Three ways to help shelter workers

Animal shelters are always busy. Most of these places are understaffed, requiring volunteers and full-time workers to multitask. Janique Goff Madison, a shelter volunteer, shares that the work is not just about playing with pets. Some of the tasks involve giving medication to some of the ailing animals, preparing their food, cleaning their spaces, and accommodating potential owners. Giving rescued and abandoned pets a home can be an overwhelming task. Here are three ways to show appreciation to these selfless animal lovers.

Support their events: Animal shelters usually hold events to promote their place and to encourage members of the community to adopt. Frequent visitors to the shelter can show their gratitude by inviting their friends to these events. According to Janique Goff Madison, referrals from shelter regulars usually lead to more adoptions and donations.

Give a gift: Before giving a gift to shelter workers, one must check if their management allows them to accept these. The gifts don't have to be grand or expensive. Food, gift cards, or other things that they can use daily will be truly appreciated. Whether the token is big or small, these will surely put a smile on their faces.

Adopt from their shelter: The best gift supporters and visitors can give shelter workers is to adopt one of their pets. Janique Goff Madison shares that there's nothing like the joy of seeing their pets find a new owner who will care for them for a long time. As they've taken care of these animals for a long time, they also appreciate photo updates and occasional visits from these pets and their owners.

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