Lighting tips for photographing dark-haired dogs and cats

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Pet photography is a worthwhile pursuit, especially for animal lovers. Whether indoors or outdoors, photographers must make sure that their setup will make the pets feel comfortable. According to Janique Goff Madison, taking photos of dark-haired cats and dogs can be challenging, especially for those who still need to master lighting. Below are some tips that will show off the best features of these furry friends.

Create a bright backdrop: Choosing pastel colors, or other bright hues will put emphasis on the eyes and the shiny coat of these pets. Having this kind of backdrop will also allow their movement to be shown clearly. Adding soft lighting will give more character and even a bit of drama to the photos.

Maximize natural light: Photographing cats and dogs outdoors can be quite a challenge, according to Janique Goff Madison. Pet owners should always be alert when going outdoors to ensure safety. When out in the sun, photographers say that the best day to take photos of dark-haired pets is during midday when it's a bit cloudy. Taking a photo of the subject from above will capture their facial features clearly. When they are running around, take a photo from a further angle to effectively capture their movement.

Go on their level: A bright background indoors or natural lighting outdoors will capture the animal's features clearly. One can go lower to add depth and character to the subject. Using a platform or a box can also be a good way that will allow the photographer to study the subject's features and movements clearly. Adding colorful accessories and other props will also brighten the image.