Seven pointers to get sharp images in direct sunlight

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Shoot in the sun like a pro Janique Goff Madison

Many photographers dread the afternoon sun when shooting outside. Not all photographers shine in this particular area of the discipline, but some shots just have to be made regardless of how harsh the sun is. There are many ways to shoot in direct sunlight while producing sharp images. Janique Goff Madison.

The first thing to do when shooting in direct sunlight is to set the camera in manual mode. Shooting in manual allows the photographer to take charge over the ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. Master the meter. Without knowledge of the meter, shooting in manual would be dreadful and would result in faulty images. Let the subject face the sun, instead of the sun shining straight at the camera. Janique Goff Madison

Part of being a photographer is being resourceful. Create a shade using materials or other subjects to help avoid direct sunlight. If the subject can’t be moved, the photographer should move. Changing positions not only affords one different perspectives, but also helps them play with the light. Pay attention to white balance. Instead of relying on post-processing, minding white balance settings can help one find the right kind of balance for shooting in direct sunlight. Janique Goff Madison.

Many expensive cameras now come with a lens hood. Be sure to use this to lessen lens flare. For cameras without a lens hood, one can make their own using some duct tape and a simple cardboard. Some even use their hands to protect the lens from the sun. Janique Goff Madison