"lament" (憂 yū) + "thick" ( dai) | JAPANESE






x'x" (xxx cm)


"second" (乙 otsu) + "trick" (骨 hone) | JAPANESE


dark blue


March 7, 2001 (PISCES)




Yūta was a very timid and lonely boy who was bullied a lot while growing up. Due to Rika haunting much of his early life, Yūta was unable to connect with other people and has lost all confidence in himself. This makes it difficult for Yūta to interact with others, as they often scare him without meaning to, or he's just too shy to speak to them. Even so, Yūta genuinely cared about other people and decided to isolate himself from them even if it means remaining alone. Maki Zen'in called Yūta out for being a moody kid who's lived his entire life without goals. He acknowledged that this was true and used her advice to gain a resolve for being a jujutsu sorcerer. This helps Yūta realize that deep down, he truly desires the confidence to feel like he belongs. While his timid nature stays intact, Yūta slowly becomes more social and interacts with others normally. Even after early signs of improvement, Yūta still struggled to understand someone like Inumaki Toge. He was initially scared of Toge until he realized how kind of a person he truly is and made an effort to establish a social connection. Making friends helps Yūta gain confidence in himself and establish the goal to help set Rika free. He felt responsible for her turning into a curse in the first place and worked extremely hard to find a way to help her. He pushed himself during training and took all his friends' and mentors' words to heart, showing a more determined side of himself. At his core, Yūta wants to become someone who can help keep others out of danger. Against Getō Suguru, Yūta showed the darkest side of himself. Suguru hurt Yūta's only friends, and the young man was more than willing to kill him for it. Yūta's rage allowed him to even command Rika's power at will. He was willing to sacrifice his life to use Rika to kill Suguru to avenge his friends, the only people who give him the confidence to continue living. When Yūta returned to Jujutsu High after time away overseas, he was accompanied by a new Rika, and it appeared as if he was lost in his darkness. He agreed to kill Satoru's other pupil, Itadori Yūji, for the higher-ups and claimed it was revenge for cutting off Toge's arm. Yūta carried a deathly serious and cold persona who was straight to the point. He attempted to kill Yūji before so much as exchanging words and then apologized while committing the act. However, this was all an act to help protect Yūji from the higher-ups. Yūta had to act a certain way to make it believable and he healed Yūji before the first-year died permanently. Even though Yūta has never met Yūji, he went out of his way to deceive authority and help Yūji because Satoru asked him to. Yūji's important to people who are precious to Yūta and that was more than enough reason for him to help. He also sympathizes with Yūji because he was in the exact same situation, up for execution bearing a power he could not hope to contain. Yūta doesn't blame Yūji for Sukuna's actions. Without the false guise of a cold killer, Yūta's still a naturally friendly person who's developed a lot as a person. He's much more social and is less timid than he used to be. When Satoru visited Yūta in Africa, the outspoken teacher was surprised his student was even telling jokes. Yūta assimilated comfortably back into interacting with his peers and dedicated himself to helping them. He agreed to help Megumi rescue his sister from the Culling Game. He also did his diligence as a senpai and agreed to stop Sukuna should he ever take control of Yūji's body again. Upon reuniting with Maki, Yūta was excited to see her and expressed concern about her injuries. When it appeared as if Master Tengen's barrier had rejected their group, Yūta was concerned and quick to suggest they turn back because Megumi's sister doesn't have time. Once Tengen allowed them inside and provided crucial information, Yūta agreed to enter the Culling Game right away by himself. He also suggested they get Kinji Hakari's help despite his moodiness and was modest enough to say that Kinji's strength sometimes surpasses his own.


His ancestor is Sugawara Michizane, and he's distantly related to Gojō Satoru.
  • Currently a 2nd year




video games ...
  • gamer s/osince is something you love, he'll play with you, although he prefers to watch you skillfully destroying the game. He finds it hot how you manage to play so well and how serious you become. Surprises kisses are to be expected from him.
***tall ▸ at the beginning he was afraid of you. But, being Yuta, he finds you perfect and gets angry with anybody that makes fun of your settled as a couple.
  • ***intimidating impression: piercings how could he ever be intimidating by anyone when he has Rika by his side scaring any soul that comes around. So never once in his mind passed the thought that you were something else then a sweet person. Actually what passes in his mind is how Maki is way scarier then you LMAO. He also loves your piercings, he finds them beautiful. I think him too would like to get one, not as stylish as yours, but one that he could feel your partner in crime.
shortYūta does not care about height at all, Rika was still child-sized, so it won’t matter to him if your head is to his shoulder or if you have to look down to talk to him. Prefers to always be on eye level with you so you don’t strain your neck, if there’s somewhere for him to sit down nearby, he’ll be leaning or plopping down so he can stare up at you with gleaming eyes. Loves hugging you so much, your body just fits so perfectly against his and his arms can wrap all the way around you and keep you warm. Kneeling down to wipe his sword, Yūta glanced up occasionally to see your lips moving, even if his attention wasn’t fully on you his ears picked up every word you said. “You don’t want to stand?” Peering up from his sword, he smiled up at you, why would he stand when he could admire you from down there? “No thanks.” “Are you sure?” Pushing himself onto the soles of his feet, Yūta beamed up at you, his hand reaching up to grab yours and put a kiss to your knuckles. “I’m sure.”***physically flexible ▸ he is impressed. Whenever you show him your flexibility he stairs at you in away, just like Yuji. He asks you to show all the things you can do because he finds it beautiful and elegant. He also starts his imagination, thinking how can this be useful elsewhere.***shy"Let me do it for you. " This is what he would do if a stranger asked you to. Or if a stranger calls you. He knew you could be insecure about strangers and he didn't want you to get scared or your heart to beat faster. Therefore, when you gave him the sign asking if he could do something, he will ask you himself. And then, with your consent, he will do it so that you do not have to overload your psyche. Besides, it will be nice to the person who says anything on the other side. Because he wouldn't want to spoil your mood with the fact that he would be pissed off right away.
  • ***and only badass when fighting curses when you're done with your moment you start to look for Yuta that just disappeared from the fight. Until you find him looking you intensely and with so much adoration that you can help but look away. He'll take your hand and softly say "You sure are a surprising human being. I'm the luckiest man on Earth." Now, you're dead.
***anxiety boy, look at him and his eye bags. This kid certainly knows what anxiety is. So you two work through it together helping one another. You talk about your feelings and comfort each other with cuddles. Rika sometimes joins you too.***attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder he helps you with everything you need. He doesn't mind repeating what he was saying or other people. He also takes notes from important things and gives it to you. And he knows techniques that helps with concentration. He also holds your hand tight whenever you are walking around.***writer ▸ would love your work. He would want you to send all of them, even the sketch ones. Whenever he's traveling and missing you, he would open the archives or papers and read them. Would also tell his opinion so you'll know that he reads them.attention from a bookworm ▸ This sweet baby boy is also needy but respects your personal space. Actually, he loves to see how focused you get when reading your beloved books. But he wants the same focus on him instead. He's going to sneakily sit beside you and then start to get closer, and closer... and closer, until his head is in front of your book "Yūyū, what you're doing?" with an innocent smile. "I just wanted to see what you were reading, beautiful sun light of my life." Just cuddle him, will you?!calm and expressionless ▸ ***apathetic and tired ▸ another one that might misunderstand things. He thinks he is annoying you. So you have to embrace him and reassure him that you like his company. Finds you a partner to the long living nights where you cuddle while reading.***only affectionate with himwon't understand why you give him so much of your precious heart. He'll feel so special that makes his heart aches. He's going to reciprocate all the kinds of affection that you give him. Just like Nanami, he'll prefer to keep it as a secret from others, so only him can become to know and enjoy this part of you.***goes ghostHe does not take this well. Yuta has separation anxiety, so the thought of you leaving him makes him very sad and anxious. He would be confused when he notices that you haven’t been active lately and even more on edge when you don’t budge when It comes to him directly contacting you. He would probably be attached to his phone at that point, always looking at it in hopes that you would finally hit him up again but would frown when being left empty handed. He’s definitely sulking and his friends would try to cheer him up, but you not being there makes It hard for him to focus straight. Panda would legit have to physically find you and explain what’s happening, resulting in you video calling Yuta to ease his nerves. When Yuta sees that you're trying to reach him, his dejected mood does a complete 180 and he’s answering the phone faster than lightning itself just to hear your voice. “Y/n, hello? Can you hear me? Are you okay, did something happen-” “I’m fine Yuta, I just needed some time to myself.” You would state with a light laugh before going into detail over why you left. “Okay, just please tell me when you want some time alone, you had me worried.” He responded with serious eyes and you nodded your head in agreement, smiling afterward once Yuta began to ramble about how much he’s missed you.***low social battery ▸ he is just like you. He is shy and is already tired from his crazy routine. You two just need to share a look to know that your time ran out.***motherlyhe is in awe. He finds you so cute and somehow so beautiful. He can't contain himself and he is all over you. He can't stop his lips from kissing you, even with the kids complaining about it.***does beauty appreciation with random people ▸ I don't think he minds that much. He actually likes how you can see beauty in other people and he joins you too in the praising sometimes. Although, after the moment passes, he'll become clingier and demands hugs and kisses.***collects plushies ▸ he thinks is so cute. He helps you put some shelves so you can exhibit them. He also buys you some, specially when he travels so they can have a connection to different places in the world. If there's one similar to him, he dies. Collect your boyfriend together afterwards.friends to lovers ▸ This boy took a lot of time, I mean A LOT. Not only because he's shy but also because of his past. You two met at Tokyo Tech and became closer because you both shared a loss of someone important in the past. You understood each other's pain and by staying together, you were able to heal. You and Rika also had an amazing relationship and that made Yuta's heart beat even faster. Rika, seeing that you two were more than friends, started to encourage Yūta to confess and change your relationship status. Anytime she saw you, she'd come out. "N/N!!! Love Rika." But he was too afraid to lose your friendship. Therefore, Rika was the one who pushed Yūta into you, resulting in a kiss that started shy and incredulous but ended becoming long and savoring. Needless to say, you and Yūta almost died of embarrassment and Rika laughed her ass off. Sly curse.***crush ▸ The sweetest boy who wants to compliment your cute wardrobe or new hairstyle but could never work up the courage to tell you that he thinks you look pretty today. Don't get him wrong, you're a very easy person to converse with. It’s just that the moments leading up to the interaction Yūta has a tendency to intensely overthink things, but your gentle touch and warm smile have a way of grounding him back to reality and he remembers how to breathe again. Then he'd accidentally speak his thoughts into existence, letting you know that you have the prettiest eyes as you both look at one another. And much to Yūta's surprise, your adorable laugh and bashful smile made him fall even harder in the best way possible.
