"snare" () + "cord" ( saku) | JAPANESE






x'x" (xxx cm)










While in the body of Getō Suguru, Kenjaku displays a relaxed, cheerful and cocky attitude. Although willing to work with cursed spirits to achieve his own ends, he reacted negatively when these spirits acted like they were his equal. He proved to be a civil collaborator as he told Jogo and the others exactly what they needed to do and even formed a close bond with Mahito. In his spare time, Kenjaku would even play board games with them. This relaxed and condescending attitude remained during fights, where he'd praise the abilities of his opponents. Although Kenjaku occasionally pauses, claiming that he's talking like somebody else. This implies that some of his habits come from the original Suguru's personality influencing him. As shown in his conversation with Yuki Tsukumo, Kenjaku believes that the next stage of human evolution is not "removing themselves of cursed energy" but instead "optimizing cursed energy." This belief is the main reason for his actions and his unethical and inhuman experimentation on cursed spirits and human beings and the primary motivation for his current plots.
  • He has a strictly business-only relationship with the other cursed spirits. In reality, he looks down on the cursed spirits who have organized themselves to overtake humanity and doesn't take them too seriously.


He's an ancient sorcerer who pursues the goal of "evolving" humanity via cursed energy, thereby ushering in a new golden age of jujutsu sorcery paralleling the Heian Era. Using his cursed technique that allows him to transplant his brain into different bodies to possess them, he has inhabited different people throughout the centuries, assuming different identities. Among those he possessed was Noritoshi Kamo over 150 years ago, as whom Kenjaku became known as history's most evil sorcerer and a stain on the Kamo family. Currently, Kenjaku possesses the body of the deceased Suguru Geto.
  • Former partner was Itadori Jin, Yūji's father.
  • He was able to take over Getō because his body was not cremated.
  • He doesn't heal the scar on his forehead because it’s a Binding Vow.
  • The brain that takes over Getō’s body is a physical part of Kenjaku’s flesh, so he can be seen by ordinary people. He has his own technique in the body that he left behind, so he can have two cursed techniques. When he moves over, the technique from his original body disappears, but he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve.
  • He's never considered taking over the bodies of Gōjō and Tōji. Gōjō's an impossible option. Simply put, he can’t be killed. Tōji isn’t impossible, but if Kenjaku was to take over Tōji’s body, there’s a chance that Tōji’s Heavenly Restriction and Kenjaku's technique may clash.



