Why photography can’t be both a business and a hobby

Photographers who have devoted their time and effort to becoming professionals in their field are sometimes disheartened by the fact that it’s incredibly easy for some people to dub themselves as professional photographers. Many hobbyists pride themselves in having the same gear as professionals, yet lack the experience the latter have. Janique Goff Madison.

Most photographers, during the start of their journey believe that it’s a great idea to turn their passion into a business. “You take good photos! You should make money out of it” isn’t always the best advice to follow. A hobby is something one can turn to feel relaxed, be in their element, and just let go. Turning a hobby into a career can take the fun out of it and replace it with pressure and work stress. Janique Goff Madison.

While one can be referred to as a professional photographer skill-wise, having a business mindset is something else. It’s easy to fall into the trap that photography as a business is easy money. The truth is, a photography business requires professionalism and unparalleled commitment and devotion. Treating the business as a hobby can cause lead to financial hardships, stress, and job burnout. Janique Goff Madison.

Here’s a hard truth: Photographers can’t call themselves professionals in the field if they are unable to treat it as a business, have a fixed rate, or have a place to call a studio. While anyone with a complete set of gears can call themselves a professional photographer, their work ethic and strict business principles would determine if their statement is true. Janique Goff Madison.