Multidisciplinary Program

Course Planning

The Multidisciplinary Program is open for students across all disciplines. We are more than happy to help with course planning individually.



The Illinois in Vienna Programs permits a course load of 34 credit hours/academic year (maximum of 18 credit hours/semester). Many participants complete 15 credit hours per semester. Participants must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours/semester to maintain full-time status.

To view courses previously taken by Illinois students in Vienna, search the course approval database:

Vienna Universities - Course Catalogues

Participants enroll in a wide variety of courses at the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna University of Technology, and University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. These include courses in many disciplines for which they may receive Illinois credit, also for specific Illinois courses, including General Education courses. The language of instruction usually is German. The number of courses offered with English as the language of instruction is increasing rapidly.

Course catalogues are published in June-July for the fall semester (Wintersemester=WS) and in December-January for the spring semester (Sommersemester=SS). 

BOKU Semester Packages: Courses in English (sorted by subject area as PDF)