Northwest Arctic

The Northwest Arctic (NANA) Inupiat, a vital thread in Alaska's diverse cultural tapestry, have a distinctive journey marked by their deep connection to a region of remarkable natural beauty. Nestled in the northwest corner of Alaska, their story unfolds against a backdrop of pristine wilderness and ancient traditions. For millennia, the NANA Inupiat have thrived in harmony with the land and sea, shaping their culture around the rhythms of the Arctic environment. Their history is a testament to the enduring spirit of a people shaped by the forces of nature and the challenges of adapting to a rapidly changing world. The NANA Inupiat have traversed a complex path through history. Their story weaves together a rich tapestry of tradition and transformation, from the era of Inuit sovereignty in the pre-territorial days to the encounters with U.S. governance in the 19th century. Key moments, including the Alaska Purchase of 1867 and Alaska's statehood in 1959, have left indelible marks on their lives and rights. However, it is the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971 that stands as a defining chapter in the NANA Inupiat's journey. ANCSA reshaped land ownership, giving rise to Native corporations and altering the course of their future. Subsequent agreements have seen the NANA Inupiat assert their land claims, embark on self-governance initiatives, and engage in conservation efforts to protect their ancestral lands and preserve their unique cultural heritage. Through the pages of their history, the NANA Inupiat have exhibited unwavering resilience. They have navigated a changing landscape with determination, securing greater autonomy while safeguarding their time-honored way of life. This is the story of the Northwest Arctic (NANA) Inupiat, a story of strength, heritage, and the enduring connection between a people and the extraordinary land they call home.

Regional Information

Basic Regional Information

1) Land Area: 40,749 sq mi 

2) Population: 6,100

3) Gross Domestic Product: $418,789,400.00

4) Population Density: 0.1497 per sq mi

5) GDP per Capita: $68,654.00

6) Human Development Index: 0.918 - Very High

Detailed Regional Information

1) Administrative Region: Northwest Arctic Borough, Alaska, United States

2) Cultural Groups: Malimiut

3) Notable Settlements: Qikiqtagruk (Kotzebue), Kivalliniq (Kivalina), Siilivik (Selawik)

4) Native Organizations: NANA Regional Corporation

Inuit Treaties in Northwest Arctic