  • when he first came to jujutsu high, he would avoid you as much as possible. but yuuta has built up a lot of confidence over the years, especially because he doesn't have rika attached to him anymore, making him more likely to talk to you. he always invites you places or asks if you want anything when he goes to the connivence store or even if he's just getting up to grab something. severely protective but only when you guys are out on missions. texts and calls you as much as he can when he's sent across the country or even to an entirely different continent.
  • First year Yuuta is all anxiety-ridden, shy and kind, and second year him is more confident and sweet. As a first year, he always thinks of what to say to you and plans ahead days prior like damn chill Yuuta 💀 Thinks a lot about: conversation starters, questions to ask subtly to get to know you better, takes mental notes of all the details. And I know damn well Yuuta keeps in check of Rika that she doesn’t,,,, well you know. Looks like a nervous puppy whenever he interacts with you - just all “🥺” See, people would think hes just being a nice guy. But his best friends might notice the difference between how he treats everyone else vs you 👀 Ofc. Panda. Tries to help his buddy. This may or may have not worsen the poor boy’s situation. Would doubt his chances with you but nevertheless understands he can always love you from afar, even if it hurts. Love is a curse, after all. Second year Yuuta is more confident and yet still very humble. He does his best not to standout, and yet (doesn’t realize) failing completely as he shines brightest when he’s around you. He usually greets you first before anyone else, “good morning, y/n! 🙂” He doesn’t even stutter a whole lot anymo’ yay! (May even be a little flirty, in a genuine way ofc!) Openly compliments you, but does so in a way that doesn’t come off as shallow or superficial. Everyone around you would probably think you two are dating - based on the fact lovesick Yuuta treats you like he’s your boyfriend (you can’t convince me that he isn’t bf material thanks). Would always ask if you’re okay, would always ask if you’re injured or wounded during a standoff with exorcising a curse. Attentive, not as doting but rather a dreamy way aw :) He’s super considerate, he almost feels selfish that he gives specific affections from kind acts giving you the special treatment, just almost. The dark-haired bby is just worried nonetheless he really respects you and trusts in your abilities. Unlike before, Yuuta can finally have a conversation with you without being awkward - its more effortless for him now. Hopefully Rika doesn’t like, kill you or something 😀 There’s something about seeing you that brings him back from the gloom and calamitous that is the jujutsu world - you’re his belief and reason. Overall: First year Yuuta is “Daniel” and second year Yuuta is “the cooler Daniel
  • Sweet sweet boy. Yuta fell in love so slowly and so casually. He viewed you as a friend at first but the more he learned about your personality, the more he started to swoon for you. You made his heart squeeze every time you laughed. Yuta would get upset whenever you covered your smile. He found you so beautiful like that, he didn’t want you to hide it. He honestly would have never found out how much he liked you unless someone else pointed it out. The more you two spent time together, the more he’d talk about you to everyone else. You were always living in his mind rent free. He always got so nervous around you, his palms getting sweaty, his hands and legs shaking and his face burning red. He found it hard to make eye contact but would always force himself to because he couldn’t resist your beautiful eyes. It was Maki who ended up telling him he had fallen for you. Yuta just sits there, processing what Maki had blurted out. You flooded his mind once again and he felt his lungs falter and his heart skip a beat. “Oh god… you’re right. I’m in love with Y/N…”
someone else likes his crush ▸ It'll make him nervous. He'll see them as a potential match and maybe even a better match then him. He'll ask everything that is to know about the person always surrounding you to level your interest. That'll probably force him to finally make his move because this way he at least tried not to lose.cheek kiss from crush ▸ ...
  • as thanks ▸ This poor boy here is not only frozen, but he's so red that you think he stopped working completely. He gives you a flustered laugh, covering his mouth while whispering, "It was nothing. I'm here if you ever need me."
***accidental boob / butt touch: You and all the second years were out in the field training and sparring with each other. Maki and Yuta were sparring and Maki landed a harsh blow on Yuta. He stumbled back and bumped into you, causing you both to tumble over in to the ground. Yuta tries to quickly turn and catch you but somehow ends up landing himself on top of you and his hand landing on your breast. He quickly shoots up from the ground, a bright blush already spreading across his entire face. He apologizes over and over again as he helps you up from the ground. “Y/N! I’m so sorry!! I was trying to catch you! I didn’t mean for that to happen!! I’m so sorry!! Please forgive me! I’m so sorrryyyyy!!” He becomes a flustered mess and his classmates don’t help when they start to tease him, jokingly calling him a pervert for touching your breast. He whines and tries to defend himself. You swear you can see steam coming off of his face from how red it is.***avoiding ▸ Y/n’s been a bit weird lately, Yuuta thinks to himself as he walks down a busy sidewalk. The two of you had always been close, but it seems like without warning you had vanished into thin air. There was the chance that you were just busy and couldn’t respond to his calls or texts. That must have been the case right? It was strange, but Yuuta gives you the benefit of the doubt. Until he spots you walking in his direction, his gaze meeting yours. Maybe it was Yuuta’s intuition that made him realize you were avoiding him. Or maybe it was because he saw you turn on you heel to walk the other way. It didn’t take long for Yuuta to catch up to your stride either. He turns his head to face you, offering a small smile even as you keep your head forward. “Hey there,” he says, raising an eyebrow at the way you’re biting your lip back. You say nothing, keeping your gaze locked to what’s ahead. But your eyes aren’t focused, and he can see that. For a split second Yuuta considers back off- if you didn’t want to talk to him, maybe it was best to leave it at that. But was he really going to let things be like this between the two of you? He summons just a bit of courage, quickening his pace so that he could stop to stand in front of you. And before you could run off again, he quickly grasps your hand- a bold move on his part. “I- sorry!” he quickly blurts out, yet showing no sign of releasing your hand, “I just need to talk to you.” You hold your ground, trying your best not to waver, “You have my attention.” “You’ve been avoiding me,” he says outright, no small talk, no build up, “and I’d like to know why.” But Yuuta sees the way you falter for a second, how you can’t even meet his gaze. His heart aches a bit- it’s not like he was entitled to know what your reasoning was. How selfish of him to force you to answer him like this. And so he finally lets go of your hand. “Ah, you know what, it’s fine,” he says, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck. Maybe he should just come to terms that this was how things were going to be. “I’m sorry, I’ll just leave you alone then,” he murmurs, beginning to walk away from you. As he takes a step away, he feels a small tug behind him. You were holding onto the hem of his jacket, your brows furrowed in distress. “I- no don’t do that,” you whisper, finally looking at him. Yuuta could just about explode right then and there just from seeing your cute expression. He hesitates for a second, but he brings his hand to your cheek. It was warm to the touch. And as you lean into his palm, Yuuta swears the whole street could hear his heart beating. “I won’t, I promise,” he tells you, his voice as soft as ever. He always spoke to you like this, and it only made your heart race. You remove his hand from your face- though you still hold onto it with both hands, as if you were afraid that he would leave if you let go. “I didn’t mean to avoid you,” you tell him, finally answering his question. Your eyes could no longer meet his, and instead you choose to fixate on a small little crack on the sidewalk. “It’s just that when it comes to you I get really nervous and I’m not exactly sure what to do and I didn’t want to not see you! I actually wanted to be around you I promise! I just wasn’t sure how I should act or-” you started to talk faster as you rambled more about your feelings. “Hey Y/n?” he interrupts, snapping you out of your busy thoughts. Yuuta leans forward, letting his forehead rest on yours. “Yes?” you ask, feeling a warmth spread across your face. He lets out a light chuckle, the same one that’s always managed to comfort you. “I get it. So don’t worry, yeah? I’d rather not see a cute face like yours look so distressed over this.” He wants to kiss you so badly. But seeing how you were struggling to get your feelings across- well it would just seem like you would implode if he were to make such a move. You didn’t need to tell him outright- anyone with a brain could connect the dots on how you feel about him. “How about this, when you’re ready to tell me, I’ll graciously listen to every word you say. But take your time, there’s no rush. I can wait,” he says, finally lifting his head up. You nod as he adjust his hands so that his fingers interlocked with yours. He’s really gonna wait, you thought to yourself. And you don’t doubt his sincerity either. Yuuta would wait forever just to hear you finally tell him you like him.***confession ▸ He didn't have a problem identifying the nature of his feelings, but he was indeed scared. Scared that if he came to love you, he would lose you just like he lost Rika. Until you got injured in a mission and needed Shouko's assistance with your wounds. By the time he heard that you were with Shouko, he just ran straight to her lab. When he finally got there, he was out of breath and couldn't make sense of his surroundings. So, you took his hand and guided him out of the lab. While you were walking down the corridor, he managed to come back and immediately hugged you. After a couple of minutes there, you started to get worried. "Yūta?" He then let go of his grip but just enough so he could look at you. He started to examine you, looking for every single wound. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I just got scared that I'd lost you." You squeezed his hands. "I'm fine, Yūta. It's just some wounds, nothing serious." "No, nothing is fine." That startled you. "Sorry, it's just that I like you so much. Please, don't leave me." With tears in your eyes matching his already teary ones, you kissed his lips, in which he returned the kiss. "I'm not going anywhere, Yūyū."Yuuta is the kindest when it comes to such excruciating emotions. He is so full of kindness that people might label it as cruel. He's fully aware of that fact therefore he'll boldly state ,"It's not like i need an answer but I've to just say it once,so - y/n , I'm direly in love with you" he'll let out a deep breath and leave you to not to be an intruder to your personal space.
