Practice photography even while indoors with these tips

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If you desire to learn more about photography, yet you’re stuck indoors, there’s a lot you can do to improve. Whether you’re using a DSLR, mirrorless, or just a phone camera, you can do a bunch of things to get better at it. Your space should never compromise your learning.

Begin by reimagining your space. For sure, there are corners in your home with good natural lighting. Take portraits of your loved ones, including your furry babies. Think of your home as your very first studio. Shoot still life and practice composition. Make it your pastime to see something different about your house, and try to capture its beauty.

Bring nature home and shoot flowers, leaves, plants, and others inside your home. If you have a garden, take photos of your seedlings, even small animals like insects, to practice your focus on the subject. Remember that every picture tells a story. Look out your window and see what happens during the day.

Make your home a haven where your photography skills can grow. Photograph your own collections, be it stamps, figurines, and just about anything you’re into. Take pictures of food you cook; practice flat lay. Pet photography is a thing you can improve a lot on even while at home. Potraiture helps you learn how to create a simple lighting setup at home for taking photos of your loved ones. Taking portraits of your loved ones at different times of lives can be your lifelong project, too.

Janique Goff Madison is a photography student at San Diego State University. For more updates and photography tips, visit this blog.