"Yellow" by Coldplay
"Talking to the Moon" by Bruno Mars
"Dræm Girl" by No Vacation
"Locked Out of Heaven" by Bruno Mars
"Treasure" by Bruno Mars
"Double Take" by Dhruv
"If I Could Ride a Bike" by Chevy
"Pretty Girl" by Clairo
"Falling for U" by Peachy!
"Wings!" by Pim Viphurit
"Strawberries & Cigarettes" by Troye Sivan
"Always Forever" by Cults
"In Luv with U" by Finn
"Was It Something I said" by mykey
"Uh Oh" by Junior Doctor"Adore You" by Harry Styles


SHORTHe’s the shortest out of the students so finding someone smaller than him just makes his chest puff out more than usual. Gives her head pats and leans his cheek on her head, throwing his arms over her shoulders and putting all his weight on her.. If she doesn’t want him to comment on her height, he won’t joke about it; he can tell if the joke goes too far and knows when to stop. Inumaki thinks she's the cutest and nothing fills him with more pride then when the two of them go on a mission and his short little partner is beating curses to a pulp. Rising from his seat next to her on the stairs, Inumaki offered her a hand, pulling Chikage upwards so her head tipped back to meet his purple eyes. “Tsunamayo.” “Looking down on me??” Tugging his hand backwards, she shoved him onto the stairs once more and grinned down at him. “Who's looking down on who now?” Tackling her onto the ground, he laughed at her surprised face, a teasing glint in his eyes when he stood to his feet. “Shake!”STRETCH MARKS Inumaki laid his head on her stomach after he found Chikage crying in front of a mirror. He traced little swirly patterns on her chest and tummy while rapidly kissing her stretch marks.*SELECTIVE MUTISM ➤ meeting new people and making friends was a hassle, to say the least. so when you first started at Jujutsu Tech, you were very anxious. what if they think you’re weak? what if they’re mean and you can’t defend yourself? how are you supposed to make friends? all of these thoughts made you dread the first day of school. your concerns only multiplied when you met Gojo, who was energetic and very loud… thankfully, when you met your classmates, they seemed a lot more mellow than your enthusiastic teacher. Maki was very understanding and actually appreciated the calmness your presence brought. Panda took some time to get used to your shyness, but he got the hang of it after a while. and then there’s Inumaki. after being told that he couldn’t speak, you assumed that you would be acquaintances at best. you were very wrong. you and Inumaki hit it off instantly. where you were more shy and reserved, he made up for it with his outgoingness. Inumaki was worried that you would be scared off by his personality, but you didn’t feel like you were missing anything in the conversation because he wasn’t speaking either. even though Inumaki couldn’t speak, he was by far the more talkative one. Inumaki knew how to get his point across with very few words and facial expressions. whenever you were alone with Inumaki, you didn’t feel pressured to speak or even communicate at all. you two could sit for hours on end without talking to each other in comfortable silence. your friendship with toge came easy, and you both started having feelings for each other very quickly. one day Inumaki is talking with Panda and Yuta while you and maki are reading together under a tree. after a while, toge jogs over to you with a mischievous grin and flushed cheeks. you don’t notice him until maki says, “I think you have a visitor.” causing you to look up and see him coming before waving to him. when he reaches your spot under the tree, he swiftly hands you a folded note and a pen before returning to his group and jogging away. when you open the note, it says “do you want to go out with me? :)” and a check box for yes and no. after some pestering from maki and your own impatience, you walk to the other group and shyly hand toge the note before turning around and speedwalking back to your shady spot. as you were walking back to maki, you heard toge yell “salmon!!” repeatedly before running up behind you and giving you the biggest bear hug possible. when you started saying small phrases to him like “hello” and “goodbye,” he felt so happy for you. he knew how hard those small words were for you, and his heart melted with the thought of him being the reason you felt comfortable speaking. that made his average-sized ego grow, but he would never admit that to anyone. he would, however, brag about your closeness to everyone else in a not-so-subtle way. he would send panda, maki, and yuta messages saying how beautiful your voice was and how it was a “shame” you only felt that comfortable around him. toge felt like he had something no one else had. like your few words were the most valuable thing in the world to him, and he didn’t want to share… so when you told your boyfriend that you were speaking more so you could eventually talk with other people, he was a tad disappointed at the loss of his exclusivity, but he was also proud of you for coming out of your comfort zone. one day, everyone took a break on the steps after a sweltering training session. maki was about to send the first years to go get drinks(i hc that maki treats them like henchmen/slaves Idk just girl boss things) when you quietly and hesitantly mumbled, “I can get it…” honestly, you thought they would hear you with your low volume and how naturally loud the group was. but your theory was proven wrong after everyone in the group snapped their heads towards you, making you turn around and cover your face. Toge giggled and patted your head while saying “salmon” in a proud tone to reassure you. you felt so embarrassed and shy, but everyone started praising you and telling Toge that your voice really did suit you. after that, you grew more comfortable with verbal communication, and Toge couldn’t be more proud.ATTENTION FROM A BOOKWORM ➤ He's cute, but he's needy. I mean, VERY NEEDY. He just loves Chikage so much he can't hold back. Don't blame him. Like Kugisaki, he won't even wait for her to notice him and put her book aside. But he'll be gentle, though. He's going to carefully take Chikage's book and shower her face with kisses until she has eyes only for him.AFRAID OF THE DARKHe's going to play a couple of pranks first. Like turning of the lights when she's alone in a room that's naturally dark or indicating that he's bothered by her lamp on while she sleeps. Though, when he figures it's serious, he'll make sure to stay with her at night and he'll even buy her lamps and candles, putting so much attention to them that they'll match her style.PLUSHIE COLLECTIONHe secretly has one, too. Not as large as hers, but he has one. So, they start collecting together. They make plans to know which ones they want to add to their collections, and she also draws his cheek marks on some of them. But, you see, sometimes he hides one or another just to prank Chikage. "Toooge, where is..." "Okaka eheh."SLEEPS WITH STUFFED ANIMALS ➤ This other bitch. He'll use it against Chikage to tease her. He'll hide her precious stuffed toy / plushie every single fucking night. No respect at all. Will ask her if he can draw his cheek marks on it and if she says yes, he'll melt while drawing them. He also finds it very, very, VERY CUTE that she sleeps while hugging her stuffed toy / plushie. He just wished that it was him that gave it to Chikage.
BEAUTY APPRECIATION WITH RANDOM PEOPLE: he doesn't like it AT ALL. He'll cover your eyes with his hands or throw his jackets in your head. "What, Toge?". He'll cross his arms and glare you fiercely "OKAKA". You'll have to compensate it for a week.LIKES TO SLEEP: He knew that knocking on your door was useless and if he broke into the room, he would be safely smothered with a pillow. Then, walking in the yard, the Panda offered to wake you up with the help of his technique. Considering it a good idea, they approached your window. Toge was not tall, so he climbed on the Panda to make it easier to wake you up. For the best effect, these two assholes found a loudspeaker. But while they were messing with all this, you woke up and saw them, so hitting the Toge with a pillow, he fell on the Panda,who softened the fall.LOW SOCIAL BATTERY: he notices you becoming quieter and tired. He pokes your cheek and passes his arms around your waist bringing you to the way home.MOTHERLY: another one that joins you and the kids. He comes with all the fun ideas and you both have a blast. He knows that he found the one and he won't let you go. Never.PHYSICALLY FLEXIBILE: he starts to put you in situations where you have to use your flexibility and gives you lots of challenges too. Challenges that he probably found out because of tiktok. He loves to put you against the wall and hold your leg up until your head.GOES GHOST: Immediately thinks “Did I do something wrong?” He’s not a fan of whenever you disappear, and he thinks that something has happened whenever you don’t respond to his texts. Inumaki is the type to literally pull up to your house with his arms crossed, feet tapping impatiently, and a scowl on his face like “So, what’s good?”  When you explain to him that you just needed some time to be by yourself since it’s therapeutic, Inumaki reluctantly understands but still gives you a side-eye for leaving him in the dark like that. Because Inumaki too can’t strain himself with talking too much, he relates your problem back to his and can eventually wrap his mind around that some people really do need a break to recharge their social battery. So he’s not too upset and he’s honestly just relieved that you’re okay. Will demand that you cuddle him since he’s been touch deprived for so long and will want you to warn him the next time you consider doing this.ONLY AFFECTIONATE WITH HIM: other one who's going to feel like the master of the Universe. He'll give back your affections making sure that his is ten times stronger than yours. He'll also be flustered but that won't stop him from reciprocate this so precious action from you.GAMER: oh, now he is even more in love with you and he thought it was impossible. He also loves to play games and you two are always playing together and waiting anxiously for the updates.LIKES THE COLD: At first he didn't really believe that you can safely be in a cool room or walk outside without warm clothes. When you went to the shower he made the water ice cold. But his expectations were not met because you silently continued to wash. Then he offered to drink you a glass of water after you brushed your teeth with mint paste. Noticing that you didn't make a face, he took a sip of a glass of water himself. Now you were forcing him to drink syrup so that his throat would heal.they say that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you’ll be granted one wish. whisper your to your thousandth crane and hope that it takes flight with your dream on its wings. inumaki toge was never one to believe in stories like these, rolling his eyes and mumbling onigiri ingredients that implied negation. for how could a thousand pieces of folded origami paper solve everything that ran through his mind? and then you offered him a butterfly, made of delicately folded blue and gold paper. inumaki blinked, staring at you widely unsure of what to say. butterflies weren’t cranes, there was no myth of a thousand butterflies, but he could feel a blush creeping on his cheeks and he prayed his collar was covering it. it sits on his bedside table so when he turns over in bed in the mornings it’s the first thing he sees. when he flicks off the light on his table, it burns into his memory as he drifts off the sleep. it’s a small gift, and he’ll never let you know, but it means the world to him. it’s enough to give him hope. perhaps his dreams could be carried on a paper butterfly.




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He always thought Chikage was cute and pretty but didn’t really think much past that. He doesn't mean to nor has any idea when it started, but he made a habit of observing Chikage when she's not looking. Her genuine and sweet disposition was what attracted him, and the more he gets to know her, Inumaki can no longer deny that a small crush was rapidly forming. He enjoyed her time and company, he loved being classmates and friends with her. He enjoyed her personality and thought it meshed well with his. He was able to joke around with her a lot and even pull off some pranks with her.He'll find ways to interact with her in manners that are subtle and others not so much, such as physical touch and acts of service. He offers a helping hand to stand upright after sitting on the ground (he does this a bunch just to hold her hand) and quietly places her favorite snack / drink on her desk upon entering the classroom. It may seem like a kind gesture from her point of view, but Panda and Maki definitely know there's more to it than what appears.Inumaki enjoys the little things that come with being around Chikage; he likes the way his chest gets warm, he likes how he can't help but wonder what she's thinking, he likes how no amount of time spent with her is enough. It’ll start off as a small, harmless crush. Lingering touches when they’d both reach for something, purposely scooting over so his shoulder touches hers, speaking in his safe words to help her grow accustomed to them. Oh, he absolutely treasures the time that Chikage spends with him trying to decipher his words. She also caught on to his rice ball language fairly quickly and he was relieved about that. He knows he can come off as intimidating, cold, and confusing from his lack of vocabulary. But she understands him so well.One day, she came back from a solo mission and she'd grabbed a souvenir along the way. It was a gift for Inumaki so you called out to him, running up to him and holding out the small gift. “On my solo mission, I saw this cool thing and I thought of you so I bought it.” Inumaki literally felt an arrow shoot straight through his heart. He started to feel his cheeks burn up along with the tips of his ears. He grabs the gift with a shaky hand and thanks her in his limited vocabulary, quickly running off to catch his breath. Oh fuck, that was too cute of them. Oh shit. I’ve fallen for them, he monologues internally.I think once she gets to the point where she has a grasp on his words that's when his crush is going start being a nuisance for him, especially when Chikage takes the time to engage herself into a conversation with him, just because she enjoys... his... presence. He starts to pick up on her little habits, as well as all the little things that go unnoticed at a glance. She’s caught him staring more than a few times yet he never seems to catch her when she stares back. Inumaki started off slow, but then fell extremely hard.Inumaki pays attention to detail. His concentration almost always on Chikage. He’s always the first to notice if she's a little off, even only slightly. Tiny goosebumps from the cold? He’ll happily drape himself over her. Eyelids a little droopy and a stifled yawn? Then he’ll cuddle up next to her, no problem. Frown on her lips and slight fog in her eyes? Inumaki’s there, too, patiently waiting as Chikage shuffles over to him. He pulls her in, arms secure and familiar as he squeezes her gently. And she knows she’ll be okay, so long as Inumaki’s by her side.

someone likes his crush

He'll just observe for a while. He knows how amazing Chikage is and that she gets peoples' attention. But if the person keeps showing up, he'll also get them alone. He just stares at the person and lets them do their awkward greetings until he says, "DON'T COME BACK." End of story here LMAO.

accidental boob touch

Inumaki was sitting down at a desk and scrolling through his phone. He was hunched over with his head resting in his hand. His back started to ache so he stretched his arms up far behind him to relieve the tension. Without his knowledge, Chikage was standing behind him and his hand bumped into her chest. Inumaki pulled his hand back, not knowing what he'd just touched. He turned and looked up to see that it was Chikage and tried to register what part of her he'd just made contact with. Realizing it was her breasts, he panicked and started trying to apologize to her in rice ball ingredients. He quickly whipped out the notes app on his phone and typed out IM SORRY, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!” with shaky hands. He started to feel his cheeks burning and his hands sweating. He felt so embarrassed and the more he replayed it in his head, the redder he got. She was able to notice the red tint peaking from behind his tall collar and on the tips of his ears.

cheek kiss as thanks

He gives Chikage a silly laugh while he pokes her cheeks non-stop. "Tsunamayo!" He just finds her too cute to be real. He follows her around, waiting for the next time she'll need help from him.

