Space Explorers

Welcome to the DIS Independent Learning Platform Space Explorers.

You can start your journey by exploring the images and watching the videos to introduce you to the topic. Then when you are ready to join us on our mission go ahead and dive into the activities that are waiting for you.


Task 1 - Rocket Lab

Rocket Design Letter
Design a rocket task.mp4

Task 2 - Space Health

Space and your Skeleton

Astronauts are pioneers, venturing beyond our planet to explore the unknown. However, space throws some unexpected challenges their way. Unlike here on Earth where gravity constantly pulls on us, astronauts experience microgravity, a state of near weightlessness. This might sound like a dream come true, but it has surprising effects on the human body, especially our bones. Without the usual tug of gravity, bones don't get the same workout they do on Earth. 

Watch the video to learn more about the skeleton in microgravity and then complete the Lunar Gateway task below.

The Lunar Gateway Task

The Lunar Gateway is a planned mini-space station that will orbit the Moon and will be a new outpost designed to support future lunar exploration.

It will be positioned in a special orbit around the Moon called a near-rectilinear halo orbit. This allows it to swing wide around the Moon, then come closer for easier access.

Astronauts can live and work on the Gateway for short periods, conducting research and preparing for lunar surface missions. It will also act a s a docking station for spacecraft, allowing them to dock and refuel before heading to the lunar surface or deeper into space. The Gateway will also carry scientific instruments to study the Moon and its environment.

The Lunar Gateway is a cooperative effort led by NASA, but with involvement from other space agencies including the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC). 

To ensure the astronauts on board the lunar gateway remain fit and healthy you must engineer a piece of exercise equipment that is suitable for use in space. You could:

Create a working model using legos, render a design using CAD or sketch your designs on paper.

To be successful in this mission you should meet the following criteria:

The equipment design is highly original and innovative and it addresses the challenges of microgravity in a unique way.

The design clearly demonstrates how it would be used for exercise and target specific muscle groups.

The engineer has considered the limitations of space on the Lunar Gateway. Materials and size are appropriate for the environment.

The presentation is clear, visually appealing, and well-organized. Model is well-constructed and labeled.

The student clearly explains the design, its benefits, and how it addresses bone health in space.

Good luck on your mission!

Task 3 - Cosmic Chemists

You've been recruited by the International Space Agency (ISA) as trainee Space Chemists! Your mission: to learn about the chemistry of space and create a fun and informative presentation/video/poster or model for your fellow space cadets.

Watch the videos and click the link buttons to kickstart your research

Task 4 - Global Space Exploration

As of February 2024, people from 47 countries have traveled in space. This includes astronauts, cosmonauts, and spaceflight participants.

There are over 77 countries with space programs, but only a select few have the capability to launch their own spacecraft or send humans to space independently.

Task - Research the space exploration history of eah of the 4 countries below and create a display that summarises their contributions.  There are some examples you could research under each image.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

United Arab Emirates

Unites States of America


Helen Sharman - the first British astronaut

Hazza al Mansouri - the first Emirati astronaut

Apollo 11 and the moon landing

Yuri Gagarin - the first man in space

Virgin Galactic

Mars Hope Probe Mission

The 1986 Challenger Disaster

Space Station Mir

Task 5 - Golden Ticket Challenge


What is the Fermi Paradox?

Imagine a giant cosmic game of hide-and-seek across the entire universe! With billions of galaxies and countless stars, the odds seem pretty good we'd find other life out there, right? 

This is where the Fermi Paradox comes in. It points out that if intelligent life is common, and some civilizations are even older than ours, then where is everybody? The vastness of space might make finding aliens tough, but shouldn't we have picked up some signal, some echo of another civilization, by now? The Fermi Paradox is a scientific mystery that challenges us to think outside the box. Maybe life is rarer than we think, or maybe advanced civilizations avoid contact, or communicate in ways we haven't even imagined yet! The search for ETs continues, and maybe someday we'll solve the Fermi Paradox and finally meet our cosmic neighbors!

The Fermi Paradox and the Drake Equation

Are you ready to complete the  GOLDEN TICKET CHALLENGE?

Open the document above to learn more about the search for extraterrestrial life!