Administrative-Territorial Structure and Territory


Chapter X. Administrative-Territorial Structure and Territory

Article 68. Principles and Procedure for Resolving Issues of Administrative-Territorial Structure

Information about changes:

See the text of part 3 of Article 68.

Article 69. Administrative-Territorial Division

Information about changes:

By the law of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of October 1, 2009, No. 94-OZ, amendments to part 1 of Article 69 of this Statute have been made, which enter into force from the date of the official publication of the said law.

See the text of the part in the previous version.

Article 70. Borders of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug



Chapter X of the document discusses the administrative-territorial structure and territory of the ​Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. According to ​Article 68, the autonomous okrug has the authority to independently resolve issues related to its administrative-territorial structure. The formation, alteration, and abolition of administrative-territorial units, classification of settlements as urban or rural, naming and renaming of settlements, and other related matters are regulated by the autonomous okrug's law. The administrative-territorial structure is designed to ensure effective state management and local self-government, taking into account various factors such as economic, social, geographical, and historical conditions. ​Article 69 mentions that the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug includes districts, cities of regional significance, towns, urban-type settlements, rural settlements, and other populated areas, with their composition and status established by the autonomous okrug's law. ​Article 70 states that the boundaries of the autonomous okrug remain unchanged unless mutually agreed upon with neighboring subjects of the Russian Federation, and any changes require the consent of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. 
