost lay next to you when he heard from Gojo how much such a new shower enclosure and installation actually costs.***pulling him closer by the belt ▸ NANAMI is too occupied in his paperwork to notice you trailing behind him. Granted, you’re at work and you’re supposed to be professional, but memories of staying late last night while you and Nanami worked overtime that led into a spontaneous makeout session had you craving for more. It didn’t help that Nanami came at work today looking fresh, too, his blond hair slicked back and his smile too stiff like nothing happened the night before. You pondered about it. You’ve heard enough from your co-workers that Nanami has been planning to ask you out for a while now, but couldn’t find the right time to do so. Whatnot with upcoming projects and overall a hectic work schedule, it must’ve slipped his mind. Unfortunately, you were an impatient person. You liked him, he liked you, you’d both kissed and he’d breathily asked for one more – so why was he ignoring you now? His behaviour confused you to no end. So when you were finally alone during lunch break, the rest of your colleagues all out for their preferred restaurants, Nanami remained glued to his spot. Something about asking a higher-up to sign something for him, the man clearly too absorbed in his own mental checklist that he didn’t hear you walking close to him. Once he’d finished his task, Nanami froze in his spot at the sight of you. “Hello,” he greeted in a clipped tone, “Have you had lunch already? Everyone else went out.” “I stayed to ask you if you wanted to share lunch with me. I don’t think I want to wait anymore for you asking me out first,” crossing your arms to your chest, you frowned at Nanami casting his gaze downwards. “Kento, if this is about last night, we can forget it if you-” “I don’t want to forget it.” “Then why are you avoiding me?” Sighing, Nanami rubbed his tired eyes. “I thought it would be unprofessional of me. As soon as I saw you clock in this morning, I wanted to kiss you again, but we’re at the office. It’s not something we should do. Harmless as a kiss might be, I also assumed I might’ve scared you last night since the kiss was sudden and I hadn’t asked for your permission.” You took a step closer and pulled him by the belt. Nanami’s eyes widened a fraction bit, his muscular body tensing just as his lips was a hairsbreadth away from you. “That’s thoughtful of you,” you murmured, watching as his mouth twitched. “Since you’d been thinking too much about it, let me spell it out for you then. I’d like to go out with you. Kiss me whenever you want.”commando ▸ He diverted his look first. He didn't want to be disrespectful. It didn't take long for him to look at you again and eat you with his eyes. He held your hand and whispered in your ear, "Shall we go home, darling?"
  • asking what underwear to wear ▸ He looks at you with a very serious expression. He has now entered the fashionista Nanami mode. I mean have you looked at his tie?  He'll perfectly match your underwear in such a way that will be chic, comfortable, and sexy. You then start to ask for his help everyday until it becomes routine and he chooses it the night before.
***bra shopping ▸ the easiest to shop with for sure. nanami treats bra shopping like any other outing and doesn’t seem the least bit flustered, even after being surrounded by lingerie. nanami will hold sets that you want to buy and or try on. in addition, he’ll give his honest opinion on things if you ask him for it. “the colours nice. so is the material”. thank goodness for this man for not making things weird. treasure him!!***virgin s/o Tall ,dark and ha- I mean tall, blonde and handsome. Anyways, Nanami here will handle you with so much care, he will lay down a towel, have water for you on the dresser. He’ll take hours of prep, I mean HOURS of prep. He’s big and he knows that, he’ll hate to ruin his pretty baby already. He’ll leave trails of kisses from your lips down to your stomach, he soon leaves a small hickey in the middle of your pelvic, such a cute claiming system he has ( ≖͈́ ·̫̮ ≖͈̀ )ニhuehuehue. He’ll have you on top, he wants you to be comfortable and go at your own pace. He has no problem holding your hands through it all either. Kissing your finger tips and whispering soft praises only audible for yours ears, he loves the way you look on top of him, so pretty and covered in a slight sheen. The grip he had on your hands that has its fingers intertwined with yours was FIRM! He kissed at your fingertips as you rolled and bounced your hips on top of him. “That’s it- fuck.