"leisure" (悠 yū) + "virtue" ( ji) | JAPANESE


blond (M); natural black + pink (A)




5'8" (173 cm)


"tiger" (虎 tora) "stick" (杖 tsue); medicinal plant (Reynoutria japonica) | ORIGIN


light brown


March 20 (PISCES)


176 lbs (80 kg)


Yūji's a fair person who truly cares for not only his comrades but anyone he views as people with their own wills, despite how deep or shallow his connection to them is. He highly commends "the value of life," and to this end, will ensure that others receive a "proper death." Because of this, he believes that it's morally unethical for him to take another human life and tries to avoid any possibility of doing so unless as a last resort. He's also not without his more energetic and outgoing traits. Such as his frequent comedic moments where he was seen alongside Kugisaki Nobara gushing about Tokyo and his eagerness to train with Gojō Satoru or even when entertaining both Junpei and his mother. Yūji's also highly passionate whenever he's focused on achieving certain goals and being quite stubborn when confronted about them, such as when Yaga questioned why Yūji wanted to become a sorcerer. He's also quite naïve due to his inexperience in the world of cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcerers, but is shown to be a quick learner, capable of adapting to his surroundings and picking up how to use cursed energy quickly. Although usually composed, good-natured and friendly, Yūji can be angered quickly in the face of pure malice after witnessing first=hand the cruelty that curses were capable of, particularly Mahito's inhuman exploitation of Junpei. Yūji felt so profoundly disgusted that he felt a genuine desire to kill for the first time in his life and has a very intense yet focused hatred towards the cursed spirit. One of Yūji's defining traits is his willingness to sacrifice himself for others, triggered by his grandfather's last words to him to die surrounded by others. When he and Fushiguro Megumi were under the threat of being killed by a curse, Yūji impulsively swallowed Sukuna's finger to exorcise the curse and save them despite having met Megumi for the first time on that day.
  • His hobby is karaoke and impersonations. He has a huge repertoire of half-cooked impressions.
  • His favorite food is rice bowl with food on top and noodles. He doesn't have a least favorite food and isn't picky.
  • His cause of stress is science subjects. (He failed molecular science.) When it comes to school tasks, he’s the type to do it the day before. Yūji's the type that may be late but will properly submit it anyway. If he didn't become a sorcerer, Yūji would've probably become a firefighter.
  • He isn't actually a hoodie guy but wears it because he can be indecisive.
  • No one specifically told him to master martial arts. His grandfather taught him a bit of karate. Manji Kick is picked up by Yūji, so it becomes his best move.
  • He has friends other than those from Tokyo High, but Yūji only got a phone when he entered Jujutsu High. When asked, "Does he still keep contact with his friends from middle school and hometown?" Akutami said "I’ll let you guess." Though called “The Tiger of West Junior High,” Akutami really had not thought about it at all. If Yūji and Aoi went to the same middle school that was not related to sorcerers, they'd probably find something in common.
  • He loves watching TV. His favorite TV shows and channels are related to food. He'll laze around watching them, if he’s into it.
  • The movies that he watched during his movie training were Léon: The Professional, The Descent, The Host, and The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On. The one Satoru spoiled is Deep Blue Sea.
  • He doesn't talk to Sukuna, as they don't get along well. Despite Sukuna's influence, he can sleep just fine.
  • There are two scenarios for what would happen if Yūji were to eat a Death Painting. If instead of Sukuna he ate a Death Painting, the consciousness of the Cursed Womb will disappear, and Yūji will get its cursed energy. If Yūji ate a Death Painting after he ate Sukuna, the Sukuna inside will make the Death Painting disappear.
  • His type is "tall girls with big butts... like Jennifer Lawrence." He first saw her when he watched The Silver Linings Playbook.
  • As credited by Gege Akutami, his theme music is "Heart ni Hi wo Tsukete" by 9mm Parabellum Bullet and "Itsuka Dokoka De" by Kuchiroro.


His father is Itadori Jin and his grandfather is Itadori Wasuke.
  • Currently a 1st year. Enrollment method: 




giftsIs not slick at all when trying to figure out what you want for your birthday. Maybe not the type to right out ask you what you want but will probably be something like,Say what’s something you’ve been wanting to get!” Feel like he’s the type to be a little confused and stressed when actually shopping. He wants to get you something nice and there’s a looot to choose from. Probably ends up giving you a gift card and some of your favorite snacks / candies in a nice bag with a big smile.***thinking about think about itadori yuuji who is so unabashed about his love for you. his fingers almost always laced with yours, randomly squeezing at your hand as a reminder that he's still here, that you're still there, swinging your entwined arms almost childishly just to hear your giggle. without a single care in his being as to who might look.You sitting in Itadoris lap while he reads you his favorite manga, and he makes so many dramatic hand movements. You’re in one of his t-shirts and he’s wearing the shirt you bought him for his birthday (he wears that shirt every day)***video games gets super into role-playing games like fallout and elder scrolls. creates an entire character backstory and everything. always gets a lawful good ending. being mean to characters makes him feel bad. absolutely gets destroyed in pvp minecraft.
  • ***gamer s/o he loves playing with you, but he is really bad at it. He can't keep up with the pace and is always losing track of things. He is the non valid part - here we called café com leite, which means coffee with milk - of the group.
***big boobs ▸ repeat after me -  👏👏 himbo!   👏👏 man loves, and i mean loves, the fact that you have big tits - regardless of gender. we all know his love language is physical touch; so you with them big old tiddies are just *chefs kiss* perfect for him. he loves to see you wearing anything revealing - shirts, dresses, tank tops, button ups; he just loves it whenever you wear clothing that just makes it hard to hide the fact that you have good tits. he doesn’t care if people stare; he’s staring too lol. but if you’re uncomfortable, immediately gives you his hoodie without a second of hesitation. as long as you’re comfortable, he is too. when he sits, he likes it when you sit on his lap so he can wrap his arms around you; and his hands always find their way to cup your tits. it’s nothing sexual either - he just enjoys feeling the feeling of them in his hands; enjoying how they fit so perfectly with just a bit of spillover because he has big ass hands lol. enjoys squeezing them like stress balls whenever he watches moves - dunno why i can just seem him squeezing them gently as he watches the movie. sort of kneading them without even noticing lol. his eyes will still be on the movie, and when you ask him what he’s doing he’d be super confused and look up at you in confusion - even though his hands are still moving. whenever your back hurts from having to carry the weight on your chest, he’d perk up and pat on the bed excitedly, that action telling you that he is immediately going to give you a massage. and he is surprisingly good at it too - with his warm and large hands that are firm, seeming to be able to keep constant pressure on your sore spots until he works the kinks out. when you two sleep, he loves to hold your tits in your hands too - finds them comforting and just soothing. when he is the little spoon, he loves to rest his head on them because he finds them so comfortable. still confused with the entire bra size thing - does not understand things like wired or not wired, why there are letters and numbers on bra sizes, what are bralettes and what are nipple pasties. he is just confused. sort of flipped the pasties around with the most bewildered look on his face, and was horrified at the idea of you putting them on your nipples.“wait, you tell me those things go on your nipples?he commented with wide eyes before he shudders, shaking his head. “scary.” let’s be honest, man is so muscular that he has big man tiddies too lol - so he will playfully put on your bras just for shits and giggles. sometimes he looks better in them than you do, which offends you a little because you didn’t buy something so damn expensive, only for it to look better on him than you? that’s some bullshit right there lol. if you say that to him, he’d just blink before giving you a grin. “nah, i’m nothing compared to you baby. you definitely look better in green than i do.”***tall ▸ he is impressed by your height and asks you what you did you do. “Y/n, what do you eat? I want to grow up like you too?”. “Did you drink too much milk when you were a kid?”.
  • ***intimidating impression: piercings he’s a really nice guy, so he never looked at you any different from what you actually are. He loves every single part of you. He loves even more that you could look intimidating but be so sweet and cute. He loves to hang around with you and show how stylish his s/o is. He also loves to kiss the line of your lip-chain piercing.
***short Yuuji also likes short hotties with fat ass, it’s canon, Gege told me so 🤚 No but fr, Yuuji would adore you SO much. He finds your height to be an adorable feature of yours. He loves the way you’re small enough to completely fit in his lap, he just wants to give you LOTS of kisses! 🥺 But you better return the favour and let him sleep on your lap too! (Or on your fat ass). Either way it helps him sleep better 😌<3 Randomly picks you up from behind and twirls you around! But with his taller stature and increased athletic skills, HE WALKS TOO DAMN FAST FOR YOUR SHORT LEGS TO KEEP UP. But don’t worry, Yuuji will literally just pick you up bridal style and ZOOM🏃💨He had no idea how he wound up with a short gf. He blames it on your beautiful ass. Look you got 1/2 traits he was looking for and you’re personality really won him over. The two of you together are like rays of sunshine. And honestly, you make a really adorable couple. Yuji is absolutely over the moon about you, and the two of you do just about everything together. He dies forget that you’re short though sometimes so he’ll be like “Nice! High five!” And then you have to jump to hit his hand because he put it way up high. Lots of forehead kisses. Usually when you’re passionately arguing about something. The two of you get into nonsense arguments all the time!!! “Yuji! Her butt’s not even that big! You can only leave me for Megan thee Stallion. I’ll never forgive you otherwise!” He leans forward and kissed your forehead, “You’re right. I think your butt is cuter than Jennifer Lawrence’s but Megan does have you beat in every possible way.” “See?! Now you’re on the winning team. Don’t worry if Megan gave me a chance I’d take it too.” He gives you piggy back rides all the time. Mostly because he needs to get where he’s going quickly and you can’t keep up but it’s also just fun. I imagine if you’re a fellow sorcerer whenever you’re on a mission together Yuji is good for either tossing you out of the way of danger or letting you use him as a spring board to get a better shot at the curse. He’s more likely to give you a boost in most situations than to get things for you. He has so many pictures of you in his phone. His Lock Screen is a super cute picture of the two of you, but his home screen is probably you doing something stupid in the dorms.Loves it so much you have no idea- he picks you up CONSTANTLY (only if you're okay with it) and twirls you around. Gives you piggy back rides all around campus, and makes sure to put things on lower shelves so you can reach them***rosy cheeksHe loves them so much. He's always squishing your cheeks to his own amusement. If it's cold and they're even more rosy, he'll squish them so much that you'll have to tell him to stop because they're hurting.***physically flexible ▸ he's in away. Whenever you show him your flexibility, he looks at you as you were some kind of amazing alien. He even applauds you. He's always asking you to do the craziest poses and he also asks you to teach him. Sometimes he gets stuck and can walk properly for a couple of days.***likes to sleep for a long time Standing at your door, he thought for a very long time about whether you were sleeping, getting dressed, or maybe you were feeling bad at all. He wanted to knock, but he didn’t want to ruin your sleep because after training and assignments you were too tired. As soon as he decided to knock on your door, Nobara stopped him. Yuji explained the whole situation to her and she just kicked him into your room where he saw you sound asleep without even hearing the noise. He stood there afraid to move, holding his breath for a while. You opened your eyes and after that Yuji’s face turned red and he said good morning to you with an embarrassed smile.***likes the cold When it was cool outside, you went out in a T-shirt, leaving your hoodie in the room. He was afraid that you might catch a cold so he ran up to you to cover you with his clothes. Yuuji was surprised that you are not cold to sit in such clothes. And when he wanted to cover you with his clothes, you explained to him that you were cold, but on the contrary, you feel better being outside. He understood you, but he was still worried about your health. And when the wind blew, he immediately snuggled up to you so as not to freeze himself and you first of all, even if you are not cold.***shy ▸ Sometimes he himself is afraid to run errands. you know… Calling someone you don't know. Additionally, he has never seen anyone face to face and has no idea who exactly it is. He can feel insecure and he can also be anxiety. That's why he supports you. If he could do it for you, he would do it. This, even though he doesn't like doing this thing himself that much. He could do it for you. But if it's something important, unfortunately he can't. However, he supports you while you do this. He's next to him and he always calms you down somehow.
  • ***only badass when fighting curses this boy will probably be jaw-dropped for hours. He'll be looking at you not knowing what to say the whole way back to school. The more he stares at you the more you want to vanish. After recovering from his previews shock, he'll look at you and say "OOOUWWW, THAT WAS AMAZING, Y/N!!! I WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN!!". He'll tell every single living and dead soul about it.
