"Five Years" by Bo Burnham


To be honest, he’d probably be listening to this song with Chiya and just burst out crying. When she’d ask why he just randomly bawled out, he’d only shrug his shoulders while saying it’s just a good song. If they were both out sharing AirPods, don’t be surprised when he starts screaming out the lyrics while in public because “it’s just a good song.”
💙 the classic “Yesterday Once More” by the Carpenters. Both of you are in his living room when he starts playing this track. You smile and suddenly start singing with Feeling. You would both sing the chorus out loud together. Then he would stand up, hug you from behind and sway you slowly to the beat of the music while singing softly. It’s canon that Satoru can do anything if he tries, so I’m pretty sure his voice is gorgeous. (His VA is Nakamura Yuichi everyone, his voice is amazing).🌌 Dreams by Fleetwood Mac. When he starts playing this, both of you would be in a flirty mood. A bit of soft touches there. Kisses on the neck. Wine on the glass table. Soft lights playing around both of you as you stare into each other’s eyes. You are both lost in your own little bubble, away from the stress and pressures of Jujutsu Sorcerers.💙 Hate That I Love You by Rihanna and Chris Brown. You both just had an argument, and reached a rocky truce. Not something to worry about as you and he know that you’re both still in love with each other.The argument was over something insignificant and stupid, you both can’t even remember how it started. The emotions just blew up and it led to a silence between both of you for 3 days until you took the first step of talking with him. He hugs you. Later that night after shared apologies, he plays this song. You look at Satoru and find yourself loving him even more.“Why is it you?” He says out loud. “I don’t really know either Toru. I just love you for you.” You reply, somewhat pained. He gathers you into his arms. “I don’t mean it that way. I mean, you’ve always been patient with me. Can’t help but feel that you might leave me some day angel. But I hate that I love you so. Always have and always will”. Tears run down your face and he kisses them away. Then leaning down to capture your lips, you share a kiss tasting of tears and love.🌌 Kissing Strangers by DNCE (not an old song but still a golden one). He plays this when he wants an excuse to get more kisses he wants to role play the night you both met. Because Satoru is weird like that, but still very much lovable. “Open heart, open mind. Now give me my kisses stranger~~~” Satoru sing songs to you. “Toru that’s not how the song goes. That’s not even how we met lmao. It goes like- MMPHH” and he proceeds to kiss you stupid until the sun rises. Tongues fighting for dominance, his hands on your lower back moving to dangerous zones. You just get drunk and high on the flavour of Gojo Satoru.💙 Let’s Groove by Earth, Wind and Fire. You just finished cooking dinner in the kitchen and you’re cleaning up. You turn the music up a notch as you wipe down the dishes. You find yourself singing loudly.“Let’s Groove TONIGHHTT~~” Satoru suddenly appears behind you and screams the song along. “DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT BABE!”, you shriek right back at him. He really is so used to sneaking up on people out of nowhere. Satoru starts to sway wildly to the beat of the song, which leads you to quickly pushing the dishes back on the counter. “Toru, we are in the kitchen! Be carefu-”, you suddenly get cut off as he grabs you towards him. “Sing with me pumpkin!”, he pouts. You give a half-hearted sigh with a smirk and push him towards the living room. The high notes were difficult to sing, making you both sound like wheezing whales. You just both laugh out loud at each other.He dances really well, lean muscles flexing and rolling. You watch his exposed arms as he removed his jacket and rolled back his sleeves. “Like what you see darling?”, he winked at you. You just stared at him with a heavy gaze. Safe to say, he kept you up that night for several other reasons🤭.✨ I want it that way by the Backstreet Boys. He plays this on a bright sunny day when you’re both staying in. It’s a Saturday and the flowers are blooming. You dance around each other while singing the lyrics outside. “Oh my gosh this song feels so nostalgic!” you exclaim. You watch Toru as he dances, his side step moves and shuffles are pretty smooth. “Tell me why~ Ain’t nothing but a heartache~”, you sing while sashaying your hips and pointing to him. His eyes are so bright and warm, looking at you with so much love. At times like these, you wish you can read his thoughts. ‘Is he happy with me?’ you wonder.He grins as if hearing your thoughts and dances around you even wilder than before. “But I want it that way~~” Satoru sings out loud. You take a video of him and decide to post it on your Instagram. 'I wonder how his students will react to their teacher dancing’ you giggled. Satoru strides up to you as you turn off your phone and lifts you above him, holding onto your legs tight.You throw your arms around his shoulders and lean down to kiss him on the lips. Tracing the outline of his bottom lip with his tongue, you find yourself wanting more. Satoru’s bright blue eyes mischievously shone, and then fluttered shut as his tongue slipped into your mouth. Both of you get lost in the feeling of the kisses with the music long forgotten in the background.


Either something by The Weeknd or Boom Boom Boom Boom, there’s no in-between. Even "Caramelldansen" isn’t safe from this man. Literally does not care if he’s in his spacious, penthouse apartment or the teacher’s lounge at school; this man will hook his phone up to the nearest Bluetooth speaker and play whatever song that happens to be stuck in his head. Most likely something with a chill beat like "Right Back" or "Phases." But no matter what song he chooses to play, Satoru always has to make sure to pull Chiya in with a toothy grin on his face and practically force her to dance with him in the middle of the room. He’d understand if she was shy or self-conscious (especially in public) — and he’s more than fine dancing around by himself — but nothing makes him happier than to see her let loose and have genuine fun with him. So, he’s twirling her around, guiding her in a terrible rendition of ballroom dancing(?) with absolutely no rhythm, before he’s dipping her and plastering her face with hundreds of kisses. If the song he chose is raunchier, however, then best believe he’s gonna make Chiya gas him up while he throws it back like his rent is due tomorrow.
Gojō Satoru is like a thorn in your side that you just can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard you try. You’ve known each other for so long that your relationship with the man is certainly complicated to say the least. You’d tentatively say that the two of you are currently friends, but it’s difficult to be friends with someone who was once your everything. You'd been friends with benefits for a while before you two became lovers. Dating Satoru was a natural progression of your relationship, and it came so easy to the two of you. It was nice. For a while, at least. Before it all came crashing down. You became fed-up with how he treated your feelings so lightly, as if they didn’t matter. So, you broke up with him. The break-up took a toll on you, but it hurt more seeing how Satoru appeared to be so unaffected by it. But enough time has passed since then that you can say your current relationship isn’t as bad as you would’ve thought, considering you are co-workers with your ex-boyfriend. Satoru's still as flirty and charming as ever. You truly believe that it’s this man’s mission in life to bother you. It’s not that you don’t still have feelings for Satoru, but you don’t want to get hurt like you did last time. Your feelings aren’t something to be played with and you refuse to let Satoru in again just for your relationship to wind up like it did before. Satoru knows that his actions affect you even if you pretend that they don’t. He notices the way you stumble over your words before quickly composing yourself when he accidentally brushes his hands against your lower back. The way your eyes widen before you glare at him when he makes a sexual innuendo in front of your shared students. But what Satoru didn’t know is how bad the break-up affected you. Satoru never stopped loving you, but you were the one to break up with him. If you didn’t want to be with him, that was fine, he'd just act like he was completely okay with that. Satoru was able to keep up the appearance that he was okay after you left, but he missed you a lot. And when you break down in tears in front of Satoru, asking why he’s messing with your head when you know he doesn’t love you anymore, Satoru’s heart drops. A serious expression crosses his face when he gently places his hands on your cheeks to tilt your head up to meet his eyes. With his thumbs, he wipes away your tears and asks,Who said I didn’t love you anymore?”


SHORT  ➤ She's his little cutie AND HE IS OBSESSED WITH THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE. Calls Chiya his chibi-chan.. IN PUBLIC. He likes it. Well, he likes any reason to tease her. Chiya's height is just one way of many to do that. As much as he likes to tease Chiya about her height, only close friends can get away with teasing her about it, too, and they better keep it all in good fun. It’s one thing for him to annoy her, it’s a completely different thing for someone else to. [He pretends to lose her in crowds when shes saying something he doesn’t like.] But when he’s actually worried about keeping up with Chiya, he does faithfully hold her hand to keep from losing her. Sometimes he’ll be like “Huh? Where’s Chiya? She’s so short I can’t find her!” Is he teasing or is he actually just the dumbest MF ever? I guess we’ll never now. 💗 It’s okay, he makes it up to her by carrying her around everywhere. He picks Chiya up at random, especially if he wants to get somewhere quickly, and he doesn’t always pick her up in the most dignified manner. Sometimes he’ll just throw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, other times it’s a bridal hold, and one time he picked her up by putting one arm around her middle and squishing her against his side (basically like a football.) LOVES IT. He'll pick Chiya up and throw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, while Megumi's hot on his trail. (She later learns that Satoru stole his phone and involved her.) He'll purposely put things on higher shelves so he can make fun (playfully OFC) of Chiya when she asks for help. He’s the type to use her as an arm rest whenever the two of them stand next to each other. And he’s not even kind about it. This giant is actually putting his weight on her. He likes the height difference visually, too. The two of them are striking to look at. He’s often the tallest person in the room, and she's often the shortest. Nawww, but imagine they’re at a party, Satoru’s 6’3" figure towering behind her and looking down at her, index finger and thumb suddenly pressing down on her jaw, forcing Chiya to tilt her head up and look at him. “Hey, baby.” ASDFRHICVJHFCHUR.
  • He thinks it’s really cute when youre angry at him because you have to look up at him to argue and he can’t help but smile a little when he looks down at you because youre so damn adorable. Purposefully puts things on high shelves, especially when youre mad at him; that way, you have to talk to him. But the jokes on you, you’ve been climbing on stuff to get things your whole life and you’d rather break your neck climbing on the counter to get what you need then admit defeat when you’re angry at him. He, uh… actually really likes that you’re so much smaller than him just for like the ease of manhandling you in the bedroom… You’re just so tossable. It also makes it extra cute when you take control, and you're on top of him while he’s tied up. The irony of the switch in positions strikes him as not only amusing but also super hot, because as small as you are, he can’t help but take you seriously in the bedroom. Besides, short people are notorious for being kind of aggressive. He buys you super cute things, like over the top adorable stuff that may or may not be your style just because he thinks you’re so cute. Bonus points if you’re curvy. Satoru really strikes me as a guy with a weakness for thick thighs. Expect him to put cat ears on your head and laugh at you completely unamused expression. You put them on him while he’s unsuspecting and sitting down and it backfires because he’s really cute and he does not mind wearing them at all.
***BIG BREASTS ➤ ah, the loveable pervert lol - where do i begin. even before your relationship, you just knew that this man loves your tits. you can feel him staring at you no matter what, and sometimes you get offended since it felt like he’d come up to you to ask you things as an excuse to stare at them. which is true - but he also just, wants to know how do you carry so much weight around on your chest. do you not fall from how disproportionate you can be? when you two started dating, he made it very aware that he loves that you have a bigger chest than average. grabbing and groping them whenever he hugs you from behind, burying his face into your chest instead of your neck whenever you hug, demanding to lay on your chest after work, only to fall asleep like a baby. he just loves them a lot, but it’s still an added bonus to you as a person in general. he still loves you a lot and makes sure you know that - but your tits definitely is a close second lol. lives to piss people off - strangers included. will encourage you to wear the most sluttiest of tops you want; so that whenever you walk together down the street, people can admire your sexy you are as you clung onto his arm in delight. will smirk at anyone who is staring at you, knowing that at the end of the that he’s the lucky man to have you come home to every night. like nanami, loves it whenever you wear his clothes. not only are you cute, just seeing your nipples gently poking against the fabric whilst you yawn and blink up at him sleepily can definitely turn him on in a few seconds lol. also loves to leave hickeys at the valley between your chest - no where else by the way. just that stretch of skin between your tits. he claims is because your sensitive and he loves how cute you react whenever he does it - you toss back he probably just enjoys how warm it feels to bury his head in between them lol. speaking of warmth, during winter he uses it an excuse to cup your chest in his hands cause he claims that they are like ‘natural heat packs ready to use on the go!’ it disgusts everyone, yet no one is surprised that this is his logic. and you, poor you - you just sigh at him and reminded him to at least make sure there is no snowflakes on his hands. or not you’re gonna have two huge hand marks over your shirt. sometimes on missions he gets distracted at how they move - because it just sounds like something he does lol. nanami is always smacking him over the head to remind him that they are fighting a curse right now. “satoru-san, you can ogle at them later. please.” never forgets to compliment you whenever you try on something you, or just complement you in general. mans a sweet talker, and will always butter you up no matter the occasion. loves that you get more and more confident with time, not caring that people will sometimes make mean jokes about your chest - if gojo likes them, then it doesn’t really matter what others have to say. speaking of sleeping on them too - no matter where he does, and no matter what timezone he was in earlier; if he comes home and cuddle into your chest, he will be out like a newborn baby. sometimes he even demands for you to visit him during his breaks, only for him to take a nap with you pressed up against his recliner chair, face buried into your chest as you played with his soft white hair. all in all, a man who is not afraid to show you just how much he loves your tits lol. sure, he can be an ass about it and tease you non stop, but he also just enjoy sleeping on them since they are so comfortable and warm. it’s another physical feature that puts the cherry on top, with the main part of the dessert is your personality and warm smile that just drew him in.***ASEXUAL ➤ Different from Sukuna, i think gojō would definitely be knowledgable about things like this. idk he just seems like the kind of guy that’s innately so aware of everything around him, and can read people exceptionally well. He probably picked up on the fact that you weren’t comfortable with sex, or just didn’t experince sexual attraction, on his own, but never really brought it up because it was never his place. but the same way he picks up on that, he picks up on your obvious crush on him. he pays both details no specific attention until he starts to realize his own feelings for you, and begins on his subtle advances. He tried to make his advances as sfw as possible, you know? just in case his suspicions were confirmed to be true. he was just extra flirty, sometimes touchy but never in an inappropriate way. very subtilely like always having your shoulders or knees touching or dusting of your jacket or feeding you a piece of his food. cute little things like that. He gets super worried when he notices you start to distance yourself from him, because he can’t imagine what he might’ve did to push you away. he overthinks a little, worried that he overstepped his boundaries or made you uncomfortable in any way, but he isn’t afraid to approach you about it, to make sure he doesn’t repeat his mistakes, especially with someone like you, who he’s slowly growing more and more infatuated by. When you admit to him you’re asexual, he realizes he was right, but then he’s like, “and? did i do something?” and now it’s your turn to be confused because here you were worried about rejection but here he was worried about you? This specific incident is what makes you let loose and finally just freely admit your feelings for him. he’s ecstatic about it, seriously! all that’s on his mind is that he gets to go on a date with someone he really likes. sex is the last thing on his mind, and yeah, you’ll eventually have to talk about it, but not for now. it’s for later, when things get a little more serious. They do get serious, to both your delights, but the dreaded moment is approaching you. gojō definitely sits you down and says, “we’re only having this talk so i know never to do anything outside of your limits. everything about this relationship is 50/50, and i want to know ways to make you feel good, too.” Please sir your hand in marriage. I definitely believe gojō’s a kinky guy, and is more than willing to try out literally any sex toy you pull at him. genuinely, he’ll try anything you wanna try. if you ever offer a handjob, he’ll ask a million times over if you’re sure. usually, he likes to just do it himself, but have you there next to him. he won’t touch you, but your hands will be in his hair, and you’ll be kissing his neck, or just murmuring how much you love him in his ear, just spurring him on. he knows the last thing on your mind is anything sexual, but there’s just something about being under your watchful, almost bored gaze as he fucks himself. Anyways before i get too into it lmfao, he loves kissing you. loves loves loves it. not even full blown make out sessions, just gentle, serene kissing. he can kiss you for hours. He's also incredible at body worship and praise. paints your pretty collarbone pink and purple, whispers about how you’re perfect for him, describes all your features to you like poetry. he’s an incredible lover, really. nothing can make him fall out of love with you, absolutely nothing.EMO WITH A RESTING BITCH FACE ➤愛┊𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥. . . At first, Satoru didn't know how to act around Chiya. Should it be demonstrative? Attentive? Or should he give her space and time? She seemed so unapproachable and didn't really give any clues about the kind of relationship she wanted. He was lost. So, he'll be a little distant and awkward. And then, one day, he asked her, "You love me, don't you?" She was so surprised; it was the first time he'd seen so much emotion on her face in a minute. She raised an eyebrow, lifted both, and laughed. It was adorable. "Of course, idiot." Satoru was so relieved. He exhaled and chuckled before coming behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his nose in her neck. The kind of barrier that kept them from communicating remained for a while, and it bothered him a few times. But, of course, he knows that she isn't used to attention and affection; he'll know how to be patient because it's Chiya, and he loves her.愛┊𝙚𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. . . Now that they're used to the presence of the other, they no longer have this problem of understanding. Satoru can read Chiya like a book and sometimes she doesn't need to speak. The heat of the other is enough. He loves to take her by surprise every night when he comes home from a trying day. And she's so nice with him! She's his home and he'll never change that. Another thing he likes is lazy time. The rare times when there's nothing else to do but hang out around the house, preparing dinner with the music at full volume in the kitchen, dancing with Chiya or just lying on the couch with her in his arms. She's calm and will never say no for that. Being called 'emo,' people would say that she has a 'resting bitch face.' He finds that rather elegant. She seems so peaceful, nothing can bother her and when the situation is critical, Chiya keeps her cool. Satoru admires her; he likes to look at her face. In his eyes, she's like a queen. "The strongest" has become more patient, thanks to her. He knows that panicking and putting pressure on Chiya will only make her angry. He certainly wouldn't want that. She doesn't particularly scare him, but it makes him nervous. She's so strict, easily irritated, and distant when she's mad, and he feels like he's coming back to the unknown stage for her; that's what terrorizes him. He doesn't want to screw all up with the person he loves the most because of some bullshit on his part. Satoru also learned to express himself more about his childhood, his aversion to superiors, his insecurities about his role as a sensei. It surprised him but she's a very good confidant. And her thighs are the best pillows for talking. It's so sweet when she runs her hands through his hair. To annoy Chiya, he acts like a tired child. He bends his back when he walks, runs in socks in the corridors, and quietly eats tonight's dessert. "Satoru.  Stop it. You will hurt yourself." "Ow, are you worried about me, mummy~?" She always giggles after that answer, and it makes him fall in love with her again.愛┊𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙙𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙨. . . They complement each other, that's for sure. But obviously, their opposing personalities lead to some misunderstanding. To him, Chiya seems so ignorant, not clear-sighted enough! "Honeyyyy~ Can I play with your haiiiir?" "Huh? Why?" "It is so beautiful! I want to touch it!" "Eh? Why would you like to touch it?" Before he learned to be patient, it was really hard to have to explain everything, and she didn't seem able to let it go. She found Satoru boring at first. And a little sticky. Why did he always want to accompany her everywhere? Did they have to go out? It made Chiya confused and exhausted. But it's by talking and setting limits on what they agree to do that they find a compromise and finally don't need that anymore. She likes his company, and he finds her inexperience cute.愛┊𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚. . . Well, this is an unexpected pair. Utahime herself doesn't understand how such a professional and serious girl could've fallen in love with this idiot. But ultimately, they look good together! Chiya calms him down in his nonsense and he teaches her how to socialize. They're cute.ATTENTION FROM A BOOKWORM ➤ First of all, I don't know how she can read with this man around. Chiya probably developed some kind of power of the mind, 'cause this MF never leaves her alone. He's needy. And when she doesn't give him the immediate attention, oh, she challenged him. He's going to sit and sigh dramatically. And if that doesn't get her out of her book, he's going to start singing, clapping hands, doing all kinds of noises. "What, Satoru?" He pouts and opens his arms. "I need you, mochimochi!" Chiya tosses her book and jumps into his arms. He's now the happiest man on Earth.OBSESSED WITH ICE CREAM ➤ It's 3AM, and Satoru's just getting something that he left in Chiya's room when he sees her just eating a whole bucket of ice cream. This man will join in, I can assure you. The moment he sees Chiya raiding the fridge, probably after thinking that he was being robbed, he just goes "Heh, why not?" 🤷‍♀️ He's also rich, so he'll make sure to buy her every type of ice cream under the sun.AFRAID OF THE DARKBeing with Satoru means lots of teasing. So, even with her fears, he's going to tease her about it. Probably telling everybody how much Chiya needs to sleep with him so she can feel safe. Putting the act as he were her savior. Will also turn the lights off just to see her jump and scare. But when he realizes it's serious, he'll actually be her savior, making sure to hold Chiya at night and leave some light on.SLEEPS WITH STUFFED ANIMALS ➤ Oh, this bitch is gonna make Chiya suffer. First, he'll tell everyone that she's such a baby that she still sleeps with her "teddy teddy." And there it goes; he'll start calling Chiya "teddy teddy." MF. But if that isn't enough, he'll feel jealous about her stuffed animals, and while she isn't looking, will take it off from her arms and substitute with himself instead. "You can have me as your teddy teddy, my little baby Chiya." CUTE MF!
STRETCH MARKS: you comment on it once (one time) while looking at yourself in the mirror with a sad expression in the morning and he’s like, well I’m gonna have to do something about this. what he does about it is drag you out of the bathroom half dressed and kisses all over your stretch marks on your tummy/thighs/arms/etc.. he says they’re just markers for places he needs to worship and he’s very over the top about it. He’ll probably end up doing that thing where you blow a raspberry but against your stomach. You can either laugh at him, spurring him to do it again, or be embarrassed, which means he’ll do it again because he’s the worst <3 He doesn’t do anything like claim you can’t see them or say they’re not that bad or anything, he accepts that they’re a part of you. And he loves all parts of you! He kinda feels bad that he didn’t make it clear enough beforehand, but he’ll make up for it now.SCARS: Gojo doesn’t have a lot of traces on his body as ever since he mastered his infinity basically nothing touched him, ever. This is exactly why he’s incredibly intrigued with your scars and he pesters you about telling about every single one of yours, how and when you got them; you might have to shut him up if it gets too overwhelming. He quickly picks up the habit of tracing your scars with his fingers and even does it in his sleep; you could think that he’s unconsciously intoxicated with them. Gojo especially enjoys planting kisses on your nose and he’ll most likely kiss your nose hello and goodbye, rather than your lips. If he continuously sees you struggling with the scars, he’ll at one point sit you down and ask if you want to take action to remove them and reassures you that he’ll love you either way. Gojo thinks you’re beautiful just as you are and that your scars merely underline how beautiful you already are. Will take the utmost care that you won’t suffer from any further scarring and woe betide anything and anyone that dares hurting you.




  • PASSION is very important to him but he´s more toned-down when it comes to that, surprisingly. Gojō really believes in your love and showing it, but he feels like too much passion can get overwhelming, so he tries to have a healthy amount.
  • Not exactly tsundere, but I can definitely see him being into NO-NONSESNE types that secretly like his teasing.
  • STRONG AND INDEPENDENT, able to take care of themselves. Likes the chase but also doesn't want his ego hurt. If he feels like they're holding him back, he'll probably run.
  • He doesn´t really have any pet peeves, the only thing that ticks him off is when you talk too much about his work and past. When he´s with you he doesn´t always want to talk about that.


  • ...


