"extremely" (爾) | JAPANESE






6'1" (185 cm)


"conceal" (伏 fushi) + "dark" (黒 guro) | JAPANESE




December 31 (CAPRICORN)




Tōji's a cold, calm, confident type of man who likes to enjoy himself and make money using his skills. He appears to enjoy insightful conversation with others as long as it somehow pertains to himself and can trade witty banter with the highly sarcastic likes of Gojō Satoru. Upon meeting, Satoru asked Tōji if they'd met before, but Toji assured him that he's not the type to remember some guy either. In battle, Tōji has a crazed expression as if he's lost in the thrill of the fight, but he's always maintaining a cool and calculated head and plotting his next move. Tōji's an assassin who's garnered the name "Sorcerer Killer" and spends his time gambling between assignments from shady clients. He married a woman and left her just as quickly, leaving his newborn child behind without knowing their gender and eventually forgot their name. Tōji even planned on selling Fushiguro Megumi to the Zen'in family he'd left behind, exploiting the young Megumi for the cursed technique he'd eventually inherit. Tōji doesn't question his clients' motives as long as the money is right and generally doesn't do any extra work for free. He's bold and dangerously calculated in his strategies, using his jujutsu knowledge to outwit even the most prophesized sorcerers. This garnered him a reputation large enough to gain attention from the wealthy Time Vessel Association for such an important job that could ensure their future. While he thought the religious members of the organization were crazy, he got along well enough with their middleman to invite him to eat. As a non-sorcerer raised in the Zen'in family who values cursed techniques above all, Tōji's a man who's suffered due to the interests of the sorcerer clans in a very similar manner to Zen'in Maki. His evil actions are a result of his dejection towards the jujutsu world as he attempts to spite it. Born without cursed energy, Tōji eventually left the Zen'in family and married a woman, taking her name "Fushiguro." He sold their son to the Zen'in family because he believed in young Megumi's potential to be a real sorcerer, naming him "Megumi" because it means blessings. Tōji was able to complete his final mission for the Time Vessel Association and should have cut and run when faced with a rejuvenated Satoru. However, due to his disdain for the jujutsu world and the sorcerer families, Tōji chose to try and cut down the most gifted sorcerer in the world as another way to spite them all. Unfortunately, this pride cost Tōji his life. Unable to look past his demons, he deviated from his natural instincts and ignored the uneasiness plaguing him during the fight. Keeping up with his cold persona, Tōji chose not to utter any final words at first. In his last moments, he thought of his ex-wife and their son, so he decided to tell Satoru that Megumi would be sold into the Zen'in family in a few years. This would eventually lead to Satoru becoming a close mentor for Megumi in the future, as well as granting Megumi a chance to work as a jujutsu sorcerer. Granny Ogami's Séance Technique returned Tōji's soul from the dead, turning him into a walking manifestation of carnage. He'd attack anything in his path, mostly focused on crushing the strongest opponent available. While endangering his own son with this outburst of aggression, Tōji chose to return to death by committing suicide in order to protect him. He also did so without ever revealing their connection to each other. Instead, with his final words, Tōji expresses that he's glad to hear that Megumi refers to himself as a Fushiguro instead of a Zen'in.


  • Assassin




short Oh, you have to be a spitfire. You just gotta be a feisty short person. The two of you bicker nonstop and he thinks it’s absolutely adorable when you threaten his life. “You really think you can take me?” Touji asks after the two of you have been going back and forth for a while. “Pfft, oh yeah, I can take you.” “You think you can beat me in a fight?” He laughs. “Oh, in a fight? No. Never.You shake your head. “What did you think-? Oh, dirty girl. Why don’t you take me right now, then?” The two of you are comical to look at standing next to each other. Or at least people would think that if Tōji didn’t glare at anyone who so much as glanced at you like he was going to beat them to death. You kinda have to be a little scary, and he has to be a little afraid of you for this to work. Like, make no mistake, he's over the moon about you… and he’s also sure that if he tried to rob you and run, you'd chase him down and end his life. You might not beat him in a fight, but you’re cunning and could probably outlast him in an all-out war. Never mind any of that, though, because you're his BABY. He calls you all kinds of sweet nicknames. Some of them are cute, others not so cute. You’re baby, baby girl, short stuff, ankle biter, bunny, and sometimes kid. You hate it when he calls you kid. Which is why he does it. Tōji shamelessly has a size kink. It's literally no secret, and he makes it very obvious. He’s careless when he manhandles you. You’re definitely getting tossed around, and he throws you over the shoulder to take you to the bedroom. Will also just pick you up and take you against the nearest relatively stable surface. Honestly, sometimes no surface is needed. He just picks you up so that your legs are over his forearms, and he lifts you up and down on him.***likes to sleep for a long time ▸ He was about to get up but you didn't let him because you tightly wrapped your arms around his waist. He had no way out, so Toji stayed in bed with you. You lay down on the man's chest with your eyes closed and hugged him. He grinned and began to slowly stroke your back and with his other hand he straightened your tangled hair. And you quickly fell asleep from his actions listening to his heart beating calmly.***shy ▸ When someone accosts you on the street, it could be someone accidental or some annoying salesman, he will arrange it. Toji knows about your calm and shy nature, that's why he knew you couldn't handle it on your own. Well, you could do it on your own, but it would be difficult. Shyness, sensitivity to people not to reject them mean. Therefore, he prefers to get a man out of your space very quickly before he does anything else. For example, persuading you to do something or speaking over and over again when you are not getting a word out. He would do this so that if someone does not quit after he emphatically says you are not interested, and for example a man is a salesman who offers you something, it would be more dangerous. After maybe two unsuccessful attempts to almost polite to get him to piss off, he's not so nice anymore. No matter what the seller would say about his goods, how much something would suit you. He will just offer to put it down in human's throat. The quick way to end something is to threaten something and get you out of there.***crush Most likely enjoys having a crush on someone the least out of everyone here because it feels like he can’t get someone out of his damn mind no matter how much he wills it. You’re a constant thought and he can easily space out thinking about you to kill time in between his jobs. It feels good, at first, then bittersweet. And then just bitter and painful because he has to come to terms that it just won’t happen. At least, not in the way he wants it to.
  • Notice that he could fall for you the moment he met you. But ignored it and then called himself a dumbass sometime later when he caught feelings. And then ghosting you for a couple months before he shows up at 3 in the morning bloody and needing a place to crash. He doesn’t even address his ghosting you like nothing happened. Until you bring it up while patching him up. Tōji tells a half lie and says his job kept him from you. Which while he'd been gone, he couldn’t enjoy anything. Since now person caught his attention. And because every night he craved with you in your bed. He throws himself into work, but it doesn’t take away the thought of you. Even with the small injuries, Tōji couldn’t care less, he drinks, gets tipsy, and then folds your ass in two and makes up for lost time. It just means he has to go extra slow with you, so you don’t whine about his health. It’s while fucking you he gets so possessive, Which, you assume to be a heat-of-the-moment thing until he insists during after care, you're his and that you're stuck with him. “I was gone for a while, but Daddy stacked up some money and ya are quittin’ your job n coming with me on a lil trip. Because like I said you’re mine, and I’ll be damned if we don’t make up for lost time.”
