"discern" ( satoru) | ORIGIN






6'3" (190 cm)


"five" (五 go) + "clause" ( ) | JAPANESE


light blue


December 7, 1989 (SAGITTARIUS)




Satoru's a complex individual. He's normally seen to be nonchalant and playful towards his students, close colleagues, and friends. However, he's unsympathetic and cruel towards sorcerer executives, an example being his blatant disrespect towards Principal Gakuganji and his enemies. Satoru's extremely confident in his abilities and reputation as a powerful sorcerer, believing himself to be invincible. His opinion of others often only goes as far as his judgement of their strength, and he's quite apathetic towards anyone he deems weak. Additionally, greatly influenced by his own desire for power, he's very arrogant. He's convinced that he's the strongest in the world, which he technically is, claiming, during his fight with Fushiguro Tōji, that "throughout the Heavens and earth, he alone is the honored one." This can be further exemplified when he was tasked with protecting Riko Amanai, one of the few 'weak' people he genuinely grew to show compassion for. However, any empathy of her death was soon negated by his extensive amount of pride and arrogance after perfecting his reverse cursed technique in his following battle against Fushiguro Tōji. During intense battles, Satoru's seen to occasionally fall into a frenzied fighting state, urged by his determination for victory and undeniable proof that he alone is the strongest. His combative style is characterized by his aggressive and domineering attacks, while flaunting his mastered techniques to his opponents. Furthermore, in a crisis, he's capable of being cold-blooded. He'll prioritize his enemies' destruction over saving innocent people when he believes that the sacrifice is unavoidable. However, this only extends to the people killed by his opponent; he won't do any lasting harm to or kill anyone innocent to gain the upper hand. Nevertheless, despite his haughtiness and strength, Satoru's more human than he first appears. After defeating Tōji, Satoru retrieved Riko's corpse with a sorrowful look, showing that albeit his recent conceited victory temporarily clouding his feelings, he still felt some grief over her death. He sought to kill the Star Religious members that were laughing over Riko's death, though was stopped by Getō Suguru -- who he relied on as a moral compass at that time -- before taking any action. Furthermore, Satoru was later left visibly horrified and panicked after learning that Suguru, his one and only best friend, had become a murderous curse user. Satoru attempted to reason with his friend, but eventually realized and accepted that he lost the one person he truly saw as an equal. After having to put an end to Suguru before more calamities arose, it was Satoru's trauma over losing his best friend that caused his ultimate downfall in Shibuya. He was also distraught when Yūji seemingly died. Satoru's endgame is to reform the jujutsu world from the bottom-up through education. He seeks to foster a new generation of sorcerers that he hopes will one day become his equals.
  • He doesn't have any hobbies (he can do almost anything). He can do anything he tries, so he tries not to get too involved with anything. According to him, this is all for the sake of the next generation.
  • His favorite food is sweet things. He started eating sweets to stimulate his brain but ended up with a sweet tooth.
  • His least favorite food is alcohol.
  • His cause of stress is higher-ups' involvement.
  • As credited by Gege Akutami, his theme music is "Mada Minu Asu Ni" by Asian Kung-Fu Generation and "Shame on Me" by Avicii.


  • Teacher. Previous enrollment method: family lineage.
  • Principal Yaga was Satoru's teacher when he was a student. He was a fan of Digimon in high school.




