"expand" (脹 chō) + "together" (相) | JAPANESE






6'0" (183 cm)








Cursed Womb: Death Painting


Chōsō's a very calm and reserved person who's fairly quiet and tends to fade into the background of social groups. He normally has a bored expression on his face and appears aloof and completely disassociated in most situations. Unlike the vast majority of cursed spirits, Chōsō doesn't have an inherent desire to attack people and doesn't even harbor any disdain toward jujutsu sorcerers. He's not cruel or vicious in any way and generally doesn't speak often unless it has to do with his family. In fact, Chōsō loved his human mother and the sorcerer who toyed with him was the only one to earn his hatred. Despite appearing to be a very dissociative person, Chōsō's very attached and protective of his brothers. Upon being incarnated, Chōsō told his two brothers that three of them lived only for one another and that they were all one. With a bored expression on his face, Chōsō was going through the motions of a simple board game with Mahito and Pseudo-Getou when he learned Esō and Kechizu had perished, deeply upsetting him. He agreed to fight alongside Mahito and Getou Suguru but ultimately only pursued the goal of avenging his brothers during the Shibuya Incident. Even during the fight against Gojō Satoru, Chōsō barely committed himself to attacking Satoru and stayed far back out of his range the entire time, upsetting Jogo. He also clashed with Jogo's more abrasive personality over keeping Itadori Yūji alive to revive Sukuna because Chōsō wanted to kill the vessel outright to avenge his siblings. Chōsō earned the opportunity to take revenge on Yūji but could feel his impending death right before dealing the killing blow. It's a side effect of his composition as a Death Painting Womb and of his cursed technique. Chōsō can feel the death of his brothers and felt the same intense sensation from Yūji's impending death as he did from Esō and Kechizu's. Once Chōsō realized that Noritoshi Kamo survived by moving from body to body, he surmised that Yūji must be his relative through that connection. Chōsō was quick to deem him one of his younger brothers and align himself with him. He devoted all his strength to protect Yūji for the remainder of their time in Shibuya and focused his vengeance on Kenjaku for manipulating him into hurting his little brother. Chōsō takes pride in being the oldest of ten siblings and his values and who he is as a person are all related to this. Due to his family values and unconditional love for his siblings, Chōsō can't understand someone like Zen'in Naoya. Naoya hates all of his older brothers because they are weaker than him. Chōsō argues that older siblings either present the road to travel or the one to avoid. He believes perhaps someone like Naoya's only strong because his brothers are weak. Unlike Naoya, Chōsō didn't have an older brother to show him the way, so he always stumbled and made mistakes. Even so, Chōsō stands tall and walks the path ahead of his younger brother's and it is from this dedication that he draws strength.






cards against humanityNot enjoying it. He just wants to get the fuck away from these two; the game isn't even that fun. If he's not having fun, he might as well try to make everyone else suffer. Chōsō's making the more sexually explicit plays because occasionally Mahito won't get it, since he's technically a newer curse, and it's hilarious. I feel bad about barely writing anything for him, but I need to reread the manga.***stretch marks ▸ At first, he doesn’t get what you’re upset about. You need to point them out specifically to him. He’ll trace his finger along some of them and think really hard for a few minutes. then he’ll ask if you’re bothered by the mark on his face. Of course you say it doesn’t bother you, it’s a part of him that no one else has! and he’ll be like okay, the marks on you are unique to you, no one else will have them exactly the way you do. Why are you holding yourself to a different standard? He feels kinda sad about it for a while, to be honest, because he loves you so much and he wishes you could see yourself the way he does. He doesn’t really know how to articulate this, so he just keeps kissing the top of your head and squishing you close to him all day. He will take his time kissing all over the places where you have stretch marks from then o***n out whenever you two get more intimate.