Six traits to develop for a picture-perfect career in photography

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The photography industry is a cramped arena, with many photographers lacking their own creative identity. There are others whose work is incredible yet are extremely hard to work with. A photographer’s qualities precede their work. Janique Goff Madison shares six qualities to build for a thriving career in photography.

Creativity allows a photographer to stand out in a sea of tediousness. Having a signature touch on photos and the whole creative photography process is a result of being creative. Keep an eye for detail. The focus, lighting, composition, and sometimes noise (particularly in film photography) requires a photographer to have an impeccable eye for detail. Being meticulous ensures that a photographer achieves the result both they and their clients want.

It’s easy to get lost in the race. However, being grounded by one’s passion for photography should be enough for them to keep going. Passion for the art should be one’s driving force, not social media likes or praises from peers. Besides having a solid technical foundation in photography, it’s important to maintain a hunger for learning and improvement. Learning about new styles, techniques, and gear helps one stay updated with the latest and best practices.

Personable photographers are great at building their network, says Janique Goff Madison. Things don’t always have to be competitive. Have a mind for business to know what to do, where to go, and who to reach to achieve career success. While success largely depends on a person’s grind and commitment, having a vision for the business ensures its expansion.