"gloomy" (冥 mei) | JAPANESE


pale blue




5'" (172 cm)






xxx (ZODIAC)




Mei Mei's a very calm and relaxed woman who can keep her cool in any situation. While very kind and honest, Mei Mei's very open about being greedy. Monetary value is the most important thing and quite possibly might be the only important thing to her. She considers herself to always on the side of money and doesn't get out of bed for free. Allegiances and politics don't matter to Mei Mei as long as she gets paid for being a sorcerer. She also claims to not understand relationships not based on money. Mei Mei believes that anyone else's life's value is proportional to how useful they are to her. "Service potential," a concept not supposed to be applicable to humans, is life itself for Mei Mei. She stated to a defeated curse user that she beat him because he was a murderer who took lives but didn't understand their value. In her eyes, Ebina had no service potential, so Mei Mei didn't hesitate to kill him. Despite her very questionable morals, Mei Mei maintains a relatively friendly demeanor at all times. She's interested in the potential and abilities of her allies, often recognizing their growth and commending them. Mei Mei's one of the people in agreement that Zen'in Maki should have been long promoted from grade 4. She also recognized that Yūji was exceptionally strong without an innate technique and compared him to Kusakabe.
  • Her hobby is counting money.
  • Her favorite dish is the Malaysian food, bak kut teh.
  • She doesn't have a least favorite dish.
  • Her cause of stress is taxes.


She has a younger brother named Ui Ui.
  • Enrollment method: family lineage.




stretch marks She's those types of people that thinks stretch marks are sexy. I mean, they really are and it's valid as fUCKKKK, And first time she saw you showing bare skin and stretch marks, she just can't get her hands off of you. There will be times where she'll just caress them while you're talking as she looks at you fondly. Or when you're in front of a mirror as she hugs you from behind and trailing your stretch lines from the thighs and up. And she'd be the type to just shower you with lots of praise about it before you could even begin to THINK about loathing yourself. Because in her opinion, she doesn't see stretch marks as something that should disappear at all. or even hated, in that matter. Well, considering that she digs it, but it should be praised and loved just like how she praises and loves you.