***shy ▸ When someone who is persistent comes to you and gives you no peace, he wants to get away from it. Whether with thoughts or just running. First time with the same man, okay. He can calmly refuse, say something on your behalf. Even if someone ignores him and talks to you. Then he pulls you away the more and starts talking himself. If someone is disturbing you, Choso will distract you and walk away from him. Just ignorance. Until it takes even longer, he will just want peace and run to another place…***confession ▸ "that's it! Is this what you call love?" would be his first thoughts after understanding his different behavior towards you. He is too expressive that he deviates to find proper words. but when he's finally able to convey his feelings, everyone would have come to know including you.***for his crush or s/o ▸ He’s very protective of you, not in a “i’m gonna fist fight anyone who looks at you” way but like, he’s smushed up against you at all times. He’s holding your hand. He’s pulling you into a different section of the store because someone’s vibes were off and he doesn’t trust them. He’s not some toxic brute, but he’s very aware of potential threats to you and just can’t turn that off. He will send you pictures of random things that he thinks you’ll like. Like you’ll get a picture of a flower or a cloud or a dog and there’s no context, no comment. Maybe the cloud was just particularly fluffy or maybe he thought it looked like a sheep and you would think it’s cute. You just do not know. When he’s away from you, he’s gathering Info on places you might like to see. They might even be super insignificant like looking up at someone’s balcony planters or like there was a deer walking at the edge of the woods here, maybe if we wait we’ll see it again... This cafe sells a drink in your favorite color, this place had a singular pair of socks that would keep you warm- He also tells you all about his brothers and he doesn’t say it, but he’s very warm inside at the idea of you meeting them one day.***couple song ▸ The radio in the garage is blasting as you play assistant to Choso, handing him wrenches in varying sizes and whatever else he needs to fix the grating noise his most recent vintage car restoration project has been making for weeks. “Fuck, I don’t know what’s wrong with this thing.” He complains, rolling out from underneath the vehicle and wiping his brow as he sits up. “I don’t think I’ve had this problem with a car before.” You hear the distinctive metallic clink of him dropping a wrench to the garage floor and a frustrated frown overtakes his dark features. The defined muscles of his arms and shoulders are glistening with sweat and a few splotches of car grease, which you appreciatively take in. Even angry, you find him astoundingly attractive, though you decide to not voice that particular thought as he pinches at the black mark streaked across his nose bridge in annoyance. You hand him a rag, and he gratefully wipes his face and arms before tossing it over his shoulder. He stares up at you as you lean against the side of the car, rearranging tools thoughtfully. “Have you asked Todo? He was talking about something similar with his car last week.” Choso shakes his head, jostling the spiky bundles of his inky black hair, “Different thing, but it’s a good idea to run it by him. Thanks, babe.” “Of course, babe.” You shut the tool box with a snap and come to stand in front of him, holding out your hand. He smiles at the gesture and makes to grasp your hand, only to pull you into his arms instead of standing. “Ow! Choso.” You chide after stumbling into his embrace, but he only laughs and holds you closer. A familiar harmony breaks through the static of the radio, and you peer up at him with a smile. “It’s our song.” He returns your grin, raising his eyebrows and lovingly crossing his arms behind your waist. “It is.” You happily confirm, “Do you remember when we first heard it?” Choso lets out an amused scoff, “Oh God, I wish I could forget.” “No! That day was so fun!” You cry out, though the smile never leaves your face. “I don’t know how you convinced me to go roller skating.” He groans, “We fell flat on our asses so many times.” “Yeah, but that’s what made our bond stronger!”  “Fair. I mean, the bruise you got on your left buttcheek was pretty cute too.” At that, you poke his nose indignantly, “You don’t get to say that, it was your fault!” “I made up for it by cushioning your fall.” Choso defends with a laugh, “Plus, that was when this song started playing, and you realized you were in love with me.” “That was you! You got all goo goo eyed staring up at me from the floor until that worker told you to get up and stop blocking the flow of the rink.” An offended expression crosses his features, “Not even. Babe, once we got off the rink and treated ourselves to that pity shaved ice, you kissed me. Then, you told me this was going to be our song from now on because- And I quote, ‘we needed to turn this into a positive’.” Your cheeks warm as he tosses your past words back at you, “And was I wrong?” He tilts his head with a smirk, “No, babe, you’re always right.” You nod satisfactorily, and lean forward to plant a kiss on his lips. “And don’t you forget it.”