Events in 2024

The Chapel hosts special events throughout the year including the annual Founders Day service in April, Sunday evening vespers during the summer, the Swedish Högmässa service in September, and the "Joy of Christmas" service in early December. Call Augustana Lutheran Church at 309-521-8127 for current schedule information.

Information Sheet - 2024
Here is two-page document called the Jenny Lind Chapel News designed to be an information sheet available in the display area at the annual Northern Illinois Synod Assembly on June 14-15, 2024.

Founders Day Service

Sunday, April 28, 4:00 pm

The speaker at the Founders Day Service will be Bishop Stacie Fidlar, Bishop of the Northern Illinois Synod. The service will be held at the Chapel. It celebrates the 164th anniversary of both the Augustana Lutheran Church in America and Augustana College and Theological Seminary, and the 174th anniversary of the Augustana Lutheran congregation in Andover. Pr. Dan Witkowski will be the liturgist and Terri Nelson will be the pianist.

Birdies for Charity
The Jenny Lind Chapel is again participating in the John Deere Classic Golf Tournament Birdies for Charity pledge program. This is a great way to provide funds for the Chapel ministry.

The official pledge form may be downloaded and printed. It is actually preferred that you make a donation online. In filling out the information, the charity name is "Jenny Lind Chapel" and the Bird Number is 1955. All pledge cards must be received by June 26, 2024.


Special Note

After enduring many health problems recently, we are sad to announce that Ronald I. Peterson, 88, passed away on June 22, 2024.

For many years Ron served on the Board as the Dean. He made so many contributions to the life, activities and physical upkeep of the Jenny Lind chapel, museum and grounds that it is hard to enumerate them.

Many of us fondly remember the Augustana Founders Day Reunion held on April 24-25, 2015. Ron organized and presided at this event in Andover attended by 156 people including special guests Tom Tredway, Gary Wollersheim and Elizabeth Eaton along with the Augustana Choir. Ron started the Saturday program with his talk, "The Augustana Seed is Sown in Andover".

To hear his voice again, you may wish to hear him narrate this excellent two minute video report of the Jenny Lind Chapel services and activities of 2021. This video was watched at the Northern Illinois Synod Assembly in June, 2022.

Ron's memorial service was at 11:30 am on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at Augustana Lutheran Church in Andover. Here is the obituary and his online memorial. 

Additional Comments

Gordon Rehn, Dean
Jenny Lind Chapel

"Ron was a passionate leader in the Andover community. He was a devout, active member of Augustana Lutheran Church, serving on several committees, and filling multiple roles within the church. He was also a driving force behind the Andover Historical Society and the Andover Tourism Council." 


Brief 7:00 pm Sunday evening worship and a variety of music conducted by area congregations. Here is the schedule.

June 30 - Pr. Laurie Hensley, Bethany Lutheran, Woodhull
July 28 - Pr. Matt Kamprath, First Lutheran, Geneseo and Cambridge Lutheran, Cambridge
August 25 - Pr. Randy Willers

Annual Swedish Högmässa Service
Jenny Lind Chapel
Sunday, September 22, 4 pm
The speaker will be Pr. Melinda Pupillo, Augustana Campus Chaplin. The liturgy will be led by Mark Safstrom, Associate Professor of Scandinavian Studies at Augustana College. The pianist will be Terri Nelson.

Annual Andover Christmas Walk
Sunday, December 1

Annual Joy of Christmas with Augustana College
Wednesday, December 4, 7:30 pm
Students and faculty from Augustana College join the community for this beautiful service of worship and music that starts at Augustana Lutheran Church in Andover. The Christmas story will be read in several different languages.

The speaker will be announced.

The service concludes with a procession to the Jenny Lind Chapel, which is illuminated by 100 candles, and where Holy Communion will be celebrated to the strains of familiar Christmas carols.

Refreshments will be served in Luther Hall immediately after the service.

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