Year 7

English Year 7 Unit 1.docx

Year 7 Unit 1

Culture and Identity Poetry

Within this unit you will be reading a range of poems which are written by poets from different cultures, exploring the methods that they use to convey their identities and experiences.

Year 7 Unit 1 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to win a Golden Ticket, write a poem expressing a unique aspect of your own identity, taking inspiration from the resources for this unit on the Independent Learning Platform. 

Extra Challenge: Perform and record your poem as a piece of Slam Poetry.​ 

English Year 7 Unit 2.docx

Year 7 Unit 2

Persuasive Writing

Within this unit you will be exploring how to effectively use language and structural techniques to persuade different audiences about a range of topics and issues.

Year 7 Unit 2 Golden Ticket Task 

For the opportunity to win a Golden Ticket, create a revision guide for the persuasive writing unit to prepare your classmates for their final assessment. You can create either a digital, video or hand-written revision guide. Remember to include all of the key skills that help to make an effective piece of persuasive writing, and to present your guide in an appealing way. 

English Year 7 Unit 3.docx

Year 7 Unit 3

The Breadwinner

In this unit, you will be reading the novel 'The Breadwinner' by the author Deborah Ellis. Whilst reading the novel, you will explore how characters, settings and themes are developed, and how the writer effectively engages us in the story using a variety of creative methods. You will also explore the author's intentions, and what ideas and messages she wished to convey to the audience about society.

The Breadwinner image

Year 7 Unit 3 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to earn a Golden Ticket, choose a creative project such as a diorama, a poster, model, or a short play that represents a key scene from the novel. This must be hand-made. Be prepared to explain your artistic choices and how they reflect the story.

English Year 7 Unit 4.docx

Year 7 Unit 4

A Midsummer Night's Dream

In this unit, you will be exploring one of William Shakespeare's most endearing plays, his comedy play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Whilst studying the play, you will explore how different characters and their relationships with one another are presented, alongside the dramatic devices Shakespeare used to engage and entertain his audience. You will also explore the author's intentions, and what ideas and messages he wished to convey to the audience about society.

Year 7 Unit 4 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to earn a Golden Ticket, produce a 'Top Trump' card pack based on the different characters in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Each category will be out of 100. Use the categories and characters below, as well as the links to help you.

Categories: Courage, Intelligence, Cunning, Temper, Magic 

Characters: Puck, Titania, Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, Helena, Egeus

Link to characters:

Link to example of Top Trump and Rules: