"hero, outstanding" () | JAPANESE






6'1" (186 cm)


"summer" (夏 natsu)_ + "oil" (油 abura) | JAPANESE


purple (M); black (A)


February 3 (AQUARIUS)




Suguru hated non-sorcerers, usually referring to them as "monkeys." He felt sorcerers are the superior race and humanity's next stage of evolution. He was smug and extremely condescending towards normal humans, using fake personas to lure in vulnerable people who were cursed. Suguru found non-sorcerers disgusting enough to spray himself in order to disinfect the "monkey stench." He believed monkeys only have two roles in association with him, money-collecting monkeys and curse-collecting monkeys. If they weren't fulfilling their roles, Suguru would gladly allow curses to kill them without any remorse. In contrast, Suguru cared deeply for his fellow curse users, referring to his commanders as family. Each of them still looks up to Suguru for putting sorcerers as a race first and hoped that he would have become king of the jujutsu world. Suguru was even polite to jujutsu sorcerers, although this was usually expressed under one of his fake personas. He pretended to befriend Okkotsu Yūta with the full intention of killing him in the future and insulted one of his friends shortly after his expressing a friendly attitude. Suguru explained to Yūta that sorcerers live in a paradox where the strong rule over the weak. Jujutsu sorcerers live to serve non-sorcerers with no appreciation. Humanity has hindered their own evolution and in order to ensure their survival as a species and eradicate curses completely, humanity must realize a world of only sorcerers by killing off all non-sorcerers. After defeating Yūta's classmates, Suguru cried and expressed the joy he felt seeing young sorcerers work together to protect one another. With a crazed smile, Suguru cried out and stated it was the type of world he longed for. Suguru claimed he didn't want to kill Yūta but had no choice for the future of his vision. While fighting Yūta, Suguru explained how foolish he thought it was for humans to create the concept of gods when sorcerers already exist. He thought the monkeys didn't want to admit superior physical beings exist and was disgusted by their pompous existence. Afterward, Satoru confronted his ex-best friend and admitted he trusted Suguru enough not to kill the potential of young sorcerers. In the end, Suguru used his final moments to tell Satoru that he simply couldn't be happy in this world no matter what while thinking of their time at Jujutsu High. Suguru even said Satoru should've cursed him at the end, but a bond still existed between them after everything that happened. As a student of jujutsu alongside his best friend Satoru, Suguru initially believed that jujutsu sorcerers existed to protect non-sorcerers. Satoru argued Suguru shouldn't be proud of himself for being righteous and applying reasoning to jujutsu was stupid. Their clash in ideology caused them to argue and clash heads as young men. Suguru was a much more kind and proper young man back then, especially compared to Satoru. He understood the importance of manners and carrying himself with dignity at a jujutsu sorcerer. Satoru had far too rude of an attitude in his opinion. Despite disagreeing from time to time, Suguru and Satoru were still best friends. They encouraged each other to be the strongest and were confident they could accomplish anything as long as they had each other. However, following Riko Amanai's death, things began to change. The followers of the Star Religious Group applauded her death, a deplorable action that stayed with Suguru. He decided not to kill them because there needs to be a reason for jujutsu sorcerers to kill. Suguru attempted to maintain his ideology, but his path became more and more unclear as time went on. Satoru became the strongest alone and Suguru started going off on more dangerous missions alone. He felt caught in an endless cycle of exorcism and consumption. Eventually, he began questioning for whom he was doing these grotesque things for and remembered the non-sorcerers from the Star Religious Group. He saw a hideous evil that day and still chose to protect them, an action he grows to regret, calling them "monkeys" for the first time as he looks back on the memory. Yuki Tsukumo educated Suguru during a conversation with the information that non-sorcerers are the main reason curses are born. Cursed energy flows far more freely out of them compared to normal sorcerers. Yuki either wanted to eradicate cursed energy from all of humanity or teach everyone how to control it. This made Suguru come up with a third solution: killing all non-sorcerers. When Yuki asked Suguru if he hated non-sorcerers, but he wasn't able to answer. He replied that he used to think protecting non-sorcerers was right but began doubting if they're worth fighting for. Unable to tell the difference between the preciousness and ugliness of the weak, Suguru compared being a jujutsu sorcerer to running a marathon where the finish line is much too unclear. She advised him to choose between the side of him that's devoted to being a jujutsu sorcerer and the other side that looks down on non-sorcerers. After losing young Yu Haibara, Suguru's enthusiastic junior, the unsure young sorcerer revised the idea that being a jujutsu sorcerer is like running a marathon where the end of the road is just a mountain made of his fellow sorcerers' corpses. On a mission following that incident, Suguru finds two young girls being mistreated by non-sorcerers for having curse-related abilities. Suguru finally made his decision in that moment. He rescued the two girls and killed all one hundred and twelve residents of the village, officially becoming a curse user and leaving his Jujutsu High pin behind. Suguru chose the true side of himself, deciding that he doesn't like monkeys and will fight for a world of only sorcerers.
  • His specialty is martial arts.
  • His favorite dish is zaru soba served on a woven bamboo tray.
  • He doesn't have a least favorite dish.
  • His cause of stress is taking in cursed spirits.


  • Enrollment method: scouted.




video games Will start a cult in G-mod. it gets so out of hand people legitimately begin to fear him.
short He seems like the type to have a preference for shorter girls, granted, most women are short to him anyway. He just thinks you’re so adorable. He’s naturally protective but deceptively kind. No one knows how badly they’ve fucked up in teasing you until it’s too late. The only people who can get away with teasing you about your height are Satoru and Shōko. He always has an arm over your shoulder. That’s as close as he gets to using you as an arm rest. Always putting your hands together to see how big his hands are compared to yours. When lounging together though he always finds a way to be between your legs. He’s usually reclining on his back with your legs over his shoulders so he can kiss your inner thighs and you can play with his hair since his head is against your lower stomach. He’ll rest his face against your stomach while the rest of his body is between your legs as your sprawled out in bed. Again, he loves it when you play with his hair. Always has you in his lap and he doesn’t care who's around to see it. He says it’s just to hold you close… but really, he likes how warm you are on his thigh. And when he starts touching you carelessly, he likes that he can feel the pulse of your sex. Likes that he can overstimulate you and there’s no way out for you (except if you use a safe word). It’s just so easy to pin you down with his hands and his body weight. And when he’s going down on you, it’s so easy to keep you in place while he keeps teasing you. All that aside… no one but Satoru knows just how freaky you two are, so everyone finds your height difference down-right adorable. It’s just so fucking cute.physically flexible ▸ This girl here searches for all crazy positions that she can find and asks you to do them. The moment you start, she already has her camera ready and filming or photo shooting so she can post later. "My Y/N here can fit anywhere in the world!"likes to sleep for a long time He'll wake up first and look at your still sleeping face. He'll want to make coffee but you still want to sleep but also be with him so you will go to the kitchen together. While he is making coffee, you will bury your face in his back, hugging Suguru tightly. When he's done with this, you'll sit on him with your chin on his shoulder and continue to sleep, inhaling the smell of a fragrant drink. And at this time, he will enjoy all this cozy atmosphere.shy ▸ Regardless of who any man is, be it a waiter or a salesman, he will not stand quietly and politely. If someone doesn't respect that you don't want something, he won't respect these people. Bad food, some annoying man. He doesn't care. Anyone who could make you feel anxious cannot feel nice and be in a winning position while being next to you and saying anything that is displeasing to you. Suguru won't even let a man finish a word of a reply just to add something against what you want. He'll say a few words in a firm voice, and that may be enough for everyone. He is so sweet and lovely to you. He loves you and will do anything for you. It will make you smile. For people who aren't nice to you, it's just the opposite.his type Needs someone who understands him. Supports him unconditionally. But also like his moral compass and a kind, good person. Bonus points if they like his hair.***crush Lowkey panics internally. You're supposed to be more into him than he's into you. And he knows you like him, but how much do you like him? Chances are you and Suguru are fooling around already when he realizes his feelings are becoming serious. But by this point, you already have a small amount of your things left at his place. One night, he'll confront you about no longer being friends with benefits. And that if he's going to keep fooling around with you, you're going to have to date him. Otherwise, he's going to walk away to keep the crush he's harboring from growing stronger. “I can’t do this friends-with-benefits thing anymore. I want something more with you. So, it's we date, or we go back to being just friends.”
  • i have a headcannon that nanako and mimiko went through a phase of pairing suguru up with literally every single person they saw that they thought would be a good fit. like literally 'contestants' and everything, they acted as if it was some fucking game show. but besides that, suguru would approach you first. despite his reputation, he acts like a total gentleman to you and probably puts you on some kind of pedestal. goes to you when something's rubbed him the wrong way or when he needs an opinion that he can trust or if he just wants to hear you talking. rests his cheek on his hand while listening to you talk with this kind of lovesick smile on his face. i think suguru is a bit of a perfectionist so he would plan everything out before telling you how he feels. definitely has killed anyone that might've said something to you in a somewhat offensive manner, it doesn't matter if you didn't see it that way, he still has them taken care of whether thats downright killing them or traumatizing them so badly that they wished they were.