Not oblivious but in heavy denial. He'll convince himself what he feels is baseless attraction only, not a crush, in part since being a sorcerer meant that he was going to have less time for his personal life. Either he'd have it very present within himself but keep it a secret over what he thinks are a handful of rational reasons not to do something about it, or he'd repress it hard and pretend he doesn't wake up every morning thinking first about what she's doing and if he'll be able to see her, and then thinking about anything else in the world. (He's an idiot.) ...Until he's fully in love with Chiya and there is no running from his feelings. Because after every other thought of what he needs to be doing, is a thought about her. At first, his ego would be so hurt that he caught feelings, he’d avoid her LMAOO. 😭 He avoids her for a little while, coming to terms with how much he loves her. And how scared he is to lose her. He finds himself wonderful if she'd ever take him seriously. If he could take himself seriously since he keeps wanting to shove his feelings aside.Very subtly stares at Chiya when she isn't looking, when she's far away, when she's focused on something or when she's talking to someone else. Just because he likes to see every aspect of her, how she looks when he's not around. Sometimes he stares a little too much when someone else makes her laugh. He loves seeing her laugh, but he thinks his jokes are better and she'll laugh even harder if he were the one telling them. So suddenly when she's around, he's a stand-up comedian. Everyone else suffers. Continuously making jokes with her 24/7!! He wanna be the only person to make her laugh. :( No, like,, he’ll be super pissed-off if someone else makes Chiya laugh. 💀 But, once he begins to slowly accept the fact that he has feelings for Chiya, he'll begin to tease her more often than he usually does — and this will probably be extremely annoying. However, along with the constant teasing will come the lowkey flirting that he'll subtly add into his speech because he just wants to see Chiya's embarrassed face when he compliments her. He’d deffo make jokes about them being an old married couple, even when it’s not relevant to the conversation. “Yeah, I think we need butter-” “OMG CHIYA WE’RE SO OLD WE SHOULD JUST MARRY EACH OTHER AHAHA.” Pls he’s so desperate. 😭🤚He suppresses countless thoughts, ideas, jokes, banter, and actions that come to his mind in the spot to impress her. (From an outsider's point of view, Satoru's very smooth. No one suspects a thing. He's just the usual Satoru. Except he can't help but notice the little changes in him. The new impulses he has to suppress. And every day it passes, every moment they have, it grows more and more.) But there are many that escape him regardless, without him even noticing until later. And since she's very receptive to them... he has to hide his joy. He's very talkative and loves saying shit just for saying shit and Chiya enjoys hearing it, but he turns quiet and attentive whenever she's speaking. He genuinely respects her opinion and wants to know her point of view on things. He also loves catching her spilling anecdotes and facts about herself. He feels like he's carefully collecting a treasure, one golden coin every time Chiya says something about herself.Chiya treats him so kindly and friendly. Not like a weapon. Not like the strongest sorcerer. Not like something inhuman. Not like a god. Just like Satoru. She isn't condescending of him, nor scared of him. Chiya respects him like she respects anyone. He feels silly for liking this. For liking that someone doesn't treat him like he's special, different. She makes him feel normal at times. She makes him feel like being normal would be a good thing. It also kills him at times. How she treats him like she treats everyone else. He likes not feeling different when he's around Chiya, but he can't help wanting to be special TO HER. She gave him a gift once. Since he always brings her everyone sweets, she wanted to return the favor and on one of her travels, she came back with a keychain she'd found in a passing store, a simple smiley face with its tongue out. "It reminded me of you," Chiya said as she giggled. And then it hit him hard. He's just fucking crazy for her, and he doesn't know what to do with himself.Also, very touch starved, too. Satoru will always 'accidentally' touch her in some way to have some form of physical contact with her — IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE. Like "accidentally" grazing Chiya's shoulder, "accidentally" brushing against her hand, "accidentally" bumping into her in the hallways. If she happens to look in his direction in any way, expect a little smirk from him and a cheeky wink (when he's wearing his glasses). Over time, Satoru will be more confident with his physical actions. For example, he'd wrap an arm around her shoulder randomly when she's talking to someone, place his head on her shoulder / top of her head because why not or he'd cover her eyes from behind and ask, "Guess who it is?" with a playful tone. What a cutie <3Kento's grown tired of hearing Chiya's name coming from his mouth. At first, it was very casual. Now, it's a common occurrence; she's a conversation topic at least once a day. Shōko will definitely inform Chiya about his little crush on her and will tease him constantly on his tactics to make her like him — because she's that type of woman (and I love it).He keeps a promise to himself to never use his power and connections to have Chiya as a partner in missions with him unnecessarily. I mean, he does enjoy her company (she's his PAL, right? Y'all just get along so well...) and he thinks it would be really funny to annoy her all the time, but he respects her powers and ambition as a sorcerer, so he wouldn't mess it up just to have a kicka. Well, most times. Ready to put his life on the line for her at any moment, even if he never gets the chance to tell Chiya how he feels about her. (He eventually does though without having to make a big, dramatic sacrifice.)

someone likes his crush

Oh, this man is going to make this person's life a living hell. Not because he's jealous, though. But how dare them think they have a crush on his crush. He won't lose. He'll also be all hands-on with Chiya whenever this person is around. "Oi, loser, give up already, will you?" No shame at all.

cheek kiss as thanks

He has the biggest smirk she's ever seen before on his face. He doesn't waste any time looking at her eyes and making his final statement: "Next time, I only accept your gratitude with a kiss on the lips, Chiya."
And thus, started a mission to make you realize Gojo’s feelings subtlely. That was their plan at first. But in reality, even the bluntest remarks from Maki and Fushiguro are useless against you. To say Gojo is frustrated by you is an understatement. If his hair could turn more white than now, it would. He is often wondering, how can you a first grade sorcerer, could be so oblivious to his advances?! Even at this rate, everyone is frustrated too. They are tired watching Gojo trying to gain your attention and at least kind of acknowledge his advances towards you. He gives you souvenirs more than he gave to his students, he helps you around, and he even tried to take you out on dates. And you, you are not getting his hints at all. Some of Gojo’s students even helped his hopeless sensei by throwing comments about how cute you two are (this is from nobara), when will they getting marriage party invitation (from panda), and a direct comment about how Gojo is a hopeless romantic throwing lame pick up lines (this is definitely from Maki and Megumi.) Even Sukuna is contributing too, he said something that mentioned about how fit is Itadori to be you two’s son. But you, you are still so gODDAMN OBLIVIOUS. Until one day, Gojo snapped. He was chilling with Itadori, Nobara, and Fushiguro when he suddenly stood up and stomped his way to you who is currently eating your mooncake in peace.“Oh, Gojo, what’s–” “If the mooncake is tasty, be my S/O.” “uh yeah it’s good.. eh– hUH?!” I mean yes it was painful to see Gojo is so helpless but this kind of confession is not what the first years expected. They are kind of embarrassed by Gojo, ngl. You who was still in shock, dropped your slice of mooncake that was going to be bitten back into the box. You blinked once, twice, thrice– and then suddenly reality hits you for the second time in the face. Wait, Gojo Satoru, the one who you has been crushing after all these years… confessed to you? You are not dreaming, right? Cue Panda is screaming from afar, “Finally!” “Ah, you didn’t mistake me for someone else, right?” You asked the shaman who is now gritted his teeth. “n O ! Oh God please! I like you so much! Please be my S/O!” He shouted loud and clear. “Just accept him! We are frustrated too!” You looked at the others nervously. And gulped your saliva down hard. Sure you like him too but the idea of dating someone phenomenal like him is scary. “So, what’s your answer?” You took a deep breath and sighed. “I think it’s obvious.” “Now everyone’s here is our children.” Gojo clappee his hands. “Okay.. uH WHAT?!” You yelled in shock. “I don’t want to have a father like you.” Fushiguro rolled his eyes. “I’m fine but Sukuna is not fine by it,” Itadori commented. “Okaka,” Inumaki said with a terrified face. “You? Satoru is my father? But I’m a Panda??” Panda pipped in. “If you let me do some shopping spree, I might consider it,” Nobara said as she shrugged her shoulders. “In your dreams,” Maki said after she slides up her glasses back into place.Financially Struggling: When Gojo first met you, he kinda knew. He wasn’t immediately like “Oh this bitch is poor.” No. he has some respect for people’s privacy. He doesn’t care that you’re not wealthy; he doesn’t care about other’s people money and financial situations. There could be something going on that he doesn’t know about, and he won’t judge you based on that. So, whenever he can, he’ll ask you on dates. he insists on paying the bill every time (such a gentleman). He’ll come into your office randomly and toss some yen onto your desk and tell you to go out and pick lunch up and keep whatever change is left. The thing is, he’ll throw either his credit card onto your desk or like an EXTREMELY large sum of money. You end up always giving everything back because you don’t just want to take his money. you’re just not that kind of person. It’s not like you’re so low on money that you can’t even buy food or anything, no. You have a job, and you have money, just…not as much as other people. you live from paycheck to paycheck and are often living by a budget. Satoru will notice you’ll pick something up in the store and then place it back down after looking at the price. Satoru ended up inviting you to dinner, and during it, he went to the bathroom. when he came back, you were in a phone call and seemed upset. “N-No, I know! I’m really sorry!” You said. “I–I don’t get paid until Friday, s-so if you could just–” You wince at the voice on the other line. You nod and agree a few times, before hanging up the phone. Gojo returns. “Trouble?” He asks. “Ah, it’s nothing,” You shake your head, smiling at him as if he didn’t just see you on the verge of tears a few moments ago. “It’s just work.” “Hm..” When you finally get paid, you take your poor excuse of a paycheck that your boss talks half of and call your landlord. However, you don’t expect his words. “Your rent’s been paid in advance for the next six months.” I’m sorry… What? Your mind instantly shoots to the white-haired man. You hang up with your landlord, and immediately find him. Your suspicions are confirmed when you see the statements laying on his desk in plain view. “Gojo,” You said, looking at him in disbelief. He leaned against the front of his desk, a small smirk on his face. “W-Why did you do that?” “Because,” He replied, a teasing tone in his voice as always. “You’re stressing enough already. It’s a small act of kindness. No big deal about it, Princess.” “No big deal–!” You sputter in shock. “My rent is 70,000 yen a month, and you paid six months in advance! That’s…more money than I can count, Gojo!” “It’s nothing, really,” He shrugged. You can’t believe him. You fumble for your wallet. “I-I’ll pa–” He took your wallet from your hands, pulling his own out as he did. He took the black card from inside and slid it into your wallet, slipping more yen into your wallet. He walked towards you, grinning as he slid it into your back pocket, giving your ass a little pat after. “You want to pay me back, Princess?” He asked, leaning over you. “Then go on a date with me. A real date. Sound agreeable?” “Y-Y-Yeah…” He paid your rent for six months because after those six months, you moved in with him. <3
MEGUMI: Gojō is in love with you.CHIYA: No, he's not!MEGUMI: Yes, he is.YŪJI: Yes, he is.NOBARA: Yes, he is.YŪJI'S HAND: Yes, he is.SATORU: Yes, he is.


He'll be upfront and admit to Chiya that, yes, he has a crush on her. But he's also kinda gonna hide it because he doesn't want others to poke their nose in her relationship with him. He knows that dating him is dangerous, with how many enemies he's created over the years. Getting into a relationship with something like that hanging over his head will definitely be something he needs to be wary of. Even though he's arrogant, he knows that others might always have concerns as feeling as fear of being attacked. So, he'll let her probably decide if she wants to be with him or not. Most likely, he'll give her all the cards and let her come up to him if she wants to have a relationship with him because he wants Chiya to know that he's serious and cares about her opinion when it comes to something like dating.Gojou has several reasons he doesn't want a relationship, with too much riding on him and how he's too busy for a relationship. And that he can't withstand losing another lover. His heart already aches so much but she soothes it. So, after fighting his love for a week, he accepts his feelings. And accidentally confesses after Chiya does something adorable. “I love it when you say my name, I want to kiss you so badly, you're so damn adorable! It’s illegal.”When Chiya came into the realization that Mr. "Don't worry, I'm the strongest" has a crush on her, she'd probably tease him for a bit before accepting his feelings since she also fell for the playful shaman — she was just somewhat better at hiding it. "You have a little crush on me? So, you’re lovesick over me, ha~" At first, he'd be smug about it like 'Of course you like me' but will shortly stop the playful act and become serious since he didn't really expect her to return his feelings.It was infatuation at first sight. The moment Gojou laid his eyes on Chiya, he was hooked. It was something about the way she held herself and the way she interacted with others that had him wanting to know more about her. Truthfully, he thought it was a passing fancy, nothing more than something to keep his life a little more interesting, but the moment she took a hit for him forced Gojou to reevaluate his feelings. Gojou knew there was no possible way he would've have been injured if that curse attacked him. He knew that she knew this, as well, but without any hesitation, she inserted herself in between the two and allowed herself to be struck. She was thrown to the ground, skidding off to the side with a loud painful groan leaving her lips. For a moment, Gojou was in shock of what had occurred. His eyes darted over to her form and then back to the curse who'd harmed her. He quickly composed himself and exorcised it. Afterwards, he trotted over to Chiya and checked on her status, scanning and assessing the severity of her injuries. A wave of relief crashed over him when he realized that they weren't life-threatening. Mindful of her injuries, he scooped her up in his arms to take her to Ieiri. He thinks he'll wait until she's conscious to inform her of his newest revelation.The moment he decided that he liked Chiya and wanted to be with her, he confessed. But in that Gojō Satoru style. He just looked at her and out of nowhere, said, "I like you, Chiya." And he just moved on. What the hell, this man. After the first time, he just kept saying that he liked her whenever they met. She could only think that it was another Gojou's antics, so she tried not to put too much thought into it. Until one day he came to her, holding her waist while his other hand caressed her cheek. He took off his blindfold and looked straight into her eyes; "I mean it. I like you, Chiya." He crashed his lips into hers and she just melted in his surprise attack. Before she could regain herself, he was already leaving. "Let's have a date, yeah. I'll pick you up by eight PM. See you, love." No respect at all, this MF.
Gojo confesses to you during a restless night. He couldn't shake off this feeling inside his chest and he hopes that there's a 'me too' somewhere in that script, because after the stroke of midnight he's knocking on your door. He doesn't care if he's chasing rejection or if it ends up in embarrassment and disappointment. He just needs to say it and he needs for you to hear it because you of all people made him fall in love (again) after so many years of not believing in it. “I never planned to fall in love with you, but I did and now I don’t think I will ever stop.”Even if he could, he wouldn't; not because of his narcissistic attitude he maintains all the time, not in the slightest. He knows that he's so powerful that nobody can catch up with him. He wavers like a paper boat in puddle of heavy downpours thinking will he ever be able to close the gulf of closeness with his beloved. Therefore, he wouldn't unless he gets tired of everything and finally lets his guard down which is inevitably morbid.



Way too nervous on their first date and talked too much, really embarrassed about it even after Chiya told him it was alright. His eyes lit up so much when she told him that she wanted to continue to go out with him. They take it slow, mostly because they can't see each other often due to work, but in the end, decide that their relationship is going to work despite the circumstances.*ok so we know he’s a playful little shit. but I’d say lets dwell a little on the fact that he’s rich and eccentric, and also quite confident about his allure, so he wouldn’t throw himself out there to stun his date for life, no. he doesn’t attempt to impress anyone, it comes naturally. A board game date is my guess here. In Japan there’s this thing, an incense game box, which is a box assorted with incense and different traditional board games. So you basically play games and smell nice afterwards. Cute. He comes from a traditional family, he was raised in a conservative environment, and he’s introduced as someone who hates tradition, I know. But he doesn’t hate everything traditional, just the things that make little sense to him and are outdated, hence harmful in the modern world. His childhood actually might be filled with sweet memories of playing board games with his mentors, so he wouldn’t be opposed to such activity, turning it into a perfect idea for a calm, slow-paced first date. You two get to play a little and the environment isn’t too overstimulating, allowing you two to chat and get to know each other better. He gets to show off a little, just for his own sake. You get to have fun and rival him at something where his physical training and superpowers don’t give him an upper hand. Perfect fit! He’d also order some rare tea to go with an assortment of sweets of his personal choice. And contrary to the common belief, Gojo wouldn’t be trying to get into your pants on your first date, opting for a sweet innocent and intimate pastime. First date with Gojo would be expensive, relaxing and chill, definitely leaving behind a very good impression.
Asking Out: he asked you out on an impulse , probably unplanned as well , he had no plan in mind before asking you out but when he did you had taken it as a joke and the no you had so lightly spoken had left him baffled , he was utter distraught at the thought over you not reciprocating his feeling even after so many signs he had shown of him liking you but because he was always surrounded by women you had taken his proposal as a joke. will you go out with me , he had spoken this sentence as aimlessly as possible and with a nervous grin but it was hidden pretty well but you looked at him , your brain going haywire as you processed what he was saying , he must have been joking — is what you thought and all you said was a light no , one holding no meaning because it would hurt you to know it was a joke when he asked you out. but his utter distraught gave it away and the furrow between his brows as well and you had suddenly popped , you are not joking , and he had quickly nodded and assured you he wasn’t kidding and genuinely wanted to take you on a date and as many as possible to make you his girlfriend.


15 ways Gojo annoys you1. Will roll on your side of the bed and throw his whole body on top of yours. And when you literally try to pinch him to get off of you, he snores even louder in response, sneakily peeking one eye open and quickly closing it before you could catch him.2. Is the type to harass you when you’re in the bathroom. Will burst in and go into a full on conversation while leaning against the counter, ignoring the way you’re glaring daggers at him as you sit on the toilet, or he’d slide notes underneath the door that say things like “Do you like me 🥰? Circle yes or no.” Also will pour flour/excessive amounts of shampoo on your head if you’re in the shower just to prank you.3. Never on time to pick you up. And when he actually is there on time, he makes sure that his music is on full blast and it’s something really embarrassing or vulgar. You look mortified as he slowly pulls up in front of you, rolling the passenger window down with a smirk on his face.4. Takes pictures of you while you’re asleep with your mouth hung open and slob dribbling down your chin. He poses next to you with the peace sign and a huge smile across his face, posting all the pictures he took on his story and tagging you so you’d have a surprise for when you woke up in the morning.5. Eats your snacks and pretends to not know what you’re talking about when you confront him, even if the evidence is still all across his face.6. If you’re mad at him for something he did, he’ll come to your house at 10:00 o'clock at night and stand underneath your bedroom window, a boombox raised above his head as he sings for you to take him back at the top of his lungs.7. Gojo has one of those fake voicemails where he pretends like he’s there but in actuality he’s not. “Yellooo, Satoru here!…uh huh… uh huh… yeah just kidding, leave a message after the beep loser! 😜” You’re rolling your eyes whenever you hear his patronizing voice, and the sad part is It gets you every time since he’s always making new variations of it.8. He is nosey as hell. Always in your phone whenever you’re texting someone, craning his neck with the corners of his mouth dramatically downturned as he reads the entire message thread, his eyebrows slowly raising at all the tea. 9. Also is very full of himself. He once printed out pictures of his face and taped them all around your house, and ‘til this day you still find the atrocities placed somewhere in your home even though you’re positive you got rid of them all.10. He starts unnecessary fights with you simply because he’s bored, and when you ignore him that just encourages him even more, following close on your heels as he repeatedly pokes your back to get your attention.11. Gojo tries to randomly scare you. Will squeeze his tall ass inside of your closet and when you open it, he’d jump out while loudly shouting “boo”, and he even popped out of your trunk one time, scaring the absolute shit out of you as you were about to put groceries in. Gojo learned his lesson though when you instinctively popped him across his face one day, and he sat next to you with cold peas pressed against his swollen cheek later that night, glaring at you silently.12. Kills the moment. You’d be about to kiss him when you open your eyes curiously, just to see him with his mouth poked out dramatically and eyebrows furrowed making awkward smooching noises, looking like a whole handsome squidward as he waited for your lips to touch.13. Does not know the definition of personal space. He does things like blowing air into your ear, wiggling his toes while inching them closer to your face, and using the pressure from his infinity on you, whistling that he’s “not touching you” even though you could clearly feel the force from his powers.14. Has no problem causing a huge scene in public. Has literally waited until you got in the driver’s seat of your car before deciding to roll his body across the hood and pretend as if you ran into him. Now he’s screaming at the top of his lungs in the parking lot about his broken leg, and he slyly lifts his blindfold to wink at you before going back to wailing in pain on the ground again.15. Calls you in the middle of the night while he’s away on a mission. It irritates you to no end since he insists on disturbing your beauty rest, but Gojo simply smiles when he hears your sharp tone greet him on the other end. Gojo ended the call soon after you finished chewing him out though, and sighed to himself out loud, eyes staring at your contact photo as he thought about how much he missed you right now.
SATORU: I love you, my sweetheart.CHIYA: Aw, Satoru, I love you, too.SATORU: My snuggle bear.CHIYA: ...SATORU: My snookie wookums.CHIYA: What.SATORU: My lil' honey bunches of cats.SATORU: My soggy lil' rice ball.CHIYA: Stop.SATORU: My LOVER.CHIYA: STOP—
SATORU: Chiya, I love you so much.SATORU: Let's get saggy together.CHIYA: w t f .MEGUMI: I think he means he wants to grow old with you.
CHIYA: I'm leaving for work!SATORU: CHIYA WAIT *crash* *crash* *crash*SATORU: You forgot my kiss. 🥺CHIYA, looking at all the tipped-over furniture:SATORU: 😃CHIYA: I want a divorce.



