Events in 2020
Founders Day Service - Cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic
Sunday, April 26, 4:00 pm
At this special service in the Chapel we are celebrating the 200th anniversary of Jenny Lind. It also commemorates the founding of Augustana Lutheran Church in Andover in 1850, Augustana College and Theological Seminary in Rock Island and Augustana Lutheran Church in America, both in 1860. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the service.
Dr. Michael Zemek, associate professor of music at Augustana College, will deliver a homily with highlights based on the life of Jenny Lind. Dr. Sangeetha Rayapati, soprano, will be the vocalist. She is professor of music specializing in vocal pedagogy and head of the voice program at Augustana College.
Birdies for Charity
The Jenny Lind Chapel is participating in the John Deere Classic Golf Tournament Birdies for Charity pledge program. This is a great way to provide funds for the Chapel ministry. Note that this charity program will be held in 2020 even though the actual golf tournament has been canceled.
The easiest way to participate is to do it online using your credit card. Note that "Jenny Lind Chapel" is already filled in.
Or, the official pledge card may be downloaded and printed. In filling out the card, the charity name is "Jenny Lind Chapel" and the Bird Number is 1955. The address for sending in your pledge card is Birdies for Charity, 15623 Coaltown Rd, East Moline, IL 61244. All pledge cards must be received by July 10, 2020. Remember to include your check with the pledge card.
Andover's 185th Anniversary Festival
Postponed to Saturday, June 5 and Sunday, June 6, 2021
Andover Lake Park and nearby sites
Virtual Vespers
Sunday, August 30
Because of the pandemic, this private worship service was recorded in advance at the Chapel. Pastor Randy Willers from Salem Lutheran Church in Moline led the service, which included the baptism of Ainsley Leuck and special music.
Annual Swedish Högmässa - Cancelled
Sunday, September 27, 4:00 pm
Service with liturgy and music in Swedish and sermon in English.
50th Annual Joy of Christmas (Past) with Augustana College
Premiers on Wednesday, December 9, 7:30 pm
This virtual event replaces the annual in-person Joy of Christmas, which has been cancelled because of the pandemic and because Augustana College is not in session in December this year.
The highlight of this service will be a sermon given by Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, former president of Augustana College, and recorded by WHBF Radio in 1975 at the 125th anniversary Julotta service at Augustana Lutheran Church in Andover.
Kai Swanson, Special Assistant to the President of Augustana College, will tell about the 50 years of The Joy of Christmas services held at Augustana Lutheran Church and the Jenny Lind Chapel. Chris Nelson, Part-time Instructor of Music, Organ at Augustana College will provide music.
Community Candlelight Christmas Eve Service - Cancelled
Thursday, December 24, 11:00 pm
170th Annual Julotta - early Christmas morning service at Augustana Church - Cancelled
Friday, December 25, 7:00 am
Virtual Christmas Services - Augustana Church
Thursday, December 24, 2:30 pm and 8:30 pm