"biting words" (棘 toge) | JAPANESE


platinum blond




5'5" (164 cm)


"puppy" (狗 inu) + "coil" (巻 maki) | JAPANESE


brown (M); violet (A)


October 23 (SCORPIO)




Toge initially appears to be a quiet and distant boy, and somewhat intimidating to Okkotsu Yūta when they first met. However, beneath his calm and somewhat aloof persona, Toge's actually a very insightful and caring individual. He doesn't speak in order to prevent accidentally cursing someone with his enchanted words. The only reason Toge seemed scary to Yūta was because he was protective of Zen'in Maki and Panda against Rika. Once Toge learned that Yūta's situation wasn't so different from his own, he instantly began to open up. Due to his lack of clear communication with someone unfamiliar with him, this was difficult for Toge to convey. Through his actions Toge proved to Yūta that he was a kind comrade who only wishes to look out for others. While cursed by his own ability, Toge understands that he wields a great power. He's very intelligent and able to stay calm in any situation, always knowing when and when not to use it. Additionally, Toge's proven himself to be very confident and brave. At the Goodwill Event, after only just meeting Yūji, he wanted to go back and save him from being attacked by the Kyoto students. He never panicked a single time against the special grade curse, Hanami. Even after his own throat began giving out from the weight of his curse, Toge still stepped up to send one final spell Hanami's way.
  • His hobby is watching YouTube videos, especially mukbangs. Of all first years, he's the best cook.
  • His favorite food is tuna mayo onigiri rice balls. He prefers bread for breakfast. In addition, he likes it with ham, cheese, and a bit of tabasco.
  • His least favorite food is fish eggs.
  • His source of stress is morning assembly.
  • He loves to troll others.


  • Currently a 2nd year. Enrollment method: family lineage.




friendshipHe didn't have friends until he joined Jujutsu Tech. I headcanon Toge as that soft friend, I can see him getting upset if he pranked one of his friends and they got mad. :'( IDK why but I also feel like he'd make friends with his haters... and they regret hating on him after seeing his lovely personality. I feel like Toge warms up to people pretty quickly. He's not particularly extroverted or open, but there's something about his presence that's really comforting to people. give him a week, and he'll probably be ranked #5 in someone's friends list. He's normally the first person that people tell their secrets to. maybe it's because they expect him to stay quiet about it due to his cursed speech, but that’s not the reason why he’s so good at keeping them. He just likes seeing everyone’s secrets come together in a tangled web of petty lies and deception. It’s fun that way.funHe laughs way to hard at people who laugh at dad jokes; he thinks they're dumb. he secretly judges people's style and fashion.... Also, their humor. He’s scarily good at impressions. Toge's really observant, so he can easily pick up on people’s mannerisms. If you pay close attention, you can see him slowly starting to mimic someone as the conversation progresses. Toge gets so good at it that he can basically predict how someone’s gonna react to something. He does this thing where he stands behind someone talking, closes his eyes, and acts out whatever he thinks they’re doing in front of them. He gets it spot-on every single time. The posing, the timing, the subtle acting. All perfect. I can see him pretending to film YouTube video... and his addiction for YouTube is due to him being lonely in his childhood... Toge has a secret YouTube channel. We all know that. It's not a secret anymore.clanWhen he was young, he used to be hated by his clan because he'd cursed some people accidentally. Toge's usually insecure about showing his marks to non-sorcerers because he thinks that they'll judge him. One thing Toge always wished people knew about him is that he can talk just because he's caring he doesn't want to talk because he's afraid of accidentally cursing them.familySatoru adopted Toge. (Convince me otherwise-)insecurityHis eyes crinkle a lot when he smiles. He was a bit shy about them at first, but over time has come to accept it as just another sign of his happiness.giftsHonestly really thoughtful. Not the type to get you something too extreme or expensive but the effort definitely shows. He remembers your birthday in advance and isn't really the type to try to find something last minute. Maybe he’ll get you a nice bag if you've been complaining about needing somewhere to store all your stuff or your favorite bakery treats, dozens of each! Gifts you a silly card drawn in crayon to give it his own fun touch.gravely sickHe likes to be by your side every time he can. He cuddles with you and when he can't be by your side, he sends you lots of messages and lots of memes. His goal is to make you smile.  He brings you every onigiri he can find so you remember that you're not alone.
  • fully recoversHe takes you to a walk at the park where you can see the flowers blooming, the children playing and the dogs running wild. He buys you your favorite ice cream and you just sit there together, enjoying your treat and each other.
inumaki is so cute that i wanna kiss him lots LOTS. such a soft babie boy. want to cuddle with him while watching movies during midnight marathon. sweet and sneaky kisses exchanging when hanging out with others, till they say "get a room". want to go out for an ice cream date late evening. want to sleep while cuddling him. want him to rest his hand on my thighs during classes. want to kiss on his tattoos while muttering 'pretty'. want to brush through his soft hair. want him to wear matching skirts and taking lots of photos. want to bake him sweets as he munches on them happily. uff, i want to do lots of things with inumaki 😭♥️This is so cute. Toge baby is such a cutie pie. I would love to go on dates with him. I feel like he would be such a great person to hang out with. You both will just chill all day, do your favorite things, cuddle each other. He can't stay away from you. Even though you've spent the whole day together, he would still want to snuggle in your chest and wrap his arms around you. 🥺🤍
HOT THINGS THEY DO: his vocabulary is reduced so of course every little noise he makes is hot. sometimes it's a little frustrated whine when he can't do something, he hums in a sweet tone whenever you run your fingers through his hair, or the way he clicks his tongue when he's annoyed by someone. he looks cute and comfortable to cuddle with it's a vanilla alternative for submissive and breedable. he's always wearing comfy clothes, like a big hoodie or large sweatpants. he seems to always be soft and warm, you can fall asleep really easily in his embrace. the way he can tease you without saying a word. raising an eyebrow, he gives you a knowing smile and you can't help but smile back, gently hitting his shoulder with yours while others look at you two without understanding.
  • Now, Megumi may be good with his fingers, but Inumaki is the one who’s good with his mouth. Like yes the whole cursed speech think yadda yadda yadda but yes so good with his mouth
  • And I’ve seen so many writings about how he will use his cursed speech on you and I totally agree. I think it would be gentle, but the idea is still great.
  • Inumaki is the type of guy to just know how to do a lot of things. He’d be so handy and helpful. Like if you broke something, he’d know exactly how to put it back together and if he couldn’t, he’d go buy you another. He’s so smart though, so I believe he’d be able to fix it.
  • Toge is a quiet guy…you know what they say about quiet guys;)));))) iykyk and I have 0 doubts about this
  • He’d be such a good listener. They poor guy can’t speak unless it’s rice ball ingredients, so of course he would be a good listener. I think he’d be so invested in what you’d have to say. Like hanging on every last word
  • Inumaki would be the type of guy to own a lot of sweaters. He’d definitely lend you as many as you want too. They are mostly oversized, so they would fit you (no matter your body type), no worries there! And he would totally spray it with his delicious smelling cologne