How is climate change affecting weather globally?

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Janique Goff Madison subscribes to sustainable and environment-friendly living. Now that the world is starting to experience the harmful effects of climate change, she encourages people to understand the risks and find ways to prevent further damage to the world we live in. In this blog, she will discuss how climate change is already affecting global weather.

In recent years, the world has seen more intense hurricanes. Global warming is a major contributing factor to these destructive hurricanes. Warmer ocean water fuels these storm systems, increasing destructive potential as global temperatures continue rising due to human activity.

The rise in sea levels also put certain areas at risk for flooding. With the planet warming, ocean waters are also rising and expanding. At the same time, warmer temperatures cause land icecaps to melt; this water is added into our world's oceans as they continue their rise in levels of pollution-caused acidification.

Summertime has become more difficult due to more prolonged drought and heatwaves. The rise in global temperatures is having a severe impact on our planet. Recent studies show that higher temperatures also lead to drier conditions, which can cause crop failures and even famines. Warmer temperatures are causing wind, moisture, and heat circulation patterns to shift, leading to changes in extreme weather events such as high-temperature conditions that can lead up toward dangerous levels for humans.

Scientists have warned the public that we only have a few years to keep global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius or less. Anything higher and the risks of these events will worsen significantly for millions of people. Janique Goff Madison explains that an increase in extreme weather events might lead to a rise in poverty, affecting people's homes and livelihood.