~” The way you’re gripping around his thick shaft that was spreading your folds and exposing your cute Pearl that was erect and swollen for attention. “Have I neglected you hun here? Don’t worry I’ll fix that.” Before you can even question what he was talking about, he already had his thumb pressed down on your clit, causing you to arch your back. “Doesn’t that feel good? ~”***finding the spot ▸ “that feel good, love?” nanami murmurs against your jaw, pressing a soft kiss into the skin as his lips travel along your neck, sucking over your pulse. he hikes a leg over his shoulder, granting himself better access to slam deeper into your walls, your arousal and his pre cum coating the inside of your thighs in a sticky mess. “yes, yes—like that, kento,” you gasp, “don’t stop,” you plead, bucking your hips upwards and meeting him halfway. nanami hums, slowly rolling his hips to drag his pulsing member along your walls, groaning when you hug around his aching length tightly. he watches his cock slip in and out of you, looking down to see the slight glisten of his reddened girth from the arousal dripping from your heat. you whine as he pushes past your folds and curves into you perfectly, tip kissing you just where you need him with ease. “kento,” you whimper. “i know, love,” he murmurs, “i know. sh-shit—’m close too,” he rasps before biting your lower lip gently and pressing his lips to yours, drinking in every muffled squeal as he angles himself to bury his tip against the sensitive, velvety spot of your walls. “let go for me, yeah? fuck—need to feel you cum for me,” he moans, forehead pressing against yours as he lets out breathy pants against your skin.***movie night gone wrong ▸ mans is heavily invested in the helvetica documentary he’s turned on. but that’s not the only thing he’s gonna be turning on tonight. not to say there’s never not a moment where he doesn’t have his jaws clenched in concentration, but he would have his jaws clenched in concentration, sitting there leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, looking like a whole dilf daddy. he’s just hot and you can’t resist him. “come on now, i said no interruptions.” nanami seemed completely unfazed by the fact that he was making you choke on his cock while watching his documentary. there was drool leaking down the sides of your mouth, tears threatening to spill from your eyes due to the lack of air, and throat lax to accommodate his cock. he released you, allowing you to spring back up and suck in a deep breath of air. “that’s what you get for disturbing me,” he reprimanded, stuffing his cock back into your mouth so he could resume the punishment.B = body part | Thighs. a man of class. he just loves to squeeze your thighs and suck a number of dark hickeys on them as he's going down on you. grabbing your thigh as a sign of possession, claiming you as his when you sit down on his lap by welcomingly rubbing your thighs. they're his favorite.
  • is nowhere near your wanted amount of skinship and he never say no to you, because he can’t. However, Nanami is a stickler for the rules and hi he hates them, he likes doing things at his own pace, so he changes his preference depending on where you guys stand. It does not change the fact that Nanami loves laying on you, and putting his head on your chest. He feels safe by doing so, and it is always very soft to rest on your breasts, making him enjoy the natural scent of your skin, and the smoothness of it. He also loves biting your nipples if he doesn’t like something while laying down with him (not that it gains the reaction he wants, but it does help with making you yearn for his cock inside you).
C = cum | has to be buried inside you, preferably without a condom. he needs to know his seed safely makes its way inside you at all costs. he’s a family man, you know. he has deep, gravely moans that come straight from his chest. he knows exactly what he sounds like, and he uses it to his advantage. he’ll lean back so he can watch his cock pump his cum into you. thick, large hands holding you down at your hips when you try to pull away. “where are you going, darling?” no matter how overstimulated the two of you are, he will fuck his cum back into you; if anything, he pounds into you harder than before, so overtaken by the feeling of your walls slick with his cum.D = dirty secret | ...
  • ***period sex ▸ Nanami really is the best man. Underneath his collected exterior there is a nurturing streak a mile wide- he would take such good care of you on your period and in the bedroom is no exception. More than anything he wants to make sure that you don’t feel like you have to do this to please him. He needs to know that you want it for yourself, that you feel totally comfortable with him. And he smiles so warmly down at you when you assure him of just how much you do want it, of how much you trust him. Nanami is slow and methodical in the way that he makes you fall apart. On his fingers first and then his cock, keeping the pace so steady to make sure you get as much relief out of it as possible before he finally lets himself go too. He doesn't make nearly as much of a mess as Geto since he's responsible enough to lay down a towel and doesn't revel in rolling around covered in blood with you, but you will still be treated to a warm bath afterwards in his arms all the same.
