Wildlife photography: Safety first

Many nature photographers carry a fiery passion for wildlife photography and for a good reason. Capturing wildlife on camera is one of the most thrilling things a photographer can ever get to do. However, just like all nature photography, protocols have to be followed to ensure the safety of the photographer.

Here’s a quick review. Janique Goff Madison.

1. Know the wildlife.

It’s common sense to know that some animals pose more of a threat to people than others. That said, there are also other important things photographers need to know about the wildlife they’ll be shooting, such as their territories and if there are other dangerous animals in the area. Janique Goff Madison.

2. Stay at a safe distance.

It’s always a good thing for wildlife photographers to shoot wildlife with a guide present. However, if they’re alone, it goes without saying that shots have to be taken from a safe distance. Now, this not only protects humans from animals; it also ensures the safety of the wildlife as well. Janique Goff Madison.

3. Know that there are other dangers.

Sometimes, due to eagerness and enthusiasm, wildlife photographers forget about the other things in nature that are dangerous to humans, such as the weather and the terrain. Knowing all this and preparing beforehand can make the shoot a lot safer. Janique Goff Madison.

Image source: petapixel.com

Image source: naturettl.com