***first date ▸ He’s still trying to learn as much about this world as he can. He was sealed for hundreds of years and absorbs information like a sponge, always inquisitive and amused about something. Probably he’s also low on money and highly willing to impress you. My guess is a museum date. Not just any museum, but art museum specifically, since he believes that art conveys the evolution of ideas better than just historic artifacts. He’d inspect every piece meticulously, asking you questions when something doesn’t make sense to him. Actually the first few times he fails to keep his volume down and earns himself a few grumpy shushes. After a whispered discussion on everything you two saw, he’d suggest a slow walk in a park to pitch some ideas on what museum you two should visit next. He’s also quick to propose a coffee break before walking you home. Take a cute picture of him and he’d look at you with heart eyes for the rest of the night. When you’re getting ready to go to bed later, you’ll find him spamming your chat with different youtube videos about pieces you saw together.***love language ▸ Chosito? Your angel? He shows his affection to his love through quality time, acts of service, physical touch, and his own type of words of affirmation. He absolutely adores you, and would do almost anything to show you how much you mean to him. He’s not that great with words unless he’s in the moment or it just comes to him. To Choso, actions mean more than words. Holding hands, giving you soft pecks, never interrupting you, and just small things to make you know how much he adores you. He’s very in tune to how you’re feeling, so he’s quick to do things for you if you’re having a bad day or are upset. He likes to be physically affectionate when you’re alone, in any way you two can. He also likes knowing where you are if you’re not near each other, which can seem like too much sometimes. If you confront him about it though, he’s genuinely surprised. He simply likes knowing where you are just in case something happens and this shows you how much he fears losing his loved ones. Once you realize it’s over his peace of mind to your safety, and that he doesn’t have to know what you’re doing or be invasive, it’s easier. He’s genuinely protective. Choso is pretty quiet and chill, but his intentions are always earnest and for your benefit or happiness."would you date me if i was a worm?" ▸ Can I pet you? Dw. I will hide you in my pig tails and we can go explore the world. No one would even notice if you are the same shade as my hair🥺tenderness ▸ ...
  • ***what makes him go 🥺 ▸ Choso gives you that very expression whenever he realizes you aren’t paying attention to him. The man is always deeply engrossed by everything you do, he can’t help but feel hurt when you don’t reciprocate. You always make up for it though with a tender kiss, while holding his jaw in your hands and murmuring an apology.
  • ***scared of a bug ▸ He doesn’t have a problem with bugs, but he does have a problem with it scaring you and that means it has to be punished. He does feel a little guilt at having to kill the terrible brutish monster on your bathroom ceiling, he thinks about it’s family, but then he kills it and flushes it because it knew the risk it was taking wandering in here... This is the tragic outcome. It’s not that deep babe- Cleans the place, like with the heaviest duty cleansers you have, so there are no remnants of it. Like Yuji, he’ll mix together some DIY repellents, but unlike Yuji who would google what to do, Choso just throws together things that he’s certain will kill bugs- and maybe also you guys! Don’t mix bleach with anything!! If he catches the infiltrator first, he will take the chance to catch and release it. It hasn’t scared you yet so no crimes have been commit.
  • killing itVery chill about it, kills it swiftly and effortlessly. Bugs are like the least terrifying thing to him. If you’re scared of them, then he’ll 100% kill them for you. He just grabs a tissue, squashes it, then goes about his day. Literally no sweat off his back. He honestly doesn’t get why you’re so scared by them but, oh, well! If you don’t want to be near them, he doesn’t mind killing them every now and then for you.
  • ***period ▸ Not fazed at all by anything. Internally, he’s so intrigued by everything you’re going through and how gross it is, but he keeps a cool front for you. He immediately understands that what you need is solid support and a helping hand. He’s an absolute sweetheart and keeps you warm and cuddled up against him. He briefly considers manipulating your blood to give you a lighter flow until you have to talk him out of it lmaoo. He’s not sure of what to do, but is quick to catch on and eager to be there for you! 