I = intimacy | ...
  • hot thing he does during sex: whenever you're on top, you aren't really on top. the word 'sub' does not correlate to nanami one bit. if you want to be on top, he would oblige, though that does not mean he would let you be in control. nanami is the definition of a power sub; doesn't matter how stressed or tired he is, if you are riding him, he would have his hands tightly gripping your hips moving you at his chosen pace. at the start he would only slightly guide you, letting you decide for yourself what is comfortable, but if you ever show signs of becoming tired or slowing down, nanami would take it upon himself to take over- picking you up and slamming you down roughly at an inhumane pace. you wouldn't be required to do any work, he is a jujutsu sorcerer after all, it's light work for him to pick you up and move in the direction and speed of his choice. not only that, he's very attentive to what spots are the most sensitive, making sure to repetitively hit it with his cock buried deep into you.
J = jack off | ...
  • ***masturbation voicemail ▸ Nanami is all too frustrated his missions been delayed, and he’s all too frustrated that it means seeing you has been delayed too. he clenches his jaw when you don’t pick up, stroking himself faster as the sound of your voicemail plays in his ear. “won’t be home for a another few days,” he breathes at the sound of the beep, breathy moan catching in his throat while his hand slides up his length and his thumb rubs over the thick vein. his cock is pulsing, hot and stiff in his hand as his eyes flutter shut and his lashes hit his cheek. a low moan pushes past his parted lips as he fists his length tighter, hand and cock coated in pre as his hips buck slightly into his fist. “shit—i miss you. want to be home, hate not coming back on time,” he murmurs, breath hitching in his throat as his thumb grazes his slit. “f-fuck, want to feel you,” he groans, “want to hear you too. always sound so pretty.” there’s a shaky exhale before he grunts deeply, panting as his cock twitches in his hand and ropes of cum paint his abs white. his head falls against the plush of the pillow underneath him, mouth open as he lets out a choked cry of your name. “sh-shit, miss how pretty you sound, miss how perfect you look under me, miss seeing you cum for me.” his hand works his length through his high, chest heaving as his hips lift off the mattress from the last few spurts of cum. groaning, he catches his breath, and nanami hates that if anything, he’s only more frustrated after all this. “being a sorcerer sucks,” he mutters, “tired of being away from you.”
  • ***sex tape ▸ He would probably give you a look the first time you ask him if he wants to make a sex tape. It might take some coaxing, but you asked him to try it at least once to see if he regally doesn’t like it. Probably would be more sensually in the beginning, almost too intimate like the camera was intruding on the moment. He would have you sit between his legs, completely stripped and legs spread for the camera. 10/10 makes eye contact with the camera when he pushed his fingers inside you. You’ll be able to tell that he got comfortable on camera or completely forgot about it when he brings his other hand to your throat and squeezed when you started to move too much from his fingers. He will have you taste yourself. He will watch how you tongue glides along his fingers, making eye contact with him the entire time before pulling you in for a kiss that lacked the usual self control he has. Nanami only leave marks on you once in a blue moon, but he couldn’t help himself this time as you cried out for him, clenching around him and wanting him to keep fucking you until your a mess and he has the strong urge to do exactly that. The man will look as disheveled as you do. It will take him a minute to admit that he liked recording y’all having sex, but after some time he might ask for y’all to do it again.
K = kinks | ...
  • BREEDING: he tutted, changing the angle of his hips until he was nailing that spot inside you with every thrust. “gonna cum again? getting off on being bred, hm?” how he managed to sound so put together while he had you folded in half beneath him, your ankles swinging by his ears, was a mystery to you. you could feel his cum being forced out of you with each powerful thrust, joining the mess pooling beneath you. ever since you told him you were off birth control he had been insatiable, insisting on fucking you full of his release every chance he got. he was half-feral when it came down to it. your legs shook as another orgasm approached, the knot in your stomach tightening uncomfortably before you came undone around him, walls spasming as they tried to suck him in further. he groaned above you, a rare sign of his composure cracking as he leaned closer, splitting you in half around his fat cock as he rutted into you to chase his own high. he was bouncing you up the mattress at this point, having to keep a hold on you from the force of his hips. when he came this time it was with a hiss, oversensitivity plaguing him as he kept himself as close to you as possible to fill you up. he was still buried to the hilt when he let your legs fall around him, one big hand coming to brush your hair off your sweaty forehead. “i’m still good for another round, angel, just to be sure. think you can take another load in this greedy pussy?”