  • Suguru takes for fucking ever to realize he was crushing on you. He’s in deep denial the entire time. Any invasive thought of him admiring your form, your cute face, or your sweet voice, he immediately shuts it out. ‘No, no. I mustn’t think this way about them’ he just scolds himself in his thoughts. One day, you come to Suguru for help, your eyes glancing up at him with a cute and innocent glint. He swears to himself under his breath and he feels his stomach fill with butterflies and his cheeks start to burn. ‘There’s no helping it,’ he thinks to himself, ‘Y/N is too damn cute. Fuck, I’m falling for them.’
accidental boob / butt touch Suguru had finished another meeting and was walking down the halls to start making his way to his room. Unknowingly, you both turn to corner at the same time and clash into one another. Your smaller frame hitting against his larger one sent you back, in a panic, you grab onto Suguru’s robes and end up pull him down with you. Suguru panics and pulls his hands out to catch himself and ends up touching your breast instead. He groans and quickly stands back up, reaching out his hand to help you back up as well. “Y/N! Watch where you’re going!” The feeling of your breast in his hand has his body starting to heat up. Of all the places his hand could have landed, why there? He sighs loudly, “Are you okay? You didn’t land too hard, did you?” He grits his teeth in embarrassment, hoping you won’t bring up the fact that his hand landed on your chest.confession Suguru would definitely face his emotions sportingly because he doesn't like to collect debts of secrets. He hates secrets, therefore, he'll come clean in front you, confessing his love for you. He's indeed grateful that you're the first thing he gets to see and touch, the first voice gets to hear in the morning.asking out You and him had been hanging out lately; he'd met you at your local convenience store with his hands full with ramen of different types as two girls clung to his legs, eying the other foods in the section. You giggled at the sight, and it caught his attention; since then, you helped him out with his stuff and made friends with him — all unknown to his bad business. It was certain from the day since he laid his eyes on you, you made his heart pound. You made butterflies emerge in the dark pits of his stomach and the proposal was a planned one and, of course, with the help of Mimiko and Nanako, who helped his prepare the best with their tiny hands. "Would you go on a date with me?" is what he spews out of his mouth one night when you were at his place, helping him prepare dinner, and was leaving, as it was getting late. Your eyes locked with his and you could see they were anxious for what you had to say, but all you did was plant a kiss on his cheek and mumble a quick, "See you on Saturday," rushing away while squealing and leaving a flustered Suguru behind.***favorite song to listen to with you Now playing: "Les" by Childish Gambino | Omg this man would love Tyler, Kanye, and maybe Playboy Carti?? But for this song in particular he’d lay his head between your thighs with his back on the mattress and drum his fingers in the air to each beat. He’d probably save up enough money and take you to a  concert with him which would be a life changing experience to you both because of how much better it sounded in person. But be careful because as much as he likes him, he’s a ‘heartbeat’ type of crazy.
"les" by childish gambino
THEME"Show Me How" by Men I Trust
***first date Ermmmmmm. you fuck. sorry not sorry, the first date with this edgelord was initially supposed to be a one night stand. he just got a little invested with you and now he can’t think of anything else besides asking you on a proper date. ends up just too horny and desperate, succumbing to his monkey desires. yeah you fuck again. it’s absolutely the friends with benefits turned romantic partners situation. idk what else to say like at least he’s incredible in bed you do you bubs. do him from time to time though he’ll get out of this andrew tate phase and turn into a good boyfriend.cute thingsTakes skincare advice from you and gives you product recommendations. 🧴(DON’T get him started on hair, has a 10-step haircare routine complete with highly researched shampoo, conditioner, mask, essence, oil, styling serum, heat protectant, brush and blow-dryer, shares ones that work well for you though so *hair flip*). Moderately teases you and does this cute smile and pout when you tease him. Always chews gum / brushes teeth before kissing you if he ate a curse (likes to eat / drink something sweet too to really wash off the taste—you’ve never had to taste a curse 🍬). Will give you his clothes to wear. (The classic sweatshirt but also like his blazers and sweaters esp. If you’re into menswear, you have access to his entire closet.)the ick Mansplainer and doesn’t realize it. 😫 “Did we lock the door?” Nags SO MUCH, even on dates and totally ruins the mood but he still does it every time. Will sometimes suddenly burst out laughing and it is BOOMING (very inconsistent and even if it was at a joke the conversation stops for a second because what 😀).***romantic moments Suguru knows he has awful timing when it comes to surprises, it’s the one thing he wishes he was better at. this time, however, he thinks he’s okay with it; it’s not that he wanted to have you crying in his arms — it’s you trusting him enough to let him see you at this vulnerable state. he whispered a small, ‘c’mere,’ before taking you into him, patting your head with gentle reassurance and soft kisses.***gestures of love Suguru bends down to your level when he sees you spending another night without a wink of sleep. blows on your face gently to get your attention before bringing a hand up between the space of your brows to get you to relax. he smiles softly when he sees you visibly lighten up with a smile that mimics his.***love language Geto is pretty good with words. Too good to be honest. His random compliments always catch you off guard and he can’t wait til’ you’re blushing and giggling. But sometimes he thinks he is all words and no actions. Even though that is not true because you know he does a lot of things for you without even realizing that everytime he showers you with his affection, he’s got your heart pumping fast. You have to be careful. Sometimes you look too good for him to not give you kisses all over your body while saying the cutest praises. Which is all the time. Because for him, you’re always perfect. “Mhm. I am not lying, baby. Trust me when I tell you that you’re so freaking goegeous,” his kisses trails from youe knuckles to your shoulders. “Suguru, I would believe you if I wasn’t in a hoodie I’ve worn for three days and took a shower. I probably stink. How is this gorgeous?” You are not being sarcastic. It is actually the truth. Because how do you call that goegeous? More like a human repellent. “I have no idea how are you still kissing me.” He looks up at you in what you think might be an angry-confused expression. “Y/N FUCKING L/N.” Uh oh. That’s when you know you fucked up. “How dare you say that? You know I’ll always kiss you. I’ll always love you.” And he’s not finished. He picks you up from the sofa, takes you the shared bedroom. He walks until you’ve the reached the big mirror near your night-stand. “Look at that. So pretty. A fucking masterpiece. Da Vinci could never paint such a beauty,” he utters hugging you from behind. You should laugh. I mean it’s a joke right? But somehow you find yourself tearing up. Because you know he’s not joking. The way he looks at you ever so affectionately, it makes your heart warm up. “Ugh fine you won. You’ve successfully convinced that I am beautiful regardless.” You smile feeling confident in yourself. “Good. Now go take a bath.” “YOU SAID YOU FIND ME BEAUTIFUL REGARDLESS!” you yell. “I do. But your boss probably doesn’t. You have work in thirty minutes,” he points at the clock. You look at the time and rush into the bathroom. He is laughing at your misery righot now. The way you’re rushing and everything. But he also finds it cute when you’re clumsy.
  • Suguru shows affection mainly through acts of service and a bit of physical touch. He’ll like cooking for you, and catering to your tastes as you get to know each other longer. Just like he loves his family, he’d want you to know you can depend on him and that you’re not a burden. So he’d run errands for you if he knows you’re too busy or stressed at the time. If you’re feeling down, he’ll go out of his way to get your favorite food or dessert. Why this is meaningful is that he’d put up with being around so many non-sorcerers and deal with his disgust if it means you’ll feel better (this is you as a sorcerer, sorry I don’t see him being with a non-sorcerer fsjfsk). He wouldn’t complain despite hating being around so many people he deems as inferior. He’d just want to make sure you’re feeling better. With Suguru, you know you always have someone who is there for you and likes you happy. The physical touch isn’t too important to him, but he does like having you near him or knowing he can easily see you. He likes physical closeness, but doesn’t necessarily mean having to spend time together. Also because I wouldn’t put it past him to spray you with Lysol if he sees any non-sorcerers getting too close to you. Can’t have his pretty girl be tainted (in his words lmao).
"would you date me if i was a worm?" ▸ *turns around to fave you* WHAT KIND OF CRACK DID GOJO GIVE YOU? C'MON. Tell me. I would if you could suck me off.tenderness ...
  • ***what makes him go 🥺 Geto cannot handle watching you cry.  The man would rather suffer the worst than witness tears streaming down your face. His tense expression is masked with an unrecognizable softness because seeing you upset makes him crumble into a million pieces. He’ll use every opportunity to make you smile after that.