  • ***he's sick ▸ also thinks he's dying. he really doesn't know what's going on at first (please help him seriously). but is much less dramatic about it (well he just doesnt want to worry you or yuji). handles it like a champ really. wants you to take care of him but also really doesn't want you to get sick. if you give him soup 9 times out of 10 he's falling asleep in the middle of eating it. he runs cold naturally so when he's sick he's absolutely freezing yet he claims he's too warm to want a blanket. overall pretty good about not getting other people sick.
***eye of the storm ▸ Playing with your hair. Choso comforts you by playing with your hair, he finds it relaxing. He loves how you nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck when he runs his fingers through your hair. His favorite position to lay in while he comforts you, is you laying right on top of him. While he plays with your hair you always vent to him and let everything out. The both of you know well enough that you would never keep any form of secrets from each other, and when he saw you were having a bad day he pulled you into his room and laid himself down and patted his mattress gesturing you to lay down with him. He never wants to see you sad or have you go through something alone so he’ll try his best to comfort you in any way that he can.moment of weakness...
  • crying at the end of a movie / show ▸ BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Ahem anyways. Honestly, he´ll be overwhelmed at first because he hates seeing you sad and wants to find and destroy the cause as soon as possible. Is insecure and doesn´t think he can comfort you right. Of course, he lets you talk and listens closely. When he hears that it´s about a show, he'll sigh in relief and proceed to tell you about all the good things in life, the things he wants to see with you, all the adventures you´re gonna have.
***staying the night for the first time"It's not safe this late, I'd never forgive myself if something happened." Second guesses if this is the right thing to do, partially because he's secretly so into you, he's afraid of slipping up. He's also afraid of his brothers getting jealous given how pretty he knows they'll find you. "I could call you a cab? Or you could take the bed?" He blushes uncontrollably when you suggest sharing his bed. "Want to play a game?" Cards, board games, etc. Chōsō is a pro at lightening the mood and maintaining a comfortable distance between the two of you for as long as he can. If you're not right by his side, you've strayed too far. Snacks? Water? More blankets? Chōsō is very caring and responsible. He wants to ensure you're taken care of. In a lull, rolls his head onto your chest, wrapping his arms around you as he feels the intimacy of your heart beat. It's only when you're next to him in bed does he feel confident enough to take the initiative to pull you into him more closely, absolutely elated that you're reciprocating his physical demands for intimacy. When he's on the cusp of sleep, he'll sneak in a gentle goodnight kiss if the opportunity presents itself.celebration ▸ ...
  • ***valentine's day ▸ Choso gives you that very expression whenever he realizes you aren’t paying attention to him. The man is always deeply engrossed by everything you do, he can’t help but feel hurt when you don’t reciprocate. You always make up for it though with a tender kiss, while holding his jaw in your hands and murmuring an apology.
***calling him bro ▸ He tilted his head when you called him bro. Was it a nickname partners call eachother? Though it didn’t really sound like a cute nickname you called him. So he went to ask Itadori. When he came back to you he had a confused expression. “Did I do something?? Is that why you are calling me bro?” And if he did do something he would want to quickly resolve it so you can keep on calling him the nicknames reserved for him. That’s when you finally told him it was a prank. “Ah.. I’m glad I didn’t do something but will you keep on calling me those other nicknames?” he was blushing omg***cuddling ▸ Chousou likes watching a movie while you cuddle, better yet, he loves listening to you talk about your day. he doesn’t even have to look at your face, your voice alone is comfort enough. he spoons you, keeping his grip on you solid. why would be want to let go? he nuzzles his head into your shoulder not caring that his other hand as gone numb as it rests under you head, it’s worth it anyways. he squeezes you when you’ve had a particularly rough day, making sure to languidly stroke your leg with his to ensure you’re aware of his affection.
