Y7 Geography

Year 7.1 Template

Year 7 Geography 1.1

In your fist unit in Geography, you will be learning about:

Golden Ticket Task 1.1

Create a model to show how Dubai could be a sustainable city. Features should include infrastructure, transport, housing, energy systems, water systems, attractions and amenities. 

Year 7.2 Template

Year 7 Geography 1.2

In your second unit of geography you will be mastering key map skills. You will learn to:

Golden Ticket Task 1.2

Create your own grid reference map. You will need squared paper to draw your axes and plot on at least 6 symbols with the answers. Answers should be given in 6 figure grid reference format. 

Using the scale 1:10,000 measure the distance between the symbols.

Year 7 Term 2.1

Year 7 Geography 2.1 - 2.2

In your third unit in Geography you will be discovering the water sources of the world. You will explore:

Golden Ticket Task 2.1 - 2.2

This task is aimed at developing your teamwork and collaboration skills so you MUST find a partner to work with on this!

Make sure both of you have completed task 1 and 2 beforehand, otherwise you won’t be able to get the Golden Ticket.

Select ONE of the following projects:

Project 1:

Explore significant water bodies worldwide e.g. rivers, lakes or ocean. Create a presentation showcasing the importance of these water bodies, their geographical locations, and the diverse ecosystems they support.

Project 2:

Write a short story/poem/song inspired by water. For example, the journey of a water droplet, journey down the river or a journey across the ocean. Include information about marine life and how the landscape might change.

Project 3:

Create a video to promote practical ways people can conserve water and why it is important to do so. Include facts and statistics and link it to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Year 7 Term 2.2

Year 7 Geography Term 3

In your final unit in Geography for this year you will be exploring Antarctica. You will learn:

Golden Ticket Task Term 3

This task is aimed at developing your teamwork and collaboration skills so you MUST find a partner to work with on this!

Make sure both of you have completed task 1 and 2 beforehand, otherwise you won’t be able to get the Golden Ticket.

The project – 

Create a brochure/advert to promote an eco trip to Antarctica. Include;