  • period ABSOLUTE SWEETHEART OMG. Definitely takes amazing care of you on a daily basis, and when you’re on your period, it’s even better! Another one who has a period tracking app on his phone. Makes sure to read up on articles on things that could make you feel better too! (Although he’s already so good at making you feel loved) Really gentle and it doesn’t matter how bad your mood swings are. Geto will always be there to make you feel better and he won’t lash out at you even if you lash out at him. Cooks such good food and makes sure to cook every single meal when you’re on your period. Always asks for your cravings before he cooks too! If all you want to do is lie down in bed and rest the whole day, he will serve you all your meal in bed and feed you by hand too. Has a bunch of movies recorded or bought for you two to watch while cuddling on the bed! His hands are always massaging your back, shoulders or tummy too! As long as you feel like it, he’ll cuddle with you throughout the day, letting you know that he’s not going anywhere and that you’re safe in his arms <3
Honestly, before his daughters, Suguru would’ve downplayed your pain just like Gojo. Thankfully Papa Geto gets humbled by Nanako and Mimiko, so he’s really understanding on what you’re going through. He thinks the root of your mood swings is due to pain, so the first thing he does is give you painkillers. It works, honestly. He doesn’t like dealing with you in pain and would rather have you lazy and tired (no one said daughters would turn him into a saint). BUT!! Suguru thinks it’s so hot to fuck you when you’re on your period, and it’s a bonus to him that it relieves your symptoms temporarily. He’s there for you in his own way, even if that means numbing your pain and railing the discomfort away.
  • ***he's sick also handles it like a champ. quite similar to nanami in the sense that you have to force him to stop and rest, but he's far less stubborn about it. he's far more worried about getting you sick though. he sleeps a bit more than usual but generally you can't really tell if he's sick or not. quarantines himself in his room but you can coax him out with soup and tea. he'll lay his head in your lap and let you play with his hair and will probably fall asleep during this.
  • ***you're sick because he’s raised two twin girl, he’s learned a few things. makes you tea with herbs that are supposed to make you feel better as well as making you soup. suguru doesn’t want you to stay in the same pajamas all day, so he runs you a bath or starts the shower for you. his explanation is that it will only make you feel side is that he gives you either a pair of his sweatpants or a shirt for you to wear when you get out.
  • ***you have a cold At night he will notice how restlessly you sleep:you turned the pillow over every 3 minutes to sleep on the cold side, although it was not hot in the room and when he heard your strong cough, he would immediately go to the kitchen and bring milk and honey from there so that you could sleep peacefully after drinking it. He will carefully examine your throat to understand your condition. If you have a fever, he will check the towel for cold every time so that it does not become warm. He will help you take a hot shower so that your body feels relaxation.
eye of the storm ...
  • killing a bug Crushes it with his hand. Like?? He just open-palm smacks it against the wall. Then he turns to you with a smile and says,Alright! That’s taken care of!” it honestly leaves you in so much shock because he acts like it’s normal? And he has the audacity to question why you’re looking at him like that.
  • crying at the end of a movie / show That baby cannot stand you crying. The type of guy who will cry if you cry. Prepare for cuddles. All of them. And he´s a really good listener so you can just rant to him about the end. "But... it was a good end, right? They all got what they deserved. So, it´s a good cry, right?"
  • ***cheer up visits you after one of his meetings only to find you curled up in bed. at first he thinks you’re sleeping but when he hears a quiet sniffle, he quickly checks on you. you’re a little startled when you feel the bed dip just slightly, when you turn your head to find suguru sitting on the edge you just turn your head away again. “hey, look at me.” he pushes your hair behind your ear and if you don’t look at him, he bends over so he can see you. sighs when he sees the upset look on your face and goes over to his side of the bed. doesn’t really stop you if you cover your face in the blankets but replaces the blankets with his chest. twirls your hair while you two lay together in silence for a bit. gently coos at you when you let out a quiet sob into his chest. “i’m gonna get your clothes all wet.” you try to pull away only for suguru to pull you back in. “how can i help, my love?” “just stay here for a little bit.” he’ll oblige to your request but in return he expects you to tell him what’s wrong. cancels the rest of his meetings, not caring if he had planned to meet with powerful people, you are more important and it’s not like those people would dare to do anything. “tell me what’s wrong.” gently tilts your chin up so your eyes meet his and his heart breaks a little when he sees your red, puffy eyes and the dried tear stains on your cheeks. even though they’re mostly dry, he carefully runs his thumbs under your eyes anyway. let’s you take all the time you need to tell him what’s wrong. he plays with your hair, rubs your back, caresses your cheek to soothe you and make you feel better. doesn’t let you do much for the rest of the day, wanting you to rest and not to worry about having do anything else.
  • ***after a quarrel  He will hug you despite your anger. Geto will miss your hands before he goes to bed. He will write to you on the phone that he misses you,wants to apologize to you and in the end you will answer him that he should wait a little: as a result, he did not sleep all night to wait for a message from you. He will lose to Gojo and therefore will have to kiss the person who first enters their room.Geto will be scared because principal Yaga was supposed to come to them, but he was lucky because you came to them to give some thing to Suguru (Gojo will be sad).
moment of weakness ...
  • ***you have a nightmare Suguru was sleeping soundly... Until he felt a huge blow to his chest. The pain woke him up immediately, slowly realizing that it had been you you had hit him. You always slept in his arms, so you ended up accidentally hitting him with you elbow. He was about to get all insufferable with you and complain, when he noticed that you were still asleep. The way your face contorted in your sleep indicated him that whatever was going on in your head wasn't nice, so he decided to wake you up. The man carefully caressed your face, trying to avoid being too rough while trying to wake you up, until you did. You seemed instantly relieved as you opened your eyes, upon the realization that it was just a dream. "Hey, hey... It's alright." Your boyfriend whispered as he tried to calm you down. He hugged you as you sat up, listening attentively to you as you narrated your nightmare. He tried helping you make sense out of your dream, he had always been a great listener. Your head against his chest while he ran his fingers through your hair, getting those hairs that stuck to you face due to your tears out of the way as he listened. After some time went by, and silence ruled over the room, Suguru finally spoke. "You do know I'd never let anything happen to you, right?" He asked, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. When you didn't answer, the man got a little bit offended. "Right?" He asked again, faking a threatening tone in his voice to make you laugh. You still didn't answer him, deciding to play his game. "Answer!" He said, shaking your body in his arms, this time making you laugh quite loudly, and he couldn't help but laugh with you. "By the way," he started, "you hit me quite hard."
  • ***tired If you thought you could hide your tired eyes from Geto, you were surely mistaken. Every morning he saw you get up, he could only wonder what time you went to bed. You kept insisting that you were fine- after all, everyone had to overwork themselves once in awhile, right? And though it was finally the weekend, that didn’t mean you could rest. You still had so much to do- grocery shopping, sending out mail, cleaning the house, all of the things you couldn’t do from the week. So once again you set your alarm, sighing at another prospective weekend of no rest. As Saturday morning rolled around, you found yourself slowly waking up without an alarm. Strange- usually you couldn’t get up unless it was from an alarm. Not only that, but somehow you were feeling well rested. Perhaps this was your brain pulling pranks on you. Your eyes still closed, you reach out your arm to grab your phone. It was well past noon. “FUCK,” you shout, scrambling to get out of bed. Within seconds, Geto comes rushing through the door, panic written across his face. “What’s wrong?” he asks, scanning you and your surroundings, trying to pinpoint the problem as soon as possible. He watches as you shake your head and rush towards your dresser to grab a change of clothes. “My alarm didn’t go off! God I have so much I have to fucking do-” Geto wraps his arms around you, stunning you into silence, as he drags you back to bed. “You should rest more,” he hums, and no matter how much you struggle, his hold on you is too strong. “Suguru, I’m serious I need to get ready!” you groan, still trying to squirm around. “No you don’t. Didn’t you think it was weird that your alarm didn’t go off when you know you definitely set one last night? Or how the bedroom looks a bit tidier?” he asks, loosening his grip on you. You sit up, and sure enough, he was right. The laundry that you had been meaning to put away was all folded and organized. Any loose objects laying around were put back in their place. From the open bedroom door, you’re even able to see that the rest of the house looks particularly tidy. You turn back to Geto, a lazy grin adorning his face. “Did all your errands today Y/n,” he answers before you could even ask, “even had time to pick up some flowers for you. Of course I’m not that good at arranging them- but give it some time, I’ll be a pro.” He pulls you back onto his chest, wrapping his arms back around you as you process what his words meant. A weight had been lifted off of you. Your body felt less tense- although Geto’s touch did help with that too. Slowly, you move your arms to hug him back, snuggling into him with a sigh. “Thank you,” you murmur- although even words couldn’t describe the gratitude you had for your boyfriend. You never asked him to help, nor did you ever tell him how fatigued you were. But he noticed, and helped you out on his own accord. As you thought about how lucky you were to have such a boyfriend, you felt your eyelids growing heavy once more. Being hugged by Geto, resting on his chest and feeling the rhythm of his own breathing was enough to wash you with another wave of sleepiness. And before you knew it, your eyes fluttered shut. “No need to thank me Y/n, just doing the bare minimum,” he quietly tells you, noticing how you fell back asleep. Geto couldn’t exactly move you off him, so instead he closes his own eyes, joining you for a nap. He probably deserves it too.
protective ...
