Nunavik Inuit Settlement Area


Article 3: Nunavik Inuit Settlement Area

Schedule 3-1: Nunavik Inuit Settlement Area (NISA) Overview

3.1 The Nunavik Inuit Settlement Area (NISA) as shown on Schedule 3-1 is comprised of the following components:

3.2 The Nunavik Marine Region, which, for greater certainty, includes the areas of equal use and occupancy and the overlap area of the Agreement Relating to the Cree/Inuit Offshore Overlapping Interests Area, is that offshore area adjacent to, but not in, Québec described in Schedule 3-2 and shown on the map contained in Schedule 3-3.

3.3 The Labrador Inuit Settlement Area portion of the Nunavik Inuit/Labrador Inuit overlap area is set out in Article 29.

3.4 In the event of a discrepancy between the descriptions of Schedule 3-2 and the map of Schedule 3-3, Schedule 3-2 shall prevail.

3.5 For greater certainty, all coordinates are in reference to the North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27) unless otherwise stated in Schedule 3-2.

3.6 For greater certainty, Nunavik Inuit shall enjoy additional rights to areas outside NISA as provided by other provisions of this Agreement.

Schedule 3-2: Geographic Coordinates of the Nunavik Marine Region (NMR)

The Nunavik Marine Region, as illustrated on Schedule 3-3, includes all the marine area, islands, lands and waters within the following boundary:

thence westerly and southerly, along the boundary of Québec, to the point of commencement.

Schedule 3-3: Nunavik Marine Region (NMR) Overview



The Nunavik Inuit Settlement Area (NISA) is a set of areas of equal use and occupancy and overlap areas for the Cree/Inuit Offshore Overlapping Interests Area. Schedule 3-1 and 3-3-2 are the main components of the NISA, while Article 29 is for the Labrador Inuit/Labrador Inuit overlap area. The Marine Region includes all the marine area, islands, lands, and waters within the following boundary. All coordinates are in reference to the North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27) unless otherwise stated. The NISA is located at the intersection of 56°00'N latitude and 77°30'W longitude, east of the Island of Innetalling Island and northwest of Duck Island. In case of a discrepancy between the descriptions of these descriptions and the map, the map will be used as a substitute. The Inuit shall have additional rights to areas outside NISA as provided by other provisions of the Agreement.