i always think you're pretty

Inumaki spent the last ten minutes listening to Chikage complain about how awful she looked. She didn’t get enough sleep the night prior, and surely that was reflected on her face. “Ugh, sorry, I don’t mean to be a downer,” she mumbled, sitting on his bed and groaning in frustration. But her friend only shook his head, and after a moment of hesitation, held out a note for her to read. I always think shes pretty. Chikage felt her cheeks get warmer as she shook her head. “Stop, you’re just saying that, Toge,” she half-heartedly chuckled, averting her eyes from him. Because surely he was just being nice to her, right? Inumaki was always nice to her the way that friends were. But she heard him let out a sigh, and from the corner of her eyes, saw him shuffling through his desk. He takes out a little box and hands it to her, motioning for her to open it. And when she did, she saw dozens of crumpled-up pieces of paper. Clearly, these were old notes that Inumaki scribbled in the past, all stuffed into this little box. She opened a couple to read the contents; You look pretty today, Chikage. I think you look cute. All of the rest said similar things. She looked up at Inumaki, who was unable to meet her gaze and whose cheeks were tinged pink. He held up another note for her to read; I told you so.
Poor bby can’t express his feelings for you through words so he simply spends quality time with you. Yes, he literally follows you around like a lost puppy. Wants to be near you always! He’ll get salty if he can’t be with you. Like imagine Maki stealing his seat next to you, he gets so jealous, he just pushes her off the chair LMAO- Sure, he got his ass beat for that, but it was worth it since he got to sit next to you 🤩 Always brings your favourite food after class! because he knows it’ll earn him a hug and a kiss on the cheek from you 😏 smart boiinumaki makes the first move and this is not debatable. like yuuji he'll become really close to you but his main goal is to fluster you as much as possible. when you two are talking he glances at your lips or gets really close. he pushes any stray hairs from your eyes while smiling at you even if you cant see it. he occasionally gently flicks your forehead when you've done something stupid or 'annoying' him. he shares his food with you and always makes sure you two are paired up together.In my opinion, if you want to be with Inumaki, you have to be very committed to the relationship due to you needing to learn how to understand him - and if you were, he would be really appreciative of you for being with him even with the difficulty to communicate with him at the start. When both of you first met, it was when you had just enrolled in Tokyo Metropolitian Curse Technical School and was just walking around with Gojo to get a good look at the school and from that little tour, you found out you were neighbors with the Curse speech technique user. “And this is Inumaki Toge! He uses cursed speech as a technique, so he can only speak ingredients of onigiri.” Now that...that little discovery was very interesting to you. Since both of you were dorm neighbors, you thought it was a good idea to try to talk to him as he was your classmate after all. And oh boy, it was quite difficult to begin with. There were times where you could interpret what he was trying to say, but the other times he had to write it down for you making it easier for you to understand rather than you just having to guess a response. However, one thing he realized during this first conversation of yours was that you were really trying to talk to him without the use of him writing since you wanted to quickly pick up what he was trying to say to you. And over time, you really quickly picked up on the basics and sooner the more complex ‘sentences.’ You could say, this is where his little - big big big - crush began with you. While for you, you really thought he was a kind and insightful person and that was clearly shown when Yuuta came and the situation with Rika - this might be confusing to anime watchers (this is technically not a spoiler because this situation was set before where the anime starts - but really recommend on reading, it’s amazing!) Over time, You and Inumaki got closer, soon being the closest with each other out of the 2nd years and that really showed.let’s say that you are another second-year just for simplicity. you and inumaki quickly became friends because c'mon he’s so friendly. he appreciated how you still tried to understand him even though he could only speak in rice ball ingredients. he also thinks you are very attractive, but he would never actually say it to you… instead, he would leave you a note somewhere saying “you stink :P” but you know what he means <3 whenever you guys are doing training in pairs he always latches on to you like a koala and screams “bonito flakes!” at anyone who even looks at you. think of it as his way of calling dibs. of course, it then becomes a game to see who can kidnap pick you first. this leads to gojo saying “ok, go!” and everyone jumping you all at once. well, everyone except megumi and maki who just sit there like “why don’t we let y/n decide?” but after harsh rice ball ingredients, words are exchanged, it always ends in inumaki being your partner whether you like it or not. but you don’t mind because pairing up with inumaki almost always means slacking off… you start out with actual hand-to-hand combat, which he always beats you in, and once you’re down it becomes a tickle fight. you two go back and forth for a while, but you both know how this ends… it doesn’t take long for him to have you on the ground beneath him while he abuses your sides and stomach with tickles. after a few attempts at turning the tables, you surrender with a chuckled “I give up! I give up!” he gets off of you and does a little celebratory fist pump before helping you up off the ground. and now your favorite part… you and inumaki scan the field for your next target… you first see maki training with nobara and you glance at inumaki who gives you a look that says “hell no.” “tuna tuna,” he says and points towards the other end of the field. panda. panda was training with yuji and megumi, this was good for the two of you because knowing yuji, he would just join in and megumi couldn’t care less either way. “target acquired,” you say to inumaki with a determined grin. he loves it when you play along with his silly antics, sure you guys might get in trouble with maki, but it was all worth it as long as you were in trouble together. panda, maki, or nobora would sit the two of you down sometimes and scold you if you guys went a little too far, but that just makes inumaki feel like you two are partners in crime. the both of you slowly prowl behind panda with a finger on your lips to signal to megumi and yuji to be quiet and not alarm panda of your approach. yuji responds with an all too excited smile and megumi with an exaggerated eye roll, which yes, immediately tells panda what’s going on. panda swiftly turns on his heels and looks at you and inumaki with a disappointed frown. “really you two? again?” you both stand there frozen in place until yuji takes the opportunity to ambush him from behind which sends him falling backward. you and inumaki instantly go for his sides and tickle him while yuji keeps him in a headlock. of course, by now maki and nobara have caught on to the screaming and giggling and maki is….well…not happy. you both stop when you feel something above you all. despite not having any cursed energy, maki has a very ominous presence. “kelp” inumaki says in a small voice while pearing up at maki. “don’t give me that crap,” she says staring menacingly at the two of you. inumaki gives you a pleading look and maki snaps. “if you insist on being y/n’s partner every time, you have to actually train y'know!” he sits down and crosses his arms over his chest, and in a defeated tone he mumbles “salmon” he’s like a pouting kid who got his candy taken away… panda has known way longer than inumaki or anyone else for that matter, that inumaki had a crush on you. so when he’s not teasing him about it, he actually gives good advice. this goes for everyone else who knows not gojo but panda seems to have the best advice. inumaki is very touchy and always has to have a hand on you. he always does the thing where he comes up behind you and covers your eyes, only he can’t say “guess who?” so he settles for “salmon cod roe” he also likes to sit on you. yeah, if there isn’t a seat beside you on either side, he will just sit on you. if he’s tired he will just lay his head on you, no matter where you are. if you start petting his hair he will fall asleep. and if you look tired or keep yawning he will point to his lap and say “tuna tuna” expecting you to lay down. you guys are actually really close friends which is what makes it so hard to confess to you, he doesn’t want to lose your relationship altogether just because he wanted more. you guys hang out in your room or his room a lot which everyone teases you two about. “what do you two do all alone together anyway?” nobara asks one day while on break. “oh y'know, play mario kart, watch movies, make tiktoks,” “yeeeeaaah, riiiight.” she’s not buying it. but really, that’s what yall do, just hanging out with completely platonic not cuddles thrown in. he’s tried to take you out alone multiple times, but either gojo hears about it and makes it a group activity, or you end up inviting everyone else because, as you put it, “the more the marrier” he definitely texts yuta about you all the time even if you two have met before. you and inumaki are very chaotic and god help the other students when you guys become a couple…He’s super chill about it and yet, basks in your attention that you give him. Joke around with you only to make sure you’re laughing - like he really out here doing the most. Oh, you’re not laughing at Toge-Panda-Kugisaki training antics? Then he’ll just have to try harder. “Takana!!” Inumaki cosplays (no he stole it) into Kugisaki’s clothes! If you’re laughing your ass off, mission accomplished 👍🏼 - if you’re laughing your gut to death because he gets beaten up by Kugisaki, task failed successfully 😎 Even if he’s not the reason why you’re laughing, he just gets so caught up in the ring and catchiness of your laughter. Itadori could get pranked for all he knows and as along as your laughing, that’s food enuf for him! Would probably play some jokes on you, but their usually cute subtle things. Going to school, you approached your lockers to change your shoes and get ready for the rest of the day - but what a surprise, you open your locker to find a mountain of cute pictures of puppies and kittens or literally your favorite baby animal! Wowzers! Get pranked! :D (On the back of each picture, writes a small greeting: “konbu! (ಠ‿ಠ)/ - ur favorite senpai/classmate”) Teases you a lot but only in a way that’ll make you laugh and not insecure. If he were to ever upset you, he’s going to die. Periodt. Tries to speak to you more often than anyone else, even if you don’t fully understand him, he wants you to know he’s more invested in everything about you. So he’s usually near you, and if you’re too oblivious to notice you wouldn’t know how longing he looks at you. Casually invites you to watch YouTube/Tiktok prank videos or even drama tea videos and munch on food in the meantime. Kinda stalks your social media :/ he wanna know you and if you have pictures of yourself he will enjoy that too. Sends you memes, your inbox is piled to the brim because he sends you 30 daily, yes I stand by this - Toge, get off the internet. Replies to your text messages as soon as possible but literally won’t respond to anyone else like a day or a couple days later. (like 3-5 mins it’ll take for him to respond back because he sits there looking at what you sent and let’s some minutes pass so he doesn’t seem desperate even though he is desperately infatuated with you so uh). In fact he probably hangs out with you the most, especially free-mission days. he’s not clingyyyy per se, but when you have to cancel your plans with him, he’s pouty :( but you can never tell because he’s so lowkey about it. Does not like getting teased about his crush on you! He’s not like Maki or Megumi where they usually get irritated by everyones jokes about crushing on someone, no, there’s a part of the Onigiri-speaking sorcerer that’s just like “okaka…” like what? What’s so abnormal about crushing on y/n- He could probably just tell everyone to “be quiet”. He might just do that he might just do that. Does small gestures to help you within the day - if Gojo-sensei gives you a tasking chore to do around the school premises, Inumaki won’t even ask, he’ll get up and go with you to help you out - is it a good excuse to leave class for a bit? “Shake.” Is it a greater excuse to spend more time with you while levitating things for you? “Tsunamayo!” If anyone gets to be third wheeling (they don’t realize that they are) when hanging out with you and Toge, he wants absolutely nothing to do with them at the moment please please get away don’t ruin the moment. He gets so antsy about it like “Okakaaaaaaaa-“, and once they’re away the silver-haired boy is relieved! Panda definitely acted as a wingman - didn’t go to well as usual. “Y/n? Did you know~ a friend of our likes you?” “Really??” “Yeah it’s-“ “MENTAIKO!” Overall: Take this boy out on a date!


Okay, when he first figures out that he likes her, he gets really nervous. Like a 'how am I going to tell her?' kind of nervous. Inumaki's slightly worried about confessing to Chikage because he can't tell her that he has feelings for her, he verbally can't at all. He lowkey gets sad. He knows that he's going to have to write it out. He just wishes he didn't have to. I feel like out of everyone, Inumaki will have the most time struggling to find a way to convey his feelings towards her in the most romantic or cute way possible. Panda and Maki will obviously notice this because it's weird to see Toge not as calm as he usually is. Inumaki tells Maki, Panda, and Yuuta about his feelings over text, asking them all for advice. Panda and Maki would be like "Wouldn’t, like... a letter or sign work?” To be honest, I don't think Inumaki would've thought of that because he was so concentrated on how the hell he was going to confess to her or if he was going to confess at all. Maki's the only one who gives consistent advice, sorry. Yuuta isn't available all the time and Panda is... well... Panda. Anyways. Inumaki knows Maki won’t sugarcoat her words when telling him what to do. He just ends up writing a letter detailing his feelings for Chikage. When he writes the letter, I'd understand that his hands are slightly shaking and a few spelling errors here and there, to the point where he'll scrunch up the paper and toss it to the side before starting a whole new one. It's either too cringy or too messy. Either way, he wants it to be perfect for Chikage since he really wants to show the feelings he has for her. This letter may or may not have little doodles in the margins from when he got nervous. There's probably a ton of spots scratched out. It's basically just from when he got sidetracked and started rambling about something off-topic. Half of the letter is about how stunning he thinks she is. He put a :( when he wrote about not being able to speak to her directly. At the end, he just puts 'no pressure :)' He doesn’t have a ton of experience with romance, so he leaves it in a spot where he knows that only she'll find it and gets out of there real fast. Inumaki would be absolutely elated no matter how she chose to tell him that she returned his feelings, but it would make his heart flutter just a tiny bit more if she wrote a letter back to him.
  1. Inumaki is very swift and not at all embarrassed about it. He'll constantly linger around you, keep up his talk with you and when the whole world is busy he'll just whisper into your ears,"I like you,y/n" And if you turn around you'll only notice him zipping up his jacket and staring at you ,at your lips, your body movements. He's great at reading people so you neither can't escape his eyes nor his sneaky move he came up with for his confession.
  2. starting with how toge actually confesses to you. he doesn’t. let me explain. gojo sends you and maki on a mission that’s probably above your grade level if you were being honest with yourself. not because there was one giant curse, but rather there were many small curses that would just be really annoying to get them all. this mission was at a large bridge in Yokohama and would take a few days to exorcise all the curses. when toge found out you were leaving for a few days he was livid. like full-on mad at gojo. you were only a grade 4 sorcerer like the others so why would you be sent on a days-long job? you had to calmly explain to him that sorcerers are spread thin as it is, and maki could easily handle it on her own, you were just being sent as backup really. but your safety wasn’t really his concern, he knew you could handle yourself. he was just upset that you would have to be gone for days and he would be left in tokyo. :( he had a very similar reaction when yuta left. after a few hours, he was just pouty and held himself up in his room with you all day for the whole weekend. but monday came eventually, and you had to rush to finish packing that morning because toge wouldn’t even let you think about the trip while you were with him. everyone was seeing you and maki off at the school entrance and toge was still pouting. you hug him goodbye and before you pull away you whisper in his ear “I’ll be back soon, don’t worry about me, okay?” but that wasn’t enough for toge, it never is. as you pull away from him, he places his right hand on your cheek and the other on your shoulder to stop you and lightly pecks your lips. you freeze in place and quietly chuckle out “w-wait, what?” but before you can ask any real questions, toge spins you around, lightly pushes you towards maki, and says “tuna” “but wait-” “y/n! hurry up or we’ll miss the subway!” maki says, eager to leave and get started. “oh, right.” you turn around to wave everyone goodbye and you swear you can see a tint of red behind inumaki’s collar. you try texting him on the ride to Yokohama, but he just responds with “I’m in class rn gotta focus :/” and then proceeds to send you memes for the next hour. after three days, you finally get back to Jujutsu Tech and when toge goes to give you a hug, you wrap your arms around his neck and give him a real kiss, not just a peck, because that’s not enough for you, it never was. toge was no longer mad at gojo. ever since then, you guys have been together. you never really talked about it, but you didn’t need to.
  3. When getting his feelings across he’s tempted to just blurt out how he feels but the fear of hurting you holds him back so instead he settles for holding your hand in his and telling you in ingredients how much you’ve grown on him. The way his eyes crease tell you how big he’s smiling behind his uniform collar when you admit you feel the same.
I think just like Yuji, Toge is really well resolved with his feelings. So when he noticed how he felt towards you, he didn't take too long to do something about it. You were training when he poked your arm and gestured to some place where you could have a moment alone. "Tuna tuna?". "Of course, Toge". You two sat down by the tree and you glanced him a smile that made his heart flutter coloring his ears pink. He took your hand in his while the his other one pointed at him. Then he drew a heart on the palm of your hand and later pointed his finger at you. "Salmon?". "I like you too, Onigiri boy". You kissed his cheek and he returned the kiss right at your lips. No need to say that you were both as red as a tomato.He already knew from the start that he would come to love you. You were just so cute, strong and understandable. And what he loved the most was your patience to try to comprehend him and be able to communicate with him even with all the barriers from his cursed technique. He tried to find the right moment to say it to you but he always failed to come with one. Until his friends came to help. Maki, Panda and Yuta just pushed you both into a locket and left giggling. "What's with them?". "Okaka". "HELLOO! Can someone let us out". "Y/n?". He pulled your hand. "Yes, Toge". He pushed you against the wall gently and give you a soft kiss on your lips. You just melted in his embrace and couldn't think much of it since your mind just left you body. "Salmon?". "Yes, salmon!".he tries to make it as obvious as possible without embarrassing himself but if you dont get the hint he just writes in really big letters 'i like you dumbass' on a slip of paper.Toge always had a massive crush on you, that’s why he loved everything to do with you, especially your bakery. So when he would smell the sweet scent of your bakeries, he’d drop everything and run at lightning speed to have the first bite before anyone else could. He wanted to keep your delicious creations all to himself. However the idiot was completely unaware that he had no competition, it’s all for him anyways. He didn’t realise that until Panda followed him into the kitchen one day, and when Toge stuck his tongue out, boasting about taking the first bite, Panda simply laughed at him. “I know they’re not for me, y/n only makes it for you because she likes you!” Toge stared wide eyed at Panda in shock, did.. did you really like him back? These weren’t normal bakeries you made for everyone ?? Toge quickly zipped up his collar in an attempt to hide his blushing face when you returned to the dorm kitchen, avoiding your gaze. You were confused but you didn’t question it. Well, it all made sense the next day, when you woke up to the smell of cake across the entire dorm, only to find a blushing Toge in the kitchen holding out a cake to you in some cheap red icing “y/n will you be my girlfriend?”. . .I def see Inumaki being more scared to confess. Because he can't think of a proper way to tell Chikage his feelings. A text just doesn't feel personal enough or embed his true feelings. Which leaves Inumaki in a dilemma. Obviously, Panda's quick to catch onto Inumaki's feelings. When he learns about his friend's dilemma, he just bursts out laughing. Panda offers him the very simple solution -- write a damn letter. Inumaki was so caught-up in his feelings he literally just did not Think of it. He spends hours writing the letter and tearing up it several times while also rehearsing how and where he would give it to her. Until the moment actually came, and all Inumaki could do was shove the letter into Chikage's hands, yell "Tuna mayo," and run away. …Yeah.Her early sunday mornings had started consisting of heading down to the field that every Tokyo Jujutsu school student used as early as their first week as a first-year, causing Chikage to quickly develop a routine; get changed into her gym clothes, head down to the field earlier on to relax before Zenin kicked her ass, and then rush back to the dorms for a shower. Except this time, she was pleasantly surprised to see that halfway through her routine, she was met with the familiar cute face of a fellow student, cursed speech user Inumaki Toge."Inumaki?" she said, giving him a smile before slowing down to allow him time to catch up, watching as he sped to her."You're up early for once," Chikage teased, knowing how grumpy he could get without his allocated sleeping time.Once Inumaki caught up, she resumed walking on while fully expecting him to just continue alongside her. Only for him to catch her off-guard completely, gently spinning her around to face him once more. Seeing Inumaki up close, she quickly took notice of the flush of red on his cheeks, popping out from under his collar, along with the sudden dark eye circles. Inumaki's breathing was muffled, but loud enough for her to hear he's panting, the rapid rising and falling of his chest confirming it. Chikage furrowed her eyebrows in concern, also noting the way he'd practically sprinted to her moments before for no reason, along with the absence of his usual cheery -- "Kelp!" -- greeting."Inumaki?" she said once more, tone both obviously worried and confused. "Are you feeling okay--?"Chikage had to practically plant her feet into the ground to stop from stumbling back when Inumaki shoved something into her hand suddenly. She only realizing it was a slip of paper when she felt it crinkle in her palm after an experimental squeeze. Chikage looked back at Inumaki for even just a hint of an explanation, and instead all she got was--"Tuna mayo!" he yelled, and then took off running.She was left in a daze as she watched Inumaki's figure become more and more distant, and only when she could no longer see him did she remember the paper currently crinkled up in her hands. The first thing she noticed were the little onigiris drawn on the top of the paper, an Inumaki staple as she'd like to call it. This time, the onigiris have blush streaks on their 'cheeks' as they hold hands, a single heart bouncing off their heads.to you,toge here! obviously i know it's not february anymore, as you (probably? lolol dumbas) know, but panda i'm tired of letting my chances slip past me.there are so many things i want to say to you every day, but now that i'm here i don't even know where to start, so i'm just going to say it properly. i like you like a shitton. i wish i could say this to you properly, if i had the confidence if i could, i would scream my love for you to the world. i may not be your first date, kiss or love, but i want to be your last, just as i hope you'll be mine.there are thousands of other things i want to say to you, but i'll save it until i get your reply. please don't feel pressured to accept me, no matter what, you'll always have a special place in my heart, my first love.from hopefully yours,toge inumaki. 🍙



