First-time pet owners: To adopt or not

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Ask any pet owner, and they'll attest to the fact that getting a pet is a major decision. Whether it's for an individual or a family, animal shelter volunteer Janique Goff Madison says that taking care of animals requires time and effort.

On that note, Janique Goff Madison gives her insights on whether adoption is a better option for first-time pet owners.

People can learn a lot about taking care of pets by visiting animal shelters.

People who are still on the fence about owning a pet can take their time before making a big decision. Volunteering at animal shelters and befriending the animals will prepare a person for the tasks that come with raising an animal. Some volunteers even find their perfect pet match after a long time working with them.

Shelter pets are already housebroken.

Janique Goff Madison mentions that one of the most challenging tasks for first-time pet owners is housetraining. Many times, it will require much patience. But when adopting pets from shelters, most of these animals have already been housetrained. New owners just need to give them space and let them adjust to their new surroundings.

Shelter pets already have some important requirements.

Rescue pets with health issues are treated before they are up for adoption. Many shelters also microchip and spay or neuter their pets. This allows pets to live well as they wait for their new owners. Paying the adoption fee is worth it as the pets have already been given the necessary treatment so that they can have a wonderful beginning with their new owners.