***anxiety look at this guy. I mean, he has Sukuna inside of him and he has a death sentence but he doesn't die from anxiety. So he does not understand your feelings. But he hugs you and reassures you with his big smile. And you learn with him what is to live each day, one by one.***attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder another one that doesn't help at all. Since he can't keep himself quiet at one place, his presence itself disturbs your focus for sure. And when you two go to places, like an arcade for example, you are unstoppable. Both running from one place to another like crazy kids.***writer ▸ he'd absolutely love your work. Would read all of them. But, hon, it's Yuji we are talking about here. If it's something more difficult and playing with all the language has to offer, he won't understand a thing.attention from a bookwormThis boy. He understands personal space and cherish everything that makes you happy. So, he tries not to disturb you, but he just can't somehow (?). Poor boy, his energy is just chaotic by itself and when he's with you he just can't get a hold of himself. He's going to walk to one side to another and probably stumble on every piece of furniture in the room. That until you get up, take his hands and lead him to your embrace.calm and expressionless ▸ ***apathetic and tired ▸ sometimes he confuses your lack of energy with being mad at him. "Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "..." Yuji with teary eyes "What?" "Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?". You usually end up giving him a comfort hug.***only affectionate with himat first, he's going to be confused. It's gonna take a while for him to put one and one together hehehe. But when he realizes it, he'll support you to show this side to the others too, but will understand if you reserve your affection only to him.***goes ghost Itadori would be very sad, but understanding of your situation. Because this happens periodically, he can tell when you’re about to leave. Your fast replies tend to take longer now and you start to barely post on your account as the days go by. As soon as he sees that you deactivated one of your social media’s, he feels a bit gloomy because he knows that he won’t be able to talk to you anymore (especially if that was your only means of communication with each other). Tends to scroll down his timeline, patiently waiting for you to come back again. And his face literally brightens up whenever he sees that your account is restored again and he would definitely be the first one in your inbox. He sends you memes expressing how much he’s missed you, and let’s you know that life was just simply boring without being able to talk to you. But other than that, your conversation basically resumes the normalcy it usually has. It’s not weird or awkward since you’ve been gone for a while. In fact, the course of it still feels almost natural. And because of that, Itadori would spend all night talking to you, filling you in on everything that’s happened in his life and listening intently to everything that’s been going on with you.***low social battery ▸ oh my, he doesn't get it at all. Actually, he has so much fun around other people and he is so out of mind that he doesn't even notice you getting tired. You have to tell him here.***motherlyhe is super happy. He probably joins you with the children and becomes a big child himself. You can see that when the time comes for you, you'll have to be the responsible parent.***does beauty appreciation with random people ▸ he joins you LMAO!!! You will both stay there contemplating how much amazing beauty can be. You two even have  an intern game where the one who has the last praise wins.obsessed with ice creamIt'll be 3 AM, and Yūji's just getting something that he left in s/o's room when he sees them just eating a whole bucket of ice cream? This dude will join you with no hesitation. I feel like his metabolism is fooking crazy, so he needs to eat all the time. So, he'll wake up from the lack of your warmth beside him. And find you like that and go "Y'know what? I'm actually kinda hungry." Will buy you more ice cream and make sure to always some of your favorite. 🥺afraid of the darkFirst, he doesn't quite understand what afraid of the dark really means. So, when you tell him, he's going to pass sometime thinking all the possibilities that places could be dark and even question you something like, "Are you afraid of walking around at night?" After some explaining, he's going to be really good at comforting you whenever he feels your fear.***collects plushies ▸ he loves that you collect them. He helps you organize them and he wants to know all their stories. He buys you some too, but he specially likes when he wins them as some sort of prize. "Look, Y/n, what I won for you!!".his typeYou already know LOL. Honestly, though, I feel like besides being a good person, he wouldn't really have a type. I could see either a tough and aggressive type or sweet and caring (leaning towards sweet and caring). Says the right things (what he needs to hear / gives support) and is fun.friends to loversAhh, this guy. Yūji's SO easy going, God only knows. He just goes with the flow and doesn't put too much thought into it I mean, he ate Sukuna's finger in a blink of an eye, A DISGUSTING FINGER. You two became friends at Tokyo Tech and since you, too, like to fight and were also strong, it didn't take much for you both to get along. You were always training together and sharing your new knowledge and moves. So, one day, you showed him a new punch you were able to develop, and he just got so excited and proud that he ran into you and crashed his lips into yours. Your eyes widen and you were all red. You felt that you were going to explode. By the time he came to his senses, he let go of his grip. "Sorry, Y/N, I... I... Oh, come on! It was intentional, let's date."it's always been you Yūji just needs a moment to himself. He’s unsure of why everything is hitting him all at once: his grandfather’s death, which he had no time to grieve, his harsh introduction to the world of curses and sorcerers, and the heavy responsibility that lies on his shoulders as Sukuna’s vessel. He knows this feeling will pass soon enough, but that doesn’t prevent his breath from quickening or his hands from shaking. A warm hand on Yūji’s shoulder startles him, but all he feels is relief when he looks up and sees your worried expression. Breathe with me, you instruct, taking his trembling palms with your own hands and breathing exaggeratedly for him to mimic. Yūji copies you and soon enough, your breaths are synced together, and his heart has calmed. Sorry about that, he apologizes, drawing a hand to rub at the back of his neck. You give Yūji a smile that causes your eyes to crinkle at the corners and warmth to flood his chest. Don’t be, you reply, placing a hand on his cheek, U’m here whenever you need me.***crush Yūji's a talker. He rambles and rambles, going off on tangents constantly as he struggles to keep on topic, thoughts utterly rampant. How could he focus with you standing in front of him, looking ever-so-pretty? Yūji only realizes he’s been chatting endlessly as his mouth begins to dry and his hand flies up to his nape with a gentle “Sorry,” red starting to creep up his neck. You’re insistent when you shake your head, a firm no as you convince him you’d been enjoying the conversation. And just like that, for once, Yūji finds himself tongue-tied.SWEETEST!!! GOLDEN RETRIEVER ENERGY TO THE MAX!!!!!!! he literally is the sweetest himbo alive idc. that being said... Nobara was 100% right when she said he's no good with girls. when he was crushing on you, he fumbled over all of his words, often tripped over thin air, asked really stupid questions ("so you're a sorcerer, right?")He can exchange only a few words with his crush and that will automatically become the highlight of his day. He’s going to be gushing about it (mostly to himself) like how a normal lovesick teenager should. Sometimes when he sees you for the first time that day and notices how you poured in a little more effort into your appearance, he’s going to compliment you so it wouldn’t go unnoticed. All the while repeating “Alright, don’t mess this up!” in his mind because he gets extremely self-aware when he’s around you.Classic friends to lovers. You both were friends first and he didn’t even catch himself slipping and falling for you. It felt so out of nowhere for him. But to even one else around you two, it was so painstakingly obvious. You were hanging out in his dorm one day, chilling and watching movies with a ton of snacks. It was starting to get really late and you didn’t want to get in trouble for sneaking into his dorm again. You stood up and stretched and told him you were going to go back to your dorm. Yuji frowned and felt his heart drop a little. He wanted you to stay longer. He wanted you to sleep over. He wanted to hold you in his arms at night and to wake up to you cuddled into his chest. His thoughts quickly over look his feelings. “Aw, leaving already? Alright, guess you’re right. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble either. See ya tomorrow, Y/N.” He opens his arms and you give him a quick squeeze, hugging him goodbye as you started to sneak out his door. Yuji’s heart fluttered from the hug. He felt his cheeks start to burn and his palms start to sweat. He questions why he all of the sudden felt that way. You two have hugged plenty of times before. He recalls the way your hair swayed as you turned away from him to walk out his door and he feels his heart squeeze once again. He holds his chest, his hoodie balling up in his fist and he lets out with a heavy breath, “Oh no…. I think I’ve fallen for Y/N…”Sweet boy tries so hard to be subtle about his crush on you but he’s failing miserably. Whenever he notices there’s a spare seat next to you, suddenly he’s sonic the hedgehog, speeding towards that seat before anyone else can, plopping onto the chair, flashing you his biggest smile. Hand on his chin, ready to chat away with you. He doesn’t miss a single chance to interact with you, so even if you’re like 50ft away, he’ll enthusiastically yelp “HI Y/N!!”, giving Nobara and Megumi second hand embarrassment LMAO- VOLUNTARILY DOES YOUR CHORES FOR YOU, like no one has seen Yuji look so happy while doing chores lmao. He’ll blush so hard even if you’re giving him an average compliment like “hey good work today yuji!”, his face flushed red, as he bashfully scratches his neck mumbling a thank you. No ones ever managed to make yuji flustered before, that’s when he realised he was down bad for you 😩yuuji is the type of person who becomes best friends with their crush instead of shying away. he doesn't even need to tell nobara or megumi that he has a crush on you, they already know, but he insists on talking about you anyway. yuuji subtly flirts with you but you can never tell if he's actually flirting with you or if he's just being yuuji. the definition of the tiktok audio of "they're so pretty! what i am doing wrong???" and then proceeds to cry with nobara or megumi awkwardly patting him on the back because this man does not know personal space. after awhile though, he definitely ends up accidentally telling you that he has a big fat crush on you.Everyone knows he’s pining for you. He either knows (eventually) or doesn’t (he definitely doesn’t have a damn clue). Does the most to make you smile. But this may entail being stupid since he likes hearing you laugh. He gets flack for it - gets lectured by Nanami a lot. He’ll talk about you a lot to literally anyone and everyone; won’t even realize it either. Especially to Megumi. And Megumi just wants to cease in existence it’s 12 am go to bed Yuuji. Gojo-dad is so proud of Itadori for liking someone like you. If he flirts (unknowingly even) with you. And that annoys everyone - it’s so obvious you both like each other MIGHT AS WELL DATE. Everyone around y’all is irritated or has ears stuffed with ear plus. “How are they still friends” “Cos they’re both oblivious” “Now now it’s just part of their charmUnison: “Charm???” Team Gojo definitely making bets on who confesses their love first. Todo gives him horrible and unsolicited lovely advice and Yuuji’s just like:??? Yeah he’ll definitely embarrass his best friend in front of you yup. Will allow you to care for him like bandage his beaten ass up. Even with the power levels of being a half-curse, this dummy will still manage to get boo-boos if he’s not paying attention to himself. “(Y/n)?? What’re you doing here? Wait if you’re here, and I’m here - then WHO’S FLYING THIS PLANE” “Yuuji we’re not in a plane, you fell on your head. And it’s Iichiji who’s driving us to see Shoko” He’s very reckless and gets sad when you scold him about being careless on missions. Sad puppy dog eyes pls forgive him you’re the one person he can’t disappoint. Gotta get his ass out of trouble a lot of the time. He loves making you laugh. Yuuji finds your laugh alluring and contagious - doesn’t understand he tried his damn hardest every time he tells you a joke. He’ll laugh at your jokes even if your humor dry. Makes you recite memes with. Specifically dead Vines 🤢 (I liked Vine, relax). Invites you to his room to watch anime marathons and trades manga with you. In times of comfort: When you get to know him, he’ll be able to open up to you more. You let him vent to you as he wants you to confide in him as well. He likes to brush his emotions off like it doesn’t really matter but you show him the greater value of his well-being. He’s grateful for you letting him open up about the messiness of his mind. Likes to give you compliments all the time: You couldn’t help but wonder that he compliments people as usual. If he starts to notice you’re questioning it he’ll give you MORE COMPLIMENTS: specifically words of affirmation. Because in his eyes you’re his universe. Doesn’t get very much jealous when someone flirts with you: “I can understand why that person likes you. It’s easy! I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone in the world fell for you!” This boy wears his heart on his sleeve H E L P. Overall: Won’t know that he’s smitten of you until his friends tell him, so pls don’t be dumb lmao.someone else likes his crushHahahahahha he won't notice. He thinks it's really cool that someone can see and recognize how amazing you are. He'll end up being friends with the person and even create a fan club where them both will share their thoughts and secrets about you.***caught staring ▸ Caught him staring during a lecture from Yaga. You weren’t paying attention. Giving a glance to your peers faces to see if they were focused at all, your eyes found Itadori’s. He’s busted! But gives a smile worth a million dollars c: then gets scolded by Yaga. Yuuji doesn’t feel too embarrassed about being caught though. If you were to smile back, the moment you both look away he’s probably smiling uncontrollably, baby boy is so happy yay! (“Ah yeah! My crush looked at me! We’re gonna get married, raise hundreds of puppies and kitties together, and then-“)cheek kiss from crushGiggle central. 🥴 Might even do a whole backflip when you turn away. Cheeks match his hair. He'll brag to anyone that crosses his path. Sukuna will be extremely tempted to just take over and see if he'd shut up them. He wouldn't. Will act like it's his biggest achievement. 🤡
  • as thanksHis eyes widen and he's dumbfounded. "Are you sure you don't need anything else, Y/N?"
***accidental boob / butt touch ▸ Yuji stretched across the table to grab something. He could have easily asked you to just hand it to him but he ended up stretching across instead. His hand reaching out, his knuckles grazed across your chest and he jolts, quickly brining his hand back to himself. “Ah! Sorry Y/N! I didn’t mean to, that was an accident, I swear. Uhm, c-could you hand me that??” His cheeks are a bright, burning red. The blush quickly spreading to his ears. His brows furrowed in embarrassment as he continued to stumble over his words. He eventually got so embarrassed that he hid his face in his hands and groaned out another apology.***"i always think you're pretty" ▸ “You seem to be in a good mood today,” Itadori nudges you as the two of you walk to the convenience store for a late night snack run. He notices the way your gait seemed a lot more light-hearted, the way you were almost bouncing with glee in every step you took. “Do I now?” you muse, unable to hold back a smile, “Well.... nah it’s quite silly.” Itadori shakes his head, “No, nothing’s too silly, tell me.” “Fine fine. I just feel really pretty today so I’m quite happy about that,” you tell him, only to frown when you notice the confused look on his face. You lightly punch his arm, “Well don’t give me that look! Geez even if you disagree-” “No no it’s not that I promise,” Itadori laughs as you pout as a result of your misunderstanding. “It’s just that I always think you’re pretty,” Itadori says. You stop walking, completely frozen by his words. It wasn’t just the fact that he thinks you’re always pretty- but the way he said so matter-of-factly. Like it was some sort of universal truth. Itadori turns back to look at you, a grin on his face as he relishes at how cute you look when you’re flustered. He waits for you to catch up to him, chuckling when you turn your face away from him. “I guess I ought to say it more then, hmm?” he continues to tease. But you don’t object at all.confessionOooh, this easy-going guy. LMFAO just by imagining the scenario makes me laugh. Yūji's a guy that doesn't have problems with feelings. He's really connected to them and let them just flow through life. Of course, his confession wouldn't have been any different. You two just finished fighting a grade one curse that gave you some good trouble to exorcised it. With you two still breathing heavily because of your effort, he just looked at you and said, "Y/N, you know, I really like you. Let's date." You looked at him so confused that your only response was a "WHAT??!" "Yeah! I like you. Don't you wanna date me?" "You're really serious, aren't you?" "Of course, I am, why wouldn't I be?" Millions of reasons you thought. I mean, what kind of timing is this. "I like you two, you idiot, let's date."Yuuji is super embarrassed about the fact that he has to confess yet not about the fact he likes you; like he has to tell someone otherwise he's gonna explode with those overwhelming emotions. He will brush it up with his childlike behaviour but when he'll finally say what he feels, he'll be like,"so, I like you but I want you to know that even if you don't like me back, I'll love for both of us,So,stay with me ; please"
  • ***goofing it up“Alright, today’s the day. I’m gonna tell Y/n I like them and ask them out and it’s gonna go—” Itadori’s little self-pep talk is quickly interrupted my the annoying mouth on his hand. “Okay but what if they say no?” Sukuna cackles, watching as the expression on Itadori’s face drops. “I’m should ask Gojo to exorcise me already— it’s really not worth it,” Itadori mumbles, choosing to ignore Sukuna’s taunts. He didn’t have time to worry about what some curse said to him. He was about to meet up with you and that was on the forefront of his mind. And when the two of you finally do meet up, Itadori is trying to find the right time to tell you. It feels like every opportunity slips through his fingers as you bring up a new conversation topic. But for a brief moment, he gains just a bit of confidence. “Hey Y/n,” he starts, but when your eyes meet his, Itadori finds that the words he wanted to tell you most are stuck at his throat. “Actually, uhh it’s nothing,” he nervously chuckles, quickly averting his gaze away from you. Your lips form a small frown— but before you could ask what’s wrong, a certain curse beats you to it. “Oh? What happened to telling Y/n you like them? Where did all that confidence from earlier go? Tsk tsk, how disappointing,” Sukuna laughs— much to the horror of Itadori. Before Itadori can even curse at the talking mouth on his hand, his eyes find yours. You’re equally shocked— blinking at your friend with great confusion. Well, there was probably no better moment than now to confess to you.