He'll totally take Chikage to the aquarium. For him, it's a special place since it's quiet and he won't need to do much talking. He'll buy Chikage a stuffed animal at the end of it that reminded him of her. And she'll do the same. He'll also poke her cheek because he'll find too cute being amazed by the animals. Inumaki will kiss her, for sure, taking advantage of the moment Chikage asked to see his cheek marks.


Chikage was his first kiss.Chikage and Inumaki, as a couple, are quite close to each other and physical touch is part of their love language for each other due to limited speech from his curse technique. However, he does make up for that with the little cute notes he leaves around her dorm room, as well as the cute random texts that he sends during the day to give her some motivation or just say what’s on his mind when he’s not around her. So, when she and Inumaki have their first kiss, while there's still be some slight feeling of awkwardness, it would feel really natural. They'd probably just look at each other in the eye for quite some time before slowly leaning in yeah... just like that.. feels really natural. Inumaki will 100% place his hand on the back of her neck to keep her in place before turning his head to the side to kiss her a tiny bit deeper. Just like Megumi, expect not to have any source of oxygen anytime soon like these boys will not let them have a break, will they? Once they both pull away from each other, expect to see a tiny little hue of blush on his cheeks before he pulls Chikage into another kiss while she probably wraps her arms around his neck. Both of them are A D D I C T E D but neither care at all. This is their first kiss as a couple, after all (well, second..) SO, LET'S APPRECIATE THIS MOMENT AS A COUPLE. After this kiss, he'd most likely leave a bunch of other kisses on Chikage's face to tell her how happy he really is with a bright smile on his face. But he's just too cute to resist that she just wants to kiss him again and again because why not?
It was an honor and a delight to see Inumaki’s full face. He usually always has his mouth covered with something, a mask, a high collar, his hoodie. That barely seen area was such a curiosity for you, what did his markings feel like, did they feel like anything at all? How sweaty was it to cover it all the time? Does he have a tan line? Can you taste the marking on his tongue? You were a first year along with Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara, so you don’t know when the second years get dispatched on missions. However, you caught wind that Inumaki had gone to one and used his cursed technique thrice on a grade one curse. As you walked down the hallway to his dorm, passing Panda’s, Yuta’s, and Yuuji’s, you stood at his door contemplating whether to go in or not. You decided for sure to go in after hearing three scratchy coughs from the other side. “Inumaki-san?” you called out, knocking on his door. You heard a noise from his throat that didn’t seem to finish properly before he decided to walk over and open the door. He looked… sick but also hot. He definitely wasn’t feeling well, and that was horrible, you felt bad but, he was also smoking hot, like much hotter than his probable fever- “Y/N-chan?” He called out, red faced, either from a fever or from being flustered. “Oh, um, I heard you got dispatched today.” He gestured you to come into his room, and walked in and stood awkwardly for a while before he patted his bed calling you to sit down. You were the only person in his friend group that didn’t understand his rice-ball language. He had to use many gestures for you to understand but what he loves is that even though you can’t understand him, you make time out of your day to talk to him. You looked over on his nightstand to see bottles of cough syrup and medicine. “The curse was that difficult, huh?” He made a disgruntled sound, “Oh! I didn’t mean that he was out of your league or anything! League? Bracket? Price Range! Wai- Price Range?” Inumaki made a hurt-chuckle noise before touching his throat with furrowed brows. He looked at you and pointed to his desk where a brown paper shopping bag rested. You got up and grabbed one of the many bottles of throat relief syrups. You handed it to him and he drew down his mask taking a shot of the reddish-orange liquid. It obviously tasted bad because his face contorted and he comically stuck out his tongue. You stared, though, at the markings by his mouth.“You’re so pretty.” He looked at you confused, drawing a question mark in the air. “Uhh, because you are! You have nice skin, and your markings look really really cool, and i always wanna touch them! And, uhh, your lips are,” You gestured frantically with your hands, part of your mind congratulating you for speaking the truth, the other part berating you for exposing yourself. Inumaki grabbed you shaking hands and tilted his head in a way that was urging you to continue, “Your lips are, they make me want to, I always wanna see them, and well, more recently, I’ve wanted to k- uhh kiss them with my own- obviously, with your own dumbass what else would you kiss them with?” You mumbled the last part. Inumaki chuckled once again; he finds you so incredibly adorable. Which is why there’s no hesitation to lean in and place his lips upon yours, fulfilling a desire of yours you so gracefully told. He tasted like medicinal cherry juice, and vanilla chapstick. And kissing him felt like floating in the clouds on a hot summer day. And, no, his tongue marking didn’t taste like anything, or feel like anything other than complete bliss. As you spread apart and looked up at him your shocked face making him laugh again. You lightly punched his shoulder so he’d stop, to which he didn’t and as you tried to punch him again he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his chest. He hopes all the words he couldn’t say still made it to your heart as he holds you against his.


He absolutely loses it when she has Siri voice his texts for him. He loves to play around with the accents and voice levels —  they literally laugh until your stomach hurts.Inumaki learned how to make a flower crown before their picnic date so he could place it on Chikage's head. gives her cheek a quick pinch before blushing at her.he has you in his phone as “dumbass riceball <3” you have him as “fishboy”
WOULD YOU DATE ME IF I WAS A WORM? > SHAKE. YES. I will keep you in a small plastic box. I'll make you a bed of soil and grass. I'll carry you and take you to a picnic in a garden🥺 《Toge. KISS ME BABY🤧》



Once they officially started going out, he got out a little sheet of paper and wrote down (with her input) words that translate to little phrases he wants to say to her often. Like "Nozawana" for "You look nice today," "Shiokara" for "Can I kiss you?" and "Takana" for "I love / like you" (depending on how long they've been together). Inumaki would love, love, love if Chikage used them with him, too.He’s definitely a movie buff and loves recreating classic movie scenes. Kissing in the rain? Check! His phone over his head, playing their song? Check! Putting her earring into his hand before she goes away on missions? Check!

love languages

Alright, say it with me, y'all: A FUCKING MENACE!! (yes, even to her.. okay especially to her). Matter of fact, his favorite activity is fucking with her. Also, this MF WILL steal your food. Like, straight from your hand. He's too cute to be mad at and he knows it. 🙄 Whenever he gets the chance, Inumaki can't resist to poke Chikage. He specially loves to poke her cheeks since they're so round and fluffy. He also loves to prank her because after the shock moment, he can hear her beautiful laugh. He thinks hiding the things she needs is funny, too. And tying her shoelaces together, so it takes a long time for her to get out the door.
  • QUALITY TIME ⟳ Poor bby can’t express his feelings for Chikage through words, so he simply spends quality time with her. Yes, he literally follows her around like a lost puppy. Wants to be near her always! He’ll get salty if he can’t be with her. Like, imagine Maki stealing the seat next to Chikage; he gets so jealous, he just pushes her off the chair LMAO— Sure, he got his ass beat for that, but it was worth it since he got to sit next to Chikage. 🤩 He loves to be close to her, no matter what’s happening! If they’re all standing around listening to someone in the group go at it with each other, he’ll come up beside her to wrap an arm around her waist, leaning into her side, obviously watching the drama unfold!
quality time: another clingy baby <3 he's literally the definition of 'our conversation isn't long but you know what is? physical affection!' (not sexually ofc) little baby would come home to you with lots and lots of hugs and he'd remind you about your sign language class together with his eyes gleaming because he can't wait to learn more with you. whenever you're having sign language lessons with him, he will make sure to correct your mistakes and if you do it right, he would reward you with a kiss on the lips :( he would cheer you up and tell you it's okay whenever you make a mistake twice. he knows that you're doing your best for him, so don't worry, he'll help you out! whenever you two are at home, he'd always help with the dishes after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. he just wants to help you <3 after you two are done with chores, he'd say the magic word "salmon" which means it's time for movie night! and he'd let you pick which movie to watch. you'd cuddle in the couch and he would place kisses on your head, almost not paying attention to the movie. toge will ask you where you want to go when both of you don't feel like staying in. he'd go wherever and whenever you want even if it's at the beach at night or hiking in the mountains early in the morning. it doesn't matter what place you want to go to and what time you're willing to go out of the house, he just wants to be with you as always. when you two started dating, this sweet boy negotiated with the principal of the school to not let him do missions on your birthday week so that he could spend time with you. he wants to spoil you :( hearing that, of course you were shocked, but you were incredibly happy as well because he just reminded you that you're very special to him.
  • PHYSICAL TOUCH ⟳ He can't express his love for her through his words, so he relies heavily on physical affection and his actions.