Not as much of a smooth talker as he´d like to be. Quite awkward in all things relationships and love but in a cute way. It´s like you just wanna take his hand and guide him through, y'know? He puts just the right amount of effort into their relationship. He doesn´t do too much to make Chiya feel bad about herself and neither too little to make her doubt his love for her. Gojou knows he can be overbearing and too much sometimes, but he really tries to tone it down with her. This man is NEEDY but will never admit to it. He shows it through his never-ending need to touch her, be near her.

love languages

Now, since she's his precious little one and he wants her full attention, he teases her more than anyone else. And if Chiya teases him back, he can almost die of happiness. Gojou expresses his love through clinging to her. And not just when they're alone. He’ll come up to her, snake his slender fingers around her waist and peck her on the lips. It’s the little gestures he does that gets her flustered. Running his hands along her body is his favorite thing. Not mainly sexual. It’s just the casual intimacy. “Have I ever told you that you’re beautiful?” he asked, fingers brushing on her thighs. “Yes. You have. In fact, you say it daily.She smiled, still staring down at her book. “I always want to thank you but then you have to be a bitch and say ‘Yeah, but I am still prettier.’” “Haha,” his chuckle is the most beautiful thing ever. It’s like serotonin boost. It gives her reasons to live. “Well then let me tell you something. I might walk in a room with you looking my best, but every head would still turn for you.” That makes Chiya finally look up and make eye contact with him. “You’re the most beautiful person in the world, Chiya. And I count myself the luckiest to be in that room beside you.” Those words leave his mouth and then that mouth meets hers. Such an affectionate kiss. That kiss followed by those words encourages her. It tells Chiya everything she's ever wanted to hear. His touch speaks louder than those words when he holds her oh-so-tightly to suffocate any possible space between them. Until his soul and hers are one.
  • PHYSICAL TOUCH ⟳ Oh, Gojou's definitely a touchy person. He has to keep his hands on Chiya at all times. Her soft, plushy skin under his grasp keeps him sane. Pale, long fingers travelling up her thighs teasingly when he makes her sit on his lap. Other times, he just likes to tower over her from behind and pull her into a surprise back hug, his arms suddenly snaking around her waist.Chiya-chan!!!” he’ll say, smirking as he hears her little yelp. Just imagine him immediately turning his infinity off whenever he sees her, because he’s getting ready to attack her with a surprise hug. 😭
  • RECEIVING GIFTS ⟳ He likes to buy her things. Can be sweets and can also be jewelry. Every time he travels for a mission, he brings back the most luxurious, authentic gifts for Chiya.
  • ACTS OF SERVICE ⟳ He lovessss helping Chiya bathe, mostly because he gets to touch her naked body hehe. He’ll set up a bath with the most luxurious oils and help her lay in the tub as he watches her relax with a hand on his chin and a smile on his face. Whenever she's assigned to a mission that’s too long or overwhelming, Gojou secretly speaks to higher-ups and uses his high standing status to convince them to give the mission to him instead. Just imagine how confused she was the next day when she got a phone call telling her the mission's been cancelled, but when she looks at her bank account, has still been paid for the mission.
Quality time together and gift giving. Satoru is really flighty and can be hot and cold when it comes to spending time with you (or your relationship in general). Sometimes he can’t get enough of you, but suddenly it can be too much and he’ll stay away for a while. Even so, when he is in the mindset to see you, he can be a little clingy. He is physically affectionate whether it’s blatant or subtle. He’s like that for affection, but goes overboard to annoy you. He’s the best person to go grocery shopping with or do any types of mundane errands with. That alone is enough for you to see how much he enjoys being with you and making sure you have a good time. For the most part, planned dates with him are always fun. It’s not quality time with Satoru if he doesn’t piss you off at least once though tbh, and he’s a little mean about it sometimes. When it comes to buying you things, it starts off with sweets and souvenirs as he gets to know you. Once he does, he’s really good at finding things you’d love (because he’s fucking good at everything). Sometimes it’s expensive and rare, usually it’s not. He always gets your tastes right though. Satoru even likes it if you use his money to buy yourself things. He actually loves watching you spoil yourself with his money. To him, you look good being spoiled and a little bratty. It’s fun! (if sugar daddy kink is a thing, he definitely has it).
Satoru “I’m helplessly in love with you” Gojou physically winces anytime you don’t say those three words back to him.Satoru “I can’t imagine my life without you” Gojou wants your voice to be the first thing he hears in the morning, and the last before he goes to sleep at night.Satoru “Please don’t leave because I will fall apart” Gojou loses focus to admire you, making sure he memorizes all the little details of your features.. just in case…



Gojou loves giving affection more than anything else! He always compliments her, gives soft touches, and looks at her as if she's his whole world, because she is. A very patient relationship. He may be a little much sometimes and a bit of an idiot, but she sticks with him because, at the end of the day, he’s her idiot.
  • WHAT MAKES HIM GO 🥺 Gojou gives Chiya the saddest eyes whenever he leans forward to kiss her and she pulls away. How could she turn him down like that when it’s a literal dagger to his heart? Whether she deliberately does it or it’s by accident, he’ll pout and act completely reserved until she smothers him with affection.
  • PERIOD At first, this man knows very little about periods. He knows she'll bleed for a while but won't understand why. Satoru doesn't bother finding out why until Chiya gets her period for the first time with him. He'll do as much research as humanly possible and in three hours, a full day at most, will have every fact memorized. Search history would look like "what is the reason for periods?" "what are period symptoms?" "what helps you feel better when you're on your period?" "how to make my partner feel comfortable during their period."  Gojou takes great care of Chiya when shes on her period, even if he can't be there because he's at Jujutsu Tech. She's both lucky and unlucky that Gojou has a major sweet tooth. If she asks him for dark chocolate or any other sweet, he'll either already have it or stock up on it. He'll buy at least three packs. It's a sweet thing, but most of the time, he's the one eating them. "'Toru, have you seen the kikifuku?" Gojou, whose cheeks would be full and dusted with powder, with the empty box in his lap, would answer, "No, where did you put it last?" She'll pout when she finds out he ate it all. But not to worry, he'll immediately buy 20 more packs to make up for it. Stocks up on period products, too. will probably pull something like, "Babe, I'm gonna buy some pads, but I need to know the size of your pussy. Care to show me?" (She'll smack him upside the head for it.) Before he leaves for work, he also makes sure that she has enough painkillers and pads / tampons left. If not, he’ll quickly buy some for her. In addition to this, he also leaves a ton of colorful sticky notes all over the place, all with sickeningly sweet nicknames and random 'Gojō facts.' Of course, before he leaves, he sticks one on her forehead after kissing it. To distract her a little bit from the pain, he texts Chiya throughout the day with reminders, silly pictures of himself, or very random close-ups of Nanami and Megumi. When he gets home, even if he had a rough day, he’s still very attentive. He'll make sure she's drinking enough water and holds her when the cramps or dizziness gets worse. He's good at calming her down when that happens. While he rests her head on his lap, he'll turn on her favorite movie, gently trail his fingers down her spine, and occasionally draw invisible hearts and flower shapes on her back, which leads to him making her guess what he's drawing... and then tells her that she guessed wrong even if she was right because he's a menace like that. <3 Would most definitely use her period as an excuse to cuddle with her. but will also cuddle if she wants / needs to; how could he turn her down? When Chiya tells him that she has cramps, at first, he forgets what to do. He remembers something about a heating pad, but when she takes his hand and rubs it gently across her lower abdomen and her body relaxes, he realizes this would be a great option, too. Would suggest period sex as a joke. He leaves out the part where he's kidding until she grabs a pillow and starts hitting him with it. It's really funny. The plus with Gojou is that he’s into having sex with Chiya or eating her out to distract her from the pain and will make sure she doesn’t feel shy or ashamed about wanting it. He refuses to wash the stained sheets or towels after, though. Gojou Satoru may not know much about this cycle, at first, but after Chiya, he learns everything. He'll help you in every possible way he can think of, though there will be a lot of teasing to come with it. Sometimes, she'll have to guide him or point out some things to him, but he'll gladly listen and learn, just for her.
  • HE'S SICK Absolute wimp. The literal worst. Rarely ever gets sick, so when he does, he's fully convinced he's dying. So much as a cold has him writing out his will and telling Megumi and Tsumiki he isn't long for this world. Hates soup when he's sick for seemingly no reason but won't turn down sweets. Will fall asleep immediately after eating so Chiya has to constantly remind him to go brush his teeth so he won't get cavities. Eventually, when she catches what he has, she realizes it's not nearly as terrible as he made it seem so :/ somehow manages to get everyone around him sick.
  • *SHE'S SICK > you’re probably both sick around the same time so it’s a mutual suffering. but gojo usually feels a bit better first. frequently apologizes for possibly getting you sick when there’s literally a virus going around on campus, so there’s a chance he didn’t even give it to you. you take baths together, trying to help both of your sinuses and achy bodies. nights consists of the both of you huddling for warmth because you have chills or aggressively shoving each other away because one or both of you got too hot. apologies from both sides after though.
  • *SHE HAS A COLD > When he sees your red watery eyes, he will think that you had a nightmare and, going to calm you down, he will feel that you are hot and he will immediately realize that you have a cold. Satoru gets sick very rarely, and if he gets sick, he does not notice how quickly he recovers, so turn to Shoko, who will give him a lot of medicines and advice to make it easier for you. Naturally, you don't want to drink all these bitter medicines, so he will try to make you drink them with a spoon if you have enough strength to fight him off, then you simply won't succeed because Satoru will be forced to clamp your legs with his hips and grab your hands so that you don't hit him. In order for you not to be lonely, he will drink hot tea with you for company (he will add 5 spoons to his mug because he does not like bitter or sour drinks). Next to you, he will have to use his technique for the first time when you sneeze. He will definitely kiss you and then after 2 days he will be lying with a fever and you will sit next to his bed and force him to drink that terrible medicine that you drank.


*Satoru's weird when it comes to trust. He thinks that he doesn´t trust anyone but actually he trusts too quickly. That's because he doesn't wanna lose faith in people. The same happened with Chiya; he immediately trusted her, no questions asked, and in the beginning, he really thought it would bite him back at some point, but it didn't. So, she showed him that not all people are bad and abusive. Overall, he's very relaxed with her. There are no secrets in their relationship; he doesn´t wanna keep anything from her. He wants to protect Chiya anyway, so there's no need to. Also, he lowkey wants to defy the elders, so that´s a bonus for him.*In order to be in a relationship with Gojou, you'd have to be willing to learn how to stay by his side. It would take him a while to come around and show the part of him beneath that goofy exterior, but with a little persistence and a lot of understanding, he'd be able to open himself up. That’s when you know he’s hers. Gojou would be attached to her hip the moment he decides to let her in; at home, at work, even dragging her to the school — wherever she goes, he goes.
  • ABOUT HIS PAST G It takes Gojou a while to be vulnerable, but he'll eventually. Don't push and pressure him. And don´t push him to tell her more; it's already hard enough for him. He takes a lot of time opening up, telling Chiya only bits and pieces about himself, avoiding the topic of his past, but that's okay; he´ll tell her when he´s ready. Once the evening comes where he tells her, he´s crying throughout everything. Usually, he doesn't cry, never really did, but all of the guilt he has to live with gets too much sometimes. He regrets everything that happens and blames himself more than anyone else. (He also doesn't want any comment or consolidation. It´s important to Satoru that there are no secrets between them; that's why he told her. He really doesn't wanna relive his past and regrets.) Gojou tells Chiya to leave him immediately should he ever be like he was again. She just tells him that he's silly and that she's gonna kiss some sense into him.
  • ABOUT WHAT'S UPSETTING HIM He thinks he's so slick. That if he keeps changing the topic, being annoying, making jokes, and teasing her (and innocent bystanders), she'll forget about it or actually be convinced that he's okay. Except she's not stupid and can identify this repetitive and destructive behavior he has by now. Chiya always watched him, so she can notice when the smiles can't reach his eyes, when his playful tone sounds a bit less convincing and confident, when she sees him actually a bit anxious and fidgety instead of 'just excited.' Chiya plays his game at first, partially because she doesn't want him to feel insecure over "his charm and manipulation," but also because she's hoping he feels comfortable enough to talk to her by himself. Except he doesn't. He doesn't know how. He doesn't even know he can do that. And noticing Chiya not falling for his bullshit, gets him in even more denial. Idiot. But she's patient, since she knows he probably never had anyone to listen to him, someone to talk sincerely about his worries in his entire life, so she has to approach him like a cat. He has to get used to it first. After a couple of days of him pretending, she decides that her best course of action is catch him by surprise when he's comfortable with her. They were both sitting on the couch facing each other, the TV as background noise, and he'd been blabbering about an old exciting mission (she asked him for details), so she listened attentively and waited for him to finish for the ambush. "So, that was it... How I miss those times! It was so much fun." "Yeah, I can imagine. It sounds exciting," Chiya said as she moved a strand of white hair from his face and looked at him endearingly. "Gojō..." she started. "Chiya..." he mimicked her tone. "Are you okay?" The exaggerated, confused and disbelieving look he gave her provided all the answers she needed. "You're asking if I'm okay?" he chuckled and if this was a different situation, she'd laugh at his pathetic attempt to sound casual, but since she was worried, could only give him a neutral look while expecting him to continue. "Of course, I'm okay, why wouldn't I, dear?" "Well... I've seen you very down lately." "...What do you mean? I'm... the same as always...?" He moved uncomfortably in his spot, instinctively distancing himself a bit from her. He tensed and Chiya noticed a bit of panic in his gaze, her heart sinking a little. "...It doesn't have to be now, but I wanted you to know you can talk to me about everything, any thought or worry that crosses your mind, anytime. I'm your girlfriend. I'm your lover. I love you and I'm your number one supporter, always." She never stopped eye contact. He looked around and then back at her, uneasy. "You're not alone. It doesn't matter how strong you are, you don't have to carry out those burdens alone. You don't have to carry your heavy thoughts alone. We can carry them together. That's why I'm with you. I'm on your side." Chiya gave him a kind smile and he froze, looking at her while almost paralyzed. She waited. Then he got up from the couch and she panicked, thinking she might've said the wrong thing and scared him away. Instead, he stretched his arms, his body in her direction but without looking directly at her. He looks at the ceiling and sighs. Then, while gazing at the floor, mutters, "What if those thoughts are too heavy for you?" Chiya exhaled, realizing she'd been containing her breath all this time. She smiled at him. "They are heavy to you because they are yours. They wouldn't be heavy to me since I don't live them as you do. I would help you relieve them a bit. They wouldn't personally affect me like they do to you... What does affect me is seeing you suffering them all alone like this... when I'm here for you." He looked at her like he knew what she said makes sense, but he was scared to believe it. "Satoru... what has you so worried like this?" He turned his back to her but without moving from his place. He put his hands in his pockets. "It's not important... It's stupid... I'll... get over it," he whispered. Chiya got up from her spot and hurried to him, cupping his face with her hands. While he didn't look directly at her, he didn't refuse her touch. "Dear... if it gets you like this, of course it's important. If it bothers you, worries you, annoys you, it's important. It's not stupid." There was a glimpse of hope in his eyes. "And no matter what you think, or anyone says, even if you're the strongest in the world... you're still human. You're still Satoru. You still deserve support when something upsets you."  Chiya caressed his face delicately. "So... tell me." He looked at the ceiling and groaned, then looked at her again. "You win." She chuckled and he followed through. They both stared at each other while smiling, so endearingly that their love almost felt tangible. The two sat on the couch again and it was a bit difficult for him to start at first, but he opened up. He spent the night talking about it, Chiya offering kind and comforting words, caresses and kisses all over him. While there wasn't a clear solution at the moment, she left him feeling understood and listened. He looked visibly relaxed when they went to sleep. The next day, he woke her up by shaking her and opening the curtains at full speed. "Chiya, Chiya! The store I told you about opened up again! Hurry up, lazy!" She groaned while getting up, but she stared at him dressing and looking at himself in the mirror. This time, his calm smile reached his eyes and her heart fluttered. That's all she wanted; him being happy and her helping him to be so.

eye of the storm

Gojou knows Chiya quite well, so most of the time, there won´t be any situations in which she's scared. However, if she is, he´s always there for her, knows just what she needs, and how to make it better.
  • STRESSFUL DAY ⟳ Without a doubt, he brings sweets. He brings Chiya's favorites and his favorites ones, too, 'cause he's not going to watch her eat and not have any. He also prepares her a bath. He comes in with her and washes her hair, giving her scalp a massage. "Feeling better, mochimochi?"
  • *WHEN SHE'S TIRED “Oh, you’re still alive,” Shoko looks up from her phone as soon as Gojo enters the staff lounge, back from yet another work trip. “And you still look like shit. Gee, has anyone ever told you how good you are at welcoming others?” Gojo rolls his eyes at her. “Yes, I’ve heard it’s my best trait,” Shoko answers, certainly not affected by his words, “anyways, you wanna know who really looks like shit? Y/n. I hung out with them a couple days ago and I have never seen someone who looked like the wind could cause them to collapse.” “Huh, and this is coming from you? Hm, alright I’ll keep this in mind,” Gojo hums to himself. Back at home, you had only planned to take a short nap- nothing longer than thirty minutes. Gojo was coming home today, and you wanted to prepare a little welcome home surprise for him. It was all planned out too. You were gonna go grocery shopping, cook dinner, buy some nice flowers- it would’ve been a cute surprise. But a nap sounded really good, and you did have some time to spare. You could afford a half-hour break, and as soon as you woke up you would get straight to work. So, you treated yourself to this short rest, curling up on the couch and passed out. By the time your eyes fluttered open, the sun had already set. You jolt up in a panic- just how long had you been asleep? But before you can even grab your phone to check the time, Gojo’s already kneeling down in front of you. Your heart melts at the soft smile he has on- the same soft smile that’s for you and you only. “So you’re finally awake. Damn, Shoko was right,” Gojo leans forward, pressing a small kiss on your lips. “Welcome back,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him in for a hug, “and what was she right about?” “You being exhausted,” Gojo chuckles, his body relaxing at your touch. He missed this- he missed you. “And this is coming from Shoko? Huh...” you ponder, and Gojo can’t help but chuckle, noticing how your words matched what he had said earlier. “C’mon, let’s get up. I made dinner,” he says when you retract your arms. You follow your boyfriend to the dining table, and sure enough he had made all of your favorite dishes. Although, you can’t help but wonder just how knocked out you were that you didn’t notice him fussing around in the kitchen. “You didn’t have to do this... I was gonna surprise you with dinner,” you murmur, although you don’t entirely object to the food in front of you. Gojo takes a seat next to you, watching in delight as you fill your plate up. “I know, I know. But I also know you’ve been tiring yourself out lately, and I’d rather have you take care of yourself first and foremost,” Gojo notes, grabbing some food for himself. You scrunch your nose slightly at him- it’s not like you could refute his point. But you really did wish you could have done something special for his return. However, unbeknownst to you, Gojo sees things differently. Although today was mostly done to take care of you, Gojo wouldn’t mind pampering you like this every single day. Because for Gojo, he doesn’t need anything in return for you. As long as you’re by his side like this, that’s more than he could have ever asked for.
  • AFTER A QUARREL He won't immediately notice that she's offended by him. He'll continue to make jokes without paying attention to the fact that she doesn't listen to him at all. Only when she gives him a sign that he'll sleep on the couch, Gojou will really understand that she's offended. Gojou will poke her in the cheeks with his finger and start laughing because she's cute when she's angry. When he starts calling Ieiri or Nanami, they'll just send him to hell. (Or he will start whining to them when they say that HE NEEDS TO APOLOGIZE TO YOU FIRST.) Under the door, he'll leave notes in the texts of which his 'apology' and her favorite sweets will be barely noticeable. When she completely covers herself with a blanket so as not to see him, he'll begin to pull it off her and so on several times until Gojou bends down to kiss her on the cheek and apologize. (He barely mumbles these words, but the main thing is that he did it.)
  • SHE CRIES AT THE END OF A MOVIE / SHOW For your own safety and sanity: never watch a movie with this guy. He WILL spoil it and, yes, please, do hit him for that. So, he's probably in the kitchen when he hears her sniffles. That bitch thinks about not checking on Chiya for a second. And when he does and sees her crying, has the audacity to start laughing. "Oh, come on! You weren't actually surprised at that? I saw that coming from a mile away."
  • HAPPINESS ⟳ This man is super playful. Chiya just makes him so happy, and he always has the most fun with her. She somehow laughs at his jokes and he still isn´t sure whether it´s purely out of love or if she really finds them funny. He hopes it´s a mix of the two. Satoru keeps an entire box full of her favorite comfort items, snacks, movies, and games in his room for her. He just wants to make sure that Chiya's happy and comfortable all the time, so if there's ever a moment where she isn't, he has everything he needs to make her happy again. He'll burrito wrap her into a soft blanket, chuck a few snacks in front of her, and pick out her favorite movie before pulling her into his lap and leaving tons of kisses all over her face. <3
  • *CHEER UP when he knows you’re upset about something, he doesn’t leave you alone until you tell him. it bothers him too much that he doesn’t know because that means he can’t make it better. if you snap at him to leave you alone, he will but the hurt look on his face makes you kind of regret saying anything. gojo gives you space for however long you need until you find him in your bedroom. he gives you a small smile before holding out his arms which you crawl into. pulls you into his chest while he rests his chin on your head. “everything okay?” obviously he knows everything is indeed not okay considering you’re so upset but he feels the need to ask anyway. “y/n?” he makes you look up at him and he has this somewhat pleading look on his face. you sigh before telling him what it is, could be you just had a bad day or you went on a mission and there was some collateral damage (e.g. a kid got hurt). gojo just assures you that everything will be okay and “there’s always tomorrow”/“you did everything you” which he knows doesn’t help a whole bunch but he wants you to know that things will get better. just lets you vent while occasionally giving a response before calming you down and telling you to get some rest.
*It all started with you being a bit distant towards him. He was often told that his personality was annoying and overwhelming, so he figured it would be better to give you space, who knows, maybe you were tired of him? However, as the weeks went by, he started to grow more and more worried as you weren't getting any better. He approached you as you were watching TV in your room, and without saying anything, he just leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours, closing his eyes. He stayed that way for a few seconds before speaking up. "You need to tell me what's wrong so I can help you." The words fell from his lips as a soft whisper and almost immediately after, tears started falling from your eyes. Satoru wrapped his arms around you tightly, and you clinged to his neck. He yearned to be someone you could rely on, someone you could trust. He wanted to show you how much he cared and you could finally see it. Maybe opening up to him completely was the first step to getting better.*Even with all his teasing, when she has a down moment, he's going to be there for her. He'll do everything that Chiya needs him to do. Cuddles, giving her a bath, talking, saying how amazing she is. EVERYTHING. He'll certainly buy her sweets and, when he feels that's the right moment, he'll try to make her laugh. It just hurts too much not to see her smile.
  • *DEPRESSION ⟳ Gojou is very patient and understanding with you. He won't ask but he will be all ears if you're willing to talk about it. Since he doesn't know much about depression, he'll try his best to learn and educate himself about the topic. He will even go ask Shoko for some advice. He understands that you want time for yourself so he will give you place but if you call for him, he'll come running to you. Gojou will ask you if there's anything he could do to make you feel better. Whether going out to buy sweets or just cooking a home cooked meal for you. He'll even be more willing to take care of the household chores. So that you wouldn't have to worry about them. As much as wants to touch and hold you right away, he'll always ask permission from you before he could. If you're feeling horrible, he will be by your side as he holds your hand or if you allow him to hold you. When he's away for work, he'll constantly be messaging you. Checking up on how you are. He'll even send some occasional selfies of himself and memes in hopes to cheer you up. Before he leaves for work he always make sure to cook for you and presses a kiss to your forehead before reluctantly leaving you. "Tell me if you need anything okay?" If you want to seek help just know Gojou will always be by your side. He'll find the best therapist and makes you to go with you to every appointment. If you do receive medication, he'll be sure to always remind you to take them. He loves you with all his heart so he wants to be your support even during the toughest of times.
  • *PANIC ATTACK gojo starts to keep an eye on you when he notices more people gathering onto the sidewalk. the space around you slowly started to become smaller and gojo took notice of how your breathing started to pick up and how your hands became sweaty in his. when you looked up at him with nothing but panic in your eyes, unable to control your breathing, he knew you needed to get out of the crowd. with a hand on the small of your back, he guided you out of the crowd, into a small alleyway. without saying anything, he rubbed his hand up and down your back softly, every so often pressing a soft kiss on your head. your hands gripped his shirt tightly, your forehead resting on his chest. gojo took deep breaths, hoping you would mimic his breathing, which you did. you started to get your breathing under control, slowly relaxing the muscles in your body, loosening your grip on gojo’s shirt. when you finally fully relaxed against him, he kissed your forehead once more. “that was pretty scary, hm?” he asked, making you nod. “you okay?” “yeah.” you sighed. “thanks for getting me out of the crowd.” “of course, sweetheart. you think you feel up to walking around or do you want to go home?” he soothed, his hand rubbing soft circles on your back. “‘m hungry. want food.” you mumbled into his chest, making him chuckle. “food it is.” he responded, lacing your hands together once more.
  • KILLING A BUG ⟳ Teases the crap out of Chiya, only killing it after she's practically begged him to. Yeah, he'll kill it, but he needs to really tease her about that fact that she asked him to kill the bug for her. And only after taking an agonizingly long time to kill it, too. as if that isn't enough, he'll chase her around the house with the tissue that he squashed the bug in. Please, smack him.
  • *HAVING A NIGHTMARE ⟳ Satoru is quite a light sleeper. Every little thing can wake him up instantly. When you start to mutter "no" and moving in your sleep, he's almost immediately awake. At first, he thought something bad was happening to you, which made him sit abruptly, however, it didn't take long for him to realize that you were still sleeping, probably having a nightmare. He gently caresses your face and softly mutters your name, hoping you'd wake up. When you finally do, you look up at him with unmistakable relief on your face, hurrying to sit up and hug him desperately. He's evidently confused, but hugs you back anyway, caressing your back as he tries to soothe you. "Bad dream?" He asks you. You are still too disturbed by your dream, and you only manage to look up at him and nod as tears threaten to run down your cheeks. After a while of him holding you and whispering things to your ear, you finally speak. "You aren't careful enough." You say with a dry tone. Now he can imagine what your nightmare was about. "You are too confident." You continue. He tenses up under your touch, wondering why you'd say that "I'm the stronge-" "You don't know that." You cut him off. "Your luck could run out one day, Satoru." He suddenly takes both of your hands in his, looking into your eyes with a serious expression. "I'm not going anywhere." He says as he places your hands on his chest, over his heart, as if he was trying to make a promise. "I still have lots of plans with you." He continues, now with a playful smirk on his face. And with that, he covers your body with his arms, until you fall asleep again.
*when gojo feels you sit up from his grasp abruptly in the middle of the night, his own eyes open slowly, concern taking over his features when he sees you sitting with your knees to your chest and trying to slow your breathing. “hey…” he whispers, his heart clenching when you flinched at his touch. “what’s going on, baby?” “sorry i didn’t mean to wake you.” you replied, your voice shaky. “i’ll go to the couch, let you get some sleep.” “no you will not.” he argues, sitting up and pulling you into an embrace. “did you have a bad dream?” you nodded into his chest, your fingers toying with the end of his shirt you chose to wear to bed. “‘s stupid.” “you wanna talk about it?” he asked, causing you to shake your head in response. “can you just…hold me?” you asked, hiding your face into his chest at the request. “of course my love.” he told you, laying the both of you back down. “get some sleep, i’m right here.” “love you.” you whispered, tracing shapes over his heart. “i love you more. and there’s no reason to be scared, i’m the strongest after all.”
  • DYING IN HIS DREAM You see, Gojou's the type to bottle everything up and hide it with his teasing self. But Chiya knows better. So, she'll know the moment she sees him in the morning that something is wrong. He's clingier then ever and his smile seems more like an escape route then honest happiness. She doesn't ask anything, though, and he doesn't tell her either. Chiya just stays there holding him until she feels that his smile is now his real one.