giftsGives you a bunch of souvenirs he's collected from his travels. He goes through each one and talks about what they are and where they come from and what he did to attain them. It’s kinda him subtly flexing that he was able to get so much from so many places (and even get some souvenirs mid-battle) but you can tell he’s put some thought when he presents you a dessert you like, or an item related to an interest of yours.friends to lovers In Satoru's case, I think you're high school friends. And Satoru was a silly boy still is if you ask me. Just like those teenagers that thinks they'll never fall in love and belong to one person. So even if he already nurtured feelings for you, at that time, it didn't come up to his thoughts at all. But now, he knows it. He knows how much he loves you and that he wants your friendship to turn into something else. It'll take him some time to decide if he's going to do it or not because he wants to protect you and his life isn't the safest in the world. But the moment he realizes that your life isn't the safest either, he'll make his move without second thoughts. He'll find you whatever you are and corner you with his tall figure. He'll crash his lips into yours and you kiss each other until you can't breathe anymore. "What took you so long, 'Toru?" "Oh, shut up, will you?"***the ick Yawns so hard like mouth WIDE open, nostrils flaring, eyes tearing up, sneezes really loudly too. Will open his camera just to check himself out. Will be clumsy and knock things over but then catches them and is SO smug about it. Is ridiculously stubborn about everyday things (“This parking spot is not too tight I can make it I’m telling you” *has been trying for 30 mins*).first date Satoru will take you to somewhere high where you can see the city of Tokyo and if you're scared of heights, he can tease you a little bit and pretend to be your hero. He'll finish with a really slow walk in a park that has beautiful trees. If it's the cherry bloom season, he'll totally take you there. Expects his hands to be intertwined with yours the whole night and lots of kisses full of desires. He has no shame.gravely sick He goes to every single doctor in the world, trying to find the best of them. He knows all your appointments and tries to be as present as he can be. Also makes you lots of surprises, either buying you gifts or just appearing out of the blue. He always brings you sweets.
  • fully recovers He takes you to a long ride around the city. Anytime his hand is free, he's holding yours tight like he's afraid of losing you any moment. Every now and then, he takes your hands to his lips so he can kiss your knuckles.
Satoru can be written using different kanji characters, which mean (悟る) "be spiritually awakened" or "attain higher perception.” Other name meanings include but are not limited to "enlightenment" (悟), "wisdom" (智), and "philosophy" (哲).
ATTRACTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS DRIVING HABITS THAT MAKE YOU WEAK IN THE KNEES: Hand on your thigh as he drives. This must be expected. How else did he pick up one night stands and take them home? As Gojo says, “A simple act of seduction in plain moments is enough to get your endorphins running wild”. Oh yeah he was incredibly correct. As soon as you both were in your seats, Gojo would push away anything that covered your thigh so his hand could replace it instead. He’d occasionally rub your thighs, sometimes innocently to pass the time during a slow drive or sometimes just to edge you on. You’d huff at his teasing, to which he’d just tease you more! His slender fingers tracing patterns on your skin, sometimes even conveying a little message of promises that either make your heart flutter or signs of danger that may approach you. Either way, you’re grateful he does this. Gojo did this since the first time you both shared a car, even before you dated. Of course, he does it more comfortably now that you both accepted one another. Along with his vow to be the best Jujutsu sorcerer and protect people, he also promised to never stop teasing. That was literally his proposal to you. You could convey his feelings through how he held you, tightly when tense, gently when calm, jittery when excited. It was adorable and made you feel warm. “You’re so cute..leaning into my touch like that. How about I give you a better show when we get back home, sound good, love?”HOT THINGS THEY DO: everything he does is intentionally attractive, he controls the image he projects to the others so almost everything he does is calculated, but if you look closely you may find some things... like the way he drops himself on his couch when he's tired, something he never shows to anyone. he sighs, taking off his headband, his white hair falling on his head, sinking deeper into the couch, letting his body fully rest. he extends his legs and scretches, letting a soft whine escape from his lips. I need to take a cold shower I'll be right back- the way he tilts his head to the side when he pretends not to understand what you just said. you know what I'm talking about, his head tilted to the side, his hands in his pockets, his legs spread wide while he's standing and his signature smile on his face. (I'm sure it doesn't count, he knows he's hot, whatever he's doing, he's doing it with megan thee stallion saying real hot girl shit in the background)
  • He is like the hot asshole jock dude you went to high school with
  • He KNOWS he’s hot and he won’t let you forget it
  • He would constantly be leaning over you, showing off his impressive height. He loves showing you how small you are compared to him. Definitely comes into play in the bedroom as well…
  • He’d also be an unofficial/official sugar daddy. He’d pay for everything your little heart could desire
  • He’d also be the type to not even look at a bill before slapping his card on it, knowing it’s not a problem
  • Gojo would be the type of guy to stretch his long limbs in a way that allows his shirt to pull up just enough to tease you. His white happy trail accenting his delicious abs
  • He would send you a wink every time he caught you staring at him (on sunglasses days) and he’d have the perfect boyish smirk to compliment it
  • Also, he’s a man spreader, but it works for him. He’d pull you by the hips/waist to have you sit on his thigh or lap every time you walk by
  • Gojo fucking Satoru is too sexy for his own good.