***overstimulation ▸ it’s truly a sight seeing nanami, who is always so picture perfect, a total wreck in front of you. his blonde hair is all messy and his eyes are squeezed shut with his hands tied above him because you know he’d immediately take the chance to get his hands on you. you overstimulate him when he’s upset you in some way so the only thing that’s coming out of his mouth are moans and broken “i’m sorry”s. “a-angel m’ sorry.. i’ll m-make—” you like to cut him off either by kissing him or swirling your tongue around his tip. when you stop and he’s finally spent, barely being able to think, you make him look at you and show him how wet you are, both of you knowing that he can’t do jack shit about it.***cock warming ▸ keeps his office door locked for this specific reason. nanami has a small exhibitionist kink, okay? he also has pretty good self control and occasionally shushes you while kissing your temple when you clench around him. i think nanami has one of the biggest dicks in jjk and if you disagree, you’re wrong. he’s usually doing paperwork but occasionally stops to kiss you. “you’re such a good girl, not distracting me from my paperwork.” quietly laughs when he feels you clench around him again and he can’t help himself from pressing you down against him. needs to swallow a moan when you bury your face in his neck while tugging on his shirt collar.he's mostly very vanilla, likes fore play, and not very big on trying new things but a few of the things he likes are: daddy kink (you call him 'Daddy' during sex and he would start groaning louder, and thrust into you harder... you don't even have to go into the whole DDLG role play tbh, just the word 'Daddy' and he's hard already) Pleasure kink (he likes pleasuring — he'd eat you out, finger you, fuck you until you're passed out — without a care for his own pleasure. He could make you cum, and totally ignore his erection, and just leave for work like nothing happened) slight choking kink (he just likes seeing your eyes go droopy, and your jaw going slack, but that's it) forbidden shit (ok, ok this is very hard for me to explain bc Nanami is such a prim and proper man... but u know how... these people are like, the most suppressed??? And i just feel like, he has so many fantasies he would live out if he could and only if you bring it up first. He will never say this out loud — that he would do these things.) but mostly he likes plain old vanilla sex. And his aftercare is AMAZING — he cleans you up, helps you go pee, wash you up, dress you, then spoons you to sleepO = oral | The one who look innocent are the kinkiest. It’s true. Nanami may not seem like a guy who is into kinky shit but trust me. That man has range. He can go from a overtime office guy, to a househusband who bakes sweets, to a mf who eats pussy in the kitchen while the cake is baking real fast. Nanami has your legs spread on the counter. Your faces are a sweet mess from the makeout session earlier. Well, making out with whipped cream all over your bodies. No one would want to eat the cake if they saw the shit you did in the kitchen next to the oven. But it doesn’t matter. Since the cake is for you only. Nanami is desperate and enjoying the way you run your fingers through his hair while he is running his tongue on your clit. He sucks at them and you could feel his teeth on your clit. When you cum, it’s so hard that you hand to grab the handle of the cupboard above to balance yourself.V = volume | Nanami has always been a bit of a silent person, never talks much at work or just in general. Well at least when he’s not pounding into you like its the last time he’ll ever see you again. You can still remember all the times your fingernails dug deep into his back, your head buried into his neck, marking him with your bites. All the while, he was trying to hold back whimpers, groans, and moans, all of which felt wonderful on your ears. He was never one for talking but the times he did talk during this were just praises he whispered into your ears, “Ah- you feel wonderful”. Is probably the quietest of the bunch who mostly just breathes heavy and every once and a while with grunt. BUT he is constantly praising you throughout the entire thing and is really gently and loving. Although he switches up when you ask and he will degrade you like there is no tomorrow. Every once and a while after he gets back from a long work trip and decides he needs you, there is a very small chance he will let out a loud moan as he cums. and it is truly the hottest thing to ever happen in all of existence. or maybe im just a simp. Like Toji, he may be quiet but he absolutely loVES to hear you get vocal. It makes him want to stay entangled with you forever.