***first date Ok, we still have to keep the low-budget thing in mind. We also have to keep in mind how horny this guy is. But those two things absolutely don’t mean that he wouldn’t be trying to leave a good impression. He was raised as an outcast, a black sheep of Zenin’s, so I think he’d be happy to do something that earns him a little praise. He’d also want the date to have a finale that can leave room both for retreating and for proceeding to juicier activities if all goes well. Low-budget, low-key and heartfelt. Hmmmm. This guy has been around Japan a lot, chasing his targets like a shadow. He knows many beautiful secluded places and absolutely can come up with a stunning sight-seeing route of gardens, abandoned temples and uninhabited historic places. It’s cheap, since he only needs to splurge on train tickets and groceries for making snacks. It’s low-key, because what? You two are just walking around, maybe taking pictures of each other and some animals, and talking about everything and nothing at once. It’s romantic as hell, you have to appreciate the effort that came into planning. And all those gardens and beautiful secluded sights make for amazing kissing spots. No one is going to intrude on you trying to express your gratitude to him for being such a sweet thoughtful pea.cute things Tōji's so soft when it's just the two of you. 😭💞No one would've guessed that big, scary Tōji gets grumpy if he doesn't get a little kiss in the morning, and no one would believe you if you told them that Tōji likes to hold your fluffiest plushie when relaxing or cuddling with you. Tōji feels at home with you. He doesn't feel the need to pretend to be cold and heartless. With you, he turns into a very affectionate teddy bear. <3***love language ▸ Toji’s love language is and always has been hidden in those little gestures and things he does for you. His insecurity lies in expressing his emotions through words. He doesn’t know how to tell you that you might just be the person he has always been searching for. He feels like his stoic expression and not very adorable voice might make it unbelievable for you. But you know what? Even if he hasn’t ever told you that, you still know it. How? Well, it is so easy from the things he does for you. Prepares you a bento box everyday. The arrangement of your favorite dishes, the hot dogs cut in octopus shape, the apple tanghulu on the side to enjoy. Everything in it reeks of affection. When he makes a food that he dislikes just because you like it. When he pours his heart into it. When he calls you everyday to ask you if you’ve reached work safely. When he picks you up when you work late sometimes. “I am this close to barging into his house and beat the shit out of him. Just say the word.” You can see that he is slowly losing his patience. “Toji. It’s 2 am, love.” “Exactly. It’s 2am. It was 2am yesterday when I picked you up. In fact it has been 2am all week.” The anger is seeping out. “Why the heck do you have to work overtime whole week while he sleeps peacefully at home?” And there it goes. He lost his patience. You would be worried but it’s so funny. You’re laughing. He’s so dumb. Why is he insecure? Does he not realise that whatever he is saying right now is because he is worried. Worried about you. People don’t get angry for someone who’s random in their life. Especially Toji. He does not get angry so easily. It takes up a lot because mostly his anger is always laced in a sarcastic tone. But not this time. “Toji…I want to tell you that you’re very romantic,” your giggle confuses him to know if you’re joking or serious. “I am literally talking to you about killing your boss right now, baby.” You can see the faint smile because he is about to blush. And you want to see it. Even though you’ve seen it before. You want see it again. Now. “Yeah. I love you. And everything you do f'me. Eveything you say to me. Even if it involves killing my boss in his sleep,” you don’t laugh, your eyes soften. And there it was. Yes. Smile, Toji. Blush, Toji. I love it. I love you. “We go home. We eat dinner. I go suffocate that old fuck with his pillow. Then we cuddle to sleep peacefully.” He loves to see you laugh at his words. His words. The one he is insecure about. “No more scratching my head off on a document at 2 am I guess.” He knows he doesn’t have to change himself. Because all those unsaid words are in the end heard.
  • Physical touch and quality time. I’d just like to emphasize that this man wouldn’t be clingy at all. Toji is very independent and has grown to enjoy his time alone. That would remain even with you, so he’d be with someone who’s similar or at least okay with that. That said, when he’s with you, you have all his attention. Nothing else matters when you two are together. He’d want to sit near you, face you, have an arm around you (if you’re in public that’s as far as he’ll go), have you rest your head on his shoulder, sit on his lap, and just any form of physical touch. Even then it doesn’t feel clingy, he’s so casual about his physical affection that it comes second to being with each other. He’s surprisingly really easy to talk to, and is also intelligent so you two can talk about anything. He has a dry sense of humor, and you grow to enjoy being near each other to hear him laugh and see his smaller genuine smiles. The thing about Toji is that you know he’d like to be able to express his feelings for you through words or wish he knew what actions are good in a relationship. He always carries your bags or items when you’re walking together and even will carry you on his back if you’re tired, but he secretly wishes he could do more. Yet being with him is knowing that how he grew up shaped who he is now, good and bad. He likes being with you and in your company because he can physically show you how much he likes you. You’re both comforted by the others presence, and don’t need anything else aside from spending time together when you two can.
  • Physical touch, as well as Words of affirmation: your words of encouragement, compliments, appreciation are very much appreciated, and so are your kisses and touches.
"would you date me if i was a worm?" ▸ Umm.... You do know I carry a worm on my back, right? Of course, I would still date you. Could use you to make some extra millions.tenderness ...
  • ***what makes him go 🥺 ▸ Toji wears his puppy eyes whenever you are sick. He’ll be the first one by your side, covering you with blankets and stocking up on whatever meds you need. It’s always worse in the beginning, when you are curled up and miserable and there is nothing he can do to actually stop it. The man can’t help but fuss over you because he hates seeing you suffer.
  • ***period He’s amazing at handling your period. Whether you experience cramps, lightheadedness, sensitive headspace, or mood swings, don't worry, Tōji will take care of you. He'll get you anything you need and is not at all opposed to buying you period products. He knows your favorite items by heart at this point. He knows exactly what packaging to buy, what painkillers help the most, your food cravings, etc. When you tell him you've gotten your period, he presses a kiss on your forehead before heading to the store and coming back with a huge bag of everything you could need. Tōji's really good at coaxing you into sleep, so he sometimes coaxes you into taking a nap to help you with your pain.  After you’ve eaten and taken your painkillers, he'll carry you to bed and then put on an ambience noise video, open a window, and make sure your heating pad isn't too hot before placing your head on his chest so you can fall asleep listening to his heartbeat. You always fall asleep within a few minutes like this. Tōji doesn’t leave once you fall asleep, nor does he join you for a nap either; he’s more so focused on your facial expressions and movement to see if you’re having a peaceful sleep. As soon as he detects that you're becoming restless, he starts pressing soft kisses on your forehead and smoothing his thumbs down your cheeks until you fall into a peaceful sleep again.