He gets so quiet whenever Chiya's injured, it´s scary. Only because he doesn´t wanna freak her out, but still. Always takes her to Ieiri so that she can take care of Chiya; she´s the only one he trusts in that.
  • *KIDNAPPED ⟳ if there is one thing about gojo satoru, nothing much phases him. there was once someone threaten to go on murder rampage on the gojo estate for revenge for sleeping with that person’s ex, and all gojo did was laugh in their face before he single handedly beat the man in a fight. literally - he didn’t use his left hand as much. it was because of this that many just question what does it take to really pop the huge bubble that is around gojo satoru to make him feel something - and that is where you come in. you are his civilian lover; someone who he goes out of his way to hide from his world. you are very much aware of his job, and you’re aware of his world and his status. but many from his world is not does not know of your existence. it isn’t like he is embarrassed of you or anything. he would love to show you off to everyone around him and just tell them how amazing you are. but he is not naïve. he knows that there are people out there who are stupidly bold enough to try and get to his head through using you. you’re the only real thing going for him right now, and he wants to keep it that way. however, things are not always going to go your way, no matter how powerful you are. gojo thought that he had hidden your existence from his world quite well; but there was once when he just felt so overwhelmed with everything that he had just dropped everything he was doing and went to your home for comfort; something that usually doesn’t cause any real harm. unfortunately he had not been as aware of his surroundings, not catching the pair of eyes that seemed to be following him down the quiet street leading up to your home, getting a good view of your face when you answered your door. so you cannot believe gojo’s surprise when, a few days later, you had answered his morning message spams; being used to you answering to them after his second class for the day. yet you hadn’t been online since yesterday night. he grew more concerned when he called you and it went to voice mail; usually you’d pick up even if you’re busy to say you’ll call him back and then hang up on him. it was because of this that he made his way towards your home, feeling something was off the moment your home came into view. but he swallowed down that odd sensation as he made his way towards your front door, holding his breath and for once hoping that you’re alright. but when he realised that not only was your front door left slightly open but there were dents on the once smooth wood, he knows that something bad has definitely happened to you. quickly he threw the door open, only to feel his blood run cold at the sight of your shoes rack being knocked down, and the deeper he walked into your home, there were signs of a clear struggle everywhere. immediately he started to poke around your familiar home, looking for some Curse Energy Residue to see if there is anything for him to track you down with. luckily there were some, and as Gojo went about your disturbed home, he can definitely see how you and the intruder had struggled into the living room; where there was a knocked over shelf and the door to the balcony open; wind ruffling the heavy curtains of your home. without missing a beat he started to track the residue immediately, realising that the person who had taken you was definitely a Curse User; which made him feel worse since he felt like he failed you. he was worried that you were somehow being tortured, or acting as someone’s punching bag to try and get to him. and that drives his anger to newer levels. usually, no sane person will go out to hunt down a potential Curse User alone, since there is no way to know how strong and powerful the Curse User is. yet this is gojo satoru we are talking about. if there is one person that is going to save you, it’s definitely going to be him yourself. it honestly didn’t take much for him to find you; and when he saw you. tied up and bruised as you nod off against the wall you were propped up against; all he saw was red. the last you remembered when you were taken from your home was an intense fear before you were knocked out; so when you woke up with ieiri looking into your eyes with a medical torch, you were sure you were hallucinating.“ah, you’re awake.” ieiri hums as she writes on your clipboard hanging off the side of your bed, not at all acknowledging that you were awake and freaking out about everything. eventually she explained how gojo, uniform covered in some poor soul’s blood, had walked into the campus with you laying limp in his arms and his blindfold having gone missing. ieiri did not go into much detail, but she did mention that gojo was currently being lectured by the higher-ups; meaning that whatever he did must have been bad. however, ieiri just waved your concerns off with a smile as she typed away on her phone, knowing that gojo is going to come the second he reads the message. “you should be more worried of how overbearing that idiot is going to be the moment he sees you.” and she was right - the moment she hit ‘send’ on her phone, it only took 3 seconds for gojo to suddenly teleport to your bedside; probably walking out mid lecture from the higher-ups. yet you can’t find it in yourself to really care as you immediately sink into his familiar embrace; the emotions from the entire ordeal suddenly hitting you head on at the familiar warmth. tears started to trail down your cheeks as you snuffled and cuddled closer, taking in his familiar cologne as your arms shakily wrapped around his large frame. and gojo, who didn’t make any other comment, just wrapped his arms around you tightly and presses soft kisses on your head, appreciating the familiar feeling of you wrapped up in his arms. a feeling he thought he might never feel again if he had not arrived sooner to save you. “i’m so sorry, bunny,” gojo whispered quietly into your hair, arms tightening around you even more as his eyes closed for a few moments. you sniffled and nuzzles closer into him, neither of you noticing ieiri quietly sneaking out of her office. “i should have found you were alone for so long...i’m so sorry...” you just shook your head quietly, knowing that he had no idea that this was going to happen, and that you’ve forgiven him because he did come quite fast. and alone, at that. it took some time, but soon you two returned to somewhat normal; with you two deciding you’d move to a new place together with protective charms and talismans to make sure you’re safe. the up side though is that now he became more open about your relationship to others. and it sends a good warning to others as well - think twice before you try anything on gojo satoru’s lover.
    • BY A CURSE He won't admit it, but his heart skipped a beat. But he's the strongest, Gojō Satoru. He'll beat the shit out of the cursed spirit in a matter of seconds and at the same time secure Chiya. When the curse is horribly done, he'll come to her and embrace her so tightly that she won't be able to hold back her tears. "I'm fine, 'Toru." "You're not fine, I'm taking you to Shōko right away." Lots of cuddles tonight; he won't even let her go to the bathroom.
  • SHIELDING This man is furious. He immediately yells at Chiya. "What the hell were you thinking? I'm the strongest, I can handle anything..." Stops when he sees her teary eyes and where she got hit. Takes her in his arms princess-style and kisses her forehead, mumbling an "I'm sorry. I can handle anything, but I can't handle losing you, you idiot." Kisses her mouth softly. "Let's take you to Shōko."
  • BADLY INJURED WHILE PROTECTING HIM His heart stops and drops to his stomach. Chiya knows how powerful he is, so why would she do that? Once she's out of danger, he’ll probably scold her in some way or just tell her not to do it again EVER.
  • SACRIFICING HERSELF BUT RETURNING UNHARMED At first, he's going to make a bunch of jokes to chill himself. After quietly making sure that she's ok, prepare 'cause he's gonna scold her. He'll verify all her wounds and treat them so gently that it'll make her heart hurt. He'll hug her tight and seriously look into her eyes, saying, "I can't lose you, Chiya, please don't scare me like that." He'll kiss her passionately like nothing else exists in the world.
  • KISSES AFTEER THINKING SHE DIED IN A MISSION This man is going to run into her and take Chiya off her feet. He's going to give her a long-lasting kiss that starts passionate and ends as teasing. "'To... ru... I... need... to... breathe."
  • *POST-MISSION > feel like you rarely see gojo that affected by a mission, or after hearing that one of his co workers have died on the line of duty. but this was different - this was his student, someone he vouched for and brought under his wing when the world is against him. for once he’d be silent, not making any jokes of comments as he just sat in the couch in your living room whilst you went about cooking a meal for the both of you. eventually he’d admit that the ‘old farts’ got one step ahead of him, sending the students on a mission that they knew none of them would have stood a chance against. “guess in a way it was my fault too - since i did approve of it thinking that they are able to survive it.” gojo admitted with a tired sigh as he takes another bite of the food before him, causing you to glance over at him in concern. he rarely ever admits defeat like this. quietly he’d help with the dishes and the locking up of your shared home, which was freaking you out more and more since he is being so out of character right now. eventually you’ll ask if he wanted to take a shower together; which he agreed after a few seconds - so that’s how you fond yourself seated in a bathtub, quietly running your fingers through his soft white hair whilst he just rests his forehead against yours; bright blue eyes downcast the entire time. when the water got cold you’d just coax him out of the bath before you two got dress, where you’d drag him to your shared bed where you just open your arms up for him. wrap your arms and legs around him, letting him rest his head on your shoulder whilst you rest your cheek against his head softly, just letting him be babied for the night. running your fingers through his slightly damp hair after you tossed the blanket of your bed over him, asking him a few questions about his newest mission out of the country. sometimes he’d entertain your questions, but his answers were definitely short and sometimes he’d even trail off half way in the middle; but you’d just hum and entertain his answers with a soft smile. other times he just shakes his head softly and curl up closer into him, to which you just smile softly and told him that you two didn’t have to say anything; basking in the silence of your shared home. tracing soft shapes on his back, he finds that it makes him relax faster and make him sleepy as well; curling up closer to you like a child as for once, he slowly starts to fall asleep. even though he tries to act indifferent about it, you know that this mission that itadori’s sudden death rocked him to the core. it might even knock down his ego a little at the idea that he can’t protect the young boy that he had started to grow on him - but you’re there to just hold him and remind him that sometimes you can’t save everyone, no matter how hard you try.
  • TREATING HIS INJURY There's constant bickering between Chiya and Gojou while she treats the wound on his head.I’m fine, sweetheart, how many times do I have to say it?” Gojou whines childishly, attempting to move his head away for the fifth time in a row. She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him toward herself, placing her hand on his cheek as she placed a towel on top of the wound.Clearly not, do you see your head?” She clicked her tongue, gently pressing down against the towel before shifting to grab roller bandages. Gojou’s eyes fluttered closed, relaxing in her grasp as a light tint of red appeared on his cheeks. He could feel how fast her heart was beating against him and her staggered breath she failed to keep steady. A smile appeared on his face, mumblingSo cute” under his breath. She raised an eyebrow, wrapping his head with the bandages as she stared at him.What’s cute, huh?” she questioned, but he doesn’t respond. Once she was finished, he pulled her close, lips centimeters apart from each other.You’re so cute taking care of me, sweetheart,” he muttered, pressing his lips against hers. She pulled away with a red face and a silly smile on her face.Yeah, 'cause you can’t take care of yourself,” she retorted before pulling him for another kiss.


Honestly, not the type of guy to get jealous. He knows she's his and he's hers and that´s enough for him. If someone should get a little too close for comfort, he'll be the one to make it very clear that Chiya's, in fact, taken.
  • SOMEONE FLIRTS WITH HER ⟳ This MF is having fun. He's loving to see Chiya all embarrassed and not knowing what to do. He'll love even more if the person hitting on her is insistent and doesn't let go. Gojou's self-aware and has an ego that can't fit in the entire planet. He won't feel threatened by just anyone by anyone at all. But when he's finally satisfied with her embarrassing situation, he comes over and holds her waist; "Did you miss me, baby." His glare will be sufficient to send the person away, but not so much to her angry reaction after his ridiculous game.
*Flirting with Her: he lifts his head band to see that shit correctly. he lets his blue eyes fall on you... and some random and forgettable npc these words are directly imported from gojo's thoughts ofc. this man is easily jealous, someone could simply hold the door for you and he would get all sulky and upset about it. well, it wouldn't happen if he could let you enter a room first for once instead of always passing before you to make a dramatic entrance 💀 you are usually the one who is jealous so sometimes you tend to tease him by acting like you're interested in the person who's hitting on you. he gets a taste of his own medicine. but his oversized ego is strong and he's persuaded that no one will ever compare to him. which is... kinda true but damn it he really acts like he's the only hot person on the planet. he would just go straight to your side, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, getting his face awfully close to the person in front of him, eyeing them from head to toe just before curling his lower lip to act disgusted. "sorry they're not interested." he would say, dragging you along with him, his sentence barely finished. it's a kidnapping at this point. "but- I was..." he ignores what you're saying, probably having some commercial music playing in his head while he's still walking with you under his arm, making sure you're away from them. "Gojo, you can't just storm in a conversation like this and-" he cuts you off, pressing you gently against a wall (thank god it was here, if it wasn't it would have ruined his moment...) "yes I can. if you don't want me to, then do better than flirting with some useless fucks. for now I will keep stealing you if I want." his 6'3'' foot ass would tower your body with ease and he would be delighted if he sees you embarrassed/blushing. god just make out already.


*Unpopular opinion but I do think Satoru would get jealous. He doesn't have perfect and impenetrable confidence, though he likes to pretend he does (even lying to himself but he knows deep down). He’s got abandonment issues for sureeee, I think he’s on the avoidant spectrum of attachment he’s definitely not secure. I can see him being loyal and committed to someone; I don't see him as a fuckboy. He may not have the biggest external reaction like other characters, but if he sees another guy talking to Chiya, he’ll definitely tense up and his mind will start racing withWhat if she thinks he's attractive? Why hasn't she walked away yet? Does she think of other people? What if I'm not good enough for her?” If she's ever just laying down with him and mentions that she's texting a guy friend of hers, he’ll have a twinge of discomfort in his chest and tummy that makes him shift his body. If he keeps seeing her pick up her phone, he’ll be assuming it’s the guy friend and start asking “subtle” questions such asHow do you know him? Ohh, okay How old is he? Hm, I see, let’s go do something, yeah?” if she's still immersed in her phone, he’ll scoot closer to her and start playing with her hair, wrapping his other arm around her.Babeeeee Pay attention to me Agh. :((((" He’s confident in his strength as a sorcerer, of course, and he knows he’s attractive, but he wonders of if he’s able to depend on someone else in such an intimate manner or if he’s just strong or if his personality and heart is enough He mulls over it more than you realize. :( Does he hold value outside of his skill and strength as a sorcerer? Does he hold up as a person in the same way?
  • SPENDING TIME WITH NANAMI KENTO > Oh, boy. He trusts both Chiya and Nanami, but he's a needy, whiny man, so he gets really pouty about her spending more time with Kento than him. Even if it might be his fault, as well, since he's so busy. Work isn't a valid excuse for him, why is she working with Nanami when he could easily help her instead? But he assures her that he's not jealous. He's the greatest jujutsu sorcerer, what could she possibly want from Kento that he can't give her? That's where the insecurity starts. Since they're so starkly different, Satoru feels like he can't compete. Nanami's so serious and work oriented and he's just... himself, childish and teasing. He'll realize that's one of the reasons she loves him, and his insecurity becomes playful competitiveness. He'll try to compete with Nanami (who doesn't really care or pay him much mind). He'll also become more openly opposed to Chiya going on missions and spending time with his colleague. She notices this, of course, and asks him about it. At first, he brushes it off jokingly, but with enough pushing, shares his thoughts and tries to work it out with her. He knows that he's away for long periods of time and that he can be a brat sometimes, but he's glad that she still puts up with him. But he'll hold onto Chiya and stop her from going anywhere for the whole day to make up for lost time, though. 🤗

first time staying the night

"It's kinda late. You wanna stay over or something?" Acts as though he's doing her a massive favor by letting her stay the night instead of needing to go back to her place, when really, he'd hoped she'd want to stay the entire time. Just lets Chiya take a shirt from his closet to sleep in. It takes her a while to find something she doesn't think he'd mind her sleeping in, but it's all designer. Even labels she'd never heard of before. His shirts are all so soft, though, and smell really nice. Masculine and luxurious. "Don't you look cute wearing my clothes." He downplays it, but he loves it. Gojou sleeps in either boxers or sweatpants, completely shirtless. "I get kinda hot at night." He shrugs it off. Still sleeps in an eye mask, though, claiming he's a light sleeper. That's an absolute lie, though. He sleeps so deeply, a little restless, but impossible to wake. Loves spooning. Big or little, it doesn't matter. Clings to Chiya, and only pulls her closer the deeper into sleep he gets. Seriously, she'd better hope she doesn't need to get up in the middle of the night to use the washroom or something, because getting out of Satoru's grasp would prove impossible.


HER BIRTHDAY Hehehe this man. He throws Chiya a big surprise party that she already knew about. He's not the most discreet man in the world. He buys her so many sweets that she gets stuffed with them, not being able to look at anything sweet for a week. Definitively buys her a present that he can use, too, such as a speaker or a new game.VALENTINE'S DAY Gives her nothing. She waits and waits. The whole day is passed, almost. They both get ready to go to bed. When Chiya asks where her present is, he simply climbs to the bed, sitting in a mermaid pose and utters, "Your present is right here, love. Your beautiful, sexy, hot, generous boyfriend." (Just say bitch you forgot to get one.)
Her Wallpaper is an Ugly Pic of Him: gojo has never seen a bad picture of himself before—not until now, at least. he stares at the picture on your lock screen in pure shock, grimacing slightly at how his lips are parted and his cheek is smooshed against your chest. he even thinks that’s a tiny bit of drool on his lips, and he stares at you with narrowed eyes and a pout. “sweetheart, you have to change this picture,” he whines, “if megumi sees this he’ll be so mean—you have no idea how mean kids his age can be, it’s ridiculous!” “what’s ridiculous is you getting hurt over a kid in the first place,” you snort, smiling fondly at the image on your phone. gojo looks relaxed for once, nestled comfortably against your chest as his body drapes over yours—you’d snapped the picture as blackmail at first, but the soft flush of his cheeks and the slight crinkle on his nose makes you rethink if it was ever ugly to be blackmail in the first place. “hey! you’re just as rude,” he huffs, “are you hanging out with him more? he’ll be mean to you too, just watch. and then i’ll—” “you look cute, toru,” you hum, smiling gently as you stare at the photo. he blinks at the way your eyes soften as they fix on him through the screen, and he thinks for a moment that maybe there’s not one bad photo of him after all. “yeah, you’re right. only i could make drooling adorable,” he grins smugly, plopping himself to lay on your chest, sighing quietly when your fingers thread through his hair. “besides, megumi already has the photo.”…thinking about GOJO SATORU, a man who has the world’s weight on his shoulders; a man who tries to hide his true emotions behind a playful, exuberant, and lighthearted personality. He is always so strong for others, and despite how his personality may come off as happy-go-lucky and unconcerned, he always stands as a strong pillar of support for his friends and students. He is quietly confident in his actions and abilities, bringing his students a kind of peace he never had as a child; Gojo makes sure they are able to experience even a little bit of childhood he was never able to. …thinking about GOJO SATORU, a man who has the world’s weight on his shoulders, and how he only melts for you. Shoving his deepest emotions behind his carefree personality, he often feels extremely weighed down by all the expectations unwillingly placed on him. He often feels scared - terrified by the future and what’s to come. Dark thoughts plague his mind, such as ‘will I be able to do this?’ and ‘can I do the right thing when the time comes?’ and ‘will I be able to protect everyone I love?’ These thoughts churn nauseatingly in his gut, causing a choking anxiety to overcome him sometimes. …thinking about GOJO SATORU, a man who has learned to wake you up in the middle of the night to voice his fears and worries. A man who shivers under your tender and soft touch, fingers ghosting over his cheekbones, fluttering over his pale eyelashes as you admire his sparkling blue eyes. His fingers catch around your wrist, heart thundering in his chest at the deep and unadulturated love he feels for you. It is pure, overwhelming his every senses as he pulls you in for an equally breathtaking kiss. …thinking about GOJO SATORU, a man who finds pleasure and comfort in very few things in life - one of those being you. His breath is hot as it fans across the nape of your neck, holding you close in a tight embrace as he presses his thick cock home inside you. Shuddering pants are placed as kisses against your skin, his long fingers tightening around your bare waist as he makes love to you. ‘I love you, I love you, I love you,’ is all be pants, overcome with pleasure as warmth pools in his chest. All he can do is squeeze his eyes shut, arms strong around you as he attempts to pull you even closer to him - he can’t get enough of you. Your smell comforts him - your soothing words settle in his aching heart as your fingers card through his messy, pale hair. Padding your fingertips along his face, tracing his soft lips, confessions of love spilling from your throat as you urge Gojo to finish inside of you.…thinking about GOJO SATORU, a man who becomes so overwhelmed with love and adoration for you, stuttering his hips when he finishes deep inside you. He is a man that lets out choking gasps of air, pleasure building inside of him until it finally snaps in a satisfying climax. His hands smooth over your body, fingers dipping into every curve of your body as you hold him close to you. Gojo settles against you, a pleasure-filled exhaustion overcoming him as he tucks his head against the crook of your neck - if only to feel safe for just a moment. When his body arches into yours, silently begging for your ethereal touch, you simply hold him. You hold the man who has the weight of the world on his shoulders. You coo reassurances against the curve of his ear, placing a sweet kiss there when you tell him how much you love him. You feel him shiver against you when you tell him this, feeling his fingers grip against you to pull you achingly close. And, when you hold the man who so often hides his true emotions behind a carefree façade, he finally lets go, feeling safe and content only in your arms. Gojo Satoru falls into a deep, peaceful sleep, overwhelmed with his love for you and how he only feels safe when he’s in your arms.

Quality Time


  • PRETENDING TO BE ASLEEP Because her eyes were closed, she couldn't see the sweet smile that adorned his lips. All that Chiya could feel was the pen starting to draw on her face until she abruptly left the room while he laughed, pleading for her to come back.
  • IGNORING HIM The minute he noticed Chiya ignoring him, he knows it's a prank. Who could ignore such a beauty as him? He then starts to do everything to get her attention. I mean, EVERYTHING. Expect a Gojou's show. You'll have singing, dancing, talking, throwing things even juggling. And if that doesn't work, then all that with him naked ahhahahhah. But, if even his perfect body doesn't work and he sees how serious she is, oh boy, expect the revenge. He's going to ignore her for a whole week. FOR A WHOLE WEEK. "See, Chiya, I dare you to do that again. Nobody ignores the Gojō Satoru, not even my mochimochi."
  • SIGHING IN FRONT OF HIM He jumps on Chiya, losing his full weight smashing her body. He starts to tickle her until she can't breathe anymore.
  • CALLING HIM "BRO" He's going to look at her so offended that for a minute there she's really gonna believe that she finally hit his weak spot. Well, after that, he'll present Chisame with his revenge. He'll call her "bro" for more than weeks until he can see that she learned her lesson. "I'm not your bro, Chiya. I'm your strong, perfect, beautiful, super powerful boyfriend. Make sure to know that now." MF.


