Budget-friendly tips to up your product photography game

Image source: bigcommerce.com

Image source: pinterest.com

Product Photography Janique Goff Madison

Product photography doesn’t have to break your bank, especially when you’re only starting. Budget-friendly photography hacks can make your images look sharp and convincing, much like those taken with studio-professional gear. Here are few things and tips you need for a compelling product photo. Janique Goff Madison.

For an effective product photography shoot, you’d need a camera, a tripod, a white background, a few white bounce cards built from foam board, rolls of tape, a table, and an appropriate room. Setting up the table near the window without cutting off the shadow coming from the windowsill is important. The ideal setup would be having the window 90 degrees to the left or the right. Take note that you have to turn off all the other lights in the room as these can disrupt your lighting setup. Janique Goff Madison

The standard setup of a sweep is vertical, and it can be attained by rolling up the board to assist it in achieving the desired shape. Put the product in the center on the flat area of the sweep and give enough space to slip in the DIY reflector during the shoot. Janique Goff Madison.

Shooting with natural light is still second to none. Since you have your setup close to the window, why not make good use of the light that creeps in? With or without a professional camera, you can have pleasing images using your smartphone. Just remember to have the natural light and your DIY setup work in your favor, and apply composition techniques like a pro. Janique Goff Madison