***for his crush or s/o He'll just carry you whenever and especially if your feet hurt after a long day. He thinks you look good in anything and everything so if you go shopping he’s just pointing out everything and saying you should try it on. Most of his suggestions are innocent but sometimes he points out something that is a Little Frisky. He’ll come up with like 10 different options for your dates so you can pick from them instead of being paralyzed by choice. If he has to get up and leave before you, he will make breakfast for you that you can just heat up whenever you wake up and he definitely kisses you on the forehead before sneaking out to not wake you up. Which he might do anyway because he’s a tornado of energy and being sneaky isn’t his strong suit.***as a songNow playing: "Whoa" by Snoh Aalegra | Yūji’s crush on you is so apparent to everyone. But it’s not like he’s attempting to hide it at all. The way he trails after you like a puppy confirms that. He tries to spend as much time with you as he can and hangs off of your every word. Most of the time he’s not actually listening to you though. he really does try to follow what you’re saying, but then he gets distracted by how nice you look in the sunlight and how you look really good in your uniform that he’s startled when you jog him out of his daydreaming. He flushes and apologizes for getting distracted and asks if you could repeat what you said. you don’t get mad when that happens and just laugh it off, and Yūji's so captivated by the sound of your laughter that you ask if something’s on your face with how hard he’s looking at you. So, it’s no secret that Yūji harbors a crush on you. everyone is aware of that fact except one person: you. It’s not you haven’t been told that before. Nobara along with a couple of your upperclassmen have confirmed that Yūji does indeed have a crush on you, but you just don’t believe it. How could Yūji have a crush on someone like you? you’re sure he doesn’t view you as anything more than a friend. Nobara bluntly tells you that Yūji literally never shuts up about you, but you’re still adamant that he only thinks of you as a friend. It’s not that you don’t like Yūji, it’s quite the opposite. You like him a lot. how could you not? he’s cute and kind and does dumb stuff to make you laugh. It’s a bit silly but being by Yūji’s side fills you with confidence. you feel like you could exorcise any curse if Yūji’s with you. maybe it’s because Yūji has so much confidence in you that you can’t help but feel the same. But you’re convinced that Yūji doesn’t like you in that way and Yūji can’t seem to tell you that he does. Your friends are sick of your pining dumbasses. But before they can formulate a plan to get the two of you together, you and Yūji figure it out for yourselves. You’re hanging out like usual, relaxing outdoors after a long day of sparring. you’re staring up at the clouds floating through the sky while Yūji lies beside you. he’s admiring the slope of your nose and the curve of your lips when you turn your head to meet his gaze. Your eyes widen when you realize that Yūji’s already looking at you, but you don’t say anything. you part your lips open to say something when the silence lingers for a bit too long, but Yūji beats you to it. “Can i kiss you right now?” Yūji looks shocked that he said that. you blink once, trying to comprehend what Yūji just asked. you blink again before nodding. your voice cracks a little when you respond with “y-yeah.”***favorite songs he listens to with you ▸ Now playing: "I Gotta Feeling" by The Black-Eyed Peas | I honestly feel like you both would listen to this, screaming out the lyrics without missing a beat. If you were to date this boy just prepare for listening to a lot of old 2000’s because he calls it ‘nostalgic’. When your own a mission with him, he’d always give you one of his AirPods and blast his playlist of old 2000 music but he always starts with I gotta feeling.***songs he'd dance to with you | look me in my eyes and tell me this boy wouldn’t blast kiss me more through his speakers until megumi has to, quite literally, break down his door and turn it off himself. maybe he’ll throw on some nostalgic classics such as moves like jagger or california gurls as well — but it doesn’t really matter what song is playing, because you’ll both be too busy dancing up a storm and singing at the top of your lungs until the sun comes up (or until nobara gets mad for not inviting her). it’ll basically turn into karaoke night as you and yuji take turns singing into his hairbrush while you jump around and dance on his bed. and perhaps it was because of the excitement or adrenaline pumping through his veins, but when you least expect it, the pink-haired boy would swoop in to place a wet smooch on your cheek... before whipping back around in embarrassment to hide his flushed cheeks. deciding to get payback, you gently pull him in by the shoulder to plant your own chaste kiss on his lips, only to realise that his foot had got caught in the blanket — causing you both to tumble to the ground in a pile of limbs and laughter.***couple song ▸ He’s casually pushing the grocery cart along as you search the aisle for cereal, and he runs a sluggish hand through his pink hair. A yawn is about to escape his lungs when all of a sudden, he gasps. “Babe! It’s our song!” “No way!” You echo his gasp, and then your heart beats with rapid excitement at recognizing the tune being played throughout the store. “How’d they know?” Yuji rolls the cart to the side of the aisle, leaning against it and stuffing his hands into his hoodie. “I can’t believe it.” You turn to smile at him, box in hand, and then lift your head up in an attempt to locate which speaker the music is coming from. The fluorescent lights make you squint, and you sense Yuji come to your side. He quickly takes the cereal from you to chuck it back onto the shelf and pulls you into a dance. You mildly pretend to protest, but you both know that you can’t resist indulging him. You’re both beaming as he spins you around, and you hold each other tightly with eyes full of affection. The capable strength of his arms allows him to easily and literally sweep you off your feet, and you can’t help but love him even more with each passing moment. His light brown eyes narrow into happy crescents, and the sight of that paired with his handsome grin makes your own smile brighten further. Between his kind heart and uncanny ability to keep you smiling, it was a given that you only wanted to be with him. When he starts trying to loudly serenade you with the lyrics, you lightly smack his solid chest. “Yuji! Stop!” He only gets louder, and you shake your head before joining him. “Shut up!” You hear a gruff yell from the next aisle over, and then you both give each other a shocked look before bursting into uncontrollable fits of laughter. When you finally calm down, he gives you an affectionate kiss on the lips. “I love you so much.”
SLOW DANCING"Don't Dream It's Over" by Crowded House
kiss me more
i gotta feeling
"Whoa" by Snoh Aalegra
canifornia gurls
moves like jagger
***first date He'll take you to an amusement park. He'll want to ride every single attraction, especially the crazy ones. So, expect lot of adrenaline. He'll also do all the couple things that there is to do. Using paring head bands, taking couple pictures, even eating paring food. He'll probably kiss you at the end of the date, although he'll hug you all the time.My belief is that Yuji would be excited about any sort of idea you throw at him, but a dog cafe is the one to take the cake. Baby is no money, all love and all chat. He first considered taking you to the movies, but Nobara told him it’s lame and he shot his second idea at her, earning himself a surprised approval. It’s sweet because it’s puppies, it’s cheap because it’s just a cafe, and it makes for a perfect bonding experience and a conversation booster. What not to love? You just have to make sure Yuji doesn’t try to steal a puppy as you two are leaving. He’d definitely be the one to suggest getting some food afterwards. I think he has a few homely spots in his mind where the food is cheap and the family business vibe is strong. He’d also walk you home even if that means he’ll have to make a long way back to jujutsu tech after. Give him a peck on the lips before he has to run off to the train station. Overall it’s a very lovely and warm experience that is sure to leave you satisfied.***soft things Yūji's happy to do anything you want. and not in the way where he begrudgingly goes along with what you want to do, but he is genuinely excited to partake in your hobbies. if it makes you happy, it makes him happy. It’s not uncommon for Yūji to give you flowers. it doesn’t matter if he’s taking you out on a date or not, he’ll just surprise you with a bouquet. with a big smile, he’ll ramble and tell you what each of the flowers mean according to the florist that helped him pick them out. He brags about you. Yūji's completely enamored by you and unconsciously brings you up in nearly every conversation he has with others. if you haven’t met them yet, Megumi and Nobara feel like they already know you well enough through Yūji’s starry-eyed talks about you.***cute thingsYūji can turn any inconvenient circumstances into happy memories. The rain ruined your plans for a date? No, it did not! Yūji's already pulling you outside with him to share a romantic kiss in the rain. You got a cold? Yūji will come to the rescue with movies, medicine, and his special homemade soup. Be prepared for lots of kisses and cuddles because he's not worried about getting sick. He tells you that Sukuna will keep him healthy, so there's nothing to worry about. (Sukuna claims it's because he's not going to put himself through the torture of seeing his vessel turn into a whiny, sick mess but in reality, he enjoys these cuddle moments, as well.)Does this little happy dance (a little shoulder wiggle type thing) when his food arrives, if his food comes first will slide over the plate so you can take the first bite (unless he forgets because sometimes, he’s just too hungry 💀)***little things ▸ Yuuji warms you up when you're cold. when you're on walks together and it's cold out, he'll take your hands in his and use his breath to warm them up. before he interlocks your fingers, he'll press a kiss to both your palms and flash a bright smile at you. also, he typically runs hot, so he has no problem giving up his jacket if you need it (he probably wasn't using it anyway). and if the jacket isn't enough, he wraps you up in his arms like a yuuji-shaped heated blanket. after a few minutes, you think he's gonna let you go, but no. he stays like that in the middle of the street, arms locked and chin resting on your shoulder. he'll awkwardly shuffle to a bench still wrapped around you before he even thinks about letting go of his baby.Remembers the little things about you. Yuuji has an exceptional memory. He could remember someone even if they had plastic surgery to alter their entire appearance. But it did surprise you on how much attention he gave every little detail on you. It could be small, unnoticeable and you won’t even expect a reaction out of anybody. Yet Yuuji notices and beams when he spots these little changes, complimenting you at how well they suit you. You cut your hair by 2cm? He notices. You changed your conditioner? He notices. You changed your social security number? He noti- wait, how did he know that? The point is that Yuuji didn’t care what meaningless features of you there are, he’d memorize them all and imprint them into his memory. Not only physical appearance, he’d also memorize your specific tastes. What you like or not like, what you prefer over others, he has them in a little notebook to keep his memory refreshed when he meets you. “Y/n hey! Oh- did you change your hair colour?” He asked, tilting his head while plopping down on his seat. You did, in fact, change your hair color but it was barely different from your old one. Even someone with the sharpest eyes should have squinted a little to see that change, yet your boyfriend noticed it right away. Yuuji notices your little body languages too. He hands you his jacket when he notices you are cold, gives you his drink when you are thirsty, literally anything is yours if you need it. Yuuji loves being the only person that sees these details and he hopes to be that special someone for you forever. “Don’t count on anyone else alright? I’ll prove that I can fulfill all your needs, just watch me!”***romantic moments ▸ Yuuji will swear up and down that he’s listening, but you know better. his eyes have been watching your mouth move the entire time, nodding mindlessly every time you look back at him. and when enough is enough, he firmly but gently takes your wrists and places them around his neck so he can finally place his lips on yours.***gestures of love ▸ Yuuji takes candid pictures of you every time he cracks a joke. when you ask him about it, he just tells you he thinks you look the prettiest when you’re smiling.***love languageIncluding you in his activities and carrying you around. He likes to add you to whatever he's doing so he can share the moment with you. He also loves to carry you on his arms, so he can feel strong and protective.Physical touch: whether it's intimate or non-intimate touches, he feels loved when you show him affection through gentle caresses, cuddles, hugs, holding hands or kisses.***as types of affectionThis precious man is clingy as heck! After a tiring day, he would come home and surprise you with a cuddle attack. he is tired from a mission, so please just let him be because he deserves those cuddles. :( He'd surprise you with a back hug when you're cooking or doing the dishes, etc. and he will never let go. Of course, there would be kisses everywhere on your face while his arms are wrapped around your waist. cuddles with kisses are a must! Yūji also likes PDA. whenever you two are in public, he wouldn't hesitate to give you cuddles. especially when he catches some other men looking at you, he'd give them the mean look and he would pull you into a hug that would turn into cuddles. In the winter, there would always be cuddles. you would lay down your head on ji's chest while you read a book and he would sleep like a baby especially when you two are close by fireplace. In bed, you would be the little spoon and he would be the big spoon while cuddling. he would kiss your head while he snuggles you like a koala. Sometimes, while cuddling, he would gently rub your stomach and he would say "someday, our baby will live here" and you would just melt because he's so cute. :( Oh, this man gives the best cuddles ever. he's as warm as the first stuff toy you got when you were little :( you can never say no to this man. when it comes to cuddles, you just melt at his touch.***the ickAlways wants to see you first after a mission (like man could literally be sitting up from the autopsy table and as soon as he can move he’ll be like “where’s Y/N”)—gives you a bear hug every time Apologizes PROFUSELY like you’re not even upset anymore and he won’t stop, he’ll literally chase after you to apologize. Doesn’t usually pick up on your hints, esp if you’re being passive aggressive, he literally won’t realize something is wrong. Messy eater, will chew with his mouth open if he’s talking with you. 😓 If his hands are greasy from eating chips or something he’ll still touch you with them (and not even maliciously he just doesn’t realize)."would you date me if i was a worm?" ▸ YES I WOULD. OH OH OH *jumps in excitement* I will take you for a walk. I'll buy you a leash. ☺ YUUJI THERE ARE NO LEASHES FOR WORMS.tenderness ▸ ...
  • ***scared of a bug ▸ will kill bugs for you if you’re scared! But he’s not the best at catching them if they move around. He’ll go and punch the wall and then you look and it’s running away and he’s screaming because it’s coming at him. He might accidentally put a hole in the drywall because he slapped down on it too hard. Like yes, it’s dead, but he’s also now bleeding and you are not getting your security deposit back. Slaps gnats/flies/etc out of the air but also ends up knocking things down when he does- basically, Yuji is at 110% power and 2% environmental awareness. You need to stay out of the way. If seeing a buggie gets you paranoid and freaked, he’ll investigate every corner of the now-quarantined room and will be using DIY bug-repellents until you feel safe. He doesn’t make fun of you for being scared or paranoid. He agrees they’re freaky! He only can be brave because he has you to protect!
  • killing itGets all brave until the bug falls from the ceiling. The second you rush up to him telling him that you saw a bug on the wall, he’s he’s all gung-ho to go kill it. he’s gotta protect his baby after all!! he grabs a shoe, smacks it… then it moves and ji's DONE. You’re on your own as he’s shrieking and running out of the room.
  • ***period ▸ Pure baby. He’s so confused but he’s trying so hard to understand 🥺 Does a lot of research on the internet but doesn’t understand 90% of the stuff so he resorted to asking you. Comforts you if you’re feeling down or bad about yourself because of mood swings. I headcanon that his hands are really warm so he always sneaks his hands under your shirt to rub your stomach when you have cramps. Tries to buy your pads but doesn’t know which ones you use so he just buys every brand he sees (His thought process: if I get her everything, I’ll get the one she uses for sure!) Brings you lots of snacks during this period of time since he knows your cravings. Buys you random things that remind him of you too! (Essentially just many many stuffed toys for you to cuddle when he isn’t around)
  • ***sick ▸ unfortunately he’s gotten really good at taking care of sick people from past experience. yuuji gets really concerned and checks your temperature regularly. no matter how many times you tell him to stay away so he doesn’t get sick, he won’t. lowkey becomes your personal maid. he makes sure you have a cold glass of water by your side and stays with you for as long as he can. yuuji puts on your favourite movie(s) and pulls you into his chest while rubbing your back so you hopefully go to sleep.
eye of the storm: Itadori Yuuji, bless his sweet soul, is essentially a puppy at your beck and call. He's on you, around you, with you the second he notices something off about you. Whether it's by letting you cry your worries out into his shoulder or by distracting you with your favorite movie, he'll be there for you, with his hold so gentle and so firm it's the very definition of security. Not trapped and not fleeting, you can only feel secure. You'll have to make it up to him some time, his concerned face just about rips your heart into two.Quality time. Itadori comforts you by spending his time with you. It seems like the bare minimum considering the bond you two have, but you couldn’t be more thankful. The time Itadori spends with you makes you feel ecstatic. He’s always been the light of your life and spending a day with him after feeling sad feels like heaven. The way he treats you makes your heart smile. The way he smiles at you while you two are out on a bike ride makes you forget about all that’s been keeping you from smiling. Itadori treasures every moment spent with you. He’d do it even if it wasn’t in attempt to comfort you, because he he’ll always hold you close to his heart.
