german in Austria

 I learned very quickly once I was in Vienna that if you want to learn a language, it is very important to be in a country where they speak it. Not only are you learning the language in class, you are also living the language. Vienna is also the center of Europe. Being very centrally located and surrounded by so many different languages is an added valuable component of this program.

Emily FreiburgerGIA Spring 2019  

Course Planning

The German in Austria program offers a unique combination of core courses and electives so that students continue to make progress towards graduation while taking advantage of academic opportunities available only in Vienna.

Additional German language courses are available at the University of Vienna (UW). Business German is offered at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). Elective courses are offered at our other partner and several affiliated Austrian universities, covering everything from accountancy to zoology.

Program Core Courses (highly recommended)

Language of Instruction: GERMAN

Participants who successfully complete program core courses taught by IiVP staff may receive GLL credit as follows:

Language of Instruction: ENGLISH

The Illinois in Vienna Programs permit a course load of 34 credit hours/academic year (maximum of 18 credit hours/semester).  Participants must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours/semester to maintain full-time status. 

Make sure you meet with your academic advisor to plan your remaining semesters, identifying any courses you must complete while abroad. Some students have full flexibility with their schedules. 

Elective Courses

Participants regularly receive GLL credit for the following courses with coursework outside the Program core in German language (also business and technical German), German literature and culture:

GER 320 German for Business | GER 321 German for Economics | GER 405 History of Translation | GER 420 German Cultural History (University of Vienna)

GER 465 Ling Structures of German | GER 470 Middle Ages to Baroque | GER 471 Enlightenment to Romanticism

GER 472 Realism to Expressionism | GER 473 1920s to Today

Vienna Universities - Course Catalogues

Participants enroll in a wide variety of courses at the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna University of Technology, and University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. These include courses in many disciplines for which they may receive Illinois credit, also for specific Illinois courses, including General Education courses. The language of instruction usually is German. The number of courses offered with English as the language of instruction is increasing rapidly.

Course catalogues are published in June-July for the fall semester (Wintersemester=WS) and in December-January for the spring semester (Sommersemester=SS). 

BOKU Semester Packages: Courses in English (sorted by subject area as PDF)