  • He’s reserved at first because despite wanting affection, he’s not sure how to really go about getting it. He probably starts by just patting your head when he’s praising you but if you start initiating affection, he’ll go all in for it without many boundaries. Holding your hand does not come naturally to him, but once you start holding his hand, he ends up not wanting to let go. Like even if you’re sitting across from each other, you’ll see him staring at your hand on the table. You can offer your hand to him and he’ll hold it and be like :) okay this is good. He doesn’t really Get pda, like he doesn’t see why he should stop being affectionate just because people are around, so you’ll end up pressed close to him getting a smooch on the top of your head like sir this is the line at a grocery store!! The first time you sit on his lap he’s like ? there’s a chair nearby they could take... but he doesn’t say that he’s just like Much To Think About... And then after a few times he just starts expecting it, and then you sit in an actual chair and he’s like Even More To Think About... He likes when you sit on his lap though! He likes having you close and when you lean your head against him and he feels very protective of you. You get caged in with his arms and he might make a not very believable excuse when he thinks he can get away with it about why you can’t get up right at that moment. They aren’t Good excuses but you let him get away with it one too many times and now if you stop he’s gonna catch that something was up about the other times. He also sometimes needs to be protected though. Choso likes to be able to rest his head against your chest and listen your heartbeat and tries to repay the favor whenever you seem upset.
***kissing ▸ He won't be harsh about kissing. He won't pull you or force you. It will move gently and softly to bring your lips together and feel you. He doesn't mind being affectionate with others.***showering ▸ Choso likes to shower with you or bathe with you. He doesn’t care as long as you’re around. There’s nothing for him to hide from each other, and since you both have to shower anyway, why not together? Relatively early in your relationship, he asked you if it was okay for you to shower together. You agreed and told him you could give it a try. Well, Choso is big, and the shower is a mixture of bath and shower. There is no such a thing as a shower enclosure, and you were rather busy not to slip or accidentally injure the other. Apart from the fact that the place had been missing, and you had once lost your shampoo and had put your upper body between Choso’s legs to get your hands on the shampoo bottle again, you got up a little too early and hit the back of your head against his balls so that he had to hide the shrill scream. And as if that wasn’t enough, the complete bathroom was under water because you always handed the shower faucet back and forth, and it fell down from time to time. Still, you both were kind of having fun while you were too busy kissing and hugging like a lovely dovey couple. But in the end you agreed to take a shower or bath together when the space is bigger. For example, at the small apartment you rented for your holiday. Choso had been looking especially for an apartment with a large bathtub and a separate shower from the bathtub. Whether bathing or showering, he enjoys the time to snuggle up to you from behind and lovingly caress your stomach to tell you, “we are a family”. He likes to nibble on your collarbone, has the feeling that your face is gaining color and you are pushing your body even closer to him. Again and again he says how great and pretty you are, while he slowly spreads the shower gel on his hands over your body, your chest, your stomach, your hips, your butt, and your hot thighs. It doesn’t take long for you to feel something hard on your back, and by that you don’t mean a shampoo bottle being pressed into your back due to the lack of space. It’s Choso’s dick, and his quiet words that whisper if you want to sleep with him. Through the wet, oily skin, his hands glide even better over your well-shaped body, putting him in the mood as he lovingly pushes you forward against the tiles, while you stretch your ass back towards him. Everything is perfect. Between the moaning and his raspy voice telling you how much he loves you, only the sounds of your skin are heard and the splashing of the water. But you forgot that there are more than just narrow showers that can ruin your mood. Because in the middle of it, you look down at the white floor as it suddenly turns red. First a little, then almost as red as in a massacre, when Choso screams and immediately stops, asking you if everything is okay with his beloved girl. Too bad you got your period in the middle of having sex, which looked worse than it actually was because of the water on the ground. You two didn’t feel like having sex after that, and Choso carried you until your period was over because he thought you couldn’t stand without tipping over with the blood loss.