  • ***how he goofed it up ▸ rika attacks u and u die. silly rika. In all seriousness, Yuuta’s a pretty convincing actor. If he wanted to, he could fool and manipulate just about anyone. But when you step into the frame— all of his acting prowess goes out the window without him even realizing it. This becomes extremely evident when he begins a plan to confess to you. At first it was seemingly nonchalant... although even saying that is already being too generous. Yuuta had asked you what your favorite flower was, and when you told him, naturally you were curious as to why he was asking. He went a little bit too far with his excuse— saying that he had borrowed a book about flowers from the library and was doing extensive research. You didn’t exactly know what he meant by that, but oh well- you weren’t going to really question your friend’s antics. A couple of days later, Yuuta approached you once more asking you oh so casually what would be your ideal date. This time his excuse was that he wanted to write a romance novel and needed a third party perspective. Every few days, he would ask you a highly specific question about your preferences— coming up with some outlandish reason each time. It didn’t take long for you to catch onto his plans, and by extension, his feelings for you. You had to admit, it made your heart flutter seeing how much effort he was putting into this. To be honest, Yuuta could’ve just confessed with a small bunch of dandelions and that would still be more than enough for you. So when the day comes and Yuuta finally takes you on your perfect date, confesses his feelings and asks you to be his s/o, you feign surprise. His confession may have been spoiled early on— but thanks to your own superb acting skills, he was none the wiser.
***asking outmaki found about his crush on you and so she told everyone , with the biggest of smirks upon her face and told yuuta that she would help him ask you and also with the help of panda and toge who were all hands in to do so with pleasure and sure did leave yuuta embarrassed. would you like to go get coffee with me , i-it’s a d-date , he speaks cursing himself for stuttering at the end as he shuts his eyes close tightly waiting for him to be rejected after all he knew he had no chance or something along these lines even after maki and the other assured him a million times of you also reciprocating his feelings but his thoughts always left him troubled. but all he hears is you giggle and his eyes shoot open as they meet yours and he feels warmth rushing through his body and a fuzzy feeling surrounds him and he hears you speak , I thought you’d never ask me out , with a pout and you had made him malfunction with a nose bleed at the sight.***favorite song he listens to with you ▸ Now playing: "Introvert" by Rich Brian and Joji | Yuuta loves Joji and you’d taken a liking to the music artist after he’d suggest almost all the singers’ songs to you when you had asked for song suggestions. He’d make a whole playlist for you both thats 10+ hours long and would listen to every song he’d put on their to make sure they’re perfect and you’d like them. Every time this song would play his brain would flashback to the events of him confessing to you in his dorm while this song played in the background.
"introvert" by rich brian
first date ▸ He'll take you to a park where you can sit and do a picnic together. He wants to talk and also see you around a beautiful place that praises your natural beauty. He'll be so nervous though. So, you'll have to hold his hands first and let him get used to it. Once he does, he'll put a lock of your hair behind your ear and kiss your lips.***first kiss ▸ You and Yuta met after he had come back to Jujutsu High from a mission abroad. He walked into the classroom to see his three friends and a new face sitting amongst them. He introduced himself and got to know you, and the more he learned about you, the more you smiled at his jokes, the more you cared for him; he couldn’t stop associating you with Rika. It hurt him, and he was scared, ‘what if i turn them into a curse as well’. He didn’t want that for you, he wanted you to live your life to the fullest! But the more he hung around you, the closer you became, the more like Rika you were in his mind, the more he wanted you. But he couldn’t have you. It was for the best to distance you from him. To protect you. He didn’t do it coldly, he just simply started avoiding you, and he’d mess up and be friendly with you for a moment, then remember, and go back to being radio silent. It was frustrating and your friends noticed Yuta’s abnormal behavior and questioned him, but he just brushed it off, said nothing was wrong. Gojo heard that something was wedging your relationship, so, naturally, he tried to fix it by sending you both on a mission together. Except, Yuta ignored you, and your plan for how to defeat the curse, and did his own thing. Which ended in him thinking he defeated the curse all by himself only to get pummeled 20 meters away as you took care of the curse. The mission ended up with major property damage, and pretty serious injuries on the both of you, mostly you though. Gojo started listing all the things you did wrong, as he had watched the whole time, and your anger increased; if Yuta had only listened to you. “Well, can’t be helped.” Said brunette spoke. “Can’t be helped?!” You uncharacteristically yelled, “If you would stop being a piss-baby and not ignore me, we could have easily taken it down!” “So, it’s my fault?!” “Yes! It is! I made a perfectly good, two-person plan and you just brushed me off! Why do you always do that?! You just walk past me like I’m and ant under your boot!! What did I do to make you hate me so much?!” You hadn’t realized but hit streams of tears emitted from your eyes. Yuta just stared at you shock etched in detail on his face. “…But I don’t?” You laughed humorlessly, “Right, and Panda’s a panda.” Yuta contemplated what to do, but he was getting frustrated, why couldn’t his brain work faster! You were crying! The situation was dire. You harshly rubbed the tears off your face and start walking, but Yuta grabbed your arm stopping you. But, why? He couldn’t see the possibility where you wouldn’t get hurt with him being around you. But then again, today proved that even if he kept you at arms length, you still got hurt. Maybe it was time to protect you, by being their for you. “I don’t hate you at all.” You turned to face him. Passion enflamed his eyes. “Honestly? I love you so much the thought of losing you kills me inside.” The prettiest smile he’d ever seen broke out on your face. “Then kiss me, Yuta.” Your wish, his command. He leaned in to slot his lips on yours, his hands met your waist as you arms circled his neck. The kiss was gentle, meaningful, butterfly-provoking. He pulled away just slightly to look at you. He smiled toothily and pulled you back in for a more certain, passionate kiss. And as he stood there, your bodies pressed together, he realized that, no, you weren’t Rika. You weren’t going to turn out like Rika. Because, with you knowing about his ability, and still staying by his side? Well, if you had faith in him, he was going to have faith in you. “Maki, pass the popcorn, it’s getting heated!” Gojo whispered, as the four others watched you the cheesy display of romance in front of them. “Yknow, for someone so rich, your popcorn tastes nasty.” She said as she handed it to him. “It’s not nasty! It’s organic!” Panda, Toge and Maki’s faces all contorted in disgust. “Okaka!” “I am not a loser, Toge!”cute things ▸ Likes to check in with you emotionally, always notices when you’re upset (good at reading your expressions. Bonus: if you don’t like something you’re eating, he’ll proactively finish it for you, even if he also doesn’t like it. 😬 Restaurants are always a safe bet for date night— for you). Likes to buy you clothes because he enjoys helping you build your wardrobe and is super proud of himself when he gets your style right (keeps gift receipts though so you can return things 😗). Listens to you rant and gossip SO respectfully, also 100% is paying attention and recognizes all the recurring characters, will politely chime in too because he’s actually really invested in the tea in your life. ☕️***little thingsHand on the small of your back. Yuuta can be fairly awkward. It was just his personality. In fact he didn’t initiate much pda when you both first started dating. You didn’t mind being someone who took the lead. In fact, it became somewhat of a second nature to you. Despite being the more confident one in the relationship, Yuuta would still make your heart flutter in those little moments he’d have this sudden chivalrous air to him. When his hand comes into contact with your lower back..oh have mercy. You were walking through a crowd with Yuuta. There had been some commotion after you both exorcised a curse that had been tormenting the inhabitants of the area. Everyone was still on edge and it made sense but it was difficult to control the situation when everyone was all over one another. Yuuta must have sensed your distress and calmly placed his calloused palm on the small of your back and led you to a calmer side of the ruckus. “Yuuta? What’s up? I was handling everything just fine” You tried to complain but Yuuta kept walking and you couldn’t bring yourself to repel his touch either. “Sorry, I was just..I wanted to be alone for a minute” He scratched the back of his neck. You smiled at this. This was your first instance of knowing this is how Yuuta discreetly tells you that he wants to be alone. His hand would slide to your back, either awkwardly or protectively. Now let me just put the idea of a jealous Yuuta doing this, his hand slowly leading you away from whoever was flirting with you and him cornering you in an alleyway where his fair fell on his face as he whispered “Don’t speak with them” with his lips inches from yours. Aha I have a favorite can you tell? “I don’t mean to steal you away. I’m simply retrieving who’s mine for a while, is that so wrong?”kisses your hands. every chance he gets he'll do it— just presses the softest of kisses to your knuckles, your palm, your fingertips. if he's driving, he always links his fingers with yours, bringing your hand up to his mouth to kiss the back of it. sometimes it's quick and light, sometimes he holds it there, conveying all his feelings he knows he can't possibly communicate into a kiss. he bunches it all up into one singular point of contact between his lips and your skin, and he'll continue to press kiss after kiss to your hands until that mushy feeling inside dissipates. he didn't expect that feeling to only grow. he kisses you so casually....naturally, because for him, it is. however, he'll go bright red and won't look you in the eye if you kiss the calluses littered on his palms.