Y10 French

Year 10 French Independent Learning Term 1.docx

Year 10 - Term 1 Tasks

Year 10 Golden Ticket Task 1.1

Create a video explaining how to use the present tense in French. You must cover the following:

Year 10 Golden Ticket Task 1.2

With a friend, create a video, in French, of a role play where someone visits the doctor, explains their illness and receives advice from the doctor on how to lead a healthy life.

Year 10 French Independent Learning Site - T2.docx

Year 10 - Term 2 Tasks

Year 10 Golden Ticket Task 2.1

Create a video describing how great your birthday party was 

Year 10 Golden Ticket Task 2.2

Create a blog about past holidays in an usual place in French  

Year 10 French Independent Learning Site (1).docx

Year 10 - Term 3 Tasks

Year 10 Golden Ticket Task 3.1

Imagine you're discovering a wonderful town in France! Your task is to create a video wherein you describe the different modes of transport you have used to visit this town, use "venir de + infinitive," direct object pronouns (DOP), and comparative to explain which mode of transport is easier to use. Make a short video, explaining what you can do in town using "on peut + infinitive" and what you would like to discover using the conditional tense. Your video should state which town you have visited, where it is located, how to get there, present interesting facts and pictures if possible. Keep the video short, around 5-7 minutes. 

Year 10 Golden Ticket Task 3.2

Create a video of you presenting the weather forecast in France. You need to use the present tense, the imperfect and the futur tense to predict the current weather, the weather of the day before or the past week using the imperfect and the weather from the upcoming weekend. in your video, you need to use vocabulary seen in class and some idiomatique sentences. Good luck