  • ***cheer up ▸ he gets so concerned when you’re upset. his first thought is wondering if it’s something that he might’ve done. if you’re doing something, he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist asking what’s wrong. if you try and blow it off as nothing, he purses his lips while pulling you closer to him. “c’mon i know that’s not it” “is it something i did?” when you tell him it isn’t, he lets out a sigh of relief he didn’t know he was holding. he pulls you away from whatever you’re doing and onto the couch or his bed while looking at you. he kind of looks like a kicked puppy. when you start to tell him what’s wrong, even if you simply say “i don’t know”, he listens while holding your hand. depending on what it is, he tries to give you advice but sometimes he doesn’t know what to say. so instead he just settles with pulling you into a hug and laying down wherever you two are and rubs your back. itadori tries to make jokes to make you laugh or puts on your favourite show/movie until you fall asleep.
  • ***mood swings and breakdownsBest boi is so sad when he realises you’ve been feeling down. He does everything he can to make you feel better again! He’s so emotionally intelligent, he can sense the incoming bad feelings, and will immediately wrap his strong arms around you and pull you into his lap. Then he’ll whisper sweet nothings and positive affirmations in your ear. You know he means it because you can feel his smile against your ears. Will probably coo at you at some point too while rubbing noses with you. “You’re such a cutie, you know that y/n?” Even if you accidentally lash out at him during your intense mood swings, no worries! He completely understands, he sits there with a soft smile, patiently waiting for you to cool down. He’s so strong too, so he’ll probably encourage you to hit his chest and take all the anger out. He gives the best ‘feel better’ kisses too <33
***moment of weaknessHe'll hug you so strongly that you feel like he could break your bones. And he's not going to let go either. You'll have to tell him that you can't breathe anymore or you're going to die. Then he's going to watch your favorite movies while still holding you on his lap.
  • ***nightmare ▸ A minute ago he was sleeping soundly, pressed against your back with his arms wrapped around you tightly enough that you had to really squirm to make your escape from them. Now, he was holding nothing and his chest felt uncomfortably cold in your absence. His attempt at a “come back to bed” plea came out in an unintelligible grumble and he couldn’t reach you as you sat perched on the edge of the bed. “I just need a minute,” you understood Yuji’s sleepy speech very well, and his request was tempting despite the sticky layer of sweat that lingered on your arms and back. Already, the details of your nightmare were drifting out of focus, but your heart still thrummed in your chest. He rubbed his eyes and reached for you, catching the back of your shirt with his fingers. “Bad dream?” His next attempt at speech was easier to understand. You nodded, then croaked out a, “Yeah.” Yuji sat up and moved over to you, resting his chin on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist, “Wanna talk about it?” “No,” you answered. The heat you felt when you woke up had dissipated and left you feeling clammy and cold. Yuji’s warmth was a welcome comfort and you felt yourself relaxing against him. He hummed quietly as he thought, then kissed you on the cheek. “Twenty four hour convenience store ice cream?” “At-” you looked at your phone for the time, “3am?” you turned your head enough to see him smiling tiredly at you. “Yep!” He shimmied out of bed and pulled you up to your feet. “Ice cream, then back to bed.” Your nightmare felt so distant, watching him bounce around, yawning and ruffling his hair into something he thought was less messy (he only made it worse). He rambled on the entire time about what flavor he’d get and you thought there could be nothing sweeter than him. Falling asleep later that night with a sugar high wasn’t any easier than falling asleep after a nightmare, though.
  • ***dying in his dreamsHe'll wake up screaming your name and if you didn't wake up with him, he'll wake you up not realizing that he just took you out from your peaceful sleep. He'll give you his well-known bear hug and suffocate you in it. "Yuji, I can't breathe." "Just a little longer, Y/n". And he was able to hold you even tighter now.
  • ***stressful dayHis so amazing and comforting bear hug comes first. You feel so secure and warm that your stress naturally leaves your body. Then his smile. Such a beautiful and sincere one. Is impossible to be tense around this fluffy. He also watches movies with you letting you pick them.
  • sighing in front of him prankHe gives you his bear hug kissing both of your cheeks. "I missed you, too."
protective ▸ ...
  • ***kidnapped by a curseHe'll get nervous. He'll think it was his fault letting the curse get it's hands on you. So, he'll be reckless doing whatever comes first thing in his mind. That might cause you to get hurt but he'll be too busy with the curse. Finishing the curse, he'll come to you and hug you bear style Yūji. "Ouch, YUUJII! I'm hurt". "Oh, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry". You'll have to guide him so you can come to Shouko and get your wounds healed. "Nice boyfriend there." "Shut up, Sukuna."
  • ***shielding himHe take some time to comprehend what just happened. One, because he is slow LMAO. And two, because he is not used to people shielding him, it's usually the opposite. Embraces you with his famous bear hug and has tears on his eyes. "I don't deserve you, Y/N." You shut him up with a demanding kiss.
  • ***badly injured while protecting himThe moment you put yourself in front of him as he’s trying to get up, his heart shatters. Yeah, he’s scared, but he’d take himself getting hurt over you any day. Holds you close and just whispers how you shouldn't have done that, how you mean so much to him... He lost his grandfather already; he can’t lose you too. Will hold you close after he takes care of the enemy. Might even let Sukuna just to make it even more painful for them. 👀
  • ***sacrifices themselves but comes back unharmedHe's going to give you his typical bear hug not paying attention to your wounds. He'll apologize if this hug gets you to feel any kind of pain. He'll probably be crying a little, so you'll have to show him that everything is alright. He'll try to help you with your wounds but cause more harm than good, because he's clumsy and nervous. So you have to get both of you to Shoko because he's not gonna leave your side for a while. He won't scold. He's going to praise you and say how courageous you were but should've rely on him instead. He'll also shower you with kisses.
  • kisses after thinking they died on a missionHis kiss is going to be reckless and clumsy. He won't let you breathe or leave for a while.
  • ***patch me up ▸ If there was anything you knew about your boyfriend, it was, he attracts danger like he attracts ladies. It was a rare occurrence, a miraculous event even, that he’d come back from a mission injury free. Something you learned about Sukuna, he won’t do Itadori any favors. Unless the wound is fatal to him, he couldn’t care less how badly poor Yuuji got hurt. All in all, it didn’t surprise you when Itadori stepped into Jujustu High in a tattered version of his school uniform-sweatshirt and scrapes, cuts, and bruises polluting his soft skin. You helped him lay on his bed and grabbed the First Aid kit from his closet. He peeled off his uniform top, that was beyond repair, revealing his toned abs and chest. You swallowed. It wasn’t like you saw this every other week, but, you don’t think you could ever get tired of seeing your boyfriend shirtless. “Like the view?” He teased. “No, actually, I don’t like seeing my boyfriend hurt.” Itadori grumbled at how flawlessly you avoided admitting to staring at his chest. You took a water bottle and poured some water on a cloth and wiped his torso clean. It felt good getting all the blood, sweat, and grime off of him but most importantly Itadori enjoyed the feel of your hand on his abs, feeling down the fruits of his labor. You then took an alcohal wipe to disinfect the cuts and scrapes but before the wipe could touch him he grabbed your hand, alarmingly. “D-Do we have to do that step?” He asked, but it was more of a plea to not do it. “Yes, Yuuji, how many times do I have to tell you that. I don’t want your wounds to get infected!” His lips donned a pout but, nevertheless, he let go of your hand and winced once the cool pad made contact with his cuts. You were gentle though, you always were. Next, you grabbed some ointment for the wounds and bandages for the more serious ones, though, most were already starting to scab over. Itadori’s chest always tensed for a moment when you met skin to skin, but as you fingers spread the ointment all over him he relaxed at the feeling of you taking care of him. “Always so good for me, Y/n.” He mumbled, his eyes closed as exhaustion finally took hold. You smiled, hot-faced, and packed up the kit, while listening to your lover’s soft snores. You pulled a blanket over him, tucking in his sides, and kissing his forehead. You turned off his light and made your way to his door. “Goodnight, Yuuji.” “What am I? Chopped liver?” Sukuna humorlessly joked. You lightly chuckled, “Goodnight to you too, Sukuna.”
  • ***his post-mission ▸ feels like he’d just want to be wrapped up in your arms the moment he sees you after a long day away. enjoys feeling you fuss over his wounds even after ieiri heals them up; how your fingers will caress them lightly as you tell him to be more careful when he’s on missions. ordering takeout for sure - he takes takeout as a reward after a successful mission, so you two will order the most unhealthy food you two are craving. along with all the snacks you two want - you’d get in house delivery of all the chips, candies, and soda cans you two want to have for the night. you two shower together - nothing sexual, he just wants you to baby him by helping him wash his hair whilst his hands just rest on your hips, feeling the warm skin under his rough hands whilst your hands washed off the sweat and grime off of him. enjoys it when you’d towel dry his hair or blow dry it with your hair dryer; your fingers carding through the soft strands whilst he sat you down in his lap, smiling up at you like a love sick puppy. eventually sukuna would pop up and demand you give him some attention to, to which you just smile and stroke underneath his eye carefully with one hand whilst the other blow dried Yuji’s hair with the other hand. when the food arrives, you two will probably just curl up underneath his bed and watch a few movies on his computer while stuffing your face with the food. you’d end up feeding a few bites to sukuna as well, feeding the mouth on the side of yuji’s cheek and wiping his mouth for him - cause let’s be honest, sukuna wanna be babied too. after the meal, you two will go through the snacks slowly. or more so yuji going through it slowly; because let’s be real, boys got a huge appetite. you know better than to ask him about what happened earlier today - knowing that he was definitely fighting with his internal demons right now. well - unless he was fighting with sukuna; to that he would most likely just whine at you to talk to the cursed spirit until he shuts up. since sukuna, surprisingly enough, ‘tolerates’ you and listens to you when you tell him something or asks him to do something. after awhile you’d suggest to go to bed, to which you’ll gather him up in your arms and just cuddle him close; giving him all the affection he needs to try and clear his head. baby tries to not tell you everything that happened, since he didn’t want to become a burden. no matter how much you tell him to let you in, it takes him a lot of time to really let go of this habit - but all he needs is to feel your arms around him and everything just feels right.
***gravely sickJust like he used to do with his grandpa, he brings flowers to you, even if you are at your house. He also take you out to whatever place you desire to go. He likes to bring bright in your life just as you bring to his.
  • fully recoversHe has his hands intertwine with your since the moment you left the hospital. He is squeezing it so strongly that you start feeling your hand being smashed. "Yuji?!". "What? Are you okay?". "Yes. Uhum... is just my hand...". He let go of his grip hugging you so close that you can barely breathe now. "Sorry, baby."
***killed by a curse ▸ It was enough that he saw your body lying on the ground, and you move a little, he was already running there. When you coughed up blood it felt like he was going to throw up. He felt tears prickle his eyes and began to blame himself. He wasn’t with you when he could protect you. He wasn’t here to support you. He could only watch you slowly depart from him to the other world. If only he had been there sooner, he could help. So he thought. And with your gentle hand on his cheek he cried forgotten when you refused to help yourself from him. You spent your last moments looking at yourself. Until your hand dropped from. He begged you not to fall asleep, but only received a light and warm smile as he stroked your cheeks. Nothing will be like it used to be. Your eyes haven’t been working the way they should for a long time. You saw white before everything turned black, leaving Yuji with your body already soulless. Already without you. “(y/n)!” he screamed as he ran towards you. You were sitting on the ground with your hands. You were blocking your deep gash in your abdomen with your forearm, but when you saw a tuft of pink hair you realized it didn’t make sense. He was the person you’d like to see this last time. Therefore your hand dropped lower, letting the blood flow out of your body. When he was only two meters from you, you felt a thick and warm liquid build up in the back of your throat to then flow out in a large stream from your mouth. The ground around it was red and sticky blood stuck to your clothes. Not seeing him very clearly, you smiled slightly, falling to your side motionless. Your body felt heavier. And when he got to you, tears streamed from your eyes as did. You smiled knowing he was the last person you would see. There is no turning back. You cannot make it happen differently. There’s no time. You prefer to spend the last moment well. With the person you love. “(y/n) Please! Don’t close your eyes! In a second- I’ll call for help immediately!” he knelt beside you, twisting you so that you could breathe better. “Yu-Yuji… No… Don’t go…” you groaned. Your airways were closing and your heart was beating more slowly because there was no blood to pump. There was no chance, and he understood it… “But you- You can’t-!” he screamed as tears ran down his cheeks. “Hey… It’s good…” you said lifting your hand heavily to his cheek to wipe away the tears. You don’t want this moment to be sad. Only happy. And even though you cry too, you still think so. No sorrow. It’s just like saying goodbye, as if you were going somewhere. To a place where you will never come back… “Please… Don’t close your eyes… Don’t leave me…” “-ji… I will alwa-ys be…with yo-u… Goodbye…” you smiled the last time your hand fell like a stone to the ground, leaving a bloody fingerprint on it. And when he touched your body, he realized it was over. You weren’t breathing anymore. You left him there alone.***after your death ▸ He would start distancing himself from people, everyone around him was dying- he doesn’t want to hurt anyone else. Itadori’s usual smile replaced with a straight face, he’d be so quiet most people couldn’t tell if he was in the room. He cried into his pillow every night and held it close to him, pretending the pillow was you. He awaited the day of his execution. When he finally gets to see you again.***possessiveI don't think Yūji feels jealous. He's an easy-going guy that trust his friends more than ever and considering you are his lover; he trusts you with anything. Also, I don't think he can read the situation, he doesn't even notice when somebody lay their eyes on you, so... yeah, no jealous here.
  • ***hitting on themHe can't even understand that you're being hit on. Poor boy, he thinks that you're talking to someone nice or a friend. The fact that someone is flirting with you doesn't even once pass across his mind. So, you'll have to tell him and tell him with words. It's also possible that he becomes friend with the person palm face.