Super chill about it. Doesn’t keep track of it at all, and forgets if you use pads or tampons just like Gojo. You can talk about all the gross shit you want with Toji, and he’ll listen and be completely unfazed. Without even trying, he’ll get everything you’re craving at the store on the way home. He also won’t bother thinking about a heating pad, he’ll just heat up a water bottle and it honestly works the same, if not better. Toji secretly enjoys that you’re too uncomfortable to move around, because it means he can just stay in with you in bed (he kinda hates going out). He handles it all nonchalantly and like an absolute champ. Unexpectedly a gem just like Nanami. Except the idea of messing around with you during this time grosses him out in theory. When you two actually try it, he feels like a little bitch and thinks of you like his lil ketchup packet.
  • ***he's sick ▸ literally never gets sick but will use the opportunity to let you fuss over him (aka freeload). he's so dramatic. almost as bad as gojo. "im too sick to make my own tea can you do it for me" yeah sure :/ acts like he can't do anything for himself. luckily when he does get sick its not for very long, so you've only got a day or two of worrying about this. you're starting to think he enjoys it when this happens (and he does).
  • ***you have a cold ▸ When he notices that you are drinking cold water without stopping, he will be at a loss and coming up to you to ask, he will touch your hot hand and understand what is the matter. If you are suffering from muscle pain, then he will gently kneading them for you. If you don't want to lie down, but on the contrary to sit, but you are uncomfortable on the couch, then he will offer you to sit on it:his strong arms will wrap around your shoulders and he will assume such a pose so that you are comfortable. He will take your hands in his palms to warm them if your fingers have become cold. Most likely, he will sneeze because he will smell the syrup of medicinal herbs that he will give you.
moment of weakness ...
  • ***tired ▸ “Hey I’m home,” Megumi calls as he enters the house. A few steps in and he’s greeted by his father laying on the couch. “So you are.. how was school today kid?” Toji asks, sitting up just in case you were also there. And when Megumi shuts the door behind him, Toji slumps back down on the couch, slightly disappointed. “School’s fine. It helps when your dad is dating your teacher,” Megumi shrugs, earning a scoff from his father. “By the way, Tsumiki’s sleeping over at her friend’s house and Y/n’s swinging by later after they finish faculty stuff. But uhhh... think Y/n’s been overworking themself... so yeah maybe you should do something nice for them,” Megumi adds before retreating to his room. Toji can’t help but smile at how his son is concerned for you- although he does find it weird he’s referring to you by your first name. Regardless, he manages to get up from the couch. After all, he has a bit of work to do before you get here. You almost chose not to visit the Fushiguro’s after you were done with work. It felt way too easy to go back to your own place and just nap— but you knew that seeing Toji would make your day better. If anything, you could just sleepover. And as soon as you knocked on your boyfriend’s (and student— but let’s try not to think about that) door, it swung open. Toji stood in front of you, a cute apron tied around his waist. And just behind him you could see food cooking on the stove. “Oh, what’s the special occasion?” you tease, tiptoeing to give Toji a kiss. “What, there needs to be a special occasion for me to be cooking dinner?” he rolls his eyes at you, guiding you into the house. “Can you blame me for being surprised?” you set your bag down before walking over to the kitchen. But before you could even get too far, Toji blocks your way. “Sorry Y/n, my job is to cook dinner, your job is to get some rest,” and in one swift motion he sweeps you off your feet, carrying you to the couch. “At least let me watch you cook,” you plead, giving Toji puppy eyes knowing that he can’t resist. Toji bites back a smile, and instead of setting you down on the couch, he turns around and walks with you back to the kitchen. He sets you down on the counter next to the stove, giving you one last kiss before returning his attention to the food. “You didn’t have to do this you know,” you tell him, swinging your feet in glee. Toji smiles, feeding you a bit of the food to taste test it. You nod in approval, causing Toji’s ego to inflate just a smidge. “What, I’m not allowed to take care of you when you’re not feeling well? Megumi was practically in tears when he came home from school— sobbing about how sad it was to see you so overworked,” he sighs, moving to stand in front of where you sat. He brings his hands to cup your cheek, but just before he could kiss you— you’re both interrupted. “I did not cry,” Megumi murmurs, moving past the two of you to grab some water. You lightly push your boyfriend away, flustered that his son (and your student) caught you two like this. Toji’s ego is only slightly bruised— although he could understand why you did that. “Yeah for sure. Of course you didn’t, kid. You totally weren’t bawling your eyes out,” he pats his son on the back before giving you a quick wink. Megumi’s eyes widen and he turns to you frantically, “I didn’t, I swear!” Laughter fills the kitchen as you and Toji continue to tease Megumi. You were right— swinging by the Fushiguro’s did make you feel better.
eye of the storm ...
  • killing a bug Punches it. He’s dramatic and gets a sort of a kick out of killing insects so violently. But what he loves especially is your reaction when he just straight-up sucker punches a wall to kill a bug. He may have left a hole in the wall, but hey! He did what you asked of him, and the bug's no more. :) He’ll just give you a smile and go about his day like there isn’t a hole and a dead bug on your wall.
  • crying at the end of a movie / show Who decided it was a good idea to watch a movie with this guy? He´s such an ass about it. The kind of guy who laughs when your favorite character dies. Lowkey possessive but in a fun and non-toxic way ("Now you only have eyes for me"). He won´t stop smirking and teasing you about being so emotional. "Nawww, don´t cry! I´m here with you, aren´t I?"
  • ***after a quarrel ▸ He will not understand at all that you have quarreled with him, so when he sees you unhappy, he will ask “What happened?” He will be a little surprised that you know how to slam the door hard. Toji will poke his fingers into your ribs making you hiss and flinch because you don't pay attention to him. You accidentally hit him in the face in a dream when he brings flowers to your face (the main thing is that you have reconciled and the bruise under his eye will heal sooner or later).
possessive ...
  • ***someone flirts with s/o ▸ Megumi takes after his father in his protective nature with his s.o, except this beefy hot cake would definitely have a more possessive approach. Toji is a very confident man, unarguably so. Though he’s the ‘what’s mine, is mine’ type of guy and he’ll be damned if he lets some scum try and pull moves on his s.o. Toji eyes the lovestruck stranger approaching you, black irises paying close attention to every move. He wastes no time in sauntering up to the both of you, a somewhat menacing smirk etched across his rough features. Even just the aura radiating off this haughty dilf screamed out ‘danger’ - and you liked it. “Get lost.” Would be all he would say before moving behind you, one hand securely wrapped around your waist as the other tugs the collar of your sweater below your collarbones to reveal the litter of hickies and bite marks hidden underneath, the complexion of your supple skin practically complimenting the bruising colors - it didn’t help that the feverish blush rushing to your cheeks only made his heart swell with pride, honestly the man couldn’t resist you even if he wanted to. Never faltering eye contact he’d add on, “unless you have a problem with that?”
