Year 8

English Year 8 Unit 1.docx

Year 8 Unit 1

Travel Writing

Within this unit you will be exploring a wide range of travel writing from across the world and the methods that writers use to create engaging and effective texts.

Year 8 Unit 1 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to win a Golden Ticket, create a postcard inspired by a location you have travelled to. You should include an image/images and a section of detailed descriptive writing, using the skills that you have worked on via the Independent Learning Platform for this unit.

English Year 8 Unit 2.docx

Year 8 Unit 2

Protest Poetry

In this unit you will explore how poets use their creativity to fight for something that they believe in, or to encourage society to make a change.

Year 8 Unit 2 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to win a Golden Ticket, choose an issue or problem that is relevant to your everyday life and write a poem/rap that protests it. You can write the poem or record an audio or video of you performing it. 

English Year 8 Unit 3.docx

Year 8 Unit 3

Media and manipulation

In this unit, you will explore how media platforms and texts are used by different institutions and organisations to attempt to manipulate their audiences. This unit focuses on the use of non-fiction texts, and you will develop your understanding of a range of methods and how to critically question and interpret the use of these.

Year 8 Unit 3 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to earn a Golden Ticket, write a manipulative article on the topic of AI. The article should demonstrate bias in favor or against AI. You should aim to use the techniques you have learned throughout the unit.

English Year 8 Unit 4.docx

Year 8 Unit 4

The Hunger Games

In this unit, you will read the novel 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins, exploring the methods she uses to create strong and engaging characters, settings and plot events. You will explore the dystopian genre and how this novel conveys the writer's viewpoints in relation to this exciting category of fiction.

Year 8 Unit 4 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to earn a Golden Ticket, using Word, Canva or a similar tool, investigate the survival skills and strategies employed by different characters in The Hunger Games to create an infographic outlining essential survival tips. This could include elements like hunting, camouflage, fighting and navigation. 

Free Online Infographic Maker by Canva