"true" ( shin) + "person" ( hito) | JAPANESE


lakeshore blue




5'10½" (179 cm)




gray (M) + heterochromatic blue (A)






Mahito's a sadistic, immature cursed spirit who enjoys toying with human emotions. He believes he was born from human transgressions and considers himself the very manifestation of humans' hatred of each other (which makes him the only member of the group to not be born from a fear of natural disasters). As such, Mahito believes that humans should be extinguished, and cursed spirits should rule in their place. Mahito has no sympathy for human lives and appears to place little value on even his own life. He's devoted to his cause, believing that reviving Sukuna's more important than his own well-being. As long as cursed spirits eventually reign supreme, Mahito cares not if he's there to see it. Unlike his ally Jogo, who's very short-tempered and arrogant, Mahito can remain relatively calm and is playful in nature. Even so, they agree on the same goals when it comes to their race. Possibly due to the nature of his birth, Mahito's extremely adept at interacting with and manipulating human beings. He preys on their hatred, sorrow, and insecurities in order to direct them to act the way he wishes, even to the point where they even act against their common sense. After indirectly causing the death of Yoshino Junpei's mother, he convinces Junpei that the one who placed Sukuna's finger in his house that attracted the curse was Shota Ito and drove Junpei to become a curse user as revenge. Mahito manipulated Junpei so completely that Junpei never considered the fact that Mahito was evil until he actually tried to defend him to Itadori Yūji, even after seeing his experiments in the sewer. Nanami Kento describes Mahito as extremely immature and has a superficiality about him similar to Gojō Satoru. He enjoys toying with humans, even in battle when his life is on the line. Mahito befriended Junpei because he saw him as a toy that could be fun to play with. He coerced Junpei into becoming a curse user by feeding on his hatred. When his toy ran out of use, Mahito used him as leverage against Yūji and had even killed him without a second thought. Mahito's also very philosophical when it comes to the concept of souls. He believes that the human soul came before the body and is intrigued by the very nature of the soul. His cursed technique is derived from this obsession, and he uses it to experiment on human victims in order to gain further knowledge. He does keep his composure for the most part but can be visibly shaken when his own safety is threatened as when Yūji showed that his own attacks could do real harm to Mahito. Later, when Kugisaki Nobara used her cursed technique on him, he was shocked when he was hurt as her cursed technique can bypass physical resistance and attack the soul the same as Yūji's attacks. He then emphasizes getting rid of her showing his strong desire to neutralize anyone or anything capable of hurting him. At the end of his second battle with Yūji, being critically injured by Black Flash and exhausted, Mahito became terrified of Yūji when the latter showed Mahito his resolve to hunt him down, seeing in Yūji the same callous disdain that Mahito himself showed others. Mahito then desperately tried to escape Yūji showing that despite all his bravado and pontificating, he was little more than a cruel child at heart that enjoyed hurting others when there was no danger to him but fearful when the consequences of his actions finally caught up with him.






