Entry into Force and Amendment of the Charter


Chapter XVII. Entry into Force and Amendment of the Charter

Article 108. Entry into Force of the Charter

This Charter enters into force on the day of its official publication.

Article 109. Proposals for Amending the Charter

a) no less than ten percent of the citizens residing in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and having the right to vote;

b) no less than one-third of the deputies of the Autonomous Okrug Duma;

c) the Governor of the Autonomous Okrug; and no less than one-third of the local self-government bodies located in the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Article 110. Procedure for Amending the Charter

Information about changes:

By the law of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug dated October 20, 2006, No. 54-OZ, changes were made to part 1 of Article 110 of this Charter, which enters into force from the date of the official publication of the said law.

See the text of part in the previous edition.



Chapter XVII of the document pertains to the entry into force and amendment of the Charter. Article 108 states that the Charter becomes effective on the day of its official publication. Article 109 outlines who can propose amendments to the Charter, including citizens with the right to vote, deputies of the Autonomous Okrug Duma, the Governor of the Autonomous Okrug, and local self-government bodies. Proposals must be submitted to the Autonomous Okrug Duma along with a bill proposing the amendments. Reintroducing a rejected proposal is allowed after one year. Article 110 specifies that amendments to the Charter are made by the law of the Autonomous Okrug, requiring a two-thirds majority vote of the established number of deputies of the Autonomous Okrug Duma. Additionally, amendments can be made through a referendum of the Autonomous Okrug. 