He feels like some damn schoolboy with the amount he thinks about Chikage. And he still feels butterflies just looking at her. Maki and Panda may tease him at some points when they see him get all blushy while he's around Chikage, but they know just how much he cares, so they eventually stop. If they're just relaxing in private, reading books or watching TV, etc. sometimes he'll stop whatever he's doing and just stare at Chikage. He just finds her so enthralling.
  • PICTURES ⟳ Inumaki takes literally the most embarrassing pictures of Chikage and teases her about it but he has an entire camera roll dedicated to her that consists of moments that he thought she looked really pretty. Inumaki keeps it a secret from her, though. Some are of her sleeping, drool dribbling out of her mouth.
  • WHAT MELTS HIS HEART ⟳ Understanding him without any problem. He has limited speech, so this means a lot to him. He just doesn't understand how she can describe his feelings even though he didn't say something. When Chikage understands that he has something on mind, when he's sad / tired / angry, he just can't help but adores this trait of hers. He always thinks that he's so lucky to have someone like her.
  • HE'S SICK ⟳ Inumaki's such a little bitch when he’s sick, he’ll be moody and refuse everyone’s help until Chikage comes to him. Like, the second she walks in, he’ll start wheezing and coughing extra hard just so she can see how sick he is and give him extra attention. 😭 “Awww, are you sick, baby?” she cooed at Inumaki as she made her way over to him, knowing he likes being sweet talked when he’s sick. He nodded and replied, “Shake” while pouting with his arms crossed to express his irritation. However, that didn’t stop him from quickly settling his head in her lap. He groaned, grabbing her hands, and placed them on his head. “Tsuna tsuna!” he whined in his croaky voice, encouraging Chikage to stroke his hair. “Aww, you poor thing,” she giggled and he hummed, relishing the attention he was receiving. Mission accomplished! He then unzipped his collar and pouted at her, a way of indicating that he wanted kisses. She simply giggled, “Toge! I can’t kiss you on the lips! What if I get sick too!” His face immediately dropped, muttering all the rice balls ingredients angrily. But he’s sick! How could she deny him his kisses and cuddles! >:( So he literally shoved his cheek in her face, encouraging her to kiss his cheek. “Okay okay! You can have your kisses!” she laughed, giving in to his demands, littering his face with wet kisses, and making his face go even more red as he closed his eyes. He smiled, basking in her affection. Sick Inumaki refuses to eat his soup, so it’s gonna take a lot of coaxing and kissy faces to make him eat, OH AND she has to spoon-feed him. At one point, he’d probably nuzzle his face in between her thighs, but before she could question him, pretend to be asleep. 💀
  • SHE'S SICK ⟳ The first sign that shows Chikage's sick, he drags her to her dorm. Straight-up ignores her if she tries saying that she feels fine. He’s so sweet, like he makes sure all her pillows feel nice and that her blanket is neat before she lies down. Signals for her to stay where there before leaving and coming back with one of his sweatshirts. Inumaki crawls into bed with Chikage before pulling her onto his chest, playing with her hair and occasionally giving a kiss to the forehead, trying to help her fall asleep. If she can’t, he’s happy to either sit in silence cuddling or watch TV with her. When she finally falls asleep, though, if anyone comes barging in, he gives them the nastiest death stare ever in existence. Inumaki gets so sad when Chikage's sick. At first, she thinks it's sweet, but then he's stifling a giggle and typing something out on his phone to hold to her face. Through bright blue light, she sees a new message: now i’m going to be the worst at training T-T He writes her lots of little messages like that. Chikage pretends to be irritated, but it’s nearly impossible because she always bursts out laughing. Inumaki likes making her laugh. He thinks it’s the least he can do, since shes stuck in her room and must be bored out of her mind. Little sporadic check-ups come like clockwork. He makes sure shes got enough tissues and a waste bin near the bed, a glass of cold water, blankets tucked to her chin, and then his hand against her forehead to check her temperature. Sometimes she doesn’t want him to stay, because being sick makes her feel gross and tired and cranky even Inumaki wouldn’t be good company. He can usually tell when she needs to be alone, and he won’t bother her (which she appreciates). What her friends don’t tell her is that they often pass by her dorm during these times to catch Toge sitting outside the door with his legs folded to his chest, fiddling with the sleeve of his jacket, playing a game on his phone, or napping until it’s time for his next check-in. He gets worried when shes sick and he doesn’t like spending too much time away. It’s not that Inumaki thinks shes fragile or anything. He'll all-too-happily sprawl across her form when he’s tired of standing up or amusingly toss pillows that fell to the floor towards her direction, very much interested if she plans to catch it or not. He hopes she doesn’t catch it, actually. When Chikage does want him to stay, he’s with her for as long as she needs. He doesn’t care too much about getting sick: usually, symptoms of a cold start off as a sore throat, and he’s accustomed to that. If there’s something coming up that he can’t afford to be sick for, he’ll FaceTime her just to keep her company. Inumaki always suggests watching her favorite movies or shows when shes sick. But things need to be very specific. The movie has to be on his phone. Chikage complains about the size of the screen, but he just smiles and presses a kiss to her nose. And honestly? He doesn’t really care about the movie. He’s just pleased to get a chance to cuddle, because the phone is so small that she has to nestle against him, and he has to wrap his arms around her. Inumaki thinks it’s very clever of him, but unbeknownst to him, she caught on very quickly. It’s obvious, especially when he can’t stop smiling at her instead of the movie. That’s not to say he’s always around. No, Inumaki takes little breaks for himself, too. He needs time to recharge; otherwise, he won’t be able to make her laugh or brighten her day. And he’s all too aware that he gets annoying and grumpy when tired. But as soon as he’s able to, he’s back at Chikage's dorm, smiling brightly with a warm bowl of soup, warm drink, or even extra blankets. But... being sick isn’t all fun, even if it's Inumaki who’s spending time with her. Chikage's throat aches, her nose is stuffy and it’s hard to breathe, or there’s a headache throbbing behind her eye. She wants to sleep, but it’s so hard. Inumaki will crawl onto her bed and have her rest her head against his chest. He’ll emphasize deep, slow breathing that she instinctively imitates from close proximity. It’s strange, really, how much Inumaki helps. Just being in his arms makes her feel so warm and safe and loved. Sleep comes quickly, and along with the lull of his voice murmuring safe words, Chikage wonders how she ever had trouble dozing off in the first place.


He can’t keep secrets from Chikage; he says so much through his body language that she can’t help but suspect something’s up. "Inumaki, are you okay?" Inumaki, who hasn't blinked for the past five minutes; "S-Shake..." Stare at him for an extra five minutes, and he’ll fold under the pressure.

eye of the storm

Over time, as he grows more comfortable, he’ll rely on Chikage more and find peace in her presence. He likes to give Chikage that sense of security; he likes to know that she feels safe around him.
  • STRESSFUL DAY ⟳ He pulls her into a soft hug and snuggles her to the bed so he can smooth Chikage into a nap. He doesn't leave her side the whole time, giving her sweet kisses on the forehead and some pokes on her cheeks because he can't resist.
  • HAPPINESS He has the cutest laugh. It starts off really low and quiet because he’s trying to suppress it, but it eventually builds up until he’s straight-up giggling and snorting. Maki thinks his laugh is really funny and has a five-minute-long video of it. She sends it to Chikage with the caption 'for safekeeping.'
  • CHEER UP ⟳ obviously he can’t talk, but as the saying goes actions speak louder than words. he gently grabs your hand pulling you towards him while giving you an expectant look. if tears start to form he quickly brings you to sit down, still holding your hand while the other cups your cheek. you can easily see the worried expression washed over his face with a hint of frustration because he can’t say anything besides rice ball ingredients. “leaf mustard” pretty much translate to “are you alright” at least from what i read lmao. if you don’t want to talk about what happened at that moment, inumaki just pulls you in for a hug before kissing your temple. if you do end up talking about it, he sits while watching every expression on your face while rubbing his thumb across your cheek. afterwards he gently kisses you and might even kiss other areas of your face such as your forehead. gestures if you want to lay down or sit up and whichever you prefer he’ll do and will play with your hair.
He's very perceptive so he'd immediately know that something's wrong even if Chikage tries to hide it. I can easily picture him sitting beside her and putting his arm around her neck with a concerned look on his face. He knows he can't say much but still wants to make her feel better, no matter what happened. Takana?” Takes her hand while she tells him the reason of her sadness, and patiently listens to what she has to say. It might be something silly, or something much worse, but either way he’s a good listener. Inumaki obviously isn’t the type to interrupt while she vents. He just nods, but inside his head, the gears are turning. It all depends on why she's sad, really. If someone hurt her, that person is probably going to get a rather unpleasant visit in the next few days. Not that Inumaki would hurt them, but he can turn scary enough without resorting to any kind of violence. If she's crying, he'll try to get her out of the public eye. He doesn’t want the others to see Chikage like this; he knows she doesn’t like to be exposed when she's at her weakest, so he takes her to a quiet place where nobody can disturb them. Gently, he wipes her tears and takes her into his arms. His eyes tell everything he can’t say. He tries to communicate everything he thinks about her with a tender gaze where she can read all his love for her. It’s simple, but often it’s enough to cheer her up a little bit. Even though she could lose herself in these amethyst eyes every day, how they shine with compassion and affection, how she feels shes one of the most important people in Inumaki’s life, is intensified when he does it on purpose. Also, would 100% bring Chikage her comfort food.He'll hold her for as long as he thinks he needs to. It could be minutes, even hours. Doesn't matter, he'll hold Chikage. Inumaki will make sure that she knows she isn't alone and that he'll listen whenever she feels comfortable sharing. And if this moment never comes, he'll prepare a cook night for them to enjoy together.*Humor. Toge can’t really say anything to comfort Chikage due to his cursed technique, so he tries his hardest to make her laugh because he hates seeing her sad. He used his cursed technique to make Panda get the both of them some snacks. When he came back, Toge told Panda to do outlandish things, trying to get a reaction out of her. He almost broke all of Panda's bones and realizes it’s hopeless. However, just as the sun was about to go down, a light bulb lit over his head. “Laugh.” Before she could protest, the sound of laugher filled the air, Toge smiled and pointed at himself, then making a heart with both of his hands, then pointing at her, lastly bringing both of his hands to his lips and curling his fingers upwards to indicate a smile. “You love my smile?” He nodded and said “Laugh.” again and again, until she forgot about what was bringing her down.*Barely holding back tears, you were shaking without even noticing it. Anybody who could see you at this moment could guess you were struggling to keep your composure, but no one dared to ask what was wrong. Apart from, of course, him. Silently, Inumaki sat by your side, his mouth covered as usual by his uniform, but you could guess by his eyes he was trying to determine what was wrong. Without thinking, you buried your face in his shoulder and quickly felt his hand gripping yours. “Leaf mustard ?” he asked softly. You didn’t answer anything. If you opened your mouth, you might burst into tears and well… You’d rather not, not in public anyway. Hah. That was funny… You were both almost reduced to silence, now. As if he was encouraging you to fight this feeling of emptiness that had taken over you a few minutes ago and that you couldn’t drive away, he squeezed your hand again. Head against his chest and eyes closed, you did your best to match his regular breathing. Slowly, very slowly, your own breathing became less erratic thanks to Inumaki’s presence. He always had this talent of making you relax in his arms… When you finally looked up, you caught his tender gaze on you and your heart instantly warmed up. For a few seconds the both of you just stayed like this, looking at each other. “Tuna tuna.” As he lightly kissed your forehead, you smiled. Yeah. Everything was going to be alright.
  • KILLING A BUG ⟳ Inumaki takes it more seriously than it is. When Chikage comes to him and tells him that a bug's in her room, he's already writing up a plan to successfully kill it. It's like a stealth mission and he takes it WAY too seriously. There are eight plans. Five back-ups and Panda's on standby. He also brings so many materials? Chikage can definitely tell that he's been prepared for this for a while.
  • DYING IN HIS DREAM ⟳ He won't wake Chikage up intentionally, but she'll be awoken by his strong grip that changed the pace of her breath. Once he realizes that she's awake, he'll shower her with kisses and start to caress her face while he repeats how much he loves her. "I'm here, Toge. I'm not going anywhere, okay." Won't leave her side for the whole day, even accompanying Chikage to the bathroom.


Inumaki's very protective of her and doesn't like when she gets too rough during any kind of training. But he knows she can handle herself and when to back off. He really cares about Chikage and will do anything he can so that she knows this. Inumaki holds her tight after a long mission, trying his best to display through small words how happy he is that she made it out uninjured. On the other hand, if she does get injured while on a mission, he freaks out, always at her side and helping the nurses even when they try to shoo him away. Inumaki holds her hand, placing gentle kisses on the back of it as she rests.
  • KIDNAPPED BY A CURSE ⟳ He'll say the most powerful word that he can, not caring with what it will slash back at him with. He just wants it done and Chikage in his arms and safe again. Even with his throat hurting, his only attention will be on her. He won't let her go all the way back and, honestly, he for a whole week. He'll make her sleep with him every night and shower, too, always having Chikage in his sight.
  • SHIELDING ⟳ He holds Chikage for a long time, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. Inumaki helps her get up and doesn't let go of her hand even when Ieiri's treating her. She can see that he's feeling guilty, so she has to reassure him. Chikage kissed his left mark, then the right, finishing with a kiss on his lips. "Don't do this to yourself, okay? I did it because I love you and can't ignore you getting hurt." "Shake." He returns the kisses, mirroring her owns.
  • SACRIFICING HERSELF BUT RETURNING UNHARMED OMG, please, hug this cutie. He's going to be so worried that he's going to cling onto her. He'll kiss Chikage really softly and spend some time memorizing her beautiful face. With the tip of his fingers, he's going to verify all the places that could be harmed. He'll immediately take her to Ieiri so she can be treated as soon as possible. He's not going to let Chikage go for a week. He'll be always touching her, no matter if it's just his pinky or climbing on her while they cuddle. He wants Chikage to know that he loves her and can't afford to lose her.
  • KISSES AFTER THINKING SHE DIED IN A MISSION He'll kiss her forehead, then her eyes, nose, cheeks and finally mouth. Inumaki's going to live through every single kiss.


Inumaki gets a little bit jealous. And though it doesn’t bother him, it surely doesn’t stop him from being extremely petty. He knows that Chikage loves him, but boy is it fun to be a menace. He tries to assess the situation; who is this guy shes interacting with? If it’s clearly a friend or someone without any ulterior motives, Inumaki remains cool, calm, and collected. If the guy is definitely trying to ask her out, she finds that Inumaki's already at her side and wrapping his arm around her. He remains silent, staring daggers at the other guy until he gets the message and leaves. The worst-case scenario is if the guy happens to be a total sleaze. In that case, she has about two seconds before Inumaki unzips his jacket and wreaks havoc.*Whenever he gets super jealous, he’ll always cling onto you. He loves cuddling you, usually he’s the little spoon, but whenever he feels inferior, will always hold you tight while snoring softly in your ear. Inumaki is the type of boyfriend to trust you at all times, despite him being a jealous type. He trusts you because you’ve never given him a reason not to. He believes that you’re able to make your own rational decisions. If you said you wanted to go out in a dress that accentuated all your features, he’d compliment you a thousand times and get extremely red every time his eyes fall on you. Now.. although Inumaki is ranked high as a sorcerer, he wouldn’t fight the guy that tried to hit on you. I mean, why would be when he can just say “Shit yourself”?*He also feels jealous a lot but doesn't react against the person that caused it. Instead, he becomes clingier and attaches himself to Chikage for the whole day. It's going to be a day with lots of cuddle times and showers of kisses. He'll probably text her how much he loves her and certainly awaits her response with the same amount of love as his own.
  • SOMEONE FLIRTS WITH HER ⟳ He feels jealous but doesn't get angry like Megumi. He comes to Chikage and, especially because he can't talk, gives her cheek a kiss while glaring at the person, making sure that they feel a shiver down their spine enough to send them away. The rest of the day, he's going to hold her no matter what she's doing.
*He doesn't wanna lose her, so he'll absolutely fight for her if someone tries to flirt with her. He's got no issue with other forms of PDA, so he'll come over and wrap his arms around Chikage, put his head on her shoulder, or just straight up grab her arm and pull her away (not hard, baby boy would never ever hurt her). He might get pretty pouty tho, probably get pretty in his own head about it. so you'll have to kiss him and hold his hand and reassure him that you love him, that he's more than enough for you, and that you'd never want anyone else - just him <3*he'll just kinda come and straight up steal you away or just wrap himself around you.


7/10, bordering an 8/10. he's just.. insecure :( Between the seals on his mouth and his limited speech, he just doesn't really feel like he can give Chikage the kind of love that she deserves. 'Cause he's too worried about uncovering his mouth to kiss her in public, and he can't fucking talk to her. It just makes him feel bad, like she deserves better. Sometimes, Inumaki feels self-conscious at the fact that shes free to have a never-ending conversation with others.