cards against humanityInviting him was a mistake. Fucked-up plays only; if he has a really bad card, he's playing it. He gives zero fucks. And that's a bad thing. His plays are worse than Sukuna’s but that's mainly because he has a sort of “luck” with this, I guess. IDK if you can even call it luck...***first dateHe’s a very curious man, a little too much sometimes. We know he’s interested in spirituality, things like philosophy and religion. And we also know he’s a little creep who likes seeing dissected and disformed bodies. But given how he is self-aware and doesn’t want to scare you away, he’d probably try to dial it all down to something conventionally acceptable and just as amusing. So. Here we go. Gird your loins. A museum date. A mummy exhibition. An exhibition of ancient medical practices. A medical theater type of exhibition. That’s his jam, and it’s honestly rather interesting. He already knows some things about past medical practices, and would gladly tell you how ancient physicians thought that the gateway to the soul is through the nostrils, and how in Medieval times they thought that bleeding helps with inner demons. Can’t blame a boy with hyperfixation. So not only do you get a rather fascinating pastime, you also are to be provided with a personal guided tour. If he rambles too much, and the topic drifts to something not everyone’s gut is ready for, just take his hand in yours and lean into him. He’d immediately skip to something much more pleasant and will drag you to a different part of the museum so you could show him some of your favorites. Also he’s the one to buy you a coffee to go after and walk you through the park, reminiscing on what you should do next time. A little weird, but adorably so, and certainly worth it."would you date me if i was a worm?" ▸ OH YES OF COURSE. I can manipulate my body and then we can twin.***after your death ▸ (Again, He probably wouldn’t care, but I my Mahito simps need to feel some kind of pain) There weren’t many people Mahito cared for- if any at all. But there was something about you, something that made him care- even if it was just a little. Maybe it was the sight of your limp body that made him sad, or maybe it was that he would never get to annoy the shit out of you again. But he couldn’t help but feel sad.***attentionHe's also bold as hell but unlike Sukuna he doesn't care at all if you know he wants attention. Clingy as hell. Absolute wild card. Will pick you up, no matter what you are doing and just carry you to the couch or whatever and plant himself onto you like a sack of potatoes. He's sitting on your lap now and he doesn't intend to leave. Great. The relationship-equivalent of "Are we there yet?". Asks you to cuddle or spend time with him and if you tell him you're busy he waits for 2-5 minutes and then asks you if you're done now. In his defense, it didn't feel like 2-5 minutes for him. He's hands down the one who gets the most annoying if he wants attention. He's willing to compromise though if he gets to hug you from behind or hold your hand until you're done doing whatever it is that keeps you busy. After that he's back to sitting on your lap and not intending to leave. It took a while to get him to the point where he understands how relationships work and what the feelings he's experiencing are exactly but once that has been established he doesn't beat around the bush with what's on his mind. "Y/n I miss you." "Y/n I want a kiss." "Y/n look at this funny thing I discovered I can do with my leg." He'd also try to impress you a lot, sometimes with the most random things like the way he'd jump into a hot spring or whatever ideas the rest of his group sparked in him. Plays games against Geto, Hanami and Jogo or plays volleyball with them and tries to win to impress you. Will point out that he won if you don't acknowledge it yourself. Anyway, once he's aware he likes you and that you feel the same for him he sticks to you like glue.for partner ▸ Something he stole. Curse no understand reasons for gift giving, curse no money, curse steal something for his human.nicknamesSomething tells me he'd get pretty creative with nicknames. I can see him calling you things like "bunny," "kitten," and "puppy," but also "cutie," "darling," and "softie." The only caveat is that it's something cute and adorable. He doesn't like to stick to just one name, hence why there's such a wide selection to choose from. He also might call you multiple different things in the span of a complete fuck sesh (that sounds so odd lol).***handsis almost unbearably affectionate. He wants to be touching you and all up in your space 24/7 holding his cold hand in yours is really just a compromise for when you don’t want him totally suffocating you but still have contact. He also likes to keep his pinky subtly linked with yours when you go out in public with him, tethering the two of you together even if people can't see it.***cuddlingi don’t know if curses sleep, or if they even can. that doesn’t really stop mahito though. the first time you tried cuddling him, he just stared at you with a very confused look on his face. his existence is literally fueled by hatred so of course he didn’t know what cuddling was. let alone affection before meeting you. mahito was really fidgety in the beginning, mostly because he didn’t know what the fuck he was supposed to do 💀 but now it’s all he wants to do. he has a lot of free time, not having to work or worry about day-to-day stuff because he’s a curse, so he likes to spend it cuddling you. if you say you’re too busy and are somehow able to escape him, he’ll just stand right behind you and stare you down until it’s impossible to ignore. definitely lays on top of you and just buries his face in your chest/tiddies. i feel like this is one of the few times he’s actually quiet, usually spending this time to think or just listen to your heartbeat and breathing.kissing...
  • ***making outtakes pleasure in hurting you in some way while making out. nothing too bad, but he bites your bottom lip often or might hold onto your hips a little too tight. takes more pleasure in this if you enjoy it. mahito is probably pretty needy too, always bored if it’s not doing something that he definitely shouldn’t be doing. i can see him being kind of playful while making out. if he knows you’re ticklish somewhere he will purposely move his hands to that spot so you start to squirm in his lap while laughing. mahito also likes to twirl your hair while kissing you.
B = body part | He's got an ass, he's got two thighs, but what he doesn't have, are two tits. So, naturally, since he's such a curious being, he'd grow heavily infatuated with tits. Always fondling them or wanting them in his mouth.D = dirty secret | ...
  • ***period sexMahito is a shark and your period is blood in the water, babey~! I one-hundred percent believe he would be able to smell it on you and he is so curious about the way your body works that if nothing else, you will be kept forcibly entertained by his questions for a while with his big, cold hands soothing your cramping, bloated stomach as they rest against it. He would love nothing more than to literally rearrange your guts and be covered in your blood but with that off the table, he will settle for figuratively rearranging them and being covered in a less generous amount of it. But he tends to get a bit distracted and will wind up eating you out for the better part of an hour first. Hopefully being with Mahito has somewhat tempered your ability to feel embarrassment because he's gonna have a lot of nice things to tell you about the way you taste. And yes, he will be kissing you once he’s finished between your legs so you can taste too~
I = intimacy | Doesn’t enjoy skinship that much, and yet he can’t control himself from just wanting to put his head on your shoulder. Just a small touch, his forehead against your collarbone - and yet full of comfort, need and sometimes want. Mahito is not the most approachable person and yet you can’t help but smile when his eyes close and he lets himself go only on you, and when you are lucky hugging your waist. It rarely happens - but boy if it doesn’t give you goosebumps.V = volume | Mahito rivals pornstars when it comes to moaning and the shit he says during sex. His moans sound so fake?? They’re still pretty to hear. Whether his moans are real or not, they’re loud as hell. Mahito is just loud in general, very loud. Once again, you find yourself allowing Mahito to fuck you like a perverted highschooler. He has came in you far too many times to count, you’re so overstimulated but he still keeps on fucking you. He’s moaning in your ears talking about how you feel so good, how you’re going to make him cum again. His whines grow louder as he’s closer to cumming again. “Ah- im gonna cum again- can we pleasee have one more round pretty please!”