***romantic moments ▸ Yuuta has to hold back his giggle, shaking his head in adoration at the accomplished smile you have plastered on your face. you begin to boast about how you made the yuuta okkotsu giggle while he just stares at you in enchantment. he becomes quiet all of a sudden, uttering a simple, ‘you are so adorable, you know that?’***gestures of love ▸ Yuuta hugs you with a hand over your head all the time. he’s gotten into the habit of having one draped around your waist while drawing sloppy hearts and the other securing your head against your chest, close enough to where you can hear the rapid beating of his heart.love language ▸ Words and hugs. Words because he travels a lot spending a long time away, so he likes to send you messages and even letters telling how much he misses and loves you. And hugs because when he's back, he can't let you go.the ick ▸ Will sometimes not give a straight answer just because (“I don’t know, would I?” 😏) INDECISIVE, will ask your opinion on every little thing but then even after deciding, will repeatedly ask you to confirm if that was the right choice. 😭 Very doom and gloom when drunk (not necessarily even crying but just has a quarterlife crisis every time), bars are not a good idea for date night. Cringes every time the spine of a book gets cracked. Uses emoticons ╰(*´︶ ` *)╯ ♡, has said multiple times it's superior to emojis but uses those, too (doesn’t spam them, though, just enough to react properly to your texts 😌).tenderness ...
  • ***period He’s really sweet and attentive, especially on your period. You do have to guide him a bit with what you need from him and be very specific if he needs to buy something for you, but other than that, he does everything perfectly.  Yūta's most cherished comfort is physical affection, which is why he's extra affectionate during your period, trailing sweet kisses down your neck to your cheek and pressing soft kisses on your stomach to soothe the cramps. Even if the kisses don't actually relieve your cramps, the hopeful look in his eyes and the soft smile on his face is still healing enough. If you have any sweet cravings, rather than buying it, he’ll buy the ingredients so the two of you can make it. It’s a way to distract you from the pain and curb your cravings at the same time. It works wonders. Making cakes and cookies together with the love of your life while soft music plays in the background and fresh air flows through the window makes any pain you were experiencing disappear
He has heard of it and kind of knows what it is, but never had experience nor knows in detail what happens so he researches… a lot. Immediately tries making some foods that were recommended by various websites and asks you to try them. Not the type to ask you what pads you use, he just goes to your wardrobe (with your permission of course), looks for your pads, and buys the same kind. Tries to avoid any kinds of missions when you’re on your period. But if he has no choice but to go, he’ll make sure it’s only for a day or two and he sends you texts every half a day at least. Cuddles you while watching documentaries and movies, but makes sure you don’t snack too much so your diet isn’t too unhealthy. Has a period tracking app on his phone so he knows when you are going to have your mood swings and when you’ll be in pain. He wants to make sure he prepared for you (pads, hot water bottles etc). Has a really big stuffed toy of your favourite animal for you to hug when he’s away on missions and you’re on your period. He makes sure to spray his cologne on it so it smells like him <3eye of the storm ▸ ...
  • killing a bug Is scared, too. sorry man, he isn’t really all that comfortable killing bugs either! He hates all the little legs and finds them absolutely disgusting. Maybe, just maybe, if he closes his eyes and smacks really hard, he’ll do it for you. But he’s definitely gonna say that you should get one of the other second-years to kill it.
moment of weakness ▸ He's going to hug you before you even realize that you were going to let go, so you can do it into his arms. He'll caress your hair and give you small kisses on top of your head. Then he'll clean your tear with his thumbs and prepare you a hot bath.
  • you have a nightmareYūta could only ever sleep peacefully when you were by his side, usually holding you close during the night. Still, he was a very light sleeper anyway. It was inevitable that your mumbling woke him up. As he was coming to his senses, Yūta noticed how distressed you looked in your sleep, and figured that it would be better to wake you up. "Y/N," he mumbled as he stroked your cheek lovingly. You immediately opened your eyes, violently sitting up and looking around, only to start crying once your eyes rested on Yūta. He instantly reached out for you, pulling you close to himself and asking you about what happened. He was perceptive enough to know that your dream was somehow related to him. At some point, your worry for Yūta had to come to the surface in some way. He felt terrible. He didn't like being the reason of your sadness. He knew you'd been especially worried for him during the past few days as things were getting more and more hectic. He didn't quite know what to say... What could he say? That there was nothing to worry about? That would be a lie. That he was careful? You already knew that. So, he just hugged you. Letting you cry for a little while. "I really love you, Y/N. I'm sorry." He felt like that was the only thing he could say that could mean something. You didn't want him to apologize, though. Yūta being someone so noble, who always wanted to help, was one of the things you loved him for in the first place. So, you just hugged him tighter. Yūta's noble, yes. But he's also incredibly strong. The only thing you can do is trust him.
  • dying in his dreams ▸ This poor boy already suffered from the trauma of losing someone dear to him. So, the moment he opens his eyes, he's going to grip you tight and wake you up. He'll be desperate asking for your response. He needs you to let him know that you're alive and here right beside him. You'll hold him with his head laying on your chest while you caress his hair humming some lullaby bringing him back to reality. Also expects lots of messages throughout the day.
  • stressful day ▸ He's already waiting with your favorite drink prepared for you and he listens attentively to everything you want to say. Then he puts you on his lap and starts massaging your scalp while he caresses your hair. That puts you to sleep and he stays there, continuing with his tender movements.
  • sighing in front of him prank ▸ He inserts himself in your embrace and kisses your cheek. "Everything okay, beautiful?"
protective ▸ ...
  • kidnapped by a curse ▸ He'll be terrified. He knows that he can easily destroy it, but come on, this boy has a big trauma. It'll hit him hard. After your release and the end of the curse, he'll run right into your arms with his eyes full of tears. You'll have to console him so he can come back to his senses. Once he does, he'll start to verify all of you to scan your wounds. Won't let you go for a while, too. He'll even have nightmares about it, which you help by holding him and singing to put him back to sleep.
  • shielding her ▸ He's furious; not at you, but at himself for letting yet another person comes in front of him and save him. He stays by your side but is awfully quiet passing that moment over and over again in his mind trying to figure where he went wrong. You squeeze his hand. "Yūyū, you didn't do anything wrong. I would always protect you, ok?" You clear the tears that came down his cheeks with your thumbs and he passes his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
  • sacrifices themselves but comes back unharmed ▸ He's going to run into you but won't know what to do because he doesn't want to hurt you. So, hug him and reassure that you're there with him. That he can let go of his anxious thoughts. He'll kiss every visible wound that he can find. And expect his teary eyes to break you into tears, too. He'll take care of your wounds with so much love that you won't be able to hold your pounding heart. So, when he finishes, you'll jump straight in his arms. He's going to sleep with you every single night for a month and will always remember that you shouldn't sacrifice yourself, that you should call him; he'll come running. And that he loves you very much.