  • loves to ask even though the answer’s obvious.  he has the guts to tongue your clit, stop while he is doing it just to ask if you’re enjoying. “just like that?” he’ll smirk whenever he hears your desperate answer. “then i’ll do it just like that.” he is not that talkative during sex but rest assured, this man will shower you with the best compliments. “you look really pretty sucking daddy’s cock.” “do i make your pussy wet, hmm? say it.” his high moans are always present whenever he is about to cum.
X = x-ray | He's big, and thick.... probably a few centimetres short of Toji, and your middle finger would touch your thumb if you try when you have your hand around his cock. I feel like his dick is curved upwards just so slightly, but it mostly stands straight up if you don't pay too much attention. He's also well-groomed, but he's an old-fashioned person that likes a bit of hair so he is trimmed but not completely shaven. ok,
  • big, fat, long. all of it. bigger than gojō’s. he’s like a 7.6 inches and god does he put every single inch to use. tip flushes an angry red when he’s properly horny. the way he fucks you feel him in your guts, for real. it’s just so fat, and it fills you up so deep. perfect dick. not clean shaven, but it’s not unnecessarily messy either. he likes making you cream around him and marveling at that ring of cum around his cock. and speaking of, he cums so much, and it’s so thick too. anyways. can’t fuck nanami kentō and not cry because of how overwhelmed you are. thank you, moving on.
flower ring proposal ▸ He's really in shock. You have to continue your act and put the ring on his finger because he just doesn't move or say anything. When you finish, he holds you in a tight embrace. "Why don't we start make this plan become reality, Y/N?"ringHe’s classy and minimalistic. A little old-fashioned, too, but you love that about him. A classic gold band with a single pretty stone is Kento’s choice.
***marriage ▸ He helps a lot with the house chores, sometimes you even feel guilty because he does more than you. But he likes everything clean and organized. He also loves to go to the supermarket, and he buys the right things. Always cooking you something and he always buys something that you like just to please you. He isn't clingy. He likes and respects individual space. He loves when you are together but doing your own different things. BUT he likes to take showers together.***domestic Nanami is the average stay at home husband. You practically had to beg him to retire from how much he overworked himself. He spends his time reading books that have been sitting in his shelf for the longest. Nanami often has Itadori over and they end up watching old films. When Itadori does come over he always helps out with making dinner. Nanami's food is delicious, but it tastes even better when Itadori helps out. The three of you are like a happy little family. When Itadori doesn't come over you'd usually catch Nanami taking care of his plants. He'll usually be watering them or even changing their pots. Overall Nanami is the average and well rounded house husband.
HOT THINGS HE DOESwhen he's taking off his tie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) like he just got home, he runs his hand through his hair and slowly takes off his tie with one hand or he loosens it (bonus point when he takes off his tie and his jacket and he stays in his shirt and shoulder straps.) his soft smile. it's something he almost never showed to anyone since he doesn't smile that much. it's a really small smile, his lips barely stretch but it's oh so sweet. whenever you see him smiling like that you feel at peace. sometimes when he's about to do something, he rolls the sleeves of his buttoned shirt to his elbows. and god this is hot. (bonus point when he forgets to replace correctly the sleeves and stay the rest of the day like this)I am detrimentally I’m love with this manHe would definitely speak to you with his big business man voice most of the time and it’s so hot for him like COME ON I’d pay to be degraded by himHe would lend you his button up shirts when you came over because he loves it when you sleep in them. Loves fucking you in them even more. He’d button it back up after you both finish and to me that’s so attractive idk broHe’d be so gentle but so stern. Same way in bed. Yep. Totally.He would hold your hand in public and grip it tighter when he caught someone checking you out. I think he’d be secure in his relationship with you, but jealous Nanami is sexy okay? Okay.His confidence and security is so hot too good lord above. The way he is just so commanding…Nanami would also be having a drink after work, tie loose around his neck as he threw his head back against the chair and swirled the ice in his gin and tonic and groanedNanami would roll up his sleeves as you talk to him, head angled down as his eyes never leave yours. You’d be turned into a stuttering mess and he would play clueless, but his smirk gave him awayHe wouldn’t know how hot he is
  • ...
