Follow these rules for a meaningful national park experience

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Hello! Janique Goff Madison here. I’m a nature photographer and lover of the great outdoors. As a city girl, I often feel the need to escape the usual monotonous scenery for a refreshing and colorful space. National parks provide me a respite from the pollution and the stress, which is why I feel strongly about participating in preservation projects. If you’re going to one of these places soon, here are some rules you need to observe:

Secure permit before flying drones

Since 2014, most national parks have banned drone use. While I think it would be fun to use your drone camera to film the wonderful scenery, there are a few national parks that require a permit for those who want to do so. Some drones might be unstable, or it might intimidate the animals in the area. Before bringing your precious drone camera or model aircraft to your next nature trip, be sure you’re allowed to fly it on park grounds.

Don’t feed the animals

I’ve seen many park visitors do this. They give animals snacks to lure them. Please don’t do this. Feeding the animals might cause them to follow you around or they might have an adverse reaction from eating your food. As Janique Goff Madison the environmental advocate and animal shelter volunteer, I ask you to stop giving treats to animals for everyone’s safety.

Be careful with natural formations or cultural landmarks

I understand that some tourists can get too excited when they see something awe-inspiring. However, we also need to respect nature especially those that are in danger of destruction. Refrain from touching, carving, or vandalizing on trees, rock formations, or monuments. When taking photos, maintain a safe distance to prevent damage.

Janique Goff Madison here. I’m a photography student at San Diego State University. I enjoy exploring new places. Get to know more about my hobbies and interests on this page.