***staying the night for the first time "C'mere. You're not leaving just yet." Sleepily, Toji waves you over, inviting you into his bedroom. Rolling onto the bed as he pats the spot next to him. It's been a while since he's wanted someone to spend the night with him, but he couldn't pass you up and let you walk home alone, and he was too tired to let you leave. Usually he sleeps better alone, other people make him uneasy. It takes the right kind of person to get him to tear down his walls and lay next to him as he's at his most vulnerable. There's a bit of a softness to his jagged edges after midnight. Deep talks. He has no issue telling you about his life if you ask, and he'll give you his undivided attention once you feel like opening up to him. Definitely the type to lounge around in grey sweatpants and nothing else. The man may have trouble expressing his feelings, but he has no issues understanding exactly how unbelievable his body is. "You can feel them." He laughs as he catches you staring, only to take your hand and guide it over his abs. Absolutely enamored by how flustered you're getting. Sleeps with you completely consumed in his massive arms. It's rare he lets guests over, but the rare time he does it's because they're someone worth holding on to.***wallpaper is an ugly picture of him “the fuck is this?” toji demands gruffly, eyebrow raised as he waits for your answer. turning your face away from him with a hmph, you promptly ignore him, which makes his eyes narrow. every time you and toji have a slight disagreement, it becomes your mission to become the bane of his existence—like right now, for example. last night’s argument has been your excuse to slowly drive him insane, and this picture is your new attempt. and so is the silent treatment.“think i asked a question, doll,” he scowls, “what is up with this photo? it’s hideous. ” “would you rather i use another man’s photo for my lock screen then?” you raise a brow, crossing your arms as you finally turn to look at him. he glares at you, as though even just the idea is an insult. “you’re lucky the picture’s still you after last night,” you say flatly. toji is as stubborn as you, however, so he blinks for a moment before a lopsided smirk tugs at his scarred lips, a casual shrug falling off his shoulders as he hums. “alright,” he says smoothly, “i’ll just have to use a picture from the other night to settle the score,” he grins, watching as your eyes widen when you register his words. scowling, you poke a finger at his chest as you glare at him. “you’d better not! don’t you dare even think about using such obscene—” “then i think you should start bein’ a bit nicer to me, doll,” he says, voice husky as his lips hover over your mouth, “cause i got plenty of pictures i’m dyin’ to use,” he grins before pressing his lips to yours as your breath hitches in your throat.***wearing their oversized white t-shirt he’d slap your thighs or ass because he thinks you’re so fucking sexy in his shirt, and it’s true. bonus points if you aren’t wearing a bra, you’ll earn yourself a boob squeeze from this man. doesn’t matter where you are, but he’d lift the hem up to see if you have shorts or panties on. again, bonus points if you aren’t wearing one, you now have a daddy-will-suck-my-clit ticket. he’d smell the shirt after you take it off, he’d even wear it sometimes. “toji, it’s dirty.” “no, i am wearing it to the grocery.” “but—” “c’mon baby, smells like you.” secretly takes pictures of you and make them his wallpaper.***nicknames this is literally my first time writing for him. he looks like a daddy (and he is one) so i guess he would call you baby girl. even if you don’t call him daddy (which i believe he would actually really enjoy) he’ll stick to baby girl. but he won’t be cringey like massimo in 365 days (obviously). the way he says it makes you succumb to his will immediately.ily ...
  • why You're sitting on the kitchen counter, wearing Tōji’s t-shirt and steadily watching him as he pours you a cup of water. “Why do you love me?” He sets the cup down at your side, caging you between his arms with a smug look, “I mean, just look at you.” “Forget it.” You roll your eyes and push his chest to move past him. You don’t make it very far, as he easily pulls you into a hug from behind and sighs into your ear. “Don’t be stupid. I love you because after we met, I knew I had to. It’d fucking kill me if some other bastard got to you first.”
hair ...
  • ***stopping in the middle of playing with it Toji grunts, pulling your hand back as it retreats and planting it back into his hair. “i gave ya privileges. i can take ‘em away too,” he warns, making you scoff as your fingers return to scratching at his scalp. “and how is playing with your hair a privilege for me?” you mutter, making him peer at you through one eye, a light smirk tugging at his lips. “don’t know, i wasn’t the one cryin’ about not being able to touch hair,” he shoots back. you huff, but when he leans into your touch, sighing ever so slightly at the soft drag of your nails against his scalp, you smile to yourself that you get to steal these moments with a man like toji. “your hair’s not even as soft as it looks,” you mutter, and he turns to bite your wrist gently, chuckling when you let out a quiet shriek. “doesn’t seem to stop you, does it?”
***cuddling Cuddling with Tōji is so soft and warm. He absolutely adores it when you lay on top of him with your head on his chest. He makes sure that you're all cozy and tucked into a blanket. He holds you close to him and softly traces his fingers over your cheek to coax you into a nap while leaving little kisses on the crown of your head.
  • Toji definitely prefers to hug you from behind while you're cooking, his muscled arms sliding around your waist as he nuzzles into your hair. He does the same while sleeping, trapping you within his warm embrace subconsciously.
***kissing Tōji gives a lot of kisses. He adores you, so why would he hold back? On an everyday basis, you'll receive kisses on your cheeks, forehead, lips, hands, arms, any place he can reach, but the kisses that turn you into a little puddle of love are the ones he places right on top of where your heart is. It happens when he's sleepy and has snuggled himself on top of you. He always does it right after you scratch his head to return the affection. They're so soft and if you're wearing a thick fabric like his hoodies you can barely feel them, but it doesn't change the fact that it gives you butterflies. He can hear your heartbeat quicken whenever he does this so do expect a little teasing when he's fully awake. It's all in good nature, though, and he always gives you extra kisses after. <3
  • LIKES TO KISS: He peppers soft kisses on your neck, liking the sound of your breathy moans as he trails kisses on your sensitive neck to your shoulders. He might leave a few love bites as well to mark you as his.
  • LIKES TO BE KISSED: He likes it when you place a kiss close enough to his lips, usually when you are in a mood to tease him or too shy to initiate an actual kiss. He'll instantly grab you and kiss you passionately right then and there.
  • He takes you to another world. You don't feel alive when he kisses you. It makes you can't breathe, and it's not delicate at all. He won't understand gentle and short kisses at all times, but he will do it in his own way. No matter where you are, it will make you unable to breathe with it on your mouth.
  • ASKING FOR KISSES: what makes you think he’d fucking ask? he’d grab you by your nape and shove his tongue in your mouth. “t-toji! what are you-” “shut up, i’m tasting what’s mine.” yeah, you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. nothing can stop this man. a squeeze on the butt usually translates to “face me, i’m going to kiss you.” he’d kiss you anytime he wants, anywhere he wants. “toji, we’re in the mall.” “and?” when it’s toji’s kisses, then it’s not just lip kisses. there was a time, he accidentally placed a hickey on your neck when the both of you were at the shampoo section. you thought he was just pressing kisses. “baby, i think i’m horny.” 7/10 — impolite but tastes so good.