Chiya's opinion matters a lot to him and Gojou loves having conversations with her, about anything really. Well, except his past; he really doesn´t wanna talk about that. And he completely understands and accepts if she doesn't wanna talk about hers either.*Gojo is the type to get really annoying when he wants your attention. Like, "pulls pranks on you until you agree to spend time with him to achieve a ceasefire" kind of annoying. He's such a tease, good luck not giving in. If you try to ignore him he'll pull out all his best jokes and tease you until you can't help but smile. "See? You can't ignore me after all", he grins, "how about you take a break and we'll hang out for a while?" Where Nanami is the kind of guy who will encourage you to do your work properly and tend to your responsibilities, Gojo is the type to tell you the task is really boring and that being around him would be a lot more fun.Gojo is ruthless. He'll trail a bunch of kisses down your neck and innocently ask you "I thought you wanted to concentrate on your task?" He'll pull his mask off and smile at you like the pretty boy he is. He knows all your weaknesses when it comes to him and he will use them against you. He notices when you're really serious about needing or wanting to do something else and of course will respect that but otherwise he'll just annoy you until you give in. And you honestly don't mind. He wants your attention but ends up giving you a whole lot of his own attention. Gojo doesn't really have any specific moments where he's needy for your affection, sometimes he just looks at you and feels like it. He'll also tease you about giving in. "Guess you couldn't resist dear old me after all, oh well." He just wants you to make him shut up with kisses.

long time no see

*Gojou Satoru who ships you a blue flower for every day that he’s away from home. of course, he has a dangerous job so he needs to keep in touch with you somehow. it’s like a little way of him saying ‘hey i’m alive, no need to worry about me’ type of present. every single day you get a blue flower with a little note and a gift attached to it. it would usually be letters saying how much he loves you and misses you (and your touch) and different gift cards you can use on things he knows you love. he specifically gets a blue flower because he thinks it resembles him. he knows it’s the only thing that can help you remind you of him while he’s gone for countless days (and months) so he just needs to keep your mind running and freshen up your memory. he would also send little pictures of him standing beside his defeated enemy sending silly little messages. you would keep all of his blue flowers in a special place and write dates on them just so you know when you received him. of course, during these days where you’re lonely and the side that he sleeps on in your shared bed gets cold, you would always put a little blue flower by your dresser just so that side can get a little warmer so you could fall asleep at night.He's waiting for Chiya at the door just like a puppy. The minute she set foot home, his arms were already around her, and she was being pulled up against his chest. He gave her a very long kiss. "Don't stay out for too long, mochimochi." Chiya returned the kiss and rested her forehead against his. "I love you, too, 'Toru."


Ideal dates for him are night strolls, trying out new restaurants / food around town, stargazing, and going to the cinema. Gojou’s the type to smear whipped cream on her face just because he likes the way Chiya scrunches her nose up in response. She'll attempt to get him back, but he's too quick and will dodge, resulting in her pouting. He'll openly coo and tease that she looks cute when she's upset.*Gojo, being your boyfriend of a few months as of now, always took you shopping. It didn't matter if you needed anything, he took you on shopping dates because he loved it. He loved seeing your eyes light up at all the things you liked. How your smile would brighten his day anytime he bought you something. He didn't even love shopping that much. He just loved seeing your reactions. Of course, he'd make you carry your bags until it felt like your arms were falling off. Then, he'd consider holding your bags. Maybe. One of his favorite things to do while shopping with you (specifically for clothes) was to have, what he called, "A Fashion Show!!" He'd let you pick out some clothes and sometimes he'd pick out clothes for you, then, he'd guide you to the fitting rooms and let you try everything on. The only catch was, you had to show him how you looked in everything. Of course, that wasn't too big of a problem, since he'd always assure that you looked perfect in everything. After the typical shopping, he'd take you to the parking lot of the store and put you in a shopping cart. He'd push you around the parking lot, laughing as you screeched for him to slow down. If you were hungry (which you both were after shopping) he'd take you to anywhere he thought would suit you, whether it was McDonald's or some fancy place nobody's hear of. At lunches and dinners, he was finally sort of vulnerable with his feelings; his past. He would tell you just about anything you wanted to know. He'd hold your hands in his and just tell you, over and over again, that you were perfect. That you were the one for him. Because you were, and you always would be.
  • MOVIES ⟳ Going on a movie date with Gojou would be 100% chaotic. This man is a firm believer of sneaking in snacks whenever they go to the movies. The night would begin with him coming to Chiya's house to pick her up, but she’d have to do a double take once she saw him wearing a long trench coat with snacks obviously packed underneath. “Come on, Inspector Gadget,she’d say while rolling her eyes and walking past him, not missing him sneak a licorice from his pocket into his mouth before quickly following behind her. Gojou gets to the movie theatre fashionably late and they’re lucky if they get there just as the previews end. Also, this man will literally try to haggle the price of their tickets with the workers; “But I have a coupon.” “Sir.. that coupon has expired.” “… Let me speak to your manager.” He’d buy the biggest container of popcorn available and would dash to the butter machine. He’d use the straw trick to get the right amount of butter but somehow still manages to make it extra soggy. The funny thing about Satoru is that he prefers going to the movie theatre not only to enjoy the movie on the big screen, but to annoy everyone around him, as well. He’s the type that talks during the movie, laughs obnoxiously at funny scenes, and reacts to everything little thing that’s happening. For example, if they decide to watch a scary movie, he’d scream and cling onto her, and if they’re watching a sad scene, he’d bawl his eyes out and blow his nose loudly with tissues he brought from home. Eventually, the people around them would get fed-up with Gojou’s antics and someone behind them would end up tapping them and being likeCan you stop?" Gojou will immediately cop an attitude and be like, “Shhh… Can’t you see that we’re watching a movie? Gosh, some people have no home training.” He refuses to go to the bathroom after drinking all of their shared beverage because he thinks he’ll miss an important part, but will still constantly bug her with the fact that he’s holding it in. He’d definitely be the type to spoil the movie if he already knew what was going to happen. He'd totally be down to movie hop once the movie they already paid for ended. If she finally gave In, he’d be so dramatic with trying to sneak into the next showing that she’d have to roll her eyes. "You got to be stealthy when you movie hop, Chiya,he’d say while shushing her and tip-toeing.*proceeds to run into a trashcan* He'd beg her to go to the arcade with him after they’ve finished watching the movie. He’d look like a kid on Christmas once he sees all the games there are and would run around, trying to play all of them. He'd continuously lose when playing the games, especially when it came to moving the claw so it wouldn’t drop a stuffed animal. But when he finally does win, he’s super excited and will give Chiya all the prizes he earned. They'd end the night taking a cute selfie together, with Satoru kissing her on the cheek and Chiya smiling with the stuffed animal he won for her in her arms.
  • KARAOKE ⟳ I don't think anyone's ready for this. Gojou in karaoke is a show. He's going to incarnate the pop star and not only sing, but also act like he's on stage and Chiya's his audience. She's not going to be able to sing too much since he wants all the lights on him. And when she finally gets her chance, he'll sing together with her. "Satoru, it's my turn, you spoiled kid."
  • BEACH ⟳ A brat! The worst thing you could do is go to the beach with him. First things first, he's going to throw in the water, not caring if Chiya manages to take off any clothing that she was wearing above her swim ones. "MOCHIIIIIIIII, WE ARE GOING TO THE SEA."

hanging out

With his line of work, he can´t really be spontaneous, but that´s exactly why he is. Always makes sure to make time for Chiya, even if it's like ten minutes before he has to get on a new mission. He'll send Chiya selfies throughout the day, letting her know what he's up to. Normally, Gojou will rope his students into taking a group selfie for her. They all adore her and frequently ask Gojou how she's doing. Definitely the guy you dance around the kitchen with. Always humming something.
  • HORROR MOVIE ⟳ This MF is going to scare her all the way. He probably watched the movie before just to know the exact parts that gives jump scares. So, he's ready to destroy her. After he almost gave Chiya a heart attack, he just laughs until tears fall from his eyes. Basically, she's never watching a horror movie with him again.
  • VIDEO GAMES Playing video games with him is an event. He presents the whole set of games they're going to play and the prizes of the winner. He's competitive so if she's winning, he can hold back and will start to get in her way. "You stake, get out of there. I can't see." "Sorry, there's a bug in front of the TV, mochimochi. Can't you see I'm helping you?" ¬¬

Acts of Service

serenading him

That is the moment when he knows he found the love of his life. Chiya doing something that shows everyone how much she loves him? ALL HIS HEART IS HERS NOW. Also, he finds a way to become the master of the show at some point.


He's a good cook but can´t bake to save his life, doesn't even know why himself. But for some reason, he always tries to surprise Chiya with sweet goods. But whenever she comes home, she just sees him frantically opening the windows and getting a fire extinguisher.

Receiving Gifts


He brings Chiya trinkets from places he goes to. Most of the time, they're incredibly random and Gojou will provide silly explanations as to why he bought them for her, but it warms her heart that he thought of her.


He literally gives Chiya gifts every chance he gets. But he´s not the annoying type that gets her expensive stuff to buy her love and he never does it with the intention to get something back. It´s just that he always thinks of her and when he sees something she might like or something he wants to try with her (always on the lookout for new sweets and other food), he just gets it.

for him

She mostly gets him new clothes and blindfolds when she sees that they´re worn out. Overall, he really appreciates it that she looks out for him. It might look simple to buy him a new shampoo when she notices that it´s empty, but it means a lot to him since those little things show that she cares about him and his well-being.


  • WEARING THEIR OVERSIZED WHITE T-SHIRT This man will lift Chiya up like a child because of how cute she looks. There would be hearts in his eyes.Oh my gosh, baby! BABY!” Will cuddle her and won’t let go because, apparently, she looks softer than Panda.Satoru, get off me!” What do you mean? No.” Honestly, he’d make her wear his shirts whenever they're going out, no matter how ridiculous she’d look. He’d say that she'd be a trendsetter. He'll force her to take a ton of selfies with him. Gojou will offer Chiya every single clothing that he has after seeing her in his shirt.
Anonymous gift giving. The man, the myth, the legend. We all know Gojo is rich. As in— rich rich. When Gojo doesn’t know what to do with his cash and misses you (which happens a lot), expect a mystery present at your front door. During his highschool years, he’d constantly send you small candies, cards and occasional expensive gifts for when he received more allowance from the school. For years you’d ponder who they were from. Gojo may be extremely open most of the time but he knows how to hide his tracks when needed. He would have stayed anonymous if you didn’t purposely lure him out by pretending to conclude that another man was the person behind all the gifts. Poor random guy you picked on the street and pretended to know so Gojo would confess <//3 pay for his therapy because your (now) boyfriend almost went purple on him. Even now that you knew all the gifts were from him, they never stopped. In fact, as the years went by, the gifts became more and more..weird? “Satoru, why did you send me this poster of a cat twerking on the toilet?” “….Who’s Satoru?” Is how your confrontations would go. You eventually gave up on trying to make him admit and just enjoy the gifts. Gojo relished in that genuine and thankful smile that tugs on your lips whether on a random day or when he knew you were having a hard time. You’re thankful for your lover, really, but you can’t imagine the amount of money wasted on these random gifts for you. When you expressed your concerns, Gojo simply smiled and comforted you as he always did. “No amount of money or gifts can ever repay nor compare to the happiness you gave me”

Words of Affirmation


There is no end to the names he calls you, whether that be lovingly or just to get on your nerves, they’re most definitely horrendous. Sometimes you think you’re safe when he bids you a good day regularly, but most times it’s a gamble. “Boogie bear!” “Apple cinnamon pie!” “Oh my god, Satoru, shut up.” You’re shielding your face away from whoever you’re walking with if he just so decides to come up and spice up your conversation. Though, the bright side to it is that you’re never having a boring day, right? And of course, there isn’t a day that goes by where the students don’t look at you with a mix of disgust and sympathy. He may be Gojo Satoru to them, but there are days when he’s just simply Satoru. Days when his quick wit and practical jokes take a break and he kind of just lets himself be. It’s odd to see him sitting there on your bed just staring off into space, the cloth of his blindfold on the bedside table. “Satoru?” You call, and he lifts his head up, a forlorn look on his face that he doesn’t bother hiding. He stares at you for a moment as you walk inside, also getting ready for bed. Despite that, he sticks his arms out in your direction and you waste no time diving into them. One of his hands comes up to rest on your back while the other presses your head to his neck, burying his face in your shoulder. You stay like that for a while, allowing him to guide you onto his lap as you whisper sweet nothings into his ear which is a hopeful message that tomorrow will be another day. Another better day. He smiles against you, kissing whatever skin is available to him. And in these moments, he calls you something so warm and tender you could forgive the atrocities he’d said earlier that day. “Thank you, honey.”Gojo: baby, Gojo (in the heat of the moment mostly. he says it a little mocking/mean), babe, honey, wife(y)
  • being called by you: mi amor, daddy (mostly as a joke but likes it because it’s you), honey, babe, pretty boy, sweetheart (he’d deny it, but he loves it), baby
you first heard the nickname drip from his mouth was when you woke up from being treated. “honey~ you’re awake!” the way it slip past his mouth smooth as silk, was electrifying. the way your cheeks tinted a beautiful shade of pink and how you’d stumble over your words definitely made him realize how much it affected you. so he stuck with it, and the usage of the nickname just grew even more when you started dating each other. the way his sweet sultry voice would annunciate each letter so smoothly made shivers run down your spine.could call you almost any name out there, a teasing lilt tracing over his tongue and that prick of a smirk on his lips letting you know that he is doing nothing but making fun of you in the way he always does. yet, when the lights are low and fatigue drips off of him as though it were the autumn rain, he calls you honey. smooth around the clutches of his throat and sweet on his voice, he says it like there’s more beneath the syllables—something he could never quite tell you purely through words he could speak.he calls you princess. initially, he was just being cheesy, trying to embarrass you on purpose. but whenever he tried to think of something genuine to call you, the only thing revolving in his mind was princess. so that’s what he ended up sticking with. he really does treat you like one too. especially while doing the deed, in particular, calling you “my princess” while affirming that he’s making you feel good.


The kind of guy to give really random compliments; "Your hair smells nice." "Babe, it´s three AM, go back to sleep." It might sound really simple to most, but complimenting his eyes really always takes his breath away. Gojou never liked them, always connecting them to a huge burden put on him way too early. So, when Chiya tells him earnestly how beautiful his eyes are, he really needs a moment to function again.


Since they're both teachers at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, he'd also try to show Chiya off in any possible way — and this will annoy Megumi to the max.

"i love you"

Saying "I love you" is hard for him since everyone he ever said it to is dead, but that only makes him more determined to protect her.
  • *FIRST TIME first i love you slips from his tongue and, if he’s honest, it was never really intentional. it’s you, running your tongue across the back of your teeth and kissing the tip of his nose and lacing your perfume with the scent of home. it’s you, twirling under the evening stars and telling him he looks pretty tonight. and it’s you, tugging the words from the back of his throat — you that pulls the i love you into the air through low laughter. it’s you, or at least that’s how he’s going to make it out to be.
  • WHY Gojou laughed at her question as he settled into bed next to her. “Why do I love you? That’s a silly question.” “Just answer, I’m curious,Chiya insisted, scooting closer to his face and smiling when his hand found hers underneath the blankets. He didn’t meet her eyes for a moment, and then gave her a look so vulnerable that she was momentarily afraid she'd said something wrong, until he spoke. “You make me feel weak, and I don’t feel bad about it.”
  • *NOT SAYING IT BACK ⟳ Gojou pinches your nose with a grin, letting out a dramatic sigh as he stands in front of your door. “well, don’t be too sad to see me go,” he grins cheekily, “i’ll be back to visit ya tomorrow. love you,” he leans in and pecks your lips gently, pulling you closer as his arms curl around your frame. you almost give up when he gently rocks you from side to side, the words almost falling off your tongue to repeat back—but you catch yourself at the last second. “okay, toru. see you tomorrow then.” he waits a moment for you to add more, the slightest frown tugging at his lips when you don’t say what he wants to hear. “and?” he raises a brow. “and…i hope you get home safe?” you offer. huffing, he crosses his arms and pouts at you, and you don’t need to see under the blindfold to know his eyes are glaring at you. “well of course i’ll get home safe. but who knows if i’ll ever come back here,” he grumbles, “don’t wanna be somewhere where i’m not loved.” rolling your eyes, you snort, cupping his cheeks and bringing him in for another kiss before you murmur, “love you too, you drama queen,” against his mouth.

Physical Touch


Gojou's more touch-starved than he'd like to admit and always enjoys those peaceful moments with Chiya. He's very clingy, but not in a bad way. It´s just important to him that Chiya knows he´s always there. Loves nothing more than doing mundane tasks with her, just being domestic. Holding her hand, having an arm around her while watching a movie, and tracing his fingers over her arm.

public displays of affection

Still blushes whenever Chiya shows him affection or gives him compliments. In public, he´ll act as if it wasn't a big deal and joke about it like he usually does, but he always makes sure to show her just how much it really means to him.


Chiya can't even find the first time he held her hand. This MF doesn't know personal barriers and is especially worse when it comes to her. So even before they were lovers, he already held her hand. Chiya probably jumped by the act at beginning but since it's such a normal thing, she can't even recall her reaction that much, but he certainly didn't seem startled. Holds her hand with their fingers laced together. It's such a simple action but it always feels so intimate to him, almost painfully sweet. Like her hands were made only to fit together with his. He likes to swing their arms back and forth while walking together like that, but what he really likes is when Chiya straddles him and pins his much bigger hands down by lacing her fingers through his.Watching a horror movie was definitely not a good idea. You thought you could handle this like the brave person you are, but your heart absolutely could not take it. You jumped as the ghost's wretched face appeared on the tv screen, grabbing onto Gojo's arm and hiding your face in his shoulder. The fact that everyone in the movie was screaming as well wasn't helping. Gojo watched you for a while, he was not aware that his girlfriend was such a scaredy-cat. He waited for you as you settled down from the jump scare, and slowly pried your arm of him. "Sorry." you mumbled apologetically. A huge grin made its way on his face. He couldn't believe that you got scared of a movie even after the world's strongest sorcerer was right next to you. "There is no need to be sorry, my little scaredy-cat." he says, taking a hold of your hand and squeezing it lightly. Gojo was going to make sure that he wont stop teasing you about this as soon as the movie was over.


Not an ounce of shame. If he could have it his way, he'd have Chiya play with his hair all the time. Wraps his arms and legs around her while resting his head on her chest. Gojou wants one hand in his hair and the other under his shirt, rubbing his back. Likes to leave small kisses and sometimes tells her about the first years. When he comes back after not seeing Chiya for a few days, he’s especially clingy and forces her to lay down with him and play with his hair. Doesn’t let her stop, even after he’s fallen asleep.
  • *STOPPING IN THE MIDDLE OF PLAYING WITH THEIR HAIR ⟳ gojo opens one eye and stares at you expectantly, making you stifle a giggle. “and who said you could stop,” he raises a brow, pressing his head against your fingertips to indicate he wants them to pick their movements back up. snorting, you roll your eyes, shaking your head in amusement as you flick his forehead. “i told myself,” you grin, and with a soft whine, he buries his head into your chest, pouting into your shirt. “if i had such a cute boyfriend, i’d never let him feel neglect—hey,” you interrupt him with another flick to his forehead, but you lean down and the spot gently, making his eyes soften. slowly, your fingers tangle back into his hair, and he sighs, pressing his cheek into your chest as he relaxes. “don’t stop this time,” he warns. you roll your eyes as you mutter a quiet “whatever,” but your fingers still continue threading through his locks even as he sleeps peacefully in your hold.

piggy-back rides

He just loves to give Chiya a piggy-back ride. He loves how light she feels, making him prove his point about being the strongest even more. So, whenever he sees that she's tired, he'll give her a ride. And every time she's on her heels, he'll put her on his back without asking. "I'm being a gentleman to my little princess, mochimochi." He'll also pretend to drop Chiya just to scare her.


*Honestly, he's into all kinds of hugs. This MF hugs her anywhere anytime, not caring if it's in front of his students or if people are staring. Hugs real right, too, never wants to let go. He's needy and loves to show that Chiya's his. She always gets a goodbye and welcome back hug. Satoru loves nothing more than to rest his head on her shoulder and give her neck kisses. But his favorite kind of hug is when he takes her off her feet. He loves to feel how strong he is and how much of a baby she seems in his lap. He loves even more when she gets flustered.*Gojo likes to hug you in every way he can. He's fairly clingy when you're alone. When he hugs you from behind, he kinda lifts you up a little in a playful way. Sometimes, he'll smother you in kisses when he does. Or, when he hugs you from behind and he's tired, he'll sort of lean on your back and wrap his arms around your waist. Either way, he's smiling so much when he gets to hold you in his arms :) Often times, he'll wrap his arm around your waist, and although that isn't technically a hug, he always does it in a protective manner. He knows that people/curses are out to get him and you're the most important person he has, so he has to keep you extra close. When he hugs you from the front, it's the most comforting thing ever. He'll wrap his arms around you, rub your back a little, and give you a kiss on the top of your head. Your face is basically planted into his chest when he does this, and you're enveloped in his scent, his warmth, and his cheerful energy. He also loves to hold your hand whenever he can. He basically always has his hands somewhere on you so he knows you're safe and you're there.*Gojou Satoru hugs you like he won’t live to see another morning. He holds you impossibly close, and yet not close enough. His mind is attuned to the universe and the infinity in every crevice of it, so he can’t help but want to eliminate the tiny void that exists between your chests, even if he knows better than anyone else that it’s impossible to do so. He hugs you so tight, sways you around boyishly, your feet might even leave the ground at some point; it’s all a jovial mask to the unrelenting anxiety beneath it all. He hugs you far too tight, far too close, far too long and it’s never enough.


He's such a fucking koala when they're cuddling, it's adorable. Will melt in her arms whenever she holds him and loves it when she plays with his hair.he constantly needs attention from you or else he’ll die. at least that’s what he said. gojo is clingy when you two cuddle and whines when you move around too much. it’s kind of funny/cute. he enjoys spooning for.. multiple reasons. but the main reason is that he likes knowing that you’re in his arms and aren’t going anywhere. it kind of looks like you’re wearing an oversized backpack. i feel like his hands are cold so many times you’re holding hands while cuddling. gojo plays with your hair a lot when you two cuddle, it’s therapeutic for the both of you. depending on how talkative he is, he’ll make conversation until one of you falls asleep.unexpected, Gojo makes it his goal to surprise you with hugs at any given time. be it while you were out there exorcising cursed spirits, training your students, shopping, or even training with him. It's unexpected yet always welcome. the more time you spend with him, the more you realize that you love how unexpectable his cuddles are. even if you almost had a heart attack from his surprises, it's what you always waited for the whole day, it's what makes you smile every day.This loveable giant is just the biggest pain in the ass - constantly annoying or pissing you off. However, it’s different when you two are curled up together. He’d wrapped his lanky arms around you and plays with your hair, letting you rest his head on his chest whilst yours arms are wrapped around him. You two rarely get time for yourselves, so he’d take these moments seriously and refuse to let anything or anyone disturb the peace. Soft pecks and sweet nothings are mumbled to each other quietly, the only few times he wouldn’t be his loud and rambunctious self. Although he’d still toss in a teasing word or two in there just to press on your buttons. “Look, your hands aren’t even as big as mine.” He’d coo as he pressed his hands against yours, clearly showing the size difference. “How on Earth do you go about your every day?” “Shut up, you giant man child.” He would wrap his arms around you tightly and refuse to let you go, pressing soft kisses along your face; whining for your attention whilst you tried to ignore him. Eventually though you’d give in, showering him in attention and love whilst he stares up at you with his beautiful eyes; a soft smile on his face. He loves it when you’d trace his features with your finger, not only does it calm him, it also gives him a slight ego boost. Other times, you’d take his opportunity to squish his cheeks together, kneading and playing them like mochi whilst he whines at you without making any effort to move away. At the end of the day, it is just both of you being lazy whilst teasing each other non stop - but it’s all filled with love and affection.