HER BIRTHDAY ⟳ Since he can't speak, he writes Chikage a beautiful letter saying how much she means to him and wishing all the happiness in the world. Inumaki kisses more than the usual and takes her out to whatever she wants. They probably skate on the ice or go somewhere the two could dance together.*VALENTINE'S DAY He's the sweetest lover. he takes you to the zoo. He is so excited that he can't stop moving. You both have a lot of fun seeing all the animals and playing a game where you imitate the animal you're seeing. He dies of fluffiness seeing you with the rabbits. At home, he decorated the whole room with your favorite flowers and heart-shaped balloons, both white and red. Prepared a candlelight dinner for you. All dishes of your favorite cuisine spread around the table. He constantly kept asking you if you were happy or satisfied. Of course you were. He even made different flavored Onigiri for you, each with a special letter inside. I am proud of you. You are doing so good. Don't cry often.  I know you're insecure about things but just remember that you are just perfect the way you are. How can you not shed tears after this? You are so thankful to have such a lovely boyfriend who understands your insecurities. (I am again pleading you baby. Please marry me.)NEW YEAR'S EVE ⟳ He was anxious for it since Christmas. He took Chikage to a quiet place with a beautiful view of the town. He brought her a blanket so she doesn't feel cold and probably joined her, too. Mostly because he wanted to be close to her than because he was cold. They opened their champagne and wait, cuddling, during the countdown. He gave her a warm smile and kissed her after the midnight. He drew lots of hearts on her hand, saying how much he loved her.
Supportive: Always backs you up in the group chat!! even if you’re saying the most absurd things he will never doubt you! publicly that is, whole time he’s private texting you “????? pls stop”.Petty: Purposely acts pouty just so you can make it up to him with kisses, he’s so petty! you’ll tease him just the slightest and his nose is stuck in the air waiting for you to apologize and pepper his face in smooches. speaking of petty he definitely steals the last slice of pizza for you when you’re all hanging out, sometimes he even uses his cursed speech to get itadori to back off the last slice.TikTok Challenge: When you and Inumaki go grocery shopping together, it’s basically a little date and the most random visit to the store because you both got nothing planned - probably Maki forced you to go, so you can prepare the hotpot that everyone was planning for. So when you both decided it was best to split up the ingredients on the shopping list and split up to get the job done quicker, that’s when you get the idea since it was the perfect opportunity. When you are about done with your side of the shopping, you decided to put your little prank into action - and it’s perfect for you as a couple because you both probably have a prank war going on with each other. So when you text him that you were getting hit on, Inumaki will send you a whole gif as a response... there is no question about it. You will probably laugh at it before he comes running in from the side - he is also the type that will slide off to the side before coming back into view as he runs towards you. “Tuna, tuna?” He is also the type to grab your arms and shake you lightly when you don’t answer quick enough (for him) - he is just worried. When you laugh and tell him that it’s just a prank, Inumaki will give you a little look - like it is a mix of surprised and just ʕ – ᴥ – ʔ “Okaka!” - Inumaki will say this to you before crossing his arms in ‘anger’ because he was actually worried… as he embarrassed himself for you. For him to forgive you, just collect some other ingredients to have tuna mayo onigiri for him - because a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach ;)Inumaki Toge is hard to understand due to the fact that his words are restricted. So, no one really knew how you two started your relationship. All they know is, Toge has a S/O. But since you have been with him for quite long, you can understand most of his words even though it’s like he listed onigiri ingredients to you. To be honest, he is not that of a jealous person, but sometimes he is insecure just for a tiny bit. He wishes he can tell how beautiful you are directly instead of saying salmon cod roe. And the only one time he is jealous is not really jealous. He just wanted to speak like a normal person instead of with onigiri ingredients. It’s not like he is not grateful and hating his own cursed technique. However there are times when he is kind of frustrated by his abilty, you know? It doesn’t matter how good he is at accepting his cursed technique. There are times he just wished he can speak a few sentences normally. The only time he ever felt like that was when you met the new kid, Okkotsu Yuta. You and Yuta instantly clicked and that makes Toge kind of sad since you are now talking so much unlike when you are with him. He loves your voice and grateful that Yuta successfully made you speak so much by conversing together. But aren’t you speaking a lil’ too much to Yuta rather than to Toge? Toge dislike this aspect but what can he do? It’s not like you are going to talk with him so much like with Yuta since he barely could answer anything with obvious meaning. This made him sad. Poor baby, he is trying to make you speak to him but at the same time he is struggling at answering and responding to you. And well, this affected his work. Toge started to slack off in his mission, causing him to get more injuries than usual. Panda noticed that his classmate is so awful these days. He knows that that is because you barely talk to Toge while in the other time you talking about anything and everything with Yuta. It is a sad sight indeed to see Toge so down in the drain. Even Gojo and Maki are concerned. Gojo literally pulled you to the side to talk about Toge’s current situation. He gave him bunch of useless advices yada yada, just the typical Gojo-sensei. But at the end he said that you need to talk things off with Toge so he can get back into his game. Because it’ll be a trouble if Toge sidetracked for too long. You laughed at that. You actually borrowing Yuta’s cursed power to make a new cursed technique for everyone so they all can at least kind of understand what Toge is saying. That’s why you spent so much time with Yuta. Beside that you need a large amount of cursed power, you need to explain things to Yuta too since he is new to the jujutsu world. Toge sighed when he heard your explanation. He typed something into his phone and then showed it to you. “Please talk to me as much as you talk to Yuta.” And that is the first time and the last time you see Toge “jealous” over someone that he started to slack off on his mission just to make you speak to him more.

Quality Time


*sometimes, when everyone is eating lunch or on break together, you will just say “inumaki, do you like me?” with a questioning look. everyone knowingly looks at him and he firmly replies “bonito flakes.” you dramatically sigh and say “dammit” under your breath. everyone rolls their eyes. queue you two feeding each other like 10 minutes later. however many shenanigans you two got up to before, expect it to double when you start dating. just random chaotic things out of nowhere. your favorite is when you run up to him and yell “catch!” it does not matter what he is doing, he will catch you. he tried doing it to you once but he had to just yell “tuna!” instead and you had no idea what he meant so you just dodged him… bby was so mad.
  • PRETENDING TO BE ASLEEP He pokes her cheeks for sure and starts taking pictures so he can look at them later or make fun of Chikage.
*IGNORING HIM > He also knows that is a prank. He can read it in your eyes. First, he pretends that he didn't notice and acts like nothing is happening. He talks to you, pokes you, embraces you. All naturally, nothing different. But, if you keep your stand, then this boy is going to show you his amazing acting technique. He sits in front of you with a face that he looks like the saddest person in the world. He's even capable of giving you fake tears many fake tears. And he'll hold his act to your entire comforting reaction. "Sorry, love, I didn't mean to upset you". "Tuna tuna". "Sorry, i love you so much". "Salmon." Two faces mf.*please don't ignore him, please. He doesn't deserve that. Depending on how long you've been ignoring him, he'd send you flowers, little notes (most of them asking what he did wrong) and panda. Yes, he sent panda to ask what was wrong. "Y/n, I really miss you. Did I do something to upset you? Please talk to me :("
  • SIGHING IN FRONT OF HIM > He already knows the prank, so he sighs louder than Chikage and the battle begins.
*CALLING HIM "BRO" > The moment you say bro he's going to give you a little punch in the arm signaling that you're also his bro. Another one that is going to make this your thing. Now you greet each other with the punch arm before the kiss. That certainly confuses people which also entertain you two.*He stood there confused. Bro?? What happened to the cute nicknames you called him? “Fish flakes” He said and furrowed his eyebrows. Honestly all day he was following you like a lost puppy waiting for you to call him baby or sweetie. And at some point he used his cursed speech on you so you could tell him why you where calling him bro. He had the “are you fucking kidding me?” face when the words “it’s a prank” slipped out of your mouth. He may or not have ignored you the whole day later on.

long time no see

I bet he has a playlist with Chikage's name as the title, full of songs that remind him of her, and he plays it whenever he misses her. This time he didn't settle any prank. He waits by the door and when he hears her steps, he opens the door and immediately pulls her inside. He holds Chikage tight and nuzzles in the crook of her neck. He misses her smell. He misses all of her. He then gives her little kisses on her cheeks to finally crush her lips with his own.


He doesn’t really do planned-out dates, he’s a 'Hey, let’s do this!' out-of-nowhere type of guy. so be ready for lots of spontaneous outings. Very lowkey, quiet dates; going to a small café downtown, eating lunch in a hidden away part of the park, cuddling in either of their rooms (sometimes with pizza and movies and switch games), walking around the city, or training. Training may not be very romantic although he just likes being around her.
  • KARAOKE This boy can't sing but that doesn't mean that he can't have fun. He'll play every single instrument available at the karaoke and will also sing the backing vocal. The part that Chikage loves the most about going to karaoke with him is that she can see his cheek marks the entire time. And because of that, she's going to shower them with kisses, making him too flustered that he'll eventually need some air.
  • BEACH The poker face sunglasses guy! He'll just put his sunglasses on, so she'll never know what is going on in his head. Either those two things: 1) he's looking at her ass, or 2) he's plotting a way to prank her.
*Bikini: Lol, he'll be really blushy and cute once he sees you in a bikini. He also gets a tad more shy around you. He'll be playing with your fingers to calm himself down. He finds it a bit hard not to look at your boobs because they are just THERE in the open were it’s so easy for him to look down and look at them. He is a boob guy you can’t change my mind. He also doesn’t care about how big your boobs are or how small they are. He just wants to look at them. Anyways, he sends you a text message or writes on the sand ‘you look good ;)’ homie always finds a way to tell you how stunning you look. Lol, Toge thinks that anyone besides him that is a stranger is dumb because he is clearly showing that you are taken. We all know that he loves PDA so imagine double PDA on the beach because some guys were staring at you. He'll get so possessive and cuddly... He's so cute I love him :)

hanging out

They spend most nights in each other's rooms, watching some shows or it may be Chikage talking about things on her mind and Inumaki doing whatever he can to make it not awkward. late night rantings over text about Random Stuff™. He absolutely loves listening to Chikage - and especially when it's late at night and she's talking about anything, he just melts.*i just .. really love the idea that even though inumaki can’t display his affection strongly through spoken word (because of his cursed technique), he lets his actions speak what he’s feeling and adores writing to you. and other times he gestures for you to read aloud and lays his head in your lap while he listens to your gentle voice. during those times, you’ll tangle a single hand in his hair and instantly feel at ease (although you tend to get distracted by how pretty he looks like that. i mean, can anyone blame you?! just look at him...). you both absolutely love READING together — sometimes he’ll just rest his head on your shoulder and read along silently (tapping your thigh lightly when he’s done with the page).*the initial plan was for you and inumaki to stay under the umbrella during your walk but that changed rather quickly. seeing all the huge puddles was too much for the both of you. eventually inumaki and yourself give up, toss the umbrella aside, and jump in the nearest puddle together. panda and maki can only face palm themselves when you come back, legs soaked.*You were walking around the city and you were bored.Then you thought of writing different words on cars because there was snow on them.He agreed with you and you started thinking where there would be a lot of cars now.Since Christmas is coming soon, most of the people will be in shopping malls.You wasted no time going there.Looking at each other with a sinister smile, you and Toge began to write the lyrics of the CPR song. You were choking with laughter and when you saw that one of the owners of the car saw you, he started running towards you, but you turned out to be faster and laughing even louder ran away from this evil person shouting at you to stop.This person started throwing snowballs at you because of which you almost fell.But suddenly this man said your names and surnames.You turned around and saw that it was principal Yaga who was brought to the Ijichi Shopping center.You looked at each other and still rushed away from him that is.You knew that you would have problems, but what vivid memories you will have!*He will be glad of the snow, but he will not be able to describe it in words, so he will throw snow at anyone. You will not have time to turn around as a snowball will fly at you and it will melt behind your collar forcing you to squirm. He will definitely be happy with his work, but he will come up to you and start shaking the snow off you. Your clothes will get wet and you will go into your room to change them, but you will hear a plaintive cry. He decided to lick the metal swing, but his tongue stuck and his cursed technique is powerless here. Now you were standing and blowing hot breath on him to peel yourself off from the iron pipe.
  • HORROR MOVIE ⟳ First of all, they'll need snacks. Inumaki can't watch anything without eating at least something. He gets scared but he'll never admit it. He'd rather die. So, when the movie is too much for him, he pauses it, saying he has to go to the bathroom. LMAO!
  • VIDEO GAMES ⟳ Also loves to play. His favorite are the terror ones so he can prank Chikage and gives her jump scares. He's really good at it and doesn't get scared so easily and since he always knows the right moment, he's capable to give the worse jump scares ever.

Acts of Service

serenading him

Of course, he finds it cute. Adorable, actually. But he secretly shoots the whole thing so he can post it online later and make her embarrassment eternal and viral.

cursed technique

Whenever he comes back from a mission and Chikage has water and throat medicine, he melts. He appreciates that she puts effort into helping him with his cursed ability.


He has all of Chikage's likes / dislikes memorized, and you can bet that he always has some of her favorite snacks or drink in hand whenever he plans on seeing her.He knows what type of food she likes so he learns how to make it himself. Usually, when Inumaki finds Chikage's food in the fridge, he tries to change their place to hide it. or he just eats it... Very observant with her. If she ever shivers once around him? He doesn't need his jacket anymore, Chikage can wear it! (He will not let you give it back, even if he gets cold. <3)


I personally fully headcanon him as being able to play the guitar (stereotypical quiet kid thing, y'know?) so I think that he'd absolutely learn love songs for Chikage, even though he can't sing the words to match the riffs. :(

Receiving Gifts

for her

Huge teddy bear and flowers. Partly to say sorry he can't talk to her normally, partly because he wants Chikage to have something to cuddle when he's not there.


Inumaki sneaks an iris into Chikage's dorm room when shes busy completing her work. He feels his happiest when he’s reminded of her, so what better way to return that then with the very manifestation of that happiness within a flower? He leaves a silly note, signing his name with a heart and nothing more.

coy cuisine

Inumaki's definitely big on giving, but only to Chikage. He’ll always get extra lunch in case she wanted to try what he had, and if Panda or Maki ask for a bite, he’d smack their hand away and yell, “Okaka!”


He makes random crafts he found on YouTube to make her happy. They make each other mixtapes, write letters, and design little YouTube playlists for one another with videos they find funny. Ah, and I bet he presses flowers into her favorite books. It’s a new habit, but it makes Chikage smile, and he loves finding different kinds that remind him of her. Like bright pansies, violets, and roses — just to name a few. Toge tends to take random pictures of Chikage. He sometimes put those pictures as his phone wallpaper. They both will go and act like criminals and sometimes make mugshots of themselves. He always likes to steal her clothes! Mentioning clothes, they both pretend to be models and take pictures of themselves modeling just for fun.