  • kisses after thinking they died on a mission ▸ He’s going to hold tenderly behind your neck while tangling his finger in your hair and kissing your lips softly.
  • ***hurt on a mission ▸ You told Yuuta multiple times that he didn’t need to accompany you. Even though you were fully capable of handling curses by yourself, he always tagged along- just to be cautious. But for once you were able to convince your boyfriend that you could handle things by yourself, arguing that it felt almost patronizing how he came along with you. And as you left for your mission, you made a mental note to apologize for your harsh words. The next thing you knew, you woke up to find yourself laying in examination room. You slowly sat up, wincing quietly. From what you can remember, the curse you were dealing with was a bit more brutal than you had anticipated. And though you managed to exorcise it, you don’t exactly know what happened after the fight. You do remember collapsing on the ground and needing to take a long nap. Though you didn’t know how you ended up here. Shoko was sitting by the bed, her eyes carefully inspecting your body. “So... how’re you feeling?” she asks. You move your body a bit, testing your limbs out. “I’m aching- though not too much. It’s bearable,” you tell her, watching as she jots down some notes onto a clipboard. “Well that’s good, considering you sustained some pretty life-threatening injuries.” You freeze at her words- you didn’t think the fight went that bad. And to think you were the one arguing with your boyfriend about how he didn’t have to worry so much. “Hey Shoko, first of all, thank you for healing me. Probably would’ve been dead without you- I owe you one. Second, do you mind not telling Yuuta about this? Like try to downplay how injured I got, yeah?” you plead with her, hoping she could keep this a secret. Shoko’s lips purse as your boyfriend walks into the room. “She’s not the one who healed you,” he says, his tired eyes meeting yours. Shoko clears her throat, as if to say something, but instead leaves the room. The silence was deafening as Yuuta makes his way to pull up a chair next to your bed. His eyes never broke contact, as if he was waiting for you to say something. But just what were you supposed to say when you really had no idea what happened? “..So I got rid of that curse... That’s kinda neat,” you tell him, awkward chuckles escaping your lips. To your surprise, the corners of his lips turn up, and his gaze becomes soft. “Yeah, that is neat,” he chuckles, reaching out to hold your hand. Yuuta wants to tell you everything. How everyone was worried when you suddenly didn’t respond to any attempts at contact. How he took off to where you were heading. How he found your still body laying in the middle of nowhere, barely clinging onto life. But he doesn’t. He doesn’t chastise you at all in fact- how could he? It’s not like your words before you left were wrong- you're very capable of going off on your own. You just got terribly unlucky this time. He didn’t want you to harbor any guilt for your words. Yuuta presses a soft kiss to the palm of your hand. You’re alive, and that’s all he chooses to focus on.
gravely sick ▸ He gets anxious of losing you. So, whenever you have a worse day, he cancels all of his plans just to be by your side. And if he can't physically, he will video call you. He also likes to bathe you. He always lays besides you and holds you tight.
  • fully recovers ▸ He prepares you a super relaxing good smelling bath. He sits behind you and gently washes your hair, massaging your scalp while hearing to anything you want to say. Then you two just lay there with your back against his chest while he eventually kisses your forehead.
possessive ▸ This baby boy also feels jealous but won't show it, just like Nanami. He thinks that a relationship needs to have trust between each other, and he really trusts you with all his heart. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't feel anxious. And he won't be able to hold himself back from all the questions he's going to ask you. He'll ask them until he gets the full report and will only calm down when you assure him that he's the only one in your heart.
  • hitting on them ▸ Seeing someone flirting with you makes him very anxious, but he doesn't approach you. In his mind, all he can think is that a relationship is built by trust, and he trusts you more than anyone else in the world. So, he waits you come back but won't be able to hold his questionings. Please, report to him all the conversation and ensure him that he's the only one and you're all his. Lots of kisses and cuddles throughout the day.
Yuuta hates to admit it but yes. He does get jealous. And he does feel guilty about it. He loves you and trusts you fully. Even though his confidence has grown tremendously, he can’t control the fact that there is just an inkling of insecurity when he sees some guys flirt with you. Yuuta becomes a tad bit clingy to you afterwards- politely asking for your attention and affection. HOWEVER, the moment he sees that you’re clearly being bothered, the any feeling of insecurity leaves his body and he becomes the most intimidating person ever. He would be the definition of the phrase ‘if looks could kill’. Once the two of you are alone again, his demeanor returns to normal as if nothing happened. You’re not sure if you’re slightly scared of him or attracted to him. Maybe a mixture of both.celebration ▸ ...
  • ***valentine's day: he takes you to his favorite place that happens to be an unknown courtyard where you can have a beautiful view of the city. He embraces you from behind and you can feel your back on his chest. He rests his head on your shoulder giving you little kisses once in a while. He also gives you your favorite flower.
  • ***new year's eve ▸ he takes you to a park where you two can extend a blanket and do your new year's eve picnic. He brings everything you love to eat and he spends the whole night cuddling with you. Expects a shy confession about how much you made his year better and happier and that this is the one of many more together. Also can't hold on until midnight and kisses you by the time the countdown begins. And the kisses are fire!
  • your birthday ▸ This cutie wakes you up with your favorite flower, putting it beside you so it's the first thing you see in the morning. Can't wait and already gives you the cake he made himself. He spent the whole night trying to make it just the way you like. Takes you somewhere quiet in nature or where the view is beautiful. Showers you with kisses and hugs through the whole day.
pretending to be asleep prank ▸ He adjusts your position and can help but observe you. He brushes your hair so fondly that you're soon put on a real sleep.long time no see ▸ He's worried. If you're not coming back soon, it means that it was a tough mission. Hearing the door lock, he's heart can breathe, and he waits you with his arms already open. You don't think twice to let go of yourself into them. He traces his hands on your back up and down, allowing you to relax. He also gives you a long-deserved bath.dates ▸ ...
  • karaoke ▸ He'll love to come with you. But at the beginning, he's going to be really shy, so he tries to leave most of the singing part for you. So, if you insist and sing with him, he'll start to let loose and that's when the fun begin. He'll get excited and you two will even dance together. He actually has a beautiful voice and if you praise him, he'll get all red and kiss you shyly.
  • beach ▸ The romantic boyfriend! He'll walk with you through the edge of the sea, lots of kisses while enjoying the water and his favorite one, help you put on the sunscreen.
hanging out ▸ ...
  • horror movie ▸ He's scared even before the movie starts. Just by the movie poster, he's already shitting his pants. He glues into you the entire film and he barely looks at it. He has his face buried in the crook of your neck. You have to sleep holding him tight for an entire week.
  • video games ▸ I can see Yūta playing something like Pokémon Go. First because it doesn't actually have an end to it and then because he travels a lot, so it works. And by doing so, even when he's far away, he has a reason to talk to you, like sending the very rare Pokémon he was able to find making you all envious, MF.
  • ***first snow ▸ He will be happy and invite you to take a walk outside since the snow was not heavy. If snow falls from a tree, he will shake it off you and fix your hair. If you want to make a small snow figure, but you forgot your gloves, then he will help you with this despite the fact that his hands are already numb. He'll blush a little when you shake the snow off his hair.
***mornings ▸ Yuuta whispers his confession to you all over again. he plants kisses in between his i love you’s and giggles when you scrunch your nose at the touch. he doesn’t bother to detangle his limbs from yours, though, the soft feeling of your fingers tracing his features lulls him back to sleep.serenading him ▸ HELP!!! THE KID DIED. It is too much for his heart. He's a crazy mess looking at you all cute serenade him. He never thought something like this could ever happen. Rika has to hold him.***flowers ▸ Yuuta plants a sunflower behind your ear. he’s never felt such adoration for another; he knows he’s pushing it, due to his occupation as a sorcerer, but if he were to put a name on it, he thinks what he feels is pure love: so very gentle and warm on his skin yet vibrant on his heartstrings.***nicknames ▸ It was times like this when he was glad to stay stagnant. The calming sounds of rain outside his room’s window filled the silence the two of you settled into. Currently, you were smoothing a cooling mask to his face as he closed his eyes. You took extra care in tapping under his eyes, pressing the “effects” onto the skin there, as well. “Feel good?” you asked in a hushed tone. Yeah. It slipped past his lips and from your position, his head in your lap, you could see the corners of his lips turn up. You smiled fully in return, even if he couldn’t see you, continuing with your ministrations as the time goes on. When you thought he may have fallen asleep, you leaned back and craned your neck down to look at him. He was ethereal in the light, and it was surely a scene not many got to see. The remaining five minutes of the mask absorption was spent with your gaze on his face, watching the way his eyebrows weren’t as furrowed and how the moonlight reflected off his tired skin. You were beyond ecstatic to witness all this. After the soft alarm of the timer sounded, you removed the damp cotton and threw it to the side before pressing a kiss to his forehead. The sound was quiet enough to not wake him right away, but it seemed that this action was a little too loud. Not that either of you minded. His eyes snapped open and there was that full smile on his face you’d been waiting to see. He grabbed your wrist and as best as he can from the upside down look he got of you, gazed into your eyes while pointing to his lips. “You missed, angel.”
