Three must-haves for a photography student

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Pursuing photography has always been the dream for Janique Goff Madison. As a student of the craft, she enjoys her classes and applies everything that she has learned in her personal projects. For those who want to take up photography classes, whether in the university or through short-term courses, she shares this list of must-haves aside from having a fully functional camera.

Prime lens

As a photographer grows in skill, they will also learn how to use various types of lenses. However, it might be good to invest first in a prime lens, preferably 50mm f/1.8, affordable and easy to practice with. For a long time, those who have been doing photography recommend this kind of lens as it allows a newbie to master composition. Without zoom, a photographer will be forced to be more creative and thoughtful about each image that they take.

Memory card and external hard drive

Every photographer should invest in a good memory card and an external hard drive. Janique Goff Madison says that it is good practice to copy the photos in the memory card to an external hard drive, especially when working with different cameras, computers, and photographers. It is a photographer's responsibility to protect and save their work. The photography student also says that one should always have an extra memory card in the camera bag.


A quality tripod is necessary for photographers of all levels. It allows them to take stable shots, whether they're shooting still or moving objects. Photography students should also learn how to efficiently work this equipment as they build their skills. While many photographers want to practice their grip, it is just as important for one to be skilled when using a tripod. Buying a lightweight tripod can help a photographer be more comfortable in bringing it around to shoots.