  • ***treating his injury geto looks at you with a sour expression before looking away. there’s a subtle, but visible frown on his face as he feels you clean the wound on his face. “why are you giving me that look?” you question, watching his frown grow. “i told you i was fine! it doesn’t hu- ow, be careful!” he yelps, eyebrows furrowed as you gently press the moist gauze pad against the wound. “not my fault, you’re the one who got hurt,” you scolded, sighing as he turned his face away from you. “you’re such a baby suguru, come here,” you grab him by the chin and turn his head to face you, making eye contact before you place a bandage patch where his injury was. “if you get hurt again, i’m not taking care of you with that attitude,” you warned while he admired how you took care of him, regardless of your scolding. geto stares at you with a loving look on his face, tilting his head slightly while you pack up the medkit. you turn to look at him, “what’s wrong now?” you deadpan, seeing him shrug with the same look. “nothing, you’re just so cute when you’re mad,” you roll your eyes, attempting to hide your smile before he pulls you on his lap. “thanks for caring for me, darling. i owe you” he presses a kiss on your lips to silence your protests.
***killed by a curse He has seen many deaths before. Cause many deaths. He killed without the slightest remorse. But for the first time he thought he might throw up. Not by the taste of curses. But by the sight of your blood. Your chest was pierced. It was a miracle for him that it did not damage his heart or lungs. But still, death is inevitable. “Suguru… It’s you…?” you asked, your eyes wandering softly. “I’m here. It’s me.” he came up quickly and knelt quickly. “Where am I?” You coughed up blood. “You want to go home?” He asked. “I’m always at home with you… No matter where we are now…” “How do you feel?” he was trying to spend a nice moment. The last moment by your side. He was smiling despite his sore throat as he stifled a sob. He spoke in a broken voice. “In fact… I don’t feel anything…” Your head was throbbing and aching. You felt terrible pressure. But that’s just in the head. Nowhere else. Only there. You didn’t feel your body. “Huh… Really?” he sat down next to you putting your head on his chest. “I’ll take you home. Okay?” “Mhm…” The curse took you home so that you were sitting on the bed. It doesn’t matter that the bedding is soaked with blood. “You need something?” he asked, stroking your hair gently. “No. I’m just tir-ed…” “You can sleep.” said take it easy. “Wake me up later…” “… Okay…” he laughed internally at your request. He was even sadder knowing that he could not fulfill your request. If you fall asleep now… You won’t wake up. When you lay down on his chest where the heart is and listened to its rhythm, you fell asleep in a second. You slept like this for ten minutes. Geto’s body also told him to rest. He felt you beside him as he always did when he slept. He closed his eyes for a moment. He opened it maybe fifteen minutes later. He looked at you, and was amazed that you are hugging him on your own. But your grip has decreased. Collapsed. He spent the last few minutes watching you breathe lightly and calmly. He watched you let out your last breath and let the tears flow freely down your face. A sob fell out of his throat, thinking how lucky you were. You died in your sleep. You felt nothing. But he felt. Enormous pain tearing his heart and emptiness.possessive ...
  • ***s/o gets hit on he really tries to act like it doesn't affect him. he really, really tries... but he fails 💀 he watches the person who is standing in front of you and who is trying to get closer by leaning toward you, flashing a charming smile in your way. he would definitely observe the scene from afar, paying extra attention to your body language to see if you start to feel uncomfortable. if he's holding something in his hand he might break it or let it fall on the floor. or zones out from the conversation in which he is, since he's too focused on you. but generally speaking he's very good at hiding his jealousy. there's still a line that must not be crossed tho. "hey, is everything alright?" he asks, coming from behind you. his voice dangerously low, he wears a relaxed smile on his face but his eyes show nothing but hostility. "yeah I was just talking with sweetcheeks over here, and you are?" the person answered for you, eyeing the dark-haired man. he would kill them right now if you weren't there. but instead he turns his head to meet your eyes, waiting for you to make any sign of disapproval just before dangerously smiling to them. I honestly think the person would get scared. you know these kinds of people who appear to be really scary when they're angry because they're still calm? that's geto. "are you okay?" "yeah. and you? were you jealous?" you playfully ask and he looks away from your gaze while smiling. "... sweetcheeks? really?"
***staying the night for the first time "Up to you, sweetheart." He acts nonchalant about it, as if he couldn't care less, but really he wants you. He just wants you to want him first. The SOFTEST bedsheets. Plush pillows, with dark, rich silks and down duvets.  Geto is naturally a bit of a night owl, so if you plan on staying over, it's best to ensure you don't need to be up early the next morning. He'll play some music, drawing images on your upper thigh, trying to make you guess what he was drawing. "Let's take a walk? I wanna get something to eat." It doesn't matter if it's past midnight, Geto knows all the best late-night haunts in the city. He's quite tall and intimidating. Walking around with him late at night is the equivalent to 'scary dog privilege' no one would dare to try and make you feel unsafe as long as Geto is next to you. Even if it's 3am. Surprisingly, he has a skincare routine, and offers you some moisturizer and serums before bed. Takes a lot of satisfaction in subtly caring for you and ensuring you feel like you're being pampered. "Tell me something about you that no one else knows." The intimacy of sharing a bed isn't enough, he always wants to know you better than he did before. "Take it off," He urges before you get under his duvet with him. "And let me watch." Sleeps completely entangled in you. Limbs intertwined. Lost, but comfortable.***wallpaper is an ugly pic of them “what is this?” geto demands, showing you your lock screen. he’d only went to check the time, but the sight waiting for him was almost a jumpscare if he’s ever seen one—and of his own face, no less. giggling, you take the phone from him, admiring your handy work. “it’s a picture,” you grin cheekily, making him roll his eyes as he glares at you. it’s a horrendous picture, and he wants you to change it. immediately. his hair is a mess—and geto suguru takes his hair rather seriously. “i can see that, genius,” he says flatly, “but why is it your lock screen? change it,” he demands, crossing his arms and pulling away when you try to wrap your arms around his neck. whining, you tug at his bicep, pouting at him to let you cling against his body, but he only pulls away as he narrows his eyes at you. “but suguru, it’s so cute!” “it’s hideous,” he grunts, lips curling in disgust. “yeah and oddly cute,” you argue, poking his cheek. you giggle once more, grinning in victory when he caves and wraps his arms around your waist. he gives your ass a slight squeeze, chuckling when you gasp and swat at his shoulder. “wait till i get a bad picture of you,” he grumbles, “see if you think it’s cute then.”***attention Suguru, while he never minds spending time with you or being affectionate with you, doesn't need as much attention by default. When he does and it's obvious he craves your attention more than usually it's oftentimes a sign that he's feeling stressed or sad. Suguru suffers from being painfully aware about everything that's wrong about the world and letting that affect him way more than good for him so in those moments you're his escape. He feels safe and understood with you and he'd just pull you close and bury his face in your neck or your shoulder in an attempt to hide from reality for a couple of hours. He usually needs a while to de-stress while he's just wordlessly holding you, then tends to vent or engage in some casual activities with you to distract himself. While Kento tries to get your attention when he's stressed, Suguru tries to get your attention when he's frustrated. It happens a lot that he's been confronted with something that pissed him off or was overthinking about things like the damage that curses do in the world, the downsides of being a Jujutsu Sorcerer or how non-sorcerers don't seem to understand any of that and his brain goes "Well at least there's y/n. I can rely on y/n" and then he comes to the conclusion that he needs to show you how grateful he is for you. Which is the exact moment he starts to put kisses all over your face and hold onto you like he hasn't been hugged since he was 7. Remember that time in the manga where he cried and smiled about Jujutsu Sorcerers working together and protecting eachother? Yeah this but applied to you. He's absolutely the type to get overly sappy over your presence in his life as a contrast to everything he dislikes about the world, especially as time goes on and he's getting worse. Sometimes he tears up and smiles at you, whispering about how much you mean to him and that he loves you so much. Hold him, he's having a hard time. He totally backs off when you have no time for him or want to do something else though (unlike Sukuna shfhjsjd). Other than that if he misses you and wants to spend time with you, he'd plan surprise dates or just asks you, same as Nanami.***mornings Suguru places a single kiss on your nose,  carefully maneuvering through the sheets as if to not tread on your peaceful slumber. he’ll take his time crafting a well-delivered breakfast tray, and although he knows he’s so dangerously in love that this is what his morning routine consists of, he can’t find it within himself to care.for partner Jewelry. Something pretty for his pretty.***flowers Suguru leaves a single red spider lily by your door. although he wasn’t able to find his true happiness in this world, he felt the closest he thinks he’ll come across that emotion when in your presence. — he feels as though he doesn’t deserve to see you once more, so, he’ll settle for this parting gift and prays he comes across you in another life.***nicknames Shōko stands, unamused by your unwillingness to make a move. She had absolutely no idea why you decided to fall for one of her close friends, dubbing both of the boys as “nuisances” and “ugly bastards.” They would just swat at her insults knowing that they were just jokes and carry on with their conversations. However, you just couldn’t seem to let this crush go. He doesn’t seem to want you to either with the amount of time he invests throughout the day to flirt with you. It’s not even subtle, if you’re being honest, and you don’t know if you like it even a little bit or absolutely hate it. On one hand it could be sweet gestures or words like how you did well on something or how you looked that day. But on the other hand, he’s that person Shoko warns you about since both him and his best friend are somewhat known as “players.” You like it a little bit because it gives you hope, but you hate it because it gives you hope. You groan, sitting on the steps beside the field as you lean on your elbows. Why did you have to fall for a guy like him who seemed so, perfect? In a sense. He was smart and knew everything when in normal class, he was a special grade so that definitely made him stronger than most people, and he was absolutely easy on the eyes. (Satoru would have disagreed). Maybe it was time to just let it all out and take that rejection like a champ. Yeah. “Penny for your thoughts?” You threw that penny far, far away upon hearing his voice. You must have visibly froze as well as Suguru waves a hand in front of your face, sitting beside you. “Hey, y/n?” “U-Uh, huh? Yeah. Yeah?” You sputter out and mentally punch yourself in the face. Well, it’s this far already so why not keep going. “Actually, I wanted to tell you something.” You wring our hands together, thinking about everything and anything at the last minute and Suguru can see the gears working in your head. But he already knows. Of course he does. So with a smile, he takes your hands in his and gets you to look at him. “Take your time, darling.”
