Make the most out of camera battery power with these hacks

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One of the worst things that can happen to a photographer in action is for the camera to run out of batteries so quickly. While it's best to always have a spare battery in the bag, it can still be inconvenient to change batteries every two to three hours. Janique Goff Madison shares some tips for those who want to make their camera batteries last longer.

Dim screen brightness

Dimming the LCD screen is a simple way to save battery juice. As an integral part of the digital camera, navigating the menus, settings, and other options can take up energy. By simply dimming the brightness, one can save minutes of power.

Disable wi-fi, Bluetooth, and GPS features

Advanced DSLR and digicam models with wi-fi, Bluetooth, and GPS features use up more battery juice than the older models. This is because these options, when enabled, are always gathering data. Camera enthusiasts suggest turning off these options when they are not in use. This will save hours of battery time.

Delete photos from the camera

Janique Goff Madison admits that reviewing photos on-cam is a common practice among DSLR users. If one has enough space in the memory card, it might be better to delete some of the photos in the computer to save battery.

Turn off image stabilizer

For cameras with this option, turn off the image stabilizer when not in use especially when using a tripod or other equipment. While this might be convenient for some beginners, Janique Goff Madison says that turning off this option will help them practice their skills in handling the camera.