  • absolutely whipped. this man will always treat you like you're royalty, like he LIVES to make you happy <3
  • Kento pays attention to having nothing with him at work, which would give the opponents a hint of you. No picture in his wallet, no background picture of you on his phone and also your number is not saved in his phone. You don’t text each other. If something important happens, he’ll call you from a phone booth. He knows your number by heart.
  • Kento hates these New Modern holidays like Valentine’s day, which was probably created only by the advertising industry. He doesn’t see the point in giving you something just because someone declared this day to be the day of lovers. If he wants to give you something, he can do it without some stupid holiday.
  • he does his best never to work overtime, he just always wants to get home to you asap! that being said, he WILL take on a few extra shifts around special holidays or your birthday/anniversary just so that he can afford to get you something really nice and bring you out to a really nice restaurant :) even if you tell him it's not necessary, he'll still do it, unless you tell him that you'd prefer more time with him than a gift, then he's happy to oblige (he will in fact still get you something and take you somewhere for dinner tho)
  • he's..... hm..... I don't see Nanami as a jealous man. he's confident in himself, he trusts you completely, and he isn't one for making a show if someone's flirting with you really. if you get uncomfortable tho, then he will absolutely step in and put an end to it. now.. if you're TRYING to make him jealous, maybe giggling too much at what the guy says, thennnnn he's stepping in (and you'll be paying for it later babe, lemme fuckin' tell ya)
  • COOKING DATES!!!!!!!!! now I'm gonna throw in an unpopular opinion here..... I..... do not think Nanami is a good cook. he is busy literally all the time, man loves good food, but he's never spent much time actually learning how to make it for himself. he loves trying tho!! so if you cook WITH him, he will fucking MELT. even if the food doesn't turn out quite right, it's safe to say that you both have a really great time regardless :)) you bring out a sillier side of him!! especially when baking, if you like smidge some flour or frosting on his nose, he WILL retaliate until you're both covered in a confectionary mess <3
  • Gets up in the morning to buy bread from the baker and have breakfast with you.
  • nanami is the one who usually gets up to make breakfast and coffee
  • If you can’t solve a crossword puzzle and he notices, you can’t remember the word or you’ve written a wrong one, he waits for a moment and subtly gives you the answer word. No matter if he brings it in an action he does or in a sentence, but he tries to pack it as skillfully as possible so that you don’t notice it to not accidentally make you sad because you think he’s superior to you or he thinks you’re stupid. Which is definitely not the case. For Kento, nothing is more beautiful than your joyful smile when the word comes to your mind out of the blue and you write it down.
  • Even if he always talks about being able to live cheap somewhere as soon as possible without having to go on working, he is not stingy. If you look at something in a shop window and he sees the sparkle in your eyes, he buys it for you the next day on the way home.
  • surprises you with flowers on his way home from work at least a couple times a month
  • gets a little flustered when he sees you wearing one of his button downs when he gets home from work
  • sends you texts throughout the day asking how you are and telling you that he misses you
  • It’s become a ritual that after work, he hugs you from behind and settles his head on yours and says that hopefully your day wasn’t as bad as his.
  • usually he's very sleepy when he gets off work, so he really really really loves to cuddle :( he just wants to lay with his head on your chest and let you play with his hair until he falls asleep <3
  • not HUGE on pda, but he will hold your hand everywhere you go if you want to, and he's not opposed to occasionally giving you a kiss on the cheek or forehead <3 if you're somewhere busy he'll keep his arm around you, he wants to keep you safe!!