Bold of you to assume that this man sleeps. He has major night terrors and moves to the couch so as to not disturb Chiya in her sleep most of the time. He moves around a lot, and it frustrates him that he can´t fall asleep. It does get better when she cuddles him, but it's a long and slow process before he gets a healthy sleep schedule.
  • NAPPING Gojou gives zero fucks and will just crawl on top of Chiya to use her thighs as a pillow. It doesn't matter what she's doing at the moment or where she is. If her lap is empty, it's time for a nap. Play with his hair and he might start purring.
  • *SLEEPING ON HIS CHEST DURING MOVIE NIGHT gojo found it amusing. you were the one who suggested a movie night, you excitedly got all the snacks ready and picked out a movie. you were looking forward to it all week. yet, here you were, laying on top of gojo, your head resting on his chest, fast asleep. the movie still played softly in the background, though gojo lost interest. he was focused on you; his hand running up and down your back softly, his eyes focused on the peaceful expression on your face and the way your breathing lined up with his. he smiled more when your hand fisted his shirt and little mumbles of his name tumbled from your lips. he knew he should move you to your bedroom, lay you down on your bed, but he couldn’t find himself to move. moving you would likely wake you up and that was something gojo wasn’t willing to risk, even if he found it funny that you fell asleep. instead, he tried to shift his position as softly and quietly as he could to make it so you were more comfortable. he didn’t care if he was uncomfortable, as long as you were comfortable and getting your rest, he was okay with it. he knew your neck or back might ache the next morning if the two of you slept out on the couch all night, but he could deal with that. he would give you all the massages in the world to rid you of those aches. eventually. he told himself. eventually he would move you to your bed. eventually, but not now.
  • *FALLING ASLEEP ON HIM > You didn't get to see Satoru as often as you would want to. He was always busy with his students and his responsibilities, so you are glad whenever you have the chance to have moments like this. As he loves to do, he chose a movie for both of you to watch. The poor guy ends up telling you about the plot of the entire movie before it even starts, but it's not intentional. Naturally, you tend to get bored quite quickly since you already know what it is about. Also, the fact that you were so comfortably smuggled against his body, with his arms holding you close, didn't help while you were trying to stay awake. "Look, look! This is the part I was telling you about." Satoru started, sitting straight all of a sudden as the scene played on the screen. "You can't deny that that was great." He continued with his usual cocky tone. When he didn't get an answer, the man turned to look at you, just to find you sleeping. He was a bit sad that you didn't watch the movie, but the way you were clinging to his arm with such strength even while you were asleep melted his heart. He considered his options. He could draw something on your face, but the last time he did it, you ended up being very angry at him, claiming that you had work and "It wisin't ciming if." Sure... You just hadn't tried hard enough, he thought to himself. Or he could just take you to bed... Pranks would have to wait. He stared at you a bit longer, caressing your face with the back of his hand and taking your hair out of the way. He decided he didn't want to wake you up, so he carefully carried you in his arms to bed. Once he got you there, he kissed your forehead and laid next to you, wrapping his arms around you. Maybe you falling asleep through movies wasn't that bad after all.
“Oh? What’s this?” He says cheekily as he looked down at your sleepy figure. Definitely wraps his long muscular arms around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him, stroking your back. Has a cocky smile on his face, because he’s loving this situation. Quietly laughs at you, while taking a sneaky pic of you. Is it for future blackmail? Or for him to save as his wallpaper? I guess we’ll never know <3
  • *BEDTIME ROUTINE > The second you guys arrive home, he’s the type to dramatically fall on the sofa, sighing about how hard he works. You better coo at him and praise him for it otherwise he’ll force the attention out of you by chasing you upstairs. You guys definitely have a skin care routine that you carry out in his luxurious bathroom, where he forces you to put the serums on his face, enjoying the way your fingers glide against his face. May or may not pick you up and head towards the shower with you, making you wrap your legs around his waist because a quick steamy session before bed doesn’t hurt right? Changing into pyjamas is a real struggle because this perv REFUSES to turn around or close his eyes, Instead he lies down on the bed, hands behind his head, and his heavy lustful gaze on your body as you change, his cocky smile widening as he enjoys the show in front of him. Night time makes him really affectionate, so expect a lot of nose kisses. Randomly pulls out limited edition mochi from his mini freezer, and starts feeding it to you, encouraging you to lick the remains off his long fingers. Once you guys get comfy in bed, he definitely is the type to change positions right before you drift off, wanting to sleep on your butt instead. So you tiredly move your butt closer to him so he could rest his face against it “hehe squishy” is the last thing you hear before you doze off.


Satoru's kisses are soft and sweet like angel cake. He just knows what he's doing but it's not boring, it's always so intimate and needy and just wonderful. The way he looks at her whenever she kisses his forehead is so intimate and vulnerable. It doesn't matter where they are or who's around, if Satoru wants a kiss, he gets a kiss. He'll lean in close to Chiya's face, whispering about how much he loves her before giving her the loudest wet smooch against her cheek. If he feels like being an absolute menace, he'll travel from her cheek down towards her neck and leave a few kisses there, so I hope she's not ticklish because he'll memorize the exact spots that made her giggle for future reference. <3 He´s that one bitch that´s like, ´You got something on your lips. Oh, it was just me´ and then grins at her like an idiot. Sigh, I love him.oh, this man. so dangerous. his kisses are like love potions. the more he kisses you, the more you fall in love with him. the day you confessed to him, he just can't help but cut you out on your lines "i love you—" and suddenly give you a kiss. that day he became obsessed with the taste of your lips. but he was more obsessed of giving you kisses all over your face. when he comes home from work, he'd give you a kiss on the cheek. when he sees you cooking dinner, he'd give you a kiss on the neck. after you two go to sleep, he'd kiss you on the forehead and say goodnight. this man is into pda, so one time, he caught other men stealing glances at your beautiful face. this man can easily be jealous. so, you know what he did? he cupped your face, kissed your lips, pulls out, and yelled at them, "y/n is mine" and he proceeded to kiss your lips, slipping his tongue inside and savoring the cherry flavored lips of yours. everytime you're sad and begin to cry, he would comfort you by kissing your tears. every single tear, he will kiss and he won't leave your side. of course, he loves it too when you're the first one to kiss him. especially in his lips and neck. when he comes home, please give him plenty of kisses in the lips. after dealing with some curses, he's probably tired so kissing him is his way of recharging. when he's in the mood for you know what, please give him kisses on the neck. i promise you, it will turn him on. in return, he'd kiss you passionately on every part of your body and he will make sure to make you feel good. all day and night, he will always give you kisses because you deserve it and he knows you love it.kisses are all-consuming. his hands find your hair and his lips trail your jaw and, if you couldn't feel the way the floor bubbled under you, you'd think you were floating through the cosmos. he trails his teeth along your collar, leaving purple kisses just below the bone and you melt in his arms, falling further into the abyss of his touch.he is such a pain to kiss - mainly because of his height. and he likes to make you work for it too; like he’d just smirk down at you mischievously whilst you try to reach up and give him a kiss. when you’d give up and turn to walk away he’d quickly drag you by to him with a hand around your waist, leaning down to press a long and passionate kiss against your lips. since you two don’t get to see each other as often because of his busy schedule, he makes sure to make his kisses somewhat passionate, no matter the time crunch he is in. even if he is running late, he’d still bend down with your face cupped in his hands to give you a short but sweet kiss before he’s running off again. always leaves you breathless and with a stupid smile on your face because honestly, he’s really cute. when he returns or whenever he sees you in the hallway, he’d basically run towards you with the most excited smile on his face before he kisses all over your face in delight. loves that whenever you sit in his lap, you’d kiss him on the forehead because you finally get to reach the top of his head. he also enjoys pressing kisses along your knuckles, and if you are married, on the space right above your wedding band with a cheeky smile on his face. “oya? still keep the ring on even when we work?” refuses to let you take it off even after he pisses you off, by the way; he’d just find a way to slip it back onto your finger without you noticing. he’d wrap his arm around your head and press a kiss against your temple whenever you need some comfort, his arm pulling you close so you can cuddle up into his uniform jacket without saying a word. make out sessions in his office, and it wasn’t uncommon for people to walk in on you two making out on his desk. you couldn’t look at fushiguro for a week straight when he walked in on the both of you once.Always. No matter how he kisses you. Mostly, he can stick to you for longer and then see how embarrassed you are among people. He could put his tongue in your mouth just to see your blush as you hide your face from him. He does it out of love, not pure malice. Well, that's also. No matter where, no matter when, he will kiss you goodbye or hello. He's not just willing to touch his lips. It is boring for him. He prefers to feel more. Therefore, he does the same at home. He doesn't mind if you nibble his lips while resting, but he prefers stronger sensations. It is certain that you will never refuse him a kiss.The pink and soft lips that always smile annoyingly just tell you to kiss them.
  • SURPRISE ⟳ Tries to act it off by playing his usual playful act, but honestly, he's screaming inside about how cute that was and how he wished Chiya could have done it sooner because he's falling apart right now but in a good way. His face is a little more tinted pink, especially his cheeks, and she snorts, seeing that she, in fact, did affect him, but he's being his usual self.
  • TEASING ⟳ He’s a tease and we all know it. purposely not giving Chiya a kiss when she wants one or giving her short pecks when she wanted it longer. Although he doesn’t last long with his teasing, as he gets impatient, as well. He doesn’t mind teasing her in public, either; he truly has no shame at all.
  • *ASKING FOR KISSES > whenever this man is asking for any type of kiss, he does it with his sing-sang voice, so you really do not know if he’s fucking serious or not. sometimes, he calls you, and when you look at him, he’d be pouting his lips. he does this everywhere. well, it’s up to him to show you how serious he is through the intensity of his kisses. “baby~ come kissy kissy.” does not take “no” for an answer. will ask you if you do not love him anymore, or is he a bad kisser, or are you in another secret relationship with suguru getou. (take note that you should ask him that). UNLIKE MEGUMI, satoru would fucking steal any fucking piece of candy from your mouth. sometimes, he says the most embarrassing things, EVEN IN PUBLIC. “do you wanna kissy kissy this dicky once we go homie?” istg. he would always have the sassy smirk on his face after tasting your lips. 8/10 — funny but embarrassing.
  • *MAKING OUT > jesus when are you not making out with this man? he’s so fucking needy and can’t learn to keep his hands to himself around you. but i mean i guess we love him anyway 🙄 gojo teases you throughout the entire day, whisper things in your ear, moving his hand a little too close to where it’s appropriate in public, making sure to pull you close enough so his chest is pressing against your back. the second you have something important to do though, he suddenly needs to ‘talk to you’ and take you somewhere in private for a ‘few minutes.’ like. by the time he does this though, you’re already pretty annoyed by his antics and will just blow him off. acts all offended as if he didn’t bring this upon himself. when you’re finally alone, whether that’s an empty classroom or your office, he coincidentally is in the same place at the same time. gojo pushes you on top of a desk or wraps your legs around him. probably presses you against a wall as well. he’s rough but sweet at the time, like his hands wander all over, up your shirt, through your hair, etc but actually kissing him is really soft. his lips are really soft and he’s kind of slow with his movements, almost savouring every second of it.

sitting on his lap

The moment Chiya came to him, he was already in flames. He's a horny MF. He can't even see her ass, and I meant see as just see it nothing more. So, when she sat on his lap, he went crazy. His hands were all over her in an instant. Before she could think, he was kissing her neck and leaving his precious marks on it. If she tried to leave, he wouldn't let her until he was done. "You started this, mochi, now take it until the end."
  • AND FALLING ASLEEP ⟳ This MF, really, he has no boundaries. Firstly, he's going to find Chiya really cute, and his heart will be filled with love and pride. But nothing ends there with Satoru. And there she is, now looking at her phone with thousands of notifications from everywhere. This MF just posted and distributed millions of pictures of her drooled face. "ONE DAY I'LL KILL YOU, SATORU!"

sitting on her lap

Look how tall this man is. So, when he sits on her lap, that's all him over her. He likes to swing on her lap just to annoy her and he also let go of his weight on her. "What, mochi, weren't you strong, too?" Passing the teasing moment, his hands start to flow over Chiya's body and there's no escape.
  • PUTTING A FLOWER IN HIS HAIR ⟳ Not news that he's with his head on her lap. Whenever he got the opportunity, there he was. So, when Chiya placed the flower on his ear, he looked with those perfect sky-blue eyes and gave a mischievous smile. "Ownnn Chiya, I know I'm beautiful as a flower."


*Actually, you weren’t thinking about taking a shower with Gojo. Why, if you’ve been together all day anyway? But Gojo just couldn’t help but annoy you with the topic of ‘taking a shower together’ until you agreed. He already imagined how it would work out. You would lovingly wash him while he does the same with you, you kiss each other again and again and tell yourself how great the other is and maybe even more happens in the shower. Yeah… but unfortunately, everything was different. You’re always arguing about the position of the showerhead. If Gojo adjusts it, the shower head is much too high for you. If you do it, Gojo can just wash his abdomen and half his chest without squatting. What a gentleman is, he has not fully understood, because Gojo always showers first and you can shake in the corner and wait for him to finish. One time he started doing some stupid hairstyles with foam while you stood there already shaking because it was cold. You just kicked him out of the shower and cleaned yourself to get out of the shower while he grumbles about why you’re always so harsh on him. You wanted to try sex in the shower once. Okay, Gojo asked you if you could try it out while he massaged your breasts and nibbled on your earlobe. Both of you were wet, had not seen each other much due to the stress of everyday life and therefore had no sex, so you nod. You were both so excited that Gojo grabbed you and pressed against the solid part of the shower enclosure. His hands wrapped around your thighs, you with your arms around his neck while your legs clung to his hip. It all started so well. He was stiff; you were wet… Your moans grew louder and louder until you two got startled and looked at each other with a mix of disgust and confusion. Because through your skin, which was only more wet by the water, your skin clapping on each other had given a sound of what sounded like a wet fart. You both knew that wasn’t a real fart, but your desire for sex was completely gone. You then decided not to have sex in the shower, and also only to enjoy a shower together from time to time, because it doesn’t always fit in time.



  • COMMANDO > The moment he discovered it, his eyes almost jumped out of his face. He wasn't subtle at all. He grabbed Chiya immediately and took her to the first private place he could find. "You are not escaping from me now, mochi."
  • ASKING WHAT UNDERWEAR TO WEAR > She certainly shouldn't have done that. First, the answer. "Why, mochi. You should wear nothing at all." Second, forget about her schedule, he'll make her prove every underwear he likes the most and won't be able to choose. Actually, he's no longer choosing. He's right behind her with his hands flowing everywhere. And now he demands Chiya to ask him about it every day.


He loves the fact you’re inexperienced, mans got a corruption kink. Rather you know about sex or not. He really doesn’t care, but he’s happy to be your first. He’s gonna be gentle and sensual with you, he wants to focus on you and nothing else. Eating you out as the first ideal of prep, fingering you. He loves the way you cry out his name when its “S’ too much.” But knowing him, once he has his mind on something he’ll easily finish it. (Not quickly though. You know better than that). You gripped and scratched at his broad shoulders, feeling his cock hit that gummy spot deep inside your cunt has you seeing stars. First he ate you out to orgasm, then he fingered you to orgasm, just to fuck some more orgasms out of you. “S'too much! Too much- s'toru…!” You were a babbling mess under him, he loved it so much. “yeah? Too much huh?~ I don’t know about that, you seem pretty slick to me~” he thrusts between his words. Repeatedly hitting that spot inside you like it’s a challenging game inside his head.


through an endless void of blue hues gojo sees something he’s wanted for a while—patiently waiting until that day came that you asked him to take your virginity. now, gojo was thrilled but with the minimal amount of sexual experience he had, where he was at this very moment, that cocky stigma he had about himself completely washing away. “you’re so fuckin tight” gojo groans above you, leaning down on his elbow as he peppers your face with open mouth kisses, “don’t know if i’m gonna fit, angel” he lightly chuckles, cupping his hands under your ass to spread you wider for him. “it will” you look up at him and gojo really hates the way your eyes pool with desire, lip quivering while his cock slowly submerges itself through your folds. “yeah? my pretty girl needs my cock that bad?” gojo murmurs, shuffling in the covers until he’s hovering his body hovers you— menacingly bullying the pace of his hips rolling against your body. gojo wants to tease, toy with your body until you’re nothing but a whimpering, begging mess but god—that pretty pout you give him makes gojo think otherwise. “i’ll give it to you angel, just be patient, okay? gotta make it past this part. i’m sorry if it hurts baby but i’ll make it feel so fuckin’ good” gojo lingers his gaze on your face for a moment, capturing the way your face scrunches in ache as he sinks his fat cock conpletely in, fingers delving into your hips as he starts slow strokes. “a-almost there pretty girl, stay with me” gojo stammers, struggling to hold any type of composure at how fucking good you feel, so warm and wet welcoming his heavy cock but once the pain subsides it’s overwhelming how virtuous gojo feels inside you. “that’s my girl, taking my cock so well” gojo praises, pumping his cock harder as he grips the sheets below your head, bending down to press his lips against your forehead gojo screws his eyes shut because he wants to make you cum, he has to have you begging for more but if he looks at how beautiful you look right now being split open by him—he’d only last seconds.
  • ***RAW > "would you fuck me raw, satoru?” you question gojo as he watches tv, long legs spread open and wide, tilting his head over in your direction, “shit” he mumbles and it grasps your attention even more, wandering over to his spot on the couch. the prominent outline emerging from his pants clearly paints a picture and it’s not subtle anymore as he lets you spring his cock free without another glossed covered word, watches as the length twitches and grows harder by the minute. “is that your answer?” gojo asks, breath hitched to his throat when you stand to your feet, dropping your bottoms and climbing over his lap. “oh my god” gojo moans, you barely have dropped your hips to meet his aching cock and gojo is ready to succumb under the warmth of your velvet walls. gojo starts slow, his body is moving on instinct, searching for a blissful ending within your hole, bucking and dragging his cock along your walls and as his orgasm tears it’s head to the waves of pleasure he can only meekly fuck hisself through it, hisses left in the air and moans fluttering through those pretty lips. “we’re about to find out how much you can take of my raw cock princess, cause there’s no fucking way i can stop now” gojo groans, flipping you over and sliding a hand down to your puffy clit, “might as well cum with me this time” he sneers, watching your face contort to absolute beauty—gojo has spent a lifetime looking through his endless eyes but what he looks down upon now—is his bare cock splitting open your perfect pussy.


GOJO will lowkey be setting you up for it. He’s an open flirt who likes teasing and being teased, so you can bet that he’ll have this in mind. He’ll plant this idea of you one time when you’re still in a stage of hesitance on skinship, but knowing Gojo, he’ll just encourage you even more. It starts with guiding your hands to his face, letting you get used to looking him in the eye for longer than three seconds before it moves to bolder moves of you leaning over to steal a quick peck from his lips. It’s cute, innocently adorable, until you suddenly tug him by his belt. Pulled forward, Gojo’s hands immediately shoot out to flatten at the wall beside you, brows cocked at your shocked face. “I didn’t mean to do that, I swear it was a dare-” “Who said I was complaining?” Smirking, Gojo snickers at the embarrassment crystal clear on your face. “You can do that again,” he whispers, voice reaching barely above a heated whisper. Hands clasped with yours, Gojo helps you wrap your fingers around his tie, the knot intentionally loosened from his prediction of this moment. “But if you want a kiss next time, you can try tugging here too.”


he was never intending on keeping things innocent. gojo is an absolute whore. the complete opposite of megumi. he knows what’s about to go down before it even goes down. but, everything he does to you is ten times more enjoyable than the movie so you can rest assured. star wars was always better when you were on your hands and knees, bent over with your ass sticking up in the air, and gojo’s cock pounding into you from behind. he was clutching on to your shirt like a pair of reins as he hammered his cock into your walls, the sheer force of his thrusts making your thighs sting every time his slapped against yours. your moans were loud and disoriented, mind completely shattered because of the intense pleasure he was making you feel. “we haven’t even reached the half way mark and i’ve already fucked you stupid,” he mocked smugly, giving himself a pat on the back.FINDING THE SPOT: gojo watches with a grin on his face as you try to take all of him in, hands behind his head while you struggle to fit his thick girth all the way. he smirks at the way tears prick at your lashes and your lips wobble as they curl into a soft pout, looking at him with pleading eyes. “what’s wrong, sweetheart? can’t fit it all? thought you said you wanted to do it yourself,” he grins wickedly, chuckling as you huff and send him a glare. you’re stubborn—always have been, and it makes it all the more exciting to wreck you. and gojo is going to utterly wreck you, he thinks. “c-can’t—’s too big. won’t fit,” you sniffle, “toru, do something,” you huff. “aw, can’t even take my cock without my help, can you?” he all but sings, “i gotta do everything for you, sweetheart. just too damn spoiled, huh?” with that, he licks his lips and angles his hips upward in a swift motion that has him burying to the hilt and making you fall against his chest as your face digs into his neck with a sob. the fat head of his cock hits deep against the sensitive spot of your slick cunt, making tears slip down your cheeks as he slams against it over and over again with every roll of his hips. “fuck—toru,” you squeal, “more, wan’ more,” you sniffle, clutching onto his shirt. he lets out a breathy laugh, grunting as your tight walls clench down on him, your arousal glistening over his reddened cock as his hips roll into yours and his hands find your waist to pull you down and bounce you on his length. with a particularly sharp thrust, you mewl as his tip slams into your spot again, making him choke at the way you clench around him. “that’s it, baby. take me so well, don’t you? fucked this pussy so many times, i fit right in,” he pants, “‘s my pussy, right? all mine.”AT THE BEACH: Satoru unties the simple bow of your bikini with his teeth as you sit on a wooden bench — fingers touching your skin with delicacy as he stares up at you with lust blown eyes, half hiding behind his round black sunglasses. you’re almost squirming under his touch as he says, index finger now hooked on your bikini, pulling it down slowly, you’ll let me have a taste, right? and he fucks you with his tongue — squeezes your plush thighs, groans and whines that you taste divine.once he’s done eating you out (he’s made a mess of you, really) he stands — holds your hand and places it on his erection, smirk plastered on his face. look at what you do to me, pretty girl. you’re gonna help me out, yeah? and he smiles ‘cause you look so cute under the sun, he wants to fuck you all day long — devour you like the starved man he truly is.PERIOD SEX: Naturally, Gojo is happy to shower you with sweets for the duration of your period. He loves how clingy and cuddly you get too but- I don’t think he would like period sex. It's not some immature, ‘that’s gross’ thing. You’ve tried before and being smeared with bright crimson streaks all over his dick and hips and stomach and seeing blood run down your thighs conjured a very intrusive and unexpected feeling in him of having injured you that he is not interested in experiencing again. If you’re cramping really badly and seem to be struggling though, Gojo is more than happy to offer you a literal hand. Afterall, he knows your body well enough that he doesn’t even need to look- he can just keep his pretty eyes focused on your face while he makes you cum around his fingers as many times as it takes to make you feel better. Peppering you with kisses and teasing gently about how needy you sound for him when you ask for just one more.