  • calls you angel, rarely, but it's there. a little memory that rests somewhere within you until he pulls it out once more. angel, he'll say, muffled in the cotton of your shirt, fingers tangled in your hair and the kind of laughter that only ever comes from relief fanning against your skin. angel, he'll say, on nights when the day has been hard and dark but you, with delicate hands and pretty smiles and kisses light upon his cheeks have only ever been good to him.
calling him bro ▸ Just like Megumi, his head is going to be full of thoughts. He's going to think where he went wrong, or did suddenly your relationship change and he was the only one not knowing about it? Confusion all written on his face. You won't be able to hold the joke already pulling him in a big warm hug. "Sorry, babe, Yūyū, love of my life! I love you, okay."holding his face and telling him that he's pretty ▸ ta turns so red you're momentarily worried. He sputters and turns away, a tiny endearing smile on his face. When you tease him because you're evil like that he whines and tells you to stop. Later, he'll give you a gentle kiss and mumble, "Thank you, angel."touch-starvedHe’s shy, like extremely shy—flustered, cheeks blushing and all stuttering that it makes you want to keep him in your pocket. He’s a man of consent, definitely the type to ask if he can hug you or hold your hand. However, you have to stand there idly watching him with heart eyes as he stutters out the question he’s been practicing in his mind for hours while he’s nervously fiddling with his fingers like, ‘Um, so, you.. Can I– uh..’ and just.. he’s so cute I’m crying. You nearly cried, too.hands ▸ This boy was nervous. He also took quite some time to hold your hand. He was always imagining taking your hand in his, but he was too nervous to complete the thought. So, I think that the initiative had to come from you. While you were walking around school, you just took his hand and continued your way. He surely thought he was going to die. But thankfully he survived and now has the courage to hold your hand whenever he feels like.hair...
  • ***stopping in the middle of playing with itYuta looks up at you with wide eyes a small frown, instantly tugging a little at your heartstrings the second you pull away from his hair while he yawns. clearing his throat, he looks at you through tired eyes, making your own eyes soften as they land on his dark circles. “can you keep going a little while longer? just helps me sleep better,” he asks quietly, making you pull him closer as you plant a sweet kiss to his forehead, moving to scatter them over his warm cheeks slowly. you decide not to tell him it was to mess with him, decide to just indulge him in his request as your fingers wrap around the dark strands once more and twist them gently, making his eyes flutter shut as he sighs in content. “of course i can,” you hum, smiling as your eyes rake over his features when his breathing starts to even out, “goodnight baby. love you.”
piggy-back ride ▸ If you ask him, he'll do it. If you need him to do it, he'll also do it. He loves to feel your weight on his back and that he's taking care and protecting you. It's his nature to care for you. He'll be even happier if you talk all the way through. He just loves to hear your voice close to his ear and also loves the scent of your shampoo.hugging ▸ This baby boy loves to hug you from behind, especially when he gets you by surprise. He just loves seeing your little jump and then relaxing into the warm of his arms. He also gives kisses all over your neck, sometimes leading you to something else (hehe). And he loves to whisper sweet things in your ear. He doesn’t let you go even when his hug is getting in the way of whatever you’re doing.sleeping ▸ Yuuta snuggles silently against you. he places his hand gently on your head while he mumbles sweet nothings into your hair. his heart blooms when you giggle into the safety of his chest. he pinches your cheek before placing a quick kiss on it, waiting until he hears your labored breathing as a sign for him to give into sleep too.***kissing ▸ He likes to kiss your hands every time he gets to hold them. When he kisses your lips, they're soft and full of love and admiration. If you let yourself go into his embrace, they start to heat up and can develop to something else easily.
  • Yuuta kisses you tenderly. he handles you as if you were a flower petal, with such care and precision that you’re afraid of waking up from a long dream. his lips move gracefully against yours, as if kissing you were second nature.
  • Always as gentle as a site could be expected. He doesn't want to do anything you don't agree to, and must have confirmation that if he does, nothing will happen. Just tell him, and he will always remember your consent and kiss you whenever he feels like it.
sitting on his lap ▸ Another one that died. Call an ambulance cuz he's not coming back anytime soon. He just froze while his cheeks all burnt with heat. You had to initiate the kisses so he could come back and respond to them. "One day, you'll kill me, Y/N."
  • falling asleep ▸ Just like Megumi, the moment you leaned on him already made him nervous and all red. So, when he realizes you were sleeping, he'll stay motionless for a while just like a stake. But after he sees that you're far gone, he'll softly adjust your position so you can be comfortable and will start to caress your hair, intertwining his fingers in your locks.
sitting on their lap ▸ Another one that you have to pull down on it. He's all red and you can feel the warm running over his body. He then rests his head on your shoulder so you can caress his hair. Not much for him to start kissing your neck, growing the fire between you.
  • flower on his ear ▸ He also prefers that you lay on his lap instead so he can spoil you. But he now understands that he deserved to be spoiled, too. When you place the flower, he also gets all red. He finds the gesture so beautiful that he takes another flower and puts it on your ear. Won't take it off for the rest of the day.
commando ▸ His cute face hides a big secret. Yūyū here is always looking to your butt. ALWAYS. So, he noticed the absence of your underwear first-hand. And he did not control himself, at all. His hands went straight to your ass, giving them a big naughty squeeze. "YUUTAAA?!" He giggled. "Sorry, not sorry."
  • asking what underwear to wear ▸ Oh, poor cute boy. His face will get so red and his hands all sweaty. But, of course, he'll help you. He'll be so serious. For him, it will be the most important mission ever. He'll look at every one of them imagining you wearing them... and... now he's horny. HELP! But he'll concentrate because you asked him to help you, so no horny Yūyū. You'll sure have fun watching him all worked up fighting himself. He'll choose his favorite and also make sure that's the one you're comfortable with.
***first timewith fingers interlocked yuta bends down to place a kiss against your cheek, “i’m gonna go slow” he whispers placing soft palms under the bend of your knee and pressing them to your chest, yuta exhales a shaky breath as he sinks his cock completely in. “y-yuta, god” your voice slips from your lips as a hushed whisper, eyes clouded with tears and if you hadn’t told him multiple times you were ready—he’d stop immediately, the tears alone pain yuta’s chest but your hands cup his cheek—aiding him to keep going. “i’m right here angel, not gonna go anywhere” yuta rubs his face against your hands, finding your lips as he finally moves, slowly grinding against your thighs—the sweet moans linger in his mouth as yuta stretches you with his length. it’s the way yuta groans against the shell of your ear that has you on the verge of cumming, the way his voice catches in his throat whenever your pussy clings to his cock, the shallow deep breaths yuta is sucking in just to be able to fuck you. “baby, you’re so fucking perfect” yuta pants, rolling his hips as he presses your thighs harder on your chest, yuta leans back on his knees—cerulean hues shimmering as he looks at the white ring around his cock, a smile creeping through his lips. “you’re so wet, angel” yuta releases the hold on your thighs, wrapping his arms around your body so he can pull you close, shallow strokes into your tight hole and the surges of white exploit your body. “you’re about to cum for me aren’t you, pretty?” yuta cups your cheeks, moving his lips onto yours as you taste the audible groans brushing from his lips, “let go princess, i got you” yuta groans once more as your juices drench his cock nestled tightly in your pussy. it’s your first time but it doesn’t feel like it, yuta treats your body like a precious jewel he holds dear to his heart, never wanting to let go of this euphoric feeling he hopes to last a lifetime.
  • ***raw ▸ “angel, please” yuta moans, masking his face with his lithe fingers, face blistering a deep red whenever you bounce harder on his cock. “m’so sensitive” yuta whispers and you settle in his lap, gripping his face within your hands “but it feels so good, you feel so good” yuta pulls his hands from his face, lingering a searing gaze down to the mess slathered in his thighs and the way your pussy swallows him whole. “can’t stop, wanna cum again” yuta crashes his lips against yours, a snap of his hands and they concrete to your hips moving your harder on his rigid cock, “wanna cum for you, my pretty girl.” your body crumbles at the praise, noticing the way yuta has sweat saturated to his forehead, lips parted and swallowing shallow breaths and his cock clinging to your walls is nothing but immense pleasure captivates your body, driving through to your core. “cum on my cock, show me how good i make you fuckin’ feel” yuta pants, another tip off of the edge and he dives head first, cock leaking a pitiful amount of cum in your hole once more. and yuta is aching, trembling under you and as bad as he wants—yuta has to cum in you again because he cannot get enough especially with his cum being fucked deep in you.