***showering Toji is not a friend of long cuddling units in the bath or hot spring. For him, it’s a waste of time, just for women or people who don’t know what to do with their time. He prefers to shower alone or with you. For him, it doesn’t matter if you’re there or not, at least he thought so at the beginning. But once he came back from a “job”, had a few blood splashes here and there, and just wanted to get out of his clothes and take a shower, when you were already under it, humming a song while washing your hair. He just hissed at you and pushed you aside. “Move, I don’t want the blood to dry.” First, he didn’t notice you, rubbed himself with shower gel and shampooed his hair when he noticed the extreme silence. No “Hey what the fuck, Toji!” or “Out with you!” or anything else came from you. Instead, you looked at him with concern, looking for wounds that don’t exist. You were just rubbing your body with shower gel, your hair is wet, sticking to your skin and some foam covers your otherwise naked and shimmering body. You look so fucking sexy. Toji forgets for a moment why he’s in the shower. This was when he no longer thought of showering alone, but always taking a shower when you hop in there. Sex in the shower is supposed to be dangerous because you could slip? No, not for Toji. You should make the shower tap out as long as you do not wash out the shampoo or shower gel? No, after all, he doesn’t pay the water bill. Besides, he doesn’t want to stand in the cold when he’s about to fuck your soul out. Toji pushes you against the tiles, only to fuck you with full force. Watching your eyes roll back, your voice numbs his ears, and your claws press into his neck. Also, he enjoys it when he just silently comes into the shower to quickly take a shower, but you, his needy little girl, want more and start getting on your knees to give him head. Uninterested, he continues to wash while you suck his cock and massage his balls. When he’s about to come, he pushes you away to decorate your entire face and body with his cum, just to keep showering and watching you on the floor waiting for him to finish cleaning. Rarely does he have one of his soft days where he is a little longer in the shower, alone, even before you went to take one and enjoys it when you come to him to hug him from behind.***pulling him closer by the belt ▸ TOJI doesn’t really care whether you’re the one initiating kisses or even suggestive gestures or not. Until now, he struggles with what love language he should have that would put you best at ease, but it’s been established that you can’t get enough of him just as he is with you. Your relationship is affectionate to a fault. Toji is one who isn’t used to it, but each day of being with you and he thinks he can learn. He can live with it. He can see his future being more like this – waking up to you every morning, getting a kiss on his forehead, his eyes closing each time you trace his scar with your thumb and then kiss it afterwards. As the days goes by, he grows comfortable with this silent yet expressive actions as well. Toji likes you to grab you by the waist and place kisses all over your collarbones. He enjoys letting you lay on his lap during those lazy nights where you both kill time by watching movies. He adores hugging you from behind, his chin resting on your shoulder while you wash the dishes. Overall, Toji cherishes these small moments he breathes next to you. Tonight is one of those times where you’re feeling particularly gleeful, bouncing all over the couch while Toji laughs at your comical expressions. You’d been promoted at work – he can’t really remember since you barged into his arms as soon as you came home – and you hadn’t stopped clinging onto him ever since. Muttering about how you’re so lucky to have him, the words effortlessly thawing the ice in his heart. Or perhaps, teaching the dead to beat into life once again. It gets too much that Toji jokingly runs away from you, keeping you at an arm’s length away with his calloused hand on your head to keep you in place. “Enough,” he commands, though the small smirk he wears says otherwise. “What am I, your kissing victim? I’ve got your marks all over me already, stop being greedy.” Rolling your eyes, you duck under him and grab him by the waistband of his pants. Toji’s large body bumps into yours as he smiles at you, hands trailing all over your waist before he rests them on your hips. “Toji,” you beam up at him with love in your eyes, “Can I please get one more kiss? See, I’m asking nicely now. You can’t reject me.” His head shakes with laughter. “Never planned to, sweetheart.”***first time toji is right where he belongs, larger arms wrapped around your thighs as he presses his face harder on your pussy—tongue swirling against your clit, slurping up your juices till you’re a withering mess. “you taste so fucking good” toji groans into your heat, marking his hand on your tit as he massages the mound. “want you so bad” you murmur through a moan, fisting his hair as you tug him off your cunt. toji has been tongue fucking your pussy for the last hour—orgasm after orgasm and you’re always left wanting more, he knows you want it but could your little virgin hole handle it? “mh, really? need my cock to cum? tongue not enough, huh?” toji teases, lifting his head from his personal favorite place to capture his lips on yours, the taste of yourself dipping into your mouth. “please, toji—please” you beg, he wagers the thought for a second, undressing his bottom half and fisting the fat length in his hand. “okay okay, angel—i’ll give it to you” he grins, lining up the throbbing head with your hole as toji lifts one of your legs over his shoulder. “tell me to stop if it hurts” he warns, giving you a serious face before plunging right in. the mere wetness of your pussy gives him easy access to fill you completely, fat cock splitting you right open at his disposal, toji softens as your body begins to tremble from the length, interlocking his fingers with your own and raising the hand up to his lips. “i’m all yours baby” he reminds you, slowly reeling his hips back to watch your walls eagerly suck him right back in, toji knows you were made just for him, he loves the way you’re losing every brain cell to his cock driving deeper in your cunt and he’s so fucking drunk on it. “gonna fill this pretty pussy with all my cum, first and last cock you’ll ever have angel, how does that sound?” toji beams down at you, almost spilling his seed just at the thought of watching his cum leak out of your tight little hole.
  • ***raw “i feel how much you’re clenching around me, pretty” toji smirks, locking eyes with you and reaching a finger out to press his thumb on your bottom lip, “does my cock feel that good without a condom? we’ve barely started.” toji reaches a hand under your torso, rising you closer to him as he fucks his cock deeper in your hole. with no shred of dignity you cream around his length, your toes curling beside his head, and fingers clawing at his biceps. “now you’re going to be so sensitive angel but you’ll take this fat cock, yeah?” toji smirks when you only nod your head, and he’s reeling his hips back to watch the white ring wrapped around his cock. he’s only getting started and toji would be a fucking liar if he doesn’t want to cum right now, feel the way your pussy sucks in his white load but engrossing in your fragile features under his cock pounding in your tight hole is so much better. “now i’ll only fuck you this way pretty baby, this pussy derseve to feel everything” toji brushes his lips across your own and maybe you can hear what he says but it’s so difficult while your boyfriend buries himself inside you and that sticky white cum coating your inner thighs and staining the sheets below.