This sweet boy would look like such a kicked puppy pls don’t let him sulk!! Itadori is a rather confident guy, he’s not the type to get jealous easily - especially as someone as friendly as he is, he’s not one to mistake your friendliness for flirting. Ita made his way up to the both of you - a pep in his step and a warm smile adorning his lips. He’d stop at your side as his lively voice greets you, questioning eyes scanning the stranger in front of you. He wouldn’t waste time before his arm swiftly snakes around your waist - tenderly pulling you closer to him in an almost possessive-like hold. This strawberry head has the personality of a puppy, yes, but at times he can be rather protective of his s.o when he feels a little more insecure than usual. He’d then raise his arm up to gently guide your head to his chest just enough to expose the dark mark decorating your skin, not once faltering his facade of friendliness. The man was so smooth you didn’t even realize what he was doing.ok so yuuji exudes golden retirever bf! energy. like he is the absolute cutest. so i think that he would feel really guilty if you were ever jealous of someone talking/flirting w him. i see you guys out at a bar or something and maybes he's getting you guys drinks and the bartender is not so subtlety eyeing him up and down and laughing a little too hard at his jokes. he'd probably be super polite but try to dip out of there ASAP, running over to you all "omfg ur never gonna believe what that bitch was doing!!! does she not know i'm obsessed w you????" he's the best boyYuuji likes to think that he doesn’t get jealous. In fact, I don’t think anyone could imagine a jealous Yuuji. He’s just too happy go lucky to ever be plagued with envy. But then he sees a guy next to you. And he sees how this guy is standing just a little bit too close to you. Not only that but he notices the way the guy’s gaze seems to linger on you for a bit too long, the way the guy ‘casually’ manages to sneak in brief touches. Suddenly Yuuji finds his feet moving on his own and makes his way to the two of you, pulling you close to him. But he acts so nice to the other guy, making light conversation too. He fools everyone into thinking he’s being friendly. Like he doesn’t come off at jealous at all despite the fact that he can feel is blood boiling inside. Even Sukuna is surprised at his acting skills.celebration ▸ ...
  • ***valentine's day ▸ he appears at your door with a huge bear in his arms. "Y/n, this is for you to remember me". And then he gives you his famous bear hug. He asks where you wanna go because you are the boss and he is paying for everything. In the end, you had to pay a couple of things because he didn't have that much money.
Oopsies. He planned it according to Gojou's advice so what else do you expect? You once told him that you wanted to be a Disney character. Boy he took you to Disneyland without a second thought. Gave you a disney prince/ princess's makeover. You said you looked like a clown but he kept clicking your pictures and spamming it to his Sensei. You swore once you go back home, you're gonna strangle that white-haired bitch. Yuuji noticed that you were acting gloomy. He asked you to sit back and wait for him. After a while, you saw your favourite Costumed Donald Duck approaching you. He started sprinkling glitters on the ground. Everyone was watching and him. Your eyes widened when you interpreted the image on the ground. It was the outline of your face. You were so happy. He took out the head of the costume and you were stunned to see that it was your boyfriend. "I am sorry if I ruined it. I hope this made you a little bit happy", how can he say that? Your eyes filled with tears and heart with joy. You walked towards to hug him but seemed like the costume was in the way, so you just embraced the soft cloth. The only thought that was going in your mind was how you discovered his hidden talent. Later he even played and danced with several kids around who were excited to see him. (I will still kill Gojou but you are so precious)
  • ***new year's eve ▸ he takes you to where the city normally celebrate the date. He goes all out wearing the 2022 glasses and even a shirt or a hoodie. He probably buys everything that passes trough your way, he just loves the food and drinks they sell on the streets on events like these. By the time of the countdown, you are in the middle of the crowd but you forget all about it the moment he holds your hand and kisses you softly on the lips with that big smile of his.
  • ***your birthday He takes you out to somewhere fun like an amusement park or an arcade. Makes sure that you have the time of your life and is eager to listen you laughing all the time. Gives you any kind of reward he's able to win at those places. Lots of hugs.
***wallpaper ugly pic of them ▸ itadori glances at your phone screen as you unlock it, flinching a little to himself when he sees that it’s been changed to such an unflattering photo. pouting, he nudges his head onto your chest as your hand buries into his hair immediately, threading through the soft locks. “baby, why’d you have to use that picture?” he whines, huffing into your shirt. you chuckle, pressing a kiss to his forehead as you lock your phone to admire the lock screen you’ve set. “what do you mean? it’s so cute, yuji! you look adorable,” you insist, turning the screen to him so he can get a better look. he shields his eyes dramatically, making your head fall back against the pillow as you giggle. “i look like i need a trigger warning,” he groans, but you only hum, turning the phone back to yourself and staring at the picture in awe—he doesn’t quite remember when you snapped it, or how for that matter, but you stare at the picture like it’s special. a small part of his heart races at how your gaze softens when it falls on him through the screen. “that’s so rude, i’m a good photographer,” you insist, “and plus you always look cute.” “well, if you say so,” he mumbles, blush dusting across his cheeks as you lean and kiss them sweetly.***pretending to be asleep prankHe tries to gently move you to rest on his shoulder. But he can't control his strength and your head smack on his hard chest as he mutters a flustered, "I'm sorry".***ignoring him ▸ Yuuji is like a puppy, he'll follow you around wherever you go until you give him attention. And he can do this for hours on end, just running around you with a sad expression. "can I have a hug y/n? Please, I really miss you,"  Give him a hug right now***long time no seeHe jumps into you leading you both to fall on the floor. He mutters a non regretful sorry and hugs you with everything he gets. "Yūjiii, I can't breathe!". "Don't care, I need you.". You stay like that for a while until he breaks the grip just to kiss you non-stop.***dates ▸ Food, shopping, movie. Not always in that order, but he’s straightforward. He’s not the best at planning even if he does come up with a ton of different ideas. He’ll end up hyping you up for a place that he knows is great and you’ll love it and then you get there and it’s closed. He also likes going to like the beach and wants to play games, run around, splash in the water, stare at your ass in your swimsuit- In colder months, snowball fight! Building snowmen! Snow angels! He’s just fun and excitable and constantly moving or needing something to focus on. He also is very down to just stay home and watch movies/shows or play video games, even if he’s the only one playing and you’re just watching or vice versa. Yuji is very happy to lay his head in your lap and cheer you on while you play something as long as you do the same for him!
  • ***karaokeOhhh super excited boy coming. You two are so in sync that nobody is able to join you. You'll have so much fun singing and dancing together that you'll forget to even eat. You'll also have a playlist with your favorite songs so you can put up a performance together including questions and answers between the lyrics.
  • ***beachA kid! He'll want to build sandcastles, run to the sea and jump waves, be bury in the sand and bury you drawing a mermaid tail.
  • ***carnival ▸ he's so excited, he’s dragging you on every ride there and giggles the entire time while everyone else is literally screaming and looking at him like ?? for him the rides are just for thrill and he doesn’t really get scared on them. if he notices you’re scared however he’ll hold your hand and smile at you in comfort.
hanging out ▸ ...
  • ***horror movieHe says that he is going to protect you. So, he passes his arm around your shoulder and snuggles you. But he gets so into the story that he is even more scared than you. Later, he'll sleep holding you tight and demand that you go to the bathroom with him.
  • ***video gamesLoves playing video games, it's one of his favorite things. He loves when is a dancing game, so you two can show your moves or even battle them. Yūji really likes to dance, I know, is just that I can't imagine this boy settled down, he has too much energy.
  • ***walking in the rain ▸ it’s a mistake to send you and yuji out in the rain together. you’re both equally as childish and it doesn’t matter if you take an umbrella with you, the two of you will always return completely drenched. the temptation to dance out in the rain together is just too strong. megumi always get exaggerated when you guys come back, clothes damp, because he knows he’ll have to take care of two sick idiots the needy day.
  • ***first snow ▸ At first Yuji will think that it seems to him that it has snowed, but then noticing that the snowflakes are actually falling, he will start jumping for joy. He will immediately call you to look out the window to go crazy with this phenomenon of nature. He will run out into the street and he doesn't care that it's cold because the main thing is that snow has fallen. You will catch snowflakes together with your mouth. And the most important thing is that he or you will run down the street together and shout that it's snowing even if everyone is resting.
  • ***winter atmosphere ▸ Winter is a great time to go to the ice rink.So you decided to invite Yuji to go there and he happily agreed.Going out to the rink, you took Yuji by the hands and watched his face worry that you might fall together.You explained to him how to push off in order to slide normally.Yuji tried to do as you asked, but instead he fell and you followed him.Despite the fact that it hurt you, you laughed together, he asked you many times if you had hurt yourself anything.When you got up, you noticed that your shoelaces were untied.Without wasting time, you started lacing them, and at this time Yuji began to move away from you under the influence of skates.The poor guy can't do anything and you could read "HELP" on his face.Looking up, you saw that he was waving his hands as if it would help him stop.You quickly ran up to him and he clung to you and did not want to let go.
***mornings ▸ Yuuji sleeps like a log, so, expectantly, he’ll be difficult to wake up as well. he murmurs his pleas of five more minutes but assumes they reach deaf ears; he’ll gently grip your waist and pull you back down with him, smiling gleefully when you huff and make no effort to move from his grasp (not that you could if you tried).***serenading himHe is so happy you can see small tears in the corner of his eyes. His smile is so big that his eyes can even stay open. He tells everybody around that you are his s/o singing to him all your love.for partner ▸ Movies. Something you can do together and he loves spending time with you.***plushiesWill buy you little stuffed animals that he swears look like you (has tried to win you some from claw machines but failed miserably).***flowers ▸ Yuuji hands you a primrose, flowers normally representing love in one’s youthful years. he knows he doesn’t have much to live, with the burden of his end looming over him, but he feels honored that you decided to love him with your all regardless.***nicknames ▸ It’s a little too quiet in the common room. Your sweet, sweet boyfriend must be taking his time hanging out with his friends after a much needed day out; which honestly was mostly the trio wanting to try out that new restaurant in town. They had invited you to join, but you garnered that it was better if you stayed to train just a bit more. After all, you had your own little break before they did. Yūji doesn’t hide his displeasure but you reassure him that it’s all fine and that you’d catch a free day with them next time. After his begrudgingly mopey goodbye, he told you he’d be coming back to you soon to which you smiled. Even when walking away from the front of the school he would look over his shoulder with a pleading look even if he couldn’t do anything about your absence. That was hours ago and, of course, he texts you about the day with pictures and fun captions to make sure that you’re never missing. It warms your heart that he never wants to leave you out, it’s cute, really. But now, in the comfort of your own dorm you’re sitting on your comforters, eyes closed teetering towards the edge of sleep. Your training was very productive so you don’t feel as bad about not being able to go, and Yūji left a message that he would be bringing you leftovers. A win-win at the end of the day. With that thought in mind you allow yourself to succumb to sleep, but the exhaustion doesn’t have time to recover when your door opens, the small noise alerting you. You leave it be, knowing that no one else except for him and you that had a key. He walks slowly, thinking you’re asleep but from the way he hugs your middle, settling on top of you on your bed and he’s sure his weight would rouse you. You peek and eye open and catch him looking at you tenderly. “I’m back, baby! Missed me? Cause I missed you.”must we even speculate? must we even sit here and ponder, the endless possibilities, of which there are none? he’s calling you mommy. even if he’s the one in charge (which let’s face it this guy’s got sub tendencies and you know it), he’ll still be like “am i making mommy feel good?” cherry on top is if you call him baby boy.ji's a very affectionate person so when he uses a nickname on you, it’s very sweet and loving. so when he said such a cute nickname, it truly wasn’t that surprising. “love, your cooking is so delicious!” hearing it felt so fluffy. the way butterflies would swarm your stomach endlessly from the name made you flush a furious red. it was clear that he enjoyed calling you that, so you weren’t going to try and stop it. dating him was amazing. if you were to ask every woman on earth who their ideal type was, ji’s personality would be at the top. he was the perfect partner and seeing as he’d call you love with such affection made you want to keep him forever.***calling him bro ▸ Oh, now this is a thing. Since you started this shit now, he only calls you bro. The thing is that bro became your lovely nicknames for one another. Plus, you both die of laughter seeing people react to you calling each other bro and then acting all lovey-dovey.He was confused. He had told you he was going to practice with Megumi when the words “okay bro” left your mouth. He quickly turned around looking back at you. “Baby did I do something?” He questioned “Is it because I’m hanging out with megumi? I can cancel it!” He exclaimed. Though when you told him it was just a prank he was pouty but refused to leave your side leaving an angry Megumi.***being called pretty / cute ▸ Yuuji will become all shy and flustered. You'll be enveloped into a warm hug and peppered with kisses on your face. He will definitely counter-compliment you, saying things like "You're the pretty one here." Please do compliment Yuji more often.***holding his face and telling him that he's prettyImmediately beams and giggles, secretly a little flustered, but he covers it up by peppering light kisses all over your face and ending it with a loving one at your lips. Later on in the day, he'll pull the same thing on you with a giddy smile on his face.ily ▸ ...
  • ***not saying it back ▸ Yuuji pouts when you smile at him and say, “bye baby, i’ll miss you,” as he steps out your apartment, shoulders dropping as he turns back around. “i’ll miss you too,” he mumbles, “and i love you. a lot,” he adds hopefully, and you almost feel bad about the way his face drops when you don’t repeat the words back, instead smoothing a few strands of hair from his face as you chuckle. “it’s okay, we’ll see each other tomorrow. bye, yuji.” his eyes are clouded with disappointment as he furrows his brows, stepping closer to you and stalling for another moment before he quietly mumbles, “babe, i said i love you,” he pouts, “i love you,” he tries again, crossing his arms and huffing as you break out into a fit of giggles. “i love you, i’ll keep saying it till you say it back,” he grumbles, making you pull him into a hug as you scatter tiny pecks across his face. “i love you too,” you chuckle, “i was just messing with you.” he pokes your ribs, head digging into your neck as he mumbles, “nuh uh, you gotta say it back to all the other times too.”
***touch-starved ▸ is SOOO obvious and extremely shameless about it that you have to remind him to restrain himself when he literally jumps at you because he misses you so much. oh god. when he’s touch starved, he might as well chase after you and have his hands all over your body,, and when he finally senses the feeling of your touch lingering around his body, he melts.***hands ▸ He didn't even noticed that he was holding your hands. It was so natural to him. You were together after all. But when he looked at your all redden face he couldn't control his own turning the same. And since then he loves to feel your hand in his.
  • ***warming hands under his shirt ▸ he's so unfazed when you randomly yank his hoodie up, exposing his toned abdomen from behind. only to put your cold ass hands on his chest, THAT'S when he'll react. he lets out a small yelp and shivers under your cold touch. your hands were so cold that even sukuna came out of no where to yell profanities at you LMFAO
hair ▸ ...
  • ***playing with it ▸ deadass purrs. as soon as you start playing with his hair, he has difficulty concentrating on whatever he’s doing. he lays on your lap or just stretches out on the bed if you two are watching a movie. itadori probably likes playing with your hair too so he’ll run his fingers through it occasionally or braid your hair. attempts to braid it anyway 💀 lowkey gets a little pouty if you don’t play with his hair while you two are going to bed.