  • was younger when he called you babe, a sweet slip of the word between a hand on your shoulder and fingers tracing down your spine. yet, the suguru you know now calls you dear, the word drowning in the space between sinister and sweet, between agony and ardor. he'll whisper it in your ears and kiss along your neck, letting soulful memories slip past his tongue and along your flesh.
  • the nickname started as a tease when you couldn’t handle killing a curse stronger than you. “aww, can’t handle it? doll.” it disgusted you and yet you couldn’t help but flush at his tone. it was so condescending yet… sweet. he could clearly see that you liked it and he smirked. at first when he saw our reaction to the name he though you were a masochist and maybe you are, but maybe you like him too. so when you started dating, it definitely became your thing. he loved calling you doll in different tones to see how you reacted and you loved every single bit of it.
  • he calls you darling or sweetheart not matter how he's fucking you. that's the most enticing thing about it actually. the fact that he could be railing you from sunset to sunrise or be waking you up with sweet little kisses but he will always use those two names. he also gate keeps them severely. he's the only one who can call you those things. or like, when he's being possessive out of jealously, he'll go "darling~" and you immediately know it's time to go back home.
ily ...
  • ***first first i love you is laced with the breath of a final goodbye. it’s the convergence of two souls: of life and death, of the beginning and the end. it’s a final declaration—a whisper i love you that falls between the tides of time and aches with sweet memory, slipped between his lips as he kisses you for the last time—letting the weight of it swallow you whole.
  • why He lets out a contemplative noise as you continue helping him tie up his long, black tresses. “Why do I love you?” “Mhmm,you hum back in response, pulling his silky hair through the elastic and smoothing down any stray hairs. He catches your hand in his, and you look up to meet his gaze in the mirror as he gives the back of your hand a kiss. “You are impossible to hate. Loving you was the only other choice, and the best decision I ever made.”
  • ***not saying it back Geto kisses you lips sweetly as he plants two hands on your hips, humming against your mouth before he pulls away and smiles at you. “well, i better go. bye, i love you,” he murmurs, one hand coming up to stroke your cheek slowly. “okay, bye suguru,” you smile, moving to pull away. he frowns, hands gripping your waist tighter to keep you in place, making you stifle a giggle as you pretend to be confused. “i’ll see you tomorrow then. love you,” he tries again, waiting as he stares at you expectantly. you nod, waving at him slightly as you try to take a step back again. “see you tomorrow, baby.” clicking his teeth, his lips curl into a frown as he glares at you and huffs. “i said i love you. is there anything you’d like to say back? you know, maybe i love you too?” he grumbles. he rolls his eyes when you giggle, but his lips twitch to a happy grin when you kiss his nose and mumble, “i love you too, suguru.”
***hands is more of a hands cupped kind of guy. Truth be told he prefers to rest a hand elsewhere on your body- your waist, hip, the small of your back. Even your thigh or the back of your neck as an even bolder declaration of 'mine'. But cupping your hand in his is perfect for bringing it to his lips to kiss the back of it and he just loves the way that makes you smile for him.
***hair has the soften hair out of all of them, fight me. you started playing with his hair at bedtime and he was going to say something until he saw that it helps you go to sleep. and it also helps him but that’s not the point. suguru let’s you style his hair in the morning, giving you a little freedom to do what you want. not a lot of freedom but let’s you decide if he puts it in a bun, a pony tail, etc. don’t even try pigtails.
  • ***stopping in the middle of playing with it Geto feels your fingers pull away just as he’s about to lose consciousness, making his lips curl into a frown as he blinks his eyes open. “why’d you stop,” he asks quietly, mouth almost painted into a soft pout, making you chuckle as your thumb reaches to rub over his jutted lips. “i thought you were asleep,” you mumble, brushing a few strands of loose hair from his face. he looks pretty as he closes his eyes, shuffling closer until his head is tucked into the crook of your neck before planting a tiny kiss to your skin. “keep going a little longer, i was almost asleep.” smiling, you press a small kiss to the side of his head, feeling his hand gently squeeze your hip in return. “okay,” you whisper, fingers carding through the familiar strands, “a little longer.”
***hugging ▸ His hugs feel secure. He hugs you like he’ll miss you the second he lets go, he hugs you like he knows he’ll see you come the next day. He cherishes the closeness, takes advantage of it and notes every little detail he can gather about you. The scent of your shampoo, the arch of your back into him, the sound of your giggle when he brushes up against a ticklish spot. He carves it all into his memory. Just before he releases his grip, his arms tighten around you, savoring you. His lips find your forehead as surely as his arms found your waist.***cuddling he’s not huge on cuddling but he does it because it makes you happy. eventually he does warm up to it though. when you two cuddle, he either lets his hair down or will put it up in a bun. you like it down so you can play with it and when you told him that, he didn’t really put it up anymore. suguru uses at most two pillows so if you use a lot of pillows, he thinks it’s a little unnecessary. i don’t know why anyone would voluntarily use only two pillows, i have like 6 or 7 but you do you i guess. i can imagine suguru being a stomach sleeper or a side sleeper. depending on what position is most comfortable for you is how you to cuddle. he also likes to face you when cuddling. suguru isn’t very affectionate in public but he gives you a few kisses here and there when you’re falling asleep or will push a few strand pieces of hair away from your face. he just likes seeing you in such a peaceful yet vulnerable state, it makes his chest warm knowing that you trust him despite you knowing about all the things he’s done.
  • Suguru holds you like you’d disappear if he were to let go. he cradles your head so that your ear is pressed against his beating heart, letting the steady rhythm sooth your nerves. his other hand can never sit still either, tracing circles against your skin. he wants you to feel secure in his hold, as he whispers sweet words into your ear. this is how he thinks cuddling should be: tender and intimate— and he knows that as long as the two of you are like this, the outside world can never hurt you.
***kissing He could stick his tongue down your throat anytime he was next to him. His lips are always good on yours, and even when you're not sure you should now, he was there pressing you against him. Sometimes you have to keep him from touching you yourself. You put your hand on his lips, making him kiss them, not you. When it starts it won't stop. That's why you prefer not to risk it. He is not ashamed of showing you love and lust, so even if you attract so many eyes to you, nothing will stop him.
  • Suguru kisses you as if you were the sun and he were the moon. he knows he doesn’t deserve your heart of gold, but he’ll accept it, as long as you’re willing to offer it to him. if he has to be selfish to remain by your side, geto will gladly accept your radiance in exchange for his darkness.
  • DODGING KISSES: he really couldn’t ask for anything else in the moment, being in your arms like this. his head laying on your chest as you stroke his hair, geto nuzzles into you even more. he looks at your face and thanks the heaven for letting him relax for even a mere moment, and that’s thanks to you. so while yes, geto had his way with words, but he would prefer to show what he feels in actions. so he leans towards your cheek but is denied the satisfaction of kissing you, but he tries again and ends up with the same result. okay, maybe he could ask for something “gorgeous, can you let me kiss you?“ “no.” “dare?” “yup.” “from satoru?” “yup.” he stares at you before holding your face still and starting to pepper your face with soft kisses, then chuckles before saying “so, me or the dare?” you smile cheekily before responding with absolutely no hesitation “the dare.” geto raises an eyebrow in challenge. this is going to be a long night…
  • MAKING OUT: depends on his mood, but usually makes you work for it. the only time he initiates it is when he’s in a really good mood or something, more like someone, pissed him off. suguru likes to watch you try and catch his attention like wearing an outfit you know he really likes or rubbing his shoulders after a stressful meeting/day. he mostly does this because he gets to see you more during his breaks. when he thinks you’ve finally given up on getting his attention for the day, he grabs you by the hand pulling you towards him before placing a kiss on your lips. the moment you kiss back, suguru wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you to the nearest surface so you can sit on his lap. he moans if you play with his hair btw. he doesn’t leave much space between the two of you, pressing your chest right against his so you can feel his heartbeat quicken.