  • on his days off, he doesn’t put gel in his hair so it’s easier for you to play with
NSFW: It turns him on when you bite his neck. Despite the fact that he can become rough, he likes a gentle rather sensual sex. He likes when you start sucking up and flirting with him. If you can get him mad, he will pull you close to him and tell you in your ear what he will do to you when you get home. When he got wounded because of Mahito, he will go to Shoko and she will ask him to take off his shirt, but he will not want to do this because you left scratches, hickeys and other purple marks on his body. He will definitely fuck you in the car after you teased him during the conference (just imagine how you leave a palm print on the fogged glass). He's tempted by the way you drink water:your lips become moist and shiny, and when you swipe your finger to remove moisture, you know it will finish him off. Tie your hands with his tie to tease you and to beg him:he will enjoy the way you try to adjust your hips so that he enters you deeper. He is ready to wake up early in the morning after a sleepless night with you and look at your marks on your neck, collarbone while you are still sleeping in his unbuttoned shirt that barely covers your chest. If you come in a short skirt, then he will relax his tie a little and come up to you from behind and hug you so that you feel how you act on him.nanami doesn’t think he’s satisfied you until your orgasms are leaving you breathless, braindead, helpless and limp beneath him. if you can still keep up with him, then he hasn’t been fucking you well enough. he wants to have you cumming in a way that leaves you begging for him to stop, that has him grabbing at your wrists to pin them above you. he likes the thrashing orgasms, the full body trembles, the leg kicking and the hip squirming. he likes it when you squeal and your body shakes and you desperately try to close your legs, only to spread them apart from one single, simple nudge and tap of his fingers against your thighs. he especially loves the fact that despite how exhausted you are, how sensitive your cunt is, how numb your body is, you still spread your legs for him.
  • As embarrassing sex moments: Broke the bed, refused to continue until it was fixed. He made you stand there butt naked and hold the nails for him while he hammered them in + While hitting it from the back you told him to pull your hair, he said "What?", you repeated yourself and he just said "No." then continued.
  • He never leaves the house without an annoyed sigh and the words that it is only a few years until you can settle down in a quiet, convenient area without having to do this annoying job.


Nanami Kento: Ken has always valued his time away from work with you during the holidays, especially with how little he gets to see you the rest of the year between your differing schedules. He hadn’t failed to notice the way your face fell at the mention of him not coming home another night until well after you’d be asleep. But you were endlessly patient with him, knowing he was working hard so the two of you could have a good life together. He would make sure you have a couple weeks off  to celebrate your favorite holiday together, going as far as arranging the time off with your boss so he can treat you to a surprise. You’re wrong if you think you’d be relaxing around the apartment for the new year when he has the funds and the time to take you somewhere the two of you can’t be interrupted… “Take off the blindfold, love.” Kento whispers soothingly in your ear. A shiver of anticipation runs down your spine that had nothing to do with the cold he’d dragged you through before walking you into a toasty room. You hear the door close behind you then feel his diligent hands wipe the snow that had accumulated on your outfit from you. The fabric of the blindfold’s knot falls away from your grasp as you open your eyes, letting them adjust the the cozy lighting of the room around you. Your eyes immediately fall upon the stone fireplace that was already roaring with a fire, then travel to the walls, seeing that they’re constructed with large wooden logs. But what takes your breath away is the view outside the picturesque window as night descends upon the snowy mountain Nanami had brought you to. You’re only able to look back at him after the tears start falling from your eyes, your heart heavy with love and gratitude. “Ken. I- I love it.” You continue to sob lightly, overwhelmed with the thoughtfulness in the plans he laid out. He knows his absence has been difficult for you to deal with. You feel his large hands cup your cheeks, his thumbs rubbing lightly along your tear stained cheeks in an attempt to ground you as you continue to babble out your appreciation. He pulls your face in for a deep kiss you can’t help but moan into. You should feel embarrassed with how needy he made you after one kiss, but you can’t care as you finally get to feel him against you for the first time in weeks. And you have him to yourself for fourteen whole days. The promise of all the positions you wanted him to fold you into has you clawing his jacket from his shoulders and ripping his button-down open in one harsh pull. You feel your center clench at the thought of him flipping you around and relentlessly fucking you into the arm of the large leather couch, supporting your body as you collapse in a mind shattering orgasm, coming pretty and dumb for him, just how you know he likes you. The two of you had plenty of time to go slow later. You need him now and he’s much too happy to oblige with your demands. He’d find exactly the right time to take out the box you had conveniently missed in his jacket pocket that would tie the two of you together forever.