  • ***soft ▸ you’re in the room with Yuuji, who is busy watching the movies gojo-sensei had given him. He holds the cursed corpse in his other side, careful not to let him hit you, while your head lies on his shoulder, eyes drooping close from your long day. Yuuji turns the volume down and brings you closer to him until you’re practically sitting on his lap, his lips making brief contact at the crown of your head while he mumbles sweet nothings, too engrossed in the movie. You smile at his sweet gesture, gently fisting the front of his jacket while you return the affection, kissing the edges of his jaw softly to not distract him too much. Yuuji’s lips tilt at the soft press of your lips on his warm skin. Soon, your hands rake up to his hair where your nails rake his scalp. Immediately, Yuuji deflates like a balloon as he purrs at the movement, making you chuckle in your sleepy daze. “Your hair is really soft,” you note, and his eyes practically sparkle. Yuuji was a huge fan of hair gels and hair products, that his desk was filled with different brands all so he could keep his hair perfectly styled – in that somewhat natural, messy appeal. You love it on him and he melts at the fact you’ve noticed his efforts into taking care of himself. Most of all, the feeling of the smooth tendrils running past your fingertips like caressing a field of flowers lulls both you and him to a serene state.
***piggy-back ride ▸ Loves to carry you around. LOVES. Whenever he sees you, he’ll put you behind his back. He'll even run with you there just to laugh from your shouting against him. "YUJIIIII! I'M GONNA FALL, YOU IDIOT!". "I'm strong Y/n. You are so light and cute, let me carry you, princess." "PUT ME DOWN!!!"***hugging ▸ Hugs with Yūji are silly. he probably doesn’t even realize it, but he greets you with a hug every single time he sees you. the moment Yūji sees you, his eyes light up and his lips curl up into a grin as he jogs over to where you are, immediately sweeping you up into a hug. his arms are tight around your middle as he swings you off of the ground and in a circle. his face is tucked into your neck as he holds you, unaware of how his lips ghosting over your skin tickles. even when Yūji stops swinging you around and your feet touch the ground, he doesn’t release his hold on you. his hands firmly remain in their place on your hips as he watches you, mesmerized by the laughter he was able to elicit from you. it’s infectious and soon enough, Yūji’s laughing along with you, unsure of what the two of you are even laughing about. hugs from Yūji are able to make you smile even on your worst days. they’re a reminder of how much he cares for you, how much he loves you. the space carved out for you in Yūji’s arms is safe.A total bear hug. This boy would run into you and give you a hug so tight that is going to be impossible to even breath. He loves to feel how your bodies work so well together and that somehow you are his other half that completes himself.***cuddling ▸ Yūji’s one of those people who’s naturally a really good cuddler. he just knows what to do. He adores cuddling with you. he’s really fond of physical touch, so he can get a little clingy sometimes. he’s not above whining to get what he wants. He’s willing to cuddle anywhere. Yūji doesn’t care who’s around to see. Kugisaki Nobara and Fushiguro Megumi think you two are gross with the amount of PDA you exhibit. He can be the big spoon or small spoon. it depends on the day. sometimes, he wants to be held, while other times he wants to do the holding. Whatever position you’re in, Yūji's mindlessly pressing kisses to your skin. he’s lying on top of you? Yūji’s face is resting on your chest as he presses kisses to the curve of your neck. you’re lying on top of him? Yūji leans down at random times to kiss your head. Sukuna likes to bite you. He gets bored, so he’ll just pop out on Yūji’s hand and bite you. it’s never hard enough to draw blood, but it’s enough to startle you. when you yelp in surprise, Yūji draws his hand away from you to reprimand Sukuna. it’s really amusing to watch your boyfriend lecture the king of curses on how he can’t just bite his significant other. Sukuna’s mouth just grins back at Yūji.He's very serious about his cuddle time with you. He always brings lots of soft and fluffy blankets and makes sure that both of you are in comfortable outfits *cough* wear his hoodie *cough*. He prepares snacks and drinks and makes sure all of your favourite movies and games are ready to be played. When you cuddle, it's so soft 😭 both of you are on the couch, you're sitting in between his legs, his arms are wrapped around you, and he's pressing tons of soft kisses on your neck and cheeks.Likes to cuddle, always down when there’s an opportunity (if you fall asleep and he’s in an uncomfortable position he literally won’t move, even if he’s in has-lost-all-feeling-in-his-shoulder-an-hour-ago type pain😭)Yuuji is like a marshmallow that’s just been taken out of the campfire: soft and warm and just what you need on a chilly night. his hold on you is always gentle as his arm snakes around your waste holding you in place. his body let’s off just the right radiance that makes you want to stay glued to him forever and when you feel his lips brush against parts of your face as you both start to drift off it only reinforces that idea. the clingyness is always mutual, and the affection feels never ending.He’s so incredibly cuddly, the kind of person who hugs you at every “hello” if it’s okay with you. Not just a quick hug either, it’s a bear hug, you might get lifted off your feet, and your ribs might be a little bruised after it. If he’s sitting next to you, he’d rather just lay down with his head on your lap so you can gently run your fingers through his hair. He might fall asleep a little too easily like this, and then you’re just stuck there because you can’t risk waking him up, that would be evil! He also doesn’t mind you sitting on his lap in public or private honestly, but he does the anxious/adhd leg shakes so you might be mistaking his lap for a roller-coaster some times... When you’re out and about, he always wants to hold your hand and sometimes tries gesturing with the hand that’s holding yours so suddenly you’re both waving at someone on the street and he’s like oh, oops :) King of standing behind you and hugging your waist with his chin resting on your shoulder/head depending on the height difference. If it’s cold out, you barely even realize because you’ve got a Yuji shaped heater wrapped around you keeping you warm. If you’re napping/sleeping together, you are getting wrapped up in his arms and you are not getting out of them. He also has a habit of just rolling over and laying on top of you and probably drooling on you at the same time so enjoy that!cuddling with Yuji is an adventure in itself. trying to find a comfortable place, and spending almost half an hour arguing about who'll be the big or small spoon. it always leads to you and him exchanging positions every hour. sometimes you'll end up with his hair covering the entirety of your face while his hands are interlaced with yours, or his chin is propped up on the top of your head, as you lay silent on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as you both drift to sleep.Yuji sometimes finds it hard to sleep, with Sukuna nagging at him all night long - so he tends to stay up a lot on his phone or something. But when you are together, curled up in each other’s arms? He turns into the heaviest sleeper on the planet - not even an earthquake can wake him up. With that being said though; imagine wrapped up in his arms and his face just curled up against your neck? I just - *cries in absolute cuteness* He loves being the little spoon - and is never shy to admit it. He’d make grabby arms at your direction and demand for cuddles with a pout. His hand will find its way under your shirt and trace patterns on your skin. It’s like he feels soothe just by feeling your soft skin underneath his fingertips. If you have stretch marks/scars? Bet he’s going to trace them every chance he gets, telling you how cute and beautiful they are with the most loving and softest eyes. On days when you want to be the little spoon, do not hesitate to ask - he will just open his arms with a loving smile and wrap your arms around you tightly. You two will talk about anything and everything. “Babe? Do you think snakes can laugh? Like, what if all snakes have ticklish spots that we just don’t know about?” “…wait-” Most times though, you two will just be a ball of arms and legs, laughing and talking for hours on end with the most loving smiles on your faces.he takes up the entire bed and he’s a blanket hogger. i cant tell if he actually does it on purpose or if it’s just so you lie on top of him with your head buried in his chest/neck. he lets you wear his hoodie while you two nap. it’s always a surprise to see what shirt he’s wearing underneath it because he always picks really random shirts. it ranges from plain white t-shirts to a cursed ass image of patrick star with giant boobs. itadori mumbles a lot in his sleep but it doesn’t really make much sense. i get the vibe that itadori can fall asleep anywhere and anytime he wants, like it’s deadass a super power at this point. the second his head hits the pillow, he’s out. he tries to stay awake until you fall asleep but between the warm blanket and your own body heat on top of him, it’s pretty difficult. even in his sleep, he’s touching you in some way, even if it means he accidentally slaps you in face.***sleeping ▸ Yuuji kisses up your jaw, behind your ear and on your nose before allowing himself to fully embrace you. he can’t exactly make out your features in the room, so he’s beyond thankful for his photographic memory. this way, he’s able to memorize the way your face looks before you sleep — your eyes in a haze and lips slightly parted, he mumbles, “you look like home.”
  • ***falling asleep on him ▸ HE’D BE SO SWEET ABOUT IT OMG <3 While majority of the other characters will reprimand you lor laugh at you later, Yuuji is the only one who completely welcomes it. “Aww Y/N, how sweet, they fell asleep! :)” Takes off his jacket and uses it as a blanket for you. He’ll tuck in your feet and everything, just to make sure you’re warm. He’ll be caressing your cheeks too, because he’s so lovesick for you <3
***kissing ▸ Yūji gives the sweetest kisses ever. He always pulls you close to him and holds your face in his hands and stares at you with eyes full of love and you swear you can see little hearts floating around in there. He slowly leans in for a kiss but won't actually move any further until you give him the okay, and when you do, he goes in for the kiss, pulls back a little, and then leans in again, and again, and again. Those sweet little kisses will start to travel from your lips to your cheeks, and soon he's peppering them all over your face while he gets more giggly with each kiss. There is just no end to how much he loves you. He feels incredibly lucky to be yours and this is one of the ways he shows it <3Yuuji kisses you as if he’ll never get the chance to again. kissing you is timeless, oddly enough. he can never seem to get enough, always chasing after your lips when you pull away, mumbling a, ‘one more.’His kisses are clumsy and surprising. Clumsy because they translate all his energy and he has lots to give. And surprising because he just gives them in the heat of the moment so you never know when they're coming.Yūji's first kiss with you was playful and unplanned, just like him. it was an out-of-body experience, really. a kiss with him, especially your first, is like seeing your dream come true right in front of your eyes; there’s nothing better. Yūji takes great care of his lips, I think. he would put chap stick and vaseline on religiously, just for you. he wants nothing more than to make you happy, and that’s reflected in his soft, and kind kisses with you <3.pecks with giggles. most of Yūji's kisses are light-hearted most of the time. not a lot of them are long and passionate but more of a short, giggly kind. the kind when one of you are leaving to go take care of some curse, when you see each other in the hallways, or it might be when you’re cuddling up in bed, face-to-face, with nothing but sweet words + kisses surrounding you.i feel like his kisses are like him, full of love and laughter and just absolutely cute. he’d cup your face in his hands, grinning down at you softly as he admires you for a moment before he leans down to peck your lips a few times. “i *peck* love *peck* you *peck* so *peck* much.” when he sees you from a distance, he will drop whatever he was doing or stop whatever conversation he was having to run over to you, calling out your name with the brightest smiles on his face. this man literally goes for quantity, but that does not mean he skimp on the quality of his kisses. they are always warm and full of love, even if it’s a parting peck or a long smooch after he hasn’t seen you in a long time. sometimes he’d coo in between kisses, telling you how amazing you are and how much he loves you. either has his hands on your face or wrapped around your waist so he can pull you close. doesn’t care where you are or who are you two with - if he wants kisses, he will kiss you no matter the circumstance. when he needs to go, he’d run by, peck your lips a few times while mumbling goodbye and i loves you before he’s sprinting off again before you can do anything about it. man likes giving you kisses on the cheeks as well, since it makes you flustered and blush, causing him to grin down at you lovingly. but it’s still cute and always leaving you feel warm and happy inside.He's a little too shy to kiss you all the time. For example, he won't do it with his mouth open often. He will show you love with a simple peck on the mouth or on the cheek. He won't kiss you in public when he knows you both will blush. A short kiss can be, but not passionate and long. At home, he will do what he wants. He can kiss you passionately and long or short. He could lie in bed with you all day sharing kisses and hugs while you watch some anime while eating snacks.kisses as if to make up for lost time. it's a mess, truly—busy fingers running through your hair, stumbling lips dotting your skin. he kisses every inch of your face, swallows everyone ounce of you that the moment will allow. it's all flushed faces and breathy laughs and promises of i love you. it's the silent vow that though time may betray you, though the earth will continue to spin long after you beg for it to stop, he's here, all over you, always.
  • ***dodging kisses ▸ first of all, how dare you. how cruel must one be to deny yuuji of anything? it’s like telling a golden retriever no to treats. now, yuuji had the sudden urge to just shower you in affection because it be like that. so he runs at full speed to your dorm and jumps on you. “hey babe! i missed you!” he smiles brightly before hugging you tightly causing you to laugh out loud. naturally, he goes in for a kiss on the cheek, but you dodge it while trying to suppress your smile. he pouts then tries to aim for the other cheek, but is again dodged. he visibly deflates and defeatedly just buries his face in your chest. “BAHAHAHAHA! YOU KEEP BRAGGING ABOUT THEM BRAT AND THEY WON’T EVEN BOTHER KISSING YOU! WHAT A JOKE!” you furrow your eyebrows before kissing yuuji because as if hell you are going to let a 1000+ year old grandpa with style problems make him feel like you don’t want his affection. “so you’re not mad?” please love him.
  • ***making out ▸ he builds up to it, kissing your shoulder and then up your neck until he’s on top of you or you’re on his lap. his hands are always really warm and he places them on your cheeks at first but they slowly move to your ass. my favourite ass man <3 itadori’s lips are always a little chapped. he really likes when you play with his hair or put your hands under his sweatshirt, pressing them against his bare back.
***sitting on his lap ▸ He hugged your waist so tight that you went out of air. In no time passed in his head that your action could mean anything else. He just thought you were so cute there sitting in his lap like he was your big protector. But Sukuna got so bored with his innocence and just let out a "stupid brat, doesn't even know when he's being seduced."
  • ***falling asleep ▸ He won't notice that you just fell asleep and keep going with whatever he was talking about. But eventually he'll come to notice it since you're not responsive anymore. He'll chuckle from the sigh and make himself comfortable too. And there you are both passed out cuddling with each other.
***sitting on their lap ▸ If he finds out he can sit on your lap, dear, that'll become his favorite place. He loves to sit there and hugs you with that bear hug of his. The problem here? You can't breathe.
  • ***flower on his ear ▸ He also loves to rest on your lap. The moment you place the flower he's going to be so happy that he'll give you that so famous big smile. You loved it so much, that you place another flower on the other ear.
***commando ▸ You had to tell him for him to notice. When you did, he was dumbfounded. "WHAAAAAT?! Y/N WHY AREN'T YOU WEARING ANY UNDERWEAR???". Now all eyes were on you.
  • ***asking what underwear to wear ▸ He face will lit up and you can see him smile from ear to ear. If you knew it would bring so much joy, you would've done it before. But little did you know, that he wasn't thinking in a sexual way. He chooses the one with Pokémon prints. "Every time I look at you today, I'll remember that inside you are rocking as a Pokémon". Yūji's banned from choosing your underwear.