***showering You thought you were the only one who glued her loose hair on the tiles and made funny shapes with them? Wrong, if you make half a heart with your hair, you can be sure that after Geto’s shower session, he will fill the other half of the heart with his loose hair. Geto was in the bathtub once when you went to the bathroom to do the laundry. At first, you were embarrassed and wanted to apologize, but Geto just laughed and was totally relaxed. Instead of sending you back out, he asked you to join him. From that point on, you often shower and bathe together. Geto prefers to bathe with you, as the shower has some disadvantages when you use it together. If you shower together, he likes to watch you, waiting for you to be the first to finish shampooing and cleaning so that you don’t have to stand in the cold with your wet body for long. (Besides, he needs quite long with his long thick hair). Nevertheless, he is grateful that you have a shower with a bench, because he loves it when you offer him to massage his scalp or to wash his hair. It’s cute how you try to exert pressure with your tiny, delicate fingers, but actually just gently touch his head. There is nothing better for him than to lie with you in the warm bathtub. Just lie there, you between his legs pressed to his chest, and enjoy the silence. He thinks it’s great that you can communicate without words. While you’re relaxing in his arms, he caresses your leg with his long fingers, or tickles the skin on your collarbone to whisper softly into your ear how important you are to him. But if there’s one thing that won’t happen in the shower or bathtub, it’s sex. The shower is too dangerous for him because Geto doesn’t want you to get hurt. And for the bathtub, well... once in there, his hand moved up your leg a little too far, so you gave a soft moan from you. That had excited him so much that he wanted to try sex in the bathtub. Only he quickly realized how stupid this idea was, because with each of his movements, the water has been splashing back and forth and thus every time it smacks you in the face. Your nostrils have never been as free as they were after that failed attempt.***pulling him closer by the belt GETO never saw this coming. At all. You’re on a date with him one Sunday morning, the both of you enjoying the free time and taking the opportunity to soak up each other’s presence. Like usual, Geto is astonishingly handsome. He’s nothing short of gentlemanly each time he switches sides with you in the sidewalk so he’ll walk closer to the road, his hand on the small of your back – the sweet gesture just makes him all the more charming than he already he is. So who could blame you when the pedestrian sign turns red, the both of you alone in that small corner giving the perfect opportunity for you to tug him by the belt, causing the tall man to nearly stumble. Geto catches his balance effortlessly. Laughing, you muffle the sound with your palm hovering over your mouth, your attention not once dwindling to Geto’s face turning red. It disappears as soon as it comes, though, and not a moment later, Geto shakes his head to you. “Naughty,” he scolds playfully, “Let’s not do that again in a public place, yeah? It’s not a wise decision.” “Why, because you could’ve stumbled on the street?” “Nope,” Geto grins, “I just wouldn’t do it if I were you. Save the playfulness for when we’re alone so I wouldn’t have to hold back.”***first time you feel vulnerable—almost helpless as you drape the last of your clothing on the floor, feeling his stare bore through your body, hands coming up to cover your tits and thighs rubbing together to hide your cunt from his view. geto sits on the bed paintently, a slight frown as you try your best to avoid his gaping stare, “don’t cover yourself, let me see you, angel” he whispers, opening his arms allowing you to climb on his lap. geto wraps his body around you, your face snuggly pressed against his chest, “you’re pretty, you know that? and your body is so beautiful.” you can feel heat rise to your cheeks as geto sweetly smiles down on you, using one hand to spread your thighs apart so he can freely use two digits to tease your folds. he tests the waters just a bit—using the fingers to sink into your hole, curling and spreading them to his desires until geto feels your legs spasm against his lap. he already knows your orgasm is washing over you when his chest stings from your nails eating at the flesh, moans bubbling through your lips as geto simply brushes over your puffy clit. geto pulls his fingers from your pussy, internally groaning at his two fingers drenched in your slick, he gently lays you back on the bed, wrapping your legs around his waist as geto brushes the head of his cock through your folds. “i love you” he whispers out, gripping your cheeks within his palms and capturing your lips as geto plunges his thick cock inside you. he feels the whimpers vibrate against his lips, your body arching from the pain and geto keeps kissing you, holding you tighter in hopes to take your mind away from the pain, “i love you so much, so fucking much” his words coat your lips and as the pain becomes nothing but a haze geto continues whispering how much he loves you because right now, he’s falling ever deeper in love with you and he hopes he’ll never fall out.
  • ***raw “you keep staring at me like that pretty girl, what do you want?” geto smiles, looking over at you from the driver seat, his hand lingers on your thigh and squeezes the flesh. “you, want you” you whisper out, pulling his hand towards your throbbing heat. “i don’t have a condom” geto replies, smirking while his other hand grips the steering wheel, “i don’t care—need you now” you drag your eyes over to him, geto looks back with orbs painted black and a grin toying with his lips, “whatever you want, i’ll give it to you.” but it’s the other way around now, followed in the backseat with a pair of your legs thrown over his shoulder and geto pumps his swollen cock in your cunt, watching the amount of your slick drip to his leather seats and your moans casted upon the air. “you feel so fucking good” geto grunts, so lost in your pussy drowning his cock, pratically milking him dry and his body tipping over with another clench around his length. you say the words and he’s addicted, fucking you raw was one thing but cumming inside you? he’s falling at the phrase, rutting his hips so hard into your body the flesh ripples in response and pulling out to use the tip to smear his seed on your puffy clit. “look at my good girl” geto coos, bending down to use two fingers guiding his cum back in your hole, “looks like this pussy could take some more, yeah?”
***no nut november can't lose if you never start mentality. does not give two shits about this challenge. doesn't believe in no not november, only believes in non-stop nutting november. infact, he'd use this month as an excuse to fuck you MORE. who's gonna stop him from fucking his parter? not a damn trend thats for sure. would fuck you harder if he knows gojo is next door. like i said he doesn't care about the no nut novemeber craze, but that doesn't mean he won't take advantage of the thin walls to make his best friend lose. if you were to participate in this trend, he would do everything in his power to make you lose. would successfully win, call yourself a gojo kinnie by the way you'd also lose on november 1st 9:07 am.***finding the spot geto pauses for a moment before he lets a wide grin tug on his lips, his hips rolling in the same angle over and over as he watches you intently. he chuckles quietly as your tits bounce with each thrust, head tossing back and eyes squeezing shut as one gasp is cut off by the next as the velvety tip of his cock hits against your sweet spot. “looks like i found it, huh baby? like when i fuck you there? bet that feels good,” he says sweetly, slamming his hips again at a sharp angle, grinning when you squeal his name and let out a soft sob. “‘s too much, suguru, slow d-dow—o-oh!” you cut yourself off with a moan when his thumb rolls over your clit—and it’s almost cruel, really. the way his thick cock drags along your gummy walls, the way his thumb rubs over your sensitive clit so harshly, the way his mouth sucks on your neck and nips at your skin. it’s too much, it makes your head spin and your eyes roll back as your thighs quiver. “your mouth says one thing, but your pussy’s saying another,” he hums, “you’re sucking me in all on your own, baby. you want more, don’t you? i’ll give you more, don’t worry,” he grins, “gonna fuck you like you deserve,” he kisses the tears from your cheeks before rolling his hips, hitting the same spot deep inside you over and over again, watching you get lost on his cock with a proud smirk.B = body part | tits. a simple guy with simple interests lol. if you're ever laying on top of him and your boobs are all pressed up against his chest he won't be able to stop ogling at them. or like, seeing you walking around without a bra on, being able to make out the familiar lining of your nipples through the fabric of your shirt. drive him absolutely mad. is a sucker for holding your leg. Whenever you guys are sitting anywhere, he has to put his hand on the inside of your thigh, near your knee - and sometimes rub circles into it or just squeeze from time to time, as both a reminder and a silent question. Getou knows for a fact that you enjoy having him holding his leg, and it feels empty and cold without it on you, exactly like a scarf wrapped around you neck in the winter: Getou feels like a warm blanket you have always on, and without whose contact you feel restless (he has the nasty habit of not keeping his hand in place for long though, and you have to slap his hand away when you are in public).D = dirty secret | ...
  • ***period sex On the opposite end of the spectrum, Geto is maybe a little too eager to fuck you during your period. He just loves how tender and pliant you are during this time of the month. How sensitive. Especially with the way just the softest brush of his fingers against your sore, swollen chest through your shirt makes you whimper. Geto will be more careful with you than usual, but it's going to get messy. He really couldn't care less about getting blood everywhere and anywhere, not even in his mouth, and he doesn’t even bother to put a towel down. It’s best to remind him to pull his hair up at least before you both get too carried away. Cleaning you up afterwards and taking a nice long bath together is always a given. At the end of the day, Geto loves to make you feel taken care of and for all the desire this state tends to stir in him it also makes him quite soft for you too.
I = intimacy | ...