***finding the spot toji is more than a little pleased at the way your hands grip the edge of the counter, pulling your hips back against him as he slams into you from behind. he chuckles at the way your legs are quivering, knees seconds from giving out as he bullies his fat cock into your sloppy cunt. he’s painfully hard, throbbing in your slick heat, the purpled tip of his cock nudging past your folds and stretching you open with every snap of his hips. “doll, you’re dripping,” he rasps, the scarred side of his lips tugging into a lopsided smirk, “gonna leave a mess all over the floors at this rate,” he chuckles as you whine in embarrassment. “o-oh—god, toji,” you whimper, back arching to give him better access, making him slam against the spot that makes you dizzy as you grip the counter tighter, “please, please, please,” you chant. “please what, doll? gotta use your big girl words,” he purrs, “too busy gushin’ all over my cock, ya can’t even speak properly.” he ruts his hips deeper into you, balls clapping against your ass and veins dragging along your tight, warm walls and granting your more friction. he grunts as you clench down on him with another roll of his hips, feeling as you get closer and closer with the way your pussy sucks him in as he sinks deeper into you with each thrust. “that’s it, princess,” he grunts, “takin’ me so well, aren’t ya? such a greedy little pussy, ya got there.”B = body part | just can’t stay away from your mouth. He craves the wet heat of your lips on his, or anywhere on his skin (especially if it is the morning and you like to wake him up sucking his morning hard cock). He loves kisses, and he wants as many as you are willing to give, sometimes taking his time to enjoy the simple and yet fiery contact. He also loves kissing your hand whenever you haven’t seen each other in a long time, and your ankles when he goes down on you. He knows every sensible point you have on your body because he 100% put his mouth on it at least once.D = dirty secret | ...
  • ***period sex On the opposite end of the spectrum, Geto is maybe a little too eager to fuck you during your period. He just loves how tender and pliant you are during this time of the month. How sensitive. Especially with the way just the softest brush of his fingers against your sore, swollen chest through your shirt makes you whimper. Geto will be more careful with you than usual, but it's going to get messy. He really couldn't care less about getting blood everywhere and anywhere, not even in his mouth, and he doesn’t even bother to put a towel down. It’s best to remind him to pull his hair up at least before you both get too carried away. Cleaning you up afterwards and taking a nice long bath together is always a given. At the end of the day, Geto loves to make you feel taken care of and for all the desire this state tends to stir in him it also makes him quite soft for you too.
H = hair | He's well-groomed — likes a clean, shaved downstairs.J = jack off | ...
  • ***masturbation voicemail Toji grunts into the phone against your ear, making you pause as you listen closely. there’s a soft squelching sound, followed by shallow breathing that makes your eyes widen as you realize what he’s doing. a low chuckle rings through your ears, making your legs squeeze together as he groans lowly. “hey baby,” his voice purrs, deep and slightly breathless as he pants heavily into his speaker. you can practically envision it—the way his legs are spread, the way his thighs are twitching, the way his cock is red and stiff as he pumps it with his fist. you wonder if he’s shirtless, if there’s beads of sweat rolling down his muscled chest, is his nipples have hardened and his skin is flushed a soft pink. “god i fuckin’ miss your pussy. not as much as i miss you though,” he chuckles, “before you get mad at me. yer cute when you’re mad, though,” he adds after a moment. you gulp as you hear him moan lowly into the phone, and you just barely catch yourself from answering him, remembering it’s just a voicemail. “fuck—couldn’t wait. been thinkin’ about you. ‘m gonna cum. bet you’d like that, huh? thought you might wanna hear.” there’s a smugness in his voice that normally would make your eyes roll, but then you hear him groan loudly, long and drawn out as he chokes on a string of curses while he cums. you feel a familiar ache build up between your legs when you hear him moan your name, picturing the sight of his scarred lips tugged between his teeth, of his chest rising and falling erratically with every labored breath against your ear. “don’t worry, you’ll get the real thing soon enough,” he chuckles before he hangs up.
  • ***masturbation video Toji doesn’t know how to say i miss you. but he does know how to send his thick, purpled cock, angry and aching to release to show you he’s thinking of you. he grunts deep, and you can almost envision the way his scarred lips are parted as he groans low and drawn out just as he squeezes at the base of his cock and cums. he milks himself of every drop, breath ragged and hand shaking as he films himself. “fuckin’ hell, doll,” he grunts, “you know how much trouble ya are? sittin’ here and thinkin’ about how good ya always take me. bet you want that—bet ya miss cumming around my cock, don’tcha, doll?” you roll your eyes, but you can’t help but huff frustratedly as you feel yourself crave the drag of his thick cock as it splits you open, craving hearing his deep groans against your ear instead of through the speakers of your phone. with a frustrated sigh, you angle your phone as your fingers sink into your wet cunt, spreading yourself for him to see the way your folds glisten with your slick. you smile nice and sweet for the camera, biting your lip as you moan softly and rub a thumb over your clit. “think i’m doing just fine without you,” you grin, pressing send and waiting excitedly to rile him up.
  • sex tape Toji will make you look like the biggest fucking slut on camera. He will literally slut you out the entire time the camera is recording because that’s what he does best. The camera can only see your face as he was off screen. His hand gripped tight in your hair as he holds you in place as he fucks your throat. You can hear the groans from him as he hits the back of your throat and laughing if you gag around him. He’s gonna degrade you from start to finish and his cock will twitch when your eyes start to get teary from the treatment, but you swallow him all the same as your throat gets used. He would pull out completely just to show the cameras how much you took down and the spit connecting his tip to your lips. He will keep that tight grip on your hair as he makes you stand up and toss you to the bed. He gotta remember to grab the phone so he’ll reach for it before showing the camera how he pushes inside you with ease from behind, making a comment on how only good sluts can take cock like his without any prep cause you were that wet from getting your throat fucked. Has the camera watch the way he thrust in and out of your pussy, coating his entire length as cum around him back to back. Will put his thumb in your ass too only because he clench around him just right and it makes him want to fuck you deeper than what might be possible. Will give a good cumshot as he pulls out and makes you stick your tongue out as he comes over your face and tongue. He won’t turn the camera off until you swallow and show the camera that you did to before shutting it off and fucking you one more time without holding the phone
K = kinks | doesn’t necessarily get jealous often but when he does it’s written all over his face—but he relishes the way you take him when it does happen. toji is more handsy, rough—and has to get his point across that you’re his and how much it pisses him off that people think you can easily be taken away from him. and that’s why he gathers your arms above your head, pinning them to the mattress, his cock throbs so much harder nestled inside your pussy when the your heels dig into his back. “pussy belongs to me” toji groans, snapping his hips against your body, back arching when the tip of his cock bumps against that spongy spot, “isn’t that right pretty girl?” but it’s a rhetorical question—and with a brain fused with nothing but his fat cock drilling inside you, your mind is left but mush. toji leans down to press his chest against your own, slowly pumping his cock now while he admires your fucked out expression, “i always treat my girl right too” toji dumps his warm seed right after his sultry words—he really does treat you good, load after load of his cum.Breeding. Of course Toji has a breeding kink, he is a father after all. Its almost a little game off his, how many times can he cum in you. Loathes condoms. Toji hates the plastic flimisy things, you will take his cum. Perhaps hating condoms runs in the family. “FUCK that’s fucking good.” he says between grunts.“Toji, i-it hurts….mmm, oh!” Tears trickled down your face and yet your hips were needly bucking up to take his cock like there was anything else of him to take. What a glutton for punishment you were, but soon that burning pain became something just as good, even better actually, delicious pain, and your were soon arching your back and locking your legs around his back. Holding you in place so he could fuck you.The sound of your hips meeting was so loud, you were sure anybody walking by would know what you were doing; then again, it wouldn't be the first time.He buries himself deep into your creamy pussy, relishing in the warm feeling, before pumping a heavy load of warm cum into your womb.His cum wouldn’t stop until your belly was swollen with his hot cum, and he eventually fell off of you with a shaky, shallow breath.Your whining, your pleasure, it was all because of him. And fuck, he loved that power, loved what he did to you.