Words of Affirmation


Since he can’t speak normally, he'll text Chikage all of the time. They both learned sign language in order to communicate freely. He signsI love you” into her hand right before every mission; it’s basically tradition at this point.*Not being able to use his words like everyone else never stopped him. Your boyfriend was a little bit of a menace, Maki’s words exactly, so he’d find one way or another to show you his love rather than telling it. From time to time you would find little notes everywhere, written on paper ranging from regular stick notes to binder paper to onigiri shaped stationary. They always hold some sort of compliment like “you look so cute today” or a random thought “do you think birds can cry?” or, his personal favorite, tucked between your pillows or books, “idiot :p”. It’s usually met with your deadpan expression and his smug and proud eyes when you look up from the paper. They also include calling you obscure nicknames such as: pizza, oven mitt, or tractor. Romantic, huh. But nothing ever compares to when he learned sign language. You had taken it upon yourself to learn a few things to make it easier for him and he’s forever grateful for your efforts. With it comes a plethora of instances for silent inside jokes that have the two of you snickering in the corner as your poor friends will never know which one of them it was directed at. Of course there are also words you haven’t gotten around to figuring out because they’re not things you use everyday. Once he stopped you in the hallway, hands ready to sign something to tell you before he pauses. You give a look of confusion, expecting a playful joke, but he signs something new and kisses you on the cheek, walking away. You figured out what it was only later. “Why did you call me that?” You ask the next time you see him. He shrugs, eyes crinkling in happiness as he signs. “Because you are. You’re my walnut.”
  • *VOICE > When I tell you he loves to hear you talk, i mean it. it doesn’t matter how much you dislike your voice — he adores it. and wants to hear it whenever he can because it’s so comforting :( it reminds him he’s loved and safe and surrounded by people he cares about. he makes random calls just to hear your voice and he just stays the whole time like (shake, okaka!, tsuna tsuna!) and oh my gosh, does inumaki love it when call him to tell him about the random stuff that’s happened during your day. it could be something as simple as telling him about how you saw a cute dog on your walk to the store — he wants to hear it! he loves the excitement in your voice and the cute way you explain things. (but no matter how much you fill the silence, you’re always on the lookout for him. observing his mannerisms, and asking him how he’s feeling, regardless of which ingredient or word comes out.) he also loves it when you send random voice memos in the middle of texting.
  • TEXTING He sets reminders / alarms on her phone with silly and sweet captions like “don’t forget to meet me for lunch!” or “daily reminder: i love you!” I can see Inumaki and Chikage totally being a couple who has like 'text themes of the month.' Some months, they'll text like lovers separated by war and other times in some poem format. It’s so funny and entertaining and makes things a little creative when depending a lot on written words.
  • STICKY NOTES ⟳ He has pretty handwriting. Due to his lack of speech, he'd sometimes leave little Post-It notes with cute messages on them around her room and mostly on the belongings that she used the most, like her favorite cup, her bag, her notebooks, under pillows, maybe in the pocket of her uniform and her lap — seriously. Anywhere. They're either cute, rude, or both. Messages would include: ‘I love you, stupid,’ ‘Good morning, sleepy head,’ ‘Makes sure to eat before / after class,’ and many many more. Anytime she leaves for a mission without him, he sends Chikage with a whole-ass letter about how much he loves her and how much he's gonna miss her. :( <3 She probably has an entire drawer filled up with the little notes he gives her.
  • LOVE LETTERS He doesn’t like writing love letters because he finds it cheesy, but sometimes he has to at least write short sentences of affection because he won’t be able to say it out loud.  One time, she watched him sheepishly press a folded slip of paper into your hand, and he bolted out of the room. i wish i could tell you how much i like you instead of writing it down on a dumb piece of paper. But Inumaki also thinks some of the best moments with Chikage are just sitting in comfortable silence while they watch the scenery outside or both work on individual hobbies. Because he's very limited with words, the two opt to write letters, and sometimes prefer this to talking (though she loves his voice regardless). When Gojou found out about this, he grabbed his heart while stating, "And they say love is dead, shame on all you pathetic loners." (But he's right because everyone's really jealous of the close bond the two of them have.) Finding his little love notes everywhere. In notebooks, in pockets, and under pillows


He had to build up the courage to give her a nickname because he was afraid his cursed speech would come into play and that was a chance he wasn't willing to take. So, after calling her "tsuna" for the longest time, he stuck to the food-related nicknames and chose "honey." Yes, it made him feel like he was a 28-year-old engaged man with a 9-5 desk job, but once he got used to it, that’s all he'd call her. Poor cutie can't call Chikage all the things he wants to. But paper and texting exist, so that helps. "Dandelion," "sweetheart," "love," and "my cutie." Very soft.*dear sweet inumaki couldn’t say anything without his technique affecting it so when you heard him say, “baby, sujiko.” it made you blush. you asked a shit ton of questions because even if you could understand him when speaking using rice ball ingredients, his technique still intrigued you. dating was a whole ‘nother story. he was so much more vocal and surprisingly clingy. he called you baby so much more and just hearing him use the term was so cute that you couldn’t help but squeeze him.


HOLDING HIS FACE AND TELLING HIM THAT HE'S PRETTY ⟳ His eyes widen, surprised by the sudden compliment. A soft smile frames his lips, and he turns to nuzzle into her palm in appreciation. Then he cups her face in return and murmurs a small "Okaka" while nodding at Chikage, as if to say, "You're the prettiest one here."


He likes to talk about Chikage to his friends a lot. Sometimes she even gets calls from Maki telling her to make him stop texting about her.

"i love you"

Inumaki usually says “Shakeand makes a heart shape with his hands to tell Chikage that he loves her.
  • *FIRST TIME > the first time inumaki realizes that he loves you, he goes crazy trying to find the best way to express it. he writes letters and makes playlists and buys presents, but none of it feels right. none of it truly encapsulates how he feels about you. deep into the hours of the night, he gives up. he’s so scared. scared to mess it up with the person of his dreams, because you deserve perfect. and for the first time, he doesn’t know how to say it without his words. without his words, how will you ever truly know that he loves you? when he meets up with you the next day, he’s drenched in sweat and is an absolute train wreck. he’s wringing his hands and refusing to meet your eyes. “inumaki,” you mutter, holding his head in your hands, tracing the side of his jaw gently. “what’s wrong?” he slowly raises his gaze from where it’s been pinned on the ground to meet your eyes and it’s almost like. for a split second, all he’s been trying to say — you understand. (you’re not sure what gave it away — and if anyone asked you now, you’re not sure if you’d have an answer. it was just as if every ounce of emotion in his body came forward. like you could feel it through the warm violet of his eyes.) “i love you, too,” you say, pulling his face into the crook of your neck. you had never seen him cry before that day.

Physical Touch


This bean loves physical attention. He gets very needy when deprived of it. Inumaki always finds a way to hold Chikage's hand or has an arm wrapped around her shoulder wherever the two of them are. He rests his head against her shoulder because it feels warm, and if she does the same to him, he’ll turn into a blushing, smiley mess, and he’s very glad that she can’t see his expression because he thinks he looks absolutely stupid. He gets really blushy if she buttons up his clothes for him or straightens something out. There would be times where he'd place his hand on her lower back to help calm her down or guide her somewhere if she needed it. When she traces the marks on his face, sometimes he traces them on her, too. Inumaki loves to pinch her cheeks if shes bugging him. Like, if he’s chilling on his phone and shes sitting next to him trying to get his attention, he’ll just reach out and pinch her cheek to let her know that he’ll give her some attention soon. Also!!!!!!!!!! Alsoooo!!!!!! This motherfucker will tickle her, and he shows NO mercy!! (He's also very ticklish, BUT he's very fast, so if she can catch him, be sure to get revenge!!)*He’s touchy with you. very very touchy. he’ll repeatedly poke your cheek when you’re trying to concentrate on something, slip his fingers under the hem of your shirt when his hands are cold, and play with your hair when he’s bored. it’s cute, but it can get a bit much when you’re busy. you ask him half-jokingly, “didn’t you learn to keep your hands to yourself? what are you? in grade school?” you meant to tease him, but he takes it as a compliment and amps it up from there. he’ll gently pull your hair until you’re looking at him, paw at your arms and legs until you give him attention, or straight up sleep in your lap until you’re ready to talk again.

public displays of affection

Doesn’t usually initiate PDA except with hand-holding and forehead kisses. If Chikage initiates it, he'll gladly soak up her attention, making soft 'remarks' throughout the trip. Absolutely no problems with PDA; he's maybe a bit shy with kissing in public cause he's a bit insecure about the markings by his mouth. :(( He always kisses her whenever they're alone because he can get easily flustered when around others. I think he loves to lay his head on Chikage's chest while she plays with his hair!


Holding hands with her was a normal thing for him even before they became official. He used his touch to sometimes talk to her since he can't do it if his voice. So the first time came naturally as he tried to get her attention to the ice cream he was offering you. Inumaki likes tracing little words into the palm of Chikage's hand. They’re not always meant for her; sometimes they’re little objects scattered around the area, like tree, or star, or mug, but sometimes if shes paying close attention, she’ll catch a thrown-in pretty or a traced heart that’s intentionally meant just for her. No need to say that he's always holding her hands. I mean, ALWAYS.


*Toge lowkey really wanted you to stroke / play with his hair. he knew you wouldn’t mind if he had asked. but also just had no idea how to bring it up. he literally ends up buying 3 bottles of shampoo with your favourite scent (and 4 conditioner bottles as well bc “why not”). he has my heart ugh. obviously when your boyfriend goes from faintly smelling of vanilla to the pungent smell of your favorite scent. you get curious and ask inumaki about it, to which he tells (texts) you that he just wanted to try a new shampoo. you can almost see the hearts in his eyes as you pull him close to you, running your hands through his soft hair. and by the way inumaki leans into your palm, you quickly realise what is going on.*literally loves it after a mission or if he’s feeling particularly tired, he rests his head on your shoulder while grabbing your hand. inumaki takes off his mouth covering and lies down on your lap. he feels like he’s in heaven if you trace his features while playing with his hair. although he really likes holding your hand and occasionally squeezes it in a way of saying ‘i love you’
  • * "YOUR HAIR IS REALLY SOFT" > The platinum haired boy lays on your lap, the wire of headphones dangling beside you both. You’re thankful Inumaki has his eyes closed, because the last thing you want him to see is how embarrassed and giddy you are at that moment. You and Inumaki have been friends for years, meaning you’ve been hiding your crush on him for a painfully long time. He’s recently made a Spotify playlist with an innocent text of, “I made you a playlist of all the songs that reminds me of you,” which leads you both to your current predicament. It’s a rather lazy weekend and Gojo-sensei isn’t around to bother any of you, so you’re in Inumaki’s room, careful not to bounce your legs out of habit to not give the poor boy a headache. You snap back to life when Inumaki squeezes your thigh, and you’re met with azure eyes looking back up at you. “Mustard leaf?” he points to your face, which has been previously constricted and heated from his close proximity. It isn’t the first time you and Toge have cuddled, but it’s been too long and you’re standing at the edge of a dangerous cliff with the desire to tell him you like him. Inumaki must’ve thought you’re uncomfortable with his weight on you because he begins to sit up. “Oh, no, no!” you coax him back down despite his questioning eyes, a wide grin replacing your flustered state to conceal it. “Its’s fine, really. I was just vibing with the songs.” He hums, not completely believing it, but he doesn’t want to push either. Soon, he settles into your lap again and makes you lose your mind when his breath starts to tickle your kneepads now that he’s facing behind you. Your heart just about combusts, and before you know it, Inumaki has fallen asleep while the theme of Howl’s Moving Castle plays. Once his breathing regulated into a steady rhythm, you reach out to brush his hair back and lightly add some pressure for better sleep. You know Inumaki lies that, and you smile to yourself when he leans into your touch even in his slumber. “Your hair is so soft,” you say mostly to yourself, leaning down to kiss his the crown of his head, making Inumaki sigh contentedly. Gosh, you love him so much. Now isn’t the time but...hopefully, one day you could tell him how you feel. Even if he rejects you, you hope you could still be friends even after that awkward encounter – You freeze as the next song comes on. I.F.L.Y by Bazzi comes on, and just as you cover your mouth to silence your gasps, you hear the faintest snickers coming from Inumaki before he goes back to “snoring.” Toge! Were you awake the whole time?!”

piggy-back rides

*In Toge's case, I think is the other way around. The probability of you carrying him is higher then the opposite. But he'll carry you on special occasions, specially if your drunk and he doesn't want you stumble all the way home. And if you keep poking his marks while on his back, you sure gonna push the bottom of soft in love boyfriend Toge.*He loves carrying you. it doesn’t matter if you’re taller or heavier than him. inumaki’s a lot stronger than he looks and he will carry you bridal style at every opportunity. he doesn’t even break a sweat doing it. he just keeps smiling at how you fit so perfectly in his arms. if you’re shorter and smaller than him, he’ll sling you over his shoulder like he’s lifting a sack of rice and carry you around campus like that. it’s lowkey embarrassing, but you can’t help but smile when you hear him giggling at how tiny you are.


*I don’t see him as someone who has a noticeably warm natural body temperature but I think he’s really good at giving hugs. His hugs are really warm. He looks really comfy in his uniform and he was, he loves hiding his face on the crook of your neck and inhaling your scent. If he can, he likes to rest his head on her shoulder and lean the side of his head on hers.*This sweet boy loves to hug you in his sleep. He likes to feel that you’re there with him and safe so he can close his eyes knowing that you’re gonna be there by the morning. And of course, his hugs are incremented with his kisses showers. He melts if you end up hugging him during your sleep, he feels like the luckiest guy in the world.


Inumaki gives the best hugs and his cuddles are even better! I feel as if he’s naturally warm and it’s perfect in the winter. Although, in the summer it can be an issue. Finds cuddling to be a very intimate time and only really enjoys cuddling in either his or her room as opposed to where others can see. On a softer note, when they're cuddling, Chikage always traces his markings back and forth, and every time she pulls away, he'll stick out his tongue and expect her to poke his mark there, too. I can see him keeping one of his pillows in her room so she can cuddle with it when he’s away.*He likes laying on your chest and cuddling with you. If she’s on top of him when they cuddle, he likes to run his fingers through her hair and rub her shoulders. If he’s on top of her while cuddling, he likes back rubs and is definitely ticklish at his sides. Inumaki has the sweetest laughs when he’s getting tickled. Toge Inumaki is a shameless little spoon. He also just likes being held, but there's no embarrassment whatsoever. He'd probably be the big spoon if you really wanted him to, but he would not look very happy.*ugh my love <3 he really likes cuddling, it’s honestly probably one of his favourite things to do with you. mainly because he can show you how much he cares and loves you without needing to speak. he likes to face you and listen to you talk about your day while your legs and arms are entangled. this is one of the few times he shows the bottom half of his face. inumaki can’t fall asleep unless you play with his hair. when he falls asleep, he hides his face in your chest while tightening his arms around you. he’s kind of a heavy sleeper and he definitely snores. not like obnoxiously, but quiet ones that are a little raspy.*cuddling with toge is a daily occurrence. his arms wrapped around your waist, as his chin rests on your shoulder, a predatorial look on his face when one of the first years asks you to help them. he gets jealous whenever they whisk you away. he hates it when you're gone, hates it when you're busy. he loves the feeling of you in his embrace, how you scoot your face closer to him when you both sleep at night. so for them to drag you away is a sign of war, and he's not gonna lose. so it always leads to him clinging to you like a koala, refusing to let go of you for the whole day.*toge is a big fan of snuggles and cuddles, preferably at the same time.. especially in the cold months when you two steal as many pillows and blankets as you can from everyone else and make a fort in his room. it always ends in yuji, panda, and nobara storming his room and taking them back, but it’s fun while it lasts. during the hot months, you two tend to wear the least amount of clothes possible while still cuddling. which sounds fun, but really it’s just sweaty toge in just his shorts holding onto sweaty y/n. it doesn’t last long.