A = aftercare

This baby gets so cuddly and talkative after sex, please, his face just lights up so much as he tells her about some random fact that he learned that day, about his favorite movie and what he'd eaten that day and what she should definitely try. Tells her how amazing she was and how good she made him feel. Always has sweets in his nightstand and snacks some with her afterwards. He takes his time with Chiya when it comes to aftercare, loves taking baths with her and just spending time with her, enjoying her presence.

B = body part

Despite his arrogant personality, he actually doesn't care about the way he looks. Sure, a lot of people tell him that, but he never really gave it much thought. The only thing he has an opinion on is his eyes and he doesn't like them. Yeah, they make him the strongest and all but there's also all the harm they've caused that he just can't forget. If he had to choose, he'd say his favorite body part of his are his hands. He gets so soft when Chiya tells him that she likes his eyes; it means more to him than he could ever say.On her, he can't possibly choose just one! He's quite the groper NGL, but if he really thinks about it, he´d say her hips and neck. They're both so delicate and sensitive and he can't get enough of them. Ass: his hands would never be anywhere else, even if she's not having sexy time with him. He just loves holding it, molding his palms to fit its curve perfectly, giving it little squishes until he pisses her off, slapping it playfully when he's in passing. Literally biting it randomly, just out of nowhere to catch her off-guard.

***C = cum

He's super sensitive everywhere so Chiya could really make him cum without even touching his cock. That's how she found out he has a thing for it. Satoru doesn't cum a lot and it's not too sticky and thick, but rather on the thin side. Doesn't really care where he gets to cum though he has to admit there´s just something about Chiya swallowing it. He feels really proud every time he makes her can always tell when he’s about to finish bc his moans go from really whiny and breathy to more deep and throaty.

D = dirty secret

He's soooo confused and still questioning if he's a switch or not (yes, he definitely is). Why he's having such a hard time with this? He cannot stop thinking about him and Chiya wearing a maid dress, he doesn't even know if he wants to wear one or prefer her wearing one. He definitely wants to try both, but it drives him mad that he's so indecisive.

E = experience

Not too much, to be honest; most of it was meaningless and the rest broke his heart. She's the first person that makes him understand what making love means, as cheesy as it sounds. (Might be a virgin before he met her; he never did care about those things.)

***F = favorite position

Chiya in his lap, riding him, facing him, pressed up against his chest, his hands on her hips.first thing that comes to mind is gojo’s favorite position being the lotus one. it’s just the perfect way for him to be holding you close while still being able to control your movements, though most of the time he loves setting you free, feeling your desperation in the way you fuck yourself on his cock. he loves that he can stare into your eyes and hold your hands and kiss you, all the while being able to watch the fucked out look on your face intensify the closer you get to your high. i feel like no matter what leads to the sex, how it starts, how it goes, it will always end with you on his lap, legs circling his waist, arms around his neck, just grinding on his cock.He loves doggystyle and mating press

G = goofy

This man loves to laugh and have fun with Chiya in every single way. Always needs to make sure she's alright so being playful and laughing together really is perfect and honestly... makes his heartbeat faster.

H = hair

Satoru shaves very thoroughly. It's a part of his way-too-long bathroom routine.

***I = intimacy

This!!!! Intimacy is the most important to him. Aaaah can't wait to get dragged for this, but this man's such a softie. He's very traditional. He never wants to fuck her; he wants to make love. Physical intimacy is just another way to show his love, so being as close as possible to her is important to him. Eye contact and hand holding are mandatory. He loves spoiling Chiya, worshipping her, just praising her and making her feel like she's in another world. Satoru's always smiling at Chiya like she's an angel because she is and is such a sucker for her kisses.enjoys it the most when you hold hands. It may seem a bit banal to you or those around, but he just loves relaxing with you and hold your hand, as an anchor to steady him on the ground. He absolutely loves intertwining his fingers with yours and rub circles with his thumb on your skin, and tease your ticklish spots (he loves running your hands on your body, and feel the soft sighs you emit when his warm and huge hands touch you, especially your nipples).
  • Gojo always comes back from missions so oversensitive and touch starved, his cheeks flushing pink from just the hug you give him to welcome him home. All he wants is to go slow with you. To draw out your pleasure along with his own. To prove to you how much he missed you in all the ways it’s too difficult to say out loud. But with you on top of him like this… it’s impossible. Gojo’s cock is trapped between the flat planes of his stomach and the perfect, syrupy warmth of your cunt. You’re being so gentle, just like he asked- kissing him sweet and slow while you slide yourself carefully along the length of him. He’s doing his best to be good too. Trying to lay still with your fingers entwined, pinning his hands to either side of his head. It lasts all of a minute and a half. Just a few experimental rolls of his hips combined with the friction of your clit against the underside of his cockhead is all it takes to send him spiraling. He feels a little bit bad about it as his breath catches in a loud, needy whine and he cums all over himself, his big hands gripping you by the hips to keep you firmly pressed over him while he rides out the aftershocks. But he wants more. You feel a little guilty too and you open your mouth to apologize even as he stares dreamily up at you with those eyes like a perfect summer sky. “Don't…” he huffs as he guides your hips back into a steady rhythm. “Fuck, I don’t wanna stop. I can’t- you, ah, you feel too good, angel~” He drags you faster and faster through the mess he’s made, the noise of his cum mixing with your slick an increasingly frantic backdrop to the soft sounds of you both panting and whining between eager, open mouthed kisses. “Satoru,” you whimper. “Satoru, please-” He’s so pretty like this you can’t stand it. Flushed all the way down his chest and his lips pink and kiss swollen and smeared with drool. His starshine eyes unfocused and glassy with pleasure. You fall apart staring at him, your cunt twitching and pulsing against his still hard cock with another little cry of his name. It’s enough to make him cum again too, shuddering underneath you as his tears of overstimulation threaten to bubble over. And he still wants more.

J = jerk off

Satoru likes jerking off under her surveillance. Otherwise, he really doesn't do it that much.
  • ***MASTURBATION VOICEMAILS: 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 likes adding fuel to the fire when you’re mad at him, loves pushing your buttons just a little bit more each time. and even if he’s amused that you’ve sent him straight to voicemail as he calls, he’s just the slightest bit unhappy too—and he’s determined to make sure you regret not picking up. “sweetheart,” he drawls, panting breathily into the phone, hand dragging over his stiff cock slowly, rubbing over his tip with his thumb and jerking his hips up with a slight whine, “look what you’re missing out on. don’t be mad,” he coos. and then he lets out an even louder whine, purposefully needy—because he knows it gets you hot and bothered, he knows you’ll squeeze your legs together at the sound, and he knows you’ll need him just as badly. “baby, wanna fuck you,” he moans, “wanna feel how good you take me. wanna kiss you—you didn’t let me kiss you,” he pouts slightly. his hand fists his cock tighter, flushed an angry red, leaking with pre cum that leaves a quiet squelching sound as he strokes himself faster. he lets out wanton moans, drawing them out into the speaker of his phone as his hips rut upwards to meet his hand. and with a soft whine, he calls your name brokenly, voice pretty and desperate as it cracks at the end. thick ropes of cum paint his abs white as they flex, his orgasm crashing over him in waves while his back leaves the mattress. he whimpers as he milks himself of every drop, stroking himself until he’s finished and his body’s slumped against his bed in a breathless heap. “come over,” he says slyly into the phone, “c’mon, sweetheart i know you wanna, you miss me don’t you? i miss you too.”
  • ***MASTURBATION VIDEOS: he sends them for attention—which is a surprise to no one, but gojo satoru is anything but a straightforward guy, so he lets you know he needs you to focus on him through a video of his large hand pumping his thick cock, tip reddened and pre cum oozing from the slit while he no doubt moans extra whiny in the background. you watch his hand pump his girth and squeeze at the base while your pupils dilate and your thighs clamp together, feeling the familiar ache bloom between your legs. and then his cock twitches, his thighs quiver, and he calls your name brokenly while he cums, “f-fuck, jus’ not the same as that pretty little pussy of yours, sweetheart,” he groans, “gonna kill a guy here.” he lets out a strained gasp as thick ropes of cum coat his hand and abs, glistening over his pulsing length as he smears it over himself while he fucks his fist through his high. the camera is shaky as he films himself while he desperately drags his palm over his sensitive dick, but you can tell he’s just the slightest bit frustrated—spoiled, even—that it’s not the same as your tight walls or your warm mouth as you fondle his balls like he’s used to. and just when you think he’s done, there’s another photo under the video, his flushed and sweaty face with his hair clinging to his forehead as he grins. gonna come drop by sweetheart?

K = ***kinks

Not many, TBH. he’s got a tough act to follow when you’re on all fours, skin rippling as he snaps his hips into you, face hitting the sheets below you while gojo grips the fat of your ass, “s-shit princess, you always this fucking tight?” gojo gurgles back a moan, almost a high pitched whimper settling in his chest when you crane your head back to look at him, bringing a hand to card through his white strands, tranquil blue eyes flickering a flame, gojo smirks giving an experimental thrust hard in you. but gojo thinks he has so much control fucking you past that white ring wrapped around his cock, juices spilling on the sheets, he probably won’t cum anytime soon—he’s got restraint afterall wanting to make you squirt and gush on his length till he’s satisfied. “b-baby stop clenching” gojo throws his head back, reeling his hips before he’s slamming right back into you, croaking when suddenly his cock twitches with enough cum painting your walls you can almost taste it in your throat. who’s in control now? not gojo, he’s too busy begging for you to fuck him again and again.Sucking on fingers (G)Breeding (G) “beg me.” he was barely inside you anymore, just his tip spearing you open as you writhed around him. “please, cum inside me! need you to breed me, sato, wanna feel you leaking out,” you panted, trying in vain to push yourself down against him to attempt to coax him deeper inside of you. he chuckled, low and dangerous as one of his hands darted up to catch hold of your throat. you stopped your movements immediately to make eye contact with him, his startlingly blue eyes full of self-assuredness as he snapped his hips forward, filling you up and knocking the air out of your lungs in one fell swoop. need me, huh? what a slut,” he wasn’t laughing anymore, rough thrusts kissing your cervix while he buried himself as deep within you as he could. he brought one of his hands down to rub sloppy circles on your clit. “can’t get off without daddy’s cum filling you up? that’s alright, princess, i’ll bite.” there was a newfound determination behind each of his movements now as he got you to the edge in no time, legs quivering around him as he kept you pinned in place with the hand on your throat. “ready for it? ready for me to fuck a baby into you?” that was the only warning you’d get, and when you nodded hurriedly he was smirking devilishly before filling you up, hot and thick and exactly what you needed to cum with him. he hissed when your gummy walls milked him dry but remained inside of you, fucking you through the aftershocks of your orgasm. there was a wet sound as he pulled out and you flinched at the dirty feeling of his cum leaking out of you. his eyes flashed dangerously before his fingers were between your legs, pushing his release back into your twitching cunt. “you’d better not waste a drop after begging so desperately for it, sweetheart… or i’ll just have to keep filling you up all night.”
  • Of course he loves cumming in you, in fact you should be honored to have his cum. Gojo is the chosen one after all. Likes to see you clench and struggle to hold all the cum in. Especially loves to see you beg for it. You wonder if you’re still dreaming. It feels euphoric, being completely surrounded by Gojo’s entire being - his intoxicating smell, his hot skin, his hypnotic voice filling your ears. “oh, where did you float off to, princess?” he coos, watching the glossy, faraway look take over your eyes. Despite this, Gojo keeps up his brutal pace his breathing becoming jagged and irregular. There’s no warning when he comes. “Shit” Gojo spoke through a gritted smile as he blows his load. Almost as if he was unfazed by his ejaculation, Gojo keeps sliding his member in and out, his milky semen leaking out as he continues to push into you relentlessly, not loosing a second of speed.The sounds, god the sounds where sinful. Wet skin against skin echoed through the room the sloshing of cum trapped inside you, his thrusts are not only slicker and frictionless with the help of his hot cum, “M-mhm..” your humming earns a guttural groan from the male underneath you, “m’ Please dont stop satoru please dont stop” you cry, and how could he not? He couldn't stop now. His body had kicked into auto pilot, a primal need for you settled in as he thrusted in and out, creating a methodical fast rhythm that echoed in your ears. How could someone be so addicting? Gojo chuckled. “Fuck babe, your killing me.”
  • Gojo has a breeding kink. Dont get pregnant by him, he’s a man child
Hair-pulling (R)Mild degradation / humiliation / dumbification (R) He blushes so hard whenever Chiya talks dirty to him. Loves to degrade you. Call him a manwhore and he will cryFace-sitting (R) Gojo’s mouth on your pussy was greedy, tasting and sliding up every inch with an eager tongue. He wasted no time in dipping past your folds, licking up through them and then back down, and a strangled moan escaped your lips at the warm feeling balling up in your stomach. “Mmmmm” Gojo moaned against your pussy making your stomach twist. “Taste like heaven babe”. It had been made clear that one of Gojo’s favorite places to be was between your thighs, and so you were no stranger to the wonderful ways he could work you from where he was.Your thoughts were interrupted with just that, Gojo having brought a hand up to spread you open so that his tongue could sink in as far as it could goPegging (R) listen— oh my GOD JANSJDS LISTEN — i got carried away 🧍🏻‍♀️ i think gojō would act all high and mighty and try to seem so cool when you bring it up like “yeah course we can try pegging. we can try anything.” but mf is so scared oh my god. cause?? he’s about to take it up his ass??? granted he can’t really be held accountable for reacting badly considering how many times he’s asked you to do anal. but still!  anyways. he’ll be pretty compliant with everything, but he’ll prefer if he’s not facing you, because he is kind of freaking out. of course, a part of him is curious, and always has been, and that’s the part that’s letting him be so okay with the fact that you’re stretching him with two of your fingers. it also— feels really good. when it’s just your fingers, he’ll still have it in him to tease, shaking his ass at you, exaggerating his moans, asking you if he looks pretty for you like this. that is until you twist your fingers and press against that spot inside of him, and he literally melts. just shivers and melts into the mattress like why is he just discovering this now??? when you do fuck him, he’s already so far gone. no longer teasing, because he really doesn’t have it in him at all. he takes it so well too, just absolutely gives in. he’ll be arching his back, his moans bouncing and hiccuping as he presses his ass against you. he’ll clutch at the sheets and cry and whine against the sheets, coating it with his spit and drool as his eyes cross and roll back. he’ll whimper and cry out, “faster! harder! please, please, please fuck me. fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” and he looks just as pretty as he sounds. i don’t doubt that someone like gojō would be determined to cum untouched, so he’ll make it his life mission. to boost your ego? to boost his own? both ! when he cums, he’ll twist his head and rest his cheek against the mattress, and god the way he looks !!! so pretty, with his cheeks all rosy and lips so plump and swollen and his eyes!! so dewy and glassy and eyelashes wet, and his hair, slightly matted and pressing against his forehead and a little bit messy and disarrayed as you fuck into him. and then his mouth falls open, and he moans, so deeply, and his body tightens, hands fisting the sheets harder before he spills, his cock bobbing and twitching as he cums all over his stomach and the mattress beneath him, all while he cries and screams for you, “so good, so good, so good, fucked me so good, ah, ah, feel so full.” damn anyways i need to— idk imma screamMild bondage (G+R) because she just looks so goddamn pretty in it. Also, not against the idea of being tied up himself. In fact, it excites him even more.

L = location

Anywhere private where they can't get disturbed. Likes couch sex a lot, for some reason.

M = motivation

He honestly doesn't know. When he's not with Chiya, that is. [When he gets horny around her, it's most likely because she's angry at something (also the kind of guy to get hot and bothered when she's mad at him).]
  • At home he wears grey sweat pants while he’s hard. Only to get a reaction out of you

N = no

Anything involving his powers, heavy dom / sub play (in any form or shape), weapon and pain play.

***O = oral

That man has talent when it comes to that. Nice and soft touches, always knows just what she likes and what to do to make her legs tremble. He's not too teasing when it comes to that, just very gentle. When Chiya gives him head, however.... the tables do turn. This man is sensitive as heck!!! Hates the fact that he can't control his voice when it comes to that. Gets so WEAK whenever she blows him.
  • This man is always pussy hungry. Just sit on his face. Spends hours between your legs. Loves watching you fall apart over his tongue. Will tease you, until you beg him to eat your pussy. The way he fingers you…… The way he sucks on your clit… Takes pictures of your o face and sends them to Geto. “Baby you taste so good, better than any desert I had”. He loves using a sex toys, especially the ones for the clit. He will use the sex toy while he fingers you. This man will also finger your butthole. Eats the booty like groceries.
  • Sly bastard, loves to eat you out underneath tables and really when ever people are around. This includes zoom sessions, when friends are over, phone calls or anytime your wearing a skirt. Honestly doesn’t care if he gets caught, gives him a rush of adrenaline, but he knows you do so he try’s to be as discreet as possible. Which is really hard to do. “You ok y/n?” You hear a voice coming from your computer. “You look like your about to sneeze or something.” Your face is beet red and your softly kick the white haired man beneath you who snickered at your friends comment. Yeah you were about to do something, but it sure wasn’t sneezing. Gojos hands that were holding your legs could feel the apparent shaking while you struggled to contain your self. His tongue flattened on your clit and you have to bite your lip to contain a squeal. “Come one sweet girl” gojo whispers “I know you want to, just let go for me.”
  • Satoru is a goddamn tease. He will caress your thighs, his fingers will ghost on your clit—not actually touching them—as he watches you with those lustful eyes. When he finds you furrowing your brows in frustration, that’s when he will dive in and lick your pussy, gathering all the juices flowing down with the tip of his tongue as he moves up. He will slurp it all. Tongue lapping against your sensitive spot. Watching you cum is his favorite part because you look so pathetic, so vulnerable under his touch. It’s like he casts a spell on you.
LOVES LOVES LOVES when you suck his cock. like he can’t get enough of not only the feeling, but the way you look and the way his fingers feel laced through your hair. He loves blowjobs and it’s no secret. He is always amused when you see his dick for the first time. “Don’t worry angel you can suck me off”. He will let you have full control for first few times. He will praise you, “Just like that baby, suck it harder. You are such a good girl”. Loves it when you suck on his balls. After you got used to his big dick…..he will face fuck you. Your gagging is music to his ears. Grabs your hair a little too hard. He will give you a headache after. Calls you a cum slut, cock hungry. He will kiss you after you shallowed his cum. Believes his sperm is the best, because he’s the strongest…. If you suck him off after a mission, he will simp for you

P = pace

Honestly, very flexible with everything. Goes as slow and fast as she wants him to. He does prefer slow sex, though, with a nice build-up.
  • The sex depends on his mood he can be rough to prefers not to be too rough

Q = quickie

When the time's right and they're alone, he's all for it. Especially because of his weird sex drive, he just loves getting it on with her, especially like this when he's needy.

R = risk

He got caught a lot in previous flings and relationships and it never was a fun time, so he's extra careful about that with Chiya.

S = stamina

Well. He's the strongest. So obviously he's got all the stamina; he can go as many rounds as she likes.

T = toys

Totally pro-toys! Finds the weird ones, too, in sketchy areas of the towns. Going to a sex shop together counts as a valid date to him sksksk.
  • Loves using sex toys

***U = unfair

It depends. He's not always in the mood to tease, but when he is, he definitely will make it a fun time. Don't worry, he won't make Chiya impatient, he does it in just the right amount. He likes to be teased, too, but he's way too sensitive to endure it.please this man loves teasing you, he loves the whimpers and whines you let out, his thrusts would be so slow:( he would also be so gentle<3 but this wasn’t enough for you! you needed more, slow thrusts aren’t going to satisfy you! “s-satoru please ‘need more!” you let out a cry as satoru shuts you up by pulling you into a kiss<33 and and satoru enjoys edging :( he enjoys edging you and seeing you cry out begging him to let you cum :(( “please please let me cum! promise i’ll be good!” you let out small hiccups as satoru starts thrusting again but this time he went real slow, slower than usual you keep letting out pleading whines till satoru couldn’t handle it anymore and started thrusting into you in a rapid speed<3

***V = volume

He's not too loud and not too quiet but... fuck.... his moans are soooo pretty. Satoru's definitely a talker during sex, but only in the first minutes. He's turning into a rambling mess, and definitely has a tendency to get fucked stupid.
  • When he comes to sex, he acts like a porn star. He’s always moaning about how tight you are. He also can’t shut up like at all, but that’s fine you like him like this. All you could get out that night was his name, he had been fucking you into oblivion. The walls of the room echoed the moans and whines that came from you two. His moans were so pretty, you could easily get off from them alone. You had been grabbing his hair to keep yourself steady because of how rough his pace was. “Fuck- I’m so close, can I cum in you?”
  • The loudest bitch in town, like I wouldn't be surprised if all of Tokyo could hear him. Will not shut the fuck up to save his life, and it will leave you in a state between "will this man ever shut up" and "I am laughing and I hate it here." Moans are so breathy and echo throughout the entire house. Probably uses degrading nicknames, but uses them as he praises you. He would probably try to have an actual conversation with you at some point and it's up to you if you would be over it or not. I know I would be.
  • This fucking man is a MOANER. he often tries to talk through his high moans and he ends up stuttering. “b-baby, ah! can you do that thing you- oh!” doesn’t curse as much as toji, but he speaks a lot. brings up several irrelevant topics while you are having sex. “oh, shit that’s so good— wait, did you cut your hair? ah. . . ah!” is very vocal about his feelings. sometimes, he’d guide you through what you’re doing. “god, i love it, (y/n). . . you can move your hand a but faster— yeah like that.”
  • always talking. whether it’s teasing or begging, his mouth is always running. a lot of his talking is either incoherent babbling or questions to get you to talk to. “tell me how good i feel baby,” “yeah? right there?” “hm? i’m sorry, what did you want me to do again? come on, i know you can ask nicely,” really good at praising/degrading you at the same time because it’s what he likes to hear as well. “you look so good struggling to take my cock like the needy little slut you are”

W = wild card

He once accidentally released his domain during sex, and it was not a fun experience. You'd think it'd be nice to cum endlessly and feel infinity, but it's really not. Overstim is fun and all, but don't overdo it. Satoru was such a sweetheart and apologized a week and didn't wanna touch her at all, resulting in him wearing his blindfold in bed until he realizes that it's annoying.

***X = x-ray

It's not too veiny, maybe an inch above average but nothing too crazy. His cock's definitely super sensitive.
  • Ok he's no Toji or Nanami... And he's not that thick. But he's long. Maybe around six inches? And he's just standing straight, so straight and so pretty that you actually enjoy receiving nudes from him. he's totally clean down there. Like i mean, no hair, no stubble. He probably waxes or whatever. omg i am laughing as I write this bc he's so naughty in bed and by naughty i mean, he's like a high school boy. he's also. very adventurous — will try anything until he realises he doesn't like it. ok ok ok so, his kinks!!!! role playing (his favourite is probably when you're in a cat/bunny ears, with a fluffy tail butt plug in ur ass. he likes seeing you on your knees just looking up at him with big, sparkly eyes, like how pets do whenever they welcome their owner home). orgasm denial (BOY HE WILL NEVER LET YOU CUM! and the worst part? he's doing this just for fun. and every time u lose control, he punishes you by fucking you good and hard until you're sooooo close. then he pulls out, and you just end up watching him pump his cock and cumming on your body. and then he grins and pats your thigh and says, "That was fun" and he leaves!!!) bondage (mostly with a pink bondage set he bought you, but he'd do it with his blindfold, or his tie too) riding (whether it's you riding his cock or his thigh, he likes either. And he always watches you with a smug grin on his face, knowing you're enjoying it because of him. he gets off just knowing he's the shit) He basically reminds me of a young teenage boy who's just found out sex is amazing LMAO. Oooh, also! bc he's so busy all the time, you'd, more often than not, find yourself being fucked in your sleep, and Gojo likes watching you wake up to your pussy being stuffed by his cock, how your face immediately contorts into pleasure and you're just moaning mindlessly. he'd fuck you faster and harder, and he'll always make you cum before he does.