***first time ▸ he’s not even trying to make you cum within the first few strokes but fuck—why does choso feel this good? maybe it’s the sight, his hair is down, pitch black strands curtained around his face, some pieces sticking to him as sweat collects on the skin. broad shoulders heaving over your body as his hands are beside your face gripping the sheets and the noises choso keeps making have your cunt gushing—so heavy and sultry, almost whimpering as his cock drags through your folds. and he can’t help but linger his fingers between your connected bodies, playing with your puffy clit as he rolls his hips against your ass. “c-choso, g-gonna make me cum” you squeak out, watching his eyes fade to black and a smile linger through his lips, “wanna see you cum, please?” choso swipes harder, watching your back arch from the bed, you feel the warmth pool in your gut—eyes clouded with a white haze as you cream around his cock, listening to his higher pitch groans slip past his lips when a sheen liquid sprays his hand. “f-fuck, feels good, you feel so good princess” choso pants, lifting your legs higher up his hips able to drive his cock deeper in that spongy spot, the orgasm washing through your body while choso presses a kiss against your lips. “need more, wanna feel you squirt again” choso gives you no breathing room as he’s back to playing with your sensitive little numb, cock sweetly thrusting harder inside you. being both virgins you thought you’d show choso a thing or two but apparently he knows a lot more or he’s just good at fucking you—you’ll never really know the true answer of that.could never comprehend how he got so fucking lucky, sitting back comfortably while you ride him—tits bouncing in his face, fingers tugging lightly against his scalp—choso senses are hitting a overload, he doesn’t know where to start but maybe, you could show him. gently grabbing choso’s hands you place them on your tits, he swallows a thick lump massaging the mounds while you begin to sway your hips, his brows furrowed from your juices beginning to slather his thighs, heart practically jumping from his chest at the pretty moans you keep bubbling from your lips and when you say his name? choso is nothing but a withering mess, shoving his face into your chest as his cheeks sting red. “don’t stop angel, k-keep moaning my name” choso utters, he’ll probably cum soon by the way your pussy milks him dry, but you’ll take more, right? gotta teach choso somehow.
  • ***raw ▸ “fuck—i-i’m gonna cum, inside you, b-breed you” choso stammers, dragging his eyes from the way his cock is splitting open you open to lining his vision on your face. choso could easily melt above you at the sight, lips parted recognized into a simple ‘o’ direction. “is that what you want, angel?” choso ghosts his lips over yours, dark toned eyes boring straight into your soul and he places his hands beside your head. telling choso you wanted him to fuck you raw, his thought was just another snap of his hips and spill of his cum but it was so much more, “yes” a breathless moan sets apart your lips before choso crashes them against your own. his cock is greedy, relishing in your warm tight talks before he reels his hips back to watch the juices drip from your hole. with only the tip remaining, choso plows his fat cock back inside you. “take it pretty girl, take it all” choso moans out, fucking his cock deep in your hole, painting your velvet walls and he shutters, shoulders trembling at the mess dripping past his balls. choso flickers his eyes down to your pussy sucking him back in, as if this whole time fucking you like this was what he needed, “m-more princess, wanna feel you more—need to feel you more.”
B = body part | loves it when he can hug you from behind as he enjoys to feel you while in his arms. He likes to feel you close, and just feeling you nearby is not enough and he has to have his hands on you, to know that you are physically with him. It does not hurt to feel your ass on his hips, close but never quite satisfying enough. He has always his hands on you when he can, and you absolutely know that when he is more touchy freely than usual it is because he is horny and looks for the most subtle way to let you know.I = intimacy | ...
  • hot things he does during sex: this old ahh curse. choso's thrust game is top tier, he doesn't just go fast, blindly pounding you without any knowledge of where your g-spot is; instead he opts for more slow paced, yet hard thrusts. the way he bucks his hip towards your clit, bottoming out of your pussy with strong and deep strokes, is enough to make you cum under a minute. he has an instinctive knowledge about where you like to be touched and what spots the tip of his cock should reach. while fucking you, he uses his thumb rubs your clit at a fast pace, completely contradictory to his slow thrusts- the contrasting tempo both works together to elicit the most cruel orgasms out of you.
J = jack off | ...