  • “fuck, doll, you gonna let me turn you into a mommy?” he hissed through gritted teeth as you bounced on his lap. you could feel him in your guts, you were that full of him, and he ogled the sight of your tummy bulging where he was fucking you open around him. you couldn’t deny the way that you tightened up around him at his words, clit pulsing excitedly at the thought of it. “you like that? wanna be my cute little housewife, nothing to worry 'bout but me n a cute little brat that looks like you?” “please, toji, i-” you cut off with a moan as he rubbed your clit for you. “i know, i know. you just worry about cumming, i’ve got the rest.” you rocked your hips against him, grinding rather than bouncing to make it easier for him to get you off. there was a greedy look on his face when you finally came around him, he helped you ride it out before laying you down beneath him on the bed and using you to finish himself off. “toji! ngh,” you squeaked. he was pounding into you harder than he ever had before, intent behind each pump of his hips as he ached to fill you up and breed you. “please cum inside me! wanna be pregnant with your baby, i need it!” he followed your request with ease, rolling his hips against yours as he came in thick spurts, soothing your battered insides while he claimed you in such a primal way. “do you really want that? because we can go all night to make that little wish come true.”
➤ Blowjobs. “Suck.” With not an ounce of hesitance, you bring your face close to Toji’s awaiting member and allow your tongue to flop out, the warmth of your wet muscle gliding across the underside of his dick makes his thighs shudder. Your ego swells, he rarely, almost never, shows reaction when you suck him off. That simple shudder gives you the courage to bring his tip in your mouth, suckling and kissing the swollen head. Your eyes are locked with his as you do this, relishing in that subtle smirk he gives when your tongue swirls over his member, soaking the skin with your saliva. >>> Toji loves to see you work to please him (hello naoya?) Lazy son of a bitch. Expect half hearted thrusts into your mouth turn into full on throat fucking. Claw at his thighs, whine with his fat cock in your mouth he wont care, he's not letting you breath until he finishes. “Suck.” With not an ounce of hesitance, you bring your face close to Toji’s awaiting member and allow your tongue to flop out, the warmth of your wet muscle gliding across the underside of his dick makes his thighs shudder. Your ego swells, he rarely, almost never, shows reaction when you suck him off. That simple shudder gives you the courage to bring his tip in your mouth, suckling and kissing the swollen head. Your eyes are locked with his as you do this, relishing in that subtle smirk he gives when your tongue swirls over his member, soaking the skin with your saliva.BOY, SOOO MANY???? but to name a few,,, degradation ("You're a stupid little whore that only thinks about having cock in you, you think I don't know?") corruption/coercion (and you will listen because he is always so gruff with you so when he tries to coerce you into doing anything, he is so patient and gentle that you'll do it) humiliation (he'll laugh at the wet spot on ur panties, and he'll say mean things to tease and mock you about it like, "Look at this? What's this?") spitting (into ur mouth, on ur pussy, whatever. He especially loves it when his spit dribbles down your chin a little at his misaim and you just lick it up and not wipe it away) slapping (on your face, with his hand as he is fucking you, or with his cock after you've sucked him off) Edging (omg he just wants you to fucking cry and beg, I tell you.... he won't stop edging until your entire body is just trembling at every little touch and you're whining for him to please! fuck me!) Breeding (he'd pull out slowly out of your pussy after nutting and watch his cum trickle out of your hole. and he'd use his cock to catch the white liquid and push himself back in, returning his cum back into your pussy) i think u get it? basically he likes dominating and making his partner potentially cry lol he honestly has soooo many more, this is just the tip of the iceberg lmaoO = oral | Toji is a messy eater. He eats pussy like a god tho. The thing about him is that he doesn’t wait. He is very impatient because let’s deal with it. You’re the hottest person he’s ever seen. And you look even better naked, straddling on his face, looking down at his lustful eyes as he works his tongue on you. Fuck. So gorgeous. So sexy. You’re a little embarrassed because you get out of control when he does these things to you. You can’t get a hold of your own emotions and you get so horny. You start playing with your own nipple and it’s the best view he can ask for as he eats you out. When you cum, your juices are spilling down on his jaws. His cheeks are red and so wet. But that doesn’t stop him when he still intends to pull another one out of you.V = volume | It’s no secret at all that Toji is noisy, theres no possible way for Toji to shut up during sex. He always has something to say, degrading you for being such a slut, telling you how tight you are, or he badly he wants to fuck you. He has so many fond memories of you on all fours just for him, letting him fuck you like he was touch starved. His hands holding your hips so tightly as if youd go away if his grip was loose. Biting back any groans or moans seemed pointless to Toji, I mean he’s already balls deep into you. He groans out any dirty thing that comes into his mind. “Heh.. you really are a whore for me”. Rarely ever moans and mostly grunts with a lot of heavy breathing. Degrades you and will very rarely praise you. Sorry but it's true. Dirty talk game is really fucking good. He won't be the most vocal guy, but you will be screaming and crying and maybe even throwing up. And he absolutely loves it. Like Suguru, has a tendency to laugh sometimes during sex, but don't worry it's weirdly really hot.
  • this man fucks rough and speaks rough. he loves shaming you while having sex. “you’re a slut for that fuckin’ cock, arent ya?” will degrade you the whole time WHILE praising you. “what a dirty whore, getting this wet for me. . . what a good fuckin’ girl.” he doesn’t care if the neighbors would hear him but he’d speak loudly whenever he’d ordering you to moan louder. “c’mon let them know that this pussy’s mine. you’re mine.” he curses so much, he’d do it all the time, from foreplay to aftercare.
X = x-ray | Another monster cock. like around 7.7/7.8 inches, relatively thick, and another one who’s tip gets a dark red when he’s hard. likes to get himself ready for you by deep throating you and coating his dick with your spit. honestly, in his defense, his dick does look gorgeous like that. not too veiny. there’s one or two that are prominent, maybe. not clean shaven. maybe if you like bully him into doing it something he might. threaten him with no sex! his dick is so hefty and heavy though, like it’s just thangin’ when he’s in sweats. i just know he goes commando. ugh, dilf <3
  • he's HUUUUGE — at his biggest his cockhead would probably touch his belly button, so like 6.5 inches? And his girth??? no matter how long your fingers are, you're never going to be able to wrap them around his cock and have any fingers touching. and ok his cock is like... the shape of a bottleneck tree??? idk how to explain this but — it's thicker in the middle and then it tapers off just a slightly smaller, reaching his tip.
ring He'd also take a lot of time, picturing the rings on your finger, questioning about the type of gem or the band. Has half a mind to send you the pictures and just let you choose. After a lot of debate, he settles on one like this.