Even though it’s not really allowed to sleep in other people's dorms, Inumaki hates sleeping alone and regularly sneaks into Chikage's room.*Toge has a ritual of always pressing little kisses to your eyelids right before he goes to sleep. He’s always tired looking, with messy hair and droopy eyes, and it makes your heart soften so much. He also likes poking your cheeks to annoy you (he thinks it’s funny).*When your head hits onto his shoulder, he’ll stare at you for a second, taking in your pretty features. He’ll unzip his collar a bit, just so he can kiss your cheek, because he can’t resist how cute you look! Then he’ll plop his own head on top of yours. “Shake” he says happily before snuggling up to you and falling asleep too.*Toge's breathing evens shortly after you place your fingers into his hair, with his head laying gently on your chest, ear placed to the sound of your heartbeat, he thinks this is the happiest he’s ever been. a content sigh leaves his lips as his arms wrap tightly around you.
  • MORNINGS ⟳ Inumaki wakes up early, which makes sense because he’s always falling asleep whenever he gets the chance to.  But it has its perks, since he likes making a cup of her favorite warm beverage and holding it out to her as he pokes her face to wake up because it’s boring without her. Inumaki cheeses when he feels Chikage's fingers dance along his scalp. It’s the perfect way to start a day, in his opinion, with the both of them calmly basking in each other’s presence; he truly couldn’t ask for more.


Inumaki kisses Chikage sweetly, it’s innocent and soft. He holds her face shyly, never wanting to be too overbearing, and gives her nose a quick kiss before enveloping her lips in a breathtaking kiss. Prefers cheek or forehead kisses. Oh but!! If she kisses the markings, he'll get very flustered and kinda turn to putty in her hands. When saying goodbye, she kisses his left, then right mark, and then his lips. He loves this so much, he just thinks it’s the cutest. Inumaki always kisses every part of her face when he sees her.*He likes to give you little kisses everywhere while he pokes you. But don't be mistaken. When he wants to, he kisses you with passion always biting your lower lip while he has an intense look in his eye.*he likes to give you nose kisses because you always think he’s gonna kiss you on the lips, but no, he just kisses you on the nose and leaves you there like “bro :(”*Toge loves when you kiss his markings, it lets him realize you love him regardless of his handicaps. he likes when you start kissing his marks, he feels like you will always stay there with him. He likes getting nose kisses, pls give him nose kisses. But Inumaki likes giving forehead kisses so if she's taller than him, please bend down so he can kiss her forehead. When he’s kissing you, he’ll kiss the top of your forehead; it feels so much more endearing and loving to him. Much more endearing than a kiss on your lips. Inumaki peppers her face in tiny kisses and it always gets her to giggle because he always finds a way to be cute. Toge’s kisses are quick and cute. He prefers a brief peck on the cheek or nose to a full make-out session. Like Nobara, he’ll point to a spot and expect you to know. He is pretty sweet. Before kissing will slip his thumb in your lips gently and smile. Will uncover his mouth and smile to you. He likes to make you feel comfortable. His kiss in slow and quiet. If he is in the mood, he will hold your cheeks with both hands. He does not uses his tongue while kissing unless if he wants something more spicy and intimate. Rubs your cheek or the point of your nose after kissing. If he uses the tongue, will be gentle and dear lord, what a warm and inviting mouth, you literally melt in his lips. He kisses with confidence. You ask yourself how many times he has already did it.*Toge would have $5 if he were given a dollar for every time he was planning on kissing you, only to get rudely interrupted. he decides that he’s had enough when your lips are mere centimeters away, with his bottom lip lingering against yours — he hears the huffing of his dear (but very irritating) friend, he pulls away momentarily, yelling, ‘leave,’ before panda could even step foot in the threshold of your dorm room. he doesn’t waste a second more, grabbing your face lovingly before smashing his lips against yours.*He rarely shows this part of his face, so he prefers to hug and hold hand. But if he so wishes, he can pull the cloth off his face and press his lips against yours or anywhere else on your face. Despite his quiet nature through his technique, he is very good at expressing his feelings with deeds rather than words. You like his signs and he will only let you look at them sometimes. That's why you like touching his lips as much as possible.*most of the time, it’s you initiating the kisses in public. that’s where the wrist kisses come in since he covers his lower face with his collar >:( . they make him flustered since you’ll find other ways to kiss him without..yknow? in private he makes up for it tho; with the cheek kisses. it’s a time where he’s vulnerable, you’re vulnerable and him finally letting go (tho not completely bc of the curse speech :( )
  • *ASKING FOR KISSES > ISTG THIS KID- you’re still kinda thankful that he only does this when you’re at home or alone. because FUCK. it could be anytime, and everywhere he could’ve wanted. “kiss me.” sometimes, he does it when you’re mad so you really don’t have a freaking choice. his kisses do not go too deep, but they last for a couple of seconds. at CERTAIN times, he does it to piss you off. “toge, stop it!” you say one time, annoyed how he kept on using his cursed speech to make you kiss him after an argument. “no.” he tastes like candy, to be honest. sometimes you wonder if he always eats one because his mouth tastes sweet. 7/10 — cute but kinda annoying
  • *MAKING OUT > inumaki can be really sneaky, like he does shit that makes you want to make out with him. it’s really small stuff too, such as running his fingers through your hair or pulling you closer by the waist while gently squeezing it. part of you knows he’s doing it on purpose as well but every time you look at him, he just tilts his head a little before giving you a smile. when you eventually cave and start to move closer to him, leaning against his chest and gently kissing whatever skin is exposed above his mouth cover. even though you can’t see it, you know this cheeky bitch is smiling. inumaki drags you off somewhere, usually in one of your rooms, before kissing you back. depending on his mood, he’ll sometimes let you take the lead. he probably tastes like mint gum mixed with cough medicine. his hands don’t really roam that much, usually just keeping them on your hips. making out with him always ends in tickle fights, like that’s just what happens.

sitting on his lap

Oh, he got clingy. He pulled Chikage closer immediately. He started to kiss her all over her face. The kisses started short and soft until they became longer and hotter. He took her by his arms and made sure she didn't leave until he became satisfied.
  • AND FALLING ASLEEP He was the one that made her place on his lap. With his warm and gentle touch, it didn't take too much for Chikage to nod off. He'll keep caressing her while he kisses the top of her head. He won't be able to control himself and will poke her cheeks. Also take pictures, but he keeps them to himself although he'll use it to her birthday messages.

sitting on her lap

Look at this boy! Now, look at him again! His favorite sitting place is Chikage's lap. Whenever she sits, his sits on it. If her legs are crossed, he gives her a pleading look to uncross them. He loves when she embraces his waist.
  • PUTTING A FLOWER IN HIS HAIR Another one who loves to lay his head on her lap. Just like Itadori, he gives her a big smile with shiny eyes when he sees the flower. Then he catches one more and puts it on his other ear so now he's matching.
you had always thought inumaki had the prettiest eyelashes - naturally long and dark despite his light hair. the shadows they cast upon his violet eyes had somehow made them look even more intriguing - however, this time inumaki's eyes were closed, hiding his bright coloured orbs that you loved, as those pretty eyelashes of his rested peacefully on his soft cheeks. inumaki's head currently lay in your lap, his arms tightly wrapped around your waist, keeping you in his hold. you could only start to feel his grip loosen when he began drifting off to sleep, the sounds of panda and kugisaki's screams in the background acting as white noise. he stirred only when the sun decided to brighten suddenly, wrinkling his forehead as the rays of light shone down onto his face. you giggled lightly when he turned his head, burying it into your stomach. "ugh," you heard maki scowl from beside you, her eyebrows furrowed in disgust, "couples," she stated plainly, distaste evident in her voice. you rolled your eyes at her playfully, bringing a hand down to caress inumaki's hair. "as if you don't act the same with nobara," you shot back, teasingly. maki decided to ignore your comment, instead sending a judging glance down at inumaki as he cuddled closer to you, pointing to him as she mouthed 'clingy'. you held back your laughter, not wanting to wake your clingy boyfriend up, and instead just gave maki a nod as she decided that another hour of training would be better than this pda show. looking down at inumaki, you decide that the tranquil look on his face as he gently scratch his scalp is too cute, and decide to save him the teasing for drooling all over your lap.



  • COMMANDO > He gave Chikage a side smile with his mischievous side gaze. He bit her cheek locking her fingers with his, pulling her to the way to his dorm. He made sure to let her know how much he loved it.
  • ASKING WHAT UNDERWEAR TO WEAR > Just like Yuuji here. So excited about it that she was sure he was going to come with that one she used in one of their hottest sessions. But no, my friend, no. He'll pull the one she'd long forgotten that he gave her. The one with Onigiri prints everywhere. Needless to say, that day, he spoke way more onigiri stuff than normal days. Another one that is banned.


“toge, touch me please” a shiver runs down his spine at your sultry coated moan, placing his hands on both of your tits inumaki could probably melt under the sheer pressure alone. he’s nervously hovering over your naked form, fingers spread out to linger the pads of his touch on the soft skin, deep hues of red blooming on his cheeks when you let out another moan while he starts to tweak with your buds. “g-go lower, touch me lower” he nods back, sliding his hand down to your stomach, slowly reaching between your legs. inumaki feels like he could combust right now, your glistening pussy traps him under a gaze as he watches his fingers slide through the folds, eagerly slipping a finger inside to watch the way your walls vigorously pull his finger in. “m-more, toge” he flinches listening to you beg for him, your thighs twitching as inumaki adds another finger pumping faster until your back begins arching to his touch, “s-so good” he mumbles, pupils blown out black, lip tucked between his teeth as inumaki watches your juices collect around his digit as he pulls them out. “not enough, need more” your fingers palm at his briefs, whimpering when he heeds your command pulling his cock out. inumaki throws a hand over his blistering cheeks as you fist his cock, subtly bucking into your hands while you place soft open mouth kisses on his stomach. you watch as he becomes stiff in your hands, cock swelling with some type of relief needed, inumaki finally gains some courage to place himself between your legs, holding the length steadily as he sinks inside your tight hole. a gasp expels from his lips, trembling eyes locked on your face at the stretch wrapped around his cock, inumaki whimpers as he pushes past the tight ring, finally bottoming out with another trembling breath. he struggles where to put his hands, a place to press his lips when inumaki feels like he’s about to cum already from the enteral feeling of your pussy milking him dry but when he feels like he’s tipping over your hands come up to cup his warm cheeks, brining inumaki to your lips. “j-just look at me pretty boy” you smile, lips pressing against his and inumaki shakes his head in agreement as he finally starts a slow pace, “i love you so much” inumaki murmurs between hot pants coating the room, a heat bubbling in his stomach and he knows he’s not going to last long—fear clouding his mind vanishes the moment he looks into your eyes knowing you’ll be there—always be there.
  • RAW > "toge— you can move” you whimper below your boyfriend, raising your hand to rub a soft circle on his cheek and inumaki can’t help but nuzzle into your palm. he cannot speak often and though it becomes a bothersome subject—the actions inumaki displays volumes. soft vibrations of moans rattle his chest, gentle breaths flutter across your face when he finally begins moving, without anything damaging your connected bodies. inumaki struggles to keep a planted foot on this earth with how much you mold to his cock, your hands tied through his hair and pussy dripping on his length. “so good” inumaki utters, lifting his eyes to meet yours and you soften at him struggling to brings words to the atmosphere, “you’re so good, you make me feel so good” you reply back to him and inumaki mouth gapes at the praise. and he’s livid that he hasn’t done this earlier—how perfect this newfound feeling envelopes his soul, purifies any stress traced in his mind and how much you beg for more. “cum” inumaki glosses his eyes back to you, the speech provoke your orgasm to jolt through your body and spray his abdomen, your gasps for air make him blush but the way you look—the way you feel, his speech curse is going to be the second favorite thing to do when inumaki fucks you.


he’s following the movie attentively. until a sex scene shows up and suddenly everything except the screen seems incredibly enticing. he doesn’t usually get so conscious about steamy scenes, but this one’s a bit much. and when he looks over at you and notices you watching the two actors with much interest, a knowing grin playing at your lips, he goes absolutely bonkers (internally). “that sure looks like fun, doesn’t it?” you ask toge, amused by how red he’s gotten. he nods meekly, extremely embarrassed by his own reaction. you lean closer to him, bringing your lips right next to his ear. “i think we should try it out. you know, i’m really tempted right now.” your words send a chill down his spine. he can’t help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside. one second his lips are cautiously on yours, the next, he’s laying on his back with his face between your legs, tongue pumping in and out of your drenched pussy. then there’s you, bent forward over his body, mouth sucking his cock earnestly, and if there’s one thing he knows for sure, it’s that the scene did end up being as fun as it looked.


A = aftercare

Oh god the he is so utterly tender and attentive after sex like he will only want to continue being close so you wanna share a bath? He’s on it. Wanna lay and snuggle? He’ll clean up just to get back to you as fast as possible. 10 outta 10 would recommend.

B = body part

Fav part on you? Easily your chest. It’s the place where he can get the most skin to skin with you and being pressed into you no matter what your chest size is happens to be a huge turn on. Fav part on him? Inumaki is pretty proud of his tongue. Like he sees the way you wither away under him and he feels pretty confident about thattits. another simple guy with simple interests. if you ever wear anything revealing, especially something that shows off your boobs, this guy's on a joyride. like noritoshi, your boobs are also the first thing he touches when you're making out with him. he loves squeezing them gently, feeling you push your chest forward against his palm in response.

C = cum

Toge doesn’t win for sheer volume but the rest of it he does. Taste? Delightful and not unpleasant at all. Consistency? Thicc and loves to clingy to whatever part of your body he came on

D = dirty secret

I don’t know why this is even in my head but like, a nursing kink. So much needing to be like nursed like a baby but he loves rolling your nipple in his mouth and working it over especially if he’s buried inside you. The closeness and feel in his mouth drives him crazy but he’s a little embarrassed to admit the kink.

E = experience

Chances are you’re his first or only second. Inumaki just never went out of his way to date or get ‘experience’ so he’s happy to learn along with his partner.

F = favorite position

Side laying but facing each other. He loves the feeling of your leg wrapping around him, the feeling of your hips rubbing into his he thrusts into you, plus the sensation of your chest against his while he fucks you watching your face is blissful heaven to the shaman.

G = goofy

Surprisingly humorus during sex. Not that he doesn’t take it seriously but Inumaki is only intimate with people he’d want to invest his time in so it’s not hard to crack a smile here and there during.

H = hair

Not shaved down to near nothing but he knows to take the scissors to it once in a while and keep the jungle tamed (honestly there’s so little and its so light colored its not a problem).

I = intimacy

Sex is a bonding experience for him. Not just anyone can be that close to him and someone he does dub worthy is his confidant and best friend so he likes to be a close and intimate as possible when you guys go at it.

J = jerk off

Not as much self restraint as say Gojo but Inumaki doesn’t go out of his way to do it often. Without a partner he does it a little more but when in a relationship all he really wants to do is you and it plagues his thoughts until the next time you’re together.