***bra shopping ▸ what a goof ball. he may get flustered for a second when you first walk into the store but he returns to yuji returns to his silly self rather quickly. you may catch yuji wearing a bra as a joke which earns the pair of you a few glares from the people that work there. itadori’s not super helpful if you ask for his opinion but you appreciate how sweet he tries to be. “if you like it it’s great! you look good in anything!”***first time ▸ itadori pulls your hand up to his lips, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he peppers each knuckles with a kiss, “you’re so cute when you’re nervous, baby.” itadori trails his fingers down your thighs, pads searching for your aching cunt, it’s going by fast— his lips capturing yours over and over, the smell of itadori casts over your body, “don’t be nervous” his voice is below a whisper, cinnamon hues watching every movement on your face. “it’s my first time too, princess” itadori reminds you, cupping your cheek with one hand as the other spreads your legs apart. “is that why your face is so red?” itadori cheeks burn even darker as you smile back at him coyly, he sighs heavily running his fingers through your folds, “and why are you so wet?” itadori muses, plunging a finger inside your tight hole. your back arches, tits moving along the rhythm itadori drives his thick fingers deep inside your gummy walls, curling them just right to stretch your cunt right open for him. “want more of you” itadori murmurs against your lips, pumping his fingers faster, cock swelling at the sounds of your pussy squelching against his digits, juices dripping from your weeping cunt. you want itadori—all of him, even that heavy outline of his cock on his boxers makes your mouth water, snapping the hem of the fabric as you slip them down his thighs, “you’re so big” you utter, eyes swelling at the sight slapping against his toned stomach. “all yours” itadori whispers positioning himself between your legs while he fists his cock, you feel the graze of the tip of his cock through your slick folds, “you’re all mine, all mine” itadori crashes his face into the crevice of your neck, wrapping his larger arms around the frame of your body as he gently moves his cock inside you, small whimpers lingering through your lips. the stretch burns for only a second, the moment seems to slow down now as itadori squeezes you harder in his grasps. you feel vulnerable right now, exposed to the bone, everything left in the open as your boyfriend works his cock deeper inside you until you’re gagging for air. but you wish it’d last forever—its tranquil, almost perfect the way itadori brushes his lips across your wet cheeks, whispering how good you feel for him and whenever the surge of falling over succumbs your body—itadori is there to catch you.
  • ***raw ▸ it starts out innocent, sitting on itadori’s lap while he watches a movie—only the thin fabric of your panties just grazes across his clothed length and he throbs at the contact. stifling an ill ridden moan when you shift on him, larger arms coming out to wrap across your waist—lips taunting your neck and calloused fingers tracing your thighs. “i want you” itadori mumbles, rolling your hips on his aching cock, with fingers working quicker than tongue entangled inside both of your mouths— a blink of time, you’re naked underneath him and itadori fists his cock above you, sneering his eyes on you “pretty pussy.” with hands spreading your cunt open, itadori feels a singe of nerves creep through his form at his bare cock brush through your folds. “you’re so wet, fuck—i-i can’t believe im gonna fuck you—raw, fucking raw princess” itadori groans, sinking his cock in and the aduable moan rupturing his lungs, nails digging in your inner thighs and his body in shambles with just a single taste of your bare pussy. “yuji, more” you whine, hips dropping and folding his body over you, itadori halts the gaping stare he has on his cock hitting flush in your weeping hole and brings it to your face. “yeah, more. i-i’ll give you more angel, give you e-everything” itadori stutters, rocking his hips in your messy hole and pressing your back further into the couch. itadori composure melts, tipping over at the euphoric feeling wrapped around his cock and the raw, exposed walls fit perfectly against his throbbing length. and he can feel by the way his cock twitches itadori is going to cum soon and he can only hope he’s able to stop after one load fucked into your greedy hole, all for him.
***no nut november ▸ lasted two weeks. definitely tried hard, and was weirdly determined. saw somewhere online that if you win, the first nut in december is so good, you'll see heaven. avoided touching you as much, stopped hugging you form the back knowing that if your ass is all up on his dick, he wouldn't be able to control himself. lost when you accidentally rubbed your hand on his crotch, got hard instantly and swears he was about to come right then and there. excused himself to go to the bathroom to deal with it, let you come in after you heard his soft grunts from outside. you helped him get off but it soon ended with him bending you over the bathroom sink and fucking you silly. would go many rounds, what would you expect? baby has been so touch starved. told todo and todo took it personally, told yuuji he can't participate in destroy dick december because he's a disgrace. goddamn.***movie night gone wrong ▸ either he’s extremely engrossed in the movie or he’s completely distracted from it. regardless, the most random things turn him on. all it takes is for you to lean against his chest and cage yourself between his arms. the gesture was supposed to be cute and endearing, but your proximity drives him crazy. he just becomes consumed with desire and must do something about it. his hand, previously which had been resting on your waist, all of a sudden slipped under your shirt. the pad of thumb went up and down, gently rubbing your skin, nothing out of the ordinary. yuji’s eyes were fixed on the screen, but his mind was elsewhere. a few brief moments later, his hand lowered itself into your pants, fingers landing straight on your clit. he didn’t hesitate, brazenly rubbing slow circles into the bundle of nerves. with his other hand, he spread your legs wider, allowing for more space to press his fingers harder into your clit, thus enhancing the pleasure he was making you feel. he smiled as you began rolling your hips against his fingers, knowing perfectly well that the movie was about to be long forgotten.***against the wall ▸ His hands pressed flat against the wall as you pushed him into it with each deep thrust, head falling back as low whines fall from him. Back arched slightly and his feet spread perfectly apart, you could lift up one of his strong legs to push yourself even deeper. If it’s in the shower, they’d sound so pretty echoing off the tile, mixing with the lewd noises of your hips connecting with his. Slip one of your hands over his mouth and push your fingers inside, you wouldn’t even have to say a word and he’d suck on them. Drool slipping down his chin as his eyes slowly start filling with tears, the angle of your thrusts hit his sensitive spot perfectly each time. He’d soon start begging for you to let him cum, for you to touch his neglected cock, the bruising grip on his hip only did nothing than give him more pleasure. Rough and mildly fast thrusts would be his undoing, the tip of the strap brushing against his prostate each time. He'd definitely cum untouched a few times from the angle alone.B = body part | Ass. the dude said he likes girls with big asses like jennifer lawrence so i mean, i guess there's not much to speculate about him. pretty sure you would lose count of the alarming amount of times you've unexpectedly turned around to catch him staring at your ass (while drooling every now and then).C = cum | Yuuji trembles— violently shakes, really. he will typically gasp out one or two “ah-!” kinds of moans. almost like he’s surprised by how good it feels, no matter how often he experiences cumming with you. he shakes so bad mostly because he tries to hold back his super loud moans… he’s ultimately unsuccessful every time. wherever he can put his hands on you, he’s gripping so hard when he finishes. he’s a huge fan of cumming inside, he’ll never pass up an opportunity— but he still hasn’t found the courage to ask you to go raw just yet. he’ll tug at the roots of your hair, press bruises into your hips, leave small, crescent-shaped nail marks on your thighs as his hips smack against your ass one last time before he moans loud and his muscles lock.I = intimacy | ...
  • he has the most sexy yet adorable face in bed. brows slightly furrowed, eyes deeply focused on the way his cock submerges into you, bottom lip caught between his teeth, sweat highlighting his forehead adorned by the pink hue on his cheeks. all he can fathom in that moment is how beautiful you look in this vulnerable position he has you in- his face reflecting the lust he feels. when receiving head or fucking you from the back, he would throw his head back with half lidded eyes and mouth slightly agape. when in such a sensual situation, itadori's extremely sensitive, he instinctively grits his teeth while combing his hand through his hair- letting you know just how good you make our pink boy feel.
K = kinks | the way you never stop making him smile even while he’s balls deep inside you, pounding mindlessly into your weeping cunt. “baby” itadori smiles, towering over you as he rests his palms under your ass, bending down to rub his nose against yours, “spread wider for me angel, you gotta take all of me, yeah?” itadori always tries to make fucking you serious but everytime he buckles to the way you giggle about his soft lips tickling against your skin, short breaths of curses left unheard as he watches your body cave from his excessive pounding and when his eyes finally lock on with your own, searching for something—it’s always reflecting back how hard he’s fallen for you.Praise, restrictive bondage, and impact play.Breeding: Yuji cant count the number of times he’s touched himself to the thought of filling you up with cum over and over again, till glistening tears streamed down your pretty face and you were meekly begging him to stop. He doesnt know why but to yuji, its almost instinct to fill you up, and how could he resist? From the way your hips swayed to your honey coated whines that escaped your mouth when he aggressively kissed you, you were practically asking for it. “Yuuji~!” you coo, reaching up and planting messy kisses along his chin. Heavy, hot pants escape both of your mouths as your hips struggled to meet his brutal pace, to no avail. Quite frankly yuji didnt know how much longer he could keep this up, of course he knew you’d feel good, but not this good. Fuck, his flesh light felt like sand paper compared to the way your sticky walls sucked and clenched around him. “Fuck me fuck me fuck me please dont sto-” You  cut yourself off with as squeal when you felt Yuji pull out for a quick second before slamming back into you with a grunt; the nearly inhumane girth of his cock making you dizzy at the surprise entrance. “Mm’feel so good baby, m’so good y/n” Yujis whines were muffled due to how his face was buried in the crook of your neck, your scent only serving to bring him closer and closer to the edge. “m’ gonna cum- princess m’gonna cum inside.” he cuts of with a groan of his own, shooting thick white ropes of his cum into your swollen and wanting womb.Cockwarming: yuuji loves seeing you squirm, occasionally biting your lip or hearing a quiet whimper. he loves having you sit on his dick while you two watch a movie. well, more like him watching a movie because he positions you so you have your legs wrapped around him with his hands on your back. whispers how good you feel while squeezing your waist trying to contain a moan when he feels you clench around him. when there’s an important of the movie, yuuji kisses your jawline while pressing you firmly against his cock. claims he’s just getting ‘comfortable’ while gently thrusting into you. keeps kissing your neck and shoulder whispering how once the movie is over, he’ll give you what you want.Overstimulation: lots of praise. calls you his ‘good girl’ every time you orgasm. “shh, i know but you’re gonna give me another one, yeah? that’s my good girl” a part of him feels a little guilty but he quickly gets over it when you clench around his fingers. yuuji loves hearing you moan his name because it gives him such an ego boost that he can get you like this. but he can’t help himself from swallowing your moans while kissing you.O = oral | Gets absolutely pussy DRUNK. Probably the most enthusiastic. Is a whining a moaning MESS, cant stop mumbling about how good you taste. Loves it when your juices smear across his lips or when you spray on his face. He doesn’t even bother to get up and clean it off. He just goes back in for another round. How long had you been like this? Splayed open for your boyfriend on a bed, futilely squirming away from his touch, his relentless tongue, due to the overstimulation, only to be brought right back into another orgasm. “M’too much n-no more-” Your cut off by your own moan when yuji sucks particularly hard on your clit, eyes closed savoring the taste. His voice almost desperate, practically whining, hot breath against your pussy, fingers and tongue not letting up on their assault, “Please cum- Please I need you to cum- Please-” so that’s what you do.X = x-ray | starting off with our mc, itadori yuuji. fat cock. fat! cock! it’s around 6.5 inches, but god, there’s so much girth he needs to prep you for forever before you can take him. very veiny too, with a slight curve to the right, and the head flushes so pink when he’s fully hard. it’s just so thick and heavy and feels so good in your hand when you stroke him. inside of you?? holy shit. never used to shave, but once he got an s/o, he started to trim so that it’s tolerable. so kind of him <3 and he has the sexiest happy trail ever. literally so hot, especially when it peaks from his shirt. took him a while to learn how to use a cock as thick as his tbh, but it’s so big that even if he messily fucks into you he’ll leave you braindead. also need to point that yuuji cums like so much. an unbelievable amount. dick looks so good all wet and messy though mwahflower ring proposal ▸ "OF COURSEEEEE I'LL MARRY YOU, Y/N!!" He spins you around and kisses you, not letting you talk. "What do we do now? We go to make it official first and then the party, right?" "WAIT, YUUJI! WE'RE STILL TOO YOUNG." "OOOOOH." His face falls down. "True, but let's do it someday, okay?"***proposal song ▸ Now playing: "Marry Me" by Jason Derulo | it is a no brainer that yuji would most likely follow into gojo’s footsteps. he admires gojo and it’s only normal that he takes after his inspirational figure. except, yuji’s proposal would end up being spontaneous instead of the big idea he had planned in his head. the ex-students of tokyo jujutsu high had a little gathering tonight and everyone agreed to hit the karaoke room after the delightful dinner that ended in the blindfolded man’s wallet expense. nonetheless, you were glad to see your fellow peers and upperclass men doing well in the jujutsu world. it brings you back to when you first got together with yuji in the second year. if anything, you’d say that these are the happiest times of your youth and you’re glad that yuji is still by your side today. you and nobara were singing excitedly, clapping against the tambourine when yuji’s eyes widened upon seeing your smiling profile. “ and i was like baby baby baby oh!” you laughed into the mic, dancing to your heart content. his heart started beating rapidly, when he comes to the realisation that, in this moment right now, yuji itadori wants you to be his forever. yuji don’t know what came over his mind, but the urge in his heart to make you his future bride had taken over and this was how yuji itadori ended up in front of everybody professing his dying question to you through the only song he’s been practicing for a month. “a hundred a five is the number that comes to my head, when i think of all the years i wanna be with you.” the room went silent when yuji finally begun. his eyes locked with yours as he fumbles nervously with the ends of his shirt, afraid of what you’d think or say. “wake up every morning with you in my bed, that’s precisely what i plan to do.” “is he trying to… propose to you?” nobara’s jaw dropped, causing everyone’s gaze to snap to you and back at yuji. your eyes widened at nobara’s comment, your hands immediately covering your mouth as you let out a choked breath. “i’ll say, will you marry me?” as if on cue, yuji slowly walked towards you. holding his hand hand out for you, you shyly reached for his calloused hands with a heart racing at what seemed like a hundred and twenty kilometres per second. “the more i look, the more i find the reasons why, you’re the love of my life.” this wasn’t how you expected your night with the people who witnessed your blooming love with yuji to turn out. there were so many things that yuji itadori was capable of and one of them includes being your biggest source of happiness. yuji itadori was your safe haven and damn you were sure that you too, would very much like to spend the rest of your life with him. “i’ll say will you marry me? i swear that i will mean it.” yuji finally gets onto one knee, knocking the air out of your lungs. “y/n, when i saw you singing ‘baby’ just now, i knew that i had to make you my wife right now.” yuji confesses, a shade of red slowly creeping onto his cheeks under the dark room. “ i don’t have a ring with me now,” he scratches the back of his head, “but i promise i’ll make you the happiest woman that ever walked on this earth.” without hesitation, you crashed your lips into yuji’s as tears rolled down your cheeks in happiness. “ yes yuji, i do. you already make the happiest woman with or without a ring.” you nuzzled your forehead against his as everyone broke into loud cheers with panda throwing the chips around in celebration of your engagement. “i love you, y/n” yuji smiles, “and i love you too, yuji.”***i do ▸ Itadori is ecstatic. You took him to the least imaginable spot for your proposal. Like seriously, you were in front of the vending machine near the training grounds. You handed Yuuji a can of soda with a little something on the side. You got the idea for the scratch and win idea from a tv show. It was creative and simple to do. Of course it required having to break into the soda machine to place the soda can back in and out but let’s not focus on that. “Hey Yuuji, if you scratch the side of the bottle, it’ll reveal a message” You quipped. Yuuji nodded with high expectations as he took out a quarter to scratch the layer of black to reveal… ‘Itadori Yuuji, will you be mine forever?’ “Hey y/n what is-“ When he turned his head to you, you were on the ground on one knee, hand holding a ring box with a beautiful gem on it. His birthstone, contrary to the normal diamond. “Well? I don’t have all day” You laughed. Yuuji, still surprised, quickly recovered and turned away to hide the happy tears welling up inside his eyes. “You never fail to surprise me” He smiled. “In this life and the next, I’ll always be yours”***proposal ▸ This one is quick, simple, and to the point, much like Sukuna. But it was sweet too, don't worry! You could feel how serious he is by how hard he is squishing your hand (he is nervous, please forgive this baby). He either would wear something so formal or wear his usual clothes. Itadori really gives me a vibe of a really simple yet thoughtful man, so he would give you a simple silver ring while smiling sweetly. You have no choice but to accept after getting attacked by that smile.***ring ▸ Tears up when he pictures you wearing the ring of his choice. would also put alot of thought in it. you like crystals? you best believe he’ll get your favorite crystal, or even your birth stone embedded in the ring.
