Three income-generating projects for photography students

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Janique Goff Madison believes that it's important for photographers to apply what they learned in their own work. As a student, she is looking for ways to increase her skill and experience. She shares income-generating projects that might be beneficial for students like her.

Stock photography

Submitting photos to stock photography sites can be an excellent way to build one's portfolio. Aside from getting one's work to a larger audience, it is also a way for young photographers to showcase their skills while earning income. Selling or sharing photos through stock photography platforms might benefit students who want to exhibit their earlier projects. However, they must be aware of the terms and conditions in these sites to earn income for their work the right way.

Product photography

Janique Goff Madison shares that many people are starting their businesses from the comfort of their own homes. Photography students can earn extra income by organizing shoots to help businesses present their services and products in the best light. Aside from giving new businesses professional images that will make them stand out, this also offers student photographers a way to earn and take on new opportunities.

Online tutorials

Photography is always a popular hobby. Many platforms are available for shutterbugs to share their tips, tricks, and experiences with audiences through YouTube, Instagram, or their own blogs. More than teaching the basics, they can also teach how to use specific equipment or offer honest reviews on photography gadgets. Now that online classes are popular, photographers can also provide paid sessions that will allow them to focus on one person instead of sharing their knowledge with a general audience.