  • sex tape ▸ He’s another one that you gotta convince a bit but I can see him being unbothered by the suggestion too. You just wanna record you both having sex? Cool that’s nothing dramatic and it’s simple. I believe that Choso can be really intimate when someone he actually cares for so he’s propping up the phone and having you in his lap as he kisses you up and touches your body. The camera can see the way you roll your hips down on him as he strips you and just take every part of you in. He’s gonna finger you while your on his lap and will look over your shoulder at the camera as he moves quicker to make you come undone. Likes when you cling onto him when you get close and he would just nudge you to let go and he’ll smile when you cum around his fingers. Camera gets a nice view of you slowly inching yourself down on his cock before finally finding a rhythm and riding him good. His hands are gripping your waist and your supporting yourself by holding onto his shoulders. Use his hands to spread your ass apart to show the camera everything. It’s over when he lays on his back and bends his knees, thrusting up into you and have you seeing stars. He loses it a bit when he feels the way how your clenching around him, especially when you cum. Ends up milking him dry as he cums inside you. Once you stop the recording, you have him sit there and watch it with you. When he hears how you both sound, he might be a little embarrassed, but he also likes watching you both together. Might do it again like once in a blue moon.
V = volume | Choso is the most unintentionally noisiest man you could meet. Any little thing you could do earns a whimper. His whimpers and moans are something you adore. It’s pleasant knowing you absolutely ruin him. Blowjobs are the easiest way to get noises from Choso. He lets out the prettiest moans and whimpers when he feels your soft lips wrap around his cock. He cups your face and looks at you as if you’re the greatest thing in the whole world. Choso isn’t the chattiest one around but he still stutters out praises for you. “An-Angel you feel so wonderful, pl-please dont stop”.***domestic ▸ Choso is the almost perfect house husband. He tries his hardest to give you everything he can, but he is still new to this whole marriage thing. He loves you, he really does. While looking for a hobby to pick up Choso realized that he loves baking, more so he loves decorating cookies. His decorations will spell out "I love you" with each cookie being one letter. He also draws two stick figures and says it's the two of you. Obviously he'll draw his brothers, and will be ecstatic about it when you come home. "Look Y/N, I made you some cookies. I hope you enjoy them mi amor." He'll always give you hugs from behind and rock you back and fourth while kissing the top of you head. He'll most likely forget to clean up though.
  • GOODEST GOOD BOY. absolute sweetheart, confused as fuck by a lot of modern shit but GOD he loves you :)
  • any type of affection you give him, he will reciprocate. like he LOVES affection sm
  • overall he is 1000/10. he is trying his BEST and he is SO VERY DEVOTED TO YOU!!! <3
  • treats you like a fucking deity, this man worships the ground that you walk on!! he's also a very very sensitive guy and gets moved by stuff pretty easily. ngl he's probably the type of guy to ask you why you're crying, and after you tell him (even if it's something small/silly) he'll hold you AND ALSO START CRYING CAUSE YOU'RE CRYING
  • very much a lovesick puppy dog
  • I can't see Choso as being the jealous type. I think if he saw you talking to a guy he didn't kow, he'd just get kinda concerned for your safety and come up and kiss you or wrap his arms around you y'know? he's just really really protective over you <3 if it's something that he does know then he just kinda.. keeps an eye on things (especially if the person happens to be Gojo's slutty ass-)
  • he'd definitely take mental notes of things that you do/don't like. alwayyyssss tries to surprise you with the stuff that he knows you do like!!
  • let's you do makeup on him and paint his nails!!! (I mighttt be pushing my E-Boy Choso agenda here lmao)
  • ...
  • ...
  • he doesn't understand your fascination with his hair, but he practically purrs every time that you play with it
  • idk I have this very strong image of reader putting little flowers in his hair. Choso would be SOOO confused, but he will smile the whole time, and will do the same to your hair :)
  • baby boy is clingyyyyyyyy <3
  • ADORESSS affection, giving and receiving it, so he always always always wants to be holding you or kissing you or anything!!! just loves you!!!!!!
  • has no concept of being ashamed by pda, if anything you'd have to be the one stopping HIM cause he really does not see a problem with it??