  • hot things he does during sex getou loves touching you, especially in bed where he can grope you in the most perverted ways. a large calloused hand fondling one of your breasts while his mouth pays attention to the other, licking your nipple and leaving hickeys along the expanse of your chest. once he's holding you, he will not let go for the remainder of the night. he has studied your body to the core, knowing the exact way he needs to drag his fingers on your bare skin, or the right spots to bite in order to educe pleasurable whimpers out of you. if you are strong enough to escape his strong grasp in the morning, look in the mirror and you'll see your previously soft skin now adorned with bruises on your hips, hickeys on your boobs, and bite marks on your ass and shoulders. its a mystery how he gets to so many parts of your body all in one night, but getou and his love of feeling your body somehow makes it work. and yes he will appreciate his work in the morning, caressing your injuries with soft apologetic kisses.
J = jack off | ...
  • ***masturbation voicemail Geto is smug even as he falls apart into the speaker of his phone, a large smirk tugged at the corners of his lips while he slowly drags his palm over his stiff length and takes his sweet time—just like he always does with you. and even when he’s gone, he makes sure to have the upper hand over you. “c’mon, pretty. i know you’re touching yourself too while listening to this,” he says sweetly, “you gotta make sure to go slow just like i taught you, yeah?” he hums, groaning lowly and gritting his teeth as he rolls his palm over his tip. “shit—wanna fuck you so bad. miss your pretty little pussy,” he rasps, and there’s a small part of him that wants to forget going slow, to forget teasing you even if he’s not there with you. “miss seeing those pretty little tears,” he chuckles, voice turning into a breathy moan at the end, “always look your best for me don’t you? always look your best when you’re crying for my cock.” his hand squeezes his aching length tighter, angry and flushed a deep red at the tip as it dribbles with pre cum. his breath hitches in his throat as he stiffens for a moment, head falling back before he spills thick ropes of cum from his tip, coating his robes and making a mess. “f-fuck, feels good,” he pants, hips rutting into his hand and chasing the friction. with a low grunt, he slumps back as he finishes, catching his breath and smirking once more. “i’ll see you soon, yeah? gonna take my time with you when i do.”
  • ***masturbation video sends you a text in the middle of the night, almost like he knows you’re about to fall asleep. you watch through sleep-hazed eyes—widening them a fraction when his fat tip, pink and glistening with his pre cum pops up on the screen, his thumb rubbing through his slit as he lets out a shaky exhale. “god, baby,” he murmurs against the speaker, the sound of his voice alone enough to make your clit throb and your pussy clench around nothing, “miss you so bad. wish you were here,” he groans, and with a few more slow drags of his fist over his cock, he cums with breathy gasps, panting into the phone as he murmurs your name like it’s you who’s made him paint his hand and abs white with his hot, sticky cum. “see this mess? ‘s all cause of you—can’t stop thinking about you,” he croaks. you watch with wide eyes as his cock twitches with each ribbon of cum that shoots from his tip, watch as his abs clench and his thighs shake with the force of his orgasm. and again, almost like he knows, his name pops up on the caller id just as your fingers sink into your dripping cunt, voice still breathless from his orgasm. “let me hear you, pretty girl,” he coos, whispering praise into your ear as you whine his name and curl your fingers into your folds.
  • sex tape When you asked Geto, he ends up being intrigued by your suggestion and would immediately asked if you had something in mind or if it was spontaneous. He would probably agree to it after y’all talk about it. Geto will make you hold the camera as he eats you out and he will scold you if you drop it or start holding it at the wrong angle, but what did he expect? The man is literally making out with your pussy with his skillful tongue and a toy of yours that he took out causes he though it would make it ‘better.’ The camera is catching the way how the flash of the phone shines on your juices that covers his lips and chin. He will make it look like he’s eating the best meal of his life sand savoring it. You should have known he meant business when he pulled his hair into a bun and out his way. When that man comes back up, Geto is propping the phone up so he can properly fuck you for the camera. He’ll give your pussy a quick smack and grins when you whimper before he pushes himself inside. If you ask him, he’ll enjoy the way you pulled him down for a kiss that you could barely focus on doing as Geto rolled his hips and have his tip press snuggly against your g-spot and you kept milking him until he eventually cums inside you and he looks so pretty when he cums too. Geto would probably do it again with you just so he can have videos of all the expressions you make because him. He’ll tease occasionally, but pray Gojo doesn’t search through his phone.
K = kinks | Enthralled by the fact that you can’t keep quiet even when he has a hand over your mouth, teasingly grinding his crotch against his clothed pussy. his lap is already soaked with your juices and those whimpers keep slipping from his fingers, “shh pretty, can’t have everyone knowing how much you want this cock.” but deep down it makes him so fucking hard, watching your eyes grow wider the louder the background noises become, he barely touches your puffy clit through the thin material and you’re squirming under his hold. geto could probably make you cum this way and he should but this is far much better. he doesn’t have to do much before you’re begging for more of his touch, it’s not enough for you but him—it’s perfect, leaning down to whisper how fucking needy you are for his cock but he doesn’t think you deserve it. he presses down your clit till your thighs clamp down around his hand, smirking when a bundle of noises vibrate against his hand, “now you’re ready love, but gotta keep quiet while i fuck this pussy, yeah?”Breeding. Geto didn't let you go a second without being stuffed with his cock, it was a miracle you even managed to stay conscious. “Geto, i-it hurts….mmm, oh!” Tears swelled in your eyes and in one quick motion your body is flipped over, his cock not once leaving you empty. He pushes you into a mating press; knees held against your shoulders to expose your entire lower half to him, the perfect view of the hole Geto currently has his dick buried inside. The sight of you leaking around him makes his abs tighten and him groan. “Fuck doll your killin me” You let out a groan of your own at how the curvature of his dick digged itself against your g-spot, scraping against your vaginal walls everytime he backed his hips up.The shuddering of his legs against you let you know he is on the verge of going over the edge, eager to be the cause of his end you buck your hips back against him helping him to get himself off to your soaked insides. Geto kept cumming inside of you, strings and strings of hot cum filling you up as he held you in his arms. It made your body shake, his load weighing at your stomach like it was forming a bulge with how much there was.
  • Above all else, geto suguru is a family man. There is nothing more he wants then to see your belly round with his kid, to watch your breasts swell with milk. “Fuck princess you feel so fucking good.” Geto’s words come out accompanied with a chuckle, basking in the way your walls hug his dick. He uses you like his personal cock sleeve, shaping your insides so he fits ever so snugly inside you, bruising your cervix until your entire body jolts with sensitivity. Long stray black strands of hair from his loose bun as he bent his neck to whisper into your ear. “Want me to fill you up dont you? Watch you grow round our child—” His thumbs roll over your hardened nubs as he gropes at your chest, causing you to keen at the added stimulation, “—These will fill with sweet sweet milk, we’ll make sure there’s enough to share with me. Isn’t that what you want?”  Geto’s balls slap against your ass with every thrust and he retracts his hips until the tip pokes out to admire the sheen dripping to his base before fitting himself back into your snug walls. “Oh fuh-“ His voice comes out breathless. You can feel each harsh contraction of his balls while he creams inside your pussy, such a tight fit that a ring of it seeps out at the base of where he’s connected to you.
➤ Overstimulation (G). I can see him overstimulating you in front of all those ‘monkeys’ so they know that you’re his. only does it if you’ve done something to tease him though. loves when you sit on his face because he can wrap his strong arms around your legs to make sure you don’t go anywhere. although he loves seeing your face, he likes the feeling of your thighs clenching around his head and how you can’t help but rock your hips to match his movements. when you aren’t sitting on his face though, he can’t help but degrade you a little. “i’ve made you cum twice already and you’re already wanting more? you’re so greedy, my pretty little whore.” after though, he’s giving you sweet kisses and giving you compliments left and right. “you looked so pretty, my dove. how about i run us a warm bath and i massage some of that tension, hm?”
  • ***prettiest Geto has broad, muscular chest and shoulders that heave as he pants harshly from your mouth working his red and abused cock. there’s something about watching someone as large as him arch his body up as he cums, pale skin a shade of crimson that contrasts his dark strands nicely. he screws his eyes shut because he knows he’ll cum as soon as he looks at you staring up at him with your lips wrapped around his swollen length, and his voice is so breathy as he pants, turning louder and whinier and higher in pitch as he gets closer and closer to cumming. calls your name so desperately when he paints your mouth white with his cum, and his hair clings to his sweaty face as he throws his head back. his muscled thighs twitch under your palm as you rub over them soothingly with your palm, but the best part of overstimming him is the way he slumps back and tries to catch his breath thinking you’re done—only to look down at you panicked as he chokes how he can’t cum anymore, how it hurts, only to give up and helplessly try and fight the wobble of his lips and the wetness pooling in his eyes when you don’t listen.
➤ Cock-warming. He has a breeding kink so after you’ve finished having sex, he keeps his cock inside you for a little longer. face to face cuddling. cradles your face while massaging your leg that’s resting on his side. “you took me so well, my beautiful dove. i think you deserve a reward after this.” he loves when you play with his hair while you two kiss. a faint blush appears on his face when you tell him you love him, because in the back of his mind he can’t understand why someone like you would love him. most of the time you two fall asleep like that with the blanket lazily draped over the two of you.O = oral | When your being eaten out by geto, always expect something to be inside of you. Whether that be his hands or a dildo, something is pumping in and out of you. Is very sadistic. Since he loves to see you squirt he wont stop until you do. It gets very tiring T_T It’s all too much. Getos soft wet tongue flattening then lapping up your clit. His two thick fingers pumping in and out of you, occasionally stilling to curl inside of you and tap your gummy walls. Not to mention your approaching your second orgasm. Getos tongue flicks your clit in a particular way that causes a new kink of pleasure to surge through your body, and you squirm away at the new feeling."Ah ah ah. Don't run away." A sadistic grin plaster on his face, and two large strong hands grab your hips to secure you down. "Be a good girl and take it."