***finding the spot“god—you’re so tight,” yuta gasps, whining into your neck as you tug at his hair. his hips are rolling into you desperately, chasing the friction the warm walls of your dripping cunt offers him, squeezing him in until it’s almost hard to move. “‘m so close—g-gonna cum. cum with me, please,” he pants, “gotta feel you.” “yuta, ‘m close—so close,” you sob, “gonna cum too—fuck, feels good.” “love you,” he whines, “g-god, i love you so much. feel this? ‘s all for you,” he stutters, “gonna cum for you.” he’s thrusting into you sloppily by now, hips losing their rhythm as he ruts into you as best he can, hitting you deep against your sweet spot. it makes you gasp, makes your walls flutter around him until he’s moaning helplessly at the way you squeeze around him. “right there, yuta—p-please,” you whimper, and he drills his thick cock into your wet cunt over and over again, chasing the sweet friction of your pussy and the way you clamp down on him as he finds your spot repeatedly. “more, more, more,” he pants, ragged and drunk on pleasure, “need more—gonna give you more.” with one more thrust, you break, walls spasming around him as you wail his name through your release, spurring his own orgasm as thick, hot ropes of cum spill into your walls and fill you up. “so good, ‘s so good—not enough,” he whimpers, still nudging his reddened tip deep into you, even as you both hiss from the overstimulation. “one more, jus’ one more, please.”C = cum | Okkotsu Yuuta pleads. he whines. you’ve never heard so many variations of your name in the span of one minute. even if you’re not being dominant at all, he’s begging. he doesn’t just hold onto you, arms wrapped around your torso to keep the both of you as close as possible— he’s grasping. fingers dragging down your back or holding your head down to his chest. he desperately bucks into you, letting out hot puffs of his breath onto the side of your neck. sometimes, he accidentally cums inside when his own orgasms take him by surprise. he freaks out a little bit after and you have to remind him that it’s okay, and that he’s the one who insisted on wearing a condom.J = jack off | ...
  • ***masturbation voicemailYuta doesn’t know what’s gotten into him, but it’s late and he can’t stop his mind from wandering to nights he’s spent with you in his bed. his hand pumps his swollen length as he lets out soft whines, panting erratically as he stares down at his glistening cock, watching his fist stroke up and down the length and squeeze over the flushed tip. he whimpers into his phone, tears pricking his lash line when he squeezes at the base of his cock and denies himself when he feels his orgasm approach. “fuck, d-don’t wanna cum yet,” he whimpers, “not unless ‘m with you.” his voice cracks as he lets out a wanton moan, head falling back against his pillow while he slowly drags his palm over his swollen length once more. it hurts—the ache between his legs just won’t go away, and nothing seems to come close to replace the feeling of your walls sucking him in. “god i m-miss you—miss you so bad. do you miss me? hope so,” he rambles, gasping when his cock twitches in his hand. he should pull away, he wants to pull away, but he can’t help himself from raising his hips to buck into his fist, eyes squeezed shut tightly as his orgasm crashes over him hard. he moans loudly—wanton and whiny as he spills all over his hand, leaving a mess of cum in his wake while a few tears roll down his flushed cheeks. “fuck, fuck—‘m sorry, didn’t wanna…didn’t wanna cum without you. just missed you so bad,” he babbles, moaning into the speaker. he doesn’t even realize the line’s ended, that his time’s over and the voicemail’s been sent already as he keeps speaking. “can’t wait to see you,” he breathes with a gentle smile, “i love you.”
  • ***masturbation videoyuta wants you to see how hard he is for you, wants you to see how even when he’s away, you still have enough power over him to make him throb between his legs and ache for release. he knows you’re sleeping, and he doesn’t want to bother you, but he can’t help himself from sending you a picture or two of the way his cock stands stiff and red, a bead of pre cum dribbling from his slit. and just as he feels himself get close, feels the familiar pressure in his tummy of the coil ready to snap, he can’t help but send a quick video as he cums for you, the squelching sound of his fist working his cock ringing through the room as his hand slaps against the base of his dick with every stroke. “fuck, angel—sh-shit, ‘m sorry, ‘m sorry…couldn’t help it,” he pants, whining as he fucks into his fist and chases the sweet friction of his palm dragging over his aching length, “missed you so bad, j-jus’ had to cum for you—’s all for you,” he breathes, “always make me feel good. god, i miss you.” he strokes himself until he’s whimpering from overstimulation, until he’s calling your name brokenly one more time and he’s milked himself of every drop—and then he hits send with a  shaky thumb as he sighs, missing the warmth of your body beside him.
  • ***sex tape ▸ Yuta would be a flustered mess when you first ask him. He’ll probably agree to it just because it looks like you really wanted to do it together. So you propped the phone up because he suggested eating you out so why not just ride his face. The camera sees the way you descend on his face and quickly tangle your fingers in his hair when he sucks at your clit. Make sure to roll your hips down on his face and tug at his hair. He only motivated him to stay down there longer and he’ll forget to breath if it means giving you an orgasm and he gets to taste it.  If you lift up afterwards, he’ll have a dopey smile and his dick will be hard in his pants. Probably will notice how pussy drunk the man gets just from that and gonna try and rush to get inside of you. This time he’ll grab the camera and show you off, legs spread open for him as he eases his cock inside, saying praises all the while. He’ll try to record your how body moving with his as he fucks you but he might mess up the angles because he starts to focus a lot on your face or it feels to good. Probably ends up dropping the camera so he can make you both cum and the angle isn’t the best but it still catches y’all cumming together. He’s gonna be embarrassed as y’all look through it together, making comments about how he sounds or what he might of said to you in bed and cringing about it now, but just give him a kiss and a praise and he’ll be fine.
K = kinks | the sounds of your body melting under his touch, legs dangling by his face while yuta bends down further trapping you beneath him, your moans reaching his ears as yuta splits you open, “so pretty taking my cock” he whispers out, arms buckling above you when yuta presses a kiss on your forehead. his eyes are lazy lidded, pumping his cock deeper in your pussy and yuta can’t help groaning at the noises escaping from your lips, tears forming around your eyes—and that’s when yuta finds you the most beautiful, how fucking gorgeous you look begging for his cum to fill you up, and when your walls clamp down on his length, gushing and creaming his cock that’s when yuta knows he can’t live without you—or this, absolutely shackled to your pussy.***overstimulationholds your hand the entire time while stretching you out with his fingers. likes to hear you say that you’re his and that you only have eyes for him. “i’m sure they’ll know now considering how loud you’re being” praises you after each orgasm and promises that he’s going to stop if you just cum one more time. by the time yuuta actually does stop, you’re wincing and whining from the slightest touch even if he’s just stroking your cheek. i can see him shoving his fingers in your mouth so you can taste yourself.
  • ***prettiestYuta lives to please, and he’ll quite literally just keep cumming until he can’t if that’s what you want. has the prettiest whimpers, and lets out shaky breaths and cute little gasps as you sink down on his length. he’s already came so many times before, cock glistening from his previous release, and it’s almost too overwhelming when he feels your walls flutter around his sensitive length, but his face buries into your neck as he grips your hips tightly. he wets your skin with tears and whines into your neck as your hips snap against his, and he cums almost instantly, painting your walls white as his cock twitches with each spurt. stutters as he sobs into your neck about how it’s “t-too much,” and he “can’t c-cum again,” but he still meets your thrusts half way when you hush him and stroke through his hair while you chase your own release—because he’s a good boy, and he lives to please, and even if he clings to your body tightly as a dry orgasm shakes over his body, he’ll let you go one more round if that’s what you really want.
flower ring proposal ▸ This baby cries LMAO. Oh my, hug him tight because he's just too cute. He then freaks out a little because of his history. But you give Rika one ring, too, and he can finally see a different future for him. He takes your hand. "Y/N, I really want to marry you now."***i do ▸ Yuuta would be grateful. Yuuta had a traumatic experience with love. With his whole childhood crush becoming a curse and everything. Imagine your surprise when he bloomed feelings for you. You couldn’t deny that Yuuta was everything you wanted in a man. And so, you happily bagged him and became official. The thought of marriage had been in your mind since the day he said his first “I love you”. Now, you were finally going to make that fantasy a reality. You joined Yuuta on a special grade mission outside of town. Tiring? Yes. Worth it? Definitely. While battling a curse, you both came across some hardships while trying to exorcise it. It moved at lightning speed, which drained your energy trying to catch up. Another unfortunate detail was that ring box you forgot that was inside your pocket. You hoped and prayed the curse won’t get to it. Well. Your prayers were not heard. The box fell from your pocket and into the mouth of the curse who swallowed it. As it was distracted with the weird item that fell into its throat, Yuuta seized the opportunity to impale the curse with his katana. “Got it- eh? Y/n..why do you look so troubled?” Yuuta came to you worriedly. “The curse..swallowed..the ring I was supposed to propose to you with” You were so devastated, the fact you confessed your plans openly didn’t even ring a bell. Yuuta blushed and stuttered. “H-Huh? You were gonna..” He took in your devastated form and hugged you without much thought. Yuuta whispered in your ear so lovingly, it soothed you.marriage ▸ He helps a lot with the house chores. He hates to see you overwhelmed. But he's slow because he's tired or because he's not coming home soon. He hates the supermarket, too much going on. He joins you if needed, though. He has a time limit of 20 minutes; if more then, he starts to feel exhausted. He's also clingy, but not like Toge or Satoru. He's especially clingy when sleeping. He needs to hold you the entire time. He travels a lot, so he loves when he comes back, and he can shower with you and wash your hair.