domestic Toji is the perfect house husband. His cooking is amazing, he knows how to clean, he's good at maintaining a clean and organized house, and he's hot. You'll often find Toji reorganizing your closet if it's messy from you picking out an outfit "Stupid Y/N" is the phrase he says before letting out a small laugh while putting your clothes back where they belong. Toji always wakes up early to greet you good morning, he makes sure there's always enough time for him to make you and Megumi breakfast and lunch. While you and Megumi are at school he might even go shopping and get you guy's a pair of matching shoes and floral button downs for those corny family vacation pictures. He loves you and Megumi very much and he'll always try to provide for the both of you no matter what it takes. Overall 100/10, not bias at all
HOT THINGS HE DOESlicking his lips like he wants to fucking eat you. sometimes you really think he sees you like some sort of a good chocolate cake he wants to devour. (bonus point when his tongue passes over his scar oh lord-) I kinda don't know how to say it but he does a lot of things with his hands, like rubbing them together when he has something on his mind or when he's about to tease you. other times he joins his fingers while looking at you, like he's plotting something. to be more simple, his hands make him 10 times hotter than he already is, with his longs fingers, the way his hands are so massive he could easily crush your whole face with them. he likes to run his hand trough your hair and pull out a little, smirking when he hears your small whine of complaint.He’s a dilf. Boom. I could leave it at that. Dilfs are hot. Superior men.But anywho, Toji would flex his massive size any chance he got. He’d grab the tops of doorframes, leaning into it so his shirt stretched across his muscles.He would also be the kind of guy that would grab your waist from behind if you were trying to reach something on a top shelf. 50% of the time he will grab it and 50% of the time he will full on lift you up to grab it.Definitely grabs your face to kiss you. A cheek pincher too so you pucker up for himHe would have a 5 o’clock shadow every other day and it’s so attractive on him. Definitely a dilf thing if you ask meToji would always have an arm back behind you in any chair or seat. That’s also including when he is reversing in a car. He’d do THE THING when backing up. He’d even throw you a wink as he did itHe would also always have a hand on your knee. He’d be a tease and squeeze up and down your thigh at inconvenient momentsI feel like he would have a manly scent that was distinct to him. It wouldn’t be stinky or anything, just unique and manly and delicious because it’s Toji Fushiguro
  • Toji can be a huge asshole, mostly he is, but now and then, he can be just a little one.
  • now, canonically, Toji is actually a very sweet, devoted man when he's with someone that he really loves. and he does really love you!! hear me out, this man exudes Cane Corso energy. looks mean, big, buff, dangerous to fuck with, and incredibly protective and affectionate to His Person (you, you are his person)
  • KISS! HIS! SCARS!!!! HE! WILL! MELT!!!!!!!
  • protective as FUCK
  • double whammy: jealous AND possessive. he trusts you, he does... but he's had a rough life, he kinda expects you to just up and leave at some point :( if someone's flirting with you, he's VERY quick to wrap his arm around you, steal your breath away with a kiss, etc. he'll hit you with a "Hey there, doll" while giving the dude flirting with you the cockiest smirk. let's be fuckin real here, Toji is ridiculously intimidating, absolutely nobody is gonna make a move on you with him around. if someone tries to start shit with you, this man will not hesitate to start (and win) a fight
  • overall he really does try his best to be a great boyfriend to you, but he's been through SO MUCH so pls be patient with him while he learns how to love again :(
  • With his clients, he doesn’t talk about you, most of them don’t even know he’s with you. It is better for his impression and certainly it is safer for you. Even if he would never say that out loud.
  • Rarely, but from time to time more often, he prevents you from sleeping with his words and thoughts. He on his back, his arm casually behind his head while your little body lies in his arm and hugs his chest. Thoughtfully, he asks you why you stay with him, when you would have a better life if you were somewhere else, just like Megumi.
  • ...
  • he's not great at it, but he does like cooking with you. PERFECT man to have around if you're having trouble mixing something, he's happy to help!
  • he tolerates a LOT with you. seriously, who would ever believe that the big bad sorcerer killer himself doing a fucking face mask with his s/o because you asked him to?
  • he remembers exactly how you like your coffee/tea in the morning, and if he wakes up before you then he'll surprise you by bringing you a cup in bed <3
  • he doesn't have much to spend on fancy gifts, he can't afford flowers every other week, but he does his best. he's never one to care about rules, so he's absolutely the kind of guy to go like... steal flowers from displays, or from planters outside of businesses, and he'll give you a bouquet of those <3 "My baby wanted flowers, you're gettin' some fuckin' flowers" he'd also actually try to save up his money to afford to give you nice things every now and then <3
  • ...
  • Should it happen that you two go out together, he is not a friend of holding your hand, or taking you in his arms like an annoying couple in love. But if he sees someone staring at you as if you were fresh meat and thus their prey, his arm is faster on your hip or your butt than you can say Toji. With a murderous and sinister look, it only takes a few seconds for the person to look away and disappear at an incredible speed. Right after that, Toji tells you to put on a jacket next time, or not wear such clothes without him by your side.
  • Farts under the blanket and does not tell you if you want to sneak under his blanket to cuddle.
  • he's indifferent to pda, if you wanna be all over him in public, he's happy to let you and he'll gladly reciprocate it all. he won't often initiate it other than holding your hand tho
NSFW: He likes how you know how to use your tongue during a kiss. He doesn't like long foreplay, so you'll get right to the point. It gives him pleasure when tears flow from the corners of your eyes when you give him a blowjob. He knows all your sensitive spots, so be prepared to tolerate his antics when you are in public. From impatience, he will tear your panties (speaking of panties, he will not allow you to buy silk panties, despite their attractiveness, they hardly tear, although this will not stop him). He will leave bruises not only on your neck but also on your arms and thighs because he holds these places very tightly. He likes to look at the droplets of sweat that flow down from your cleavage or collarbones (even better when it happens in the shower when you wrap your legs around his waist and at this time hot water pours and gets on your bodies creating pleasant sensations). If he notices that you are cum soon, he will delay this crucial moment so that you can feel this pleasure together when he is close. He likes dirty talk for example: “I see how you want my dick to get into you and fill you up as soon as possible,” “I promise you that you won't even be able to sit normally when I fuck you.”FAMILY: If you have a child and you want him to pick them up from school, you will always get a call from the teacher who is worried about the right way to deal with your child. Because Toji often calls your child with the words “Eh... brat, get your ass over here,” because he has simply forgotten the right name.no thanks: If you have cooked something nice and fancy for your anniversary, he asks you what you want with this crap. After all, it is cheaper and above all better if you just stand in front of him naked and he can eat out other things. Toji leaves you for a few days because of his work, just to listen to your frustration about his disappearance afterwards. He lets you finish your yelling, has no problem with you hitting him, as long as he can throw you on the couch afterwards to bury his head between your chest, his arms tightly wrapped around your shape. Your heartbeat is what gives him security and makes him tame. When you watch TV together, his beer in one hand, the other arm casually around your shoulder to caress your side with his thumb, he does not hold back the comment on how hot the curvy ass of the actress is. He skillfully ignores your terrified and angry gaze.
I still can’t get over toji getting his wife’s last name