  • Suguru is opposite of Toji. He is a the patient one. He likes to take his time with you. He refuses to make you cum unless you’ve had all the fun. And by that, I mean 69. It’s a win-win. He gets to eat you while you play with his dick. But the best part is, he makes it more about you than him. His tongue feels so warm and soft against your pussy. He has this particular pace, one that you like and prefer. The tip of his tongue flicking your clit. Shit. When you cum, you’re a babbling mess, your mouth never leaving his dick, muffling swears.
V = volume | Geto is noisy in the way he can’t shut up. He always has to say something, he’s a bit too similar to his best friend in this aspect. That’s where the similarities end, Geto doesn’t moan or whimper much, however he does let out an occasional grunt or groan. Geto smiles as he sees he sight underneath him as he gently wraps his hands around your neck. That night Geto couldn’t shut up about how good he felt and other praises, he enjoyed seeing the disheveled mess he could make out of you. Seeing your small gasps for breath was probably the best part of the night. You could feel his dick twitch in you when he squeezed your neck a bit tighter. “You’re so good for me darling” He is a pretty good balance between moaning and grunting. Isn't too loud but isn't too quiet. He talks during sex, but it fits the mood and oh lord does it make the entire thing better. Seriously would be one of the best at dirty talk. He praises you a lot and is really gentle when it comes to talking to you. Not so much in the act of actually fucking you. Don't worry, he does degrade you as well but he seems like a big praise guy. Will randomly let out a low chuckle and honest to god, that alone could make you cum immediately.
  • the most passionate of ‘em all. he’s the type to look at you in the eyes and whisper his words during sex. “is it okay i-if i fuck you harder, lovely?” he was really shy at first but as time passes, he eventually learned how to become a tease through his words. “tell me what you need, beautiful.” moans REALLY loud when he’s about to burst. is very polite but also very hot when speaking to you. “do you want me to cum inside? yeah?”
X = x-ray | AH. GOD. monster cock. it’s like 8 inches pls. doesn’t he look like an 8 inches. tell me he doesn’t. is that even realistic. who cares? he’s 8 inches. it’s longer than it is thick, though, but trust, you’ll feel him in your guts. flushed, dark, pink head, relatively pale all throughout, and curves a little to the right. never preps you because he’s an asshole i guess? also never shaves, sometimes, if he’s feeling generous, trims, and has a lovely happy trail leading down. dick looks gorgeous when it’s all wet and glossy <333domestic Suguru's the type of husband that all your friends secretly have a major crush on. Usually, you'd be offended at how more than half your co-workers were able to openly simp for your husband, however, the way their faces drop in annoyance whenever flowers come in satisfies you enough. They know Suguru sent you those, and they know he'll be here later today to either drop you off homemade lunch or pick you up. They're head-over-heels for this man, for your man. On the days you came home late due to extra hours, the bath was always ready for you, and the dinner Suguru made was stored neatly in the fridge ready for your arrival. The cleaned house you came home to wouldn't have ever been complete without your husband along with your kids. Suguru had told you about the two girls he so badly wanted to adopt; of course, you supported him and let both of the lovely girls in with open arms. Your family and life wouldn't be complete without them. You considered them as your own, and Suguru was so happy that you were so accepting of them. This led to him and your daughters always baking a special cake every 5th of the month, since that was the day that they got adopted.
HOT THINGS HE DOESGetou is literally going to be such a gentleman. I refuse to believe he isn’tHe would be the kind of guy to walk his fingers across your back as he reached around your waist then pull you into his side as he pinched your hipGetou is beautiful so when he catches you staring (you know you would stare. Don’t lie) he would lean forward so he met your gaze and would smirk before reaching out to twirl a piece of your hair around his finger. He’d give it a little tug before sitting back in satisfaction at the blush on your cheeksHis chill demeanor is so attractive as well. He’d literally just do whatever you wantHe loves his kimonos, probably the only thing he will ever wear, but he will leave the top half loose so his chest can be on display. (Think Shigure Sohma from fruits basket)He loves to tease you. He will raise his eyebrows and stick his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he does this. So hot.He also loves to look down at you with hooded eyes rather than crane his neck to look down. His gaze often comes off as seductive, so you easily get heated over that
  • like his daughters, suguru spoils you
  • He’s a man full of love for you, so he lets you know constantly how important you are in his life.
  • Holds the door open when you go out of the house, holds your jacket so you just have to slip in, pushes the chair back so you can sit down and all the other things that make a gentleman.
  • Often he prevents you from sleeping without wanting it, because you mostly sit on your little balcony, cuddled in blankets, with a tea in your hand and philosophy about the world, completely forgetting about the time.
  • a bit possessive but not in the toxic way
  • ...
  • He takes over the household from time to time to show you he doesn’t just see you as a homemaker.
  • Buys you once a week a large high-quality bouquet from the flower shop you like a lot.
  • wears a rune you got him for his birthday but it’s usually hidden underneath his yutaka
  • Suguru always whispers in your ear how much he loves you, mostly when you are already asleep, so that he puts your hair behind your ear to confess his love and gives you a soft kiss on your forehead.
  • Likes to sneak up on you from behind, whether while preparing food, doing laundry, vacuuming. Just to wrap you in his muscular arms and gently kiss your neck.
  • Suguru’s long hair is everywhere, wrap in your clothes or lie in the sink after getting his hair done. His hair always clogs up the drain in your shower at a rapid speed, and sometimes when you go showering you find his hair how it’s glued in different shapes on the tiles of the shower. If you ask him what this is all about, he answers embarrassed with “Art, I think?” while sticking his tongue out.
  • always has his arm around your waist when you two are together
NSFW: He likes to be in power over you. He gets pleasure when your nails dig into his back. if you pull his hair, he will get even more excited (especially when Suguru works with his tongue). He often teases you, for example: he does not fully enter you with his dick, forcing you to wrap your hips more tightly around his torso. Most of all, he is attracted when you are the first to begin to show signs of attention: touching your lips to his neck or accidentally slipping your hand under his shirt. Gojo is trying in every way to hack Geto's icloud because he knows that he has a lot of your nudes. When you gave him a blowjob, your hair fell on your face and so that they would stop bothering you, you got up and removed scrunchie from his hair, making yourself a tail and smiling maliciously, you continued your work (After that, he hid all your scrunchies so that you could only use his ones). When he's on top, his gaze is more often riveted to how his long hair falls on your chest and tickles you.
  • As embarrassing sex moments: Nanako and Mimiko walked in fighting over a charger while he had your legs in the air. Didn't even realise, continued ramming inside you until he heard a scream + Applied hand sanitzer instead of lube in the dark, was confused why you screamed when he thrusted in. (What would you expect from gojos best friend)
FAMILY: If you are in the city, he sometimes stops in front of shop windows where little dolls with children’s clothes are in, and subconsciously smiles at the thought of having a child with you someday.we're gonna go ahead and pretend that he didn't go a lilll crazy and become a cult leader for this one :) oh, this mad absolutely adores you, and you'll never have to question it <3 personally I just think that Suguru would be into plants?? like he's really educated about them. so he gets you flowers, but he knows the meanings behind the flowers, so he gets you like 9 red roses (9 roses = eternal love); honeysuckles (devotion + everlasting love); tulips (unconditional love); etc. he also gifts you misc houseplants, like he'll take a cutting from one of his own and gift it to you in a little pot that he painted himself once it takes root <3 he's also super artsy!! he's drawn you a couple times!! he'll also doodle on your skin if you let him <3 this man is SUCH a sap and I will STAND BY THAT. smooth as fuckkkk, he always has some poetic line to woo you with. he LOVES to do your hair! he'll like actually help you find a haircare routine that works well for your specific hair type. gives you his old band tee's from his (emo days) teenage years if they'd fit you. he loves!!!!! to snuggle!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(( he doesn't really get jealous, this man is very confident in himself and he trusts you completely, but he is vaguely possessive but in a really cocky way??? like either he'll come up and be all lovey with you while trying to talk to the guy (but he's got this "they're mine, bet you wish you were me, huh?" type look in his eyes). or, he'll just kinda give you this pointed look, one eyebrow slightly raised, and you just immediately understand that you've gotta go over to him now or you will pay for it later. pretty intimidating tbh, if anyone happens to see you with his arm around you, they're stayin' away. totally open to pda!! he honestly really enjoys it. alwayysssss wants to at LEAST be holding your hand in public. if you're someplace that's crowded then he keeps his arm around you the whole time. he may be a cunning, calculating, smug bastard of a man, but he is yours, and he loves you a whole lot <3