marriage ▸ He tries, he does, but he is a MESS. Every place that he passes through becomes a crazy mess. He loves to go to the supermarket, but it has to be with you. He just thinks that you seem such a married couple by doing it together. He's clingy. He wants to be with you all the time. He wants to do every possible thing together. You'll have to claim your space. He always put music in your house. Yūji loves to dance with you around the house.
HOT THINGS HE DOEShis smiles. there's never an hidden interest in his smiles, he just does it because he's happy to see you. it's attractive because it's genuine. romantic and sweet gestures he does without thinking about it. when you're walking together he always takes the side of the road. when you carry something heavy he instinctively asks if you want him to carry it for you. or simply the way he always asks if you're comfortable or if you're okay in whatever situation you are in. the way he never comes out of the shower entirely dry. sometimes it's his pink hair, still wet, other times there's a few drops of water rolling down on his neck (bonus point when he comes out simply wearing a towel which dangerously hangs around his hips)➤ SWEETEST!!!➤ Itadori is so precious. I love him. Like I can’t express the love I feel for him. Is that weird? Idk. Who cares.➤ Anywho, he is the type of guy to literally pick you up when giving you hugs. He’s strong enough to do it too. No matter how much you weigh.➤ He would come up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzle his nose into your hair. He would litter kisses all up and down your neck, biting gently to make you gentle.➤ He has no shame in touching you. His hands would wonder all up and down your sides and under your shirt. All just to feel you➤ Itadori is the type of guy to man spread (perhaps taking after Gojo) and he would love to plop you down onto his lap and kiss you➤ He’d be so playful and it’s so hard to picture him doing hot things, but he is very surprising➤ 100% will fuck you against a wall. Or in a pool/in the shower. He would definitely be into risk and he can be pretty confident about his skills with not getting caught.➤ I think he’d also want to have eye contact. Eye contact is hot. We are talking about adult Itadori here. When he’s younger, he’d probs be the dude to squint his eyes really tight because of the pleasure, but I think over time he’d love the eye contactATTRACTIVE, SUBCONSCIOUS DRIVING HABITS HE HAS THAT MAKE YOU WEAK IN THE KNEES ➤ Reaches over to help you with your seatbelt. Yuuji is wonderful at multitasking. Sometimes you wonder if he has 6 arms like how Sukuna does. One of the many little habits he has while driving is him helping you with your seatbelt when your hands are full. Yuuji reaches over whilst you two were on a red light, his body over yours as he tugs on the strap of leather and buckles it in. For a split second, his warm breath fans over your neck and shoulder, causing a blush to dust your cheeks. You couldn’t remember the last time you put on a seatbelt for yourself. Yuuji had always done it for you, even before you dated. And Yuuji would do this at any state he is in..any state. So when you both return from a mission that led to his shirt being ripped by Sukuna, you thanked the universe you were alive to experience such a wonderful moment. Yuuji didn’t realize he had such an effect on you until you shared a car with Nobara and she blatantly pointed out how you really liked it when he did that. Yuuji went all (°▽°) “Whaa”. Thanks to that, nowadays, from time to time, being the tease he was, he presses a gentle kiss to your neck before retracting his body back into his seat or whispers something to make you blush into your ear. To this day you ‘accidentally’ forget the importance of your seatbelt just so that your lovely boyfriend can take care of it for you. “Are you always this clumsy? Or just needy for my attention hm?”
  • after being together for a bit he settles down though, he gets back to being his regular levels of dumb <3
  • maybe sorta kinda really likes to show off how strong he is whenever you're around. like he'll pick you up and carry you around every single chance he gets. it doesn't matter what size you are, he can and will lift you like you weigh nothing (if you let him, of course!)
  • he's scared that Sukuna will scare you off, but you don't actually mind him too much anymore. if you like talk back to Sukuna whenever the mf says shit to you (to Yuji's dismay) and like you give him sass? give the king of curses attitude? ngl I think that would win Sukuna over, I think he'd be arlight with you if you do that, it'd interest him. Yuji cannot decide if that's better or worse
  • if he does get jealous (very rare thing) he'll just kinda walk up and wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulders, honestly he'd probably try and chat with the guy while making it very known that you're taken
  • overall just 1000/10 goofy sweet himbo king, bestest boyfriend, lovestruck puppy dog <3
  • movie dates!!!!!! also he loves to cook for you!! he loves it sm!! cooking with you is even better!! :))
  • I wrote a whole thing about this that isn't finished yet, but I fully believe that if you're ever craving something, no matter what time it is, Yuji would immediately go get it for you, even if it's the middle of the night and he's just woken up
  • he loves seeing you in his clothes too much, so he's always offering you his hoodies and shirts!
  • always asks you which sweatshirt he should wear and which ever one you pick, he throws the other one at you to wear. makes sure both smell like him by either rubbing them on himself or on his bed
  • he looovvveeesssssssss you tho!! says it very often!
  • whenever he sees you across campus, yuuji can’t help himself from shouting ‘i love you.’ he also catcalls you occasionally
  • LOVES pda!!! doesn't care who's around, he'll give you kisses alllll over your face, hold your hands, hug you, etc!
  • the type of boyfriend to playfully throw you over his shoulder
  • once he was training with gojo sensei and he got distracted because he saw you in a skirt while talking to your friends and he got absolutely destroyed by gojo 💀
NSFW: yuuji loves to paint you in his cum. he loves to cum inside, but only if it gets messy. he likes to cum inside of you, but only if your cunt squeezes out the cum till it dribbles down your ass onto the bed, till he’s smearing it messily as he fucks into you even more. maybe he’s a little bit of a pervert, but he loves to spill all over your stomach, all over your tits, along your back, on the curve of your ass. when you suck him off, nothing satisfies him more than the sight of your open mouth and lolled out tongue, your hand stroking diligently at him, squeezing at his tip, encouraging him to spill all over you. he genuinely thinks you look so fucking beautiful with white streaks of cum all over your face, clinging to your eyelashes and sticking to your cheeks. and when your tongue slips out and you look eagerly, bringing up your fingers to your mouth to suck what had spilled onto your hand? good god.
  • As embarrassing sex moments: He was reciving oral from you and said "yes that's it chief" because he thought it would be funny in his head. Accidently said it out loud. You just paused and looked up at him, boy was so embarrassed + Put it in the wrong hole by accident without applying lube, he didn't even realise until you pushed him off.
i saw that smile disappear completely: Upon arriving at Jujutsu High, your new underclassman, Itadori had an unwavering smile. As you walked down the hallways he’d smile and wave to you, greeting in passing, before getting back to what he was doing. When the second years trained with the first he was always so hyper and energetic; he was like the sun incarnate. But he was only a first year, no matter how crazy he is, no matter how strong he is, no matter how brave he is, the jujutsu world breaks a person. And unless you’re the strongest, your smile will be covered by the grief that comes hand in hand with death. Poor Yuuji loves to make friends, friends with all kinds of people, non-sorcerers especially, non-sorcerers who are already in the clutch of death personified. The more they went, the more his smile became overshadowed by guilt, pain, desperation, desolation, and any synonym to describe the excruciating agony he finds himself wallowing in. As he walks down the hallway, a second away from passing you, the moment feels like forever, for not a single twitch is found in his face, his hand never felt compelled to wave, his mouth never willed to smile. It felt like you hit a brick wall, you hadn’t realized that the confidence Itadori emitted through a single smile started bubbling up hope in your heart, which now is left quiescent and void.


Yūji lays beneath you on the bed, naked and cock erect. He's looking up at you shyly, legs shifting from both embarrassment and nervousness."Will it hurt?" he asks nervously."It will," you admit, rubbing your hands on his thigh. "But only for a bit, and I promise I'll prep you up, okay?""Okay..."You pour lube on your hands and rub your palms together, heating it up. When it's warm enough, you slowly swirl your finger in his hole — teasing and not quite entering. Yūji moans, bucking his hips subconsciously into your finger."You need to stay still, you know," you giggle."Sorry," he says sheepishly, stilling himself.You slowly put one finger in his hole, soothing him when he tenses."It's okay, Yūji," you soothed, rubbing his thigh.To distract him, you begin to play with his erect cock. Slowly, you begin fingering his hole while fisting his cock, adding another finger when he's loose enough. Cooking your fingers, you look for that sweet spot."Ah!" He moans, surprised, feeling a shot of pleasure course through his body. "What—""Your prostate, Yūji, that was your prostate." You hit that spot again and again, helping him to get used to the feeling.You add another finger in, Yūji bucking his hips into yours. Yūji feels his body go hot, hips jerking back to you. This is great! Three of your fingers are already in his ass and he can't help but love the pleasure it brings. He can't help but wonder, how would it feel if you fucked him with something... bigger.Trembling with those thoughts, he gasps out your name. "P-Put in.""Hm?""The strap," he gasps, bucking into your fingers. "Put it in!"You oblige, drawing your hand back. Yūji can't help but groan in dismay at that, making you chuckle. You put on the strap, pouring lube on it. You rub the dildo to make the lube warmer, eyes on Yūji as he shifted in impatience."Hurry up," he whines."Yes, yes," you drawl, amused at his behavior.Slowly, you press the fake cock in his hole, watching as Yūji takes it in."You're taking my cock well, Yūji," you praise, seeing him getting used to the feeling.He moans, feeling weird at the fullness and pain. But he can't help but thrust back to you, though, wanting you to hit that spot again."Move," he begs, tears gathering in his eyes. "Please!"Slowly, you thrust in his hole, minding your strength and pace, not wanting to hurt the male beneath you. Yūji moans, warmth circulating his body as you move.Feeling you hit something, his eyes roll back in his head, gasping out your name. "P-Please! F-Faster!""Looks like you really enjoy this, huh, Yūji?" You can't help but tease, going faster at his request.Yūji moans, mind going blank. All he can feel is you, your strap in his hole, giving him pleasure."Imma c-cum," Yūji gasps out, thrusting himself into you.In response, you speed your pace a bit. Yūji feels the warmth in his body snap and he cums, spurting on his own stomach. You slow down your pace, helping him through his orgasm, before stopping completely. Slowly, you draw back and take off the strap, making him whimper, and began to place kisses on Yūji with praise falling from your lips."You did good, Yūji." Kiss."You took the strap well." Kiss."Do you want anything?" Kiss."N-No," Yūji mumbles, wrapping his arms around you. "Just hold me, please?"You don't say anything, just holding him in silence and basking in each other's presence. After a few moments, Yūji says your name, tone shy."Mhm?""...Can we do that again?" he asks shyly.You nuzzle his nose, smiling at him. "Alright, whenever you want."


Itadori Yuuji: Like Megumi, Yuji didn’t have a lot of opportunities to celebrate Christmas. Gramps wasn’t exactly a bundle of holiday cheer. Unlike Megumi, Yuji is obsessed with Christmas and he makes sure everyone is perfectly aware of how far this obsession goes. He loves making sure everyone special in his life gets the perfect gift, especially you, the light and love of his life. You always loved the gifts he gave you, but that never really got rid of the pressure of getting you just the right thing. He was thinking about how much you mean to him and how much thought he wanted to show he put into your gift when he came up with the perfect idea... He feels his cheeks warm at your uncontrolled giggling as you unwrapped yet another box within a box. “Yujiiii!” You whined kind heartedly, secretly loving the slight prank he had pulled on you. You were on the fifth box within a box before you finally thought you felt something more dense sliding around in the box you had just unwrapped. “Is this the last one?” He grins, quickly kissing your forehead, leaning over from where he sat next to you on the floor in front of the tree, before hitting you with, “I don’t know… looks like you’ll have to unwrap it to find out.” You thank whatever god is out there that it was; you were too excited to see what he got you. Last year, he had printed out and made a collage of your couple photos to decorate your new apartment together, the year before that he made you a jar full of 365 reasons he loves and cherishes you, one to open every day for a year. You still had them all, keeping them in the same jar they were gifted to you in. The homemade collection of paper you pull out has you furrowing your brow as you try to figure out what it is, it looks like a book of some sort. “Open it up, babe.” He prompts you, his thumb rubs on your brow lightly, getting rid of the crease of confusion as you flip open the first page. One free thirty minute back massage. I have to tell you five things I appreciate you for. Five consecutive orgasms. All of these were beautifully scrawled in his handwriting, colored and themed to the Christmas season. They were redeemable relationship coupons to give to him at any time for a reward. Your heart warms as you flip through hundreds of handmade coupons, your eye catching one in particular. You quickly rip it out before he can see which one, straddling his lap and pushing him back onto the floor so you can look down at his shocked face. You take a minute to savor the feeling of his toned body beneath yours, trailing a finger slowly down his chest. “This one first.” You grin, holding the slip in front of his face to read. “Merry Christmas to me, baby!” Sit on my face until you squirt. Yuji groans beneath you, instantly throbbing in his pants. You smell like sugar cookies... he bets you taste like them too.