ATTRATIVE, SUBCONSCIOUS DRIVING HABITS THAT MAKE YOU WEAK IN THE KNEES ➤ Sneaks acts of affection during a red light. Yuuta is a very cautious man so do not expect his hands to be off that steering wheel unless it’s to do something important like turning on the blinkers and adjusting his rear view mirror. You could never forget the mortified look on his face when you suggested that he should drive one handed. “No! That’s dangerous..and it’s difficult” He blushed at his lack of skills in driving. You appreciated his caution for you but you wished there was some romance. Of course, he’d get this sense of unease to leave you unattended without much interaction throughout the drive. To make up for it, at any slow traffic or red light, he’d sneak in some playful kisses, hold your hand or simply talk about anything and everything with you. The way he cares and thinks of your wellbeing is so attractive of him to do. Nothing can compare to Yuuta’s care for you. The small little conversations you shared made the entire ride all the more enticing. Something he often does is take your hand and bring it up to his lips to kiss it, which symbolizes an apology because he was neglecting you, no matter how many times you assured him that it wasn’t a problem, it became a habit. Even though you don’t converse often, he’d play the radio for you to listen to some music or simply entertain your long rambles. Yuuta loves these moments with you and no longer believes that his inability to multitask on the road was a bad quality. “I’ll give you all of my attention, no matter the situation. I love y- oh crap a car!! Sorry, love..”
  • sweetest softest bf ever
  • he is SO nervous and shy for the first month or so :(
  • he's a sensitive guy :((
  • he doesn't get super jealous easily, but if he does, then he has no issue coming up behind you and holding you, he'll say shit like "Oh hey, baby!" just like lots of petnames to make it clear that you're his
  • very protective constantly has nightmares that he’s going to lose you.
  • when he’s away, yuuta is calling you every chance he gets because he wants to hear your voice and see your face.
  • you and the other second years have movie nights and yuuta usually makes you sit on his lap. probably tells you to be quiet though when you and panda keep making commentary
  • not much good at cooking, but if he sees you cooking/baking something, he's always right there asking you how he can help. if something's hard for you to mix, no worries! he's happy to take over! (also he will always insist on doing the dishes for you after helping you make something, no matter how much you try to protest, he refuses to hear it) (especially if you let him taste test!!!) if you're the type to make jams or jellies, you better believe that he's out in the garden helping you pick the ingredients (I made some dandelion jelly awhile ago, can you guess who I had in mind the whole time?)
  • ...
  • teases you occasionally but it’s always lighthearted
  • he is so cuddly tho!!
  • absolutely loves any sort of physical affection because it lets him know that you're here with him <3
  • LOVES hand holding sm
  • not particularly against pda, but he's not over the top about it y'know?
  • but like quick hugs every now and then, forehead kisses, hand holding, those are all on the table tho
  • he's VERY in love and has no problems showing it <3
  • cradles your face when he kisses you
hate me, love me: It wasn’t hard for Yuta to find out that you hated him. You were always tense around him, the smiles you gave him were forced, and you always stayed a metre or two away from him at all costs. Whereas, when you were alone with Maki, Toge, and/or Panda, your posture was lax, your smile carefree and you weren’t afraid to hang an arm around one of their shoulders. The worst part about the contrast in behavior was that Yuta had no clue of what he did wrong, but he’d give anything for you smile that brightly at him, because of him! Yuta thought you were the most beautiful person in the world, and jealousy pooled in his stomach at the sight of your hands weaving through Toge’s hair, or the sight of your head laid sleepily on Panda’s shoulder as you failed to fight back exhaustion, or when you sparred with Maki and it always ended with one of you above the other, hands on the either side of one’s head, smirk proudly shown on your faces. Now he results to sitting by a tree near the field and picking up daisies, pulling off the petals, whispering “Y/n loves me, Y/n hates me, Y/n loves me, Y/n hates me…” and he’d only stop pulling off the petals when one is left barren with ‘loves me’ as the corresponding phrase that tastes like honey on his tongue. But poor Yuta, or poor you, for the more he whispered these bitter-sweet nothings the more they started to manifest in you. It happened, finally, one afternoon after training, Yuta sat picking off petals and, just a few metres away, you sat sharing notes with Toge. As Yuta’s jealousy festered, the curses of his tongue worked it’s way into existence. You winced as you felt an excruciating pain flood everywhere in you body. Your skin started to bubble as your blood coagulated, it wasn’t a pretty sight. “Y/n!!” Toge yelled, breaking his usual onigiri language barrier. “What’s happening?!” Maki yelled, defensive stance already in position. Gojo from the other side of the building felt special grade cursed energy at play and rushed over, but not quick enough. Panicked, and scarred from what happened with Rika, Yuta’s eyes locked on yours as he mentally pleaded to any deity that would listen, “Stay human, stay human, stay human, please, stay human!” Your growing form started to shrink back down to its normal size, obeying the command of Yuta, but what’s been said can’t be unsaid. The Y/n everyone knew was now no more. Your eyes were now vermillion, as paranormal heart shaped freckled littered your face, your hair turned a pale pink, your nails dangerously sharp. Red tattoo-like lines were etched on your body, and a crown of daisies hung from just above your brows. “Yuta~!” You squealed, possessed-like, and you ran to him happily, and wrapped your arms around his neck, the shine in your eyes a beaming heart. Gojo arrived only to see the last bit but was still able to put the pieces together, “Yuta, did you just curse Y/n?” “N-No, no, no? No, no! That can’t have happened!” Yuta yelled, pained as a pit of self-hatred overflowed, Yuta’s rough hands grabbed your biceps bruising-ly, as he yelled in your face but yelled more to himself than anyone, “I told you to go back to being a human! Why aren’t you a human?!!” “Yuta?” Maki gasped, sympathetically. Tears fell from your eyes, “Don’t yell at me…” “Why didn’t you go back to being human?!!” His grip tightened and Gojo was about to step in before your coloration swapped. Your hair a blood-red, your eyes, as well as your tattoos, a soft pink. Your voice that used to drip honey just moments before, now dripped venom. “I said don’t yell at me, Yuta!!” You pulled his hands off with a newfound strength, but before you could throw a bone breaking punch to his jaw a soft voice whispered in your ear. “Sleep.” And you fell limp onto Toge’s chest. The next few weeks were marked with the jujutsu sorcerers studying your dual-personality and what triggers your response. Pink-Y/n was lovable, and never hurt anyone, was incredibly smart and helpful and only cared to make people smile, especially, Yuta. Red-Y/n was a fighter, and only wanted to hit things, train, take naps, and hurt people, especially, Yuta. So, no matter how many daisies Yuta picks to find the divine answer of if you loved him or hated him, he will never get a clear cut answer. There will always be another daisy to pick.don't cry, my dear: Throughout the week, Okkotsu, could feel the stress radiating off of you. Constantly, you had this black scribble of discontent hanging above your head. He hoped that whatever was bothering you would eventually pass and that he’d get to see your smile that rivaled the sun, once again. Though, the end of the week hit and you were still skulking about, lifeless, joyless, and uncharacteristically silent. Your somber mood eventually leaked into the other’s moods until the whole of the Second Year class became the walking dead. Which really didn’t help Okkotsu’s chronic case of ‘ill looking man’ disease. His name is literally ‘Viktor’ in your phone. Okkotsu, eventually, had enough of this nonsense and decided to find the root of your stress and rip it out of the ground. He knocked on your dorm door with a singular knuckle, a quirk of his you had picked up on, and waited for you to open. The door was lazily pulled wide and on the other side of the threshold stood you will your black scribble, little frown, and tired eyes. “Okkotsu?” “Can I come in?” You, hesitantly, moved to the side allowing him to enter. He chose to sit on your desk and urged you to sit on the bed in front of him. He started to speak only after you had sat down. He rested his hands on your thighs, “Please, tell me what’s been bothering you, recently.” A sigh fell from your lips, “It’s… nothing, don’t worry about it.” “I’m not gonna stop asking you until I get an answer, and with that answer, I’ll figure out a plan to fix things. So, please, please, tell me.” He begged. “I’m stressed?” You started, not really wanting to complain, “I feel like I have so many responsibilities and between all of them I don’t know how to fit in what I want to do for my own wellbeing, and every time I actually do something for myself, I feel like I have to make an assignment out of it, to make me feel productive and not lazy and-” Okkotsu felt your legs start to tremble. “I’m sorry, that was a lot.” “Don’t apologize. This is how you feel, and there is nothing wrong with the way you feel. How about we go ask Gojo-sensei for a break, yeah? You take a week to decompress, and spend all the time catching up on the things that you want to do, and I’ll fill in for all the things you have to do.” “You would do that for me?” A tear slid down the side of your face. Okkotsu smiled as he wiped it away. “Don’t cry! What am I for if not someone you can lean on?” You flung yourself into his arms. As tears strained the back of his shirt you cried out, “I love you, so much, Okkotsu!” And as he held you, heart thrashing in his chest, he thought that maybe, with all the passion behind it, that those words were meant for someone who was more than just a friend.