K = kinks

... watches his sensitive cock throb in your hands while you pump him, the soft whispers of your lingering moans trace his ear. inumaki slowly gazes up at you, holding his trembling lip between his teeth, “why are you so perfect, toge?” you mumble against the shell of his ear while your face dips into the crevice of his neck, placing wet open mouth kisses on the skin. inumaki groans deep, bucking his hips into your grasps, he can already feel how close he is, whining when you move from his neck admiring the colorful marks on his skin to tasting his pretty moans. inumaki wishes he could tell you everything, how much he loves that you make him feel so alive, how you get him to cum in seconds and maybe he can’t speak but as inumaki whimpers and begs, splattering his cum on your hands before he’s clawing at you to ride his pretty cock—that’s all you need to hear.I remain unconvinced he isn’t like into a huge oral fixation. And it boils down to one of two things, he loves eating his own cum outta you and watching you squirm on his tongue. Or he loves it when you spit in his mouth. Either of these happen and a second round is bound to happen.Sucking on fingers (G)

L = location

Depends on how worked up he is. For the most part Inumaki likes to take his time and enjoy the build up and after glow of sex but if you’re particularly impatient he will fuck you senseless the second you two have a place to escape to.

M = motivation

Actually his motivation isn’t as sexual as the others. He just genuinely loves being close to you and sex with you is like nothing else he’s experienced. Skin touching, enjoying each other to the fullest extent, it’s all he really needs to pitch a tent in his pants.

N = no

Choking and anything to do with breath play (I know it has a name I’m too lazy to look it up) but if it has to do with his throat at all he refuses.

O = oral

He is a giver. Oh my god he could spend hours down there. And what are you going to do say no? Those eyes looking up at you? Those lips against your body, who the fuck is gonna say no to that?Just to say that I'm not very into blowjob but oh my god would I suck Inumaki's cock all day long if needed, on top of that this boy would love to see the mess that will gathered on you face, he finds it so pretty. 🥺❤️ With his head lolled to the side and fingers digging to grab fistfuls of hair he cant look away. thinks you look the prettiest on your knees. with your wide eyes looking up at him and glistening lips parted while you lick over the bulge in his boxers. sucking the blunt head through the fabric and soaking it, you’re teasing him. he’s never been a patient one, sucking in a breath and tugging on your hair to lead your mouth to where he needs you. when you drag the damp material down hes tipping his head back against the wall and letting out satisfied sighs. the cold feels so good against his swollen cock, and with the way you’re blowing air over the slit he swears he won’t last long. especially not when you’re dragging your tongue up the underside and tracing over his veins, bringing the mushroom head to your lips and licking up the pearls of precum. taking him inch by inch until he’s hitting the soft spot in the back of your throat and your nose is pressing into his pelvis. hot cheeks hollowed while you fondle his balls until he’s spurting ropes of cum down your throat. he sounds so lovely, gasping and panting while you continue to suck on his softening cock until you’re letting go with a pop. but the sultry look on your face has his blood rushing south. and the way you bring your fingers to your lips to lick up the remnants has him fighting back the urge to fuck your throat raw. he's infatuated.You've always been whipped on Inumakis tongue. It's no secret how fucking amazing he is at oral- if I'm being honest he kind of has an oral fixation. He could eat you out for hours, hearing you moan over and over again while you called him a good boy. God, hearing your praise just made him want to devour you more and more, just to hear you say one little "Good boy, Inumaki." Inumaki lay on your bed eating you out like there was no fucking tomorrow, he humped himself on the edge of your bed to try and get some friction. Three fingers disappeared and reappeared rapidly trying to stimulate you as much as possible, your moans only encouraged him to go more. He wanted to make you feel good- no, he needed to. You felt an uncomfortable sensation in your lower abdomen along with a sudden need to release. Your body began to tingle as endless "good boy"'s and "fuck, you're so good for me"'s poured out of your mouth. Inumaki almost started crying, he went in harder and faster than he's ever went before. Suddenly he stopped, right when you finally released. He looked up at you, a clear liquid all over his face. It oozed down his body onto his chest. His eyes were so wide as he licked his lips to try and taste more of you. He awaited more praise- he had just made you squirt, he deserves praise. And praise is exactly what he got, as he went down for round two.

P = pace

Imagine feeling every muscle in your partners body move in tune to their thrusts, like they put their all into fucking you with as much skin contact as physically possible while those deep strokes can switch to a quick pace pounding in the blink of an eye because you’re smashed into him. Yeah, that’s Inumaki. He wants to touch every inch of you and loves the way his hips fit against you while he fucks you and giving him the best chance to change pace when he wants to.

Q = quickie

As horny as you’ve both been at times you’ll admit it was hot watching him fumble and try to free himself from his zipper just to fuck the second you both were alone and away from everyone else. If you get him riled up enough Inumaki will take the advantage.

R = risk

There is little risk taking to Inumaki. Once you guys got into a pretty heated make out session in a dressing room at the mall but since you can’t keep your mouth shut like he can then Inumaki got you to keep it in your pants until you got to “safety.”

S = stamina

Weighing in at average stamina, Inumaki could probably go two rounds with a break but even if he just lasts one round he will not waste any time using the other tools at his disposal to make sure you’re left a satisfied quivering mess~

T = toys

He doesn’t own anything for himself but when you mention going into a sex shop one time he did give the fleshlights a look over thinking about how much he might enjoy you using one on him.

U = unfair

There’s no real teasing with Inumaki and if it is then its on accident. He can’t help wanting to leave kisses on your neck. Of those times he takes your hand in his and kisses the top of your hand in the middle of the day. He has no idea it gets you going but you’re not gonna tell him either because getting revved up all day makes when you two finally go at it that much better~

V = volume

Sadly he’s not very loud on account of his curse usage. And he will never say any words. But the soft moans that pass his lips and the way his tongue rolls outta his mouth when he’s about to loose it makes up for it~

W = wild card

Inumaki doesn’t have anything wild and crazy to throw out at you when you guys start being intimate. You’d say the most wild thing you didn’t expect him to enjoy is cock warming. Man oh man if he can sit you down on his lap through an entire study lesson then he’s in hog heaven.

X = x-ray

You know how quite nice guys always seem to have big dicks without even knowing it? Yeah that’s Inumaki. He’s not as large as Yuji but he’s got a slight advantage of length. Plus his cock curves up in the most pleasant way possible so when he’s going at it he just hits all the right places~another insanely pretty dick. like the moment you tug his pants down you just gasp ‘cause wtf it’s gorgeous? very pale, light pink and flushed head, always oozing precum. not veiny at all, and curves to the right. he’s not longer than he is thicker, neither is he thicker than he is longer. justttt right, at 6.4 inches. knows how to use it. angles it perfectly when he’s fucking you. also clean shaven! absolutely! it’s the least he could do, you know. incredible orgasm control to the point that his dick’s always teetering on a purpling head, all for you though <3

Y = yearning

Inumaki isn’t a prude by any means and enjoys sex quite a bit with the right person. But he’d never go out of his way for a fwb type of thing or get upset if timing just doesn’t allow for it. He’s just as happy with heavy petting and foreplay to get the job done too so it’s not always penetration. ;D

Z = zzz

Depends he can be wide awake if by some chance you both scored during the middle of the day or morning sex (loves to start his day that way just saying its better than tea or coffee) but if it’s a night fiasco then he’s certainly gonna pass out after everything is cleaned up.
҉* The first time he bottoms out inside you he swears he’s in heaven with the way your warm cunts sucking him in. don’t be fooled by his smaller physique, he’s strong and will pin your knees open to watch his cock disappear.  ҉* This guy, a menace, the epitome of evil! makes you cry, physically tells you to cry because he loves seeing your tear stained cheeks. if you’re not sobbing with snot running down your nose after your third orgasm he’s not going to stop until you literally can’t cry anymore. you just look so pretty with your wet lashes and puffy eyes he can’t help but want to see more of that look. ҉* Another big pervert but nothing in comparison to yuuta. he fools you with that sickly sweet smile every time he pushes something off his desk to watch you bend down and pick it up. sometimes you’re thankful for his limited vocabulary because the notes he writes you and texts he sends are anything but sweet. he’s very detailed with his explanations about how he’s going to shove his cock down your throat until you can’t breathe.҉* It’s rare for him to use his cursed speech on you only because he’d rather not have his blood dripping onto your tits while he’s pounding your cute little cunt. but if you’re being a real brat of course he’s going to tell you to behave. if you get him riled up he won’t care about what happens after, commands you to get on your hands and knees while he fucks you from behind or makes you suck on his tongue while you bounce on his cock until your legs give out. ҉* Doesn’t have the highest stamina but he can definitely last longer than you, rarely cums before you because he likes to focus on your needs before chasing after his own orgasm. maybe when you’re gushing around him for the second or third time he’ll ease up and let you catch your breath. by catch your breath I mean he’ll eat you out and clean you up before trying to get a third orgasm out of you.҉* Suck on his neck, leave it red and purple until you can’t tell what the original color was. he lives for that shit, his necks so sensitive he can’t help but hump your knee while you attach your lips to the stained skin. cums in his pants every time, never fails. and fiddle with his collar zipper in public, he promises you you’ll be in for it later if you pull that zipper down. ҉* Not a fan of quickies, likes to take his time and tease you. maybe he’ll bend you over the classroom desks if he can’t wait anymore. everyone knows what you guys did too but they chose not to speak on it. it’s obvious toges not as innocent as he looks. ever since they overheard him telling you to “shut up and suck” they knew their friend was anything but pure.҉* A big fan of toys, especially vibrators. tells you, “don’t move’’ to keep your knees pinned while he abuses your clit until you’re crying and breaking from his command in a twitchy mess. scoops up your cum and brings it your lips then licks his fingers clean. there’s just something about how whiny you get when he overstimulates you that has blood rushing to his leaking cock. ҉* Always lets you get back at him though. suck his flushed cock and pull away before he cums, make him cry. give him a taste of his own medicine. if you feel nice you’ll let him pick his poison, overstimulation or orgasm denial. he’s so obedient he’ll lay there with pretty tears in his eyes while he rocks his hips up desperate for any kind of friction. cums hard when you take mercy on him, he cums in thick ropes and it’s so hot and heavy on your tongue you can’t help but want more.OVERSTIMULATION: a whole menace. he is the definition of a tease because he somehow overstimulates you while also giving you practically nothing. he’s giving you this sweet smile the entire time while you’re begging him to do something. inumaki kisses you to try and distract you before pushing two of his fingers inside of you. he gets a hard-on from simply hearing your whimpers and cries for him. when you cum, he acts like he’s going to stop giving you a couple of seconds before wrapping his mouth around your clit and starting to pump his fingers in and out of you again. no one can convince me that inumaki isn’t the best when it comes to using his tongue on you, if you disagree you’re wrong. if you try to move away, he wraps his arms around your thighs and yanks you closer. moans when you tug on his hair.PRETTIEST WHEN OVERSTIMULATED: 𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈 bites his lips to keep himself from letting words spill, breathing heavily as he fights back the urge to beg you to stop. he can’t speak, can’t actually say he can’t cum another time—so instead, he lets you know it’s too much through soft whimpers and pretty whines. he’s so vocal, with wide, watery eyes stare at you through his lashes as you press a kiss to his tip, almost a shade of purple by now before your lips wrap around his hardened length. his skin flushes a deep red, glistening with sweat, and his eyes screw shut as a few stray tears slip down his cheeks when he cums again, hand clutching yours tightly to keep himself grounded. and when you lean up, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips that he reciprocates, he whimpers once more when you murmur “just one more, baby,” but you don’t miss the way his cock twitches.COCKWARMING: loves cock warming purely because of how intimate it is. whenever he’s upset about something, inumaki pulls you into his lap while gently tugging on your pants as a hint. he slowly makes his way up to your lips starting with your wrist, up your arm, and kissing your neck and jaw. he also kisses your cheeks just to tease you a bit. gently fondles your breasts while you sink down onto his dick. tightens his grip around you while quietly whimpering. runs his hand up and down your back and the other one rests on your cheek while he kisses you. “does that feel nice?” blushes hard while nodding his head going to gently bite your neck.



accidentally calling him "husband"

*You were having a date at the park. After a wonderful day, you decided to buy ice creams so you could get some cold over the heat of this ending summer day. You were at the line to make your order that was taking more than usual considering all the people that apparently had the same idea as you. Then a person started to speak with you. At first you didn't give much of attention thinking it would be just a normal conversation, until they started the flirting comments. And they didn't even let you say anything not allowing you to confront or deny them. Toge that was the entire time sitting on a bench, didn't come unnoticed of the situation. The moment he saw your signs of discomfort, he came straight to you passing his arms around your shoulder. The person stopped talking right there. You kissed Toge's cheek and smiled. "You see, I was trying to say that this is my husband.". The boy here startled and became all red. You had to control your laugh to not lose your act. Toge regained his composure and glaring at the person he just said a simple "Leave". You started to laugh now. He then pulled you on a fervent kiss that made you come out of breath. At night, a text came into your phone from your Onigiri Boy. "I want you calling me husband more often. I'm gonna make that happen someday".


Both of them start picking children names for the future and Inumaki thinks that the names he chose are better than the names that Chikage chose.

flower ring proposal

He put the ring on his finger and kissed her lips softly. Inumaki then found a flower and made her a ring. He got on his knee and said, "Tsunamayo?" "Shake, Toge." She later received a message from him; "Love you, wifey / hubby / spousey."



  • FIANCE TOGE, who, whenever you two are out, takes a tight (but not too tight) hold on your hand and occasionally squeezes it — making sure that he really did get so lucky as to have you as his fiancé.
  • FIANCE TOGE, fiancé! toge who makes sure that you two, even as your wedding rapidly approaches, still go on dates to your usual places; even going as far to book the restaurant where you two had your first one.
  • FIANCE TOGE, who pouts as he realises that he has to wait for several long months until you take his surname. he just wants you to officially his and him to officially be yours.
  • FIANCE TOGE, who pulls you into his embrace whenever and wherever he can, wanting nothing more than to marry you over and over again if it meant you and him sharing these happy moments forever.




He likes to do the house chores, but after he stained some of her clothes, he's prohibited to enter the laundry room. Also loves to go to the supermarket but only if he can experiment something for free. OH, HE IS CLINGY. The master clingy here. Always with Chikage and always touching her, especially poking. He's always pranking her, this MF. One day, she's sure she'll have a heart attack with how many jump-scares he gives her.



*At first when his s/o is pregnant he really wish that his child doesn't inherit his cursed speech. When his child inherits his technique he got frustrated about it. Many thought came to his mind about whether he would get bullied and all these kind of things. he likes to spend time with his children and he is never mad at them. I feel like he is that type of father who would probably just teach his children and solve homework with them. i can see him and you only communicating with riceball ingredients to make your child communicate that way. toge likes to teach his children how to cook and he is a great chef. “okaka!” he always say that to warn his child from dangerous and wrong things. he would just turn on YouTube videos for the children's entertainment, that's how they got into YouTube addiction. he always doubt his parenting skills, he feeling like his child always need something but they are shy to say that. Toge and your children always communicate by their hearts (if they got the cursed speech) and they regularly prank you. He thinks it's nice to homeschool the children (again if they got the cursed speech) because he doesn't want them to suffer. when the child is insecure about their cursed marks Toge usually keeps his collar down to show off his marks and make the child feel like they're normal and loved. you and toge both like to talk about your stories together and how you met to your children, they think it's romantic. Also you both find it funny.