Program Core Courses

LAS 291/292 (Online)

The Study Abroad Orientation Course (LAS 291/292) is a three phase, one-credit hour course that all study abroad students are required to take to prepare for their study abroad program, engage in active learning while abroad, and reflect upon their experiences after they return. 

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In Vienna

Program core courses are taught on site by IiVP program faculty. In our IiVP courses, we aim to create an inclusive and respectful learning environment where everyone can thrive. We therefore expect you to conduct yourself accordingly:

GER 101: Beginning German I (or placement into a higher-level course)

Required of all IiVP participants who have not yet completed it or an equivalent.

For more information click here:

GER 102: Beginning German II (or placement into a higher-level course)

Required of all IiVP participants who have already completed GER 101. This course is only offered if at least five students register. 

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GER 205: Austria and Europe (Gen. Ed.: Humanities - Hist & Phil, Cultural Studies - Western)

Particularly recommended for ECON, ACES, MULTI and VDP participants but anyone is able to take this course.  

For more information click here:

GER 211 or GER 212 or GER 401:  Conversation and Writing I/II/Global Issues (Sprachkurs)

Offered in the fall and spring semester.

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GER 331 or GER 332: German Literature and Culture (Literaturkurs)

Offered in the fall and spring semester.

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GER 420: German Cultural History (Kulturkurs)

Offered in the fall semester only.

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EURO 199: EU and US Climate Change Mitigation

Alternative requirement for ACES, ECON, and VDP participants. It is recommended for all others.  

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Global Internship Course (LAS 199, ACES 293, BUS 299, ENG 315 )

Required for all Vienna Plus interns. 

For more information click here:

PS 393: Diplomatic Studies Practicum 

Required for VDP participants.  Instruction begins pre-departure at Illinois and continues on site in Vienna.

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