Y = yearning

Honestly, doesn't have a high sex drive at all, but he gets horny at weird times and is really needy then. Kinda impatient in those times, too, almost always begs for phone sex when they're away from each other.

Z = zzz

Satoru's just so hyper after sex that he cannot fall asleep to save his life. He really tries, overall, he has weird little tricks to fall asleep since he has night terrors.
NSFW: It turns him on when you tell him that you love him and how much you want him. He likes it when you dominate and take the initiative first. He love to cuddle after sex and he likes stroke you from the neck to the back. If you moan loudly, he will take off his blindfold and plug your mouth with it. During training, he will knock you to the floor and start lifting your T-shirt with his hands, squeezing your waist, chest, biting your neck. He will tie your hands with his bandage so that you only work with your mouth when you make him a blowjob. If you straddle him and he starts moaning (this is all happening in the classroom or his office) and you shut him up with your kiss, he will feel even more aroused. If you ignored his attention to you, he will disrupt your conversation with students or the director and push you into the back room where he will press you back against the shelf and force you to wrap your legs around his waist. When he hears that someone is passing by you but does not see the two of you, he will deliberately enter you deeper, making you moan louder (but it will be your students who will blush the next day when they see you). He will definitely slap you on the ass when you talk to Nanami and then he will start «feeling sorry for you, apologizing to you» by hugging you around the waist and stroking your aching soft spot.EDGING: He loves to eat you out, but will stop when you are about to cum. He wants to hear you beg. Tears are even better.OVERSTIMULATION: rip y/n, you will be missed. satoru doesn’t believe in keeping it in the bedroom. whenever he sees you wearing a top that’s showing just a little too much cleavage or if you bend over and he gets the perfect view of your ass, he’s dragging you off somewhere. he drags into the nearest secluded area but doesn’t even bother locking the door so i’m not entirely sure of what the point is. makes you ride his thigh because he likes seeing you desperately trying to get yourself off. “at least try, i’m starting to get a little impatient baby” after you cum on his thigh, staining his pants, he pushes you against the wall before ripping off your underwear and spreading your thighs. doesn’t give you much notice before he’s slamming into you, biting your neck and rubbing your clit with his fingers. satoru does everything he possibly can to make you moan as loud as possible so everyone can hear you. he wants everyone to hear you begging him to stop because he’s making you feel that good. everyone is giving you looks when you guys leave the room making you wanna die of embarrassment right there.PRETTIEST WHEN OVERSTIMULATED: 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 is a thrill to watch fall apart because not only is there satisfaction in knowing you’ve reduced the strongest sorcerer down to a mess, but he’s not himself if he doesn’t put on a good show. his hips buck into your fist even if he begs with teary pouts for you to stop, and his voice cracks when he whines are like music. he lets out cute little gasps, hips jolting when you trace his vein or tease his slit, and he gives you a precious little whimper if you massage his balls, giving them attention too. his eyes have always been his prettiest feature—and they look even better when they widen as you just keep going, fat tears collecting between his lashes and rolling down his flushed cheeks as he cums with a choked sob. begs so sweetly for you to stop, to just give him a break, but his cock is still hard as ever after all the orgasms you’ve ripped from him—and you know he can take just one more, and he proves it too if you ask him with a bat of your eyes, sniffling before nodding slowly and spreading his legs apart so you can fit between them to take him into your mouth.COCKWARMING: cock warming is more like a punishment when it comes to satoru. he tricks you into thinking you’re about to have sex but when he lowers you onto his dick and doesn’t move, you know you’re fucked. gojo gives you a stupid grin keeping one hand firmly on your hip and the other one massaging your breast. he definitely has an insane amount of self control and makes sure to slowly break you down bit by bit until he can’t hold himself back anymore. there isn’t a moment where his lips aren’t on you, constantly biting and sucking various areas. if you move your hips to try and get some friction, he digs his nails into your hip. “you’re so pretty when you look this needy. do you think that guy you were flirting with can make you feel this way?” when you try to explain that you weren’t the one flirting, satoru lifts you up before roughly slamming his dick back inside you. >>> Thinking super soft thoughts about always asking before you remove Gojo’s blindfold when you know he’s had a very trying day or had his eyes uncovered for a bit… Thumbs brushing against the edge of the fabric as you hold his face in your hands. And yeah, most times he’s more than happy to let you pull it off him and flutter his unfairly long eyelashes at you, teasing you about the way you’re always so polite. But every once in a while, he’s so grateful for your gentleness, your willingness to be careful with him that the question makes him melt. He rests his hands over yours, his long fingers slotting into the spaces between your own and huffs out a little sigh. He’s still teasing about saying no, telling you there’s plenty of other things you can take off of him instead. That doesn’t quite happen either though. You end up in his lap, the bare minimum of your own clothing removed with his trousers pulled down around his hips so he can desperately slot himself inside you. He just needs you so bad, the feeling of relief and comfort that only you can give him. He holds you close and breathes in the familiar smell of you with his face pressed into your neck while he loses himself in all of it. All of your soft little noises and the warmth of you and your hands in his hair as you whimper out that you love him over and over and over~
  • would absolutely pick up the phone while you two are f/cking and do one of two things. 1) he either shushes you and is as smooth as possible while still thrusting into you relentlessly, or 2) answer with “hello, you’re actually interrupting something really important, if you wouldn’t mind calling back. y/n dear, why dont you let them know exactly what it is they’re interrupting,” and then making you moan into the phone
  • would definitely ask to put a vibrator in you while you two go out for dinner or something just so he can watch you squirm under his control. has NO problem dragging you into a bathroom or something and f/cking you silly if you’re teasing him in public. Will finger you in public, if you try to act cool it will only turn him on more
Sub!Gojo HCs: He likes it when you take control ;)
  • He’s an absolute brat. Teasing and disobeying you just to get that reaction out of you he craves. The way you use him to get yourself off and sometimes even leave the poor man without an orgasm for the night has him harder than ever – which does not help the problem in between his legs but some masochistic part of him loves it anyway.
  • Cock rings are a man’s best friend. Your hands rest on his chest, teasing his nipples as you slide up and down his cock, pleasure filling both of your body’s but only one of you was going to come that night. He had been especially rude today. He needed to learn his lesson. So, you placed the small contraption around his manhood and got to work. He cries out when you slide off of him after your own orgasm, wanting so bad to come but he knew no matter how much he pleaded you wouldn’t give in.
  • Spanking his ass always brings a laugh out of him, but his thighs? Oh, they’re sensitive. If you kept at it long enough, giving his nipples a few slightly painfully twists along the way, he would be coming untouched just from the endorphin inducing sensations. He loves when you punish him for misbehaving, bending him over your knee as your hand comes down on those muscular legs of his. You pump his cock as you do so, giving a series of harsh slaps just to watch him flinch forward instinctually and fuck your hand with the motion. He tries so hard not to let himself come but when you give his balls a slightly gentler hit and feign innocence at the action he just can’t help himself.
  • Blindfolds. Not being able to see what you’re doing makes the actions feel so much more intense. It requires him to trust you quite a bit and it’s definitely worth it in the end as your hands roam around his body in a way that has him shaking before you even touch his cock.
  • Fucking him with a toy will leave him sobbing if you continue it for long enough. He’ll arch into it with every rack of his body and the tears don’t stop as you both work together to pummel into his prostrate. When he nears his orgasm you quickly begin to stroke the tip of his cock and milk him easily for every last drop of cum that’s built up in him.
  • Tying him upforces him to submit even when his bratty headspace doesn’t want him to and there’s something so satisfying about the way whatever’s restraining him digs into his skin slightly to let him know he got himself into this predicament. One of his favorite positions is when you spread his legs with a bar while having his wrists attached to the same contraption. He’s stuck with his head lying against the pillows and his ass fully on display. Punishing him as you either slowly slide your strap into him or prefer to use some sort of toy to fuck in and out of him is just heavenly for this man. He’ll beg you to go harder, to give him more of those sweet sensations he experiences every time you hit his prostate just right, but you refuse. Keeping a slow pace that is sure to prolong his much-needed orgasm as long as possible. When he tries to thrust back pathetically you just give a harsh slap to his thigh and tell him to settle down.
  • Being told to make you come is one of his favorite things. Either having his head shoved between your legs or forced to focus on your own pleasure as he fucks you is so hot to him. You’ll tell him to control himself, that he has to be a good boy and finish you off before he even has a chance of coming. He’ll nod shakily, making sure to hit that sensitive bundle of nerves inside you with every thrust.
  • He adores being choked when you’re riding him or fucking into him yourself. That lightheadedness paired with the feeling of submission is not something he thinks he’ll ever get sick of. One moment your hands will be teasing the swollen buds on his chest and the next one will come up to his throat and squeeze down to make him feel even more splendid.




He wants to live in a house in the outskirts of the city someday, without anyone bothering them, without any responsibilities. Satoru never thought that marriage would be for him; he always felt undeserving of such a peaceful and loving life. But he just knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with Chiya and no one else.

accidentally calling him "husband"

They were at a business party and Chiya certainly was bored with all the stupid conversations about fighting egos. Satoru here wasn't having fun but sure knew how to behave himself enough to become the center of attention. Like he always is. She was taking another drink when she noticed her boyfriend surrounded with five people going all over him. And she had enough, or maybe she was drunk. Chiya just went to him and intertwined her arm with his. "Sorry to interrupt, but I need to take my husband here home." His eyes widened and he couldn't hold a chuckle that left his lips. He pulled her close by her waist, kissing the top of her head. "Alright, hon. Goodnight to you all, my wife / husband / spouse here always has the final word, if you know what I mean." That smug smile of his never left his lips the entire trip back to home. "Can you stop with that stupid smug, Satoru?" Now he was dying of laughter, making her blush. "Sorry, mochi!" He sighed. "I guess the ring I was keeping in the locker is coming out earlier then I thought."

flower ring proposal

For a minute, he just went silent. Chiya started thinking that she broke him and began getting worried. But then he turned to his normal self again and put a hand on his forehead, pretending to almost faint. "Oh my, mochi, I always knew you couldn't let me go." Chiya rolled her eyes while he put the ring on his finger and kissed her. "Now it's my turn." He got on his knee and opened a small box. "Will you marry me, Chiya?"


Gojo would be surpised. What can’t Gojo expect? He may act like a two year old but he’s incredibly vigilant. With the power of his 6 eyes, he can practically see everywhere and anywhere at any time. The only way you had any chance of surprising him was when he went on one of his trips abroad. With your all-knowing boyfriend out of the picture, you could plan your proposal with ease. When Gojo came back, you visited him at the airport. Dressed in his usual hoe-attracting attire, even you couldn’t help but stare. He noticed because why wouldn’t he, and smirked. “Ah~ My cutie! What brings you here hm?” He clapped his hands and lowered his sunglasses to see you better. “What? Can’t I visit my boyfriend?” You huffed and he simply grinned before turning his back to rummage through his bag of souvenirs from his trip. “Tada— what?” He held up a small plushie but was taken aback by seeing you on one knee with a ring box in your hands. “Awh what kind of prank is this?” He pouted but you knew he had some expectations inside those gorgeous eyes of his. “Gojo Satoru, would you be mine forever? I will accept you for your abnormally large ego and everything in between” You had to add a joke at the last bit. Gojo just smiled and motioned to have the ring put on his finger. Passengers cheered but all you could hear was the joyful voice from your now fiancé. “I was supposed to do it first, you know? Be prepared , honey, you’re in for a treat”
  1. i bet he would do either an extravagant proposal or a private and intimate proposal. he either proposed in front of everyone in public space, or among the other sorcerers, OR, he would propose in one of your private moments. There's no in between. The proposal would be sweet, no matter how he delivered it. It would be full of strings of praises on whatever that makes him captivated by you and ends it with a beautiful diamond ring. (He is rich rich. It's canom thag he likes to is wear designer clothes lmao.)
  2. PROPOSAL SONG - marry you -bruno mars | no because being with gojo would mean putting up with his goofy ass 24/7 and gojo will never miss a day reminding you that. that being said, he isn’t gojo satoru if the wedding proposal wasn’t as extra as his entire existence in this world. the two of you had been dating ever since you’ve graduated from tokyo jujutsu high. you’ve witnessed gojo’s highest and lowest as much as he’s witnessed yours and gojo was more than sure that he wants to be with you till the end. a part of him knows that you’ll definitely say yes however a part of him was afraid of your possible rejection. because no matter his unshrinkable confidence, gojo knows that you’ll always deserve so much more. twilight’s bar was you and gojo’s place as funny as it sounds. this was the very place that gojo satoru pledged to hand you his heart on a silver platter. the two of you had agreed to meet tonight after your own missions for the usual friday date night and you weren’t surprised when your blue diamond eyed lover was running late. gojo has his fair share of flaws much to his own disagreement, but not being on time is probably the biggest flaw he has. but that’s what you think. in his defence, gojo’s often on time but always ending up in the washroom to make sure he looks his best before meeting you hence the late coming. "whiskey on the rocks please,” you signal the bartender who nodded at you, immediately pulling up the bottle of whiskey in front of you. you were sipping on your whiskey when suddenly the bar’s lights went off, causing the customers in house to mumble in confusion. you too, were confused, when suddenly a spot light flickers on to the top of the wooden stairs. “it’s a beautiful night, we’re looking for something dumb to do” right under the very spotlight, was gojo satoru dressed in a blue long sleeved button up with a microphone in his hand. “hey baby, i think i wanna marry you.” gojo sang, slowly descending down the stairs, his gaze never leaving yours. the customers started clapping along when gojo starts to dancing around the tables, making his way towards you. “don’t say no no no no no, just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.” gojo reaches for your hand, placing a gentle kiss on your hand. “toru, what are you doing?” you chuckled softly, amused with your lover’s yet another crazy antics as you tightened your grip in his hands. as he continues to serenade you with his surprisingly amazing vocals, gojo suddenly pulls out a little maroon red box. “ is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice?” your heart skipped a beat when you finally realised what gojo was doing. a hand flew to your mouth in surprise when he got on one knee with your hand still in his. sitting in the velvet box rests a diamond ring that resembles the very eyes you fell in love with. “ who cares baby? i think i wanna marry you.” you were at lost for words as the crowd cheers for your response. “ i don’t just think so, i want to marry you y/n.” gojo says earnestly, a small smile etched on his lips. you nodded eagerly, breaking into a series of laughter that gojo had came to love about you. “i do toru, i do.” “I’M AN ENGAGED MAN NOW!” gojo threw a triumph fist in the air as he slips the ring onto your finger. the crowd cheered even louder when he finally picks you up, spinning you around before crashing his lips into yours. “ no one can top this proposal, i swear.” he grins at you. you rolled your eyes, immediately realising that you’ll really be spending the rest of your life with the man who’s now singing along with the crowd with a glass of whiskey in his hand and fiancee in his other.
  3. gojo never thought of himself as a marriage type of guy. he was going to be a sorcerer, the strongest there was. he didn’t want to be held back, or tied down. he didn’t have time to settle down like the average person might. not with his responsibilities. that all changed the day he met you— his new classmate. (he wouldn’t call it love at first sight, because, well, you’d just looked so weak.) you’d been sparring the first day you joined Jujutsu Tech. simple hand to hand combat, no techniques or cursed energy. he’d underestimated you, obviously. you were fast, intelligent, and strong. you kept up in a way that challenged and pushed him. you didn’t beat him, despite your skill, he still had his physical advantages (height, reach, strength), but he was still impressed. then a few days later you’d kicked mei mei’s ass, and later on Nanami’s (albeit barely, but a win was a win even if you’d earned yourself a broken nose). gojo, who’s never seen himself as the marriage type, doesn’t take his eyes off you as he helps his friend up, watching you walk off to the infirmary, gritting your teeth and wiping blood from your nose. that was the spark, the moment he’d heard the heavens open and the angels sing, and he’d called after you saying, “I’m gonna marry you someday!” and, yeah, he’d been just been teasing, trying to get on your nerves, but how could he not be attracted to someone who’d just beat Nanami in hand-to-hand? anyone who could beat up his stoic elm tree of a friend was marriage material. you roll your eyes, turning back to flip him off. you didn’t take him seriously, of course. the man hit on anything that breathed. “Maybe in your dreams, Gojo!” he says it again though, the first time you both exorcise a special grade curse together and decide that it warrants a drink. he’s a lightweight, and even if you’re a little tipsy yourself, you and geto deposit each of your drunk and giggling friends into their beds. gojo’s hand lingers around your wrist when you try to turn and leave, and when you turn to look at him, he’s got his sunglasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. he presses your palm to his cheek and glances up at you with a heavy lidded stare as he murmurs, “I meant it, ya know? ‘M gonna marry you someday.” you just laugh and tuck him into bed, even though your face feels warm and your heart is hammering in your chest. the next morning, when gojo recalls pieces of the night before, he decides that he doesn’t like alcohol. but as the years wore on, as friends came and went, you both grew— together. you’d helped him raise Megumi and Tsumiki. he’d helped you through the heartbreak of losing the latter too soon. you’d seen each other through a lot, and after years of sharing kikufuku during mission stakeouts, sneaking out past curfew on convenience store candy runs, and late nights sprawled out on the mats in the dojo, you’d finally caved and agreed to a date. by now, you and gojo had known each other for a little over ten years, dating for five of them, and living together for two. he makes up his mind one night, when he comes home later than expected from a mission and sees you curled up on the couch, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. he makes up his mind that night, when you wrap him in what’s possibly the warmest hug of his life, and tell him that there’s still some dinner in the fridge. he kisses the top of your head, and decides that he’s going to marry you. gets you a ring with a diamond the size of your pinkie nail so everyone can see it sparkle. he hides it in his desk drawer at Jujutsu Tech while he tries to figure out the best way to propose. it’s how his students find out. itadori was just looking for a pencil. when they ask him about it later, they all agree to help come up with a plan. megumi asks if he can go train instead. “megumi, don’t you want her to say yes? don’t you want someone so smart and beautiful and strong to be your mom?” “YOU’RE NOT MY DAD.” he gets roped into helping anyways. (won’t ever admit it but he ships you and gojo just as much as his classmates do). itadori makes the first suggestion: propose in the spot where you’d first met. it works in a lot of great mangas! in this case, it would be in the dojo. it’s a good idea, considering it’s also been the spot where he’d first asked you out. it’ll be great. he’ll get down on one knee, and when you turn around the students will throw rose petals into the air and megumi will hit play on the speaker, your song queued up. nothing goes as planned, of course. because the second gojo drops to a knee when you have your back turned, you think that he’s trying to sweep your legs out from under you— itadori now has a video of your knee crushing your boyfriend’s nose, the ring still in his pocket. nobara makes the next suggestion: propose over a nice dinner! at a nice restaurant in Roppongi! it’s safe, gojo decides, classic. he can remind you of all the reasons why you love him and put the ring in your glass of champagne and when you spot it he can propose!! easy! he practices his speech, writes it down, knows exactly what he’s going to say and do to show you how much he loves you. nothing is easy. he was naive to think so, because as you walk hand in hand to the restaurant, two special grade cursed makes themselves known in an alley. as special grade sorcerers yourselves, it wasn’t all too alarming. sure, you were surprised when gojo’s three students jumped out of nowhere to help, but you weren’t complaining. you’re fighting back to back with your boyfriend, finishing off a smaller first grade curse when gojo suddenly snatches your wrist, whirling you around so you’re chest to chest. you’re confused, obviously. and as gojo raises a hand to easily defeat the final special grade, you hear and see the flash of the phone in itadori’s hand. nobara throws rose petals over the two of you, megumi rolls his eyes and hits a button on his phone, and “I Really Like You” by Carly Rae Jepsen echoes through the dark alley. there’s no speech, everything he’d practice long evaporated in the fight, but there’s a ring in his hand and a smile on gojo’s face and suddenly everything makes sense. “hey, marry me?”


DON’T expect anything simple from him. He'd drag Nanami or Megumi to the shop for help. I just know Gojou would spend hours imagining how each ring would look on Chiya's finger and choose accordingly.
💌 gojo loves talking about people and so do you. you could spend hours gossiping about that couple from the apartment next door that keeps fighting about the husband cheating, stalking gojo’s coworkers and students’ instagrams and making fun of their faces on their profile pictures and posts, and he literally goes into a fit of laughter and cannot stop for 10 minutes💌 you cannot convince me otherwise, gojo has a foot fetish. he loves kissing your feet, massaging them and when you mock him for it, he bites your toe as a revenge💌 he sings every song stuck in his head out loud for the pleasure of your ears 😍💌 btw he leaves the restroom’s door open and he sings here too, he is taking a dump and singing “baby shark dududududu baby shark dudududud baby shark”💌 gojo is an ipad kid in the body of an adult, his screen is DISGUSTING and he has his volume on the max all the time, he could be at the other end of the house and you would still hear his tik tok💌 drools in his sleep and on his plushies. yes gojo has plushies and they stink because of his drool😍 also he snores VERY loudly during the night but thankfully he stops at some point💌 he eats like a pig, he loves his cereals in the morning but spills milk on his outfit and has to change. eventually you taught him how to iron because you were tired of doing it for him💌 oh and he was a spoiled kid so he has no idea how to do chores, before you two moved in together his apartment was a pigsty but you cleaned it up for him because you felt bad, you wanted him to be comfortable in his home<3💌 he ended up hiring a maiden and a butler, he did not like the idea of his princess having to do chores. he pays them a lot because he admires the patience, the dedication cleaning and cooking require but still cannot be arsed to do it himself💌 thanks to you he stopped smelling like a dead rat. he loves seeing you naked showering with you so now he takes shower every day and even asks to go bathe so he can cuddle with you naked while you clean each other💌 little flora bonus : your room with gojo<3 (yes it’s his dirty socks and clothes)



He doesn't help much with the house chores but because he doesn't know how to do them. So, he at least washes the dishes and sometimes the clothes. He loves to go to the supermarket. Though he never buys what Chiya asked and brings thousands of sweets. He's clingy. He goes around her to wherever she goes and stays besides her all the time. Lots of surprises hugs and kissesand teasing, of course. He's also missed because of his traveling so every time he returns, they spend a date night or day together.Gojo is the type of husband that would spoil you. He'd always give you a massage even if you didn't need one and he'd give you the best hugs. Every time you come home he'll always be in one of those "Kiss the chef" aprons. He cannot cook for shit. The last time you had a sit down dinner with the food he had prepared for the both of you, you ended up calling in sick the next day because half the things he used were expired. However he still likes the apron. He'll sometimes surprise you with a new wardrobe, or maybe some new jewelry, or even some new shoes. Gojo loves you and he'll literally spend all his money on you if it made you happy enough. He's the type to break things while cleaning. The last time cleaned was also his first time. I mean could you really blame him? He was basically raised like royalty, he's never had to move a finger until he met you.